Prevention of drug use in children and adolescents. Theoretical foundations for studying the problem of prevention and the impact of PAD on the development of adolescent children

Working with children and adolescents to prevent substance use

(to help the teacher)

Addiction prevention.

Primary prevention - a form of educational work, which is aimed at those who do not have experience in the use of psychoactive substances.

Secondary prevention - a form of complex active interaction of specialists with those who had experience of using, but these were isolated cases.

Tertiary prevention - a form of complex social and medical care for those who use PAS in the system, a complex rehabilitation process.

The goal of primary prevention is

creation of a system of information and propaganda work with children and parents on the formation of the necessary life skills and healthy lifestyle life.

Tasks of primary prevention of substance use:

Development of social and personal competence:

Contribute to the awareness and assimilation of basic human values ​​by children;

To form in children psychosocial and psychohygienic decision-making skills, critical thinking;

Increase children's self-esteem;

Build a healthy lifestyle attitude.

Developing self-defense skills:

Formation of skills to resist the negative influence of peers, advertising coming through media channels;

Informing about psycho-emotional, physiological, somatic and social consequences surfactant consumption.

Prevention of communication and relationship problems:

Teach children how to solve life problems and conflict situations, effective communication skills, overcoming stress and relieving tension without the use of surfactants;

Build emotion regulation skills.

Thus, the main tasks of preventing the development of bad habits in junior schoolchildren- explanation of the benefits of physical education, hardening of the body, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and incompatibility with this use of surfactants.

Factors that determine the features of preventive work with primary school students .

The teacher is an indisputable authority for younger students. Therefore, not only his individual statements, but also the style of behavior, attitude to a particular subject have an impact on students. The teacher's negative opinion about smoking, alcohol and drug use, especially among adolescents and young people, should be repeated many times, illustrated with everyday examples, observations, justified by reference to opinions that are authoritative for the child.

Younger students usually perceive the world in polar categories: "good - bad", "right - wrong", " bad person - good man"etc. Therefore, everything associated with bad habits, including smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, should be dressed in "clothes of dark color" in the mind of the child, Contrasted with everything bright, kind, pleasant, useful.

The imagery of the child's thinking allows him to see what the teacher, the adult, says more vividly, fantastically, fabulously. Stimulation of the child's ideas - important element his upbringing and development. When telling a younger student about something, the teacher, the parent should periodically pause, give the student the opportunity to imagine this or that image himself.

Pupils of elementary grades almost do not have a feeling of a certain "discontinuity" of the picture of the world, which leads to the subject disunity inherent in the main and high schools. Therefore, the teacher, parents are given more opportunities to associate smoking, like other bad habits, with everything that is perceived by the child in a negative context.

The child's tendency to play necessitates the most active use of game forms and methods of work related to the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances.

A greater connection between younger students and their parents than among high school students determines the possibility of using this path to form negative attitude to the use of surfactants.

Primary preventive work with younger students consists of two blocks.

Information and educational block is carried out in an educational institution and includes work with children and their parents or other significant persons. The work is carried out within the framework of educational activities, at thematic hours, at parent-teacher meetings. Distribution of information and demonstration material of propaganda nature.

Practice block

Holding events that encourage any creative self-expression of children, teachers and parents:

Trainings, practical seminars,

Parent meetings and conferences,

game lessons, role-playing games,

Sport competitions,

health holidays,

Release of healthy lifestyle posters,

Exhibitions of creative self-expression: essays, drawings, crafts,

The use of visual aids

Individual consultations among children, teachers and parents.

Work with adolescents to prevent the use of psychoactive substances.

In adolescence, it is necessary to focus on the formation of personal immunity to the temptation to use PAS, to prevent the emergence of a desire to use them. This state of affairs requires a comprehensive primary prevention of the use of surfactants, tk. the lack of a coherent scientifically based system for the prevention of addictive behavior, primarily among students, does not allow adequate counteraction to these negative phenomena.

Primary prevention of PAS consumption should be aimed at preventing addictive behavior of adolescents - potential and real consumers of alcohol, narcotic and toxic substances.

Parents, educators, medical workers and the public should become the most active subjects in the prevention of deviant behavior and substance use by adolescents.

Successful PAS prevention is being linked by researchers to the presence of positive social and psychological skills. These skills provide the ability to refuse risky offers, see the positive and negative sides of phenomena, interact with peers, make friends, express their feelings correctly.

Children imitate each other's behavior. Peers have the greatest influence on the attitudes and behavior of children. This influence can be positive and negative, especially in the use of alcohol, smoking and drugs.

Numerous studies suggest that information alone is not enough to change behavior. Children and adolescents must acquire knowledge in order to independently think critically and build correct behavior.

Primary preventive work consists of two blocks.

1. The information and educational block is held in an educational institution and includes work with children and adolescents and their parents or other significant persons. The work is carried out as part of educational activities in the framework of the subjects studied: the world around us, literature, physical education, history, life safety, chemistry, biology, classroom hours, at parent meetings. Perhaps, as part of the development of social partnership, the involvement of medical workers, workers law enforcement and other interested people. Distribution of information and demonstration material of propaganda nature.

2. The practical block includes several stages:

Diagnostic. Monitoring in the school. The main methods of work at this stage: testing, questioning, interviews. The purpose of this stage is information control over the dynamics of the prevention process, as well as the identification of children at risk.

Holding events that encourage any creative self-expression of children, adolescents, teachers and parents:

Trainings, practical seminars,

Parent meetings and conferences,

Disputes and discussions

game lessons,

Business and role-playing games,

Sport competitions,

health holidays,

Issue of information leaflets and newspapers about a healthy lifestyle, posters, mini-books, postcards,

Conducting conferences and round tables on the problem of a healthy lifestyle,

Creation of social projects,

Use of audiovisual materials and visual aids,

Individual consultations among children and adolescents, teachers and parents.

Active methods of psychological and pedagogical influence used in the work on the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances:

Socio-psychological training became one of the most effective ways preventive education. Intensive personal communication, which unfolds within the framework of the so-called “group process”, provides unique conditions for the development of motivation for interpersonal communication and cognitive motivation, communicative competence and reflective qualities of training participants.

These tasks are solved thanks to the atmosphere of safety, which is ensured by the creation of “group rules” at the first stage of the training. The rules must include such items as: non-judgmental judgments, confidentiality of personal information, the right not to participate in any exercise, etc. The training allows not only to obtain psychological information, but also to recognize the problems and causes of personal difficulties, teach new adaptive ways of behavior, improve the subjective well-being of students and strengthen their mental health.

Cooperative learning- this is a group work method in which participants unite in small groups of 2 to 8 people, interact face to face, solving a common problem, having shared resources, between them there is a positive interdependence, personal responsibility for what is happening and a collectively distributed mode of activity. Joint work in a group allows you to form the qualities of social and personal competence of students.

game simulation real situations allows you to actively solve the tasks in the process of specially constructed games, forms a stable motivation, connects learning with practice, creates a special atmosphere - trust, relaxedness, freedom of creativity. Role modeling can take the form of dramatic performances, role plays, simulated radio broadcasts, and television shows. These methods allow you to train socially desirable behavior in adolescents, develop confidence, make meaningful choices and improvise in meaningful situations.

Brainstorm used to stimulate statements on a topic or a separate issue without comments and value judgments from classmates and a psychologist. All ideas are recorded on a board or paper. Brainstorming continues until all ideas are voiced or the time allotted for it runs out.

Group discussion- this is a way of organizing joint activities of students under the guidance of a teacher-psychologist in order to solve group problems or influence the opinions and attitudes of participants in the process of communication. This method allows you to consider the problem from different angles, clarify personal points of view, weaken hidden conflicts, develop a common solution, increase students' interest in the problem, satisfy the teenager's need for recognition and respect from classmates.

energizer- a short exercise that restores the energy of the class and individual students, allowing you to attract and keep their attention in the classroom, include everyone in learning, and enjoy learning.

"Aquarium"- this is an active learning method that involves the location of students in two concentric circles, when the participants in the inner circle work in the mode of a cooperative learning group, and the outer circle are observers and analysts of this group interaction. This method allows you to form reflective qualities and analytical skills of students.

fairy tale therapy- the very name of the method indicates that its basis is the use of a fabulous form. The prospect of using this method in the work to prevent children from becoming addicted to PAS is due to the following: the form of metaphor in which fairy tales and stories are created is the most accessible for the perception of the child, and at the same time, the impact through metaphor is deep and surprisingly persistent, because . affects not only the behavioral layers of the psyche, but also its value structure. Thus, the practical implementation of work on the formation of intrapersonal “anti-drug barriers” is possible, the presence of which is recognized as the main protective factor in relation to possible drug addiction.

Art therapy - a method used as a means of psychological and pedagogical influence by art. The main goal of art therapy is to establish harmonious connections with the outside world and with oneself through art. Art therapy strengthens a child's personality. While creating, children think about the world and look for their own language that connects them with the “big” world and most accurately expresses their inner world. A variety of ways of self-expression, positive emotions that arise in the process of art therapy reduce aggressiveness, increase self-esteem (“I am no worse than others”), the child’s adaptive ability to Everyday life. The method allows you to work with feelings: explore and express them on a symbolic level. The use of elements of art therapy in prevention contributes to the strengthening of protective factors in relation to possible involvement in anesthesia.

Psycho-gymnastics- a method in which participants express themselves and communicate without the help of words. The term “psychogymnastics” is considered in a narrow sense, i.e. as games, etudes, which are based on the use of motor expression as the main means of communication. Psycho-gymnastics can be used in preventive classes to solve the problems of group psycho-correction: establishing contact, relieving stress, working out feedback.

Active methods of conducting classes contribute to the acquisition of skills of self-control, self-regulation, choice and decision-making, strengthening of strong-willed qualities and mental stability in relation to failures, difficulties and obstacles.


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Methodical development


"Prevention of substance use by adolescents"

Compiled by a psychologist:

Gladkova G.A.

