How to pass theory in. How to get a driver's license

Reading time: 4 minutes

Obtaining rights is a rather lengthy and, for some, complex procedure. After completing a training course at a driving school, each future driver must prove to the State Traffic Inspectorate examiner that he has mastered both the practical material and the rules of safe driving. Another integral part of the process is to prepare documents for the traffic police to obtain a license in 2020.

How to get a license

First, it is important to understand what you plan to manage. There are a total of 16 types of vehicles for which you can obtain a driving permit. You can get your first license at the age of 16, but it will only be valid for the operation of small motorcycles and.

  • civil passport or other document that allows you to confirm your identity;
  • conclusion on the medical examination completed;
  • a driver's card with the results of completing a training course at a driving school (the institution's license number is required);
  • receipt (available upon request).

Motorists aged 16 to 18 years old will need to add parental (or guardian) permission to take the exam to the list of documents to obtain a driver’s license. Such a written certificate is not required for those who are already married at this age.

An application for the issuance of rights, like all certificates, can be submitted electronically on the State Services website. There you can pay the state fee for your license, receiving an additional 30 percent discount.

Having successfully passed the exams and that's it necessary documents To obtain a driver's license, you will only have to wait for the day when the license is ready: it takes from 5 to 30 working days.

Medical certificates

Those planning to acquire documents to drive a vehicle are often interested in what medical certificates are needed to obtain a driver’s license. According to Part 1 of Article 26 of Law N 196-FZ (dated December 10, 1995), when obtaining a license for the first time, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination in an institution that has a state permit and certificate.

Certificates for obtaining a driver's license are issued on standard forms, therefore they are valid in all regions of the Russian Federation. Since 2016, you need to submit a certificate of form No. 003-В/у to the traffic police.

Detailed information about passing a medical examination and issuing a certificate can be obtained in the article: "".

Photos for license

As you know, all modern ID cards have a photograph of the owner. Previously, photographs had to be taken in special studios. Recently, photographs have been taken directly at the traffic police department when submitting documents. For this purpose, almost all departments are equipped with high-quality digital technology.

Other documents

We've figured out what you need to have with you when getting a driver's license. However, many future drivers often have questions regarding some additional documents. For example, is a military ID required when getting a driver's license? Neither a registration nor a military ID is required when submitting documentation to the traffic police. But getting a medical certificate without them can be difficult. These documents are required when undergoing examination by some specialists, in particular, by.

Another frequently asked question: is SNILS needed to obtain a driver’s license? It is not required to be presented to the State Traffic Inspectorate. The only thing for which it can be used in the process of obtaining a license is to register on the State Services website, where you can electronically fill out an application and submit documents to obtain a driver’s license for the first time in 2020.

On November 5, 2014 entered into legal force Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On admission to driving vehicles” dated October 24, 2014 No. 1097.

The document approved significant changes in the procedure for conducting exams for obtaining a driver's license. In particular, retaking exams has now become somewhat more complicated, in order to stimulate driving school cadets to better prepare for the upcoming test of knowledge and driving skills.

How to sign up for a retake

According to statistics, About 30% of driver candidates successfully pass the exam the first time, the rest have to go for a retake.

You can again sign up for the exam at the driving school where the training was conducted and take it along with the flow of cadets on the next scheduled day.

Another option is to go for a retest on your own if you have documents about graduating from a driving school in your hands, and a lot of time has passed since your last attempt to get a driver’s license.

In order to sign up for a retake, you can contact the traffic police, and your registration address at your place of residence may be outside the territory assigned to the State Traffic Inspectorate. According to the new rules, you have the right to obtain a license in any region of Russia.

An even simpler way is submit an application through the State Services website: it is possible to sign up at a time convenient for you, and if you monitor the site daily, then if one of those who previously signed up fails, you can significantly bring forward the deadline for your own retake.

Required documents

  1. An application, in accordance with the established form (can be downloaded from the website, filled out independently.
  2. Certificate of passing a medical commission.
  3. Passport or identity card (for military personnel).
  4. Certificate of completion of professional courses for drivers.

A receipt for payment of the driver's license fee can be provided immediately before obtaining a license.

NOTE: Please pay attention to the relevance of the medical certificate - it has a limited validity period: from 1 to 2 years, depending on the age and health status of the candidate.

