Dishes for male power. Products to increase potency in men of instant action

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Since ancient times, people have been looking for all kinds of means, the action of which is aimed at increasing potency and increasing pleasure during sexual relations. A special place among such funds is occupied by useful, which perform several functions simultaneously: increase the impulse of sexual desire, enhance and maintain the functions of the reproductive system at the proper level, increase erotic feelings and rejuvenate the body.

How male potential depends on vitamins

From a healthy and balanced diet of a man, the usefulness of his sexual life. Therefore, as products should be present in the menu those that have the amount necessary to maintain potency. useful substances and vitamins.

The list of products useful for good reproduction is quite large. the best to increase potency such products containing the following vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamin A known as retinol. Effectively increases sexual abilities, has a positive effect on immunity. Approximately 5000 IU is the daily requirement of this vitamin for an adult male;
  • B vitamins can significantly improve the quality of sexual life. Several different elements belong to this group. In particular, vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) strengthens the vessels that provide blood to the tissues of the penis, which are directly responsible for a high level of erection. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) significantly increases endurance, promotes the production of the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine. Fortunately, the hormone serotonin, which increases the brightness of orgasm, synthesizes vitamin B6 (pyrodoxine) in the body. The nervous system and brain are provided with energy by vitamin B1 (thiamine);
  • arginine is very important for men's health. It is an amino acid that regulates the amount of nitrogen in the blood. Necessary for good potency, arginine enters the body with protein products;
  • vitamins D and E increase the amount of sex hormones in the male body, which has a beneficial effect on the performance of the seminiferous tubules and testicles;
  • selenium very important for men who are concerned about their productive function and sperm quality. This element accelerates the production of testosterone in the body, which is necessary for the health and excellent functionality of the genitourinary system;
  • vitamin C is responsible for the production of dopamine - a hormone on which male libido depends. In addition, the element activates and normalizes the tocopherol lost by the body;
  • zinc is of great importance as a male potency. Along with participating in the production of testosterone, zinc supports prostate health;
  • carotene increases sexual desire and strengthens the immune system. This element is indispensable in the treatment of the prostate;
  • calcium and magnesium participate in the synthesis of testosterone, the amount of which depends on the level of potency.

These are only the most important vitamins that should be fortified male potency products. In addition, food with a capacity of glycine, tyrosine, trionine, histidine and fiber will be useful.

Some men try to compensate for the balance of vitamins with pharmaceutical preparations. Although vitamin and mineral supplements can maintain the condition of the body as a whole, they cannot be completely replaced. It should be understood that men who want to increase potency, first of all, need to normalize their diet, taking into account their physical activity and individual characteristics.

The male body in relation to sexual relations is different from the female. How and what a man eats directly depends on his sexual activity. It should be noted that in most cases the diet of representatives strong half. A lot of men eat chaotically and monotonously, while preferring a variety of synthetic flavor enhancers.

Which healthy foods for men must be present in the diet For raise potency? To maintain the full functioning and health of the reproductive system, nutrition must be balanced and correct.

List of products for male potency quite extensive, so when choosing any of them, you should first study the table of properties and incoming components.

Eggs in a man's diet

This product enhances testosterone production and increases physical energy. Eggs contain a large number of folic acid, which accelerates the production of ejaculate and increases the level and quality of spermogram. Regular use of this product significantly increases the efficiency of a man, prevents the development of cardiovascular pathologies, strengthens the skeletal system, improves memory and promotes a full sexual life. Just do not eat egg dishes in unlimited quantities, because in the body there will be an excess of cholesterol contained in the yolk.

Seeds and nuts

Products of this group occupy an important place in the diet. For raise potency in men nuts belong to the most effective and are the best products. Walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and pine nuts are considered ideal in this regard. They are rich in vitamins E and B, and elements such as arginine, selenium and zinc. In addition, the product has a large amount of fatty acids that stabilize blood circulation and lower cholesterol levels. The daily norm of nuts for a man is 100 g of nuts. Only you need to use them in their raw form, if the product is fried, then it loses its beneficial properties.

Honey and propolis

Pretty effective male potency products are honey and propolis. To restore male strength and enhance sexual activity, these products have long been popular. Honey belongs to the category of those products that, regardless of age, a man must be included in his diet. Concerning increased potency, then honey of flower varieties and chestnut is the most valuable product.

Almost the entire periodic table is contained in propolis, honey and bee bread. These substances increase the elasticity of blood vessels and normalize the production of hormones. By consuming 2 teaspoons of honey daily, a man can completely cure erectile dysfunction and significantly increase his own libido.

It is very good to combine honey with nuts. The first enhances sexual performance, the second strengthens the effect even more.

Seafood and fish

Seafood (oysters, mussels, shrimp, crabs) and fish (flounder, mackerel) are considered one of the best products in the ranking for increasing sexual activity. In addition to minerals and vitamins useful for potency, these products are considered champions in terms of zinc capacity.