Novomoskovsk, 2013


Chapter 1. General issues substance abuse and prevention……………4

1.1 The concept and types of surfactants…………………………………………………………….4

1.2 Prevention of substance abuse…………………………………………10

Chapter 2

2.1 The role of the family in the formation of dependence on the use of psychoactive substances…………..18

2.2 Family in substance abuse prevention…………………………….23

Chapter 3




Currently in a difficult socio-economic and the political situation in the country, the lives of many people are negatively affected by stress, risk, and the inability to clearly imagine and plan for the future. A significant part of the adult population lacks confidence in the future, there is no sense of satisfaction with life. Weak, vague moral guidelines in modern society, unfavorable well-being worsens the educational potential of families, leads to the marginalization of many able-bodied citizens. This situation has a negative impact on the level of upbringing of children, since in some families not enough time and effort is given to upbringing.

The school system in modern conditions often leaves the matter of educating the personality, completely transferring this responsibility to parents, leaving for himself only the learning process - the transmission of certain information in the classroom. As a result, children and adolescents find themselves in an educational vacuum, which pushes some of them onto the path of escaping from an incomprehensible and unstable reality into an illusory world through the use of various psychoactive substances (SAS).

These substances act on the central nervous system person and lead to a change in consciousness. Their long-term use is the cause of a state of psychological and physical dependence in a person. Every year, the number of children and adolescents who begin to try various psychoactive substances is increasing. school age. This phenomenon causes concern among teachers and parents and provides grounds for strengthening preventive measures aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and reducing students' interest in psychoactive substances. It is necessary to timely strengthen preventive activities by specialists in educational institutions, as well as in institutions additional education where children and teenagers spend a significant part of their free time. The main direction, which has great potential and a resource of effectiveness in the matter of primary psychological and pedagogical prevention, is the organization of leisure activities for adolescents. Free time of a teenager is a resource that must be used optimally. The task of parents and teachers, together with a teenager, is to organize it in such a way that it would serve the cause of development, education and formation of the personality of a teenager.

Free time, optimally organized, taking into account interests, related to meeting the needs of adolescents in communication, knowledge of the world around, providing an opportunity for a teenager to engage in activities that are relevant to him, is a guarantee that a teenager will find a sphere of realization for himself, acquire communication skills, and also, it is quite possible that the primary professional skills will be attached to the cultural foundations created by mankind. Thus, the teenager will be involved in an active life with the possibility of self-realization and purposeful further development.

Research topic: prevention of psychoactive substance abuse (PSA) by adolescents in the family.

Object of study: the process of preventing substance abuse

Subject of study: prevention of substance abuse in the family

Purpose - to identify the possibilities of the family in the prevention of substance abuse among adolescent students


    Consider the concept and types of psychoactive substances;

    Identify general issues of substance abuse prevention;

    To identify the role of the family in the formation of dependence on the use of psychoactive substances;

    To identify family options in the prevention of adolescent substance abuse.

Chapter 1. General issues of substance abuse and prevention

1.1 The concept and types of surfactants

Psychoactive - any compound (or ) of natural or artificial origin that affects the functioning , leading to a change , is a set of narcotic and toxicomaniacal drugs used to change mental state and capable of leading to the development of dependence (drug addiction or substance abuse).

These changes can be both positive (therapeutic) and negative, for example, degradation of the psyche during abuse. .

Psychoactive substances that affect higher mental functions and are often used in medicine for treatment, are called . Psychoactive substances that are addictive and/or prohibited by law are considered drugs.

Neurotropic agents- large group that have an effect on- And . May inhibit or stimulate the transmission of nervous excitation in various parts of the (central) nervous system, reduce or increase sensitivity in peripheral nerves, act on different types .

By origin, psychoactive substances and drugs are divided into vegetable, semi-synthetic (synthesized on the basis of plant materials) and synthetic, and are also divided according to the way they act on the body. Not all psychoactive substances are drugs, but all drugs are psychoactive substances. Separation of psychoactive substances can also be carried out according to their chemical structure, and by the effect that they have on human behavior, and which can be subjectively felt. There are also combined classifications.

The smaller the amount of a substance that needs to be taken in order to fully experience its effect, the more powerful, the more psychoactive it is. For , for example, the canonical equals 100 micrograms, while for dose is measured in tens of grams. Depending on the characteristics of the individual's metabolism, the substance may have little effect on him or act much more strongly (hypersensitivity). It is also customary to measure the dose in grams of a substance per kilogram of body weight.

The division according to the strength of dependence is ambiguous. Heroin, cocaine and sometimes nicotine, as well as alcohol are considered leaders in this indicator among substances. Of the classes of substances, opiates and stimulants are distinguished as highly addictive, and barbiturates can also be highly addictive, although individual reactions to various drugs can be very individual.

Coffee and tea containing purines have a mild stimulating effect. "Soft drugs" usually refers to marijuana and sometimes some psychedelics. at the level at which this influence occurs.

Psychoactive substances can enter the body in a variety of ways, common ways -

    orally, through ,

    Or ,

    through mucous membranes, including intranasally (through the nasopharynx by inhalation of a crushed substance),

    through the lungs, by smoking or inhaling vapors.

A psychoactive substance goes through a complex path in the body, depending on the method of taking it, it can be processed by the body into derivatives, and, passing through , affects the transmission nerve impulses, for example, through balance in the brain, thus changing the work .

The higher user to the substance, the larger doses it needs to obtain the expected effect. Usually, tolerance is developed when taking a substance and eventually goes into decline. Tolerance is quickly formed in caffeine and opiates. The more often and more the substance is used, the faster the tolerance grows.

Classical psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin, mescaline) have a kind of tolerance - when one of these substances is taken, tolerance increases very quickly, literally a few hours after the onset of action, but completely subsides in about a week. Moreover, psychedelics are characterized ; for example, taking psilocybin the day after taking LSD, depending on the individual's susceptibility and the amount of the substance, will either have no effect at all, or the effect will be significantly reduced and short-lived. Cross-tolerance to psychedelics also completely disappears in about one week.

Note that some substances, such as, natural contained in the Mexican, reverse tolerance may occur, meaning the phenomenon that, with prolonged use, a smaller amount of a substance is required to achieve the same effect.

Usually, the formation of dependence is associated with the abuse of PAS, its systematic use. Although the effect of substances on a person is very individual, it can be said that the most quickly of the common substances, dependence is formed when taking And " "(homemade Pervitin stimulant and its derivatives), psychostimulants can also be distinguished And .

There is an opinion that psychological dependence is caused by substances that affect the circulation of endogenous substances in the body. (the number of which is limited, the balance is restored gradually), and physical - directly affecting the nervous system (the use of such substances for pleasure is characterized by a constant increase in dose). The nature of the impact in both cases has a neurochemical basis that affects the human psyche.

Physiological dependence is formed when the body gets used to the regular exogenous intake of substances into the body and reduces their endogenous production, thus, when the substance enters the body, it occurs due to physiological processes in this substance.

Psychological dependence is associated mainly with pleasant from the substances person to repeat the experience of their use. Under the influence of opiates, a person may not feel And , one of the options for the action of stimulants is to increase and energy. However, addiction can also form with the use of other substances, such as dissociatives, which cause the disintegration of consciousness (trip reports even report death experiences under their influence); experiences and visual effects from often cannot be described as pleasant at all, however, with frequent use, these substances can cause a disconnect from reality associated with nature of the psychedelic experience. Intoxication helps from.

IN last years V Russian Federation, in almost all regions, the situation related to the abuse of narcotic drugs and their trafficking, tends to be heavier. The number of users of psychoactive substances (PAS), including narcotic and substance abuse drugs, is growing rapidly, which, in turn, determines the growth in the number of people with a formed addiction to drugs - drug addicts and substance abusers. Drug-addicted groups of the population are rapidly "younger". The level of this drug addiction is increasingly capturing the environment of adolescents.

Data on substance abuse among minors over the past 5 years and data on the rate of formation of drug addiction among children and adolescents. It should be noted that the use of synthetic drugs with high narcotic activity (heroin, amphetamines) is currently coming to the fore. In this situation, teenagers quickly become addicted faster than adults. This determines a sharp shortening of the period of possible effective preventive measures after the onset of drug use and the "neglect" of drug addiction problems when children and adolescents first seek help. These factors determine the objective need for a significant restructuring and activation of the system of primary comprehensive prevention of the use of psychoactive substances.

In most regions, among drug abusers, the most widespread drugs of plant origin, traditional for the country, are poppy, hemp and their derivatives. 90% of adolescents with drug addiction use opiates, followed by hashish (cannabis derivative) - 3%, more than 4% of adolescents are diagnosed with polydrug addiction. Recently, the market has been saturated with drugs that cause rapid mental and physical dependence - heroin, amphetamines, cocaine. In the border areas, there is a massive influx of opium of Iranian, Afghan and Central Asian origin, which displaces poppy from illicit trafficking. There is also a distribution of drugs of the amphetamine group (stimulants) of the "ecstasy" type, mainly delivered from Moscow and St. Petersburg. These drugs have also begun to replace traditional plant-based drugs. Of the potent substances, ephedrine smuggled through the territory of Ukraine from Bulgaria and Turkey, which is the raw material for the production of a potent drug - ephedron, has become most widely used.

Common signs of the onset of substance use in adolescents.

Decreased interest in studies, usual hobbies.

Alienation appears, an emotionally "cold" attitude towards others, such traits as secrecy and deceit may intensify.

Often there are episodes of aggressiveness, irritability, which are replaced by periods of unnatural complacency.

The company with which the teenager communicates often consists of older people.

The episodic presence of large or incomprehensible origin of small amounts of money that do not correspond to the wealth of the family. There is a desire to borrow money or take it away from the weaker ones.

The tendency to associate predominantly with adolescents who are known to use drugs and/or other psychoactive substances.

Increased interest in children from wealthy families, an annoying desire to make friends with them.

The presence of such attributes of anesthesia as syringes, needles, small vials, pill wafers, small bags of cellophane or foil, tubes of glue, plastic bags from pungent substances, the presence of a specific chemical smell from clothes and from the mouth.

Change in appetite - from complete absence to a sharp increase, gluttony; occasional nausea, vomiting.

