Tell an alcoholic that he is an alcoholic. Alcoholism - How to help a drinking person if he doesn’t want to? Sometimes the best help is to do nothing

You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

It can be very difficult to watch alcoholism ruin the life of a friend or family member. As a rule, a patient with alcoholism needs to undergo a rehabilitation course in order to receive full help. If you want to help, you must first determine whether the person is truly an alcoholic. And only then start helping your friend get the right treatment.


Part 1

Ask the person to stop drinking

    Look for signs of alcoholism. Having problems with alcohol does not mean completely becoming an alcoholic. Problems with alcoholism can be solved and overcome by the patient himself, but treating the disease “alcoholism” requires external intervention. Typically, the symptoms of alcoholism are as follows:

    • Problems at school and at work, such as being late or missing work altogether due to a hangover
    • Frequent memory loss after drinking
    • Getting in trouble with the law due to drinking, such as being arrested for being drunk in in public places or drunk driving
    • Inability to leave a glass of alcohol half full or to be near alcohol and not drink it
    • Consistent binges and hangovers
    • Relationships damaged by alcohol use
    • Strong desire to drink in the morning and withdrawal symptoms in the absence of drinking
  1. Think about what you will tell him. Once you decide to talk to a person about his drinking habit, rehearse exactly what you are going to tell him. Be brief, objective and thorough. This will prevent the patient from moving away from you and will relieve him of the feeling that you are putting emotional pressure on him.

    Talk to the person. If you notice any signs of alcoholism, talk to the person and let them know about your concerns. Explain to him that his behavior is affecting others and he needs to stop for his own good and the good of his family. Tell him about the problems that will follow due to alcohol abuse.

    • Choose a time to talk when he is sober. For example, the morning is usually the best time, and it’s okay if the patient has a hangover. Argue that he is destroying his body day after day.
  2. Don't argue or judge. When you talk to a person about his bad habits, do not start with accusations and condemnations. Avoid constant moralizing about drinking, as this can only make the situation worse. Such reasoning will only prevent the patient from revealing to you the reasons for the constant desire to drink.

    Try to understand him. When you talk to him about his problem, you can safely ask about the reasons that push him to do this. You should also find out whether the patient has good system support. If not, you can suggest getting group help.

    Don't force a person to stop drinking. Alcoholism is a complex disease, so you are unlikely to be able to overcome it with force. Moreover, it may encourage a person to drink more.

Part 2

Providing assistance

    First of all, do not drink alcohol in the presence of the patient. This will make it much more difficult for him to stop drinking. It can also lead to unhealthy habits in your life. You can help another person by meeting and spending time in places that do not sell alcohol. In addition, this will make the task much easier for the patient.

    Tell others. Ask people in your close circle if they have noticed any disturbing behavior or if they think the person has problems. You shouldn’t call him an alcoholic and, especially, talk about it to those who shouldn’t know about it. Don't violate his privacy rights.

    Talk to him. Remind him that you care about him, care about him and want to help him. Share with him what you notice and ask him what needs to be done to help him. Be prepared for the fact that the person may refuse your help and begin to avoid you for some time.

    Try to involve a professional. If the alcoholic refuses to go to treatment or won't even consider it, try getting a therapist. The specialist will have sufficient experience working with various types alcoholism, he can work with you to create a special treatment plan suitable for your friend.

    • The specialist will explain to you and the patient’s loved ones how to behave and how to react in difficult situations.
  1. Be encouraging throughout your treatment. If the alcoholic agrees to go to treatment and take the necessary measures, be sure to support him. Don't let him feel guilty or ashamed, show him that you are proud of his desire to get better.

    Be prepared for disruptions. If a person goes to rehab and undergoes treatment, they may be very vulnerable after treatment. For most patients, treatment does not end; they constantly have to fight alcoholism. Friends and relatives of the patient should support him, despite the recurrence of the disease (the disease recurs in almost all patients).

    • Find quiet activities for you to do that don't involve drinking alcohol. Ride bikes, play cards, cook, go to museums, parks, etc. After all, imagine that you were both “stranded in the rain.”
    • Encourage him to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings frequently and receive necessary counseling.
  2. Take care of yourself. Being a close friend or family member of an alcoholic can be very draining and can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair. Alcoholism is often called a “disease of the family” because its consequences extend far beyond the life of the patient. Find time for yourself and do things that bring you pleasure and build your self-esteem.

    Spend time with friends and family. From time to time you should take a break from solving your friend's problems. Since you are constantly busy with the patient's problem, spending time with other people will help you relax and recuperate.

  • If your friend is not willing to admit his problem, then you will not be able to help him. This is not your personal problem and you are not responsible for his behavior.
  • If you are somehow related to this person, then his illness will inevitably affect your life. Try to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings or read relevant literature, where you can find a lot of useful advice.

Alcohol addiction is a serious disease that suppresses the will and disrupts the human psyche. Therefore, drunkards should be treated as sick people and nothing else. You need to remember that you won’t be able to stop an alcoholic with scandals, persuasion and hysterics. This can only be done at the cost of enormous effort and self-control. When taking active steps, a wife must be prepared for a difficult struggle, since getting her husband to stop drinking is by no means easy.

If we are talking about female alcoholism, then the situation is even worse. Husbands, children, and relatives of alcoholics should understand that it is much more difficult to persuade a woman than a man. As a rule, the addict categorically denies the existence of a problem, considers herself completely healthy and does not want to change anything. Treatment seems pointless to her, and she considers all the persuasion and advice of relatives a personal insult.

So how can you convince an alcoholic to seek treatment if all conversations, reasonable arguments and explanations do not help? First you need to completely change your behavior and learn to control your own emotions. It is extremely important to understand what exactly pushes a person to the bottle. If you find out this, it will be much easier to influence an alcoholic. You need to speak with a drunkard with extreme caution, monitoring your own behavior. If you can’t stop it on your own, you can ask for help from relatives, a psychologist or a narcologist.

Important! This article will talk about how to force a person to stop drinking without going to court or a mental hospital. If a drunkard has signs of mental disorders or poses a threat to others, it is necessary to seek outside help as quickly as possible.

First of all, you need to find out what actions towards an alcoholic are prohibited by law, and not do them. Under no circumstances should you mix medications into a person’s food or drink that they do not want to take. This is unlikely to help cure a drunkard and, quite possibly, will cause some damage to his health. Disulfiram-containing drugs are especially dangerous in this regard. Their use without a doctor's permission can cause serious poisoning, so this should not be done.

