Key word: “undertake.” Take action Measures taken or taken

On September 15, during a meeting in the Kremlin between Dmitry Medvedev and representatives of the business community, the president said the following:

We will take measures to protect the property of our business abroad. In general, protection of interests Russian business, not only within the country, but also abroad, is one of the priorities of the state.

Here Dmitry Medvedev made (and not for the first time!) a common mistake. According to the norms of the Russian language, of course, we must say “take” and not “take measures.” Still, they are making efforts. And yet many, especially in spontaneous speech, confuse these verbs.

“Apparently, we need to start with dictionaries,” comments the deputy director of the Institute of Russian Language named after V.V. Vinogradov Leonid Krysin. - According to dictionaries, “undertake” and “accept” are distinguished as follows. “To undertake” is to start doing something, to begin something: to undertake new research, so that we can do this? Here are some examples. And “accept” has many meanings for this verb, and in one of the meanings it means to commit, implement, make a decision (that is, decide), take part (that is, participate), take an oath (to swear) and take action. Please note that in the latter case, no verb can be substituted for the phrase. Perhaps this is why this mistake is often made - “take action” instead of “take action”. Of course, “undertake” and “accept” cannot be interchanged. You can’t say “accept new research” instead of “undertake” and, conversely, you can’t say “take part.”

- I think they are often mistaken because they are similar in appearance.

Yes, they are similar. But, in general, if we talk about this a little more generally, we must talk about such a property of language as selectivity, selectivity in the combination of words. She is very capricious and whimsical. We say “to provide assistance”, “to make an attack” or “to make a mistake”, but we cannot say “to provide an attack”, or “to provide a mistake”, or “to make a mistake”.

- This is what is called a stable phrase.

Yes. Linguists also call this idiomaticity, that is, the originality of such a combination - “to feel shame”, but “to have hope”, “to carry out an inspection”, but “to hold a meeting” and so on. All these verbs are somehow very selective, although they actually mean the same thing. They are almost empty in terms of meaning.

Yes, to understand to what extent, let us remember that in the Russian language there are verbs that are not empty - for example, chop. It is clear that this is a very specific action.

Well, yes, chop. A whole series of verbs derived from nouns - “help”, “influence”, “resist” (instead of “resist”) cannot be called empty. But these “perform”, “provide”, “carry out”, “produce”, of course, mean almost nothing. They seem to be pronouncing a noun.

If it is useless to appeal to the meaning here, because you said that many of these verbs mean almost the same thing, and all together mean little at all, therefore, the only recommendation for those who want to speak competently is to remember how to speak correctly ?

A native speaker does not remember this, he seems to absorb it as he masters his native language, just as he gets used to hearing from childhood. And during this process he learns to combine words correctly. As soon as an error occurs, the speaker notices it. Not being a linguist at all, he understands that it is impossible to say that.

This is if the language environment in which the child grows up is of high quality. And if he hears the head of state on TV saying “take action”...

Yes. This error is very common. Often many people simply don’t notice it.

A subtle expert on the Russian language, Nora Gal, in her extremely insightful book “Poetry of Translation,” advised, if possible, to avoid those very empty words that Leonid Krysin spoke about. And in fact, it sounds much more natural to “punish” rather than “to impose penalties”; “help”, not “provide assistance”. The above does not apply to the idiomatic expression “take action.” Here, if you want your speech to not have a hint of officialdom, formality, you need not to look for another word, but to reinterpret the entire sentence.

Total found: 15

Hello. In the sentence *We don't/have enough information to do anything.* is the particle "NOT" written separately or together with the word "enough"? Or can it be written this way or that, depending on what they want to convey? (Personally, it seems to me that it is separate, since here “enough” is an adverb as a predicate, but I’m not sure.)

In this case, the merged spelling is correct.

Question No. 293225

Question about commas. Is it needed in the area of ​​parentheses: “but he couldn’t stand it any longer, he had to do something ()and immediately”? If necessary, then why?

Russian help desk response

Word immediately acts as a connecting member of the sentence, therefore it is isolated: N Oh, he couldn't stand it any longer, he had to do something, and immediately.