According to the theory of scientists, seafood contains a rather rare amino acid that increases hormone production and sexual arousal. But for the beneficial effects of seafood on increasing potency, they should only be eaten raw. Boiled dishes are also allowed, but fried ones will not provide any effect. If you can’t eat raw fish, then it’s best to steam it. Eating steamed tuna, mackerel or flounder noticeably increases a man's sexual attraction to a woman.


Enriched with polysaccharides and iodine contributes to the rejuvenation of the body and the increase of male immunity. sea ​​kale. This is an excellent herbal product that not only increases the stamina of the body, but also contributes to a longer duration of sexual intercourse. Laminaria are rich in hormone-like elements with a high anti-sclerotic effect and are very valuable for human body, especially male.

bitter chocolate

A very effective aphrodisiac that accelerates the production of endorphins is dark chocolate, in which at least 60% of the composition is cocoa. The use of even a small amount of this product calms and improves mood, reduces anxiety, contributes to the stability of sexual relations and gives a man confidence in his sexual abilities.

Root vegetables and vegetables

The presence of vegetable dishes in the diet has a beneficial effect on the intimate life of men. The healthiest vegetables potency enhancing products- turnips, garlic, onions and carrots. Men's health is very well strengthened by the roots of celery and ginger. These products contain many minerals and antioxidants, on which the activity of sexual life depends. A serving of fresh vegetable salad every day will increase a man's sex drive and make sexual intercourse more productive.

From fruits, preference should be given to watermelon, pomegranate and bananas. They contain a lot of vitamin C, and watermelons also contain citrulline, a useful amino acid that, after ingestion, is converted into arginine.

Bananas are effective aphrodisiacs. Eating two bananas a day, a man can significantly increase libido and doubt his male strength.

Milk products

In the diet of a man who is concerned about his sexual capabilities, sour cream, cottage cheese and kefir must be present. These products are rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins, which are simply necessary for the production of testosterone that the male body needs.

In addition, a rich amount of calcium is found in dairy products, and this element is necessary for controlling testosterone levels, preventing early ejaculation and high sexual activity.

Condiments and meat products

For those who are connoisseurs of aromatic spices, anise, ginger, mint, cloves are very good in this regard, hot peppers, cardamom and cloves. A variety of herbal teas will also be useful, especially with the addition of honey.

A man's diet should also include meat. The most useful dishes will be those made from beef, veal, liver and tongue.

Dishes to combat sexual impotence

If you carefully study what products most effectively increase potency, then from them you can make a fairly varied and balanced menu. Egg and onion salad seasoned with sour cream is very useful.
A few more simple and effective recipes to combat low sexual activity:

  • stew with carrots, turnips, onions and lean meat for health and sexual energy is considered very useful. Meat itself is a protein product, and it contains many minerals useful for the body, and in particular arginine;
  • green salad with nuts or seafood has powerful aphrodisiac properties. As greens, you can use green onions, parsley, arugula and basil;
  • a very tasty and healthy dessert for men will be fruit salad from watermelon, orange and banana, seasoned with yogurt mixed with lemon or pomegranate juice.

The main rule in compiling a diet to increase potency is that, along with food, a man receives the necessary microelements, amino acids and vitamins, which are responsible for the level of sexual strength and male capabilities.

Products harmful to sexual activity

If a man is determined to improve his sexual viability, then he first of all needs to exclude the following foods from the diet:

  • fatty and fried meat, especially lard and pork. They should be replaced with fish, rabbit meat, turkey or chicken meat;
  • canned foods and sausages in the fight against low libido will be superfluous, because they inhibit the functioning reproductive system;
  • white bread and sweet pastries slow down blood flow, which negatively affects the performance of the penis;
  • spicy and salty food lowers erection. This does not mean at all that it is impossible to salt dishes, just that spices and salt should not be abused;
  • alcoholic drinks, beer, coffee, energy drinks and carbonated drinks disrupt reproductive functions, and in addition disrupt the work of all organs;
  • sports nutrition should be taken with extreme caution, since some supplements adversely affect sexual desire;
  • fatty dairy products and butter rich in calories. They provoke circulatory disorders and lower erectile ability.

In addition to these foods that are harmful to potency, a deficiency of some vitamins can be caused by a monotonous menu. Therefore, you should not eat only nuts or eggs. The menu should be well-balanced and complete in terms of the presence of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

What else affects potency?

The fact that male capabilities are directly dependent on proper nutrition, proved by time. This is also confirmed by the numerous reviews of men who, with the help of a well-designed diet, returned their masculine abilities and increased libido.

But apart from malnutrition low sexual activity may be due to past injuries and diseases, high mental and physical activity. The hereditary factor should also be taken into account by those who suffer from disorders of the reproductive system.

A good and trusting relationship with a partner is also among the factors that determine the success of a sexual life.

Proper nutrition, sports, good rest - these are the main rules on which the quality of a man's sexual life depends.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction includes the use of drugs, decoctions with medicinal plants and lifestyle changes. In the latter case, moderate physical activity is implied, refusal from bad habits, proper nutrition. The menu must include products that increase potency. They compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, improve spermatogenesis, have a positive effect on erectile function, and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. Consider what products increase potency in men?

