Relationship between Camilla Parker Bowles and Kate Middleton. Duchess Camilla builds trust with Meghan Markle

According to rumors, the duchess quarreled with the entire royal family and caused a scandalous showdown between Camilla Parker-Bowles and Prince Harry.

Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles. Photo: Rex Features/

The British royal family is rocked by incredible new rumors. They say it caused a huge quarrel between Camilla Parker-Bowles and Prince Harry. Passions have escalated to such an extent that Prince Charles even questions that Harry is his son.

The tabloids write that there has always been a strained relationship between Parker-Bowles and Middleton. But if Kate's husband Prince William always tried to gently nullify all quarrels between women, his younger brother at some point categorically refused to endure these constant skirmishes. Prince Harry, standing by Kate's side, demanded that her stepmother stop bullying her daughter-in-law. And once he even stated that the Duchess Kate has much more royal powers than Camilla. Parker-Bowles could not stand this and in response stated that Harry did not have any powers at all.

Rumors that Harry is not Charles's son have been around for a very long time. In 1995, Princess Diana admitted that she had an affair with officer James Hewitt. And then there were suggestions that it was Lady Dee's lover who was Harry's biological father. They say, having learned about this, William's younger brother even offered dad to do a paternity test. Then Charles refused. But now, at the suggestion of Camilla, I decided to do a DNA test anyway. And in case Harry really turns out to be not his son, disown him.

Some source supposedly close to royal palace and who told about all these dirty squabbles, unfortunately, does not specify how Kate Middleton reacts to this scandal, which has become the main cause of discord in the family. Official representatives of the British monarchy, as always, refrain from commenting.

Duchess Camilla during a tour of Southeast Asia, November 2017

The other day, insiders from Clarence House (the residence of Prince Charles and his wife) shared very unexpected and at the same time quite predictable news with the British media: the Duchess of Cornwall invited Meghan Markle to a friendly tea party to talk with Prince Harry's bride about the upcoming wedding and to give her a good advice for the future.

Why is the news unexpected? First of all, because Megan herself gives the impression of a self-confident person who already easily masters royal duties, and even earns herself additional popularity points from her future subjects with each exit. Camille never dreamed of such loyalty from British citizens: in 2005, her wedding with Charles hit the rating royal family as strong as the death of Princess Diana. Actually, the tragedy that happened to the "queen of human hearts" still cannot leave Camilla and the Prince of Wales alone. Under these conditions, does the popular Megan really need advice from one whose public ratings always range from unconditional respect to fierce hatred?

And yet, for palace observers, the meeting of Megan and Camilla did not come as a surprise. Why? We tell.

The habit of interfering

Kate and Camille at Sunday Memorial Service, November 13, 2016

However, Camilla adopted the habit of “getting to know better” the brides of the Windsor princes even earlier. So, back in 1981, on the night before the announcement of her engagement to Prince Charles, Diana Spencer found her letter on her pillow. Camilla Parker Bowles, then 33-year-old mother of two, politely invited 19-year-old Diana to lunch. Lady Dee accepted the invitation and met periodically with Mrs. Parker Bowles throughout the spring: at Camilla's estate in Wiltshire alone, she and Charles visited twice.

At first, Camilla really managed to build a trusting relationship with Diana: she often gave the future Princess of Wales advice on how she should communicate with Charles (some of them, as Lady Dee herself later recalled, were of a very intimate nature). Diana listened attentively to her adult friend, but still could not communicate with her on an equal footing. Camilla, in this way, probed the ground regarding the possibility of her own communication with Charles. Of course, after the announcement of the engagement, there was no question of any intimacy. But in those days, she was almost the only friend for the Prince of Wales, so it was important for Camilla to gain the trust of Charles's bride in order to maintain this friendship.

Camilla and Diana...

... March 1981

Why is Megan

However, no matter how different Meghan's fate is from Diana's and no matter what impression she makes, Harry's fiancée also needs support. And the Duchess of Cornwall sees this very well.

Yes, Megan is very popular with British subjects. But is this a recipe for success within the royal family? Of course, like any Windsor bride, Ms. Markle experiences a sense of isolation within the walls of Kensington Palace. She cannot but experience it, because all the previous 36 years of her life were radically different from what she is signing up for now. And, perhaps, this is what unites her with Camilla, like with no one else.