Women should learn to speak and behave correctly with a drunkard, since it is simply impossible to force a husband to stop drinking without this. It is necessary to communicate with an alcoholic in such a way that he himself understands that he needs treatment. You also need to remember the most common female mistakes and not make them.

Advice for wives of alcoholics:

  • You should not trust a drunkard too much and believe his constant but meaningless promises. If he swears for the twentieth time that he will stop drinking, most likely he will not do it.
  • You need to stop doing things that don't bring results. For example, empty threats that do not entail any action will only convince the alcoholic that he can get away with anything. If some phrases or actions cannot stop a drunkard, it is better to abandon them.
  • Don't insult or nag drinking husband– this will only make the situation worse. If he returned home late or drank away his money, you should say something that will make him feel remorse.
  • To make an alcoholic want to code, he can be frightened. To do this, the drunkard should be told or given to read about all possible consequences alcoholism. You can do this either independently or with the help of a psychologist or narcologist.
  • It is quite possible that the addict himself will want to get rid of drunkenness forever if his relatives stop helping him hide the consequences of his binge drinking. He will feel ashamed in front of others and he himself will understand that treatment is the best way out.

The tips listed above are also suitable for a mother who wants to cure her son. Controlling own behavior, after some time you can persuade an alcoholic to go into code. In this case, it is very important to stop covering up for your son in every possible way, solving his problems and giving him money for alcohol. Of course, this is very difficult to do, because every mother feels sorry for her child and often follows his lead. However, it is simply not possible to stop his son in any other way.

Since it is extremely difficult to force a wife to stop drinking, the husband must be patient and enlist the support of relatives. Since female alcoholism does not occur without a reason, you should find out why the woman began to abuse alcohol. If you do not eliminate the cause of drunkenness, it will be almost impossible to stop it.

How to find the cause of alcoholism

Treatment of alcohol addiction will be meaningless in 2 cases: if a person is satisfied with everything and wants to continue drinking, or if he has a good reason to seek solace in alcoholic beverages. If you eliminate the provoking factor, it will be much easier to cure an alcoholic. It is quite possible that he will stop drinking without coding.

Often the causes of chronic drunkenness are quite obvious, so they can be identified without much difficulty. As a rule, the alcoholic himself names them during a confidential conversation. If you cannot ask him on your own, then this can be done with the help of a psychologist. A specialist will find out why a person is dissatisfied with his life and give the necessary advice.

Most common reasons alcoholism:

  • uninteresting, boring work or having too much free time;
  • constant drinking with friends, relatives or colleagues, gradually developing into dependence on alcohol;
  • unsettled personal life, quarrels in the family, recent breakup, betrayal or loss of a loved one;
  • lack of work or housing, poverty, unsettled life, feeling of hopelessness;
  • the presence of severe chronic or fatal diseases, the desire to quench pain with alcohol;
  • family history, predisposition to alcoholism.

Teenagers most often start drinking “for company,” as a sign of protest or for the purpose of self-affirmation. They usually drink beer or low-alcohol drinks. Women in most cases drink because of loneliness or depression. Female representatives also prefer beer or weak alcohol. Treatment of female alcoholism is especially difficult, and it is not always possible to cure it.

Important! In order for a person to stop abusing alcohol, he needs to be convinced to change something in his life. If he does not do this, it is unlikely that he will be cured. Coding or psychotherapeutic treatment will only give temporary results. And at the first opportunity, the alcoholic will take up his old ways again.

These tips are for mothers, husbands, children, and wives wondering how to help their husband stop drinking. They are quite universal, like the psychology of most people. If you do everything as expected, an alcoholic can be cured relatively quickly and effectively. If he does not want to code or visit a psychotherapist, he can be motivated, shamed or frightened. With the help of special techniques this can be done without much difficulty.

Tricks that will help get a drunkard into treatment:

  1. Soft persuasion. The person should talk about the shame, worries and financial difficulties that the family is experiencing because of him. You can make him worry about himself and his health by telling him about the enormous harm of drinking. You need to talk to an alcoholic calmly, constantly monitoring yourself. Outbursts of rage, raising voices and personal insults should not be allowed.
  2. Reasonable arguments proving that treatment is necessary. It is necessary to explain to the drunkard that his authority at work is steadily declining, and his relatives and friends want to communicate with him less and less. If the situation does not change, a person’s life will soon become completely unbearable. Therefore, he needs to do something to prevent this from happening. The ideal solution is treatment.
  3. Motivation. If a person likes to drink vodka, cognac or beer, and he does not want to change anything, he will turn a deaf ear to any arguments. In this case, the alcoholic should be motivated. You can tell him that his life will be much better when he stops drinking. For example, the husband will look better, he will be promoted at work, he will have new acquaintances and friends. The right motivation can do incredible things.
  4. Help from relatives. If an alcoholic does not want to make contact and listen to the opinion of his wife (husband, mother, children, etc.), something else can be done. For example, convene a family council. It is quite possible that the opinion of several people will be more significant and authoritative for the drunkard, thanks to which he will agree to treatment. Again, you should speak with an alcoholic carefully, without aggression, shouting or reproaches.
  5. Seeking help from a specialist. If a person still does not want to be treated, he should contact a psychologist, narcologist or psychotherapist. The doctor will have an explanatory conversation with the alcoholic and explain the need for treatment. Quite often, drunkards agree to coding after a conversation with a doctor.

Is it possible to force an alcoholic to seek treatment?

Alcoholism destroys not only the drinker’s personality, but also his family. Spouses and children of alcoholics suffer greatly from the addiction of a loved one. The cherished dream of relatives is to cure a relative of alcohol addiction.

How to get an alcoholic to get treatment

One of psychological characteristics An alcoholic is not recognizing the fact of his illness. Most alcoholics refuse professional help, believing that they can quit drinking at any time. There is another category of alcoholics - they believe that they are seriously ill and no help will save them from this malicious illness. A significant portion of those suffering from alcoholism do not want to undergo treatment; the state of euphoria when drinking alcohol is for them higher than the persuasion of loved ones. Spouses and children of alcoholics, tired of the drunkenness of their once loved one for many years, try to cure the patient with the help of various herbal tinctures, pharmaceuticals, prayers and healers. All this, unfortunately, either does not lead to the desired results, or turns the drunkard away from the bottle only for a while. In the treatment of alcoholism, only one thing is important - the sincere and unshakable desire of the patient himself to be cured.