The presence of traces of injections in the elbows, forearms, hands, irritations on the skin, mucous membranes.

- "Uncaused" constriction or dilation of the pupils.

A decisive sign of the use of psychoactive drugs by a teenager is the identification of a state of narcotic intoxication.

Consideration and caution should always be exercised when evaluating substance use. This is especially true for work with minors who have drug problems, since unfounded suspicions of the use of narcotic substances can in themselves turn out to be a psycho-traumatic factor and, in turn, push them to their real use.

1.2 Prevention of substance abuse

The entire child and adolescent environment, taking into account, of course, age specifics, is the object of early anti-drug prevention. On the one hand, minors act as a large social group, to which the main efforts of early prevention are directed, on the other hand, they themselves, starting from a certain age period, should act as subjects of preventive work.

Particular attention is paid to ensuring effective interagency cooperation in solving the problems of preventing drug addiction and combating drug trafficking in educational environment, in particular, in matters of identifying and recording pupils and students who abuse psychoactive substances, preventing the spread of drugs and other intoxicating substances in educational institutions; restoring the system of medical care in educational institutions, including the system for conducting annual medical preventive examinations of students; ensuring the protection of citizens, primarily minors, from information that is harmful to their health, moral and spiritual development.

Preventive activity, as a rule, is built on an integrated basis and is provided by the joint efforts of educators, teachers, psychologists, doctors, social workers, and law enforcement officers. However, despite all the efforts and costs, it is prevention that is the most vulnerable point. The identification of people with drug problems still causes great difficulties. In fact, all treatment-and-prophylactic and rehabilitation work in the field of narcology concerns obvious, neglected cases of drug addiction, substance abuse and alcoholism.


Depending on the state of health, the presence of risk factors for the disease or severe pathology, three types of prevention can be considered.

Primary prevention

Primary prevention- a system of measures to prevent the occurrence and impact . A number of primary prevention activities can be carried out nationwide.

Secondary prevention

Secondary prevention- a set of measures aimed at eliminating pronounced risk factors that, under certain conditions (, attenuation , excessive loads on any other functional systems of the body) can lead to the onset, exacerbation and phenomena.

The psychosocial model, as its main goal, affirms the need to develop certain psychological skills in resisting group pressure, in resolving a conflict situation, in the ability to make right choice in a drug supply situation.

There are several levels of prevention of substance abuse among children.

Level 1 - preventive

This is clear and accessible information for children, adolescents, parents, teachers in order to explain not so much the harm of drugs as the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate, the creation of conditions for a reasonable organization in spending free time, and clarification of certain norms of behavior.

Work should be carried out according to certain principles:

1. individual orientation;

2. identification of risk groups using various methods(medical, psychological, pedagogical, etc.);

3. work with persons of risk groups according to group and individual programs;

4. organization of special camps for children with deviant behavior. It should be borne in mind that more often in the "ranks of drug addicts" there may be teenagers with accentuations and mental illness.

Level I prevention is the job of the teacher and class teacher, care of parents and relatives, attention of the school psychologist and doctor. This is a daily work that requires certain knowledge on the problem.

II level of preventionis the early detection, diagnosis and treatment of the diseased. This is done in specialized children's narcological dispensaries.

Difficulties in conducting primary prevention relate to teachers, parents, psychologists, and doctors. First of all, this is due to the practical absence of personnel trained on the problem. Most of the teachers of schools, secondary and higher educational institutions do not have knowledge of diagnostics and correctional education of children and adolescents in the modern social conditions of our country.

Analyzing the situation in the field of drug prevention in Russia, it should be said that the primary prevention of drug addiction is mainly engaged in the education system, mainly educational institutions of the middle level - schools, vocational schools, less actively - colleges, lyceums and universities. New curricula have been introduced (“Fundamentals of Life Safety”, “Valeology”), indirectly focused on the prevention of drug addiction. United state program no, therefore existing preventive actions actually correspond to the educational and medical models of prevention.

It should be added that a system of purposeful training of personnel for working with children and young people who have problems with the use of drugs and intoxicating substances has not yet been created. Majority teaching staff educational institutions admit their lack of awareness in the field of prevention of substance abuse by children and young people. In the system of advanced training teaching staff and other social workers presented a minimum number of courses focused on the prevention of drug addiction in children and youth.

In this regard, one of the most important aspects of anti-drug preventive work in the education system is the inclusion in the programs of educational institutions that train, retrain and improve the skills of specialists working with children and young people, issues of prevention of substance abuse.

All parties interested in addressing the problem of drug abuse prevention feel the need for specific legislative acts which clearly regulate such activities. Modern development legislative framework characterized by the fact that the place of prevention among other legal concepts is not defined, i.e. the legal framework for prevention has not been developed and there is practically no legislative support for the state system of drug addiction prevention.

However, addiction is not an individual matter. As a result of drug addiction, the consumer has serious health problems, he easily falls ill with severe infectious diseases- (hepatitis, HIV infection and AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases), and spreads them just as easily. Drug users or drug addicts are drawn into criminal activity. Being in a state of drug intoxication, especially if they drive vehicles or have access to weapons, they pose a serious danger to the health and life of others. It is almost impossible to combine study or work with drug use. In addition, drug addicts destroy and destructure families, they cannot fulfill their duty to society and protect the interests of the state. Thus, they become a burden for the family and society, a potential drug addict is always dangerous. Drug abusers should be aware that they will have to put up with derogations from the “rule of immunity” as Ultimately, we are talking about the fact that law, morality, universal human values ​​have priority and should dominate in a democratic society.

Therefore, in order to ensure active preventive work, stop the epidemic of drug addiction, provide medical and rehabilitation assistance to drug users and drug addicts, it is necessary to improve legislation and ensure intervention at all levels of the so-called drug pyramid. First of all, administrative liability for drug use should be introduced, the possibility of prompt examination of persons suspected of using drugs should be provided, and the legal framework for the prevention and rehabilitation of minors who abuse drugs should be expanded.

The preventive anti-drug activities currently being carried out in the regions do not constitute a single system within the framework of targeted regional programs for the prevention of drug addiction. In regional programs, insufficient attention is paid to anti-drug education. It is carried out by inefficient methods based on the informational approach (lectures). Families are not actively involved in anti-drug work with children and adolescents public organizations at the place of residence. There is little support for such forms that have proven themselves all over the world as the association of parents in self-help and mutual aid groups.

Under these conditions, the most urgent task is to create a system of active primary prevention of substance abuse that actually operates at the federal and regional levels, based on the interdepartmental and interdisciplinary interaction of psychologists, teachers, psychiatrists, narcologists, workers social services and law enforcement agencies. The following provisions should become the initial, basic principles of the primary prevention system:

    dependence on narcotic, psychoactive substances is easier to prevent than to treat;

    in conditions of a threatening drug situation, targeted attention should be paid to teaching minors life skills to resist an aggressive environment that provokes drug use;

    target impact should be complex and carried out at the personal, family and social (school, society) levels.

It is necessary to summarize the main provisions that follow from the indicators of medical statistics and should determine the direction of primary preventive work in the family, in the educational environment and in the sphere of leisure of minors.

1st position. At present, children, adolescents and young people are being introduced to drug addiction at a faster rate than among the adult population, and are characterized by a greater severity of medical and social consequences.

2nd position. The growth of drug addiction and substance abuse is increasingly affecting younger age groups, including younger schoolchildren.

3rd position. One of the leading factors influencing the decrease in the age of drug users is the social maladjustment of children, indicating a stable relationship between the increase in cases of drug addiction among minors and the increase in offenses committed by children and adolescents in connection with drug abuse.

4th position. The combination of drug addiction with the wide spread of risky forms of sexual deviant behavior minors leads to a significant deterioration in the indicators of development and somatic health of children and adolescents.

5th position. At present, a situation is emerging where each individual family is left alone with the problem of drug addiction of their children and is forced to act blindly.

6th position. Despite the magnitude of the pathological changes taking place in the health of the child and adolescent population in connection with drug addiction, this process remains “latent” for many school employees responsible for teaching and educating children, accompanied by a certain, largely detached position in relation to the very problem of early childhood. alcoholism and drug addiction.

Basic principles for ensuring active primary anti-drug preventive work.

Active anti-drug prevention that really operates at the territorial level should be based on the interaction of teachers, school psychological service, psychiatrists-narcologists, workers of social services and law enforcement agencies. Their Team work should be based on the following basic principles:

Dependence on narcotic, psychoactive substances is easier to prevent than to treat, therefore, preventive anti-drug work in the educational environment should be systematic and conceptually justified based on the model of active anti-drug preventive care and legally permitted in educational institutions (conceptual and legislative framework);

The target impact should be complex and carried out with personal, family and social (school, society) interaction (formation and development social system prevention of psychoactive substance use and social support based on the joint work of specialists, public associations(parental support groups) and volunteers who carry out active prevention in the region):

In preventive educational programs in a threatening drug situation, the main attention should be paid to the formation of healthy lifestyle values, the development of personal resources that prevent the use of psychoactive substances, as well as the development of life skills in minors to resist an aggressive environment that provokes drug use (development of a set of differentiated training programs for the prevention of drug use among children and teenagers)

In preventive educational programs, the aspect of training specialists in the field of prevention of the use of psychoactive substances from among teachers, school psychologists, social pedagogues, and inspectors of departments for the prevention of juvenile delinquency (IDP) should be presented separately. For this purpose, in order to provide methodological support for primary preventive care, it is advisable in each region to organize training seminars on a regular basis for teachers, school psychologists, social pedagogues of educational institutions, social workers on the forms of preventing drug abuse in children and adolescents.

In its fundamentals, primary preventive care in the spread of drug addiction among children and adolescents should be based on the school psychological service, on subdivisions of centers for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation, and on the formation of a wide network of counseling centers for children and adolescents. Together, they should ensure close interdepartmental interaction in the work of specialists with "problem children" at their place of residence, as well as parent associations, adolescent self-help and mutual help groups in schools and microdistricts.