What foods increase potency in men?

Consumption of natural products for potency is a way to help maintain male power on high level. The menu should include seafood, nuts, greens, seasonal vegetables and fruits, lean meat, sea ​​fish. Carbonated drinks, coffee, energy drinks, alcohol, convenience foods, fast food and other junk food are removed from the diet.

You need to eat often and in small portions. Be sure to comply drinking regimen- at least two liters pure water per day. When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account the consumed and received energy. A man should not eat more than he spends calories, otherwise he gains weight, which leads to a decrease in potency and sexual desire.


Various studies have been conducted on the effect of certain products on male potency, which have proven that seafood has a positive effect on the erectile function of the stronger sex. Oysters are a powerful natural stimulant that increases libido. It contains vitamins of group B, PP, minerals - zinc, phosphorus, iodine, copper, magnesium, etc. It is due to the high concentration of zinc that a positive effect is observed from the use.

Inclusion in the menu of oysters provides the following result:

  • Increases the production of your own testosterone, which normalizes the hormonal balance in the body;
  • The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the seminal fluid are improved;
  • Exchange and metabolic processes are normalized.

Tip: to normalize erectile function, you need to eat oysters every day for 1 month. Serving per day - 3-5 pieces. They are eaten not only raw, but also steamed - this method of cooking does not affect useful properties.

Shrimp is a product that increases potency in men. Of course, not instantly, but the result will definitely be. Shrimps have a high concentration of zinc and magnesium - minerals that increase sperm production, increase attraction to the opposite sex. Prawns are best eaten boiled. A fried dish will bring minimal benefits.

It is noted that crab meat is a dietary and easily digestible protein. It is absorbed in the human body by 100%. The product contains a lot of iodine - a component that is needed for the full functioning of the endocrine system, respectively, to maintain hormonal balance. The use ensures sufficient production of testosterone, increases the sexual activity of men in bed.

bee products

For potency, products must be eaten regularly, only in this case there is a visible result of improving erectile function. So, how to increase potency in men? To do this, it is recommended to include natural honey in the menu. The easiest way is to eat twice a day for a teaspoon, washed down with plain water or warm (but not hot) tea. But the best effect is revealed when honey is combined with other components:

  1. Honey + stinging nettle + wild rose. For cooking, you need to mix 2 teaspoons of nettle and chopped rose hips. Pour the vegetable collection with chestnut, ginseng or linden honey. Insist 2 days. After adding a liter of warm water (boiled) to the mixture. Insist for another day. Take 100 ml three times a day, the duration of the therapeutic course is 1 month.
  2. Honey + red wine + aloe is an effective combination that allows you to increase potency and libido in men. It is necessary to mix 300 ml of beekeeping product and 500 ml of red wine, add 150 ml of aloe juice to the mixture. Insist 10 days. Take 20 ml three times a day after meals. The duration of the course is 2-3 weeks.

No less useful are such products for potency in men as nuts, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs. Based on these components, nutrient mixtures are prepared. They are taken in equal proportions, crushed, poured with honey and insisted for a day. Eat a teaspoon 2-3 times a day, the course of application is 1-2 months. Lemon juice or finely chopped lemon can be added to the mixture.

Important: bee pollen- a good remedy for male power. It increases the overall tone of the body, increases the production of testosterone, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and normalizes blood circulation. Against the background of a decrease in potency, use 1 tsp. 1-2 times a day, and with impotence, take 1 tsp. up to 5 times a day. The duration of prophylaxis/treatment is a month.

Royal jelly is another bee product that can significantly increase sexual activity. The tool expands blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation, improves spermatogenesis. Use 1 g 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals; the course of therapy is 25-35 days.

Meat and dishes from it

The menu should have meat products for potency for men. Meat is a natural testosterone regulator, an indispensable building material for cells. Any is useful, the main thing is that it is fresh and not greasy. It has been proven that meat not only stimulates potency, but also improves the activity of the immune system.

Method of preparation - baking, boiling, steaming. Fried meat contains a lot of cholesterol - a substance that tends to be deposited inside the walls of blood vessels. This leads to impaired blood circulation, slowing down metabolic processes, which negatively affects the quality of erection and the duration of sexual intercourse.

  • beef;
  • Pork;
  • Chicken/turkey breast;
  • Konin;
  • Rabbit.

The amount of meat consumed per day is determined by the lifestyle of a man. Against the background of sedentary work and low physical activity, 100-150 g of the product is enough. If the work of a man is associated with heavy physical exertion, constant movement, or he is actively engaged in gym, then consume 300-400 g per day.

Fresh juices from selected vegetables and fruits

Vegetable and fruit juices are not only a source of vitamins and minerals, but also a good tool to increase potency, libido, improve the functioning of the reproductive system and the body as a whole. The dosage per day is 250-400 ml of natural juice. It is necessary to drink only a freshly squeezed drink, and not packaged juice sold in stores.