During the Soviet era, there was compulsory treatment of alcoholics. Drunkards were sent to labor treatment centers, which was equivalent to a prison sentence. There was little treatment in such places, but there was plenty of occupational therapy. Unfortunately, those times have sunk into oblivion, and this moment In our tolerant state, forced treatment of any socially dangerous diseases is prohibited by law.

There are some exceptions:

  • the patient poses a danger to himself and others;
  • the alcoholic is not able to take care of himself;
  • the patient's mental condition is so severe that without specialized help he will die.

What does this mean in reality? modern life? The only thing is that calling a medical team and forcibly sending a loved one to a hospital to be treated for alcoholism is possible only if he attempts suicide in alcoholic psychosis or causes socially dangerous actions in a state of alcoholic delirium. Is it really possible to do this to save a loved one from alcoholism? With such compulsory hospitalization, after stopping the attack of fever, the patient will be discharged from the hospital and sent home, where he is very likely to take up his old ways again.

For getting positive result treatment, expressed in long, relapse-free periods of sobriety, it is necessary by any means to prove to the patient with alcoholism the need to receive medical care.

In the video about compulsory treatment of alcoholism:

In almost every locality in our country there is a state drug treatment clinic where you can receive free treatment for any addiction. Treatment is carried out with the knowledge and consent of the patient. And only in this case will it give a long-lasting and sustainable effect.

Patients often do not agree to treatment government agency, citing the impossibility of subsequently obtaining driver's license or a permit to carry a weapon. In this case, you can try to convince the alcoholic to go to a hospital anonymously for a reasonable fee or to undergo treatment in a paid clinic with good service.

In any case, the most important point in treatment is the patient’s voluntary consent to get rid of alcoholism. A psychologist can help convince the patient during a preliminary consultation. The doctor will find Right words and arguments, diagnoses the reason why the addiction arose, and helps choose a treatment regimen.

Correct behavior towards an alcoholic

To convince a loved one to undergo treatment, it is necessary to build correct scheme communication with him:

  • Stop making a scandal every time close person returns tipsy. This is very difficult, especially when alcoholism has been progressing for several years. However, one must understand that hysterics and unnecessary discussions about drinking will only aggravate the problem - after each scandal, a person with alcoholism will seek solace even more in a bottle, may become aggressive and raise his hand against loved ones.
  • Stop feeling sorry for and covering for your drinking relative. Hoping for the alcoholic’s recovery to the last, relatives protect him from real life: they pay off debts, raise children, and endure everyday difficulties alone. This position of a nanny is very beneficial for an alcoholic - he does not stop drinking, but gets rid of all everyday burdens.
  • Remain a calm and calm person, stop controlling the alcoholic. In moments of enlightenment, calmly start a conversation about the possibility of treatment and rehabilitation. It is permissible to invite a narcologist-psychotherapist to your home.
  • Do not resort to meaningless and empty threats; this will not frighten an alcoholic. If you threaten divorce, try to fulfill your promise. Typically, sick people value their comfort in the family very much, and the decisive actions of the other half can push the drunkard to think about a sober life.
  • Support your spouse in his desire to start a sober life, show all the pleasant moments of sobriety, try to find new goals in life that will captivate the sick relative and lead him out of the abyss of drunkenness.

Motivation for a sober lifestyle

Let’s assume that the family managed to persuade the alcoholic to undergo the procedure. drug treatment and psychotherapy. What's next? To consolidate the positive result and to avoid relapse of the disease, it is necessary to consolidate the motivation for a sober lifestyle. Many alcoholics do not see anything interesting in a sober lifestyle, sobriety is not just scary, it is terrifying - how to enjoy life, what to laugh at, how to have fun without drinking?

To properly build motivation for living without alcohol, your loved ones need to:

  • Understand and accept the fact that an alcoholic is an infantile, weak-willed and selfish person. Fulfilling the wishes of a coded patient so as not to lapse is fundamentally the wrong way. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to make his own decisions and enjoy it.
  • Support every positive moment of sobriety, encourage you to keep a list of such moments in order to maintain motivation daily.
  • Completely change your social circle, perhaps move.
  • Try to interest the former alcoholic in something new, so as not to leave him free time to think about his miserable, boring existence. This could be a change of job, sports, or a hobby that excludes alcohol.

It is worth understanding that the alcoholic himself must build motivation for himself personally; the family can only help with this and provide support every sober day of his life.

Follow a few simple rules:

  • Be consistent in your persuasion and beliefs.
  • Give examples significant people surrounded by alcoholics who have given up bad habits.
  • Go together to a consultation with a psychotherapist and a narcologist.
  • Change your position in family life from sacrificial or overly controlling to the opposite.
  • Study all the available information about alcoholism and, in moments of enlightenment, provide it to the alcoholic.
  • Do not add any herbal infusions, drops or teas to alcohol. This may cause allergic reaction and cause a heart attack.

Remember that only properly built motivation for a sober lifestyle will help an alcoholic cope with the disease.

Advice for relatives on how to behave with an alcoholic:

When he disappeared. turning off the phone. I lost sleep and appetite. I couldn't concentrate on anything. I cried all day long. I was so angry. that darkened in the eyes. But, Jeweler, your task is to justify alcoholism, go for it! You are good at this, apparently the problem is very close to you. And he is very dear to me. Or the Horoscope was successful. Understand. that this doesn't work. that hopes are not justified. that pity destroys you too. and him. People who stopped drinking spontaneously and did not drink alcohol for 1-2 years will never drink it again! People who gave up alcohol as a result of coding often return to drinking alcohol, often even after just 1-2 months.

Then there was the first disappearance. after a minor quarrel. went to the store and disappeared. turned off the phone. returned drunk. Such women become drunk very quickly. After all, the border between a social drinker and an alcoholic is very thin. and there is no turning back. Author, do not pay attention to the barbs, because... Such criticism of the weak is not to offer anything, but only to yap. Agree, those who have more than once woken up in drunken vomit and those who have contemplated someone waking up in sewage from the outside look at the problem differently. People often make promises to quit drinking, albeit sincerely, but they always put off their fulfillment for the future: “Now I’ll finish this and quit.” But he doesn't.

Psychologist at the Twelve Steps Center for Addictive Behavior. candidate psychological sciences Irina Zamaryokhina explains this phenomenon as follows: The first aspect: this is the denial of the problem. They stopped drinking spontaneously, without outside help or coding, in an instant, as soon as they realized it. And that was the push: I skipped a shift (and more than one), went to the hospital and thought about getting a certificate, and there they assigned me to cardiology - I was in a pre-infarction state (at 25!). The second aspect is determined by the model of family relationships in the presence of alcoholic parents. +1 data as of 07:59:41 1 person.