Consistent, staged and comprehensive implementation of measures aimed at resolving the identified "key" problems will make the work on the prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism among children and adolescents truly systemic, constructive and will make it possible to overcome negative trends in the development of the drug situation in the Russian child and adolescent population.

Chapter 2

2.1 The role of the family in the formation of dependence on substance use

A healthy family is characterized by a strong parental position with clear family rules; flexible, open relationships between younger and adult family members with clear "patterns" of attitudes and behavior; safe, emotionally warm ties between generations, which form the basis of "family memory".

Unfortunately, parents do not always have time to change along with the teenager, to rebuild their relationship with him, their parental educational strategy. Adults practice for the most part control over their studies and social circle, and also strive to ensure its maximum employment in accordance with their own ideas about what will be useful in the future. Up to grade IX, "prosperous" families manage to place their children in their free time under the responsibility of coaches, musicians, artists, etc. And then they increase the pressure on children in the direction of their professional self-determination and related to future work (study) success. In their free time, a significant part of high school students is doomed to continue their studies: attend foreign language circles, preparatory courses for the institute and study in classes that cooperate with universities on a specific program. In about half of the cases, parents fail to achieve their goals. Those of the “prosperous” who cannot withstand such a load already at this stage move away from the family and undergo socialization among peers with a weakened influence of their parents.

For a conflict (dysfunctional) family, "tangled relationships" between family members are typical, for example, a family with a male father (stepfather) on the periphery of the family field; a family with separated, conflicting coexisting parents; a family with chronic hostility between individual family members, older and middle generations, between relatives on the maternal and paternal lines. In a dysfunctional family, there are always problems with alcohol, drugs; family members, especially women, often have psychosomatic, i.e. associated with psychogenic causes, disorders of somatic health. Usually they go "under the flag of chronic, difficult to treat diseases", the blame for which is shifted to other family members, including children.

The socio-psychological portrait of such a family will be incomplete if we do not point to character traits behavior of adult members of such a family:

Communication between them is at a low level, it lacks care, humor, joy from communication;

Family relations are dominated by separation, hostility, mutual shifting of blame;

The determining factor is the active unwillingness of family members to discuss family problems with anyone around; associated with this is the avoidance of various forms of family support from social protection services, prevention, parent associations;

In relation to growing family problems easily arise states of anxiety and panic; there is a constant tendency to resolve emerging problems at an affective level.

An asocial family with drug problems and illegal behavior of family members is characterized by:

The combination of protracted, conflicting intra-family relationships with criminological and drug addiction;

Increasing social isolation with the exclusion of the family from trusting or supporting relationships with other families in the house, microdistrict. Children living in such a family experience various forms of pressure: separation and emotional rejection from their parents, abandonment and violence, guilt and shame for the behavior of other family members, for example, an alcoholic mother, father. They are forced to measure their behavior and their relationships with the "double standard of rules" - immoral as the norm of behavior within their family and morally imperative as certain rules of behavior outside the family - at school, in communication with others. At the same time, they usually seek to transfer the style of intra-family "patterns of behavior" to their relationships with others, to impose it if they do not meet with an effective rebuff.

A broken family is characterized by a combination of "disconnected" relationships with involvement in frozen, receding into the past, conflicts, persistent hostility of relationships. Quite often, this situation is aggravated by the fact that members of the "broken family" are forced to continue to live together, which exacerbates the conflict of relations, makes them pathologically dependent.

The inability of children to occupy themselves in accordance with their desires and needs, the internal tension they experience, discomfort, unconscious negative emotional states, deprivation, frustration, lack of pleasure and positive emotions, the desire to forget, "disconnect" from intractable problems often serve as the content of that state of mind, which masked by boredom and can serve as an impetus to the beginning of the use of surfactants. Parents need to know how to take these circumstances into account in order to develop the child's adaptive abilities in a timely manner and to reduce the risk of his/her turning to psychoactive substances.

The generally accepted parental strategy to "load" the teenager with educational activities turns out to be unsuccessful for half of the teenagers. These students shirk their studies in any form and prefer to "hang out" away from their parents' eyes. For the prevention of drug use, it is important how parents seek to realize their responsibility for the child by establishing comprehensive control over him. It seems that for "good parents" it is enough to know where and with whom their child spends his time, to be aware of the external events of his life. They consider it necessary to fight the idleness and unemployment of children as a cost, the consequences of a weak parental control. They often complain about the "excess" of free time in children, which they can spend as they see fit. In fact, the problem is not in the excessive freedom of children, but in their inability to use their capabilities. At present, the main hopes for effective prevention of deviant behavior are associated not with restrictions, prohibitions and punishments, but with the formation of the skills of a reasonable independent choice in the younger generation, active self-regulation mechanisms, and expansion of the range of ways and means of self-realization.

Thus, intra-family relations can push the teenager to transfer his life activity to extra-family spheres and deprive him of the opportunity to use the potential of the family in the process of growing up. In addition, the self-elimination of the family in matters of drug prevention and the delegation of anti-drug education to specialists deprives this process of depth, individualization, which reduces its effectiveness.

Specialists in the dynamics of family relations during the formation of drug addiction in a child distinguish several phases:

1st phase: - affective-shock. It is connected with the fact that for the most part parents are now quite aware of the tragedy of the relationship of a person with a drug, however, in general, for most parents, a typical position is when they understand the severity of the consequences of drug use by children, but are convinced that "this trouble is their child will never touch." Therefore, in response to information about the drug addiction of a child, parents, as a rule, develop a reaction of the type of "emotional shock". This reaction is usually short-lived, but immediately singles out the parent-child relationship within the family as a special relationship.

2. phase - the phase of parental hypercontrol. This phase is typically characterized by the desire of parents to establish maximum control over the behavior of the child, over his contacts. For a short period of time, intrafamilial hypercontrol has a restraining effect, but on the whole, its inconsistency is quickly revealed. It is due to the fact that parents, when establishing hypercontrol, set themselves an unrealistic goal in reality. In fact, since the child must attend school, have time for leisure, meet friends, despite the cases of drug use, he cannot be isolated from the environment in which he lives. By setting an unrealistic goal and following this path, parents are forced to increasingly tighten controls and limit behavior. This causes one desire - to get rid of control by any means and ways, including deceit, neglect of the requirements of relatives.

3rd phase - the phase of the oppositional confrontation between the drugged child and parents. In this phase, the adolescent drug addict ceases to hide his drug addiction, may flaunt his neglect of the demands of relatives, or may make repeated promises to stop using drugs, but each time he has "conditionally objective" reasons due to which drug addiction resumes. This "concept of dependence" is accepted by parents and they begin to blame the child's drug addiction on his friends and acquaintances, drug dealers, and the lack of work on the part of law enforcement agencies. In most cases, parents begin to place their main hopes on medical measures, however, when applying for diagnostic and therapeutic assistance, they tend to avoid the institutions of the state narcological service so as not to put the child on the narcological register.

4. phase - the phase of "polarization of conflict relations". This phase, as a rule, develops in connection with repeated breakdowns after short-term or long-term courses of treatment. Parents see the lack of competence of narcologists as the reasons for repeated breakdowns, accuse the teenager of "weakness of will", of "bad character" and refuse to try to solve the problem of addiction with the means available to them. At the same time, persistent conflict relations are accompanied by the fact that both the adolescent drug addict and the parents continue to exist in a kind of autonomous conditions. There is a kind of capitulation and the actual disintegration of the family as single organism. The place of constant quarrels in the family begins to grow alienation, which may be accompanied by active hostility to each other, which, like a vicious circle, re-generates short-term conflicts and outbursts of irritation.

Surprising as it may seem, it can be said that even a “prosperous” family, aware of its responsibility for the socialization of the child, can contribute to the search for intoxicating substances (alcohol, drugs, beer, etc.) by a teenager if it underestimates the difficulties of adolescence, does not support the child's need for self-identification. In anxious situations, when parents receive a signal of trouble or themselves suspected something was wrong, they usually increase control, toughen the "struggle". Whereas it would be more correct to think about the reasons, about your mistakes and try to change the usual interaction, encourage the independence of children, pay more attention to developing their self-control skills, jointly discuss difficulties and possible ways to overcome them.

2.2 Family in substance abuse prevention

Parents are generally calm about drug information, but react effectively or even panicky when they encounter drugs through their beloved daughters and sons. Thus, parents, even seriously concerned about the wave of early drug addiction, are practically helpless and poorly organized in the implementation of specific preventive actions and treat them negatively or indifferently, indifferently.

At the same time, having directly faced the drug addiction of their child in the family, parents often do not know what to do, and as a result, they are left alone with their problem. Most parents seek to hide the fact of their child's drug use and resolve the problems that have arisen primarily through medical specialists. At the same time, many tend to resort to the services of private practitioners, which in general sometimes only drives the problem into stalemate

Parents are the most important significant others for a minor. Therefore, prevention necessarily includes work with differentiated groups of parents: parents who are actively involved in preventive work; parents with problems parents with the phenomena of dependence and co-dependence.

However, participation modern family in drug prevention is problematic.

Parents recognize the need for mass anti-drug prevention, but understand it to a large extent only as educating children about the negative consequences of drug abuse. They assign the main role in the organization of education to the school.

Obviously, an ordinary family also needs to strengthen intra-family relations, which are a necessary condition for it to fulfill its tasks of preparing a child for integration into adult society. The development of the child relies to a large extent on family resources, and it is the family that must ensure the protection of the adolescent from negative external influences. Protection is provided primarily by a good microclimate in the family. The cohesion of the family, its strong internal ties and attachments are formed and strengthened by constant and stable family guidance from the parents.

Quarrels are prevented, and conflicts are weakened, when three basic principles of family education are consistently implemented in the relationship between parents and children:

    the child is provided with the opportunity to enjoy the love and support of parents;

    the child is taught the skills of constructive participation in family life: interaction and mutual assistance, independence and responsibility;

    parents use incentives and punishments for compliance with or violation of family orders (rules) and attitudes.