For the prevention of erectile dysfunction, the menu includes pomegranate juice. The composition of the pomegranate includes special substances that increase the amount of nitric oxide, which is responsible for the relaxation of blood vessels, which leads to improved blood circulation in the body. In terms of antioxidants, pomegranate juice is superior to green tea and red wine. The drink effectively fights "bad" cholesterol, the excess of which leads to myocardial infarction, stroke, pulmonary embolism.

Vegetable and fruit juices that increase potency:

  1. Celery juice normalizes hormonal levels, increases sexual desire, normalizes metabolic and metabolic processes in the body, promotes weight loss in men. You need to drink 100 ml of the drink per day. It does not taste very pleasant, so it is mixed with carrot or orange juice.
  2. Pumpkin juice contains a lot of zinc, an element responsible for the normal production of testosterone in the body. Drink 200-400 ml per day.
  3. Watermelon juice contains specific substances that are converted into arginine acid in the male body. This acid improves the elasticity and firmness of blood vessels, normalizes blood flow to the penis during an erection.
  4. carrot juice improves appetite, calms the central nervous system reduces the effects of stress. Drink 200-300 ml of drink per day.
  5. Fresh grape juice improves blood circulation, replenishes magnesium deficiency in the blood, and treats male infertility.

Juices can be combined with each other or drunk separately. In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, care must be taken. If there is a history of ulcerative lesions of the duodenum or stomach, then pomegranate juice is recommended to be diluted with plain water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Proper and balanced nutrition containing products that have a positive effect on potency and erection is the key to the absence of problems in intimate life. The menu must be compiled taking into account the physical activity of a man, body weight, and a history of existing diseases. For example, when diabetes you should choose unsweetened juices, since sugar leads to the development of a hyperglycemic state.

With age, many men face the problem of lowering potency. Many of them seek advice from doctors to strengthen it. However, going to the hospital is not necessary, as you can stimulate libido at home. For example, for this you can eat foods that increase potency in men. However, before that, you need to decide which products increase potency in men.

What can impair potency

Before you start choosing products for potency, you need to understand the main reasons for its deterioration.

The potency of a man can worsen the following:

  1. Neurological problems: autoimmune diseases, sclerosis, epilepsy.
  2. Psychological problems: stressful situations, increased irritability, depression, fatigue.
  3. Damage to the genitals or pelvic organs.

All of the above factors instantly affect potency.

There are also certain foods that pose a danger to male potency. Due to their regular use, erections will gradually deteriorate, therefore, it is recommended to remove them from your diet.

These include:

  1. Alcohol. They adversely affect the sexual sphere and the performance of the testicles. Be careful when drinking alcohol, as sometimes the abuse of such drinks ends in impotence.
  2. Meat with a lot of fat. Such food is very dangerous for men at any age. If you eat fatty meat too often, then the amount of testosterone in the body will begin to decrease. It is this hormone that is responsible for the functioning of the genital organs.
  3. Salt. Almost any food contains salt, and therefore, it will not be possible to completely refuse it. However, if possible, it is better not to eat highly salty foods.

Top five best dishes

Having decided on the reasons for the deterioration of erection, it is necessary to figure out what you need to eat to increase potency. There are top five products that increase potency. This list will help you choose the most useful foods and dishes for male potency.

camel stomach

Among the products to improve potency, it is necessary to single out the camel stomach, which has helped many men. Thanks to him, male strength increases in almost the same way as after the use of Viagra. However, this product is very difficult to obtain, so not every man is lucky to try camel stomach.

For many years now, people have been stimulating erections with this product. The first peoples who began to use it to increase potency in men are the Bedouins and the Mongols.

The camel's stomach does not last long, and therefore it is eaten before sex or a few hours before it starts. Stimulants will act immediately and the result will not have to wait long.

A rather useful alcohol tincture can be prepared from the stomach of a camel. To do this, pour 100 g of camel meat with a liter of vodka and leave to infuse for 2-3 weeks. It is recommended to store the prepared liquid in a cool and dark room.


The list of products for maintaining and increasing potency also includes oysters. Everyone's diet young man who cares about their men's health should include this product. Oysters should be eaten, they contain natural amino acids. The impact of such components strengthens the erection and increase the amount of sperm. Oysters also contain lopamine to boost libido.

Many scientists argue that in the spring, oysters have an increased amount of amino acids with zinc. Therefore, shellfish that were caught in the spring will be a good libido stimulant.

Men are advised to eat this dish only raw. The fact is that high temperatures during heat treatment, they contribute to the destruction of most useful elements. Before eating oysters, it is recommended to sprinkle with lemon juice, which will improve the taste of the dish.

It is worth noting that oysters do not always contribute to raising potency. Too frequent consumption of shellfish is not always a positive effect on health. The fact is that oysters contain mercury, and therefore, such dishes sometimes negatively affect potency. Also, the use of this product to increase potency for men should be abandoned to people who suffer from diabetes and have problems with immunity and acidity.


The diet of some men includes flounder. Many do not even know about the beneficial properties of this fish and consider it just very delicious food. However, flounder dishes improve libido and have a positive effect on overall human health.