What to tell an alcoholic to stop drinking: in more detail

07:59 Reply author. 03/26/2013 00:39You are right - there are no exes. Indeed, God took you or your Guardian Angel was with you, or your Higher Power helped you. When our child was born. I thought – that’s it. Now he definitely won’t drink. and how you can drink it. when such a small defenseless lump lies in front of you. who needs mom and dad so much. This can continue for years and decades. What to do? Antonina is 46 years old, her husband is 51. All my friends were jealous of me. my mom couldn't get enough of him. and I - to breathe it in. My wife and I are ready to. at any time (she is not). If you cannot wait or have no hope of understanding the alcoholic's need to stop drinking, take the opportunity to take him to coding.

If a man accepted decision to give up alcohol forever and wants to do it himself, without coding, this can only be welcomed. Some wives. even burying his alcoholics. do not want to admit the fact of alcoholism. In between binges he was perfect! Courted. cared. I loved. protected. +1 data as of 07:59:41 1 person. 07:59 Reply

What to tell an alcoholic to stop drinking: what you didn’t know

caustic. 03/27/2013 00:35 Alcoholics are sick, dependent people. It's a choice. He made oath promises. wrote receipts. signed in blood. even coded. I don't drink alcohol on holidays.

This is the role of a rescuer. the role of the righteous persecutor and the role of the victim. 6. Information telephone of the AA Commonwealth of Chita 8-914-459-76-36. All alcoholics quit drinking sooner or later, only some succeed during their lifetime. All this time, my husband’s alcoholism progressed. the first things disappeared. my gold was drunk. The first camera was taken to the pawnshop. Advice for them too - codependents like me. A lie is the first bell. Yes, we drank together. Maybe. as everybody. It was love. Alcoholism of a loved one is not fate. it's not meant to be. not a heavy cross. which you must carry. Thank you for your opinion.

He was lying. that was in the same store. and it was written on the receipt. what's in the other. I don't demand anything from my wife. The second revelation was this. that saving her husband from drunkenness and its consequences. I helped his illness thrive. and the remnants of a healthy personality die in it. +1 data as of 07:59:41 1 person. 07:59 ReplyNYURA. 07/08/2013 01:49 here! I absolutely agree with you! there is no forced isolation - there is high crime! alcoholics and their relatives are the most vulnerable part of the population under the current system! when apartments are shared with alcoholics. They are being hunted by various cult-like organizations and bandits! an alcoholic has the right to sign anything! and it is very, very difficult to deprive him of his legal capacity under current legislation! Therefore, even non-drinking relatives of alcoholics suffer from criminals! Treat also only with his consent! That’s why they drag their relatives with them into the grave, and no one is responsible for this! Only registered users can add reviews to this text. Try this on yourself. She does not exist for him and is of no interest; she carries neither positive nor negative emotions for him. It's an illusion. in which a codependent person finds his salvation.

Resident of the city of Ch. 03/26/2013 11:10 Smart guy, what kind of karma are you talking about here, or about the stars, or something else? In fact, there is only one answer - alcohol. The same. who are aware of the role of their participation in their husband’s alcoholism. They can fight for a long time. pull him out of the abyss. forgetting about yourself and the children. When a patient says: “I’ll quit drinking,” this is bad. Protect yourself and your children from a drunk person. the disease progresses every day. The alcoholic's behavior becomes more and more dangerous and unpredictable. The more painful consequences he will have from his drunkenness. the sooner he will reach his bottom and the greater his chances of becoming sober someday. Seek help from specialists - drug treatment clinics. rehabilitation centers. Sometimes one of these roles is played for years. sometimes they change them every five minutes. but they just can’t give up stereotypical behavior. which does not lead to any significant results. I don't buy clothes for myself.

The author of these lines personally knows about a hundred people who today can sit at the head of a table covered with bottles of alcohol, watch others drink, but they not only have no desire to join the drinkers, but even no thoughts about this - neither positive nor negative. Wives of alcoholics in 98% of cases remarry similar alcoholics. If your husband/father/brother/son drinks. if you've tried everything and nothing helps. if you are desperate and not you know. what to do. Very often this position on the part of relatives is a push. a stimulus for developing motivation in dependent individuals to seek professional help. I came across a new word for myself: codependency.

It's sad, of course. Talented. attractive. calm. Every day I fell asleep and woke up with one thought: will he get drunk today or not.

It is important to convince the alcoholic that all his attempts are in vain, because his problem is not desire, the problem is physiology, a disruption in the functioning of enzymes, and these disturbances cannot be corrected by any amount of willpower. Rescuer. stalker or victim? The third and most difficult thing for me was to admit. that I myself have problems. He drinks. not me. Treat him, that’s what I thought. Nothing helped. If not - former alcoholics can not be. There is a simple test: if you are trying to control use alcohol by husband. control his behavior. even when my husband doesn’t drink. find out by all means. where is he and what's wrong with him? solve his problems instead of him - you are codependent. Tatiana. 03/26/2013 09:17 On Wednesday, March 27, at 19-00 at Lenina-52a. in the courtyard of the Temp store, in the housing department; on Saturday, March 30, at 14-00 at Butina 66, in the premises of the Kodar center, regular open meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous will be held, where everyone is invited - relatives, friends, acquaintances of addicted people who are close and not indifferent to the problem of alcoholism. That is, people knowledgeable about the problem from the inside. They are dangerous to society like drug addicts, only the latter degrade faster.

I ask for advice - my husband is an alcoholic, one of those who is always a little under the spell, is now in the clinic (voluntarily) being taken out of binge drinking (drips and treatment for the third day), the mood is normal, even positive, but he has a fear of coding, is trying to get deferment for remission (I think home treatment). Anxiety. fear. despair. anger. irritation. resentment. pain. self-pity became my constant companions. Binges followed. in sequence. first one day. then two. then a week. two weeks... During breaks he spoke. that he doesn't understand. what's happening to him. promised. that this time was the last. asked for forgiveness. swore love. Let him take responsibility for his actions. 3. Now remember the most important thing - an alcoholic drinks. because he is an alcoholic. Believes he can stop drinking on his own. I save for my family. Higher education.