Like the Duchess of Cornwall, Meghan enters the royal family already having married life, and, like Camille, she once had to use all her charm and charisma to turn public opinion in her favor. As we remember, the UK did not immediately fall in love with Miss Markle, and not all of the aristocratic elite were ready to accept a mixed-race girl into their circle. And although Prince Harry initially warned his beloved about the coming difficulties, as the Monegasque prince Albert once put it, "nothing can fully prepare you for the rhythm of royal life."

Meghan Markle in Birmingham, March 8, 2018

Philanthropy and spotlight - that's all that remains of Megan from her past life. Now, if she needs to leave the house, she is taken away in a car with tinted windows and accompanied by security. sank into oblivion and social media: The Tig blog and over three million subscribers across multiple platforms.

Under these conditions, it is important for Meghan to receive support and love not only from the groom, but also from senior members of the royal family. And of all of them, only Camilla can fully and completely enter into her position.

Queen Elizabeth and Duchess Camilla at the Royal Horse Show, May 15, 2015

Camilla, although she was born an aristocrat, led the existence of the most ordinary woman all her life. Like Meghan, she had to endure a lot before she officially entered the royal family. And the growth of her influence within the monarchy, her many charitable initiatives, as well as her ability to manipulate public opinion in her favor (take, for example, her renunciation of the title of Princess of Wales and the civil ceremony of marriage with Charles in 2005) is something Meghan has yet to master. That's why Ms. Markle, according to insiders, was incredibly touched by the invitation of the Duchess.

Grandchildren as leverage

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at Ascot on November 24, 2017

Of course, no one will dare to deny Duchess Camilla the sincerity of her feelings towards Megan. And yet in family clans so high level relationships between close people are not always measured by goodwill alone. For Clarence House, this rule is especially true, because one day Prince Charles will become king, and beneficial relationships with the younger and more popular generation of his family are an absolute must for him.

In this regard, Camilla may well act as a link. It is imperative for her to gain Megan's trust, because there is no doubt that very soon there will be replenishment in her and Harry's family.

Previously, the Duchess of Cornwall dreamed of getting close to Kate Middleton enough to have the opportunity to babysit George and Charlotte in the future, but, unfortunately for her, Catherine has too obsessive own parents. As a result, George and Charlotte now interact more with Carol and Michael Middleton than with Charles and Camilla. As they say, the Prince of Wales, despite personal disappointment (after all, George will also take the throne one day), the Dukes of Cambridge fully understands: after all, it is quite natural that Catherine, as a mother, prefers to take her babies to her parents (read also:).

Thus, unlike the Dukes of Cambridge, Harry and his future wife will communicate with the Prince of Wales and the Duchess Camilla much more often. It is possible that Prince Charles also expects to enlist support younger son in his initiative to make Camilla queen, because without the approval of the children, as insiders say, he will never take this step.

Charles and Camilla visiting Yorkshire, February 16, 2018

In addition, Prince Charles himself has high hopes for Meghan. Prince Philip's "pension" has jeopardized the Prince of Wales's favorite idea of ​​the "magnificent seven" of the royal family - that is, that all the laurels in it should belong to its seven members: Elizabeth, Philip, Charles, Camilla, William, Catherine and Harry. The Duke of Edinburgh has not been involved in royal duties since last year, so Meghan will take the vacant seat, according to Charles's project.

This role, prepared for her by her father-in-law, can quite naturally frighten Harry's fiancee. But even here, her husband's ambition is gently implemented by the Duchess Camilla, who seeks to win over Megan to herself (and to the whole of Clarence House) as gently and diplomatically as possible. How can she.

It all started with the fact that the wife of Prince Charles - Camilla - appeared before the audience at one of the receptions on the occasion of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of her husband in a diamond diadem, borrowed from the collection of royal jewels.

Camilla had occasionally allowed herself to adorn her hair with tiaras that Elizabeth lent her. But this time her exit was arranged especially solemnly. Camilla appeared before the public with Charles on his arm (the prince was with all his orders) and with a shining royal jewel on her head. This was seen as a dress rehearsal for the role of the king's consort. By the way, the diadem given to Camille was at one time one of the Queen Mother's favorite ornaments. The fact that Elizabeth graciously allows Camilla to wear it speaks volumes.

