If a girl dreams of her wedding. Why do you dream about your own wedding? Dream interpretation wedding

It is known that a wedding ceremony is a wonderful, bright, vibrant event. Previously, it was believed that such an event was a dream of joy, prosperity and incredible luck. Over time, the interpretation has changed: many dream books reveal the essence differently. Why see your wedding in a dream? You will find the answer below.

Why do you dream about your own wedding?

The most common question in search engines is why do you dream about your wedding? Consideration of the three most popular meanings will help to give a clear interpretation according to different dream books:

  1. The event may be dreamed of before receiving good news or good events. Such an event promises only joy and not a single sad news.
  2. Seeing a wedding in a dream where sad guests and parents are gathered for a walk means illness, bad news and unpleasant actions.
  3. If you dream about getting married, this is a sign: it’s time to devote more time to your soulmate.

Wedding preparations

In most cases, the preparation of such an event can be dreamed of by young girls and women over 35. Perhaps this is just someone’s dream that should come true. However, if you turn to the pages of the dream book, he will explain why you dream about preparing for your own wedding:

  1. Your partner wants to tell you about all his feelings, but he just doesn’t dare.
  2. If in a dream a girl gets ready, puts on a beautiful white dress, and tries it on in a store, it means that she is planning to make some kind of global purchase.
  3. I dreamed of a wedding - it’s fuss, pleasant chores around the house and heartfelt confessions, an invitation to a date.

Why do you dream about a married woman’s wedding?

If girls, being unmarried, see pleasant dreams about a wedding celebration, there is nothing surprising here. On the other hand, it is very alarming why a married lady dreams of her own wedding:

  1. Seeing yourself in a remarriage, but in a dream, means you need to sort out your family. Perhaps there is a misunderstanding or a small disagreement.
  2. If a married woman dreams of a wedding, then it is quite possible that there is another man who is ready to act and win the lady.
  3. If this is a dream of a married lady, then you should expect troubles from which you cannot hide. Sooner or later, the moment comes when your own dream indicates problems in relationships associated with your spouse.

To an unmarried girl

Probably every daughter would like to see her own celebration in a dream. White dress, happy mother, beautiful decor, vow and many flowers. But is it as beautiful and pleasant as in reality? Why does an unmarried girl dream about her wedding:

  1. If this is a celebration with a loved one in a dream, then in reality the couple’s relationship will become even stronger than before. There is love and trust, tenderness and real care here.
  2. If a girl sees a stranger as her husband, unexpected events will happen that will turn everything upside down. In general, in any dream, an unfamiliar young man is a fateful messenger of favorable news.
  3. The dream promises immediate adoption of responsible decisions.

Why does a man dream about a wedding?

Sometimes men also dream of pleasant moments associated with a wedding celebration. For some this will be a sign, for others it will be an obstacle. Here is an interesting interpretation of why a married man dreams of a wedding:

  1. Basically, if a young man dreams of his own wedding, then he will face drastic changes in his work. And most importantly, these changes will be favorable. For example, a long-awaited promotion or opening your own business.
  2. For married man, if you dream of a wedding, this is a new round in your relationship with your soulmate. A person gets to know his wife from another interesting side that he had not noticed before.
  3. Basically, one’s own triumph means correcting mistakes and reconsidering all past grievances.

Why do you dream about your wedding with your loved one?

Girls on the eve of their own holiday can’t think about anything else. This is a lot of stress for the body, because you need everything to go great. Therefore, many dreams about a celebration mean nothing if an event is about to take place. But why dream of a wedding with a guy if there was no talk of a personal celebration? There are several interpretations of such a dream.

Basic interpretations:

  1. Having a significant other as a husband is already a good sign. Most likely, the relationship will move to a new stage, which will be much more comfortable and interesting for both people.
  2. Love works wonders, so if you see triumph and a soul mate in your dreams, it means that the romantic confession that the girl has been dreaming about for many years, pregnancy, is just around the corner.
  3. A beloved guy is like the strongest shoulder on which it is important to lean. A holiday with a soul mate, without whom you cannot live, means stability, well-being and trust between people.

With husband

Many people are interested in the question of why they dream of a wedding with their own husband? Most dream books give an unambiguous interpretation of such an event. If the marriage involves real spouses, then you should expect problems. This can be either a showdown or a breakdown in the family. To prevent all misunderstandings, it is better to come to a common denominator. Sometimes dreams tend to come true. In any case, it is better to look into the dream book.

With a friend

Guy friends in a dream are a good sign, but not for a girl, but for a man. Why do you dream of a wedding with a friend? There are a lot of options, here are some of them:

  1. I dreamed of a wedding - the guy who acts as a husband will have a girl for whom he will be ready to do anything.
  2. Most likely, he does not consider the mistress of the dream as a friend. There is something much more here than simple conversations and advice: sympathy or unrequited love.
  3. A friend wants to inform or talk about something that is being nurtured in his soul. It’s worth listening to him, suddenly this information will become useful and necessary.

Failed wedding

If the celebration is interrupted in full swing, that’s already bad. Many girls begin to worry: why do they dream of running away from their wedding? Here it is important to pay attention to the emotions that the dreamer experiences. If this is a disappointment, then things are just around the corner that you really don’t want to complete. If this is joy, then the burden that previously weighed heavily will fall, but nothing good will come of it. Many dream books, for example, Miller's, interpret a dream in which a runaway bride is present as a harbinger of an unwanted marriage.