The composition of this fish includes vitamins and other trace elements that enhance male erection. Also, flounder contains proteins and active substances improving male power.

There are various recipes for cooking dishes from this fish. For better preservation of all useful trace elements, it is recommended to boil it, stew or steam it. After the product is brought to fully prepared heat treatment must be stopped immediately.

Flounder is useful not only for the male half of the population, but also for women. The point is that she has dietary properties, and therefore, it can be used to get rid of excess weight.


Mackerel can be singled out among the products to increase potency. It contains a considerable amount of omega acids. They take part in the formation of testosterone, on which male sexual abilities largely depend. Mackerel also contains a lot of iodine and phosphorus, which increase sexual desire.

The diet of men should include boiled mackerel. After all, it is the cooked product that is most effective in the treatment of sexual weakness.


Turnips are among the top libido enhancing products. The vegetable contains substances and trace elements that contribute to better testosterone production. Useful is not only a vegetable, but also its seeds. Turnip seeds stimulate the appearance of sexual desires and improve potency. The same effect can be obtained if boiled turnips are included in your diet in a small amount.

You can also prepare a special healing mixture from turnips. To do this, you need to grate it and mix with grated carrots. Then all this is mixed and poured with rare honey. The prepared solution is used 2-3 times a day before meals.

To increase potency, you can prepare another mixture of turnips. In this case, the chopped vegetable is boiled in a liter of milk. After that, the turnip is rubbed on a grater and mixed with boiled hot milk. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add a few tablespoons of honey to the prepared mixture.

Other products

In addition to the above, there are other products that will help restore the former male power.

Meat dishes

The main part of the diet of most men are meat dishes. They contain a lot of protein, which enriches the body with energy. It also improves excitability and supports many nerve centers.

It is recommended to eat more dishes prepared from lamb, beef, chicken and horse meat. For some men, the exotic diet consists of blackbirds, pheasants, and cockscombs. Such meat contributes to the return of lost male power.


Nuts will help eliminate sexual weakness. To do this, you can use nutmeg and pine nuts. With their help, you can not only improve the performance of the genital organs, but also strengthen your health. They should be consumed raw, but sometimes, you can lightly toast the nuts to make them a little tastier.

Separately, nutmeg should be highlighted, which is recommended to eat daily. However, this does not mean that it should be used large quantities. It is enough to sprinkle food with nutmeg powder every day. The optimal daily dose should not exceed 20 grams.


To strengthen potency, dark chocolate varieties are added to the diet, in which theobromine is present, which increases libido. It is recommended to buy a product that contains at least 70% cocoa. All other varieties, with various chemical fillers, cannot be used for medicinal purposes.

It is better to refuse the use of dark chocolate for people with high blood pressure and problems with the liver or pancreas.


Sexual weakness worries many men, especially in adulthood. To get rid of this problem, you need to trust the rating of food products to increase potency and adjust your diet. You can also watch a video that will list and describe products to improve erection.

Every man wants to be a man in the full sense of the word. The main male hormone is testosterone, it contains male qualities: strength and confidence. Closer to the age of thirty, the level of testosterone in the male body begins to fall. Many methods have been developed to increase the amount of this male hormone in the body of a man. Some are selflessly engaged in yoga and relaxation, others regularly visit the gym, but few of the men know that testosterone decline is easily corrected by the right diet, which includes the right products for male power.

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Such products that affect male potency are called aphrodisiacs. This is the name of the term, the word got back in Ancient Greece in honor of the goddess of love Aphrodite. The word is closely related to another concept of "aphrodosis", which means sexual desire.

A diet for a man that promotes masculine qualities should include a large amount of vitamins in his diet: vitamin A, which improves the reproductive function of men, B vitamins, which are responsible for sexual energy, vitamin E, which normalizes the functioning of the endocrine systems. As well as a significant amount of proteins, unsaturated fats, carbohydrates, plant components and trace elements such as: magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, iodine.

The word "potency" is not in vain consonant with the word "potential". A man with good potency is always easy to recognize, he has great potential. If a man is satisfied with his sexual health and sexual life, then he will feel like a real confident person, which will certainly lead to success in other areas of life.

Today, the male generation is concerned with many pressing thoughts about what to eat to increase male strength, what kind of food contributes to male strength, and what foods should or should not be consumed by men.

Herbal products

Of all the existing aphrodisiac products, food of plant origin stands out in particular.

First, you need to include nut plants and various seeds in your diet. Nuts such as: peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts contain quite a lot of zinc, phosphorus and selenium, which affect the increase in potency. From the seeds can be distinguished: sunflower and pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, carrot seeds.

Secondly, fruits should be added to the diet: citrus fruits, pomegranates, pears and apples. The last two products contain a lot of zinc, citrus fruits contain vitamins, essential oils and ascorbic acid. According to the pomegranate, statistics showed that 47% of the males who drink the juice of this type of fruit daily have significantly increased their male power in this way.

