Form of statistical reporting 1 technology. Legislative base of the Russian Federation

Statistical reporting is one way to centralize information about the activities of companies and entrepreneurs. Statistical form 1T is used to disclose and systematize information on wages and headcount. Consider what the 1-T form (statistics) is and a sample of filling out this document.

Form 1-T: who must take

Until recently, the provisions on statistical documentation were regulated by the order of Rosstat No. 379 of 08/02/2016. However, Form 1-T (statistics) was changed in 2017 - a new document came into force, approved by order of Rosstat No. from the type of activity carried out with the number of employees not more than 15 people who do not form a statistical report in the P-4 form. The exception is small businesses.

The report on the new form 1-T for the period of compilation belongs to the annual category. Accordingly, it is necessary to report to Rosstat no later than January 20 of the year following the end of the reporting period. Since this day falls on a Saturday in 2018, the deadline for submitting a report to statistics in form 1-T will be on January 22, 2018.

An important point is that it is necessary to report not only to the head unit of the company, but also to its branches, representative offices and separate divisions, if any.

The statistical form must be submitted to the territorial offices of Rosstat located at the location of the company as a whole or its branch.

There are several available ways to transfer the reporting document to an authorized authority. This can be done both during a personal visit, and using the services of mail or electronic reporting.

How to fill out Form 1-T "Information on the number and wages of employees"

The document in form 1-T consists of two tables. The first is used to reflect information about the reporting organization, while the second directly discloses data on the average number of employees, as well as actual payments in relation to both the company's employees and part-time workers.

Table 1 is intended to disclose the following data:

  1. Full company name;
  2. The postal address of the organization (or the actual location of the company);
  3. OKUD form code;
  4. OKPO code.

Table 2 contains the following columns:

  1. Name of types of economic activity carried out by the company;
  2. Line number;
  3. Code of the type of economic activity;
  4. The average number of employees, with the exception of part-time workers;
  5. Fund of accrued wages, general for a certain type of activity;
  6. Payroll fund for external part-time employees;
  7. Social benefits for company employees.

At the bottom of the document "Information on wages" there is information about the person responsible for the transfer of the statistical report to the bodies of Rosstat. In this case, it is necessary to reflect the following information about the citizen: position, full name, signature, telephone number and date of preparation of the document.

Many legal entities of all forms of ownership are required to report to Rosstat on the number and wages of their employees by January 21, 2019. This article provides a sample of filling out such a report in the form 1-T.

Statistical form 1-T “Information on the number and wages of employees” was approved by Order of Rosstat dated 08/06/2018 N 485. Legal entities of all forms of ownership, with the exception of small enterprises, must submit this report, provided that they are included in the sample for this reporting period.

Who must submit a report in form 1-T and within what time frame

Officials have determined that only small businesses are exempted from the need to submit this statistical report. All other organizations must report to the statistics.

Any organization has the opportunity to independently check whether it needs to submit this report. You can do this on the official website of Rosstat (please note that the previous website address does not work, following our link you will be taken to the current page). To do this, you must enter OKPO, TIN or OGRN of the organization. If you still need to hand over, then you should be in time with this before January 21, 2019. After this date, the statistical authorities will begin to apply penalties to latecomers.

Separately, it should be noted that if the organization has separate divisions (branches), then the 1-T report is filled out and submitted both separately for each of these divisions, and for the entire organization as a whole. It is important to understand that in this case, by a separate subdivision, officials understand any subdivision that is territorially isolated from the organization, at the place or from the location of which business activities are carried out at equipped stationary workplaces. Whether such a unit is registered as separate or not does not matter in this case. The report should be submitted to the territorial statistical bodies at the location of each of them.

In addition, bankrupt organizations in respect of which bankruptcy proceedings have already been opened are not exempted from the obligation to submit this report. The legislation allows not to submit this form only after the complete liquidation of such a legal entity.

Sample of filling out the form 1-T statistics

Before proceeding to fill out the document itself, it is necessary to remember that it contains such an indicator as the average number of employees. It can be calculated using the standard formula:

The sum of the average number of employees for all months of the reporting year, divided by 12.

At the same time, the average number of employees per month is calculated as follows:

The sum of the payroll number of employees for each calendar day of the month, from the 1st to the 30th or 31st day (for February - to the 28th or 29th day), including holidays (non-working) and days off, divided by the number of calendar days of the month.

Form 1-T: filling rules

Statistics require filling out this document as of December 31, 2018. The title page is easy to fill out. It should have:

  • the full name of the organization and a short name in brackets next to it;
  • the legal address of the legal entity, indicating the subject of the Russian Federation and the index;
  • the actual address of the organization, if it does not match the legal one,
  • OPKO code assigned by Rosstat.

Section 1 should indicate numerical values:

  • the average number of employees of the organization, broken down by industry;
  • the payroll of these workers;
  • social benefits fund for these workers;
  • Fund for payments to external part-timers.

The number of employees should include all persons working on the basis of employment contracts, including those performing temporary or seasonal work, as well as the owners of the organization, if they receive a salary. The average headcount traditionally does not include external part-time workers, persons with whom civil law contracts have been concluded, employees on parental leave, and employees on study leave.

Column 5 will include all payments: wages (including in kind), fees, commissions, additional payments, bonuses (the full list is given in clause 84 of the Rsstat Instructions - see Rosstat Order of 11/22/2017 N 772). And in column 6 - social payments, such as payment for vouchers, sanatoriums, sports subscriptions - a complete list can be seen in paragraph 88 of the Instructions. But sick leave is not included in the 5th or 6th column.

After all the data is posted, it is necessary to sum up the result. After that, the document must be certified by the responsible official of the organization with his signature. In addition, you should put the date of filling out the T-1 report and indicate the phone number and email address for communication.

Now the report can be submitted to the Rosstat body in any convenient way. This can only be done on paper.

Self test

In order to check the correctness of its filling, the specialists of the department prepared control ratios. They are shown in the table:

Liability for late delivery

For being late in submitting the statistical form 1-T, an administrative fine is provided under article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Its size is:

  • for an organization - from 20 thousand to 70 thousand rubles;
  • for officials - from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles.

dated June 28, 2001 N 46


dated 05/23/2002 N 124, dated 05/31/2002 N 131, dated 07/25/2002 N 158)