Question No. 270062
At the Russian Language Day, they gave out a reminder magnet: Measures taken, not taken.
I wonder what
Large explanatory dictionary
UNDERTAKE, -I will accept, -you will accept; undertook, -la, -lo; undertaken; undertaken; -nyat, -a, -o; St. What.
Start doing something. P. research, journal publication. Immediately take steps towards reconciliation. //
Do, implement, accomplish. P. decisive measures. P. travel. Urgently make one more try. What should we do to solve the problem?< Предпринимать, -аю, -аешь; нсв. Предприниматься, -ается; страд.

Russian help desk response

Yes, interesting... Thanks for watching!

Question No. 254525
Good afternoon
Which option is correct: take or take precautions?
Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Right: take precautions.

Question No. 247277
Hello, please tell me how to say correctly: take action or take action. Or are both options correct? (It seems to me that only some action can be taken.) Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Right: take action.

Question No. 244794
How to form a noun from the verb "undertake"?

Russian help desk response

For example, company.

Question No. 244709
Please tell me how to speak and write correctly:
“corrective actions taken” or “corrective actions implemented”?
In my opinion, measures may be “taken.” What about “action/s”?

Russian help desk response

Actions can be taken undertake.

Question No. 241407
Hello, I have a question related to the question. What sign should I put at the end of the following sentence: “The problem requires immediate action, but what to do first (./?)”? Or would it be more correct to break it into two simple sentences, affirmative and interrogative. Best regards, graticule+

Russian help desk response

Correctly with a question mark ( the last part compound sentence contains a question).

Question No. 225323
Hello. Tell me, please, is it possible to TAKE measures? Or just ACCEPT? Need it urgently! Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Stable combination: _take action_.
Question No. 215371
Good afternoon Tell me what is correct: will I take action? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Use the Word Check window by typing _take_.
Question No. 204337
“For the first time, in many years of undivided rule, in that terrible hour he himself wanted to submit to someone strong, smart, who knew what to do. But all the strong and smart were destroyed, and now he sat scared to death among the terrified.” Did I put the commas correctly? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Correct: _For the first time in many years of undivided rule, in that terrible hour he himself wanted to submit to someone strong, intelligent, who knew what to do._ The second sentence is correct.
Question No. 203498
Is a comma needed in parentheses? Not knowing what to do, he clutched his head in despair.

Russian help desk response

Question No. 202538
Are the punctuation marks correct? Still, you see, a cloud will float by, unlike the other, or the sun will suddenly sparkle with rays. A strong wind, cold and sharp, blew from the sea. Kutuzov and the Austrian general were talking quietly about something, and Kutuzov smiled. I liked her more and more, and she seemed to like me too. Where will you gallop, proud horse, and where will you land your hooves? He drew everything that was around, and what no one had ever seen: planes that looked like huge arrows, and ships that looked like airplanes. Are there any errors? The sun was hiding behind the clouds, the trees and air were gloomy, as if before rain, but despite this, it was hot and stuffy. Red from the feeling of awkwardness that he experienced every time he was praised, Grigory stood up and, confused, left. Not knowing what to do, he clutched his head in despair. Rumors spread around the farm that grain was being collected to be sent abroad, and that there would be no sowing this year. A low, ominous growl, like distant thunder, burst from his chest.

Russian help desk response

Unfortunately, we are not able to answer such a voluminous question.
Question No. 201594
Insolvent in the meaning of “deprived of the opportunity to do anything, powerless to do anything” can control prepositions? For example, it is unsuitable for preparing disciples. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Correct: _he is incompetent in preparing disciples_.

We constantly hear, for example, “take action” or “raise a toast” and don’t even think about the fact that saying that is wrong.

"It doesn't matter"

Violation of lexical compatibility of words is a very common mistake. We constantly hear, for example, “take action” or “raise a toast” and don’t even think about the fact that saying that is wrong.

As a rule, this error is caused by the fact that we mix combinations that are similar in meaning. For example, the combinations “take action” and “take steps” result in the erroneous “take action.” “Play a role” and “have a meaning” - “play a meaning.”

It would seem that what the problem is, because we understand what is being said. However, the language has its own norms and laws that must be observed in order to remain literate people and preserve the “great mighty Russian language” for future generations. So let's remember:

Take action - take steps, take action

Play a role - play a role, matter

Doesn't matter - doesn't matter, doesn't matter

Give support - provide support

Raise a toast - make a toast, raise a glass to...