Many experts argue that the most important task of parents is to form and strengthen a sense of security. However, not all families are helpful to children in this regard. Probably because they are under the weight of their "adult problems". At the same time, most internal family difficulties are not recognized by family members and therefore remain unresolved. The fabric of family life is weaved out of everyday shared events. If this is not the case, there is moral emptiness, boredom and depression in a teenager, dissatisfaction with the family and oneself in adults. The reason for this in many cases is the conflicting attitude of parents to the teenage "status" of the child: on the one hand, he is released from feasible household duties, family worries, on the other hand, they do not include adult worries and aspirations in their world, expecting that he himself must decide what to do and how to treat yourself. At the same time, parents forget that this is a sphere of social learning in which adults voluntarily or involuntarily act as role models, teachers.

Given the number of teachers in the country, their rather active interaction with the parents of "difficult" students, and the fact that they do not change their personalities at home, one can imagine the "volumes" of authoritarian influence on children.

Let us turn to the domestic experience of working with the family as a participant in the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances by adolescents. The concept of prevention presented in documents and teaching aids, provides a variety of ways to work with young people - from information booklets to the training of volunteers from among teenagers to inform their peers on the principle of "peer to peer". The proposed action programs often contain a block - informing specialists working with youth. Teachers, psychologists and educators are provided with more detailed information about the types of drugs, their effects on the body, the harmful consequences of systematic use, the identification of drug users and the detection of accessories associated with the drug subculture (syringes, tourniquets, etc.)

Since activities outside the school curriculum must be agreed with the parents, the school conducts appropriate classes for parents - mainly in the form of parent meetings. As a rule, they contain information about cases of drug addiction in a school or microdistrict, and statistics are often given for the country. The administration reports to parents on the ongoing anti-drug work. At best, parents receive the same information as youth workers. At worst, they are frightened and, reminding of parental duty, they are asked to "talk" with their child on the topic of drug addiction. Such enlightenment of parents and specialists does not answer important questions: what should the listener do personally and how to talk with the child on this topic?

In a very capacious review of domestic prevention programs and an analysis of their typical mistakes, scientists note that the involvement of parents in preventive activities is usually dictated by the desire of the authors to increase the effectiveness of work with adolescents. In an extensive review, no program of work with parents was named, although among the criteria for the effectiveness of preventive programs. Development of the social environment: the inclusion of modules for parents, teachers, educators, relevant to the topics of adolescent programs, in order to initiate intra-family discussion and the development of a clear intra-family policy. . This concludes the discussion of the problems associated with involving the family in drug prevention.

In working with parents, the teacher needs to be prepared to overcome specific difficulties:

    in comparison with children, an adult audience, as a rule, is much more complex and inert, which means that it is more difficult to influence;

    the parent audience considers itself enlightened and competent enough to accept other people's advice regarding the upbringing of their own child, especially since the advice is of a generalized nature and does not take into account the specific characteristics of families and the parental position in them.

The lesson plan with parents includes five topics, the presentation by the teacher of each of them is accompanied by the completion of four tasks, a discussion of homework and ends with reflection. The topics of the classes are focused on the development of parental support for a small student: how to help a child become more confident, learn to take care of others, do common things together, make decisions and be responsible for the choices made.

The recommended programs are addressed mainly to parents of younger students. They are aimed at increasing the preventive capacity of parents through the replenishment of knowledge. The volume of intervention does not allow us to talk about the formation of skills, it is rather an attempt to shake the usual stereotypes of interaction between children and parents on the most important aspects of socialization, to give impetus to the processes of introspection and self-control in adults. At the same time, it is important to note that anti-drug prophylaxis is built into the system of measures to strengthen the position of the family as a protective factor preventing the use of psychoactive substances.

Of the domestic prevention programs available to us, only the work of T.I. Petrakova indicates that parents should not only be involved in active preventive activities, but also taught to conduct a dialogue with their children about PAS. She doesn't offer special program, but outlines the logic of working with parents:

    overcoming the defensive position of parents, which prevents the perception of information about the prerequisites for alcoholism and drug addiction of a teenager: denying the very possibility of introducing their child to drugs;

    informing about the drug situation with an analysis of individual cases and an analysis of the possible behavior of parents, as well as an assessment of their consequences;

    motivating parents to participate in prevention (consulting, forming parent self-help groups);

    "appropriate training" of volunteer parents to participate in parent conferences and special thematic meetings.

The author of the program considers it necessary to draw the attention of parents to the risk factors for initiation to the use of psychoactive substances in environment(the location of retail outlets, the work of law enforcement agencies, the security of educational institutions, compliance with the rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages, medicines, etc.), the need to realize one's own attitude to psychoactive substances and a critical approach to advertisements, songs and sayings, anecdotes, media materials on problem. At the same time, the program holds the idea that children in communication with their parents should be given the opportunity to learn to defend their opinions and understand their needs. In this regard, the well-known game learning situation "packing a backpack for life" is mentioned, in which adults and children, family members participate. She can serve good example sharing time between children and adults who are usually difficult to motivate for such activities .

For preventive purposes, various forms of work should be used: conversations, videos and other means. All of these forms can be used to educate and inform parents not only about how the school sees and conducts health education, but also about specific health issues.

List of parents with special knowledge and skills on substance use and other health issues and their use as consultants;

Advice to parents on courses available at community colleges and universities in health, communication skills, and other relevant subjects;

Providing parents with access to literature, audio/video equipment, and leaflets on health, communication, and other life skills.

In addition, some programs use parenting education to strengthen the family's role in raising children. The main focus of these programs is on communication between parents and children, emphasizing the importance of motivation, emotional restraint and faith in children's abilities. A study of preventive programs has shown that the most effective are those that form family relationships.

Very important from parentsorganize leisure activities for children at the level of the house, yard, street micro-society, school district of a prosperous non-drug environment, intolerant of anti-social behavior of children, the spread of alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances among them.

The use of such structures as social clubs, institutions of additional education for children, centers for social and rehabilitation orientation of various forms of out-of-school children's and youth initiatives.

In general, the study of the domestic experience of including the family in drug addiction prevention programs indicates an underestimation of its role and insufficient attention to family resources and potential. There is an urgent need to develop such preventive programs in which all family members, both adults and children, are the object of influence, and the content is not limited to informing about the signs of regular use of psychoactive substances and its negative effects. With the help of such programs, it is necessary to achieve a positive family environment, the development of stable emotional ties and attachments between family members, a clear understanding of family values ​​by all and an adequate educational anti-drug strategy, which together can be an effective factor in protecting adolescents from introducing PAS.


psychoactive substances. What are the risk factors? Psychoactive substances (surfactants) are narcotic substances (including medicinal narcotic drugs), alcohol and nicotine. Every parent truly fears that their child may become addicted to psychoactive substances, especially alcohol and drugs. Nicotine addiction is often overlooked, not only because the parents themselves smoke, but also because nicotine addiction is largely regarded in society as a socially acceptable bad habit, which in no way reduces its negative impact. So, let's talk about risk factors for substance abuse. What and how can affect a person, what can push him to use them in general? According to foreign researchers, a genetic predisposition can be distinguished. The study of alcoholism received particularly wide confirmation of this theory. In 50% of cases of alcoholism, an association was found between alcohol abuse and alcoholic parents drinking man. In surveys of adopted children and twins, it was possible to separate the influence of the environment (when a child grows up among drinking people) and genetic factor (biological relationship). Strong evidence has been obtained in favor of the genetic component of alcoholism. Compared to non-drinking foster children, more alcohol-using foster children have alcoholic biological parents. In addition, no relationship was found between the alcoholism of adoptive parents and the alcoholism of their children, which indicates less influence of the living environment. There is also a genetic predisposition to drug use, which is manifested in the diversity of the functioning of the nerve pathways of the brain (in some, nerve impulses are carried out more actively and they need less exposure - increased sensitivity, in others - sensitivity is reduced, which requires more effort for the reaction ). This explains the unequal degree of susceptibility of a person to the use of certain drugs. For example, one person has a bright and violent reaction to a narcotic substance and physical dependence develops from the first dose, while the other does not have the expected reactions at the first dose, and he can easily not try the second time - the dependence has not yet formed. The modern reality is as follows: after all, a gene of predisposition to alcoholism and susceptibility to drugs has been isolated. Plus it adds up social influence when children in whose families it is the norm to drink daily at dinner (beer, wine) will believe that frequent drinking is the norm and there is nothing so bad about it. In addition, having heard from a brother / friend that smoking “weed” is not harmful (there is no addiction, nothing so terrible happens), they will assume that this is true. And such statements are absolutely false. But now not about the effects of drugs. Go ahead. Researchers further refer to environmental factors as a risk factor. It has been found that the influence of the living environment and the availability of psychoactive substances predispose people to their abuse. If cigarettes fall into the eyes of a teenager for the hundredth time, then even with the initial conviction “not to smoke”, there may be a desire to try. The same goes for alcohol - its availability undoubtedly increases the risk of drinking alcoholic beverages. At present, narcotic substances have become more accessible than five years ago. Now a teenager in many places where he goes, can be offered drugs. For example, ecstasy at a disco or marijuana by friends at a party. Moreover, many modern teenagers do not consider "weed" or ecstasy drugs, like beer - alcohol. The sad facts of Russian reality... The next factor is the presence of various pain symptoms. For example, the reason for taking and misuse narcotic substances for the purpose of self-treatment may be the consequences of injuries (elimination of physical pain) or depression, irritation (taking drugs to improve mood or normalize sleep). When self-control is violated, a person abuses medicinal substances even when there is objectively no physical pain, but psychological dependence "keeps" him on drugs. Either he is afraid to live a day without a pill (there is no pain because I take medication), or he simply cannot do without them anymore due to addiction. Alcohol often "heals" mental pain (loneliness, fears, insomnia). Even movies (books, lyrics) support this myth. What does the heroine of the film do when her husband leaves her? That's right, he gets drunk. What are they singing about on stage? “You left… I’m drunk…”, etc. Thus, a “pathological norm” appears in society, when it is considered possible in the event of a crisis to drink, take a pill and smoke. Mental illness cannot be ignored as a risk factor. Among drug abusers, high level mental illness. For example, alcoholism is most often accompanied by: depression, sociopathy (a personality disorder in which social norms are ignored) or borderline states (erased forms of nervous mental disorders between mental health and severe pathology). However, in some cases it is difficult to determine which disorder is primary, alcoholism or, for example, depression. Diseases such as psychosis (violation of voluntary adaptation of a person's mental activity), schizophrenia (a mental disorder/a group of mental disorders characterized by deviations in the perception of reality) often accompany the status of a drug addict.