The State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics decides:
1. Approve the attached forms of federal state statistical observation and Instructions for filling them out and put them into effect:
per annum since the report for 2001:
N 1-TR (zhel) "Information about industrial railway transport";
N 1-TR (mor) "Information on transportation and other activities related to the implementation of the transport process in maritime transport";
N 1-TR (water) "Information on transportation and other activities related to the implementation of the transport process in inland water transport";
N 4-housing fund "Information on the number of families registered for housing and received housing";
N 1-privatization (housing) "Information on the privatization of the housing stock";
N 1-sewerage "Information on the operation of the sewerage (separate sewer network)";
N 1-TEP "Information on the supply of heat";
Instructions for filling out the form of federal state statistical observation N 1-TEP "Information on the supply of heat";
N 1-water supply "Information on the operation of the water supply system (separate water supply network)";
N 1-technology "Information on the creation and use of advanced production technologies";
Instructions for filling out the form of federal state statistical observation N 1-technology "Information on the creation and use of advanced production technologies";
N 1-AE "Information about administrative offenses in the sphere of economy";
quarterly from the report for the 1st quarter of 2002:
N 26-ZhKH "Information on the provision of benefits to citizens in paying for housing and utilities";
N 65-COMMUNICATION "Information on income from communication services";
N 65-TRUB "Information about the services of the main pipeline transport";
periodic 1 time in 5 years from the report for 2001:
N 1-TP (nepr) "Information about continuous transport";
lump sum as of January 1, 2002:
N 1-GLOB "Information on the use of global information networks";
Instructions for filling out the form of federal state statistical observation N 1-GLOB "Information on the use of global information networks".
2. Establish the submission of state statistical reporting according to the forms of federal state statistical observation specified in paragraph 1 of this Decree to the addresses and terms established in the forms:
N 1-TR (zhel) - legal entities, their separate subdivisions, operating in the sectors of the economy and having on their balance sheet or renting locomotives, wagons, railway sidings;
N 1-TR (mor) - by legal entities performing transportation, forwarding and other activities related to the implementation of the transport process in maritime transport (according to the list established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of Russia);
N 1-TR (water) - legal entities performing transportation, transport-forwarding and other activities related to the implementation of the transport process in inland water transport (according to the list established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of Russia);
N 4-housing fund - by local governments;
N 1-privatization (housing) - by local governments, organizations that transfer, sell residential premises into the ownership of citizens or draw up documents (under contracts) for the sale and transfer of housing; institutions of justice for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it;
N 1-sewerage - by legal entities, their separate subdivisions, carrying out centralized wastewater disposal;
N 1-TEP - by legal entities supplying the population and household institutions with heat energy and hot water supply;
N 1-water supply - by legal entities, their separate subdivisions, which supply water to the population or household organizations;
N 1-technology - by legal entities, their separate subdivisions (except for small business entities) that create and use advanced production technologies (according to the list established by state statistics bodies);
N 1-AE - Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of the Russian Federation for Antimonopoly Policy and Entrepreneurship Support, Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation , the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, the Federal Service of Russia for Financial Recovery and Bankruptcy, the Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Mining and industrial supervision of Russia, the Federal Supervision of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety;
N 26-ZhKH - organizations of housing and communal services and others that carry out the calculation and collection of payments for housing and communal services, the calculation of benefits for payment of housing and communal services and possessing information on the provision of benefits for payment of housing and communal services;
N 65-COMMUNICATION - by legal entities providing communication services on the basis of a license;
N 65-TRUB - by legal entities transporting oil and oil products through main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines;
N 1-TR (nepr) - legal entities on whose balance sheet there are installations of continuous transport;
N 1-GLOB - legal entities, their separate subdivisions (except for small businesses) (according to the list established by state statistics bodies).
3. Recognize as invalid the Decrees of the State Statistics Committee of Russia regarding the approval of the forms of federal state statistical observation and Instructions for filling them out:
dated 05/28/92 N 36 with Amendments dated 02/23/94 N 22 - N 1-TP (continuous);
dated 03.08.98 N 77 - N 1-tr (water), N 65-pipes;
dated 03.08.98 N 80 - N 1-technology and Instructions for filling it out;
dated 16.08.99 N 75 - N 1-tr (mor), N 1-sewerage, N 1-tep, N 1-water supply;
dated 08/16/99 N 75 with Amendments dated 06/26/2000 N 52 - N 26-ZhKH;
dated 06/26/2000 N 52 - N 4-housing fund, N 1-privatization (housing);
dated 06/30/2000 N 59 - N 1-tr (yellow), N 65-communication;
dated 10/20/2000 N 102 - N 1-AE;
dated 07.09.93 N 173 - Instructions for compiling statistical reporting on the supply of heat (form N 1-tep).
4. To change from the report for 2001 the deadline for submitting information established in the forms of federal state statistical observation:
N 4-innovation "Information on the innovative activity of the organization", approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.02.2001 N 9, from September 3 to April 2;
N 2-MP innovation "Information on technological innovations of a small enterprise (organization)", approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 16.08.99 N 75, from September 14 to April 10.
5. To keep in 2002 without change the current forms of federal state statistical observation, approved by the Decrees of the State Statistics Committee of Russia: N 2-tr (yellow), N 4-tr (yellow), N 1-zhel-North (urgent), N 1-metro , N 65-etr (urgent), N 65-MOR, N 65-VT - dated 08/03/98 N 77; N 1-audit, N 1-services (real estate) - from 03.08.98 N 78; N 1-services - from 03.08.98 N 78 with Amendments from 06/26/2000 N 52; N 2-science, N 2-science (short) - from 08/03/98 N 80; N 1-kh - from 17.08.98 N 85; N 6-ZHKH - dated 17.08.98 N 85 with Amendments dated 06/26/2000 N 52; "Questionnaire for the survey of the transportation activities of entrepreneurs - owners of trucks" - dated 29.12.98 N 136; N 1-TR (motor transport), N 1-etr, N 22-housing and communal services (subsidies) - from 08/16/99 N 75; N 1-cr - dated 08/16/99 N 75 with Amendments dated 06/26/2000 N 52; N 1-hotel, N 1-rest - from 09/27/99 N 88; N 1-NK - from 30.03.2000 N 30; N 65-zhel - from 05/06/2000 N 39; N 3-ALK (rights), N 1-advertising, N 22-housing and communal services (reform) short, N 1-zdrav - dated 06/26/2000 N 52; N 1-autotrans (urgent), N 3-autotrans, N 65-autotrans, N 2-tr (pipes) urgent, N 1-motor transport (survey), N 2-motor transport (sample survey) - from 06/30/2000 N 59 ; N 7-injuries - dated 10/20/2000 N 102; N 10-GA (urgent), N 17A-GA, N 31-GA (urgent) - dated 04/28/2001 N 32.

Goskomstat of Russia

Form N 1-TP (yellow) - No longer valid.
dated 25.07.2002 N 158)

Form N 1-TP (mor) - No longer valid.
(As amended by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 31.05.2002 N 131)

Form N 1-TP (water) - No longer valid.
(As amended by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2002 N 158)

(As amended by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 23.05.2002 N 124)

Article 13.19 Article 3
in 20__
Form code according to OKUD
territories according to OKATO settlement type
1 2 3 4
N lines Unit Total
1 2 3 4
Number of families that received housing and improved their living conditions in the reporting year 01 units
of which families:
02 - " -
WWII participants 03 - " -
of them:
04 - " -
05 - " -
06 - " -
07 - " -
large families 08 - " -
young families 09 - " -
who took part in the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 10 - " -
refugees 11 - " -
internally displaced persons 12 - " -
Number of family members who received housing and improved their living conditions in the reporting year, total 13 people
Number of families on the waiting list who bought apartments (from page 01) 14 units
Number of occupied area - total 15 sq. m
including in houses - new buildings 16 - " -
Area of ​​apartments purchased by people on the waiting list (from page 15) 17 - " -
Availability of uninhabited area - total 18 - " -
including in houses - new buildings 19 - " -
Number of families registered at the end of the year for housing 20 units
of which families:
disabled veterans of the Second World War, dead military personnel and families equated to them 21 - " -
WWII participants 22 - " -
of them:
single participants of the Second World War living in communal apartments 23 - " -
military personnel - veterans of Afghanistan 24 - " -
military personnel retired or retired 25 - " -
military personnel who are retired or retired 26 - " -
large families 27 - " -
young families 28 - " -
who took part in the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 29 - " -
refugees 30 - " -
internally displaced persons 31 - " -
Of the total number of families registered at the end of the year 32
in communal apartments 33 - " -
in hostels 34 - " -
in dilapidated and emergency housing stock 35 - " -
have been registered for 10 years or more 36 - " -

For reference. Out of page 01, the number of families who received housing, lived in dilapidated and dilapidated housing stock (37) ___________ units.

OKEI codes: unit - 642; people - 792; square meter - 055.

