How to surprise a scorpion man from a distance. Love by the Stars: How to Surprise a Scorpio

The Scorpio man is complex and controversial. He makes all decisions in life only on his own and does everything so purposefully that he amazes everyone around with his inhuman perseverance. Scorpio men are real warriors, they don't like to lose. These are genuine passionate and whole natures, prone to luxury and excess. But how to conquer the Scorpio man and find the key to his heart?

In the soul of the rake, but outwardly they seem completely cold and impartial. These men are great lovers of all the fairer sex. And it is really difficult for them to single out only one of them. Scorpios love freedom, so they don’t get married for a long time. They may date a woman for a while, and then switch partners with another with brutal ease. They choose original women, those who are somehow different from the rest.

Of great importance for this sign is the appearance of the girl. Shy women who dress as their grandmothers bequeathed to them have almost no chance of attracting the attention of a sexual and strong-willed Scorpio. But if they have outstanding forms and bottomless eyes, then they have a chance.

Women who have a unique style, as well as those who are not afraid to be flamboyant, will attract a Scorpio man faster than others. If a girl has principles and her own opinion, then her chances also increase. Still wondering how to conquer a Scorpio man? Then the techniques below will help you.

Ways to conquer the courageous Scorpio

To interest a Scorpio, you can use the following methods:

Scorpios choose companions with a bright personality and appreciate those who can fight back, and then wisely agree with their opinion. The sequence of their novels can be huge. But in marriage, this sign advocates monogamy and choice for life. Although their adventures may continue, they will not touch the family.

How to understand that Scorpio is seriously carried away?

When Scorpio devotes a lot of his time to a woman, remembers everything about her to the smallest detail, he can really be considered very carried away. This sign is endowed with great secrecy, and it is not so easy to catch its true attitude.

His grand gestures and expensive gifts also speak volumes. Representatives of this sign do not like to waste resources on trifles, so if they still use them, then it is important for them. Scorpios know how to separate the wheat from the chaff, spend their time and money on something that is of real value. And they quickly forget what seems superficial and insignificant to them. Therefore, the months and years spent with a particular girl can be considered as a sign of a special disposition with the possibility of concluding a marriage union.

There is no single answer to the question of how to conquer a Scorpio man. Attracting such a person can be complex process with its ups and downs. And life with him will be like a roller coaster. But for true love there are no barriers, and thanks to it, everything can be experienced and be happy.

Scorpio is considered one of the most difficult signs. Like, he is too insightful, and sophisticated in everything that can be tried, and demanding of his partners, but most importantly, he does not like surprises. How true these statements are is a question for astrologers.

If you are interested in how to surprise a Scorpio man, proceed from the fact that you will have to think very outside the box.

Learn to keep a secret

As already mentioned, Scorpios are very insightful people. If you want to surprise a man born under this sign of the zodiac, you yourself must be a mystery on a universal scale. True, your mystery will greatly strain him, but you will be able to keep his interest.

Surprise him in bed

Yes, it is believed that there simply cannot be a more sophisticated sign in love pleasures, but it is in your power to show him something new. Of course, it is not at all necessary for this to practice threesomes or some kind of perversion. But why not try role-playing games? A Scorpio man will certainly enjoy such entertainment. The main thing is that he does not know in advance what kind of costumes you bought, what is the program of your entertainment.

Let him prey on himself

Scorpio man - predator, hunter, whom you do not feed with bread, let him catch prey, that is, a woman. If you are already experienced enough in love affairs, you will find a way to lead him by the nose. Let him not like it much, but you will have a chance to surprise him. Since they like to constantly fight, play with him, then bringing him closer to you, then pushing him away. This game of "cat and mouse" will cause excitement in a man who is not used to such a firm refusal, it is quite possible that you will be able to fall in love with him.

Appeal to his intelligence

If you are tormented by the question of how to surprise Scorpio with a gift, bet on his intelligence. Obtain a rare edition of a famous philosophical treatise. It will be great if you can read this treatise and form your own opinion about it. It will be interesting to discuss the topic described in the book later. By showing yourself to be an expert in a particular case, you will cause not only his surprise, but also respect, which will not fail to have a positive effect on your relationship.