After all, at one time the queen called Parker Bowles nothing more than "this terrible woman." And when Charles nevertheless married his mistress, Elizabeth refused to welcome the title of Princess of Wales, which Camilla could receive as the wife of the heir to the throne. Charles's wife was given the right to be called only the Duchess of Cornwall, which is considered a title of a lower rank. Do they mean latest events that now Elizabeth is resigned to the fact that Camilla is likely to take a place next to the rightful king of Great Britain? After all, there is also Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, who has not lost hope of trying on the royal crown herself in the near future. Both Katherine and her husband William are young, beautiful and extremely popular all over the world!

And Prince Charles cannot boast of either one or the other, or the third - he is already 65 years old. So it is possible that he would prefer to abdicate his place on the throne in favor of his son.

Kate apparently took Camille's grand entrance as a challenge. And soon, too, appeared at a diplomatic reception at Buckingham Palace in another diamond tiara, also once owned by the Queen Mother. But before that - since the day of her wedding - Kate had never allowed herself to go out in such an eye-catching piece of jewelry!


The tiara, in which Kate shone at the wedding in 2011, was lent to her by Elizabeth II, and obviously with more pleasure than putting the jewelry at Camilla's disposal.

And the newlywed looked simply dazzling in it - diamonds shone on her head, and on Kate's hand, in addition to the wedding ring, made according to tradition from Welsh gold, an engagement ring presented by William shone with a deep blue brilliance.

By the way, this ring has an interesting story behind it. Although it was claimed that Diana, who owned the ring before Kate, hated it (since the Queen allegedly imposed it on her), there were witnesses who questioned this version. The official representative of the jewelry company that made the ring is ready to swear - Diana personally chose the ring from the collection provided to her. And she chose it because she was completely fascinated by the central stone - a rare Ceylon sapphire of 12 carats.

Moreover, when, after the death of Diana, Princes Harry and William were invited to take something from their mother’s favorite things as a keepsake, this particular ring was chosen among the memorable souvenirs. And later it passed from William to Kate ...

The Duchess, by the way, is not afraid that the ring of the unfortunate Princess Diana will bring her trouble, she does not believe in omens too much. But Diana was very superstitious, and, oddly enough, in her case, bad omens came true. During the marriage, many things went wrong. For example, Diana managed to mix up the order of the groom's names during the wedding. While reciting her oath, she named him "Philip Charles Arthur". Which gave Charles reason to joke: “You seem to have married my father!” After all, Charles's dad is really called Philip ...

And the groom himself mistakenly put the ring on the wrong hand of the bride and, what was even worse, forgot to kiss her! And yet - from the tight wedding tiara, Diana had a terrible headache. Many whispered then that all these are very bad signs. And they were right - Diana's marriage ended in a scandalous divorce.


Queen Elizabeth II, like Kate, never believed in omens. And although on her own wedding there were also plenty of unpleasant incidents, the Queen this year safely celebrated the 66th anniversary of her marriage to Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. But, it would seem, what could frighten the bride more than a broken wedding tiara - just at the moment when they were going to fix it on Elizabeth's head?!

I had to urgently call a jeweler, who, under the supervision of the police, hastily repaired the jewelry. Then it turned out that the breathtaking pearl necklace worth four million pounds, given to her by her father on the occasion of the wedding, had managed to forget in the palace. And in order to get it to Westminster Abbey, I had to send the Queen's personal secretary on foot (since there were insurmountable traffic jams everywhere on the occasion of the celebration) to the palace for a necklace ... Not to mention the fact that the origin of the wedding ring presented to the Queen could scare anyone. The fact is that when Prince Philip wooed Elizabeth, he was, although of noble birth, but at the same time just a poor officer - according to royal concepts. Poor but proud: Philip couldn't afford to let the bride's family pay for the ring.


The value of the collection of jewelry personally owned by Elizabeth cannot be precisely determined, since the queen never allowed expert gemologists to assess her. Only the cost of some of her "exhibits" is known, such as the highlight of the collection - a diamond brooch inherited by the Queen from her grandmother, Queen Mary. Elizabeth calls this decoration none other than "Grandmother's fragments." The two huge diamonds set in this masterpiece of jewelry are actually made from two fragments of the world-famous giant diamond called the Cullinan. And this brooch costs no less than 50 million pounds! Elizabeth inherited most of her personal jewelry from Queens Mary and Victoria. And besides the personal collection of the queen, the treasury also contains the so-called crown jewels - state crowns, a scepter decorated with stones, an orb and other regalia ...