(FULL NAME.) (signature)
responsible for compiling the form
(job title) (FULL NAME.) (signature)
(contact number
(Date of preparation

Statistical observation in the form N 4-housing fund is compiled by local governments involved in accounting and distribution of housing, and submitted to the state statistics body at the place established by the territorial body of the State Statistics Committee of Russia in the republic, territory, region, district, city of federal significance. Local self-government bodies keep records of families in need of housing and who have received housing, both at the place of residence of citizens and at the place of work, receiving documents from enterprises and organizations that have and provide housing.
1. Information is compiled for the territory as a whole, incl. in the capital of the republic, the center of the region, territory, district.
2. Line 01 provides data on the number of families who received housing and improved their living conditions for the year in the houses of the state, municipal, public, mixed housing stock and the housing cooperative fund.
The basis for filling in the data are orders for obtaining housing issued by the local government, or contracts for the transfer of residential premises registered with the local government.
3. Lines 02 - 12 show data on individual categories of families:
families of invalids of the Great Patriotic War and families equated to them;
families of participants of the Great Patriotic War;
including single participants in the Great Patriotic War living in communal apartments;
families of servicemen - veterans of Afghanistan;
families of military personnel retired or retired;
families of military personnel who are retired or retired. This does not take into account the families of servicemen who have been discharged or are being discharged from military service and who receive housing on the basis of housing certificates;
large families. A large family is a family with 3 or more children;
young families. A young family is the first marriage of people under 30 years of age;
those who took part in the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
refugees. Refugees are people who arrived on the territory of Russia from the former Soviet republics;
forced migrants. Forced migrants are Russian citizens forced to leave their places of residence.
4. Page 13 shows data on the number of family members of persons who received housing or improved housing conditions due to eviction from the occupied area.
5. Line 14 shows data from line 01 on the number of people on the waiting list who bought apartments.
6. Page 15 shows the amount of occupied area of ​​apartments both in residential buildings - new buildings, and the area vacated after leaving, incl. on page 16 - only in houses - new buildings.
7. Line 17 shows the area of ​​apartments purchased by people on the waiting list, which is separated from page 15.
8. Line 18 shows the availability at the end of the year of the area of ​​apartments put into operation and vacated in previously built houses, but not distributed in the reporting year, incl. on page 19 - only in houses - new buildings.
9. Lines 20 - 36 provide data on the number of families on the waiting list for housing and improving housing conditions in the houses of the state, municipal, public, mixed housing stock and the housing cooperative fund, including for the listed categories of families, place of residence and length of time on the waiting list for housing.

(as amended by the Decrees of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2002 N 124, of July 25, 2002 N 158)

Violation of the procedure for the presentation of statistical information, as well as the presentation of false statistical information, entails liability established by Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ, as well as Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 13, 1992 N 2761-1 "On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reporting"
for 20__
Present: Timing
Form N 1-privatization
local governments, organizations that transfer, sell residential premises into the ownership of citizens or draw up documents (under contracts) for the sale and transfer of housing; institutions of justice for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it: January 20th Approved
Goskomstat of Russia
dated June 28, 2001 N 46
- to the state statistics body at the place established by the territorial body of the State Statistics Committee of Russia in the republic, territory, region, city of federal significance Annual
Name of reporting entity ________________________
Mailing address _________________________________________________
Form code according to OKUD Code (to be entered by the reporting entity)
reporting organization under OKPO type of activity according to OKVED industries according to OKONH territories according to OKATO ministries (departments), governing body for OKOGU organizational and legal form according to OKOPF forms of ownership according to OKFS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
responsible for compiling the form
N lines Unit OKEI code Actually per year
1 2 3 4 5
Number of privatized residential premises 01 units 642
number of privatized apartments 02 - " - - " -
number of privatized rooms in communal apartments 03 - " - - " -
Total area of ​​privatized residential premises 04 sq. m 055
total area of ​​privatized apartments 05 - " - - " -
area of ​​privatized rooms in communal apartments 06 - " - - " -
Number of deprivatized premises 07 units 642
Total area of ​​deprivatized residential premises 08 sq. m 055
Residential premises sold - total 09 units 642
population (citizens) 10 - " - - " -
organizations (non-state) 11 - " - - " -
foreign persons and organizations 12 - " - - " -
Total area of ​​residential premises sold 13 sq. m 055
population (citizens) 14 - " -
(job title) (FULL NAME.) (signature)
"___" ___________ 200 ___ year
(contact number
(Date of preparation

1. Information is compiled for the year.
2. Lines 01 - 06 provide data on the privatization of residential premises (apartments, rooms in communal apartments, separate residential buildings) occupied by citizens, in houses of state, municipal, public, mixed forms of ownership of the housing stock.
The basis for filling in the data are contracts for the transfer of residential premises registered with the local government.
3. The sum of lines 02 and 03 may be less than line 01 due to separate residential buildings.
4. Lines 07, 08 provide data on deprivatized residential premises. A dwelling is considered deprivatized, for the privatization of which, for one reason or another, the contract is terminated.
5. Lines 09 - 20 provide data on the sale of residential premises in houses of state, municipal, public, mixed housing stock.
These lines include only residential premises sold for the first time when there is a change of state, municipal, public, mixed forms of ownership to other forms of ownership of the housing stock: private property of citizens, private property of legal entities, foreign property of citizens or legal entities.
6. When filling in line 17, it must be borne in mind that if payment for housing was made in foreign currency, then it is necessary to convert the cost of the apartment into the ruble equivalent at the rate established by the Central Bank of Russia on the date of the transaction.
register and login.
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on filling out the form of state statistical observation

No. 1-technology (annual)

І. General provisions

1.1. These Clarifications contain information on the indicators of the form of state statistical observation No. 1-technology (annual) "Report on the development and use of advanced technologies" (hereinafter - the form).

1.2. The form is provided by legal entities (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) according to the list of enterprises established by state statistics bodies.

1.3. State statistics bodies conduct statistical observations on the technological level of enterprises engaged in economic activities in accordance with the Classification of Economic Activities GK 009:2010 (hereinafter referred to as KVED) in the field of:

Mining and quarrying (section B);

Processing industry (section C);

Supply of electricity, gas, steam and conditioned air (section D);

Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

Transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities (section H);

Information and telecommunications (section J);

Architecture and engineering, provision of technical consulting services (in terms of the activities of design and design organizations) (code 71.1);

Technical testing and research (in terms of the activities of testing laboratories and stations) (code 71.2);

Scientific research and development (code 72);

Regulation and promotion of the efficient conduct of economic activity (code 84.13);

Higher education (code 85.4);

Healthcare (in terms of the activities of health care institutions of the III level: republican hospitals, specialized centers, research institutions) (code 86.1);

Activities of professional public organizations (code 94.12);

Repair of household and personal items (code 95).

1.4. The form displays the data of legal entities (taking into account the results of the activities of their separate divisions) that are developing and/or using advanced technologies.

1.5. In the form, advanced technologies are monitored for the main groups, a list of which and their composition are given in Appendix 1
to the explanations.

1.6. The form provides information about the advanced technologies developed and used on the basis of technical, patent-licensing and other documentation available to the enterprise. In case of acquisition of several technologies of the same type, one technology is indicated in the form.

1.7. These forms must correspond to the data in the forms of primary accounting documentation:

- No. IS-1 "Journal of registration of applications for inventions, utility models, industrial designs, layouts (topographies) of integrated circuits";

- No. IS-3 "Journal of registration of used inventions, utility models, industrial designs, layouts (topographies) of integrated circuits";

- No. IS-4 "Journal of registration of rationalization proposals";

- No. IS-5 "Statement on the rationalization proposal";

- No. IS-6 "Act on the use of an object of intellectual property rights", approved by the order of the State Statistics Committee of August 10, 2004 No. 469, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August 27, 2004 under No. 1054/9653 (as amended).

1.8. The form includes information about the technologies developed and used, and not about the equipment on which they are used. The form also contains information about advanced technologies that are created for in-house production (for internal use).

1.9. Under advanced technologies 1(hereinafter referred to as technologies) understand technologies and technological processes controlled by a computer

or based on microelectronics and used in the design, manufacture or processing of products (goods and services).

In this observation, the development of technology includes the preparation and approval of design and estimate documentation, the design of draft, technical and working documentation, the manufacture of the necessary equipment, the preparation and conduct of tests, the production of a prototype (batch) and their acceptance in the prescribed manner. The technology is considered developed only upon successful completion of acceptance tests and the availability of a complete set of technical documentation.

If the technology is developed for internal use or in relation to existing equipment, a sufficient condition for inclusion in the report is the availability of a complete set of technical documentation and the successful completion of acceptance tests, confirmed by the relevant acts.

