Slightly orange tint sunset red. Why is the sky blue and the sunset red? Why are the clouds white

The color revolutions that swept through a number of former republics of the USSR are now ending with a predictable outcome - the former leaders are being wiped out of the political picture. The latest example is Georgia, where power is changing. What kind of process are we observing - an orange sunset or just a change of court artists?

Damaged showcase
Konstantin ZATULIN,
Director of the Institute of CIS Countries:

This is wonderful.

"What exactly?" - the reader will ask.

“Youth, Georgia and freedom,” I will answer, having temporarily lost my memory under the impression of the opposition’s victory in the parliamentary elections in the “country of the first Europeans.”
I am not exaggerating at all and am serious, asserting that I sincerely envy M. Ganapolsky and KO, who managed to sing “the wonderful property of Georgian citizens - the ability not only to dream of happiness, but also to build it, fearing nothing.” I was unable to keep the mind of a six-year-old child so intact.

However, the point here is rather different: just as Carthage must be destroyed, so everything in the sublunary world, including the elections in Georgia, is a reason to castigate the “hated Putin regime.” Saakashvili won - a fig under Putin's nose, the triumph of a great reformer who is not afraid of Russia. Lost - we need to learn from Georgia, “where the leader of the ruling party admits defeat, declares that he will help elect a speaker, and goes over to the opposition, being the current president.” This is what M. Ganapolsky writes in the article “Georgian Happiness”. (“MK”, 3.10.12).

It is an undignified technique to try to open Romeo’s eyes to Juliet’s imperfections, as well as to confuse the lover’s faith that the object of his passion will go into opposition while remaining the current president. In fact, as a result of the elections in Georgia, dual power is emerging, i.e. an equation, both sides of which tend to destroy it. This is not a result, but a prologue, and what happens after the elections - hints of impeachment and a complete change of persons in power, immediately withdrawn by their author B. Ivanishvili - once again confirms this.
The truth is that Saakashvili wanted something completely different. But the fact that he is not the hero of a novel for most Georgians has been known at least since 2007, when in one day he dispersed the opposition from the streets twice, introducing the townspeople to high-quality imported tear gas, and laid employees of the Imedi television company face down on the floor live on air. . About August
I’m not talking about 2008: just think, how long in a truly free country would a politician who committed such a failure as Saakashvili remain the first person?

The West did not allow Georgia to overthrow him, so as not to jeopardize the showcase created with its own money, but the search for a new messiah began. Saakashvili's closest associates, among whom I would like to highlight V. Merabishvili, understood this perfectly. I think they appreciated that the West, as the main shareholder of Republic of Georgia LLC, did not support either the option of an indefinite presidency or the castling of Saakashvili as prime minister. It is no coincidence that a scandal erupted around the elections exposing torture in prisons; As a result, ministers personally loyal to Saakashvili resigned, and the long-time owner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Merabishvili, remained on the sidelines. Today's ostentatious humility of Saakashvili is a good face against a bad game. The retinue plays not the king, but the Moor who must leave.

All this has little to do with the prospects for Russian-Georgian relations. They cannot be worse than they are. We can predict: we are on the verge of their normalization. Formally - the return of ambassadors, the resumption of flights, etc. There is no doubt that Borjomi and Khvanchkara want to return to us. But were we really allies with Georgia when we flew to each other non-stop, and the ambassadors stroked their pride at high-society parties near Borjomi and Khvanchkara?

Alas. The rut to the West, dug over the past years, is too deep to get out of. Georgian politicians are not able to abandon the myth of “one and indivisible”, like we in Russia or like de Gaulle once did in France. The cards are dealt and the game continues.

How should we change?
Russian Institute for Strategic Studies:

There is a new parliament in Georgia. In Ukraine there are elections of deputies to the Verkhovna Rada at the end of October, the outcome of which is difficult to predict. There is unrest in Kyrgyzstan - again there is a rebellion in the capital, not everything is clear who is behind this and what to do. There are new elections ahead in the CIS - and new guaranteed disappointed expectations for those in Russia who, after every major event in the near abroad, hope that now relations with Moscow will go as they should. This is unrealistic. It is enough to listen to the leader of the Georgian Dream, who won the parliamentary elections, B. Ivanishvili: the main vector is the United States, and Georgia, as before, is aiming at NATO and the EU.

It is useful to look at the situation through the eyes of a politician in any post-Soviet state. After the agreements on the collapse of the USSR in Viskuli, which immediately collapsed the economy, finances and social protection of the Soviet republics and, as it turned out, placed on them a heavy burden of sovereignty, how can such a politician look at Russia - the leader in the apocalyptic Belovezhskaya troika?