With ex-boyfriend

When parting, the girl’s soul is filled with emotions. It is both relief and suffering. During such a difficult period, you can see dreams of a different nature. Why dream of a wedding with an ex-boyfriend, even if everything is already completed? Firstly, this may mean that a not very pleasant stage has begun in the girl’s life. Secondly, sooner or later the black stripe will change to white. Women need to take time for themselves, throw away all the negativity they have acquired and believe in a bright future.

With ex-husband

The female sex often wonders why they dream of a wedding with ex-husband? Why doesn’t the past let go and constantly finds them? This can be explained only by one obvious fact: the girl still often thinks about breaking up and returning. Why do you dream about your own wedding? You may dream of your ex-husband demanding a re-evaluation of all actions that were once taken. Most likely, it's time to learn from your own mistakes.

1. Wedding- (Dream Interpretation Medium miss Xacce)
To take part - for unmarried people - a quick marriage; for married people - children; dancing at a wedding - beware of the other sex; your own wedding - happiness in marriage; to be at a wedding in the company of men or women - your affairs will become confused
2. Wedding- (Modern dream book)
If you dream that you are having fun at a wedding, then soon some sad event will become the cause of your failure. If a young woman dreams that she is secretly getting married, then this is a very unfavorable dream. He predicts her possible downfall. If a woman dreams that she has accepted a marriage proposal, then those around her will appreciate her, and the anticipated joys and promises will not deceive her. If she dreams that she did not receive parental blessing, then in reality her relatives will not approve of her activities. A dream in which a woman dreams that her lover has married someone else predicts that in real life she will be troubled by empty fears, although her lover will honestly fulfill his promises. If you dream that you are getting married, then soon you will receive unpleasant news from absent persons. If the wedding is cheerful and among the guests there are no sad, pale and exhausted faces or people dressed in black, then on the contrary, expect good luck and happiness. If a young woman dreams that at her wedding she sees a man in mourning, then only misfortune awaits her in marriage. Seeing such a person at someone else's wedding is a sign that in reality she will be sad about the unhappy fate of some relative or friend. Perhaps trouble or illness awaits her where she expected happiness or health. Her pleasant travels or those of others after this dream may be upset by unpleasant interference or surprises. If a woman dreams that she is marrying a decrepit, gray-haired old man, then such a dream foreshadows her troubles and illness. If during a marriage ceremony the groom dressed in black looks at the bride reproachfully, then in real life she will face the coldness and inattentive attitude of her friend. Seeing a wedding in a dream is a sign of great joy if the guests are dressed in bright, elegant clothes and are cheerful; if they are dressed in black or other dark colors, then such a dream predicts mourning and sadness. Seeing yourself as a guest at a wedding - such a dream promises great business prospects, in addition, your loved one will delight you with his thoughts. Any disappointment at a wedding predicts failure, illness or death in your family. For a young woman to see herself as an unhappy or indifferent bride means disappointment in love and possible illness. She should be careful in her behavior as she is surrounded by enemies.
3. Wedding- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
Sadness, death. Also see Groom, Bride.
4. Wedding- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
A wedding, not to be confused with marriage or marriage, symbolizes joyful and harmonious sex, where both partners give and receive. However, for people who have not yet known the joys of sex, such a dream symbolizes fears before their first sexual contact.
5. Wedding- (Esoteric dream book)
Social event. Seeing a wedding from the outside means unpleasant events in the state or city that will not affect you directly, but will make you worry. To be a guest - events will touch you and worsen your situation.
6. Wedding- (Intimate dream book)
Seeing someone's wedding in a dream is a sign of good news, which, although not directly related to you, will still affect you too. If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will be required to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means.
7. Wedding- (Dream book of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
Seeing your wedding in a dream (for a single person) means that you really want this to happen in your life. For a married man, a dream about a wedding means something new in his relationship with his other half.
8. Wedding- (Dream book of fortune teller Vanga)
Walking at a wedding in a dream means a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life. To be at your wedding in a dream is evidence that you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your entire future life will depend on this decision. If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life one of your loved ones will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

From time to time people have prophetic dreams. It has been proven that the human subconscious is a source of a colossal amount of information about the owner himself, about his present and future life. Much of what is contained here is incomprehensible. But periodically the subconscious, with the help of images, episodes, viewing life situations, gives us a hint precisely in a dream.

Since ancient times, humanity has been deciphering prophetic dreams. For the same event seen in a dream, there are different interpretations. Descriptions and interpretations of dreams are usually recorded in special books - dream books. Based on the experience of people of past generations, we suggest you figure out why you dream about a wedding.

There are many options for wedding-related events. A dream is interpreted depending on what exactly a person sees in a dream. The opinions of esotericists regarding marriage differ. But there is a consensus that presence at a wedding event promises a new acquaintance. But, according to some dream books, being present at your own wedding indicates the beginning of an unfavorable streak.

What does it mean to see someone else's wedding in a dream?

A wedding is a ritual with which traditions, customs, signs, and omens are associated. The wedding ceremony is considered the starting point of a new life, a harbinger of favorable changes. It is believed that if a day before prophetic dream, a person was thinking about the desire to change his life, then a dream only confirms the beginning of changes.

The dream is favorable for those who have decided to improve themselves, to change themselves for the better. Night dreams suggest that the desire to become different will change your life. But a wedding omen speaks not only of positive aspects. A person should remember that any decision implies responsibility and limitations. On the path to positive changes, it is recommended to be determined to overcome difficulties and remove obstacles.