Beauty will slay the Scorpio man on the spot

These people are aesthetes who like to admire beautiful figure, pretty face girl. Therefore, having met him, you may well arouse interest. But whether this interest turns into a desire to constantly search for your essence depends only on you, and not at all on the compatibility of your signs, which is required by the horoscope.

Representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio have the most controversial characteristics in bed. Some prefer sublime and unselfish love, others indulge in base and vicious inclinations. Among Scorpios, you can meet both diligent family men and desperate bachelors. The variety of personalities in this sign of the zodiac is represented most vividly.

Scorpio - sex for inspiration

Scorpios use sex for more than just physiological needs. Sexual energy is important for strengthening their social status, creative inspiration. Do not hesitate, after a stormy night, the real Scorpio will go to make the final strokes on his picture or, at worst, finish the business plan. This zodiac sign has almost erased the border between love and hate. Scorpios perfectly remember all the insults caused by a loved one, and thanks to iron restraint they hide their true feelings in order to take revenge at the first opportunity. Literally anything can infuriate them, including refusal. Scorpios often leave their partners without bothering to explain why.

No matter how romantic Scorpio is, know that his vicious inclinations always dominate. Their sexual preferences are constantly changing, transforming under the influence of the years lived, the experience gained. Scorpios do not tolerate monotony in bed, the phlegm of a loved one. If they have to live with a person who is indifferent to bedtime fun, they will definitely make a connection on the side. Scorpios will only be faithful when they meet a partner who meets all their requirements. Then they will completely refuse to communicate and flirt with the opposite sex.

Scorpios are secretive, never expose their feelings, jealousy for show. Self-confident. Even thoughts do not allow that a partner can cheat on them. They cause sexual addiction, because they can accurately determine the inclinations and secret desires of a loved one in bed. They like to experiment, look for new sources of sensual pleasure and pleasure.

Despite such a vivid characteristic, among the representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio there are individuals who are indifferent to sex. Instead of indulging in pleasure, they prefer to direct all sexual energy to creativity, work and business.

Single Scorpios can go without sex for a long time. Those who have a regular partner need regular sex. When choosing a partner, they prefer a single type. This can be easily noted by knowing more information about past relationships of Scorpios.

Sex as a means to an end

From an early age, Scorpios are prone to spiritual transformation, mystification of everything that happens. Sex for them is a kind of mystical ritual. Since sexual energy affects almost all areas of Scorpio life, they cannot live without sensual pleasures. Representatives of this sign are selfish. Even delivering pleasure to a loved one, they pursue their own goals. Scorpios do everything in order to get maximum pleasure. They provoke a partner to liberation, they force them to do what they want. Use a strong emotional connection to manipulate a loved one.

Those Scorpions who are dominated by base passions use sex as a means by which you can get what you want. Receiving and delivering sensual pleasure, they, first of all, manipulate their partner. Under such pressure, everyone will do whatever Scorpio wishes. Such people are easy to notice in the crowd - the voice, movements, manner of clothing are incredibly sexy, and attract the views of the opposite sex.

Statistics say that it is difficult for Scorpios to maintain relationships throughout their lives. They often change partners, legally marry and file for divorce. Only those partners who are patient, indulgent and wise will be able to live with Scorpio all their lives, and will not resist the dominance of Scorpios. If a partner understands that he cannot satisfy all the sexual ambitions of a loved one, he must give Scorpions the opportunity to do this on the side. Any jealousy, distrust, restrictions will only cause a storm of anger.

There are several rules in dealing with Scorpios. To begin with, you will have to come to terms with the dominance in the relationship of representatives of this zodiac sign. Any manifestations of control, restriction of personal freedom will lead to a cooling of relations, their further rupture. Do not be jealous openly, do not compare your loved one with previous partners. Do not flatter them, Scorpios accept only frank admiration.

Subordinate to the planet Mars, he has two irresistible cravings: love passion and aggression. But do not forget that the water element leaves its mark: it is the variability and liveliness of character. How do Scorpio men gain power and women? Is it possible to get along with a representative of this sign, and what should a woman learn who is ready to link her fate with Scorpio?