So the vault in the Tower, where all these unique things are located, contains truly fabulous pieces of jewelry, not only in beauty, but also in value. And of course, these treasures were repeatedly encroached upon by various kinds of adventurers. And sometimes the crowned persons themselves tried to use the crown jewels in their own interests or lost them due to unfortunate circumstances.

For example, King John the Landless, who ruled in the 13th century, managed, according to legend, to drown all his treasures, including the crown. This happened when the king's convoy, passing along the seashore, was caught by a sudden tide and disappeared in quicksand.

Shortly thereafter, the king died, either from grief or illness. So his son, Henry III, had to be crowned in a gold hoop, hastily made instead of a crown. By the way, British treasure hunters still cannot calm down - everyone is digging and digging up hundreds of cubic meters of earth in the area where the treasures of King John are supposedly buried. Alas, since then sea ​​waves at least a 10-meter layer of sand was washed in this place, not to mention the fact that it is still not known exactly where this disaster happened.

But, of course, not all losses were accidental. In the 14th century, King Edward III, who had run out of money during the Hundred Years' War, sold some of the treasure to pay his army. Some of the royal jewels were also forced to be slowly taken out of England and sold by the wife of Charles I, Henrietta.

And King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1936, completely stole a jewel that did not belong to him. Leaving Great Britain, he took with him the official small crown of the Prince of Wales. This was tantamount to theft, primarily because crown jewels were strictly forbidden to be taken out of the country. Not to mention the fact that at that time Edward was no longer the Prince of Wales - after the abdication he bore the title of Duke of Windsor - and had no rights at all to the regalia he had taken away. But his younger brother George VI, who succeeded Edward on the throne, chose not to make an international scandal, accusing a member of the royal family of theft. As a result, the crown of the Prince of Wales returned to London only in 1972, after the death of Edward.

And for Prince Charles, whose official introduction ceremony to the “position” of the next heir to the throne, the Prince of Wales, took place in 1969, a new crown had to be made. It was she who placed Charles on the head of Elizabeth II.


As for the persons of non-royal blood who encroached on treasures, there were many of them. One of the earliest (from among those included in the chronicles) robberies occurred in 1303. Then from the treasury, located at that time in Westminster Abbey, gold coins, dishes made of gold and silver, as well as many jewels with stones were stolen. There was no king in England at that time - he fought in Scotland. So the loss was not immediately discovered - when in the jewelry shops that bought the stolen goods, objects suspiciously similar to the monarch's property were noticed.

During the investigation, a certain Richard Pudlicott, a bankrupt wool merchant, took the blame for what he had done, although it was obvious that one of the servants of the abbey also took part in the conspiracy. Richard, however, was severely punished: not only was he hanged, after death, his body was skinned and nailed to the doors of the abbey - as a warning to future possible thieves. As for the surviving royal treasures, they were moved to the Tower for reliability.

But the greatest damage to the property of the kings was not caused by robbers. Cromwell, who executed Charles I and proclaimed himself Lord Protector, destroyed everything that British kings had collected in their treasury for centuries.

Only there were at least ten different crowns in the vault! The most expensive of them, the crown of the British Empire, was worth, as estimated by the commission established by Cromwell, one thousand one hundred pounds (in terms of modern money, about one million seven hundred thousand). It was adorned with 28 large diamonds, 19 sapphires and 37 rubies. Cromwell ordered that stones be removed from all products and sold at the maximum price. And melt gold and silver into coins and distribute it to the soldiers. It was clearly not the wisest of his decisions. After all, from the main crown, for example, only 248 coins were obtained with a face value of 1 pound sterling and ten more for a shilling.

After the overthrow of Cromwell, Charles II, who came to power, had a hard time, because he was forced to redeem the precious stones that belonged to him by law, which for the most part settled in the vaults of large jewelers. Charles II nevertheless managed to restore the destroyed relics according to the descriptions. Fortunately, many ceremonial portraits have been preserved, in which his ancestors were depicted with all their regalia. Based on these portraits, among which was a portrait of his father Charles I by the famous Van Dyck, it was possible to restore, among other things, the famous crown. However, so much was spent on buying back the stones and recreating the jewels that the king's treasury was practically empty.

It was at this time that one of the most mysterious robberies of the royal treasury happened. Colonel Thomas Blood, disguised as a priest, tricked himself into trusting the custodian of the royal treasures, entered the Tower with several of his accomplices and tried to take valuables out of the castle: a crown - it was flattened with a hammer to hide under clothes - a rod that the robbers sawed into pieces , and an orb adorned with stones.