From a spiritual point of view, the dream of a wedding is interpreted as a union, a union of masculine and feminine, body and spirit, consciousness and subconscious. Let's consider a number of specific situations about a wedding that a sleeping person can see.

Interpretation of various dreams, one way or another related to a wedding

  • to be a guest at someone's wedding celebration; having fun, going out on a holiday predicts possible new business acquaintances, meeting like-minded people, fulfilling a dream, getting out of a difficult situation;
  • For an unmarried person to attend a wedding, it promises the onset of a long-term illness. To avoid this, either jokingly or seriously, the authors of dream books recommend urgently changing your social status: getting married;
  • getting engaged to an unmarried person - to unexpected joy;
  • marriage to an unpleasant person means the end of communication with him in life;
  • a young, beautiful, sophisticated bride is a sign of approaching danger for the parents;
  • an old, ugly woman - the bride indicates danger for close relatives and for the sleeping person;
  • newlyweds - changes in life;
  • a wedding ceremony is a dream of joyful events, making new friends;
  • to see a wedding procession means to learn good news, good news; start preparing for important events;
  • to marry someone else’s wife is to have criminal desires hidden at the subconscious level;
  • if you dream that your beloved is getting married, there is a risk of an accident for your beloved; indicates the unreasonable jealous feelings of a sleeping person towards his soulmate. Predicts an imminent breakup of relationships;
  • being the organizer of someone’s wedding means facing difficult obstacles to overcome;
  • accept a marriage proposal - to the realization of what was planned and promised; achieving universal respect;
  • disapproval of marriage by parents: the same thing should be expected in real life;
  • for a girl to see a guest at her wedding in a mourning dress/suit - to an unsuccessful family life;
  • to witness a cheerful, lively wedding means the beginning of troubles in the house, perhaps misfortune with one of your close relatives;
  • if a man dreams that he is the groom at a wedding, the interpretation of such a dream is the opposite: this is a sign of long years of loneliness;
  • if a patient dreams of a wedding celebration, this is a sign of the development of complications;
  • a dream when a young girl sees herself as a smart bride indicates illness in reality;
  • dream of marriage with by a stranger For a girl it means separation or separation from her loved one;
  • being a guest at a wedding means favorable changes;
  • being an animator at a festive event suggests that in real life you should work harder and work. Otherwise, the goals set will not be achieved;
  • a dream about a girl’s secret wedding - to gossip;
  • marrying an old man means a serious illness;
  • to attend your wedding while waiting for your wedding night is to falsely accuse a person of something he did not do;
  • Dancing at a wedding suggests that in real life it is recommended to be more attentive to the opposite sex.

Decoding a dream when a sleeping person sees his own wedding

Esotericists disagree on the interpretation of dreams with episodes of their own wedding. Some authors are sure that the dream foreshadows a serious illness, accident, or death. But there are dream books where the main interpretation is considered to be positive, happy events in life. We have no choice but to choose the option we like.

Your own wedding may indicate sadness, a gift. If you dream about a cheerful wedding, it means fun; a boring wedding means sadness and tears. In Ancient Rus', girls were sure that seeing their wedding was a bad sign. But now people, having a much more positive attitude towards life, interpret sleep as the beginning of only happy and joyful circumstances in life.

A wedding marks a new stage in life. Whether a marriage is concluded for love or convenience, the moment the bride and groom say “yes,” the counter resets to zero and begins to spin again, and the spouses continue their journey in life in a different capacity. Likewise, a dream about a wedding celebration predicts big changes either in everyday life or in spiritual terms. It’s a pity that you can’t immediately guess whether they are in your dreams for good or bad.

Why do you dream about a wedding? Opinions of different dream books

Dream interpreters are divided into two opposing camps. Some are sure that a wedding celebration, as a joyful event, always foreshadows favorable changes and good emotions, while others profess the principle: “in dreams everything is the other way around” and promise misfortune to the dreamers. Who is right?

  • Miller's Dream Book:

If a person is worried about unresolved problems and controversial situations, after the “wedding” dream there will be a chance to settle everything in the most successful way.

  • Vanga's Dream Interpretation:

The dreamer, who watched the fun wedding festivities, will be invited to a real party. You should not refuse: perhaps your fate will await you there.

  • Aesop's Dream Interpretation:

The wedding itself indicates changes already happening to a person, and a wedding train encountered on the way symbolizes stagnation. You do not develop and sadly mark time while life rushes by.

  • Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Significant changes await you that may affect both outside life, and the state of mind up to the rethinking of values ​​and the shift of global goals. However, a wedding involving a very old man or woman indicates that it will take time to bring your plans to life. Or is it a kind of reproach: “By the time you get ready to act, you can grow old.”

  • Freud's Dream Book

The dream book of the name of the playful Austrian psychologist remains true to itself. In the case of a person leading an active sex life, a wedding means complete satisfaction with a partner and unity of desires in bed. For those who have not yet had time to join the “joys of the flesh,” the dream expresses fear of the first intimate contact.

Dreams about a wedding often predict fun

  • Dream Interpretation of Bitches:

Seeing a wedding means receiving an invitation to a fun celebration.