Under technology 1 understand its implementation and production operation, the result of which is the release of products, the performance of work or the provision of services (receiving or processing information, etc.).

Section II. Development of advanced technologies

2.1. Section I contains information about the technologies developed by the enterprise in the reporting year and their number. In order to avoid cases of double counting, information on technology development is provided only by the parent organizations - technology developers.

2.2. Column 2 contains codes for groups of developed technologies in accordance with the list given in Appendix 1 to the Clarifications. IN
if the developed technology is assigned to the "Other" group (technology group code - 999), the full name of the developed technology is indicated.

2.3. Column 3 displays the scope of the developed technology, which is determined taking into account its sectoral purpose (for the development of which types of economic activity the technology was developed). The code of the type of economic activity according to KVED is indicated in accordance with the list given in Appendix 2 to the Clarifications.

2.4. Column 4 displays the degree of novelty of the developed technology.
According to the degree of novelty, the developed technology can be new for the DPR - code 01 or fundamentally new - code 02. Under fundamentally new 1 it is necessary to understand technologies that have no domestic and foreign analogues, developed for the first time and possessing qualitatively new characteristics that meet the requirements of the current level or exceed it.

2.5. Columns 5, 6, 7 display the number of titles of protection for objects of intellectual property rights in the developed technologies: in column 5 - for an invention, in column 6 - for a utility model, in column 7 - for an industrial design. Protective documents can be issued both for the created technology as a whole, and for any of its elements.

2.6. Column 8 displays the name of the country in which this technology or its elements are patent-free for intellectual property rights.

2.7. Column 9 is filled in by state statistics bodies.

2.8. Column 10 displays the registration number of the state contract (including when performing research work), if the technology was created when performing work under a state contract for state needs.

Section III. Use of advanced technologies

3.1. Section II contains information on the use of technologies at the enterprise in the reporting year in accordance with the list given in Appendix 1 to the Clarifications. Column A contains the names of the main groups of advanced technologies in accordance with the specified Appendix, column B - codes of advanced technology groups.

3.2. The section reflects all the technologies provided for in Appendix 1 to the Clarifications, which were used in the activities of the enterprise in the reporting year. If it is impossible to classify the technology used to groups 101-901, the line "Other" is filled in (technology group code - 999) and the full name of such technology is indicated in the additional line.

3.3. Columns 1-5 on lines 101-999 display the number of technologies that were used in the reporting period, by the periods of the beginning of their implementation: in column 1 - up to one year, in column 2 - one to three years, in column 3 - four to five years , in column 4 - six to nine years, in column 5 - ten or more years.

For example, for the report for 2016. the start time of implementation to fill in columns 1-5 are the following years:

The number of technologies used by the periods of the beginning of implementation (units)

1 to 3 years

4 to 5 years

6 to 9 years old

10 years or more

2006 and earlier

3.4. Column 6 includes the number of inventions in the technologies used in the reporting year (technologies that are indicated in column 1).

3.5. Column 7 contains the total number of inventions in technologies for the entire time of use (technologies that are indicated in columns 1-5).

Annex 1

"Report on the development and use of advanced technologies"

The main groups and types of advanced technologies in the areas of implementation


Design and engineering

Computer-aided design (CD) and/or performance of engineering consulting services

The use of computers for the purpose of drawing and designing components or products and for analyzing and testing designed products or components.

KP results used to control production equipment, machines (KPM)

Using the results of the CP to control equipment, machines that produce products or components.

Digital representation of the results of the KP, used in procurement (supply) activities

Using the results of the CP to prepare a list of products, materials or components. Includes the use of electronic means that provide information about manufactured materials, raw materials, products, etc.

Production, processing and assembly

Separate (separately standing) equipment (machines) (CU/CCU)

Single machines with both digital control (CC) and computer digital control (CNC) with material processing. CC machines are controlled by digital commands composted on paper or plastic tape, while CC machines are electronically controlled by built-in computers.

Flexible Manufacturing Elements (FPE) or Systems (FPS)

Two or more automated material handling machines controlled by computers or software, processing raw materials in one or more ways and assembling the final product in one or more steps.

Lasers used for material processing

Laser technologies used for welding, cutting, processing, writing or marking.

Laser-free advanced cutting technology

Include the use of water jet, plasma arc and ultrasonic cutting devices.

Laser-free advanced technology for splicing and painting

Includes electron beams for welding and/or vacuum soldering. Deep chrome plating, nickel plating, etc.

Laser-free advanced thermal equipment

Includes plasma equipment, electron beam equipment, providing hermetic hardening (of metal), vacuum hardening using nitrogen and high-frequency (induction) hardening.

Fiber winding, reactive injection molding, pultrusion and/or casting

Fiber winding is understood as the process of continuously winding a reinforcing fiber or reinforcing tape around a mold to be produced, which is fixed on a rotating cylindrical rod.

Reactive injection molding is the process of forcing a mixture of two or more reactive liquids under high pressure into a mold cavity. Under these conditions, the chemical reaction proceeds very quickly in the mold, after which the polymer obtained as a result of the reaction solidifies.

Pultrusion is the process of drawing continuous rebar through a bath of molten polymer and then drawing it through an elongated heated dye bath. When the reinforcement is moved, the product cures.

Simple robots that perform pick-and-place operations

A simple robot with one, two or three degrees of freedom, moving products from place to place using position control. The control of the trajectory of movement of the working body may be carried out to a small extent or completely absent.

Other, more complex robots used to perform spot or arc welding

Other, more complex robots used for assembly, finishing and finishing, and other purposes

Automated transportation of materials and parts, as well as the implementation of automated loading and unloading operations

Automated storage (warehousing) and retrieval systems

Equipment with computer or microprocessor control, designed to perform automated loading and unloading operations, storage and warehousing of materials, parts or finished products (products).

Automatically guided vehicles

Vehicles equipped with automatic control (guidance) devices with a given program of movement along a certain path, along which there are means of interface with workplaces designed for automated or manual loading and unloading of materials, tools, parts or products.

Equipment for automated monitoring and/or control

Equipment used to inspect incoming materials, or to carry out control during work

Consisting of an automated measuring transducer (sensor) and information video systems (vision systems).

Equipment used to control finished products (final product)

Consisting of an automated measuring transducer (sensor) and video information systems (vision systems).

Communications and management

Programmable Logic Controllers

Transistor control device for production equipment with a programmable memory device designed to store instructions, performing functions corresponding to those performed by a relay panel or transistorized logic control system with cable guidance (by wire).

Local computer network for the exchange of technical, design, technological information

The use of technical means of a local computer network for the exchange of technical, design, technological information within the design departments (bureau).

Local computer network of the enterprise

The use of technical means of a local computer network for the exchange of information between various structural divisions of the enterprise.

Computers used to control equipment installed in the structural unit of the enterprise

The system does not allow the use of computers built into machines and machine tools, as well as computers used exclusively for collecting and accumulating information or for monitoring. It suggests the use of special computers, which can be designed for control (control), but if necessary, can be reprogrammed to perform other functions.

Exchange of electronic information

An intercompany computer network connecting an enterprise with subcontractors, suppliers and / or consumers (clients).

Wavelength Division Multiplexing Transmission Systems on Backbone and Transport Communication Networks

Technologies for multiplexing and transmitting signals of various wavelengths over a common optical fiber. The backbone communication network is the main transport telecommunications infrastructure for the provision of communication services. The transport communication network includes a set of all resources that perform the functions of transportation in telecommunication networks, including transmission systems, and the means of control, operational switching, redundancy, and control related to them. In cellular communications, the transport network includes the network section between the operator's backbone network and the base station.

Digital broadcasting systems

The use of technical means of digital modulation, amplification and transmission of digital television and radio broadcasting signals to antenna-feeder paths for the purpose of on-air television and radio broadcasting.