Limitations and retake deadlines

The procedure for retaking the exam is the same as during the first unsuccessful attempt - sequentially passing three types of tests.

If you failed the theoretical part, you can try your luck again no earlier than seven days later. Failure again? Once again, count down the week. But after the third and subsequent unsatisfactory results, it will be possible to proceed with the tickets only one month from the date of the last retake.

Let's say you mastered the theory, but failed in the second part of the exam - the autodrome. In this case, the retake deadlines will be identical to the theoretical part: 7 days, 7 days, a month.

The same time limits are set for those who fail to drive in urban conditions.

NOTE: According to the new rules, the result of successfully passing the test exam will be valid for six months. But if in six months the cadet still does not overcome the final stage of the test, the theory is canceled, and the retake will begin again with answers to traffic rules tickets.

It turns out that previously a person could retake exams 12 times (every week) in six months, but now the maximum is 8 attempts. And as practice shows, sign up for a retake in fixed time, in exactly a week or even a month, is almost impossible - the number of people wishing to obtain a license is growing exponentially.

Re-exam fee

Another unpleasant moment for future drivers is a potential change in the procedure and cost of paying for repeated driving tests. The legislative initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has not yet found support in the Ministry of Finance of Russia, but some sites hastened to publish information about supposedly existing innovations:

According to them, if previously a cadet paid a fee of 800 rubles (the cost of a driver’s license) and each time demonstrated his knowledge (errors in theory) and skills (lack of skills) to traffic police inspectors absolutely free of charge, then this year everything will be much more complicated and burdensome financially:

Firstly, you will need to pay for EVERY attempt retake at any stage of the exam.

Secondly, different costs will be set for different parts of the tests:

  • theory – 1 thousand rubles,
  • site – 1.5 thousand rubles,
  • driving in the city – 2 thousand rubles.

The fee for a driver's license will be 2,000 rubles.

Of all of the above, only the fact of increasing the duty on plastic licenses is reliable. An international certificate costs 1,600 rubles.

Retaking is still free, at least until the relevant amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are adopted.

If a person decides to get behind the wheel soon, he needs to pass his license to the traffic police. In this institution, with the help of an exam, the level of theoretical knowledge and practical driving skills is determined. Successfully passing the traffic police exam gives you the right to drive a certain vehicle.

13 criteria for choosing a driving school.

  1. Availability of a license should be of primary interest. Remember, without a license, a driving school has no right to operate. It must specifically state the rules of training.
  2. Rating position in the general list of driving schools. It is advisable that the selected educational institution was no lower than 10th position.
  3. Time of existence of the institution. The optimal value of the indicator is at least 5 years.
  4. Schedule. You need to find out what time classes are held. This is especially important for people who work in an office on a specific schedule.
  5. Hours of theoretical training. Driving schools that promise to teach you how to drive professionally after just 5 lessons are a scam. The optimal number of theory hours in the program is 30 - 40.
  6. Number of practical classes. Compared to lectures, there may be 2 times less of them.
  7. Availability of branches. In combination with other criteria, the sub-item “locating a driving school near your home” makes sense.
  8. Cost of education. The minimum value is 20 thousand rubles. The average cost on the market is 27 thousand rubles.
  9. Methods of payment for training. Make sure you have to pay the full amount or if you have the option of making multiple installments. Usually the system is “50%/50%”.
  10. Availability of additional costs. In some driving schools, payment for fuel and lubricants is not included in the cost of classes. To avoid any embarrassing situations, you need to ask about this before making a contact.
  11. Choice of car and instructor. Good driving schools offer high-quality car models that a student can choose from. The same goes for the instructor.
  12. Number of people in the group. The approach to learning may depend on this. If there are more than 10 students, then most likely there will be no individual approach.
  13. Average % of passing the exam the first time. It’s great if the figure is above 60%.

Remember, the level of safety on the road depends on the ability of each driver to drive a vehicle! Do not neglect the choice of a driving school and the quality of training in it.