It is also useful to eat bananas, the consumption of which has a positive effect on work. of cardio-vascular system, and a healthy heart is the key to a full and long sexual life. The use of exotic fruits is not forbidden, for example, avocados, papaya, pineapples, figs, dates.

Thirdly, the food should contain vegetables, in particular all kinds of onions. Even in ancient Roman times, Pliny the Elder said that: "The bow pushes even sluggish men into the arms of Venus." And later, scientists proved the increased content in the onion of substances that enhance potency.

Fourth, legumes: beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils. Such products contain a sufficient amount of vitamin B, which actively affects the contractility of blood vessels and the filling of the pelvic organs with blood, and, consequently, the work of the male genital area.

And of course, male power is corrected by such a product as fragrant greens: Cilantro, Mint, Nettle, Parsley. And hot spices: ginger root and pepper.

Meat products

Meat in its natural form is also an important product for men's health. It is in its natural form, for example, boiled, baked or steamed, and not in burgers and fried sausages, where there is an excess of carcinogens and cholesterol, which leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Lean meats will be useful for the male body: beef, venison, pork, lamb and rabbit meat. Sexologists also recommend not to give up poultry meat: turkey, ducks and geese.

It is better to buy meat for cooking on farms or from reputable producers, as this is a guarantee of proper fattening and proper care of animals, which means high quality the resulting product.

The amount of meat consumed depends on the lifestyle of a man. If it's an active lifestyle, constant movement and sports, then you need 200-300 grams of the product per day. If inactive, 50 grams per day is enough. But no more than three times a week.

Fish and seafood

The male body needs fish as a source of protein and iodine. To increase male potency, the following types of fish are perfect: flounder, mackerel, salmon, tuna.

Of great importance for the male body is eating seafood rich in vitamins and saturated with omega-3 fatty acids. For example, salmon and sturgeon caviar, shrimp, mussels, squid, crayfish, scallops.

Omega-3, getting into the male body, begins to actively enhance the work of the endocrine glands, thereby increasing the production of testosterone in the blood.

Dairy products and eggs

For potency, the use of milk and sour-milk products is mandatory: fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, as well as various types of cheese, cottage cheese and eggs.

Of all types of milk, goat's is the most preferred. It will not only give a feeling of satiety to a man, but also set the body for sexual intercourse. The fact is known in history that even Casanova himself, the famous hero-lover, famous for his love affairs, replaced alcoholic drinks with goat's milk.

Goat milk contains calcium and zinc, which are sources of testosterone and are responsible for its quality. A glass of milk drunk per day also removes estrogen from the male body, a female hormone that tends to accumulate.

And eggs, according to Kim Pearson, a professional nutritionist at the University of Connecticut, are an excellent building material for future sperm. He recommends that men eat three eggs a day. It is this amount of the consumed product that will not harm the cardiovascular system with cholesterol.

exotic products

Many substances that increase male strength and strengthen male health are found in rare products: truffles and exotic morel mushrooms.

Prohibited Products

As in any diet, there is a list of foods that a man should not consume. These include:

  • Beer, because it contains a high content of phytoestrogens - a kind of analogue of female sex hormones.
  • Soy, which provokes a decrease in the production of male hormones.
  • Yeast dough and white bread. Only brown bread and yeast-free products are recommended for consumption.
  • Fast food that exceeds the allowable levels of fat, salt and sugar in its composition. This leads to obesity and subsequent hormonal failure and the appearance of impotence in men.

The principles of proper nutrition

The positive effect of the above products will come only if the nutrition list with their participation is compiled correctly. It must be balanced.

As the saying goes, "eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy."

Breakfast should be hearty, decent portions. For morning and lunch meals, it is better to prepare recipes using foods high in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

For dinner, portions should be small, consist mainly of carbohydrate foods. It is not recommended to overeat at night, otherwise the blood will rush to the stomach, and not to another male organ, and all the energy received will be spent by the body on digesting the food eaten, and not on a possible sexual intercourse.

Non-traditional recipes

One of the most popular non-traditional methods is the Tibetan technique, invented by the people living in the Tibetan Plateau. Tibetan healers have developed their own recipe for male power.

Since the time of Genghis Khan, it was believed that the monks of Tibet are able to heal a man from any ailment, including impotence or erectile dysfunction. The Tibetan method of dealing with impotence combines special gymnastics and herbal remedies.

There are two types of tincture according to the recipes of Tibetan monks, which have been made since ancient times for Genghis Khan himself, who was famous for his love affairs: garlic and based on Ginseng.

Garlic tincture is made according to the recipe of Tibetan monks from 350 grams of finely chopped garlic, which is infused in a glass of pure alcohol for ten days. After filtering and left for a couple of days. It is taken in the following way: a drop of the infused mixture is added to a glass of milk and drunk, every day the number of drops proportionally increases by one. When the number of drops reaches 25, on the 25th day, the man should stop and continue to take 25 drops diluted in milk daily.