Wireless communication systems

Systems including segments of satellite communication networks, radiotelephone and mobile communications. Local and global wireless networks and communication systems, including segments of satellite communication networks, radiotelephone and mobile communications, except for local computer networks of enterprises included in group 503

Manufacturing Information System

Planning the need for raw materials and materials

An automated system for minimizing inventories in order to eliminate costs that do not contribute to obtaining additional profit.

Manufacturing Resource Planning

An automated system used to plan and manage production resources.

Integrated management and control

Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Fully automated production, in which all production processes are integrated into a single system, and which is controlled centrally using the main computer of the workshop or enterprise.

Supervisory management systems and systems for collecting and accumulating information

Artificial intelligence technologies and/or expert systems



A set of technological methods and techniques used in the study, design and production of materials, devices and systems, including targeted control and management of the structure, chemical composition and interaction of their individual nanoscale elements (with sizes of about 100 nm and less, at least in one of the measurements) ), which leads to an improvement or the appearance of additional operational and / or consumer characteristics and properties of the products obtained.



A set of methods, methods and means of treating human diseases that were not previously treatable; a set of methods, methods and means of influencing the pathological conditions of a person, which significantly (many times) improve the biomedical, social and economic results of treatment and prevention; methods, methods and means for diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases at the cellular, subcellular and molecular levels; nanotechnologies, information and telecommunication technologies in medicine.


Annex 2

to Explanations on filling out the form of state statistical observation No. 1-technology (annual)

"Report on the development and use of advanced technologies"

Types of economic activity for assignment allocation

advanced technologies

Code according to KVED


Agriculture, hunting and provision of related services

Forestry and logging


Mining of hard and brown coal

Extraction of crude oil and natural gas

Mining of metal ores

Extraction of other minerals and quarrying

Providing support services to mining and quarrying

Food production

Beverage production

Manufacture of tobacco products

Textile production

Manufacture of wearing apparel

Manufacture of leather, leather goods and other materials

Woodworking and manufacture of wood and cork products, except for furniture; production of products from straw and vegetable materials for weaving

Manufacture of paper and paper products

Printing activities, replication of recorded information

Production of coke and refined petroleum products

Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products

Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceuticals

Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Production of other non-metallic mineral products

Production of iron, steel and ferroalloys

Manufacture of pipes, hollow profiles and fittings made of steel

Manufacture of other primary steel products

Production of precious and other non-ferrous metals

metal casting

Manufacture of finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment

Manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products

Production of electrical equipment

Manufacture of machinery and equipment for general purposes

Manufacture of other general purpose machinery and equipment

Production of machinery and equipment for agriculture and forestry

Manufacture of metalworking machines and machine tools

Manufacture of other machinery and equipment for special purposes

Vehicle manufacturing

Manufacture of bodies for motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers

Production of components, parts and accessories for motor vehicles

Construction of ships and boats

Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock

Manufacture of air and space aircraft, related equipment

Production of military vehicles

Production of vehicles, n.o.y.

Furniture manufacture

Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and similar articles

Production of musical instruments

Sports goods production

Production of games and toys

Production of medical and dental instruments and materials

Production, n.o.d.

Repair and installation of machinery and equipment

Production, transmission and distribution of electricity

Gas production; distribution of gaseous fuel through local (local) pipelines

Supply of steam, hot water and conditioned air

Collection, treatment and water supply

Sewerage, disposal and wastewater treatment

Collection, treatment and disposal of waste; material recovery

Other waste management activities


Specialized construction work

Wholesale and retail trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles, their repair

Wholesale trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles

Retail trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles

Passenger rail transport of intercity communication

Freight rail transport

Other passenger ground transport

The Federal State Statistics Service decides:

1. Approve the attached Procedures for filling out and submitting forms of federal state statistical observation N 1-technology "Information on the creation and use of advanced production technologies", N 1-NK "Information on the work of postgraduate and doctoral studies" and put them into effect from the report for 2006 .

2. With the introduction of the procedures specified in paragraph 1 of this resolution, the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia of June 28, 2001 N 46 "On approval of the instructions for filling out the federal state statistical observation form N 1-technology" Information on the creation and use of advanced production technologies "and Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 30, 2000 N 30 "On approval of the instructions for filling out the federal state statistical observation form N 1-NK "Information on the work of postgraduate and doctoral studies."

filling out and submitting the form of federal state statistical observation N 1-technology "Information on the creation and use of advanced production technologies"
dated November 7, 2006 N 63)

I. General provisions

1. Form N 1-technology "Information on the creation and use of advanced production technologies" is submitted by legal entities of all forms of ownership, their separate divisions that create and use advanced production technologies.

Legal entities, their separate subdivisions submit the form of federal state statistical observation N 1-technology to the territorial body of Rosstat in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the address established by it.

Form # of the federal state statistical observation N 1-technology includes information on the whole legal entity, i.e. for all divisions of this legal entity.

If a legal entity has separate subdivisions (including branches) located on the territory of other subjects of the Russian Federation (republics, territories, regions, autonomous districts), then the form for this legal entity is submitted with the exception of separate subdivisions located on the territory of other subjects of the Russian Federation. Separate subdivisions located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit the federal state statistical observation form No. 1-technology to the statistical authorities at their location.

The line "Name of the reporting organization" indicates the full name in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the abbreviated name of the organization;

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, the legal address with a postal code.

In the code part, the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) is affixed on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code by state statistics bodies.

3. In the form N 1-technology, advanced production technologies are monitored for the following main groups:

Design and engineering;

Production, processing and assembly;

Automated transportation of materials and parts, as well as the implementation of automated loading and unloading operations;

Equipment for automated monitoring and/or control;

Communication and management;

Production information system;

Integrated management and control.

Advanced manufacturing technologies are understood as technologies and technological processes, including machines, apparatus, equipment and devices based on microelectronics or controlled by a computer and used in the design, production or processing of products.

4. The creation of technology should be understood as the development of technical documentation, working drawings, the manufacture of the necessary equipment, testing and acceptance of it in the prescribed manner.

The technology is considered to be created and information about it is included in the statistical observation form only upon successful completion of the tests and if there is a positive decision on acceptance in the reporting year.

5. The use of advanced production technology should be understood as its implementation and production operation. The technology is considered to be used only during production operation, the result of which is the release of products, the provision of services (receiving or processing information, etc.).

6. The report is drawn up for each type of advanced production technology created and used on the basis of technical, patent-licensing and other documentation available to the organization.

The main groups of observed advanced production technologies and their composition are given in Appendix 1 of this Procedure.

II. Filling in indicators of form N 1-technology

Section I. Information about the creation of advanced production technologies

7. Section 1 provides general information, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the created advanced production technologies#. In order to avoid cases of double counting, information on the creation of technologies is provided only by the parent organizations - developers of the technology.

1. General information

8. This subsection indicates the name of each advanced production technology created in the reporting period.

2. General characteristics

9. This subsection indicates the quality characteristics of each advanced production technology created in the reporting period.

10. Column 2 contains the code for the type of advanced production technology in accordance with the list provided in Appendix 1 of this Procedure.

11. Column 3 indicates the scope of the created technology, i.e. the code is affixed according to the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED). When determining the code, it is necessary to proceed from the fact for the development of which types of economic activity the technology was created. An additional reference point can be the belonging to a certain type of economic activity of the organization for which this or that technology or the scope of technology has been created.

12. In column 4, the codes of the degree of novelty of the created technology are affixed:

new in the country - 01;

new abroad - 02;

fundamentally new - 03.

New technologies (code 01) in the country or abroad (code 02) are considered technologies that have no analogues, respectively, domestic or foreign.

Fundamentally new (code 03) are technologies that have no analogues, domestic or foreign, created for the first time, possessing qualitatively new characteristics that meet the requirements of the current level or exceed it.

New technologies are based on major pioneering or high impact inventions.

13. Columns 5, 6, 7 indicate the number of patents for intellectual property objects by type: for inventions, utility models and industrial designs.