Package of documents for passing the exam in the traffic police

To successfully pass your license right away, in addition to theoretical knowledge and practical driving skills, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Their list looks like this:

Document's nameRequirements for it
1 Passport or other document that proves your identity (military ID, international passport)Must not be expired. This applies to drivers who were 20 or 45 years old at the time of passing the exam. They are issued a driver's license only after updating the document.
2 Document confirming the place of registration with registrationIt indicates that the person lives in the Russian Federation.
3 StatementThere is no single form, but there is an advisory form on the traffic police website.
4 Medical certificate 083/u-89The validity period of the medical certificate is 2 years. The document can be issued by a medical institution with state certification.
5 Certificate of successful completion of driving coursesThis document is issued by a driving school upon successful passing of an exam on knowledge of traffic rules.
6 Receipt for payment of state dutyTo get a plastic driver's license, you need to pay 2,000 rubles. Payment is made at the bank or directly at the traffic police department.
7 Previous driving licenseProvided if the driver already has a driving license of another category.

How is the exam done at a driving school?

First, an internal exam is held on the territory of the driving school. It is identical to the test at the traffic police, but is for informational purposes only. Consists of 2 parts – theory and practice.

The first stage - theory

This testing is carried out on a computer. Used special program, which simplifies the examination. One ticket consists of 20 questions. The future driver's task is to give correct answers to at least 18 of them. That is, he is given the right to make 1 or 2 mistakes.

If there were more than 2 errors, the exam automatically stops. The student is not allowed to take part in the practical part of testing.

3 mistakes when preparing for the theoretical part

Most students in driving schools believe that theory is not the main thing. They think that attending only practical classes will give them the opportunity to become full-fledged drivers. But that's not true.

Another mistake is studying only those questions that will be on the exam. Such people do not think about the meaning of the question. Their task is to learn the answer and take a long time to solve traffic tickets in order to learn everything. But because There are about 1800 questions, it will be almost impossible to keep all the answers in memory.

The third mistake is not regularly attending a driving school. This does not provide an opportunity to gain complete knowledge. A person will only know certain points, which is why he risks getting into an embarrassing situation in the future.

The second stage - exercises on the training ground (site)

Only those who have successfully passed the theoretical part are allowed to take part. After which they need to drive through the internal area of ​​the driving school.

5 basic maneuvers that a student must successfully perform:

  1. Stop the car on the rise, and then move forward. A rollback is considered an error.
  2. "Snake". Initially, a movement trajectory is created using colored cones. The task is to drive along the line without hitting a single figure. The most common mistake- stalled engine.
  3. Turning around in a confined space. This exercise is necessary to test the driver's coordination.
  4. Parallel parking. The student needs to park the car so that it is parallel to other types of transport on the site. This is a typical situation in parking lots near shopping centers, hospitals, and parking lots.
  5. Reverse entry. The most important maneuver that every driver should be able to do (read about how to do it correctly).

The inspector selects 5 maneuvers, 3 of which the student needs to do perfectly. Retake of 1 error is allowed.

Stage three – driving in the city

Only those who have successfully passed the theory and exercises on the site can take it, because This is the most critical part of the exam. It is important that when taking this part of the test the student is presented with a previously familiar vehicle. This will help you avoid many basic mistakes.

The inspector chooses the route. Usually this is a city center with many traffic lights, intersections, bus stops, road signs, pedestrian crossings and other details.

During the ride, the instructor makes notes with penalty points. There are three categories in total: for minor errors - 1 point, for medium - 3 points, for gross - 5 points. The exam is considered failed if the applicant scores a total of 5 points or more.

Listen carefully to the instructor during the testing process! Often he likes to provoke students to break the rules.

You can retake driving in the city only a week after the first attempt. You need to complete it in 3 months, because... After this period, marks for theory and maneuvers on the site are canceled.

9 main mistakes when passing the practical part of the exam

The first is strong excitement and haste. First you need to calm down and relax. Have a positive attitude and believe in yourself.

The remaining 8 errors are as follows.

  1. Bad start. Occurs due to inattention at the start. You need to immediately determine which mode the gear lever is in and then start.
  2. Untimely gear shifting. In some cases it is too early, in others it is too late.
  3. Driving into the oncoming lane. After this error, the exam is immediately stopped.
  4. Damage to wheels or bumper while parking. You can even bear financial responsibility for this if this was stated in the contract.
  5. Turn signal not turned on. The error is common among those who often missed practical lessons.
  6. Parking in prohibited areas. Usually these are places for the disabled, bus stops, the side of the road.
  7. Inattention to road signs. Before this, you need to carefully repeat the information about road signs.
  8. Wrong lane change. This may cause a dangerous situation on the road.

Don't take a lot of things with you. A mobile phone and a wallet are enough, which are best placed in a belt bag.