So, of course, the above risk factors for substance abuse are only a small part of what affects a person. However, these are the main significant factors - genetics, social environment and diseases (somatic and mental). It becomes obvious how important self-discipline is for a person.

So that he can not only organize his activities, his leisure, but also put his internal state in order. Due to weakened self-control, a painful deformation of drives (desires to satisfy needs) occurs. “Working on oneself” is the way to improvement and growth, the ability to avoid deformation of drives and needs, which means the ability to be an adaptive and adequate person, a strong personality with developed self-discipline, a person capable of withstanding negative influences.

Positive prevention of substance use among adolescents

Work on the prevention of substance use among adolescents has recently received more and more attention. This direction becomes a priority in the work of a psychologist and a social pedagogue. Because modern society still characterized by an extreme degree of socio-psychological and political instability. Under such conditions, the ground for socially negative phenomena arises, such as crime, moral decline, drug addiction and alcoholism. The devaluation of cultural values, uncertainty about the future, plus the inability or inability of part of the population, especially adolescents and young people, to actively cope with life's difficulties - these are the prerequisites that provide drug addiction and alcoholism with a strong position in society.

Adolescence (especially younger adolescence) is the period when the need for measures to prevent alcoholism and other forms of addictive (dependent) behavior is especially urgent.

Often the reasons for the start of the use of alcohol and drugs are the socio-psychological difficulties of adolescence, the psychological problems of the process of growing up.

In adolescence, children are very inquisitive, actively “learn the world”, at the same time they are still very trusting, full of a sense of their own invulnerability. Because of these features, they can often find themselves in life-threatening situations. Therefore, there is a need to prevent the beginning of experimentation with toxic substances that cause addiction, teaching children the skills of safe behavior, the skills of saving life, health and psychological well-being in different situations.

Adolescents develop a need for attention to themselves, to their physical characteristics, the reaction to the opinion of a significant reference group is aggravated, self-esteem and maximalism are enhanced.

Therefore, during this period, it is especially important to develop certain socio-psychological skills, discuss with adolescents the problems that they often face one on one, communication problems, relationships with people, both adults and peers.

Also during this period, a system of values ​​is formed, the experience already accumulated is rethought and reassessed, and the basis of a life position, attitude towards people, society, the world and one's place in it is developed. In this connection, more than ever, there is a need to know and accept the norms and rules of the functioning of the team, to obtain information about relationships with adults and peers, about conflict situations and ways to resolve the conflict. There is a need to develop skills that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Often, classes and lectures are held at the educational institution, at which students are told about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs. There are frightening statistics. But teenagers rarely try on someone else's experience for themselves, do not trust the numbers, continuing to "experiment" and fill bumps on their own mistakes. However, the use of surfactants very quickly involves children in addiction, and remains an addiction for life. Which in the future negatively affects health and often leads to tragic consequences.

To protect young people from harmful influences, it is necessary to conduct preventive classes. And we consider the main thing in this workcarrying out positive prevention of the use of PAS (psycho-active substances).

Positive prevention is that form of work that allows, through personal development, to form attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, without "intimidating" children. Since, often intimidating, we turn teenagers against ourselves, they stop trusting us, believing that we are "pressing" them and giving false information.

Therefore, in order to achieve success in preventing the use of narcotic and other psychoactive substances in work with adolescents, it is necessary to focus on the development of personal qualities and social skills of adolescents, teach children new forms of behavior, form stress resistance, educate a personality capable of independently and responsibly building own life. In this regard, an integral part of the course on the positive prevention of substance use areclasses aimed at the formation of a harmonious personality, at the awareness of the value of health (i.e. positive prevention).

These activities can be done during class hours.

Target :

Positive prevention of all types of dependence on psycho-active substances (PSA) among adolescents through the formation of a harmonious personality, through awareness of the value of health.


    Teaching teenagers the skills of safe behavior, the skills of saving life, health and psychological well-being in different situations.

    Formation of adequate self-esteem in adolescents.

    Developing communication skills and assertive behavior, including resisting peer pressure.

    Prevention of the use of PAS (psycho-active substances).

    Adapting to changing conditions and developing social flexibility.

    Career guidance: identifying inclinations and interests. Development of life goals and a step-by-step plan for achieving these goals, taking into account interests and inclinations.

During the sessions with adolescents on the prevention of substance abuse, we solve a double problem.

On the one hand, in the classroom, they develop the skills they lack, important problems are discussed: communication, relationships with people, problems of conflicts and stress.

On the other hand, during the course, a whole range of skills are developed that are necessary to counteract peer pressure, the effect of advertising, so that adolescents can make decisions about not using alcohol and other psychoactive substances based on objective information and the ability to correctly assess the consequences of their actions.

Classes are based on respect for the personality of a person, his rights. At the same time, social and psychological skills and healthy lifestyle skills are taught.

The effectiveness of the proposed classes is impossible without trusting relationship between the teacher-psychologist and students. If there is no trust in the teacher leading the classes, teenagers simply will not assimilate the information and will not be able to internalize (assign) new experience.

Joint leisure, which allows you to usefully spend your free time, get to know each other, express yourself, which distracts adolescents from the possibility of using psychoactive substances:visits to excursions, exhibitions, participation in the socially significant activities of the village and the school: development of projects, organization and participation in holidays and quizzes,Predicted results

The main condition for implementation is the focus on cooperation with an adult (teacher) and peers, on creating a favorable environment for the formation moral values, life prospects, help in the adolescent's awareness of himself, his capabilities, abilities, interests.

Adolescents will learn to consciously regulate their actions, focus on the feelings, interests of other people in their behavior, the ability to say “no” in situations of involvement in activities that threaten their health (refusal to use PAS), receive basic skills in communicating with others, in resolving conflicts. situations. They learn their inclinations and interests, outline their professional path. Which, of course, will have a beneficial effect on relationships with parents, teachers, peers.

The use of various methods in the classroom: trainings, games (role-playing, business, etc.), quizzes.

Information and didactic part.

Questionnaire / testing.

Training for the assimilation of the information received and the consolidation of the necessary behavioral skills.

Information and didactic part

The information and didactic part contains the statement of the problem and the main provisions on the stated problem, which are recommended to be worked out in the training part of the lesson. Such an approach makes it possible to carry out covert prevention of deviant behavior among adolescents of this age group and provides an opportunity for free expression of the adolescent's position.


Questioning / testing is aimed at self-knowledge, helps to identify personality traits and the level of motivation of adolescents, allows you to update the information received in the first part of the lesson, and also gradually includes students in the active part of the training session.


The training is aimed at personal growth, at understanding the main provisions of the information and didactic block of classes, at consolidating the skills of safe behavior and contains direct and indirect methods for preventing the development of deviant tendencies, primarily the danger of using psychoactive substances, taking into account the age characteristics of adolescents.

Special events are necessary because they are aimed at symbolically reacting to the accumulated, but not expressed feelings, the mood for ordinary things. Homework may include observing oneself, the reactions of others at certain points in life, in order to enrich one's experience, analysis and discussion.


psychoactive at the level at which this influence occurs.

Usually, the formation of dependence is associated with the abuse of PAS, its systematic use. The entire child and adolescent environment, taking into account, of course, age specifics, is the object of early anti-drug prevention. On the one hand, minors act as a large social group, to which the main efforts of early prevention are directed, on the other hand, they themselves, starting from a certain age period, should act as subjects of preventive work.

Preventive activity, as a rule, is built on an integrated basis and is provided by the joint efforts of educators, teachers, psychologists, doctors, social workers, and law enforcement officers.

Prevention (prophylaktikos - protective) - a term meaning a complex of various kinds of measures aimed at preventing a phenomenon and / or eliminating risk factors.

In international practice, the following main models for the prevention of substance abuse can be distinguished:

The medical model focuses primarily on the medical and social consequences of drug addiction and mainly provides for informing students about negative consequences taking narcotic and other psychoactive drugs on physical and mental health.

The educational model is aimed at providing children and young people with complete information about the problem of drug addiction and ensuring freedom of choice with maximum awareness.

The psychosocial model, as its main goal, asserts the need to develop certain psychological skills in resisting group pressure, in resolving a conflict situation, in the ability to make the right choice in a drug supply situation.

The inability of children to occupy themselves in accordance with their desires and needs, the internal tension they experience, discomfort, unconscious negative emotional states, the desire to forget, “disconnect” from intractable problems often serve as the content of that state of mind that is masked by boredom and can serve as an impetus for starting to use PAS .

Adults practice for the most part control over their studies and social circle, and also strive to ensure its maximum employment in accordance with their own ideas about what will be useful in the future.

It is very important that parents pay attention to the risk factors for initiation to the use of psychoactive substances in the environment (the location of retail outlets, the work of law enforcement agencies, the security of educational institutions, compliance with the rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages, drugs, etc.).

Besides, great importance in the prevention of substance abuse is the establishment of a trusting relationship with the child, a favorable psychological climate in the family.

It is also necessary from the parentsorganize leisure activities for children at the level of the house, yard, street micro-society, school district of a prosperous non-drug environment, intolerant of anti-social behavior of children, the spread of alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances among them.

In general, the study of the domestic experience of including the family in programs for the prevention of substance abuse indicates an underestimation of its role and insufficient attention to family resources and potential. There is an urgent need to develop such preventive programs in which all family members, both adults and children, are the object of influence, and the content is not limited to informing about the signs of regular use of psychoactive substances and its negative effects. With the help of such programs, it is necessary to achieve a positive family environment, the development of stable emotional ties and attachments between family members, a clear understanding of family values ​​by all and an adequate educational anti-drug strategy, which together can be an effective factor in protecting adolescents from introducing PAS.