The divorce in the USSR was very cruel; in the 90s, the most optimistic CIS summits left a dry residue: survive, dear former brothers, as best you can. “Big Brother” has turned into a rather tough and stingy partner, although maintaining and developing relations with the CIS countries was declared a priority area. In such a situation, how can one not accept and welcome the help or support of America, China, European countries, Turkey, how can one not create a good climate for them to promote their interests? Sovereign independent states have the right to freely do what they see fit, including through military cooperation. I do not like? Where did it all come from?

Today's post-Soviet space is a complex interweaving of realities. These are completely different states and societies than 20 years ago. Here, much more energetically than in Russia itself, they are building a national identity, the struggle for survival continues (the successful ones multiply their assets), the CIS countries are open to the world, globalizing, the West (USA, Europe) and East (China) are fighting for influence in this part of Eurasia, in elites have developed pro-American, pro-European, etc. groups.

Russia? One of the players in the geopolitical space of the CIS. A large, sometimes major trading partner employs millions of guest workers who feed millions of families. Special relationship in politics, human and cultural ties with Russia are mainly the lot of people of the older and middle generations; young people often do not know the Russian language - it is not taught in all schools.

For many in the CIS, Russia is not very attractive, but they have to deal with it - it is close, it is rich, it is easier to make money in Russia than anywhere else. But in order for the attitude towards Russia to change, Russia itself must change. The image of the older brother is in the past. Maybe take as a basis the image of an older sister - smart, fair, kind and at the same time demanding?

Lessons Learned
Georgy TsAGOLOV,
Doctor of Economic Sciences:

Good neighborliness can quickly be ruined and much more difficult to establish. Under Saakashvili, anti-Russian sentiments were planted among Georgians and they took root. The victory of the Georgian Dream does not foretell imminent radical changes. The stumbling block is the independent states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Accusing Saakashvili of starting a war with Russia in 2008, Ivanishvili does not remove the task of “restoring the territorial integrity of Georgia.”

Saakashvili carried out constitutional changes with the aim of taking the main post of prime minister in 2013 after the presidential elections, but fell into a trap. Many in Georgia are tired of his ten-year rule with a lot of twists and failures. And not only in Georgia. And then there are the facts of bullying in prisons! The West has come to the conclusion: Saakashvili is not the right partner.

Having won, Ivanishvili announced that he would make his first foreign visit to the United States, and would maintain his course towards integration with the EU and NATO. True, at the same time he spoke about the need to improve relations with Russia and expand trade, economic and cultural ties.

But this won’t be easy either. Ivanishvili’s opponents in Saakashvili’s team never cease to present him as a “tool of the Kremlin.” There are rumors in the Georgian media that he made his 6.4 billion dollars in Russia with the support of the top “hostile power”. In reality, Ivanishili had no contacts with Putin and Medvedev. Ten years ago he moved to Georgia, and recently he sold off almost all of his Russian property, transferring the money to European and American banks for management. It is also a fact that in the Georgian Dream coalition there are forces that even advocate a tougher course towards Moscow.

This is mistake. Georgia needs immeasurably more than Russia to improve our ties. It's funny to compare our potentials. Over one hundred thousand Georgian citizens live in Russia, they help needy families (in Georgia, unemployment, according to official data, is over 16 percent, and in reality it is even higher). Any polls show: the majority of Georgians are in favor of normalizing relations with Russia.

Ivanishvili is a supporter of liberalism and adheres to a Western orientation. Unlike Saakashvili, who tried to turn Georgia into a Caucasian Singapore, he wants to build something like Belgium or Denmark.

And yet there is a tendency towards erosion of the ice layers of tension. While maintaining dignity, Russia should not artificially slow down the process, but it should not rush either.

As for Abkhazia and South Ossetia, we must talk not only about the territories “lost” by Georgia, but also about the fate of the peoples - Ossetians, Abkhazians, about the oppression and humiliation they went through, even about more serious crimes. This is not easy to forgive! Georgia must first comprehend history itself, learn lessons, and not blame its northern neighbor for the “occupation.” Let the Abkhazians and Ossetians decide their fate and who they should be with.

Orange, orange kitten
I went outside for a walk.
Orange, orange kitten
So he wants to know the world as soon as possible.

There's an orange sun outside
Greets him with a gentle beam.
Orange kitten butterfly
Greetings with an orange wing.

Suddenly in front of him is a huge red dog
Baring his teeth he appears menacingly.
The orange kitten wrinkled his nose
And he gives the dog his paw with a smile.