Be one of the first to get tested. This will reduce the risk of rescheduling the exam.

Adjust the seat before driving. Check whether your feet can reach the pedals, whether your back is comfortable, whether your body is too close to the steering wheel, etc.

The remaining 10 tips are as follows.

  1. Fasten your seat belt before driving.
  2. Don't forget to turn on your low beams.
  3. Before leaving, remove the car from the handbrake.
  4. We look around, be sure to turn on the left turn signal and move off. Be sure to look in the front and rear view mirrors.
  5. Drive in the right lane and do not enter the oncoming lane.
  6. Monitor the speedometer yourself. Especially if there was a speed limit sign along the road.
  7. Learn the rules for turning, turning and parking.
  8. If there is a minibus ahead, you need to overtake it.
  9. If you have to get stuck in a traffic jam due to the situation on the road, use the handbrake. There is no need to hold the brake.
  10. When asked to stop, choose the right place to do so. Be sure to turn on the required turn signal, if necessary, give way, turn off the turn signal, raise the handbrake.

If everything goes well, the inspector will issue a special document confirming the successful completion of the test and ask you to sign.


You don't need to spend a lot of money to get your license. It is enough to pay the state fee, pay for training in advance and, if necessary, cover the cost of gasoline.

On average, the cost of training is 30 - 45 thousand rubles. It directly depends on the driving school and the selected package of services.

The most expensive courses include:

  • 50 or more hours of practice;
  • a complete set of necessary textbooks;
  • internal testing;
  • full package of documents;
  • theory course without restrictions on the number of lessons.

The most expensive are service packages where a car with automatic transmission transmission A full course on mechanics will cost a little less.


To successfully pass the traffic police license, you need to study the traffic rules, that is, the theoretical part of the training. Don’t skip practical lessons so that you don’t panic when driving later. Having knowledge, excellent mood and self-confidence are the key successful completion exam.

(20 ratings, average: 4,90 out of 5)

Updated: 08/26/2017

The article describes what documents are needed to obtain a driver's license in order to drive a vehicle legally.

Basically, the list is approximately the same, however, depending on the various situations in which you need a driver's license, it may differ. Let's figure out what documents are needed to obtain a driver's license and look at other points, for example, when a medical certificate is required and how to fill out an application form for issuance.

What documents are needed to obtain a license?

If you need to pass your license and obtain a driving license for the first time, then you need to collect the following list:

  • An application for a certificate, drawn up on a specific form (it can be obtained from the traffic police department or downloaded from the desired Internet resource);
  • Identification document (passport, foreign passport, military ID, etc.);
  • A document confirming the place of registration (the required page in the passport or a certificate certified by a notary);
  • Medical certificate in form 003 – V/u. It can be obtained after passing a medical commission - in a clinic or in special Center that has a license to provide these services;
  • A certificate confirming that you have completed training at a driving school and successfully passed the final test;
  • A check or photocopy of a payment order for payment of the state duty. The amount is two thousand rubles (this includes the cost of a driver’s license).

Features of filling out and submitting an application for a temporary residence permit

There are two ways to apply for a driver's card:

  1. At the traffic police department, asking the employees for an application and filling it out;
  2. On the State Services website by filling out a virtual form and sending it through this resource.

The form to fill out is the same for both. In both options, a date will be set for passing the exam - the stage that must be passed to obtain a driver's license after training at a driving school.

Sample and form (how to fill out?)

The application form for issuing a temporary residence permit is printed on a sheet of paper on both sides, but the applicant only fills out front side. A sample something like this:

  1. At the top is the address of the institution to which the citizen applied;
  2. Next – the applicant’s full name, date and place of birth;
  3. Then - information from the passport: number, place and date of issue;
  4. Then - the text of the application describing the reasons for obtaining a driver's license;
  5. Below is a list of documents that you are enclosing. This is the most detailed part of the application and includes:
    • medical certificate;
    • the name of the institution where you took driving courses and a certificate of completion (passing exams);
    • the category you studied and the ticket number that was used in the exam.
  1. And at the end - the signature and date of writing the application.

There is also space at the bottom for the signature of the employee who accepts the document and the date.

WITH reverse side The application form is not filled out.

What specialists do you need to undergo to obtain a medical certificate?

To obtain a driver's medical certificate, you need to visit the following doctors:

  • therapist;
  • surgeon;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • narcologist;
  • psychiatrist.