To win - to win, to win the championship

To be in the spotlight - to be in sight, to be the center of attention

Rapidly creeps up/down - rapidly rises/falls

Pay a fine - pay, pay a fine

Cheap prices - low prices

Increase production output - increase production output

Improve the level (for example, welfare) - increase the level (welfare)

Economic growth - growth of economic indicators

Gain respect - earn respect

Show concern - show concern. published

TAKE ACTION. Consistently carry out any appropriate actions to achieve something. If in the very justice of the Little Russians a villainous intent is revealed, then of course you would like to take measures(Derzhavin. Correspondence). . He tried to show his zeal and found ways to take measures for the endless destruction of this evil(Derzhavin. Day note).

Russian phraseological dictionary literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Take action” is in other dictionaries:

    take action- take measures (outdated) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Synonym dictionary

    Take/take action- Razg. Take what steps. actions to achieve something. F 2, 91. /i> Tracing paper from French. Prendre des mesures. BMS 1998, 372 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    Accept Dictionary Ushakova

    Accept- I will accept, you will accept, past. accepted, accepted, accepted; accepted, owl (to accept) 1. someone or something. To take, to receive from the one who gives. “Maria Ivanovna accepted the letter with a trembling hand.” Pushkin. Accept the gift. Accept the parcel. || Take, grab... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    ACCEPT- I will accept, you will accept, past. accepted, accepted, accepted; accepted, owl (to accept) 1. someone or something. To take, to receive from the one who gives. “Maria Ivanovna accepted the letter with a trembling hand.” Pushkin. Accept the gift. Accept the parcel. || Take, grab... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Accept- I will accept, you will accept, past. accepted, accepted, accepted; accepted, owl (to accept) 1. someone or something. To take, to receive from the one who gives. “Maria Ivanovna accepted the letter with a trembling hand.” Pushkin. Accept the gift. Accept the parcel. || Take, grab... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Accept- I will accept, you will accept, past. accepted, accepted, accepted; accepted, owl (to accept) 1. someone or something. To take, to receive from the one who gives. “Maria Ivanovna accepted the letter with a trembling hand.” Pushkin. Accept the gift. Accept the parcel. || Take, grab... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Accept- I will accept, you will accept, past. accepted, accepted, accepted; accepted, owl (to accept) 1. someone or something. To take, to receive from the one who gives. “Maria Ivanovna accepted the letter with a trembling hand.” Pushkin. Accept the gift. Accept the parcel. || Take, grab... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Measures taken by officials of state control (supervision) bodies in response to violations identified during control activities- when violations are identified as a result of control measures legal entity or an individual entrepreneur of mandatory requirements, officials of state control (supervision) bodies within the powers,... ... Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book for enterprise managers

    accept- report to take action, recipient law to accept implementation, agreement to measure to accept implementation proposal to accept implementation, agreement invitation to take action, recipient, implementation, agreement to take active part action... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

The title of this article uses a simple play on words based on the consonance of verbs undertake/undertake And accept/accept. This technique is very popular: you can find it, for example, in the titles of numerous Internet forums on medical topics ( "What accept or undertake) or the text of a standard postcard addressed to “dear entrepreneur”: “Today is your holiday, and you haven’t done anything yet.” we can do something accepted. And we undertook! So accept We sincerely wish you prosperity, good mood and strong health, like alcohol!”(

In such cases, the consonance of the verbs of interest to us is played out first, but since this consonance is based on their etymological connection, the meanings of the words are also included in the game.

For the verb accept, the four-volume “Dictionary of the Russian Language” (the so-called Small Academic Dictionary, or MAS; M., 1957-1984) gives eighteen meanings, and the “Comprehensive Normative Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language” (St. Petersburg, 2011) expands their number to twenty one (including the typical colloquial meaning of “drink alcohol”). List of word meanings undertake-undertake much more modestly: “To start, to decide to carry out some new task, to begin to accomplish something significant. We are undertaking the establishment of steamship communication, we are planning, intending or want to arrange” (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl); “To begin to implement something, to decide to carry out something.” (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by D.N. Ushakov, 1939); “To begin to do something, to begin to do something.” (“Dictionary of the modern Russian literary language” in 17 volumes, hereinafter referred to as BAS); “Start doing something.” || Do, implement, commit” (MAS).