However, at the last moment, the kidnappers were detained, and all the loot was returned. The strangest circumstance in this story was not even the audacity of the thieves, but the fact that the king, after talking with Blood, as he demanded, without witnesses, let him go! Since then, persistent rumors have circulated around the palace that it was Karl himself, who was in dire need of money, and hired Blood! It was alleged that the king, having reached despair from lack of money and seeing no other way out, wanted to secretly sell jewelry abroad and thus replenish the treasury! And then, when the situation improves, redeem the treasures back.


Apparently, if not Charles II, then one of his heirs (it is not known exactly who did this) managed to get rid of the burden of owning the stones that adorned the main regalia, giving them for safekeeping.

After all, all the main attributes of royal power were needed by the most august persons far from every day. They were needed at coronations, weddings, and also on the days of the grand opening of parliamentary sessions. At other times, kings could use more modest diadems or crowns. So until the 19th century, when Victoria reigned on the throne, there was a rule: for especially solemn occasions, precious stones were bought from royal jewelers - each time for 4 percent of their value.

And the rest of the time, imitations of glass flaunted in crowns.

However, with the coming to power of Queen Victoria, everything changed. This woman took her mission as empress very seriously and could not allow fake stones to be in her crown, even temporarily. At her request, a magnificent new crown of the British Empire was made, shining with multi-colored gems that flowed like a river from the mines of the new British colonies. The whole structure weighed about a kilogram. It was adorned with more than three thousand stones - including 2868 diamonds, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds and 5 rubies. Among them were ancient jewels - pearls from the collection of Elizabeth I, sapphire of King Edward the Confessor and the famous Black Prince's Ruby.

This stone has had a long and bloody history.

It once belonged to the emir of Granada, then passed to the Castilian king Pedro the Cruel, who treacherously killed him. Subsequently, the ruby ​​came to the son of the British king Edward III, who was nicknamed the Black Prince. And in honor of the royal son, his favorite stone was also called that. Many subsequent owners of the ruby ​​- among them Kings Richard II and Richard III - also met with violent death. But Victoria, apparently, was not at all embarrassed by all this, and she ordered that a stone shining with an ominous crimson light be inserted into the imperial crown.

But here is the famous diamond "Kohinoor" (in translation - "Mountain of Light"), presented to Queen Victoria in 1850, she still did not want to insert into the "main" crown.

Victoria knew that this stone was allegedly cursed: "Only God or a woman can own it with impunity." It brings bad luck to men. And although for Victoria herself, according to legend, it was safe, she did not dare to decorate the imperial crown with them, because her son was to become the heir to the queen ... So for the sake of the safety of the future king, she decided to be careful. Ultimately, there was still a place for the Kohinoor in the crown, albeit in a purely feminine one. According to an unwritten British tradition, it is worn exclusively by queen consorts, that is, the spouses of kings - it was worn, for example, by the queen mother. And in the future, this particular crown may go to Camilla or Katherine.


At one time, the Kohinoor was considered the world's largest cut diamond. However, since the famous Cullinan was found, the fame of the Kohinoor has faded a bit. The sensational find was made in 1905, in one of the kimberlite pipes South Africa. There they found a diamond, quite suitable for jewelry processing, of incredible size - it weighed 3106 carats, or more than 600 grams! In its category - gem diamonds - "Cullinan", named after the owner of the mine, remains unsurpassed to this day. It was decided to present it as a gift to King Edward VII of Great Britain.

British jewelry experts who studied the stone came to an unexpected conclusion: the structure of the crystal indicated that it was only part of a much larger diamond, which weighed at least a kilogram!

But the second fragment of the diamond was never found ... It was decided that the Cullinan would, alas, have to be divided into parts, since cracks were found inside it.

The task set by King Edward for the jeweler Joseph Asher was incredibly difficult and extremely responsible. With one blow, he had to break the stone exactly along the natural cracks in it. The first attempt was unsuccessful - Asher's instrument broke. When, on the second attempt, he finally successfully split the Cullinan, he lost consciousness from the stress he had endured. Ultimately, the diamond was divided into nine large and 96 smaller diamonds.