In addition to seeing doctors, you must undergo some procedures:

  • ECG of the heart;
  • EEG (electroencephalography) - if required.

When is a medical report required?

A medical certificate is required in situations that comply with Article 23 of the Federal Law “On Road Traffic Safety”:

  • if the validity period of the VU has ended (expired);
  • if the driver has experienced changes in health and there is a confirming conclusion;
  • if the driver was deprived of his license due to any violations.

List of documents for obtaining a driver's license for the first time

To issue a certificate to a traffic police officer, the following documents are required:

  • application for obtaining a driver's license;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • medical certificate (if needed for the reasons described above);
  • certificate of completion of courses and passing exams at a driving school;

Documents required to open a new category

To obtain a license to drive a vehicle that you previously could not drive (if there is another open category, that is, when you are not receiving a license for the first time), the following is required:

  • application for opening a new category in the driver’s card;
  • identification document (passport, international passport, etc.);
  • medical certificate;
  • certificate of completion of courses for a new category in a licensed driving school;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

List of documents when replacing a certificate when its validity period has expired

The driver's card is valid for 10 years. Then you need to get a new ID, which will require:

  • existing driver's license;
  • application for a new driver's license;
  • identification;
  • certificate of passing a medical commission;
  • check for payment of state duty.

Documents required for international certification

To obtain international rights you need:

  • application for issuance of a driver's license;
  • valid Russian license;
  • Russian passport;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

In general, there are not many documents for obtaining a temporary residence permit, and it is usually not difficult to collect them. If you have completed courses at a driving school and have a certificate of successful exams there, then the longest thing is to pass a medical commission.

Under the new rules? The question is relevant, since cars today are bought by everyone who has the opportunity and urgent need for personal transport. Well, it’s worth talking about this process in detail.

First stage

So, first of all, a potential buyer must find the car he wants to buy. After he arranges a meeting with the owner (and usually after this the car is purchased immediately), you need to print out the sales contract. And in two copies.

You must take these documents with you to the seller. After all the terms of the transaction have been agreed upon, this agreement will need to be concluded. You must be as careful as possible when filling out the form. IN this document detailed information about the seller and buyer is indicated, as well as what concerns the car being sold.

The buyer and seller indicate their full name and passport details. Information about the car should be the following: car make and model, VIN code, year of manufacture, engine number, chassis and body number plus color. After which dates and signatures are added. Subsequently, registration of the car in the traffic police according to the new rules is carried out precisely on the basis of this document.

What's next?

The buyer then gives the seller money for the car. And after that, the registration of the car with the traffic police begins. According to the new rules, it is carried out without the presence of the seller. The buyer needs to take the purchase and sale agreement, and his own civil one, and go to the MREO. This is where the registration of the car takes place. According to the new rules, the traffic police is also re-registering the PTS. The new owner is indicated there - that is, the buyer. And after all the changes are made, the person will be considered the official owner of the car.

It doesn't sound as complicated as many thought. However, before all this comes true, you will also need to obtain an insurance policy. Be sure to do this. Registration of a car at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate according to the new rules can only be carried out after presentation of the insurance policy. And if before it was optional, now there is no way to do without it.

How is a compulsory motor liability insurance policy issued?

This is also a very important topic. Registration of a car according to the new rules is impossible without a policy, so you should talk in detail about how this process is carried out.

To obtain insurance, you will need to come to the appropriate service (of which there are several in each city) and provide your driver’s license and diagnostic card. You can also bring a certificate of form No. 4 (if the driver is applying for discounts for driving without losses). There can be several driving licenses - if a person plans to buy limited insurance (that is, only those people whose names are included in the policy will be able to drive).

After this, the person writes an application for concluding an MTPL agreement. It is important to provide reliable data - everything regarding your experience and machine power. Some, in order to save money, write that the car has less power and that their driving experience exceeds the actual one. If the truth suddenly comes to light, the contract will be terminated, and you will also have to pay a fine.

How is the cost calculated?

Many people know firsthand that an MTPL policy is not a cheap thing. Well, it is so, but you shouldn’t be surprised, because it’s insurance. And besides, you definitely need to buy it, this is stated in the procedure for registering a car according to the new rules.