For them, alcoholic drinks simply do not exist. I earn more average much. Long advertising ears stick out in the material. This was the first call. Life has turned into a nightmare. Just out of habit. +1 data as of 07:59:41 1 person. 07:59 Reply

Love. 03/26/2013 13:08+1 data as of 07:59:41 1 person. 07:59 Replyzima77. 03/26/2013 19:27

How to Induce Aversion to Alcohol (video on the topic)

Whatever the situation, you only have yourself to blame Human who got into it, and no one else.

Forced isolation and treatment are the optimal solution, specialized clinics are salvation for this category of people. An alcoholic drinks. because he is an alcoholic. My main revelation was a simple phrase - it’s not your fault. what he drinks. Many women are convinced of this. that alcoholism can go away like a runny nose. He lied big and small. lied even then. when he had no benefit from it. Valentine's Day. a bottle of wine with dinner. hot mulled wine on a cold winter evening. a refreshing mojito in the hot summer. Ask yourself. did you have to call his superiors? to say. that my husband was sick. Then. How did he lie drunk or with a hangover? It was so. that you apologized to your neighbors or friends for him? They helped him pay off his loans. taken in a drunken stupor? A. maybe. happened to pick him up from the police. sobering-up station?

How many times have you scolded him? cried. appealed to conscience. made promises? Now tell me: did he stop drinking after that? Psychologist at the Twelve Steps Center for Addictive Behavior Problems. Candidate of Psychological Sciences Irina Zamaryokhina: If you want to help your alcoholic husband. wife. son. brother give him responsibility for his drinking. Their numerous attempts to drink like everyone else are doomed to failure. Tell your husband honestly about his problems. alcohol related. but only when he is sober. When he drinks, he usually drinks Glutargin (cetrarginine) to relieve a hangover. And when they understand. that all these attempts are in vain. it's already late.

Chita.Ru Information portal of Chita and the Trans-Baikal Territory OPINIONS OF CHITA AND THE TRANS-BAIKAL REGION Confession of the wife of an alcoholic He drew me stars in the sky. braided his hair with a dragon. taught me to jump with a parachute and cook pizza. I cooked dinner every day. kissed my toes. Whether to drink or not to drink depends on him, until he himself realizes that it’s time to stop drinking. I present only good things to children, I read books, although rarely. Do you know why? Because some are alcoholics and others are not.

An alcoholic cannot drink like everyone else and never will be able to. May everything be fine with you) Jeweler. 03/26/2013 09:09

Or space is intelligent. Many women are surprised. when they see. that the husband, who has been sober until now, is drinking himself to death. How to stop drinking? My husband is 34 years old, we have been living with him for 2.5 years. Experts say. that alcoholic marriages are generally the most durable. women suffer for 10-20-30 years. endure. forgive and believe. that something will change. Alcoholics Anonymous holds open meetings, which anyone can come to, including relatives of addicts, to look from the outside, listen, draw some conclusions, it will help someone. I did such things with my own hands. it seemed. He can do everything - even hammer a nail. and build a house. +1 data as of 07:59:41 1 person.

07:59 Answer God took it away.. 03/25/2013 19:43 I also lived with an alcoholic. His mother constantly told me, be patient, he will quit. I left him, or rather ran away with the children. I recently found out that he never stopped drinking. He killed his mother . He is an adult. let him be responsible for his mistakes and pay for consequences. At home I drink alcohol maybe once a year. Fully developed. I want to express my distrust of the Jeweler and Trololo, etc. because in our region, the problem of alcoholism is very acute and at the same time there are people who criticize the authorities, doctors and everyone in the world, that no one is doing anything to solve the problem, but when there are people who are able to solve something, the same khaishiki begin to criticize the positive. But knowing that he is a weak person and can follow his friend’s lead, he will be confused about what to do so as not to harm him and his health. Certainly. I tried all the classic methods. that were available to me: persuasion. prayers. requests. threats. blackmail.

Or you were just lucky to bounce out of this trouble. Coding is guaranteed to stop drinking for several months, or even years, but the likelihood of relapse is very high. I don't set a bad example for children. I work, I am over 30 years old. Stop trusting the alcoholic. that he can handle it on his own. the disease can be dealt with. only by seeking help from specialists (this applies to any disease, and alcoholism is no exception).

Allow the alcoholic to grow up: under no circumstances should he attend to drinking bouts - he must wake up there. where he fell asleep. if in the mud. that means let him wake up there; do not pay off debts for it; do not cover up his illness - do not deceive others. why your husband did not go to work or fulfill some obligation due to his drinking; do not minimize or justify alcoholism (for example, he’s only on weekends, or he’s tired, etc.). If your relative is able to understand this, give him a chance. A new breakdown on his part is our final break. Let him lose his job. If he doesn’t stop drinking, he’ll lose it anyway. If he stops drinking, he will find an even better job. Melody Beatty. the author of the book Alcoholic in the Family or Overcoming Codependency gives the following definition: codependency is a painful desire to control behavior. control life. care for and educate another adult. it is a denial of oneself and one’s vital needs. Specifically: do not pay off debts for him. don't give him a drink. Don't solve his problems for him. speak honestly about it. that he is sick and cannot cope with the disease without help. If we didn’t have a quarrel before the binge. then they found other people to blame: His friends got him drunk all the time, or he was treated unfairly at work. How can you not drink it! Alcoholics feel that alcohol affects their body differently than other people, but they always try to give themselves another chance - to drink like everyone else. And finally. The most important thing: you need to start changing yourself!

Call a narcologist. consult. ask for recommendations. Go to Al-Anon self-help groups. where relatives and friends of alcoholics regularly meet and share their experiences of their own recovery. attend an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (every last Wednesday of the month is open to everyone). listen. ask questions. But you need to consider the following. I rarely leave my family on business trips. I don’t hide it, I was coded for a year, I thought we’d see how it was to be sober for a whole year, and then I’ll see. 01.10.12. It’s been 10 years since I watched it, but already on my own, without coding and the like. Then I came across a business card from the 12 Steps Center. and I went to groups for codependents - relatives and friends of an alcoholic.

On New Year drank for several days, then almost every week, starts on Friday with friends, drinks 200 grams of cognac or vodka, then in the morning he often gets hungover (either with beer, then again with vodka). Those cases where coding had a long-term positive effect, and patients did not drink alcohol for decades, can be explained not by the miraculous effect of coding, but simply by the fact that the patient at that moment had already made a voluntary and conscious decision to quit drinking forever. Sample plan for you:

1. Dear wives of alcoholics. When was the last time you did something for yourself? We bought new things for ourselves. did you get a new haircut? Was there even one day? so that you are not tormented by thoughts - will he come home sober or drunk? Have you forgotten how to enjoy the sun and blue sky. Haven't anxiety and pain become your usual feelings?