A patent certifies the priority, authorship of an invention, utility model or industrial design and the exclusive right to an invention, utility model or industrial design. Patents can be issued both for technology as a whole and for its individual elements.

An invention is a technical solution in any field related to a product (in particular, a device, a substance, a strain of a microorganism, a plant or animal cell culture) or a method (the process of performing actions on a material object using material means). An invention is granted legal protection (patent) if it is new, has an inventive step and is industrially applicable.

A utility model is a technical solution related to a device. A utility model is granted legal protection (patent) if it is new and industrially applicable.

An industrial design is an artistic and design solution of an industrial or handicraft product that determines its appearance. An industrial design is granted legal protection (patent) if it is new and original.

14. Column 8 takes into account the general patent purity of intellectual property without highlighting their specific types.

Inventions, utility models, industrial designs are patent-free. By patent purity is meant the legal property of an object (technology, its element, invention, utility model, industrial design), which means that it can be used in a given country without violating industrial property rights on its territory.

In column 8, it is necessary to put down the three-digit numeric code of the country in which this technology or its elements are patent-free. Country codes are given in Appendix 2 of this Procedure. When listing several countries for any of the columns, their designations are separated by a comma, for example: 643, 380, 860.

15. In column 9, organizations that performed work under a state contract for federal state needs indicate the registration number of the state contract.

Section 2. Information about the use of advanced manufacturing technologies

16. Section 2 provides information on the use in the reporting year in organizations of advanced production technologies according to the list in accordance with Appendix 1.

14.# In columns 3 - 6, on the corresponding lines, the used advanced production technologies (number of units) are distributed according to the periods of the beginning of their implementation:

in column 3 - 10 or more years;

in column 4 - from 6 to 9 years;

in column 5 - from 1 to 5 years;

in column 6 - in the reporting year.

For example, for the report for 2006, the implementation start period for filling in columns 3 - 6 is the following years:

15.# Column 7 indicates the number of inventions in the technologies used in the reporting year, i.e. those technologies that are indicated in column 6.

With the introduction of the Procedure, the previously existing Instruction for filling out the federal state statistical observation form N 1-technology "Information on the creation and use of advanced production technologies", approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 06.28.2001 N 46, is canceled.

Annex 1

Advanced Manufacturing Technology Groups

Codes Name Compound
1. Design and engineering
1.01 Computer-aided design (CD) and/or performance of engineering consulting services Use of computers for the purpose of drawing and designing components or products and for analyzing and testing designed products or components
1.02 KP results used to control production equipment, machines (KPM) Using the results of the CP to control equipment, machines that produce products or components
1.03 Digital representation of the results of the KP, used in procurement (supply) activities Using the results of the CP to prepare lists of products, materials or components. Includes the use of electronic means that provide information about manufactured materials, raw materials, products, etc.
2. Production, processing and assembly
2.01 Separate (separately standing) equipment (machines) (CU/CCU) Single machines with both digital control (CC) and computer digital control (CNC) with material processing. CC machines are controlled by digital commands composted on paper or plastic tape, while CC machines are electronically controlled by built-in computers
2.02 Flexible Manufacturing Elements (FPE) or Systems (FPS) Two or more automated material processing machines controlled by computers or by program control, processing raw materials in one or more ways and assembling the final product in one or more steps
2.03 Lasers used for material processing Laser technologies used for welding, cutting, processing, writing or marking
2.04 Laser-free advanced cutting technology Includes water jet, plasma arc and ultrasonic cutting devices
2.05 Laser-free advanced technology for splicing and painting Includes electron beams for welding and/or vacuum brazing. Deep chrome plating, nickel plating, etc.
2.06 Laser-free advanced thermal equipment Includes plasma equipment; electronic beam; providing hermetic hardening (of metal), vacuum hardening using nitrogen and high-frequency (induction) hardening
2.07 Fiber winding, reactive injection molding, pultrusion and/or casting Fiber winding refers to the process of continuously winding a reinforcing fiber or reinforcing tape around a mold to be made, which is fixed on a rotating cylindrical rod. Reactive injection molding is the process of forcing a mixture of two or more reactive liquids under high pressure into a mold cavity. Under these conditions, the chemical reaction proceeds very quickly in the mold, after which the polymer resulting from the reaction solidifies. Pultrusion is the process of drawing continuous rebar through a bath of molten polymer and then drawing it through an elongated heated dye bath. When moving the armature, the product cures
2.08 Simple robots that perform pick-and-place operations A simple robot with one, two or three degrees of freedom, moving products from place to place by means of positional control. The control of the trajectory of movement of the working body of the robot can be carried out to a small extent or completely absent
2.09 Other, more complex robots used to perform spot or arc welding
2.10 Other, more complex robots used for assembly, finishing and finishing, and other purposes
3. Automated transportation of materials and parts, as well as the implementation of automated loading and unloading operations
3.01 Automated storage (warehousing) and retrieval systems Equipment with computer or microprocessor control, designed to perform automated loading and unloading operations, storage and warehousing of materials, parts or finished products (products)
3.02 Automatically guided vehicles Vehicles equipped with automatic control (guidance) devices with a given program of movement along a certain path, along which there are interfaces with workplaces designed for automated or manual loading and unloading of materials, tools, parts or products
4. Equipment for automated monitoring and/or control
4.01 Equipment used to inspect incoming materials or to carry out control during work Consisting of an automated measuring transducer (sensor) and information video systems (vision systems)
4.02 Equipment used to control finished products (final product) Consisting of an automated measuring transducer (sensor) and video information systems (vision systems)
5. Communication and control
5.01 Programmable Logic Controllers Transistor control device for production equipment with programmable memory for storing instructions, performing functions corresponding to those performed by a relay panel or transistorized logic control system with cable guidance (by wire)
5.02 Local computer network for the exchange of technical, design, technological information The use of technical means of a local computer network for the exchange of technical, design, technological information within the design departments (bureau)
5.03 Local computer network of the enterprise The use of technical means of a local computer network for the exchange of information between various structural divisions of the enterprise
5.04 Computers used to control equipment installed in the structural unit of the enterprise The system does not allow the use of computers built into machines and machine tools, as well as computers used exclusively for collecting and accumulating information or for monitoring. It proposes the use of special computers that can be designed for control (control), but if necessary, can be reprogrammed to perform other functions.
5.05 Exchange of electronic information An intercompany computer network connecting an enterprise with subcontractors, suppliers and / or consumers (clients)
6. Manufacturing Information System
6.01. Planning the need for raw materials and materials Automated system for minimizing inventories in order to eliminate costs that do not contribute to additional profit
6.02. Manufacturing Resource Planning Automated system used for planning and managing production resources
7. Integrated management and control Fully automated production, in which all production processes are integrated into a single system, and which is controlled centrally using the main computer of the workshop or enterprise
7.01. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
7.02. Supervisory management systems and systems for collecting and accumulating information
7.03. Artificial intelligence technologies and/or expert systems

Annex 2

List of countries of the world (OKSM)