The most expensive insurance in Chelyabinsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Surgut and some other large cities. It is interesting that in Chelyabinsk compulsory motor liability insurance costs much more than in the capital of Russia. So, for example, a policy issued for an unlimited number of people and a car with a power of more than 151 hp. s., will cost more than 57 thousand rubles. For 10 months, with a zero bonus-malus coefficient, and if the person has no driving experience, plus his age is less than 22 years. In Moscow, the same policy with similar conditions will cost 54 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg the price will be 49,000 rubles.

But in Crimea, for example, the same policy will cost only 16,400 rubles! It is believed that insurance is the cheapest on the peninsula. The same prices are in the Chechen Republic, as well as in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Kalmykia, Ingushetia, the Republic of Tyva, Khakassia - in these and many other regions, prices for compulsory motor insurance are low.

Important nuances

It is worth clarifying a few points that relate to such a topic as the procedure for registering the purchase and sale of a car according to the new rules. As already mentioned, the buyer and seller say goodbye at the first stage. After the money is transferred, the new owner takes care of the remaining issues himself.

However, it is better to do it a little differently. For the sake of his own confidence, the buyer should ask the seller to pay after registering the car. Few agree to this - and it is logical. The buyer has suspicions that the seller will deceive him, and the seller has a similar situation. Therefore, you can compromise - do the registration together or agree on an advance payment.

The seller's deception often consists in the fact that his car has been seized. And he, naturally, kept silent about it. This is clarified during registration at the traffic police, after which the car is sent to a fine parking lot. The buyer is left without money, which he gave in confidence to the seller, and without a car. Therefore, it is better to find out the VIN code of the car in advance and check whether it is “clean”.

The seller should check whether the new owner has re-registered the car in his name. Because if he doesn’t do this, then all fines and taxes will continue to be transferred to the previous owner. And the blame for the accident, if it happens, will fall on him. In general, no one needs problems, so it’s worth agreeing on some mutually beneficial compromise. And then registration of the car at the traffic police will go smoothly.

If the car is deregistered

It happens that a person buys a car second-hand, and it is not registered with the traffic police. What should you do then? The procedure for registering a car with the traffic police according to the new rules in this case begins (again) with obtaining insurance. After the policy is purchased, the person is sent to the traffic police. There he presents his passport, driver's license, purchase and sale agreement, title, insurance, transit numbers (if any), a receipt indicating payment of the state duty, and an application for registration of the car. In this document, the MREO employee who inspected the car puts the appropriate stamp. It is also necessary to present a cargo customs declaration (in cases where the car was exported from abroad).

The inspector checks the presented papers, checks the engine number with the information stated in the PTS, and issues a license plate to the new owner.

The procedure for registering the purchase and sale of a car under the new rules states that you must register the car in your name within ten days after signing the contract. It’s better to hurry - you need to buy a policy, pass a technical inspection, and get a diagnostic card. In general, there is a lot to do.


How much you will have to pay for insurance was mentioned above. But what about how much money should be paid for the services of the traffic police? Today the state duty is 2850 rubles. It's not that much. This amount includes the service for the production and subsequent issuance of a registration certificate. It costs 500 rubles. The price also includes license plate fees. 2000 rubles. But! If the person and the previous owner did not want to rent the rooms, then the cost of the state duty is automatically reduced to 850 rubles. A person pays the last 350 rubles for registration of a PTS.

In general, if you want to save money, then you should persuade the seller to say goodbye to both the car and the license plates. The procedure for registering a car with the traffic police allows this.

Why are transit numbers needed?

So, if a person deregistered a car and he is confident that he will be able to sell it within five days, then there is no need. And for a buyer who planned to transport the purchased car to another region, it is better to receive them. They will remain valid for twenty days. The procedure for registering the purchase and sale of a car with the traffic police according to the new rules states that if during this period a person fails to register the car, then he will have to get new license plates. And, of course, pay for them and stand in line. So it’s better to be prompt - this will help you save quite a lot of money.

What you need to know about a duplicate PTS

This document is the main one for any car. Should its duplicate be a concern? In principle, there is nothing particularly scary about it. The original may have been lost or simply worn out. In such cases, a duplicate is issued. It is important here not to run into scammers who usually issue a title for a car that has been stolen or that is bank collateral. The consequences of such fraud are, naturally, disastrous. As a result, the gullible buyer will be left without money and a car. Therefore, you first need to check whether the car is stolen or pawned.