  • Dream Interpretation of Hasse:

To be at a wedding in a dream means: for single people - marriage, for married people - the birth of children, for a dreamer who at night was randomly milling about in a large crowd of unfamiliar guests - vanity and confusion in business. The toasts sounded during the celebration promise true friends, the abundance of guests at the tables - happiness in marriage, the wedding train - a heart thrown by someone at your feet.

  • Dream Interpretations of Medea, Denise Lynn and New Era:

The union of two lovers seen in a dream symbolizes the unity of opposites: spiritual and physical, conscious and unconscious, strong and weak character traits. Everything that makes up your “I” comes into harmony.

  • Loff's Dream Interpretation:

You are considering an important decision that will significantly affect the future course of your life and, perhaps, give you new responsibilities and powers. If the dream seemed pleasant, the chosen direction is correct. If the wedding went off without a hitch or ended in a fight, think carefully about it again. There is an error somewhere in your reasoning.

  • Erotic dream book of Danilova:

You will have an unpleasant conversation with your significant other on the topic of your “ex”. Be extremely tactful.

  • Dream interpretation of birthday people in January, February, March and April:

Some a grand affair will change your destiny.

For some, a wedding predicts a quarrel

  • Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August:

The dream predicts strife between relatives.

  • Dream interpretation of birthday people in September, October, November, December:

Spiteful critics will take up arms against you.

  • English dream book:

Great fun at a dreamed wedding leads to great sadness in real life.

  • Chinese dream book:

The dreamer who observed the wedding ceremony is in trouble.

  • Vedic dream book:

If an unmarried person dreams of a wedding, he is not destined to tie the knot; if sick, his chance of recovery is negligible.

  • Small Velesov dream book:

A married person dreams of a wedding - to betrayal, a single person - to sadness, one's own - to widowhood and illness, someone else's - to marriage and the birth of children, to see a wedding train - to find love.

  • Dream Interpretation of Meneghetti:

As a welcome event and a way to reunite with a loved one, a wedding brings positive change. But as a ritual that imposes new responsibilities on the person entering into marriage, it indicates internal enslavement and loss of psychological flexibility.

The Ukrainian dream book completely connects a wedding with the exact opposite event - a funeral, and a wedding in a church - with sadness and depression.

The meaning of your own marriage

Much depends on the general mood of your dream

Getting married in a depressed state of mind is not good, either in reality or in a dream. A sad dream that makes you wake up in a depressed mood promises bad news, disappointment in love, the machinations of enemies, illness and other unpleasant tricks of fate. Some dream books are sure that a person who sees himself in the image of a bride or groom will certainly die or remain lonely for many years.

However, those who walked at the wedding celebration in the most frivolous mood and received a lot of pleasure from the holiday have nothing to fear. Your endeavors will be successful; real family life will turn out happily, and Fortune will present a delightful surprise. As for relationships, the partner will not allow you to doubt his love, and if a disagreement occurs, it will only be in order to completely destroy the last traces of misunderstanding between you.


  • Answering a marriage proposal in a dream means earning the respect of others.
  • Marrying your loved one or marrying your chosen one is good luck.
  • Marriage to someone you don't love promises changes that you won't be happy about at all.
  • Anxiety about your wedding night foreshadows unfair accusations against you.
  • Seeing the cold, indifferent gaze of the groom in a dream means a cooling of feelings. In general, unpleasant emotions experienced during a dream about a wedding with your current partner indicate that your current relationship is nearing its end and you are secretly aware of this.
  • For a woman to marry a stranger means separation from her lover or the collapse of her plans.
  • For a man to marry a stranger, this means new business partners will appear.
  • An attempt to marry someone else's wife reveals the dreamer's plans that do not correspond to the standards of morality and honor. While there is time, refuse dubious enterprises.
  • A marriage with an old man or woman, in some interpretations, means a marriage with illnesses that will not leave you for a long time.
  • If in a dream you realize that you are getting married a second time, you are in danger, which courage and the ability to quickly make decisions will help you avoid. However, the dream can also be interpreted as a chance to improve relations with your ex-husband or lover.

A dream in which you are wooing someone always speaks of deception.

If you dreamed of someone else's marriage

No matter how dream books interpret the image of a bride in a wedding dress!

Boyfriend or girlfriend

The wedding of a friend or girlfriend is usually interpreted positively. For women, such dreams appear before the start of an exciting journey and communication with interesting people, for men - before fruitful business cooperation. Perhaps you have grown to the point of opening a joint business with a dreamed friend or inviting a friend to work on one of your projects.

It's bad if:

  • you see yourself in a white outfit, which promises frustration;
  • the girl notices her friend's groom in place young man, which indicates a lack of sincerity in the relationship with a friend;
  • a dream leaves an unpleasant aftertaste on the soul. Alas, the opinion of pessimistic dream books says: friends who are seen as newlyweds will soon suffer from a serious illness, or even say goodbye to life - “they will marry the damp earth.”

Ex-boyfriend or girlfriend getting married

An excellent sign for any young lady is to attend the wedding of her former boyfriend. Such a dream says that you are ready to let go of the past and open up to new relationships. Let the one with whom things “didn’t work out” go his own way through life, without interfering with your search for new happiness. At the same time, the interpretation for men sounds slightly different: having found new girlfriend, the dreamer did not take into account the mistakes of the previous relationship and again steps on the same rake.