What to expect from a sign representative

Scorpios are powerful and determined. If a woman is truly interested in him, she will not have to take any action. With all her desire, she will not have time to do anything, the man will come himself and, without choosing beautiful metaphors, will demonstrate all his desires. If we talk about how a Scorpio man conquers a woman, the “mystical” option is the most common. At first glance, it is difficult to see something special and alluring in this person, but upon closer examination, it is almost impossible not to notice his charm and hidden strength and energy. Men born under the sign of Scorpio are great lovers and seducers by nature. They do not often beautifully look after and copy the actions of the heroes of Hollywood melodramas, but at the same time, women feel unusually comfortable next to them.

How do Scorpio men conquer women and behave in relationships?

Representatives of the stronger sex, born under this sign, pay attention to and bright. Far from on last place worth and the sexuality of the chosen one. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, Scorpios are terribly jealous and have an exaggerated sense of ownership. If a woman wants to keep her partner near her long enough, she will have to learn how to remain spectacular, but at the same time not give the slightest reason to doubt her chosen one. An offended Scorpio is unlikely to make a scandal, he can simply disappear or remember and take revenge later. It is better not to bring this man to anger, in the heat of aggression he is truly terrible. Get ready for the fact that in middle age your spouse will splash out all the negativity at home, remaining cool and calm in public. It is difficult to understand how Scorpio men win female attention, but they rarely suffer from a lack of it. A representative of this sign can change, but if an affair on the side harms the family, he is unlikely to decide on such an act.

How to charm and keep a Scorpio man?

An amazing symbiosis of a flexible mind, good memory and passion is the Scorpio man. The forum of any women's community is replete with questions about how to please and surprise those born under this sign. The main thing for a woman is to learn how to satisfy her Scorpio in bed. For good sex, he will endure and forgive a lot. You need to listen to your man and anticipate his desires, but you should refrain from radical experiments. Keep in mind that Scorpios' intimacy preferences can change significantly with age. At the very beginning of the formation of sexuality, they may like sensual games and twilight, but after a few years they will make a choice in favor of an ideal body and bright light. No matter how Scorpio men conquer women, if you are going to live with a representative of the sign for a very long time, keep in mind that he will not let you go until he wants to. It is for this reason that before entering into serious relationship with a Scorpio man, think about how much you want this and how much time you are ready to devote to him.

Not everyone can become an ideal lover for Scorpio, although the reliability of relations with this man depends on this. Sometimes, being next to a man, you don’t know what to say and what not, what he will like, and what will probably scare him away, since he has an unconventional approach to love, but this is not due to some abnormal inclinations, but also because of the desire to experience everything that is possible. But even being a supporter of experiments, he is quite delicate, attentive to his partner. Especially for women whose soulmate is a scorpion and those who feel insecure in bed with him, this article was written. So, first things first.

The behavior in bed of this man is influenced by the environment. Creating all the conditions will help your man tune in the right way, kindle all his passion in him. To do this, you need a little - beautiful linen, candles, twilight, gentle music and, of course, a beautifully made bed. Having created an entourage, you need to immediately begin to act, you can not delay!

Women's activity and initiative!

The very first and most important advice is to be active. You need to be proactive. Of course, you should not be aggressive, rude and unceremonious, but you must admit that he is unlikely to like an insensitive and passive partner.

This man is a leader by nature, but he also loses his head from a woman who herself provokes sexual intercourse. He will not tolerate leadership on her part, but it is worth understanding that there is a line between activity and leadership - this is the most main nuance in proximity. Initiative is a kind of stimulant for him. If the woman is passive, this man may accept such behavior as an insult, and may also significantly reduce his self-esteem.

Believe that a skilled simulant who provokes an orgasm will be more pleasant to him than a lazy person who finds it difficult to moan once again. For him, a lazy person is a woman with whom you should not have further relationships. It is worth remembering that sex is an opportunity to prove your feelings to each other, as well as a game in which it is pleasant to participate together.

The manifestation of initiative during intercourse is proof of a woman's interest in a partner. He will also understand that she gets the same pleasure next to him as he does.

Tell him about your desires!