Name Code Name Code Name Code
Australia 036 Grenada 308 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 434
Austria 040 Greenland 304
Azerbaijan 031 Greece 300 Lithuania 440
Albania 008 Georgia 268 Liechtenstein 438
Algeria 012 Guam 316 Luxembourg 442
American Samoa 016 Denmark 208 Mauritius 480
Angola 024 Djibouti 262 Mauritania 478
Andorra 020 Dominica 212 Madagascar 450
Antarctica 010 Dominican Republic 214 Mayotte 175
Antigua and Barbuda 028 Djibouti 262 Macau 446
Argentina 032 Egypt 818 Macedonia 807
Armenia 051 Zambia 894 Malawi 454
Aruba 533 West Sahara 732 Malaysia 458
Afghanistan 004 Zimbabwe 716 Mali 466
Bahamas 044 Israel 376 United States Minor Pacific Outlying Islands 581
Bangladesh 050 India 356
Barbados 052 Indonesia 360 Maldives 462
Bahrain 048 Jordan 400 Malta 470
Belarus 112 Iraq 368 Morocco 504
Belize 084 Iran, Islamic Republic 364 Martinique 474
Belgium 056 Marshall Islands 584
Benin 204 Ireland 372 Mexico 484
Bermuda 060 Iceland 352 micronesia 583
Bulgaria 100 Spain 724 Mozambique 508
Bolivia 068 Italy 380 Moldova 498
Bosnia and Herzegovina 070 Yemen 887 Monaco 492
Botswana 072 Cape Verde 132 Mongolia 496
Brazil 076 Kazakhstan 398 Montserrat 500
British Indian Ocean Territory 086 Cambodia 116 Myanmar 104
Cameroon 120 Namibia 516
Brunei - Darussalam 096 Canada 124 Nauru 520
Burkina Faso 854 Qatar 634 Nepal 524
Burundi 108 Kenya 404 Niger 562
Butane 064 Cyprus 196 Nigeria 566
Vanuatu 548 Kyrgyzstan 417 Netherlands Antilles 530
Hungary 348 Kiribati 296 Netherlands 528
Venezuela 862 China 156 Nicaragua 558
Virgin Islands, British 092 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 166 NIUE 570
Colombia 170 New Zealand 554
Virgin Islands, USA 850 Comoros 174 New Caledonia 540
East Timor 626 Congo 178 Norway 578
Vietnam 704 Congo, Democratic Republic 180 United Arab Emirates 784
Gabon 266
Haiti 332 North Korea 408 Oman 512
Guyana 328 Korea, Republic 410 Cayman Islands 136
Gambia 270 Costa Rica 188 Cook Islands 184
Ghana 288 Ivory Coast 384 Ostrava Turks and Caicos Islands 796
Guadeloupe 312 Cuba 192 Bouvet Island 074
Guatemala 320 Kuwait 414 Norfolk Island 574
Guinea 324 Lao People's Democratic Republic 418 Christmas Island 162
Guinea-Bissau 624 Heard Island and McDonald Islands 334
Germany 276 Latvia 428
Gibraltar 292 Lesotho 426 Pakistan 586
Honduras 340 Liberia 430 Palau 585
Hong Kong 344 Lebanon 422
Palestinian Territory Occupied# 274 Slovakia 703 Falkland Islands 238
275 Slovenia 705 France 250
Panama 591 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 826 french guiana 254
Holy See (Vatican) 336 French polynesia 258
Papua New Guinea 598 French Southern Territories 260
Paraguay 600 USA 840
Peru 604 Solomon islands 090 Croatia 191
Pitcairn 612 Somalia 706 Central African Republic 140
Poland 616 Sudan 736
Portugal 620 Suriname 740 Chad 148
Puerto Rico 630 Sierra Leone 694 Czech 203
reunion 638 Tajikistan 762 Chile 152
Russia 643 Thailand 764 Switzerland 756
Rwanda 646 Taiwan (China) 158 Sweden 752
Romania 642 Tanzania, United Republic 834 Svalbard and Jan Main 744
Salvador 222 Sri Lanka 144
Samoa 882 Togo 768 Ecuador 218
San Marino 674 Tokelau 772 Equatorial Guinea 226
Sao Tome and Principe 678 Tonga 776 Eritrea 232
Saudi Arabia 682 Trinidad and Tobago 780 Estonia 233
Swaziland 748 Tuvalu 798 Ethiopia 231
Saint Helena 34 Tunisia 788 South Africa 710
Northern Mariana Islands 580 Turkmenistan 795 South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands 239
Turkey 792
Seychelles 690 Uganda 800
Senegal 686 Uzbekistan 860 Jamaica 388
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 670 Ukraine 804 Japan 392
Saint Kitts and Nevis 659 Wallis and Futuna 876
Saint Lucia 662 Uruguay 858
Saint Pierre and Miquelan 666 Faroe islands 234
Serbia and Montenegro 891 Fiji 242
Singapore 702 Philippines 608
Syrian Arabic# 760 Finland 246

The procedure for filling out and submitting the federal state statistical observation form N 1-NK "Information on the work of postgraduate and doctoral studies"
(approved by the resolution of the Federal State Statistics Service
dated November 7, 2006 N 63)

General provisions

1. Form N 1-NK "Information on the work of postgraduate and doctoral studies" is submitted by legal entities and their separate subdivisions of all forms of ownership that have postgraduate and (or) doctoral studies and train postgraduates and (or) doctoral students. The form is filled out for a calendar year on the basis of orders for enrollment, transfer, expulsion of graduate and doctoral students and other documents.

Legal entities, their separate subdivisions submit the form of the federal state statistical observation N 1-NK to the territorial body of Rosstat in the subject of the Russian Federation at the address established by it.

The form of the federal state statistical observation N 1-NK includes information on the whole legal entity, i.e. for all divisions of this legal entity.

If a legal entity has separate subdivisions (including branches) located on the territory of other subjects of the Russian Federation (republics, territories, regions, autonomous districts), then the form for this legal entity is submitted with the exception of separate subdivisions located on the territory of other subjects of the Russian Federation. Separate subdivisions located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit the federal state statistical observation form No. 1-NK to the statistical authorities at their location.

2. The address part of the form is filled in in the following order:

on the line "Name of the reporting organization", the full name is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the abbreviated name of the organization;

the line "Postal address" shall contain the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, the legal address with a postal code.

In the code part in column 2, the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) is affixed on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code by state statistics bodies, in gr. 5 - code of the type of institution (research institute - 05, university - 20), in column 6 correspondence universities put down sign 1.

The indicators of Sections I, II, III, V, References 1, 2 are given, including citizens of the CIS countries.

When distributing graduate students, applicants for the degree of candidate of science, doctoral students by branches of science and specialties, one should be guided by the Nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers, approved by the Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation of January 31, 2001 N 17 DSP. The specified Nomenclature should be used when filling out all sections of the report.

Section I. Total number of graduate students, admission and graduation

3. Section I reflects the number of persons admitted to graduate school, the actual graduation of graduate students in the reporting year and their number at the end of the year.

Postgraduate study is the main form of training scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel in the system of postgraduate professional education.

A postgraduate student is a person who has a higher professional education and is a postgraduate student who is preparing a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences.

Training of postgraduate students is carried out by branches of science and scientific specialties in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties of scientists.

Postgraduate studies are carried out in full-time and part-time forms of education.

Section 1 does not take into account the number of applicants for the PhD degree. Applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences are persons who independently (outside graduate school) worked on the preparation of candidate dissertations and are attached in the prescribed manner to this scientific institution (university).

The applicant is a person who has a higher professional education, attached to an organization or institution that has a postgraduate and (or) doctoral studies, and who is preparing a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences without studying in graduate school, or a person who has a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences and is preparing a dissertation for competition for the degree of Doctor of Science.

4. Line 101 shows the number of graduate students, including trainee assistants, trainee teachers, graduate students who studied at the expense of the sending party (contracts, contracts, agreements). Persons seconded to postgraduate studies from foreign countries, except for the CIS countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine) are not included in the report.

5. From the total number of graduate students (from line 101), the number of trainee assistants and trainee teachers (line 102), women (line 103) are distinguished.

Information about trainee assistants and trainee teachers is included in the total number of graduate students in the reports of universities where they were admitted (line 101).

The total number of graduate students (line 104) is distributed by branches of science and specialties. In this case, the corresponding branch of science is first indicated, then the specialties included in this branch are listed. Indices of branches of science and specialties are put down in column 3. Data on specialties are summarized within each branch. The sum of the results by branches of science should be equal to the data of line 101 "total".

Information about trainee assistants and trainee teachers is included in the number of graduate students in all specialties and in the totals for each branch of science, and is allocated (including) only by branches of science.

6. The number of persons admitted to graduate school in the reporting year is indicated in column 4, in column 5 - of them who studied out of work. Persons enrolled in graduate school in the order of restoration or transfer from other institutions are not included in the number of those accepted (column 4) and those who studied out of work (column 5).