A loved one or current boyfriend gets married

A more controversial sign is the wedding of the current partner (partner) with another person. Many interpreters are sure that this unpleasant vision will give you only unfounded outbursts of jealousy, and nothing more. But there are also those who call it a sign of an imminent breakup. If you take the dream too close to your heart, separation will indeed be inevitable.


Dreams about a sister's wedding generally have good value. Perhaps significant changes will soon come in her life, to which you will also have a hand, or your secret dreams will come true not without the participation of your sister. However, sometimes such a dream is considered a harbinger of the illness of its main character, especially if she is unmarried and appears before you in a snow-white dress.


Seeing yourself at your brother's wedding means that in the near future you will receive a request from him for help, which is better not to be ignored. In addition, you may hear important news related to your family, or become the object of the courtship of an unpleasant person.

What parents wouldn't be happy about their daughter's happiness?

See your daughter's wedding

The marriage of a daughter promises the parents relief from some difficult situation, and the “bride” herself - a real marriage or at least a pleasant event in life. Please note two important points:

  • If a daughter got married in a fancy, extravagant outfit, in reality she will be threatened by the evil tongues of gossip.
  • If the dreamer or dreamer understood in a dream that the children did not invite them to the wedding, it means that in real life they stopped paying attention to their child. Don’t forget, even older children need parental involvement!

Seeing your son as a groom

But a son’s wedding often indicates that the young man is not yet morally mature to start his own family. In addition, he is threatened with troubles, the most reliable protection from which will be prudence and the support of his family.

Invitation to parents' wedding

The parents' wedding promises the main characters a dream good health and a quiet, peaceful life, not overshadowed by serious troubles. Some couples may even experience another honeymoon! However, when your father or mother appears in your dream as a lonely bride or groom, you should be concerned about their health.

Other relatives and strangers

If dreams about the wedding of relatives more often mark the onset of a prosperous period in the life of the dreamer and his loved ones, then a dream in which one has to attend the wedding of strangers is ambiguous and confusing. Half of the dream books declare it a sign of the fulfillment of cherished desires and the appearance of good news, while the other half no less confidently promises the collapse of hopes and failures in love. As always, you should rely on your feelings. The feeling that possessed you at night - fear, joy, indifference - is the main key to the solution.

Finding yourself at someone else's wedding at a table full of different foods means success in all areas of life, except love.

Dreams about a wedding dress for married and unmarried people

A white dress and lace promise joy


Once upon a time, girls became despondent when they saw themselves in a dream in a white wedding dress, because this event was considered a sure sign of a serious illness and tears. But modern brides are no longer so timid, and the dream books have changed their readings. To the lucky ones who walked to the altar at night in a boiling white dress, they increasingly predict meetings with new friends, love and marriage proposals. So today’s dreamers have at least half as many reasons to be upset as their ancestors.

If a man sees his girlfriend in a white dress in a dream, there is no doubt about his sincere love for his chosen one.


Why do you dream of a black wedding dress? In addition to quite predictable prophecies about sadness, dream books suggest that by choosing such a dark color, the subconscious is trying to indicate to the dreamer that she is complex. If the dress was also distinguished by an almost monastically modest style, do not hesitate to declare war on the complexes that are poisoning your life!


The red dress has the widest range of interpretations:

  • In the dreams of a young girl, it reveals her dissatisfaction with the quality of her intimate life.
  • A pleasant surprise is predicted for a mature lady.
  • For those who gamble, he predicts victory - in a contest, competition, or legal dispute.
  • He reproaches the successful for being too proud.
  • Married women are threatened with the appearance of a rival.
  • Promises new love to unmarried people.
  • For single men, the color red speaks of unfounded doubts and worries.
  • Married people are warned against the temptation to have an affair: adultery will end badly for the dreamer.

Other colors

  • A golden or yellow dress means envy and gossip.
  • A wedding dress in spring green and blue colors symbolizes hopes and dreams come true.

Try on outfits for a wedding

Trying on a wedding dress in a dream symbolizes the desire to see yourself in a different status, to introduce useful changes into life, or to raise your relationship with your significant other to a new level. If the dreamer already has a chosen one or chosen one, the dreamed wedding can turn into a real one. If there is no talk of a ceremonial exchange of rings yet, you may get carried away social activities.You are ripe for change and secretly want it.

A wrinkled, torn or stained dress is a sign that your plans are in jeopardy. An outfit that shines with cleanliness and is perfectly tailored to your figure predicts success in all your planned projects.

Preparing for the celebration: what does a dream mean for a woman or a man

In the pre-wedding bustle, it’s easy to get knocked off your feet.

  • If you were knocked off your feet at night due to countless pre-wedding troubles, but were unable to adequately organize the celebration, your path to your intended goal will be long and thorny. Didn't the preparation cause any big difficulties? It seems that in reality it will be possible to implement our plans without any problems.
  • For married women, a dream about troubles before the wedding ceremony promises pregnancy and trouble-free childbirth, for older women - troubles, for real brides - vanity, because of which they will not be able to appreciate the solemnity of the upcoming event.
  • Participation in preparations for the daughter’s wedding promises that the family life of the “bride” will develop well and smoothly.
  • If you went out of your way to help prepare a ceremony for a friend, count on a large gift or a bargain purchase.
  • Organizing a secret wedding, against the will of the parents, predicts illness and reproaches the dreamer for her bad temper. There is something you are doing wrong in your relationships with loved ones.
  • Painful thoughts about the style and color of a wedding dress indicate the choice that a person faces in his everyday life. It seems that worries and doubts do not leave you even in your sleep!