It is imperative to talk about your desires with this man. If you are sincere with him, he will understand how best to please you, because he is special in this. Ask yourself about his desires, and he has a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bthem. You can even make a kind of instruction with the exact name of sex preferences, erogenous zones and others. important points. He will definitely support this idea. And the thing is that this will help him navigate the preferences of his woman, and not just guess what she likes and what causes inconvenience.

However, many women refuse this conversation. And this is wrong. Intimacy is a topic for two that is worth discussing. It is enough just to tell about your preferences, and ask the man what he likes. And he will like your sincerity and openness, and he just likes such conversations.

Confidence is sexy!

Women often worry that their styling, makeup and even figure are not perfect. It’s not worth talking about extra centimeters at all, since this is a problem for many women. However, all these shortcomings, in his opinion, are not at all important for him. He is unlikely to study your shortcomings when he is aiming for pleasure. At that moment, he is unlikely to have the desire and time to study the figure. Believe me, he is least interested in your underwear, styling, makeup and other attributes of a beautiful appearance. He just wants to have a good time with you.

Also, you can not restrain yourself, do not express your emotions and fantasies. Proximity is the moment when everything is possible, except for the expression of complexes. If you want something, you need to make it happen. But sticking to the main rule is still worth it - you need to follow what he likes.

Don't try to hit him!

Many girls try to impress their partner by wearing sexy lingerie in an unusual position. But if there is no passion inside, then all this is useless, because they will not make intimacy passionate. He would like to see a partner relaxed, naturally responding to his caresses. Therefore, do not suppress your desire, passion. He is experienced enough to see that she is faking if there is no passion. If a girl behaves naturally in bed, then he will always be with her. It is also worth abandoning cinematic clichés about behavior in bed, it will annoy him.

Be emotional!

Many women are so shy that they are afraid to show their temperament during intimacy. Maybe at the beginning of the relationship he likes it, because it's new. However, the shy woman will quickly get tired of him because of boredom and monotony, and he will want to make love with a woman who will respond to his desires. To become desirable for him, it is enough to give up fears and embarrassment. It is worth remembering that intimacy is a chance for her to manifest all emotions and desires. You can scream, moan, and even bite your partner a little. However, everything should be in moderation, do not turn the bed into a battlefield.

Have sex with full dedication!

Of course, it is very important that you have feelings for the person you are having sex with. However, you need to know how to have sex. It is worth remembering that he is quite romantic, he likes a pleasant atmosphere, music and so on. And sometimes he wants simple sex to satisfy his need. And you, like a real woman, must guess such moments in order to please him. And for you - it will be a good alternative to going to Gym, and the alternative is very pleasant.

During intimacy with him, you can not be silent, but also you should not talk a lot. We can say that you are very good, you like everything. And you can whisper compliments in his ear male power, as well as simply guide his actions. This is very easy to do, but the process itself will be much more pleasant.

There should be no egoists in love, because in bed the actions of both partners should be aimed at obtaining satisfaction. And for this you just need to do something nice for your partner. Women are often selfish, as they believe that a man should shower her with caresses and gifts. This is not entirely true, because he also likes caresses and kisses. And a woman who can appreciate this will be able to make relationships and intimacy brighter and more harmonious.

Touch him after intimacy!

Behavior after sex is just as important as behavior before and during it. Psychological researchers say that touch and caress are important to this man. You can touch him with your lips, body and fingers so that he feels moral satisfaction. Caresses before and after sex speak of a strong sexual attraction between partners.

Have conversations with him after intimacy!

Experts say that the bed for this man is an opportunity to open up to his partner, to understand her better. In addition, conversation is what allows you to be liberated. For this man, this is a place where he can forget all the problems. Of course, he does not want to talk about everyday problems, but everything else can be discussed. It can also be noted that conversations after sex improve sleep, which is also important.

If you like more sensuality and tenderness, you can make sex just like that. To do this, you need to tell him about your desires, feelings that appear next to him. Then your relationship will become stronger, and sex more tender.

The most important!

It is easy to follow all the above rules. And as a result, you can make intimacy more pleasant, more diverse, and relationships more stable. Be more attentive to your partner in order to make relationships in the bedroom and beyond harmonious and happy.
