Relationships between men and women chakras. Chakra compatibility test for men and women - seven types of love and relationships

Differences between men and women on the energy plane
What is a woman, who is a woman and how is she different from a man? The Lord God did not just create men and women - they differ from each other. In addition to the fact that everyone has their own functions, energy moves in us in different ways.

The Vedas say that each person has 7 mental energy centers, the most active, they are often called chakras. In fact, there are more of them, but the main ones are 7. We are arranged in such a way that in men and in women, the energy in these centers moves differently. Some clockwise, some counterclockwise. What gives the activity or passivity of the chakra. And it turns out that we completely complement each other.

We'll start from the bottom. The lowest chakra is Muladhara. She is responsible for survival and offspring, and she is arranged in such a way that for a man this chakra is active, and for a woman it is passive. That is, a man gives energy, and a woman receives it.

This means that this male function is to give protection. Protection for a woman's survival. Provide basic security. Our task is to focus on our responsibilities. The duty of a woman in this place is to learn to accept. Most of us have problems with this. As planned, we must completely trust the man, and rely on him - that he can take care of us.

We, many of us, have all sorts of birth scenarios and other traumas. Very often we do not let a man take care of us at all. Very often women say: "Oh, I would like a strong shoulder." But in practice, it turns out to be so scary to trust that it’s easier to do everything yourself.

If a woman begins to take care of survival herself, for example, herself and her children, then the chakra begins to work on male type, it starts to be active. If a woman has a husband nearby, then he has nothing left, and his chakra becomes passive. That is, he begins to receive, and the woman gives. And it is very difficult to change this situation later.

Because a woman, in order to somehow change this situation, needs to give up this, as if jumping without a parachute from a high mountain. You need to understand that if you have a husband or a young man, but at the same time you prefer to take care of your own safety, then you thereby take on a male function, and this damages both your femininity and his masculinity.

Even in the Vedas it is said that the man is the enjoyer and the woman is the one through whom one enjoys. This suggests that our task, as women, is to create a comfortable and cozy world for a man. Very often women protest against this point, they say - how so, why should we serve them, why should we enjoy them and fulfill all desires? What is this worldly injustice?

In fact, everything is fair here. Because of the 7 chakras - 3 are active in women, 3 are active in men and 1, the top one, works the same for everyone. Therefore, there is no injustice in this, there is simply a division of roles. It is important for us to understand that a man also gives something, and our task is to give him pleasure and fulfill his desires - and then everything is not so bad.

This includes any pleasures, including sexual pleasures, enjoyment of food, order in the house. That is, an ideal woman should create for a man such a world in which he can easily be, he will be comfortable, and his basic desires will be satisfied. And they will not just be satisfied, but he will experience some pleasure from this. There is a significant difference in this.

I will give a simple example. My husband and I have a favorite restaurant, and they cook very tasty food there. That is, at the same prices - amazing cuisine, where even french fries are amazing. And just yesterday we arrived, and it was closed. But there was a restaurant nearby, and we decided to go to it. It turned out that the prices are the same there, and the food is delicious, but it does not have any special zest, a piece of the soul. It turns out that you seem to have eaten deliciously, but you have not received such pleasure.

The same is true in the family. Can a man cook some simple fried potatoes or scrambled eggs in the morning, with that “eat and leave me alone” attitude. And you can do it in such a way that every time he has breakfast, lunch or dinner, he enjoys it.

Accordingly, the same can be done, for example, with sexual relations. You can fulfill your marital duty and say - “when will this all end?”, Or you can make the man really enjoy the process. Let it be not every day, not even every week. Let it be a monthly carnival. But what!


Then we move on to the third chakra - manipura. These are money, vital energy, achievements. It is active in men and, accordingly, passive in women. That is, a man gives to a woman. The woman accepts. And here women again have a problem.