And the dog, amazed, sat on his tail,
I turned completely orange out of shame.
And yapping: “Be a friend, red cat.
Let's not...

Orange sea buckthorn bush
Reminded me of a time long ago
When we're in orange glare
Orange sang about the main thing.

In the orange sky everywhere
Orange moms and dads
They sang orange to the camel,
In the orange light for the guys.

In the snow for us in early spring
Orange sea buckthorn bush
It burns and beckons with dreams
On a clear, quiet March day.

Orange juice with flavor
Spring color on white,
In beautiful beads parade
Nature has invested skillfully.

We drink the coldness of the generous summer
And the autumns are ripe...

Sunsets don't show horror
They are the heirs of all our inspirations.
Sunsets are ending long haul,
Multiplying the wisdom of all eclipses.
In the sunset you can see the whole result of passions,
Which essentially never happened.
The sunset will spend this day calmly,
Will quietly cover the dark ones with a blanket.

And each of us is drawn to the sunset
That wondrous power of satisfaction,
That the day will end with a whirlpool,
Doesn't cause any grief.

The sunset over the Don has fallen again
And I was filled with beauty here...
He paints his own picture,
A wondrous dawn in the sky...
Reflection in the Don
As it used to be in the old days...
The sunset lit up so hard
It's as if the earth was on fire
The fire rose to the skies
The sky is clouded with smoke
And it became warm on the Don...
Silence, beauty and grace
Water is like a mirror again...
Enhances the beauty of nature
And wonderful sunsets, vaults...
That's how strong nature is in the world
He writes like an artist in a painting...
That everyone will admire her

My sun has set
The faithful horse is tired;
And from the face of fate the path
It won't erase your palm.

And there are old wounds in the heart
You couldn't bear it:
My sun has set
The boots are worn out.

And in the morning, red morning
Don't go to the meadows with you.
My sun has set
The head became white.

The sad thing has become white,
The soul became white.
And on a white, white cloud
I'm swimming away slowly.

Tender gusts of sunset
the surf roars playfully at your feet
the wind will touch my hair
and with a vulnerable soul I step into the abyss of my dreams
wandering along the shore dreaming
and again the inexorable wave whispers gentle gusts
about the caresses of your playful lips.
And the secret body odor is washed away wave after wave.
The surf is still roaring playfully,
the sunset was replaced by the moon.
And the body inexorably awaits those caresses that were in the morning.
And the hands that caressed you...

Tender gusts of sunset
the surf roars playfully at your feet
the wind will touch my hair

Good day, dear readers of my review.
I decided to write about the village (village, that’s what it’s called now), where I spent my barefoot childhood.
Borisovo. About 10 km from the city of Mozhaisk towards the city of Vereya.
An excellent place for summer residents and gardeners.
The village is located on a mountain, with a river flowing below.

River "Protva".
Once upon a time, about 20 years ago, it was wide, but now it has shrunk.
But people still swim here in the summer.

But there are practically no fish, only small perches.

IN post-war years there was a dam at this place, the volume of water was much greater.

The morning sun smiles at us in the mirror of the river.

The river bank is a favorite place for young people; here you can often smell the aroma of freshly cooked kebab.

But I prefer the aroma of bird cherry, which grows near the river.

I have memories of my youth associated with these flowers, nostalgia rolls in, although, in general, I am not particularly sentimental.

"The world is mysterious, my ancient world
You, like the wind, calmed down and sat down.
They squeezed the village by the neck
Stone hands of the highway!"
The bridge over the river is powerful. Concrete.

The magnificent views of our Russian nature make us think about many things...

The river bank is a great place to relax for visitors of any age.

Huge and powerful trees grow on the mountains of the village.

The roads between the mountains are really a problem, but it’s like everywhere else in Russia.
I'm no longer surprised by anything.

The road leads to the church.

On the distant hill there is a monument to soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

Blessed memory to them.

The church is very beautiful, this is the merit of our priest.

Raising it from scratch is a HUGE achievement.
The patrons of our village are Saints Boris and Gleb.

I’ll write a separate review about it, just a few photos for now, I don’t want to deviate from the main topic.
There is only one RP for the entire village.
Electricians (like me) will understand.

However, we also have a pond.
A good pond: where they catch you, there is a rod...)

Muddy bottom, fish can be caught here.

In the evening I really like to walk along the shore.
But in any village you have to not only relax, but also “work hard”:

Then to feed and feed the family all year round.