Act as a guest or witness

The roles of witnesses are the most successful in dreams of a wedding

  • A dream in which you happened to be a guest at a wedding celebration symbolizes the desire to start a relationship. During your nightly adventures, did you languish from boredom and foreboding? Unfortunately, now is not the right time for flirting. Even more: there are no changes planned in your personal life.
  • But being present at the holiday in a good mood promises either an acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex, or good news, or an ascent to the next rung of the career ladder.
  • Someone who was an honored guest at a wedding in a dream will have the opportunity to provide a service to a loved one.
  • The role of a witness opens up tempting prospects for you to build almost ideal new relationships or bring old ones to complete harmony.
  • A dream in which the dreamer’s company at a wedding party was exclusively men or only women, warns of disorder in business.

I dream of a ceremony without a bride or groom, rings, guests

Wedding rings are a must-have wedding attribute

  • If there are no main characters, what kind of wedding can we talk about?! The absence of one of the young people at the celebration predicts the collapse of carefully calibrated plans and unpleasant changes in life. Put things aside and let the difficult period end.
  • If the wedding went without rings, a symbol of marriage obligations, the dream speaks of your reluctance to take responsibility for anything.
  • A bride without a veil predicts trouble for the dreamer.
  • Without a wedding dress, you risk illness and humiliation.
  • A celebration at which there are no guests prophesies misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams based on wedding type

The boho style, popular among modern newlyweds, can safely be called gypsy

A secret wedding is not a good sign when a girl dreams of it. If the dreamer does not learn to restrain the impulses of her impulsive nature, trouble awaits her.

Participation in a gypsy wedding for a man means a new hobby. It is not known how long-lasting this feeling will be, but strong emotions, jealousy and passion will be guaranteed. The dream advises a woman not to be afraid to trust her friends, among whom she has faithful comrades. In general, such a dream foreshadows a motley whirlwind of a wide variety of events, but gypsies are a rather alarming image, so in the coming days, carefully monitor your property in places with large crowds of people: you may lose your wallet.

Did you dream about a Jewish wedding? You will be invited to a party with an unfamiliar but interesting company or a trip to an exotic country. Be that as it may, get ready for fresh impressions.

Having seen a magnificent Armenian wedding in a dream, a representative of this proud people will certainly find a way out of a difficult situation. But dreamers of other nationalities are unlucky; such a dream will predict a big scandal for them.

A wedding in a church tells married couples about the strength of their union, united not only by earthly, but also by spiritual ties. For single people, the dream predicts marriage, and for those who watched the wedding of relatives from the sidelines, it predicts a career takeoff.

What do the dreamer's actions mean?

Fall into Honeymoon straight from the wedding - to a vibrant intimate life

  • To receive an invitation to a wedding and accept it means to be warmly welcomed into the new team. To refuse is to take the wrong step.
  • Not only did you not even see the invitation, but you were also kicked out of the wedding? Don't worry! In the same way, fate will drive away troubles and misfortunes from your threshold, making room for good events.
  • Dreamers who are late for the celebration risk having health and financial problems. Resolve any barely emerging complication immediately, before it has time to grow and crush you with its burden.
  • The girl who had to wait at the altar for a delayed groom is destined to marry late.
  • If the planned wedding for some reason did not take place - you didn’t get to it, didn’t go, the newlyweds changed their minds about exchanging vows of allegiance - the plans that had already begun to be implemented will encounter a serious obstacle on their way, which will have to be overcome with all their might. Random changes that do not depend on your will promise to be unpleasant, and if during this period you receive an invitation to participate in a dubious business, run from it like fire. You will get into trouble or become a victim of deception.
  • If you yourself were the reason for canceling the wedding, for example, you ran away from the wedding, try to think better about your decisions. Yielding to spontaneous impulses, you commit many unreasonable actions.
  • For a man, a dream about a runaway bride predicts the ridicule of others.
  • Representatives of the fair sex should not be upset if their sleep is marred by tears. Surprisingly, this moment signifies a pleasant time with friends, where you will learn important news or meet an influential person who will take part in your destiny.
  • Even more surprising is that cheerful dancing at a wedding party, according to dream books, symbolizes danger from the opposite sex.
  • Anyone who in a dream took on the role of toastmaster is in reality too greedy for entertainment and too fond of walking and shirking from business. Focus on your work and complete the work, you will rest later!
  • To interfere with a wedding is to become the object of someone’s hatred and sabotage.

Dark dreams about marriage

Gothic themes are not uncommon in dreams about a wedding.

  • A person who notices guests in mourning clothes at his own wedding will have a difficult family life, and pleasant plans already made will be overshadowed by annoying events.
  • If this happened at someone else's celebration, unlucky fate threatens the one who acted as the bride or groom.
  • A wedding ceremony in a cemetery predicts early widowhood for the dreamer.
  • Did the wedding take place at the same time as the funeral? It seems to you that the situation is not in your favor, but if you take a closer look at it, it will become clear that you can derive considerable benefit from the current circumstances. However, you will need a lot of ingenuity and perseverance!
  • A wedding with a deceased person whom you sincerely loved during life is a good sign. Such a dream promises a meeting with a person who will partially replace the deceased and help you heal your emotional wounds. But a dream about a wedding with a dead man, who during his lifetime caused negative emotions, is bad. Beware for your health, it can be undermined by a serious illness.