I often receive letters that I cannot take money from a man. Or am I ashamed to ask my husband for money for some kind of blouse. Usually this often happens when a woman worked, provided for herself, and then got married, went on maternity leave. And it turns out that she does not work, she wants to buy something, and she is ashamed to ask her husband.

And here is a very serious conflict. Because if a woman refuses to accept money and vital energy, then a man either stops giving it and moves to a slightly different position, or he has less of it. That is, one of the reasons why men earn a little more is that a woman does not ask for anything. The woman says that she doesn’t need anything, “I don’t need boots, I haven’t taken out my skates yet.”

If a woman has such an attitude towards herself, an attitude towards money and an attitude towards a man, then a man will not earn much, because he simply does not need to. Men are very ascetic by nature. You have probably seen the apartments of bachelors, they don’t need much at all. There's a bed, a stove, one frying pan, scrambled eggs for breakfast and that's it. And nothing is needed.

Sometimes in this situation a man stops earning and becomes a gigolo. Or he finds one that will stimulate him to achieve his desires.

Therefore, it is our duty as women to learn to accept money, gifts from men, to accept some achievements and feats that they do in our name.

There is another option, when a woman suddenly starts to earn a lot. She begins to think that this is her most important goal in life - to provide for her family, feed her family, "this squishy can't do anything" and so on.

That is, if a woman decisively takes on the activity in this regard, then the man has nothing left. The woman took everything. He just has to accept. Then he becomes domesticated, henpecked and all that. And this is the responsibility of a woman - that we have taken upon ourselves something that is not our own.


The next anahata chakra is the heart chakra. She is responsible for love and sympathy. This is our female chakra. That is, we, as women, must give, and the man must receive. On the contrary, it is uncomfortable.

Most of you probably had such a fan who fulfilled your every whim, who did everything you want - and flowers for you, and this, and that. And he looks into his mouth, and just such love, and meets in the evening, and sees him off in the morning. And you look at him and you understand good man, a good guy, but I can not love. And I also saw myself for the fact that I don’t like such a good thing.

Just because the man took over the activity of this chakra, this center. He began to give, and the woman has no other options. She cannot love. And love is our feminine everything.

If a woman cannot love, realize herself in this place, then it is very difficult for her. And that is why such relationships often do not add up. Therefore, this is just a beautiful picture - “I want my husband to romantically look after me, do this and do this, and love me like that and love me that way.” If this happened to you, then it would not really please you at all.

Therefore, rejoice if your men do not take responsibility for this center from you and allow you to be realized in it. Then you can fully open up in this, make some pleasant surprises for your loved one and somehow pamper him.

This does not mean that he will only accept all his life and give nothing in return. Most likely, he will also do something for you, but it will not be at this center. It will be, for example, at the level of the third chakra - that is, he will make some gifts, or at the first - he will somehow begin to take care of you in terms of living space or some other basic things.

Therefore, do not expect unearthly romance and the fulfillment of your whims from a man, because it is our responsibility to fulfill desires, give pleasure and love. This is a woman's responsibility. A man will repay you with something else. Gifts and a sense of security.


The fifth chakra is vishuddha - communication, self-expression. The man gives, the woman takes. The man is active.

In life, it is very important for a man to express himself, to realize himself. For a woman, the main realization is the family. Realization outside the family is secondary.

If a woman has learned to give Love through the fourth center, then this energy rises higher in a man, and he already wants not only to earn money, not just to provide a basic level for the family. He already wants to leave his mark on history, some kind of legacy. He wants to improve this world in some way - at this level, men often begin to do great things, global feats.

And all these feats are done in the name of women. Our job here is to receive. Joyfully and with love. Like princesses and queens accepting honors from fighting knights. So that they have someone to make crusades for, defend their homeland or save the planet from an ecological catastrophe.

Therefore, if you want your man not only to survive and work, but to really realize himself and change the world, learn to love him. The energy of your love is able to raise the energy in him to the fifth center.