My abandonment of my interests and voluntary isolation from the world progressed along with my husband’s alcoholism. Previously he worked at law enforcement agencies Apparently, he started drinking there. Or Karma is good. Think about your interests and hobbies. that you abandoned while your loved one was drinking.

To drink or not to drink is up to the alcoholic to decide. But it’s up to you to decide whether to live with an alcoholic or not. I quit yesterday when I drank the last glass of my life. On the empty place. Relatives of alcoholics should be aware that it may take a long time for an alcoholic to develop a conscious need to live soberly.

His parents. and himself too. They blamed me for this: If only you hadn’t fought. he wouldn't drink, they said. keeping silent about it. that he started drinking as a teenager. clearly showing. that mother's love is the blindest in the world. And only he himself can help him. And I wish you to keep it that way, and that nothing breaks you on this path of life. Such a small bream. 03/29/2013 12:35 dependent. 03/26/2013 00:11 I read it. Perhaps your experience will help someone.

Alcoholism does not go away. like a runny nose. who has not encountered alcoholism in their family. may say: why endure. drive him in the neck and business. Inhabitant. 03/26/2013 09:22

A mother pulled her son’s computer out of the socket and regretted it (video on the topic)

I don't use it often. 1-2 times a month no more than 300 grams of vodka. Believe in it. What is this weak will or a bad habit can last for a long time.

Talented. Alcoholism is a disease from both a medical and psychological point of view. and it is incurable. You can say I didn’t see the salary, it was scattered in 2-3 days, you pay half of the debt, you drink half and drink again on credit (there was even a kind of record received at 17.00, and at 23.00 it was already there). Love in her subconscious is inextricably linked with pain and suffering. A. March 25, 2013 Resident of the city of Ch. 03.25.2013 17:30 Author, thank you for the revelation.

Well. and who doesn’t drink in our country? Then I began to notice lies. In order to quit drinking, you cannot think about your intentions using a verb in the future tense, you cannot think: “I will quit.” There is another terrible role - this is a codependent drinking buddy. BUT THE WIFE DOESN'T LIKE IT ALL. Do not spend money on spells or removing damage. Alcoholism is not damage. not lack of will. not weak character. it is a severe chronic progressive fatal disease. The world around is no longer gray. This is when a wife starts drinking with her husband. so that he gets less. Change your life. not him The first step to saving your family and friends from the threat of alcohol or drugs is to start with yourself.

A person who is fully aware of this will simply not notice the bottle. The reason for such relapses is the patient’s incompletely formed need to live sober, the lack of a voluntary and conscious intention to completely give up alcohol, to erase it from his life forever. In the end. each of us has something in life. what he wants. The tougher your position. the more reasons the addict will have to think about the problem of alcoholism. I don’t go to resorts or have fun. Now I try on other roles - the role of a person. going to a concert in the evening. the role of a person. who is basking in the sun. the role of a person. who eats ice cream and smiles. the role of a person. who just loves to live. Sooner or later you will encounter the same problem again. Such relationships are a model for her. that's why she thinks. that it is normal to live with and love an alcoholic. It’s no secret that not all codependents manage to get to know the most important person during their lifetime - themselves.

I thought the same. before that. how I encountered drunkenness in my family. Therefore, they humbly wait. that everything will work out. he (the addict) is aware of everything. and everything will be as before. The material is not advertising, it's mine personal experience from the first to the last word. At the same time, it is necessary to clarify. that the presence or absence of codependency problems in a wife does not cause problems with alcoholism in a husband. but only aggravates or weakens the course of the disease. Moreover. if you leave your alcoholic husband. it will not solve codependency problems. New Year. birthday. March 8.

Positive thinking should be: “I QUIT drinking.” After the army, I started drinking every week from Friday, and sometimes until the next Friday (there was a stupid excuse - you have to finish off the week), week-long binges somehow became the norm, but this was not the limit, there were 10 days and 2 weeks. Recovery came when they fully understood its cause and were convinced that there was only one way to preserve themselves as an individual - this was to completely eliminate alcohol from their lives.

What's so great about the 12 Steps? I do not mean commercial organizations who joined the global AA movement. If an alcoholic who has stopped drinking, at the sight of a bottle, tenses up internally and thinks: “Okay, I stopped drinking, it’s better for me not to look at this bottle so as not to create desire and not break…”, this means that the person has not yet fully realized the reasons why he cannot and should not drink alcohol.

Only two corrections: “His father was an alcoholic.” Many of these people had coded unsuccessfully in the past, but were able to overcome their illness not by coding, but by understanding. How can such a person betray? And then I got pregnant and stopped drinking. Talk. scold. There is no point in reprimanding a drunk person. he doesn't hear you. you are just wasting your energy and strength;

5. I read the phrase alcoholism is a family disease. For your honesty, fearlessness and rebirth. Thanks to the author of the article. That is, some (alcoholics) are directly on stage, others are in the stalls. These are the ones who are stalls“They can hurt their foreheads by giving advice to those “on stage,” and the result will be zero. It seems? Maybe. You also stopped going to visit him - what if he gets drunk and starts sorting things out? Maybe. you started avoiding your friends. to avoid unpleasant questions?

And, perhaps. fell out of love with New Year and March 8th. because on this day he will definitely get drunk! When did your mood not depend on another person at all? Psychologist at the Twelve Steps Center for Addictive Behavior. Candidate of Psychological Sciences Irina Zamaryokhina: There are three favorite roles of codependents. 2. Or Cosmobioenergetics took pity. And from the age of 14-15 I used it consistently once every 2 weeks, before the army a little more often. I don't date women.

Zaitseva. a lot of things will fall into place. Mostly women write, here are reviews, how do you evaluate it. I help raise 2 children. You need to quit abruptly - once and for all. Here it is. split personality. in which with each binge the sick second self replaces the healthy one. Dad is dead? If so, sincere condolences. Coding only helped - not to give up on your intentions in the first months, which are the most difficult and require complex social adaptation. It doesn't depend on you. A deep understanding of the reason why the patient should completely give up alcohol and a firm intention to live the rest of his life without alcoholic beverages guarantees 100% success in treating alcoholism.