The largest, called the "Great Star of Africa", weighing 530.2 carats, was decided to decorate the royal scepter, where it remains to this day. The "Second Star of Africa" ​​(317.4 carats) found its place in the crown of the British Empire - the same one that Elizabeth II wears, exactly under the "Black Prince's Ruby". And stones number three and four (94.4 and 63.6 carats) were turned into a brooch, apparently the most expensive in the world - this is the famous "Grandmother's Shards", one of the favorite jewelry of the current reigning queen...

Will the future heirs of Elizabeth love their diamonds and often wear them in public, as she did? Quite possible. After all, as the example of Camilla and Catherine shows, no woman is able to resist the alluring brilliance of royal jewels ...

Came out A new book about the life of the British royal family, or rather, about the intrigues allegedly going on in the crowned family. American Christopher Andersen, the author of a book called Game of Crowns, focuses on the female half of the ruling monarchy. The annotation to the book says that it is about "the responsible Queen Elizabeth II, the unfortunate Diana, the prudent Camilla and not so simple."

Camille Parker-Bowles "got" the most from the author: for example, as Andersen assures, the wife of Prince Charles twisted intrigues against Kate Middleton. According to him, Camilla "was disgusted" by the hype that rose around the pair of Kate and William, while she herself was "trying to win the sympathy of the public."

The book says that Parker-Bowles persuaded Charles to convince his son to leave Kate, and allegedly for this reason there was a temporary gap between Prince William and his future wife in 2007.

However, an anonymous source from the royal entourage refutes this information, stating:

Will and Kate then broke up due to the fact that he was not ready to settle down. It was only his decision.

A spokesperson for Charles and Camilla declined to comment on the matter.

I must say, the same book also tells about how Kate Middleton's mother Carol made considerable efforts to get her daughter close to the prince.

When the prince decided on the university, Carol flew to Florence to personally convince Kate that St. Andrews provides an opportunity that no other can offer educational institution peace - to get closer to the future king of England,

Written by Christopher Andersen. The description of the book also says:

Story future queen Katherine is more like not a fairy tale, but a sober calculation, which, however, can be said about other participants in the palace games.

Among other scandalous details that Andersen writes about in his book are the details of relationships within love triangle Charles, Diana and Camilla. So, for example, the author claims that the romance between Prince Charles and Parker Bowles began with her phrase:

Your great-great-grandmother was my great-great-great-grandfather's mistress. How do you like this?

Representatives of the royal family are not the only heroes of Christopher Andersen's publications. He has more than 30 books to his credit, including about the life of Mick Jagger, John and Jackie Kennedy and other celebrities.

played at the palace the motive of the well-known fairy tale about the stepmother - the queen and the young princess

In the new book, the American journalist Christopher Anderson published his book titled The Game of Crowns: Elizabeth, Camilla, Kate and the Throne.

Catherine Middleton, whom Prince William met while studying at university, was "pretty but homely," says Camilla.

A bride of such low origin, in her opinion, did not suit the future heir to the throne.

When Kate and William broke up temporarily in March 2007 after six years of romance, Camille called it a "wise" decision.

However, despite the intrigues of the Duchess of Cornwall, already in October of the same year, the lovers were reunited.

Kate and William got married in 2011.

Camilla herself, a representative of a small-scale non-titled noble family, married Charles in 2005. Many Britons did not approve of this marriage, believing that Camilla Parker-Boluse was unworthy to take the place of Princess Diana.

Anderson also claims that Camille was jealous of Kate's growing popularity. And she was afraid that the young couple would outshine them with Charles. She also worries that William could become king bypassing his father, who is about to turn 70.

"Camilla, the quintessential Black Queen, hid in the shadows for decades - she was blamed for adultery and the death of her rival, who was one of the most adored women in the world. Gradually and carefully, Camilla improved her image - enough to secure her place near Charles, and also secure your future as the next queen. But here comes the young, graceful, smart and stunning White Queen, known simply as Kate. And captures the imagination of the whole world - even before he officially claims the heart of his royal lover. Although she lacks the aristocratic background and experience of the Black Queen, she proved to be quite patient and cunningly survived amid the palace dramas and intrigues. And now two potential queens are protecting the interests of their kings,” Anderson writes.

Currently, the relationship between Camilla and Kate (the mother of three children - including the future King of Great Britain Prince George) outwardly seems quite cloudless.

The residence of Prince Charles, Clarence House, declined to comment on the statements made in the book.