Ginseng tincture according to the recipe of Tibetan monks is made from the root of the plant. It is cleaned, washed and left to dry in a dark, cool place. A few days later, 10 grams of ginseng root is poured with half a glass of pure alcohol and infused for two weeks, then filtered. It is necessary for a man to take ready-made ginseng tincture 2 times a day, 30 drops before meals.

A Modern Recipe for Male Power

Today, there are many dishes, eating which a man can achieve the desired desired effect. The simplest of them are salads, in the recipe of which products are used that contain everything the right vitamins and trace elements to enhance male sexual instincts.

Very rich in palatability salad "male power", the recipe of which is easy to prepare.

Products needed to prepare the recipe: 500 grams of boiled chicken fillet, 3 boiled eggs, a bunch of Beijing cabbage, ¾ cup walnuts, half a cup of black bread crackers, lemon, mayonnaise, Parsley or Dill, lemon juice.

Recipe: Cut the cabbage into strips, chop the nuts in a blender, cut the chicken meat into cubes small size. Mix prepared foods in a salad bowl, add crackers, mayonnaise and pour over lemon juice. The top of the salad can be decorated with an egg chopped on a fine grater, distributing it evenly over the entire surface.

Another recipe for male power is a salad with vegetables and boiled pasta.

Products that will be required in the salad: vegetable oil, ground black pepper, 2 cucumbers, 1 tomato, 100 grams of boiled durum pasta, parsley root, 4 sprigs of celery, 2 garlic, a teaspoon of vinegar and salt to taste.

Recipe: First, you should lower the Parsley root in cold water for some time. Wash vegetables, cut into small cubes. Rinse greens in running water and chop. Take the parsley root out of the water and grate it on a fine grater like a carrot. Mix all prepared products with pasta, add vinegar, pepper and salt to taste. Eat it seasoned with sunflower or olive oil.

Products that have a positive effect on male potency, it is desirable to use constantly. This will allow a man to be healthy, active and sexually resilient. Thanks to these natural fruits and vegetables, the potency will remain at a high level for a long time.

Useful products for men to increase potency are not exotic dishes that cost a fortune. These are fruits and vegetables that are well known to many and are found on store shelves.

The male body is extremely sensitive to factors external environment and not only. Banal overeating or systematic eating harmful products nutrition will lead to a decrease in the level of potency, problems with erection and other unpleasant phenomena.

What foods affect male power

Food has an impact on health. It benefits a person, but it can cause illness, etc. The list of diseases can be continued indefinitely. In order not to face such problems, you need to eat right.

The basics of proper nutrition or what foods increase potency:

  • nuts and honey;
  • seafood;
  • fruits, vegetables and herbs;
  • meat and offal;
  • quail eggs;
  • herbal teas and tinctures;
  • fresh juices.

A healthy diet should be moderate and balanced. If a person receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals with food, then he will not have problems with potency.


Rich in aphrodisiacs and B vitamins, should be included in the diet of every man who wants to increase sexual activity.

The list of seafood that increases men's health:

  1. Oysters are healthy seafood, a well-known aphrodisiac. It is well digested and assimilated, increases not only the potency, but also the ability to reproduce. Oysters are also rich in zinc - this element not only helps the brain "work" better, but also stimulates blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis. Oysters speed up the process of erection (natural male arousal) and increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  2. Mussels - rich in vitamins and zinc, but inferior to oysters in this indicator. But they are cheaper and more common. Mussels are well digested, but if you have problems with the stomach and intestines, it is better to limit their consumption or replace them with oysters, shrimp or crabs. These seafood are also rich in other trace elements and useful substances: magnesium, selenium, potassium, etc.

Casanova's great lover began his day with a breakfast of oysters and white wine.

Shrimps, crabs, squids and other seafood are a storehouse of useful substances. They are easily digested and do not overload the digestive tract. But these products also need to be prepared correctly. Otherwise, there will be no effect from their consumption.

Vegetables, fruits and greens

Everyone knows that eating vegetables and fruits is good for health. They are rich in vitamins and fiber.

List of vegetables to increase potency:

  • turnip;
  • ginger;
  • garlic and onions;
  • asparagus;
  • salad.

Among all vegetables, special attention should be paid to ginger, turnips and celery. The benefits of these products for men are undeniable, they are eaten both raw and in any other form. These vegetables improve libido, have a certain effect on hormonal background. Contribute to the stabilization of testosterone levels in the blood.

Special properties are attributed to celery, some experts consider it a natural analogue of Viagra.

Fruits that increase potency, list:

  • dates;
  • bananas;
  • strawberry;
  • mango and grapes.

Fruits are low in calories, they are rich in fructose (carbohydrate, energy source), vitamins and useful trace elements. From fruits, you can prepare diet salads, desserts, or you can eat them raw.

Particular attention is paid to bananas and dates. They have a beneficial effect on potency, stimulate the production of the necessary enzymes and substances involved in the process of spermatogenesis.

If we talk more about bananas, they are rich in potassium. It is this microelement that is useful for the heart and blood vessels. But you should not consume bananas in unlimited quantities, their calorie content is very high. One banana contains 200 calories. Fruits and vegetables go well together and this is another reason to include them in your diet. They also make a great accompaniment to a main meat or fish dish.