7. The actual graduation of postgraduate students in the reporting year is shown in columns 6 - 9:

in column 6 - total, in column 7 - of them with the defense of a thesis;

in column 8 - graduation of graduate students who studied off-duty, in column 9 - of them with the defense of a dissertation.

8. The number of graduate students at the end of the year is indicated in column 10, in column 11 - of them who studied out of work.

9. Of the total number of graduate students at the end of the year (column 10), the number of women is highlighted (column 12).

10. It should be borne in mind that information about persons who defended dissertations during postgraduate training (i.e., within the period of postgraduate study specified in the order of admission) is shown among those who graduated with the defense of a dissertation under Title I in the report of the institution, where they studied, regardless of the institution in which they defended their dissertations.

Information about persons who defended dissertations outside the period of postgraduate training are shown among those who defended Ph.D. dissertations under Section III in the report of the institution where they defended their dissertations.

Section II. Graduate Student Movement

11. Section II shows the movement in the number of graduate students.

The number of applicants for the degree of Candidate of Sciences in this Section is not taken into account.

12. The number of graduate students at the beginning of the year is indicated in column 3.

13. In column 4 of Section II, from among the persons admitted to postgraduate studies in the reporting year (Section 1, line 101 of column 4), persons who graduated from universities in the reporting year are singled out.

14. Column 5 lists # persons enrolled in graduate school in the order of restoration or transfer from other institutions (this number is not included in the numbers accepted in Section I columns 4, 5).

15. Column 6 indicates the total number of graduate students who dropped out for various reasons before completing their graduate studies in the reporting year.

16. In column 7, out of the total number of graduate students (Section I, line 101, column 10), the number of graduate students who have undergone training over the established period is highlighted.

17. On line 202 in columns 4 - 7, data on the movement of the number of graduate students who studied out of work are allocated.

Section III. PhD theses defense in scientific councils of scientific institutions (HEIs) in the reporting year

18. Section III provides information on the number of scientific councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations, the number of applicants for the degree of candidate of science and persons who defended candidate dissertations in scientific councils in a given scientific institution (university), regardless of where they studied - in postgraduate studies at a given scientific institution (university) or postgraduate studies at another scientific institution (university), and also regardless of their place of work.

19. Column 4 indicates the number of candidate and doctoral scientific councils in this scientific institution (university) at the end of the year.

20. Column 5 shows the number of applicants for the degree of candidate of science at the end of the year.

21. Column 6 highlights the total number of persons who defended their Ph.D.

in column 7 - applicants;

in column 8 - those who completed postgraduate training before the reporting year;

in columns 9, 10 - graduated from postgraduate studies in the reporting year, including:

in column 9 - with the defense of a dissertation during postgraduate training;

in column 10 - with the defense of a dissertation in the period after postgraduate training.

Persons who completed postgraduate studies in the reporting year without defending a dissertation, but defended it during the reporting year at this institution, are shown in the report twice: in Section III column 10 - as defending a dissertation outside the period of postgraduate training, and in Section 1 columns 6 and 8 - as graduate students without defending a dissertation.

22. Of the total number of applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences and the number of persons who defended candidate dissertations in scientific institutions (universities) in the reporting year, women are singled out in line 302.

23. The indicators of line 301 in columns 4 - 10 are distributed by branches of science. Column 3 indicates the index of the branch of science.

Section IV. Scientific guidance for graduate students

24. Line 401 in column 3 takes into account all supervisors of graduate students who trained them, regardless of the main place of work.

25. From the total number of scientific supervisors (line 401, columns 4-7), the total number of scientific supervisors with the academic title of associate professor, professor, corresponding member and academician (full member of the Academy of Sciences

Columns 6, 7 indicate only corresponding members and academicians (full members of the Academy of Sciences) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Russian Agricultural Academy, the Russian Academy of Education.

26. Of the total number of scientific supervisors (line 401), lines 403 - 406 for all columns provide data on supervisors with academic degrees of candidate of science and doctor of science.

27. Of the total number of supervisors (line 401, columns 3-7), women are singled out in lines 402, 404, 406.

28. Reference 1 shows the distribution of the number of graduate students by age groups by the number of completed years at the end of the reporting year. From the total number of graduate students (line 101 column 10) in line 408, graduate students of the following age groups are distinguished: up to 26 years old (inclusive), 27 - 30 years old, 31 - 34 years old, 35 - 38 years old, 39 years old and older.

29. Out of the total number of graduate students (line 408), graduate students who studied out of work (line 410) and women (lines 409 and 411) stand out.

The sum of the data in columns 3-7 on line 408 is equal to the data in columns 10 on line 101; the sum of the data in columns 3-7 on line 409 is equal to the data in columns 12 on line 101; the sum of columns 3-7 on line 410 is equal to the data in column 11 of line 101.

Section V. Total number of doctoral students, admission and graduation

30. Section V is filled in by scientific institutions (HEIs) at which doctoral studies are open, which are full-time forms of training of scientific and technical personnel of the highest qualification - doctors of science.

A doctoral student is a person who has the degree of Candidate of Science and is enrolled in doctoral studies to prepare a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science.

The Section reflects the number of persons admitted to doctoral studies, the actual graduation of doctoral students, the number of those who left before completing doctoral studies in the reporting year, the number of doctoral students at the end of the year.

31. Column 4 shows the number of those admitted to doctoral studies in the reporting year.

32. Column 5 indicates the actual graduation of doctoral students in the reporting year, column 6 - of them with the defense of a dissertation.

33. Column 7 shows the number of doctoral students who dropped out for various reasons before completing their doctoral studies in the reporting year.

34. Column 8 shows the number of doctoral students at the end of the year, column 9 identifies female doctoral students from the total number.

35. Indicators of line 501 in columns 4 - 9 are developed by branches of science. Column 3 indicates the index of the branch of science. Of the total number of doctoral students (p. 501), women stand out (p. 502).

36. Note 2 to Section V provides the distribution of doctoral students at the end of the reporting year by age groups.

From the total number of doctoral students (line 501 column 8), in line 504, doctoral students of the following age groups are distinguished: up to 39 years old (inclusive), 40 - 49 years old, 50 - 54 years old, 55 - 59 years old, 60 years old and older.

Female doctoral students stand out from the total number of doctoral students in all age groups (line 505).

The sum of the data in columns 3 - 7 on line 504 is equal to the data in columns 8 on line 501; the sum of the data in columns 3 - 7 on line 505 is equal to the data in column 9 on line 501.

Section VI. The number of graduate and doctoral students admitted under direct contracts with individuals and legal entities

37. In Section VI, out of the total number of graduate students and doctoral students, data on graduate students and doctoral students admitted under direct contracts with individuals and legal entities are highlighted.

38. Line 601 of the total number of graduate students (line 101 column 10) in columns 4 - 6 shall indicate the following:

in column 4 - the number of graduate students at the end of the year, accepted under direct contracts;

in column 5 - the actual graduation of graduate students - in total, in column 6 - of them with the defense of a dissertation.

39. Columns 7 - 9 of the total number of doctoral students (line 501) show the following:

in column 7 - the number of doctoral students at the end of the year, accepted under direct contracts;

in column 8 - the actual graduation of doctoral students in the reporting year, accepted under direct contracts - in total;

in column 9 - of them with the defense of a dissertation.

40. The total number of graduate and doctoral students admitted under direct contracts with individuals and legal entities (from line 601 in columns 4 to 9) is distributed by branches of science (line 602).

With the introduction of the Procedure, the previously existing Instruction for filling out the federal state statistical observation form N 1-NK "Information on the work of postgraduate and doctoral studies", approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 30, 2000 N 30, is canceled.

Decree of the Federal State Statistics Service of November 7, 2006 N 63 “On approval of the Procedures for filling out and submitting forms of federal state statistical observation N 1-technology “Information on the creation and use of advanced derivative technologies”, N 1-NK “Information on the work of postgraduate studies and doctoral studies"