They don't notice. that on an unconscious level they form a destructive model of relationships. in which the husband has nothing left. except to drink. How many times do you? relatives of an alcoholic. he said: Yes, I drink because of you! If you hadn’t nagged me/if you were slimmer/if you hadn’t smiled at your neighbor/if it weren’t for your mom/if it weren’t for problems at work. Split personality I started looking for information. what to do. if the husband drinks. how to behave. so that he stops drinking. and is there hope? All the time we lived with him, he drank periodically. From time to time I heard rumors. that my husband had problems with alcohol before. that because of this he was fired from his job. that his parents regularly searched for him throughout the city. that his father was also an alcoholic But love is blind. and faith in good things is so strong. because with me he was loving and caring.

Long-term denial of alcoholism. hope for a miracle. faith in that. that conscience will awaken - all this can keep a woman near an alcoholic for years. My despair has reached its limit. the world has narrowed to the confines of the apartment. in which I was waiting for his call. Not for him. There is no strength for oneself and the children are missed.

You are taking a risk, but if you are lucky, you will have an almost 100% guarantee that there will never be a relapse into drunkenness. author. 03/25/2013 23:36 Terrible. (It’s so good that you were saved and the children were saved. I don’t demand it. A girl who is raised, for example, by an alcoholic father, transfers this model of relationship with a man into her family life. Do something differently. 4. But not a single alcoholic wants to give up without a fight, and with enviable persistence, when they come out of another binge, they get drunk again and again, with the hope that there will be no binge next time. Good luck on your journey, not the easiest, but worthy. I never touch my wife with a finger.

It is easy to determine whether a person has fully realized such a need. Before going to bed, I drank for 24 days, drinking everything - from more or less normal vodka to Chinese alcohol, which makes all my veins turn in the morning. He started drinking. when our son was two weeks old. This split personality was driving me crazy. If we write to “jeans”, we do it professionally.

The so-called Karpman triangle. Or your personal personified Power helped you. When he says: “I’m quitting drinking,” that’s better, but still not the same.

An alcoholic is no different from healthy people as long as his body is clean of alcohol, therefore, in order to be healthy, one must comply with the only condition - not to drink. If you are afraid to go somewhere yet. at least read something useful. For example. book Codependency - the ability to love S.N. If you... relatives of an alcoholic. you will find the strength to change your behavior patterns. get rid of codependency. then the alcoholic will have fewer trigger (breakdown) moments. because the disease can paralyze only in that family. in which she is allowed to do so. You can only help yourself. There are alcoholics who drink, and there are those in remission, i.e. non-drinkers. It seemed. a bit more. and I will go crazy with melancholy and horror.

I stopped reading books. which she loved passionately. I quit playing sports. I forgot about all my hobbies. about your favorite profession. I couldn't concentrate on anything at all. The beauty is that at AA meetings only alcoholics themselves are present. The effect of a pug who thinks she is strong when she barks at an elephant.

My story is not over. but I started smiling again. got rid of obsessive thoughts about her drunken husband. from an endless feeling of anger. irritation. guilt. took up my hobbies. I started reading again. walk. exercise. take care of yourself. Please tell me, could this be the 2nd stage of alcoholism? Can a husband stop drinking on his own or does he need to be treated? And is it possible to treat him without his knowledge? Thanks a lot. One day, after drinking, he felt very bad and I put him on a drip (reosorb and saline + glutargin). Substitute what you need. He is a sick man.

It’s so difficult to change habitual behavior in your consciousness: don’t look for it in binge drinking. don't drag it out of some damn cesspool. do not help buy another camera from a pawnshop. You can be thin or fat. good or evil. swear or remain silent. criticize or tolerate. drive out or catch up. Yes, at least stand on your head. he will still drink. Take responsibility for your life. Sometimes, even after several months of abstaining from alcohol, a person suddenly decides that this was just a rehearsal, and he will really quit drinking tomorrow, and today he will get drunk for the last time. Dad is alive. Admit it. that a loved one is suffering from alcoholism.

The expected effect of such a decision is a reduction in crime, alcoholism in the population, normal development of children in families where one of the parents is an alcoholic, etc. That. what your alcoholic tells you. Lots of stories on the Internet. in the lives of acquaintances and friends reminded me of my personal story with minor amendments. Young Transbaikal girl. 03/26/2013 22:45 Unfortunately, not everyone has such willpower.

Most often, the codependent benefits. that my husband drinks. because it is easy to manage this way. manipulate an alcoholic. because out of guilt, he is ready to do anything for you.

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What can we say?

“You have a problem with alcohol. This is a common problem for our family. Let's try to find ways to solve this problem."

In conversation, it is better to avoid the words “alcoholic” or “alcoholism” that are offensive to some people, using the neutral, non-human dignity, but very specific concept of “problems with alcohol.” You make it clear in a restrained manner that your partner’s (relative’s) excessive consumption of alcohol complicates the life of the entire family, and you suggest a conversation. It is important that your interlocutor understands that he takes on part of the responsibility. This to some extent flatters his pride, allowing him to feel strong and needed.

“What can I do for you to stop drinking so much?”

This is a further development of the approach outlined in the previous phrase. In this way you demonstrate your devotion and willingness to help, but at the same time you do not take on the tempting, but completely unnecessary and dangerous for both, role of “savior”. This is important: do not follow the lead and do not try to take all responsibility upon yourself, but offer specific help. And understand that demonstrated weakness can involve you in the manipulations of an addicted person who has only one goal - to continue drinking.

"How can I help you?"

A neutral phrase to start a conversation about treatment. This way you show inclusion but avoid violence and dominance. The main thing is that this phrase does not set any conditions. You also need to be prepared for the fact that you will not immediately achieve the reaction you need - recognition of your condition and interest in treatment. In any case, let your loved one know that you will support him in his desire to fight addiction: “I’m always here if you want to talk about it.

What can't you say?

“You promised that you would stop drinking! How could you deceive me again?”

When a person addicted to alcohol promises to quit drinking, he sincerely believes that he will succeed. The desire to drink again often arises by chance, unexpectedly for the addict himself, and is sometimes irresistible. He already often feels guilty before his loved ones; reproaches and reproaches only spoil relationships. It’s much better to say: “It’s a pity that you lost your temper, but don’t despair! You'll probably be able to quit again, you're strong! I am with you and we will fight together."

“Decide: either you stop drinking, or we break up”

Conditions and ultimatums can only cause alienation, but never help to recover. It's like telling someone with a nervous tic, "Stop shaking, or I won't walk next to you." You need to understand that alcoholism is a disease, and you won’t be able to get rid of it by simply exerting your willpower.

“If you drink, don’t come home!”