    Ananyeva, G. Parents about drugs and drug addiction [Text] / G. Andreeva, T. Andreeva, V. Lovchev. - Kazan, 1999. - 342p.

    Berezin, S.V. Psychology of early drug addiction [Text] / S.V. Berezin, K.S. Lisetsky - Samara, 2000. - 407p.

    Bitensky, V.S. Drug addiction in adolescents [Text] / V.S. Bitensky. Kiev.1988.- 372p.

    Games: learning, training, leisure [Text] / Ed. V.V. Petrusinsky - M., 1994. - 105s.

    Krivtsova, S.V. A practical guide for a school psychologist [Text] / E.A. Mukhamatulina.- M., 1997. - 248s.

    Kryzhanovskaya, L.M.Family Psychology: Problems of Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation[Text] / L.M. Kryzhanovskaya. - M., 2005 - 156 p.

    Levanova, E.A. Preparing to work with teenagers [Text] / E.A. Levanova. - M., 1993. - 105s.

    Legal and illegal drugs; A practical guide to teaching prevention lessons to teenagers in 2 parts. Part 1. - St. Petersburg, 1996.-87s.

    Leontiev, A.N. Selected psychological works [Text] In 2 volumes / A.N. Leontiev. - T. I. M., 1983. - 437 p.

    Lichko, A.E. Teenage drug addiction [Text] / A.E. Lichko, V.S. Bitensky. - M., 1991. - 334 p.

    Mayurov, A.N. Anti-drug education of schoolchildren [Text] / A.N. Mayurov // Fundamentals of social pedagogy / Ed. V.A. Popov. - Vladimir, 1995. - 470s.

    Miniyarov, V.M.Psychology of family education (diagnostic and correctional aspect)[Text] / V.M. Miniyarov. M., 2000. - 176 p.

    Youth and society at the turn of the century [Text] / Ed. THEM. Ilyinsky. - M .: Voice, 1999. - 402 p.

substances (surfactants) are
chemical and pharmacological agents that
"when consumed
affect mental
processes, for example
cognitive or
affective sphere"
(definition of the World
healthcare organizations).

The current situation with the use of surfactants

Today average age acquaintance
children with alcohol is 12 years old.
Average age of initiation
drugs in Russia is
14.5 years old.
Today, 50% of school graduates
Russians are addicted to tobacco.

The use of surfactants is accompanied by:

1. mental change
and physical condition
2. the ability to evoke
consumer "painful
addiction, addictive
and addiction;

Classification of psychoactive substances (surfactants) and basic concepts

All chemical compounds of vegetable and synthetic
origin, directly affecting the mental
human condition is commonly referred to as psychoactive
Psychoactive substances alcohol, nicotine, toxic substances

A substance is classified as "narcotic" if it meets the following criteria:

1. Medical - the substance must have a specific
effect on the central nervous system (sedative, stimulating,
hallucinogenic), which becomes the reason for its non-medical use (all surfactants satisfy).
2. Social - non-medical use of the drug
acquires the scale of a socially significant phenomenon.
3. Legal criterion - requires that the relevant
instance (the government on the proposal of the Minister
health) recognized this drug as a narcotic and
included it in the list of narcotic substances - legal

Reasons for using surfactants

Dysfunctional family
The prevalence of substance use in the child's society
Active propaganda in the media and inadequate youth policy
Living in areas with low material well-being
Lack of leisure
Inadequate self-esteem
Trying to get away from emotional experiences
Submissive to group pressure
Heredity burdened with mental illness
Heredity aggravated by narcological diseases

Stages of addiction formation

First trials. They are possible out of curiosity, the desire to "become
like everyone else, under certain circumstances.
group dependency. It is formed according to the mechanism
conditioned reflex: taking a substance under normal conditions for this or
in a certain company.
Psychic addiction. The need to take
Surfactants to experience pleasant sensations again and again.
Physical addiction. The inclusion of chemical compounds,
included in the composition of surfactants in the metabolism and causing conditions
anxiety, anger, aggression.
Increasing tolerance to surfactants. Such a state
organism, when less and less pronounced expected reaction is noted
organism for a given dose of the administered drug.

Consequences of the use of surfactants

High risk of incurable disease
Among people who use drugs, there is a high
mortality rate.
It is highly likely that children born
in a person with an addiction, too
become addicted to surfactants.

Common signs of PAS use:

Decreased interest in studies, ordinary hobbies.
Alienation, secrecy and deceit.
Episodes of aggressiveness, irritability, which
replaced by periods of unnatural complacency.
The company of a teenager often consists of persons more than
older and some of them have experience
the use of surfactants.
Occasional possession of large or small amounts of money
unknown origin.
Change in appetite. Periodically nausea, vomiting.
Constriction or dilation of pupils, condition
stupor, retardation.
The presence of traces of injections on the skin.

Primary prevention of surfactants:

is based on long-term
public policy aimed
on the formation of an irreconcilable society
relation to the use of surfactants

Goals of primary prevention:

changing the value attitude of children and youth
to drugs, the formation of personal responsibility
for their behavior, causing
demand for psychoactive substances in the youth population;
curbing the involvement of children and young people in the reception
drugs through the promotion of healthy
lifestyle, the formation of anti-drug
installations and preventive work,
carried out by employees


for the development of children and
social normative
dominance lifestyle
healthy lifestyle values;
an effective setting for refusing to accept
implementation in the educational environment
a healthy lifestyle and the rejection of surfactants.

PAS prevention in an educational institution

Organization of prevention work
substance abuse in children and


Promoting a healthy lifestyle, implementing measures to
substance abuse in OS;
organization and provision of socio-psychological,
pedagogical assistance and correction to children and adolescents with
problems in development and training in order to
prevention of social maladaptation and addictive
providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents,
having difficulties in raising children;
ensuring the priority of a healthy lifestyle among
members of the educational team

In international practice, there are models of prevention

The medical model focuses primarily on
medical and social
mainly aims to inform students about
negative consequences of taking drugs and other
psychoactive drugs on the physical and mental
The educational model aims to provide children
and young people with full information about the problem of drug addiction and
The psychosocial model claims as its main goal
the need to develop certain psychological
skills in resisting group pressure, in solving
conflict situation, in the ability to make the right choice
in a drug supply situation.

Rule 4 "NO"

1. Constantly develop a firm "No!" any
psychoactive substances (narcotic and toxic drugs), in
any dose, no matter how small, in any setting, in any
companies. Always just "No!"
2. To develop skills in obtaining pleasure with useful
daily activities (good study, sports, solid
"No!" idleness, boring and uninteresting life, idle
3. The ability to choose the right friends and comrades among
peers. The third "No!" – those peers and the company where
drug use is commonplace.
4. Fourth "No!" - their shyness and instability, when
offer to try the drug. Life is more precious! Tragedy of drug addicts
is that they voluntarily fell into slavery
from chemicals. Voluntarily went down the path of depriving yourself of all
human qualities.


The sharp changes in the socio-political and economic situation that have taken place in the country since the last century have led to a variety of violations social adaptation among the population who responded with an increase in the consumption of psychoactive substances (PSA) among the youth.

The forecast for the spread of drug addiction among adolescents in Kuzbass, according to experts, is unfavorable for the coming years. The state of affairs in the city of Berezovsky Kemerovo region is complicated by the lack of a system of interaction between interested organizations and departments, the small number of specialized primary prevention services, the low level of organization of alternative, leisure and social activities of children, youth, and other factors.

Against the background of relative well-being in the situation associated with drug abuse by adolescents, there was a replacement of means of dependence, and the abuse of beer and low-alcohol cocktails came to the fore, the fact of a decrease in the age limit for the use of psychoactive substances in the school environment is noted. Today, substance use among adolescents has become a socially acceptable form of behavior. This, in turn, leads to another “coil” of quantitative indicators. A survey conducted (March-April, 2009) among adolescents aged 12-14 years old at an educational institution in the city indicates that alcohol consumption has increased by 11% compared to the results of the survey (November, 2008). Identification of attitudes towards smoking in adolescents of this group also tends to increase.

The growth dynamics of substance use among young people forces us to reconsider both the content of preventive programs and the organizational structure of their implementation in educational institutions.

The shift in the emphasis of prevention is relevant not only because of the comparability of the harmful effects of substance use, but also because adolescents who abuse alcohol and tobacco are much more likely to have behavioral deviations.

Purpose: creation and strengthening of resources in adolescents to counter the risk factors for addiction to psychoactive substances.

Program objectives:

To develop high school students' competence in relation to health and a healthy lifestyle;

To assist a teenager in difficult life situations in choosing and implementing safe and constructive behavior strategies;

Form and develop a positive attitude towards life values.

Achievement of the main goal of the program is carried out through a combination principles:

  • age adequacy - the presented material, forms and methods correspond to the psychological characteristics of older adolescents;
  • scientific validity - the content of the program is based on the data of psychology, medicine - awareness of the value of a healthy lifestyle;
  • practical expediency - the material of the program reflects the most pressing problems related to the development of adolescents' skills for effective social adaptation, prevention of initiation to psychoactive substances;
  • positivity - the emphasis of the presented material is shifted from the fight against negative manifestations and consequences to the development and promotion of health, healthy lifestyle motivation, the choice of a healthy life position, the ability to build healthy relationships with other people, taking responsibility for one's health, one's behavior and one's future.

The principles express the ideology of health. In order for these principles to be assimilated by children, they must be “lived out” by each child, lining up in his daily experience. Tactics for working effectively with children include: forms:

Behavioral training (skills training that helps the child resist violence, peer pressure, develop the ability to express their opinions, express their feelings);

  • learning through the game (role-playing games that contribute to the development of social competence of students);
  • organization of self-help (training in self-help techniques, relaxation).

The program is characterized by a two-level approach to the problem of prevention of substance use.

The level of a person's personal space - dangerous motives of human behavior (negative feelings, beliefs, urges) are considered. Classes are aimed at developing the personal competence of adolescents and are held in the form of organizational, activity and role-playing games, brainstorming, discussions, modeling various life situations, etc.