In addition, it is also a center of communication and public relations. For example, it is good if the friends of the family are the friends of the husband. It is not you who bring him to your company and force him to communicate with your girlfriends. And he introduces you to a circle of his own, creates some kind of communication for you and builds ties between families.


The sixth chakra ajna is clairvoyance. The woman gives, the man takes.

In theory, every wife should be the main assistant to her husband. And her main help is not to do what he does not like. And to give him what he does not have by nature. Clairvoyance.

Suppose a woman always gives very good advice husband. She has intuition, and she very often feels and says - "I don't like this uncle, with whom you want to sign a contract." A man in an ideal situation listens to her feelings. If he has enough significance in his three centers - he is realized as the head of the family, as a breadwinner and he has a certain mission - he will easily take into account the recommendations of his wife.

A woman very often feels some things, and she says - “Listen, I don’t like this person, let’s not work with him, or, I feel, this will not end well.” Some time passes, and that's what happens.

It often happens to me - when I don’t like a person, although there are no visible reasons for this. I haven't told my husband before. And then a situation occurs - and the person is revealed from not the best side.

I realized that my task is to protect my husband. And I started talking to him. At first he waved it off. But after a couple of serious situations, he began to ask my opinion on people. Especially about partnerships and joint affairs with anyone.

We are souls

The seventh chakra works the same for everyone - this is our connection with God. It doesn't matter if we are men or women. First of all, we are souls, and the soul has no gender.

Gender differences are important here on Earth in order to fulfill the mission for which we were born. Gender creates a framework for us, which we can already fill in the way we like. It can be said that by giving us a female body, the Lord narrowed the circle of throwing and more clearly outlined the role that we must play here.

And how is it with you?

We usually have the biggest distortions in the four lower chakras. They create the basis for harmony on higher levels. Therefore, we have a big task in this life - to learn to accept from a man on the first chakra and on the third. And besides - to learn to give on the second and on the fourth. Just what we most often do not know how.

How harmonious is it in your life? What chakras are active in you? And which are not?

Olga Valyaeva

IN modern world there are two extremes. In Western psychology, it is now fashionable to say that a man and a woman are equal in everything and almost the same, and all the gender roles that were in historical times are artificially invented. It is as if their parents are imposing gender behavior on children, buying, for example, dolls and pink ruffles for girls, and cars and blue pants for boys. I myself heard this theory from a professor of psychology.

There is another extreme. Eastern philosophy, the Vedas that are now fashionable, the revived Slavs and Muslim societies, on the contrary, emphasize the difference between a man and a woman. Girls are not recommended, and sometimes openly forbidden to study, work, express their opinions, etc.

The truth, as usual, lies in the middle. I believe that it is necessary to take into account the natural differences between male and female body and the experience of previous generations, but do not forget about common sense. No one can cancel modern realities either.
The most important fact to accept is that man and woman are not the same, they are two different forms of life. Talking about equality in this case is also strange. How can the sun and moon, earth and sky, fire and water, black and white, sweet and spicy be equal? One cannot be more important than the other, and cannot exist without the other.

Let's start with the fact that we have a different body structure.
We have different DNA. A shocking discovery was made recently by American anthropologists, comparing the genes of a man, a woman and a great ape. After conducting a unique experiment, they found that in men and monkeys, the difference in DNA is no more than 1%. Whereas with women this difference is almost 5%.

We have different hormonal background. A lot depends on the hormones produced by the body: weight, food preferences, lifestyle, mood, emotional background, and much, much more.

We have different psychology, way of thinking, behavior and response to the world. We have different biological and karmic tasks.

And finally: we have a different energy structure. I want to dwell on this in more detail in this article. To build harmonious relationships, it is necessary to take into account this difference in order to be able to turn it to the benefit of yourself and your relationship.

Male and female chakras

Chakras can both receive the energy-information flow and give it away. Any interaction of people takes place according to this principle: in each separate period of time, someone gives energy, someone receives it. Each partner must be able to give and receive.