Nuts and honey

Honey and nuts - these products are of particular importance, they help not only to raise the general tone of the body, but also affect the reproductive abilities of men.

Nuts and honey go together perfectly. They can be eaten every day, but you will first have to make sure that you are not allergic to these products.

What nuts are eaten to increase potency:

  • peanut;
  • nutmeg;
  • cashew nuts;
  • walnuts.

Nuts have only 1 minus, they are high in calories. 2 handfuls of nuts can replace a full dinner.

Honey and walnuts, a recipe for increasing potency:

  1. 100–130 gr. shelled nuts, along with partitions, are crushed in a blender or coffee grinder.
  2. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed with a wooden spoon, supplemented with a small amount of crushed flax seed.
  3. Filled with honey. Once again, mix thoroughly and let the product stand for 2-3 days in a cool place.
  4. You can supplement honey and nuts with various components: dates, dried apricots, prunes, figs, etc. From this, the benefits of the product will only increase.

Cashew with kefir cocktail recipe:

  • 250 ml of kefir or yogurt will require about 30 grams of nuts;
  • cashews are ground in a coffee grinder, then poured with yogurt or kefir;
  • you can supplement the cocktail with honey.

Meat and offal

The list of products that have a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of a man should start with meat. Since meat is a protein that provides the body with the necessary energy.

Food rich in protein is necessary for the body, its consumption should be regular, but moderate. The abundance of protein creates an excessive load on the liver.

What kind of meat should be eaten:

  • veal;
  • beef;
  • You can also cook lamb.

But it is better to refuse lamb and pork altogether. Replace the chicken with a turkey, do not use semi-finished products and sausages. Their composition raises a lot of doubts.

What is rennet

The natural products for erection enhancement listed above are significantly inferior in effectiveness to the camel's stomach. Dried in a special way, for centuries it was considered almost the only aphrodisiac.

Sychuzhina was popular among the inhabitants of the East. Men regularly ate it and did not complain of erection problems.

Recipe for alcohol tincture with rennet:

  • 500 ml of vodka will be required;
  • 100 gr. camel stomach.

Sychuzhina is pre-crushed, then poured with vodka and the tincture is allowed to stand for 14 days in a cool and dark place.

After the drink can be consumed 30 minutes before sexual contact. They say that the effect of it will be amazing.

Other Men's Health Products

There are a number of products that have a certain effect on the potency and erection of a man, these include:

  1. Koumiss, curdled milk, kefir (fermented milk products strengthen the immune system, normalize the process of digestion of food, improve metabolism and the functioning of the heart and blood vessels).
  2. Chocolate (the only sweet that has a beneficial effect on male fertility, but only dark chocolate is recommended).
  3. Fish (breeds of low-fat varieties are rich in useful omega-3 acids, you can eat: salmon, trout, mackerel and flounder).
  4. Pumpkin seeds and cedar nuts (no worse than oysters increase potency and improve metabolic processes in the body).

Spices for men:

  • cinnamon and saffron - improve the production of pheromones, help attract the opposite sex;
  • anise, parsley - will help increase the duration of sexual intercourse, stimulate an erection;
  • peppers also have a beneficial effect on the male body.

A good aphrodisiac is a mixture of several peppers, which will complement the dish and paint intimate life with new colors.

What to drink to increase potency

There are drinks that can affect erectile function. It should be said right away that alcohol is not included in their number.

So, what can a man drink:

  1. Tea with ginger, honey and rose hips.
  2. Celery and pumpkin juice.
  3. Quail egg cocktail.
  4. Watermelon and carrot juice.

Tea with ginger is prepared according to the recipe: the root of the plant is ground on a grater, then poured with boiling water and the drink is allowed to stand for 20 minutes. After that, a spoonful of honey, a decoction of rose hips and lemon are added to the drink - these components will improve the taste of tea and its healing properties.

Juice from pumpkin and celery root is easy to prepare, it is worth chopping vegetables in a blender. Then take gauze, fold it in several layers and use it as a filter. Gently squeeze out the contents, let the drink stand for a while, supplement it with honey and drink.

Quail eggs are another powerful aphrodisiac. 15-20 eggs can be cooked for breakfast. If there are not so many eggs in the house, then it is recommended to make a simple cocktail: break 3-5 eggs, beat and mix with kefir or yogurt, drink. If desired, it is worth adding other components to the drink.

Using a juicer, prepare the juice of watermelon and carrots. Dilute carrot juice with watermelon juice, add honey and drink. It is recommended to prepare such a drink regularly, it is worth supplementing it with beetroot or celery juice. Juices, which contain vitamin E, have a beneficial effect on erection, and are also considered antioxidants. They “slow down” the aging process in the body.

Increasing potency and erection is impossible without giving up bad habits. We will have to not only abandon the usual rhythm of life, but also make fundamental changes in the nutrition system. This will help the overall health of the body and improve potency.