The MAS also provides an extensive list of stable combinations with the verb accept: accept a fight (or battle, blow) - do not shy away from a fight that arose on the initiative of the enemy; take measures - implement measures; make it a rule- make it a rule, etc.

And everything, it would seem, is quite clear. True, it is not very easy to discover which of the given dictionary meanings of the word accept corresponds to the verb in combination take measures. However, in the description given by the IAS, this may have a value of 9: “With some nouns it forms combinations with the meaning of a particular action depending on the meaning of the noun. Make a decision (decide). Accept death (die). Take the exam (take the exam)”; in the “Complex Dictionary” - meaning 13: “To accomplish, to carry out what is expressed by a noun. Decide. Accept death. Take part in the discussion. Take the oath. Take necessary measures».

In other words, the verb to accept as part of certain combinations can be used in the meaning of “carry out, complete” - that is, in the meaning that by the middle of the 20th century the verb to undertake also acquired, which previously denoted only an intended or barely begun action.

Again, nothing strange. This is a common property of paronyms - similar in sound and spelling words of the same part of speech, which can sometimes have partially coinciding meanings ( colorful - flowery; guilty - guilty - guilty and so on.).

Many experts in orthology (the science of speech culture, that is, of the language norm and deviations from it) insist that turnover is a serious speech error - a violation of lexical compatibility.

Thus, in the manual, which has undergone many reprints, D.E. Rosenthal, I.B. Golub and M.A. Telenkova “Modern Russian Language” notes: “In speech there are cases of contamination of the components of phraseological combinations: plays a role - has a role(instead of matters - plays a role), take action- take steps(instead of take action- to take steps)". Consecrated in the name of Rosenthal, an example of expression contamination take action - take steps (actions, efforts etc.) was later included in numerous manuals and collections of exercises, signed with the names of other authors. For incorrect combination take action The orthological dictionary “Difficulties of modern use” by E.D. is also indicated. Golovina (Kirov, 2011), however, this source takes into account only one meaning of the verb to undertake (“to begin some kind of business”), therefore, citing newspaper articles ( What measures are still being taken? etc.), the author strictly indicates: “necessary - accepted.”

Marina Koroleva and Olga Severskaya dedicated the expression take - take measures two whole programs from the series “Speaking Russian” (radio “Echo of Moscow”), and in the article “About enterprises and events” Olga Severskaya substantiates in detail her conviction in the fallacy of this phrase: “Firstly, everyone knows the word event, and event so far can only be dreamed of nightmare about the fate of language. Secondly, earlier, as recorded by Ushakov’s dictionary, there was a phrase to take measures, and this, in turn, is a tracing paper from the French prendre les mesures (in English there is a corresponding expression to take measures). Thirdly, the meanings of the verbs to accept and undertake still differ from each other, which determines the possibility of the linguistic existence of the measures taken and attempts, steps, efforts made, but not vice versa. ‹…› Logic of expression contamination do something and take action is clear, but, in my opinion, flawed.”

L.P. Krysin, in an interview with Lilia Paveleva, also appeals to the meanings of the verbs undertake and accept: “Apparently, we need to start with dictionaries. According to the dictionaries, undertake and accept differ as follows. To undertake is to start doing something, to begin something: to undertake new research, so that we can do this? Here are some examples. And accept - this verb has many meanings, and one of the meanings is to commit, implement, make a decision (that is, decide), take part (that is, participate), take an oath (swear) and take action. Please note that in the latter case, no verb can be substituted for the phrase. Maybe this is why this mistake is often made - take action instead take action."

Let us recall that it was “starting with dictionaries” that we were convinced of the coincidence of one of the meanings of the verbs undertake and accept...

Dictionaries, of course, cannot be the only argument in this orthological dispute. Therefore, further L.P. Krysin notes that the expression take - take measures it is also incorrect for the reason that it violates the idiomatic nature of the combination take measures: “... It is necessary to say about such a property of language as selectivity, selectivity in the combination of words. She is very capricious and whimsical. We say “provide assistance,” “commit an attack,” or “make a mistake,” but we cannot say “provide an attack,” or “provide a mistake,” or “commit assistance.”