In an ideal relationship, a man and a woman complement each other energetically: a man gives energy with some chakras, a woman with others. The division of chakras into male and female is conditional. In women, for example, conditionally female chakras should be filled with more energy than male chakras. For men, the opposite is true. Replenishment of energy occurs with the harmonious interaction of partners.

Now consider all 7 major chakras in the light of the above.


A man provides his woman and her children with protection and security. What does a man protect his woman from? First of all, from any external danger: adverse weather conditions, from wild animals, from hooligans, from oppressive society, from hard work, etc. The construction of the external relations of the family should occur mainly through a man, a man resolves all conflicts with the outside world. For example, if a son broke someone else's window, then his father goes to deal with it. Even the front door should be opened by the owner, not the hostess (especially when it is not known who came), because this is a connection with a potentially dangerous outside world.

This chakra is also responsible for sexual potency. A man wants and can, and a woman responds to this. The male seed gives life to offspring.

In case of violation of the chakra:

In men. In the case when a woman cannot accept security from him, he becomes aggressive, quick-tempered, jealous. All this leads to a general breakdown, sexual potency leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is important that a man takes responsibility for the survival of his family.

In the event that the chakra ceases to give energy, a man can cease to be a man in every sense of the word.

If the muladhara chakra works for a woman according to the male type (that is, it gives energy, but does not receive it), then such a woman develops masculine character traits and a masculine appearance. "I and the horse, I and the bull..."


A woman helps a man to achieve pleasure, with her he learns to experience the joy of life and learn the subtle facets of earthly pleasure. Men, as a rule, do not need anything more than the bare necessities. He is ready to live in a cave, eat raw meat and sleep on the ground. The woman gives him comfort Tasty food, organizes holidays for him, dances for him erotic dancing, caresses and hugs him, gives sexual pleasure.

In case of violation of the chakra:

If a man does not receive enough energy from his woman, he cannot fully realize himself through the upper chakras. That is, it remains incapable of accomplishments in society, career and finances. Often such men gain energy on the side, make mistresses.

In the case of violations of the flow of energy in women, all kinds of sexual diseases appear, up to infertility, there is a “freezing” of feelings, mood swings, and depression. Sometimes - promiscuity.


Male chakra. The man gives energy.

A man has a stronger will. It is very important for him to be respected and listen to his opinion. He expects obedience from his woman, gives his wife a social and material status, a position in society. Earns money. He stands at the helm of the ship called "family" and sets the direction for the entire system.

In case of violation of the chakra:

A man becomes greedy and cruel and at the same time is not able to take responsibility for his decisions.

Women have a desire to keep everything and everyone under their control, increased authority, careerism, self-interest. Usually such women are single or have soft supple men next to them.


Women's chakra. A woman gives energy.

Emotionally, a woman is several times stronger than a man. The emotional background of men is quite even and boring. And a woman can help reveal to him the energies of mercy and tenderness with the help of her love and affection. A woman thus raises a man from the level of instincts to a higher level.

In case of violation of the chakra:

If a woman cannot give her love, then she may experience resentment, inability to express her feelings, intolerance, unwillingness to live. All this ultimately leads to loneliness.

A man, having received less energy from his woman, feels unnecessary and unhappy. He does not have enough strength to strive somewhere, there is no incentive for further development.

If a man's anahata begins to work according to the feminine principle, then he often loses his masculine attractiveness. The woman ceases to respect him.


Male chakra. The man gives energy.

Chakra of creativity and creation. It is very important for a man to leave his mark on history: to realize himself in society, build a career, put his ideas into practice. And, of course, he will do it with great pleasure for his beautiful lady. A man expects his woman to support him and follow him through life. It is very important for him not to be afraid to express and defend his opinion in society.