Such phrases only lead to alienation of the drinking person, contribute to bitterness, and the desire to act contrary. It’s much better to say something like this: “You have no idea how happy I will be if you manage to stay sober today! And if it doesn’t work out and you still drink, come home quickly, please, I’m very afraid for you when you drink.”

Yuri Sivolap – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.

If you are reading this article, then you definitely need helpful information about methods and means of combating alcoholism. Perhaps you will see something in common in our methods of dealing with this disease and your cases. We will be happy to provide advisory, treatment and rehabilitation assistance. Our only condition is to follow all recommendations of the treating staff.

An integrated approach to treatment and consultation:

Is it possible to stop drinking: we will tell you how to do it!

Once you understand the concept of alcoholism, you will understand that it is necessary to use comprehensive measures, rather than isolated and isolated ones. Only comprehensive treatment for alcoholism can give effective results and return the addicted person’s interest in life.

Quitting drinking is easy!!! It's hard to stay sober later!!!

An easy way to stop drinking: how to stop drinking on your own

We describe five ways to help an alcoholic, but by treatment we mean step-by-step implementation of all recommendations. You can help in different ways: you can ease the pain of physical addiction, or you can help them learn to live soberly. You can also solve all the problems for the addicted person in the hope that he will appreciate this gesture and stop drinking. But alas, alcoholism is a disease, and until a person comes to his senses, it is useless to pull him by the hand into a bright future.

Consulting relatives about

how to stop drinking alcohol

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How can a woman stop drinking?

Women who are alcoholics deny the problem even more. There is a separate article on female alcoholism on our website, and if you have any questions, you can get advice from a hotline specialist. Psychological methods of assistance do not separate women and men and everyone can be helped. Significant differences in treatment are different wards in drug treatment clinics, and as for rehabilitation centers, as a rule they are mixed, but if you wish, you can choose an all-female center.

How to help an alcoholic quit drinking: teach him to live soberly!

1. Stop feeling sorry for the alcoholic

This happens in many families where there is a problem with alcoholism, and especially if the alcoholic is already an adult and the problem has been obvious for a long time. A dependent person gets used to the role of a victim, and one of the codependent relatives gets used to the role of a savior. Moreover, the forms of rescue are far from being rescue actions. In this case, a codependent person saves himself more from the so-called consequences and troubles that a dependent relative causes. At this stage, it is easier to buy a bottle of vodka than to see how an alcoholic “suffers” from his own alcoholism. Relatives feel sorry for such “unlucky people” and already also believe in the incurability of alcoholism or agree with his far-fetched and illusory reasons why he drinks. They agree to all manipulations and create all the conditions for continued drunkenness. The reason for everything is destructive pity, and in fact cowardice and inability to solve one’s problems. It is necessary to learn, with the help of a psychologist, the elements of “tough” love and create some kind of crisis for the alcoholic, in which he will accept help and agree to the necessary treatment, and not behave as he is used to.

2.Create a motivational crisis

As a rule, when communicating with an addicted person, many use persuasion, a raised tone when conveying information, severity and threats to change everything. Keyword here it is precisely “threats”, since they are rarely or never realized. An alcoholic develops immunity to your intimidation and threats; the alcoholic is accustomed to you and your actions, which are predictable for him. If for normal person a raised tone of voice is a signal for action and change, then for an alcoholic this is nothing more than just intimidation, and he is convinced that he can change you, and you will do as he wants. An experienced psychologist will help you create a motivational crisis. Comprehensive treatment of alcoholism is a common task that involves both the family and the treating staff.

For an addicted person, there must come a moment of understanding and accepting the seriousness of the situation. His thought should be something like this: “That’s it, they’re not joking.” The alcoholic must see changes in you, and only then will he think and talk not about how to drink, but about the fact that something needs to be done.



3. Training in sober living standards and rehabilitation centers

Training in sober living is carried out by psychological rehabilitation centers, whose tasks are entirely aimed at changing the attitude of addicts towards social aspects alcoholism. Systematic drunkenness forms certain habits, and evidence of this is the habit of manipulating relatives in favor of one’s illness. They no longer drink because they want to, but because they see no other way out of the current situation. Maybe they are simply afraid to admit the reality of their alcoholism. In any case, these defense mechanisms prevent the transition to a sober life. The task of psychologists at the rehabilitation center is to return the addicted person to a full life in society.

Rehabilitation of alcoholics is also treatment, but treatment of psychological dependence, not physical. Treatment of physical addiction is only the first stage; these are drug treatment clinics and dispensaries, where they help you get rid of binge drinking and help with hangovers.

And now the same alcoholic leaves the drug treatment clinic, and what do you think happens next? As a rule, another binge. Anyone can stop drinking, another question is, for how long? But only a few people manage to stay sober their entire lives. And it is for this purpose that rehabilitation centers form the habit of being and remaining sober, relying on one’s sanity and a conscious decision to change one’s life.

4.Narcological clinics

Undoubtedly, this is the first thing that needs to be done, because in an insane state and with exacerbations of chronic diseases, no one will dare to take a person and start working with him within the framework of a psychological rehabilitation program. The main thing is to create motivation for comprehensive treatment before entering a drug treatment clinic or during the detoxification procedure. Alcoholics are very unstable and may refuse further treatment in rehabilitation as soon as physical state will come back to normal. This is where relatives need to carefully read the first and second points and not give themselves the opportunity to manipulate themselves. An alternative to coding today is rehabilitation programs. During coding, abstinence from alcohol occurs, which is based on fears and not on common sense. Coding helps some alcohol addicts, and maybe even for some it is the only option, but if you want to help a person heal, and not simply “hammer” the motives of your actions into a corner of your consciousness, this is not your method.

5.Alcoholics Anonymous

AA is a community for people who have made the decision to be and stay sober. These are free groups that hold meetings about recovery. AA meetings are held in most major cities of Russia. The only condition is the desire to stop drinking. You can find detailed information on the official website of Alcoholics Anonymous in your city.

Remember that each case is individual, and there is no single method that suits everyone. If you need advice, please contact us and we will definitely help you stop drinking

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Help a drinking person stop drinking: independently at home, in a hospital clinic. What to choose?

We decided to write a conclusion for those who read the article to the end and really want a loved one to stop drinking. Methods of assistance for alcoholism are naturally individual, and before providing assistance, it is necessary to consult not only with the alcoholic himself, but also with his relatives. The most effective treatment program begins with relatives and especially in cases where the alcoholic does not want to be treated and continues to drink. ,