As you can see, finding out what a dreamed wedding means is not so easy. Here you can’t do without insight, caution in judgment and the notorious “sixth sense”! It also wouldn’t hurt to refer to the lunar calendar, which assures us that a dream only matters when it occurs at the right time. lunar day. And only if all the data - the dream book, the moon and your personal intuition - agree, can you make assumptions about the meaning of the dream.

Marriage is an important event, it is a change social status, so it’s not surprising when people wonder why they dream of a wedding. Such dreams seem to be something special, significant. They happen to romantically minded girls waiting for a prince on a white horse, to married women, to boys, and to adult men. In most dream books, these dreams are interpreted as positive; they carry pleasant emotions and good news. But wedding dreams are different from each other. They feature newlyweds, guests, and other characters; the wedding follows different scenarios. As a result, the interpretation changes.

If you dreamed about a wedding, this is good omen. This means that a significant event will happen soon that will change your life. But it is worth considering the details of the dream. You need to pay attention to the ritual process itself, whose wedding it is and what characters were involved in it. And only after this can you draw conclusions about what this dream was about.

Interpretations differ according to different criteria:

  • what gender is the person who had the dream;
  • relationship ( Family status);
  • identity of the bride or groom.

It is worth considering that there is nothing wrong with an unmarried girl dreaming of a wedding. Just the dreams of a young girl came true in this dream. Another case is if young people who do not have lovers and do not seriously think about marriage see their own wedding in a dream. You can consider such a dream as a warning. Before you decide to take a serious step, you need to weigh and think about everything.

If there is a loved one, if the relationship is serious, the dream can be considered prophetic. This means that we will soon have to go to the altar.

But the dream of older people about their own wedding means illness, lonely life, disappointment or death. You should be wary if this is a wedding with a stranger. It is important to figure out whether this dream is connected with your life circumstances or whether it has nothing to do with them.

A dream about a wedding is a manifestation of beliefs and outlook on life. This means that spiritual life is important to a person, not carnal pleasures. He will not agree to a sexual relationship devoid of love. Participating in this sacrament in a dream means finding a union with a like-minded person. Such a person will be a support and support.

If a person dreams that he himself is performing a wedding ceremony as a priest, then he will soon experience a shock in his relationship with his loved one. In this case, it will simply not be possible to turn the tide of events. Where a situation is beyond a person’s control, it must be accepted as it is.

When a man sees a bride in a dream, it means for him a way out of the hopeless situation in which he was. When the woman herself acts as the bride, it means financial gain.

If a person sees himself as a wife in a dream, then he will experience disappointment and sadness. But a wife dreamed of by her husband means real work, profit-generating activity. Sometimes a man dreams of his deceased or divorced wife. This means that events from a past life will influence the things that happen in the present life.

Dreaming of a groom in a dream means experiences and changes in your personal life. After such a dream, a lonely person can meet his love. And someone who is in a relationship may be planning an imminent wedding. Seeing a bride or groom in a dream - a very good omen. She foretells a happy future family life. The main thing is that the newlyweds should not dream separately, but only together. Sometimes you dream not of the ceremony itself, but of the wedding train on which the sleeping person is riding, so you need to know why you dream of going to a wedding. This dream - a good omen promising love.

Why do you dream about wedding attributes?

An important sign in dreams can be not only a wedding, but also the attributes accompanying it.

Most often people dream about:

  • Wedding Dress;
  • veil;
  • wedding ring;
  • a wedding cake.

A wedding dress in a dream foreshadows participation in any community service. They will not be a burden for you, but will bring positive emotions and meeting new people. However, if there is dirt on the dress, it is torn - this dream warns of a painful and sudden break with a person dear and beloved to you. It will also be an alarming sign to wear a wedding dress, which means that you will soon have to face minor health problems. Moreover, the older the woman who had the dream, the more serious the disease threatens her.

If the dream in which you wear a wedding dress coincides with any alarming symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

Despite the fact that a wedding cake is a pleasant part of any ceremony, for the sleeping person, on the contrary, it indicates problems that will not allow you to sleep peacefully in the coming days. A conflict situation with loved ones and troubles at work are possible.

The veil that a woman saw in a dream indicates some unusual events in the family. You will have to pull yourself together in order to calmly understand the situation and not mess things up. If an unmarried girl puts on a veil, she will soon meet a man who will have a strong influence on her and her life. But a veil that is torn or stained warns of lies.

A wedding ring also has different meanings - it all depends on how it looks. A new ring that shines beautifully indicates protection from troubles and betrayals, and if it is lost or broken, it indicates sadness. When the ring is worn by another person, it signifies illicit joys.

In each dream book, the image of a wedding is interpreted differently. The following dream books interpret these dreams especially interestingly and accurately:

  • Miller;
  • Longo;
  • Wangi;
  • Nostradamus;
  • Freud.

According to Miller’s dream book, a wedding in a girl’s dream shows that her personal qualities benefit her. A wedding dress indicates a romantic relationship in the near future, but this relationship may have unpleasant consequences.

Seeing yourself in the role of a bride is a good omen that promises a pleasant, warm relationship with your lover, built on trust. But if a man dreams of a wedding, then he wants to meet someone with whom he will feel comfortable, a person with similar interests.