In case of violation of the chakra:

A man may experience self-doubt, inferiority complexes, self-criticism, inability to express his opinion and the impossibility of creative self-realization.

For a woman in whom this chakra works according to the masculine principle, the search for herself in society is activated, family, children, and home cease to matter to her. She listens and hears only herself, unable to follow her man. Next to her, any representative of the stronger sex will feel uncomfortable.


Women's chakra. A woman gives energy.

Ajna - the so-called Third Eye. Women have much more developed intuition and abilities for magic and clairvoyance. Therefore, one of the main tasks of a woman in a couple is to share her feelings and fears with her husband in order to warn him in time against rash acts. For example: “I feel like this could be dangerous” or “I believe that you will succeed.”

In case of violation of the chakra:

Men who have ajna working on the feminine principle may also show signs of intuition and the ability to magically feminine type (based on emotions and visions). He becomes infantile, begins to fly in the clouds, breaks away from the real world, becomes unable to make the right decisions.

If a woman has this chakra closed, then she cannot subtly feel her relatives. She will have a bias towards a logical, rational perception of the world. She will try to live according to the plan. Spirituality is denied. This leads to the fact that the perception of the world becomes very narrow and limited.


This is the chakra of connection with God, with the Cosmos. Defines spiritual values, development milestones, lofty goals, etc. It is spiritual self-awareness, consciousness Absolute Truth, pure love of God without the admixture of sentimentality. Sahasrara becomes active when working through the lower chakras.

Most often, esotericists attribute this chakra to the male type. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the soul born in female body, unable to achieve enlightenment due to her excessive attachment to earthly energies. A woman receives her energy from the Earth, while a man is more connected with the Cosmos. From ancient times to this day, esotericists believe that only a man can become a spiritual teacher, a woman can be a teacher or teacher, nothing more. In many religions, only a man can be a clergyman, while a woman is sometimes not even allowed into the temple. It is also believed that a woman can develop spiritually only by following the path paved by a man.

What is the danger of energy distortion

What happens if some chakra in a person is blocked, and he cannot give enough energy to his partner. In this case, the partner is forced to increase the flow of energy in the chakra on their own, taking energy from other chakras.
For example, a man cannot provide for a woman (muladhara), a woman is forced to work hard and solve problems in a man's way. She takes the energy for this from the female chakras - svadhisthana and anahata. As a result, she becomes a woman with eggs, but loses her attractiveness, sexuality, the ability to give and receive sexual pleasure. And her heart chakra is empty, and she is no longer able to love with all her heart.

And vice versa, if a woman does not give a man comfort, joy and love, then he is unable to realize himself in society. Often such men become sofa dwellers, alcoholics or cheaters.

Girls are now brought up on male energies, and boys on female ones. Here is such a twist.

Boys are taken care of, given gifts, they are not allowed to make decisions, they are protected from all difficulties. In many families, beloved sons do not even have any household chores.

Girls prioritize the importance of things like school, career, social activity, achievements, success in society, financial independence, etc. Even in sex, women are now more active than men.

For a woman, this is the path of self-destruction. All this at first causes euphoria. There is still a lot of strength for accomplishments, a lot is being achieved and even better than the former classmates of the boys. Intelligence, discipline, diligence and sex appeal allow young women to achieve success on many fronts. This is truly a feminist victory march.

But by the age of 30-35, a woman is tired of the constant struggle and already wants to be weak next to a strong man. The man who may have been around all this time is already lying on the sofa for a long time, if he had not previously guessed to run away or was not expelled as an unnecessary element of home decor. And sometimes there was no permanent man, because the priorities were different. These women scream on all forums and social networks that there are no real men left, forgetting that they themselves are no longer real women. Just around this time, many begin to go to women's training.

And if the situation with the energies does not improve, after 40 years, complete emotional and physical exhaustion can be observed. A woman does not feel alive, apathy and eternal fatigue sets in.