Level of social space – considered dangerous influences environment (conflicts, false reference points, pressure from the immediate environment). Classes are held in an interactive form and are complemented by the formation of social competence of adolescents through familiarizing children with the laws, rules, norms by which human society lives, and through teaching them social skills and abilities.

Features of developmental psychology are necessarily taken into account in preventive work with adolescents.

Age-related health psychology indicates that adolescents - high school students strive to learn new feelings, explore their inner world, and for this they can resort to the use of surfactants. Narcotic substances can be used by them both as a way to get away from difficult relationship problems and to remove communication barriers. For adolescents, relationships in the peer group are most significant, and in order to be accepted by the group, they are ready for dangerous behavior, risking their health.

The program involves the formation of assertive behavior skills, with which a teenager will be able to withstand the pressure of any negative social environment and situation.

The program is designed to conduct a cycle of classes on the prevention of PAS, conducted on the basis of the Municipal Educational Institution "OOSH No. 8" in the city of Berezovsky, Kemerovo Region. To increase the effectiveness of the perception of material by adolescents, the program is divided into 3 blocks:

  1. Formation of value orientations in adolescents in the conditions of socialization.
  2. Providing psychological support to a high school student, taking into account his personality.
  3. Education of skills of constructive interaction with peers.

Each of the blocks is a kind of mini-cycle of classes devoted to one topic.

The program is aimed at increasing the level of competence of the participants in the classes, at helping a teenager in difficult life situations, in choosing and implementing safe and constructive behavior strategies, in developing vital skills, including the ability to resist involvement in the use of psychoactive substances.

The program is a synthesis of five modern approaches to the prevention of substance use:

  1. Emotional learning approach. Increasing self-esteem, developing decision-making skills, developing the ability to cope with stress.
  2. An approach based on the formation of skills of personal behavior and interpersonal communication.
  3. An approach based on the role of social factors. Formation of skills of resistance to social pressure, negative impact mass media.
  4. An approach based on alternative activities to drugs. Development of expedient positive activity.
  5. An approach based on the dissemination of information about the factors of the influence of surfactants on the body, the behavior of a young person.

Thematic plan

Name of sections and topics



Prakt. classes

Section 1. Formation of value orientations in children and adolescents 7 3 4
1. Communication. 3 1 2
2. Assistance to children and adolescents in overcoming destructive behavior, in mastering the skills of constructive resistance to the use of psychoactive substances 4 2 2
Section 2. Providing psychological support to a teenager 16 6 10
1. Psychological support as a factor in the primary prevention of substance use. 4 2 2
2. Knowledge of the age, physiological, individual psychological characteristics of a teenager as the basis for the effective education of healthy habits and socially important habits. 2 1 1
3. Formation of the image of "I" in adolescents. 4 1 3
4. Education of skills of constructive interaction with peers. 2 1 1
5. Techniques and methods for organizing assistance to adolescents in overcoming crisis situations. 4 1 3
Section 3. Helping Children and Adolescents with Successful Orientation in the Outside World 6 3 3
1. Assistance in acquiring the skills of self-control and self-regulation by a teenager. 2 1 1
2. Development of adolescent personal safety skills. 2 1 1
3. Formation of the ability in adolescents to resist the negative influence of peers and adults. 2 1 1

Section 1. Formation of value orientations in adolescents.

Purpose: formation of personal resources in children and adolescents of a socially normative life style with the dominance of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, an effective attitude to refuse the use of psychoactive substances (PSA).

Topic 1. Communication. Internal resources of the individual.

Communication concepts. Types and styles of communication. Formation of personal attitudes of children. constructive communication.

Practical work: Role-playing games aimed at developing constructive techniques in situations of manipulation, communicative aggression.

The exercise “My personal coat of arms”, which allows each teenager to realize and comprehend their own resources. Drawing up a personal coat of arms based on your own resources to increase self-esteem and self-confidence. The conclusion is that in every person there are many resources that in difficult times can be used in the form of self-help and support for oneself.

Topic 2. Assistance to adolescents in overcoming destructive behavior, in mastering the skills of constructive resistance to the use of psychoactive substances.

Self-destructive behavior of children and adolescents. Methods and techniques for helping children overcome addictive behavior.

Practical work: Role-playing games aimed at acquiring skills to curb the involvement of adolescents in the use of drugs by building constructive relationships with peers. Group discussion and development of recommendations on preventing the use of psychoactive substances by children and adolescents, teaching the skills of constructive resistance to involvement in the use of psychoactive substances.

Section 2. Providing psychological support to a teenager, taking into account his personality.

Purpose: development in adolescents of ideas about positive behavior in solving problem situations.

Topic 1. Psychological support as a factor in the primary prevention of substance use.

Psychological support. Principles and ways of providing support; focus on the virtues of the child; work to increase his self-esteem, help in acquiring faith in himself and in his abilities, help in the formation of a positive "I" of a teenager. The formation of stable trusting relationships in the family is the key to the personal success of all its members.

Practical work: A psychological game for playing situations in which it is appropriate to apply the skills of psychological support to children and adolescents (a child or adolescent experiences feelings of guilt, resentment, fear, insecurity, is in conflict with others).

Topic 2. Knowledge of age, physiological, individual psychological characteristics of adolescents as the basis for the effective education of healthy habits and socially important skills. Psychophysiological features of children and adolescents. Sensitive age periods and crises in the development of children and adolescents. The concept of temperament; its types and properties, features of the manifestation of temperament, taking into account the type of the child's nervous system in organizing interaction with others.

Practical work: Self-diagnosis of adolescents to identify the type of temperament, determining the individual characteristics of family members.

Topic 3. Formation of the image of "I" in adolescents.

Self-esteem or sense of self-worth. Types of self-esteem. Symptoms of low self-esteem in a child. Learned helplessness. Locus of control. A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival. Ways to improve low self-esteem in children. Self-esteem as a component of health: to love yourself is to be healthy. Friendship, good relationships, trust as ways to strengthen self-esteem and mental health.

Practical work: diagnostics of self-assessment according to the methodology, analysis of the results. Collective development of recommendations for the correction of low self-esteem in adolescents.

Topic 4. Raising the skills of constructive interaction with peers.

The main regularities of the process of communication and its structure. Familiarity with manipulative ways of communication. Manipulation protection. Conflicts and the ability to resolve them. Unpopularity and social rejection of children as possible reasons for the formation of deviant behavior. Help adolescents to establish interpersonal contacts in interaction with peers. The role of parents in shaping an environment that develops in children and adolescents the features of an active, responsible personality, able to take care of themselves and others.

Practical part: Exercises for teenagers to practice different methods of teaching constructive communication skills. Ways of self-help (ways to recognize your needs, ways to meet your needs).

Topic 5. Techniques and methods of organizing assistance to adolescents in overcoming crisis situations.

The concept of crisis situations in the lives of children. Conditions for raising a mentally healthy, personally developed person, able to cope with their own problems and life difficulties. Ways of behavior. Strategies for helping children cope with crisis situations. The role of stress in life: mobilization, disorganization

Practical work: Exercises aimed at teaching ways to relieve psycho-emotional stress. Group discussion of the topic: “How to find a way out of a hopeless situation?”, discussion of examples related to the acute feelings of the participants.

Section 3. Helping teenagers to successfully navigate in the outside world.

The purpose of the section: to assist adolescents in the formation of the ability to withstand the adverse effects of the environment, manipulation.

Theme 1. Assistance to adolescents in acquiring skills of self-control and self-regulation.

Emotions and feelings. affective emotional states. Managing emotions and feelings. Self-control is the ability developed by a person to control his actions and deeds.

Practical part: Psychodiagnostic work to identify the ability to self-control. Educational exercises for acquiring skills of self-control and self-regulation.

Topic 2. Development of adolescent personal safety skills.

Personal safety. Safety regulations. Restrictions, types of restrictions. Prohibition, violation of the prohibition. Rules and methods for ensuring the safety of adolescents. The mechanism of the emergence of constructive and non-constructive behavior. The connection of the situation, thoughts, feelings, behavior. Changing your own thoughts as a way to change your attitude to the situation.

Practical work: Summarizing group experience in helping adolescents develop personal safety skills. Work with examples of situations aimed at identifying negative thoughts and learning to transform them into positive ones. Psychological game “God saves the safe”.

Topic 3. Formation of the ability in children and adolescents to resist the negative influence of peers and adults.

The concept of manipulative communication in adolescence. Ways to develop in adolescents the ability to recognize manipulation in communication by peers or adults. How to deal with negative pressure from others.

Practical work using role-playing games and exercises to teach the skills of effective behavior in a situation of group pressure, manipulation.

See Annex 1 for the main requirements for the content of the program.

The organization of control over the assimilation of material and the development of social skills during the study are given in Appendix 2

Keyword List

Needs are the fundamental qualities of a person, expressing his need for something and serving as a source of vital activity.

Desire is an experience that reflects a need and is expressed in specific images and words.

Interest is a manifestation of cognitive need at the level of awareness of goals.

Self-affirmation is the processes of self-controlled awareness and gaining a place in society that corresponds to the ideas of the individual about himself.

Self-assessment is an assessment of oneself, one's qualities based on comparison with internal and external standards, criteria.

Adequate - equal, appropriate.

Influence is the process and result of change by an individual or social group behavior of other people, their positions, assessments, attitudes. The mechanism of directed influence is persuasion and suggestion.

Suggestibility is a subjective willingness to be subjected to and obey an inspiring influence, associated with self-doubt, low self-esteem, shyness, trust, and an increased level of anxiety. Situational factors of increased suggestibility: extreme situation, incompetence in the issue under discussion, group pressure, lack of time to make a decision.

Social position (status) - the role, position that a person performs in the official or unofficial hierarchy of the group.

Social claims are the role and the status that a person aspires to, considering them more appropriate to their abilities.

Inferiority complex - a set of qualities, the self-esteem of which is painfully low, the experience of a person about his imaginary and real shortcomings.

A leader is a leader, a person who is able to arouse interest in the matter, captivate, lead.

Conflictogens are words and actions that can humiliate a person, offend, offend him.

Reflection is the concentration of a person's consciousness on himself, on his images, thoughts, feelings.


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