A wedding in Longo’s dream book is almost always a good sign. If a girl at a wedding in a dream acts as a bride, then she can soon expect good changes in terms of work and finances, perhaps she will be offered a highly paid position. If you see yourself dancing at a wedding, you will soon meet a person of the opposite sex. This communication will be short but pleasant. But sitting at the wedding table and trying the food promises a meeting with a person from the past, which will turn into disappointment.

A wedding also means meetings according to Vanga’s dream book. When a person dreams that he is at a wedding, this means making a very important, fateful decision, on which a lot depends. Being a guest at a wedding celebration means meeting old friends, perhaps classmates, with whom you will have a good time and have fun from the heart.

If you are not just one of the guests, but act as a friend or girlfriend, then soon one of your relatives or just a loved one will ask you for help. In no case should he be refused, because gratitude for his help will be generous.

The main thing is that the dream is colorful, then the future will be just as bright.

According to Nostradamus, a wedding is always a harbinger of happiness, because it is a joyful event, fun, tasty food. If you are a groom in a dream, then there is a chance to get a good profit, a job that will bring you a lot of money. A bride dreamed of by both a man and a woman foretells a pleasant gift or a meeting with someone you love.

If you saw yourself in wedding dress, you can solve all the problems that are present in life now. The wedding of relatives, brother, sister, daughter or son means that this person will live a long life and his health will be good.

A dream about a wedding also speaks of good news in Freud’s interpretation. If a marriage is dreamed of by someone who has not yet had sexual experience in life, then this person experiences fear of intimacy, uncertainty.

A bride at a man’s celebration means changes for the better, a meeting with someone who will become a life partner. If a married woman acts as a bride at a wedding, then she can meet a pleasant man, and this communication will develop into secret connection. When you act as a groom during a wedding, success awaits you in your personal life.

But a black and white dream about a wedding celebration indicates that your relative will soon recover.

A man’s own marriage in a dream means that he has found a faithful life partner, a woman who will give him happiness. The more magnificent and rich the celebration, the better the choice. If a man is not married yet, it’s time to propose to his beloved; there is no point in looking for someone else.

When interpreting, do not forget to take into account the day on which the wedding celebration occurred.

Depending on the day of the week, sleep can mean:

  1. Monday - unexpected, unplanned expenses.
  2. Tuesday - new job.
  3. Wednesday - debtors will deceive you.
  4. Thursday is a short-lived romance that will leave a mark on the soul for a long time.
  5. Friday - any story can become prophetic.
  6. Saturday or Sunday - changes in personal life.

A very bad dream is in which a man marries his beloved. This means that your health will soon deteriorate greatly.

A dream in which a man himself wore a veil shows that it is time to take care of himself. The sleeper has become too sensitive and takes every little thing to heart. Such a man suffers from infantilism, and if a person does not immediately force himself to pull himself together and become a real man again, then as a result, instead of solving problems, he will simply run away from every difficulty and complain. It is clear that such behavior will greatly ruin your life.

A wedding in a dream may turn out to be a joyless holiday; it may be disrupted, something may not go according to plan. This directly indicates that the girl, one might say, walks in circles, constantly makes the same mistakes, from which she does not learn, does not gain experience, and because of this does not move forward, does not achieve what she wants.

A dream about a failed wedding suggests that you urgently need to reconsider your worldview, analyze your behavior and mistakes.

When you dream not of the celebration itself, but only of photographs from it, then you should share less with others your plans and, in general, anything that could harm you. Be silent more, otherwise unnecessary conversations will lead to problems.

If the wedding is disrupted because the groom did not show up, then in reality the relationship between the girl who had the dream and her lover only in appearance seems ideal and full of mutual understanding. In fact, the girl idealizes her chosen one, tries to see in him those qualities that he does not have. This is done for the peace of mind of loved ones, so that they do not worry about their daughter again. But if you see such a dream, then take courage and admit all the problems you have. Be honest with yourself and those you care about.

But the following two plots, which seem unpleasant, are actually harbingers of good things:

  • if a person goes to the altar not of his own free will, his mother or father forces him - this means true, sincere love;
  • Tears at your own wedding are a sign of joy in real life.

A disrupted wedding can also be a harbinger of disruption of plans and some unpleasant changes.

Why do you dream about someone else’s wedding?

Women may often have dreams about their lover marrying another woman. Sometimes these dreams can be taken literally.

With the help of dreams about the wedding of a loved one, the subconscious sometimes says that your soulmate really has someone else, a person in whom he or she is interested.

But such dreams can also have a different meaning:

  • the need for decisive action if a woman is married and is present in a dream at her husband’s wedding with another lady;
  • disappointment in a relationship, separation from a young man - for an unmarried girl.

When you simply watch the wedding of strangers, changes await you, which, on the one hand, will have little impact on you, but on the other, promise certain benefits.

The wedding of an acquaintance, friend or girlfriend foreshadows a request for help in the future, and if you are simply watching the wedding ceremony, then in life, on the contrary, you will have to make an important decision that will affect your whole life.

The speaker will be a dream in which the dreamer is helping someone stranger in preparation for their wedding. This means that in real life he too often helps strangers, even unfamiliar people, and tends to take on other people’s responsibilities. Most likely this is a kind person who cannot stay away and is not able to refuse anyone. But this kindness can be taken advantage of by others, so it’s time to learn to say “no” firmly.

Dreams about a wedding, whatever they may be, carry an important meaning. It is necessary to analyze what you see, consider every detail of the dream, so as not to miss important advice and understand why you are dreaming about a wedding.