“Oh, collective farm labor is hard...” as Yuri Khoy, the lead singer of one of my favorite musical groups, sang.
Many of our neighbors decorate their gardens with these miniature animal figures.
Badgers, bears, etc.

And owls.

Which are sold at your local store.
Our garden is strewn with gorgeous flowers.

Especially tulips.

You can write about our region for a very long time, but I will limit myself to brief words.

Ladies and gentlemen, come to Borisovo and see our nature.
Take a walk in the morning dew.
Take a deep breath of our clean air.
I have no doubt you will really like it.
Thank you for your attention to my humble review.
All the best to you.

One of distinctive features human being is curiosity. Probably everyone, as a child, looked at the sky and wondered: “why is the sky blue?” As it turns out, answers to such seemingly simple questions require some knowledge base in the field of physics, and therefore not every parent will be able to correctly explain to their child the reason for this phenomenon.

Let's consider this issue from a scientific point of view.

The wavelength range of electromagnetic radiation covers almost the entire spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, which also includes radiation visible to humans. The image below shows the dependence of the intensity of solar radiation on the wavelength of this radiation.

Analyzing this image, we can note the fact that visible radiation is also represented by uneven intensity for radiation of different wavelengths. Thus, the violet color makes a relatively small contribution to visible radiation, and the largest contribution is made by blue and green colors.

Why the sky is blue?

First of all, this question is prompted by the fact that air is a colorless gas and should not emit blue light. Obviously, the cause of such radiation is our star.

As you know, white light is actually a combination of radiation from all the colors of the visible spectrum. Using a prism, light can be clearly separated into a full range of colors. A similar effect occurs in the sky after rain and forms a rainbow. When does sunlight hit earth's atmosphere, it begins to dissipate, i.e. the radiation changes its direction. However, the peculiarity of the composition of air is such that when light enters it, radiation with a short wavelength is scattered more strongly than long-wave radiation. Thus, taking into account the spectrum depicted earlier, you can see that red and orange light will practically not change their trajectory when passing through the air, while violet and blue radiation will noticeably change their direction. For this reason, a certain “wandering” short-wave light appears in the air, which is constantly scattered in this environment. As a result of the described phenomenon, short-wave radiation in the visible spectrum (violet, cyan, blue) appears to be emitted from every point in the sky.

The well-known fact of radiation perception is that the human eye can catch, see, radiation only if it directly enters the eye. Then, looking at the sky, you will most likely see shades of that visible radiation, the wavelength of which is the shortest, since it is this that is best scattered in the air.

Why don’t you see a clearly red color when looking at the Sun? Firstly, it is unlikely that a person will be able to carefully examine the Sun, since intense radiation can damage the visual organ. Secondly, despite the existence of such a phenomenon as the scattering of light in the air, most of the light emitted by the Sun reaches the surface of the Earth without being scattered. Therefore, all the colors of the visible spectrum of radiation are combined, forming light with a more pronounced white color.

Let's return to light scattered by air, the color of which, as we have already determined, should have the shortest wavelength. Of visible radiation, violet has the shortest wavelength, followed by blue, and blue has a slightly longer wavelength. Taking into account the uneven intensity of solar radiation, it becomes clear that the contribution purple meager. Therefore, the largest contribution to the radiation scattered by air comes from blue, followed by blue.

Why is the sunset red?

In the case when the Sun hides behind the horizon, we can observe the same long-wave radiation of red-orange color. In this case, light from the Sun must travel a noticeably greater distance in the Earth's atmosphere before reaching the observer's eye. At the point where the sun's radiation begins to interact with the atmosphere, the colors blue and blue are most pronounced. However, with distance, short-wave radiation loses its intensity, as it is significantly scattered along the way. While long-wave radiation does an excellent job of covering such long distances. That's why the Sun is red at sunset.

As mentioned earlier, although long-wave radiation is weakly scattered in the air, scattering still takes place. Therefore, being on the horizon, the Sun emits light, from which only radiation of red-orange shades reaches the observer, which has some time to dissipate in the atmosphere, forming the previously mentioned “wandering” light. The latter colors the sky in variegated shades of red and orange.

Why are the clouds white?

Speaking of clouds, we know that they consist of microscopic droplets of liquid that scatter visible light almost uniformly, regardless of the wavelength of the radiation. Then the scattered light, directed in all directions from the droplet, is scattered again on other droplets. In this case, the combination of radiation of all wavelengths is preserved, and the clouds “glow” (reflect) in white.

If the weather is cloudy, then little solar radiation reaches the Earth's surface. In the case of large clouds, or their big amount, some of the sunlight is absorbed, causing the sky to dim and take on a gray color.