What is the way out? First of all, it is knowledge, from which skills already flow. Knowledge about how things really work. Knowledge about how we are born, and what tasks each of us faces. Knowledge of how to most fully realize their innate qualities. Knowledge of how to achieve balance and harmony in personal relationships. And already having such knowledge, you can change your life and the lives of your loved ones.


However, it can be seen that love between a man and a woman often, especially in our time, for some reason, after a short pleasure ends with unbearable suffering. Why is this happening, what is the reason for this ... The Vedas give an accurate and unambiguous answer.

Everything lies in the essence of the question, namely: in which psycho-energy centers there was compatibility between a man and a woman.

Now we will analyze how the relationship between a man and a woman is formed as a result of compatibility at different levels of human consciousness. The higher the consciousness of a person is developed, the more sublime love he is capable of.

By nature, we cannot live without love. That's why we naturally we love each other according to our ability to love.

Harmony in spouses can occur in 7 mental centers.
In order to have good and stable relationships in the family, it is important at the moment of meeting to catch yourself thinking what feeling towards this person drives you. Only at the beginning of an acquaintance can you refuse to deepen the relationship. Gradually, they become so strong that, even realizing the meaninglessness of everything that happens, it is impossible to change anything.

It is very important to understand that in creating a family, young people should not look at how a person behaves at the time of meeting, he can behave ideally, as arranged by nature - a young man is always very good in relation to the girl he liked.
It is necessary to find out how he behaves in relation to the people around him, how he performs his duties, and, most importantly, you need to understand his motives for starting a family - what he understands by the word happiness. All this also applies to the choice of a bride.

The biggest secret in choosing a close friend is the motive for marriage. That is what the person wants from you. You have to understand what he wants. "Motive" - ​​means "love", that is, in what center does he have love in relation to you. In accordance with this, a certain type of harmony is created between spouses, which will practically not change throughout life. Everything can change if the relationship does not move to a spiritual platform, which is extremely rare, but everyone should strive to cleanse their relationships with loved ones as much as possible.
So we have psychic centers or centers of the subtle body of the mind. This means that the tendency of consciousness to live by certain interests is fixed at some level of our body.

There are 7 chakras or psychic centers.

1. Lower or coccygeal center. Responsible for selfishness and sexual relations. Relationships are built on the body platform.
2. Navel center. Located just below the navel. Responsible for fear, fearlessness, self-preservation. Relationships are built at the level of the body and prana.
3. Solar plexus center. It is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus. Responsible for digestion and comfort. Relationships are built on the level of prana and feelings.
4. Heart center. Located at the level of the heart. Responsible for human behavior. Relationships are built on the level of feelings
5. Throat center. Located in the area of ​​the apple. Responsible for emotions. Relationships are built on the level of feelings and mind.
6. Frontal center. Located in the center of the forehead. The mind answers. Relationships are built on a mental platform.
7. Crown. Located in the region of the crown. Responsible for the mind. Relationships develop at the level of the mind.

For example, someone wants to live in the body. He likes to enjoy the body: have sex, eat, sleep. Accordingly, such a young man will be attracted to a girl with a developed body and bodily functions.
Some people like to enjoy prana. He likes to run, jump, play sports. In this case, you may like an energetic nature.
Someone wants to live with the help of feelings. He likes poetry, art. A young man will fall in love in this case with a girl with refined feelings.
Some people like to live with the help of the mind. This means that such a person cultivates a good character in himself, he tries to subdue his body, prana, feelings. He will be pleased to deal with a girl good behavior.
And someone tries to live with the help of the mind. Such a person studies what is good and what is bad, studies various philosophies. In this case, love will arise on the basis of spiritual practice, self-improvement, purification of consciousness.
Love is always a manifestation of spirituality, our deepest nature, but it can be polluted by selfishness. The lower the love, the more this defilement is manifested, and thus harmony arises at a lower level of consciousness.
All human inclinations are manifested from birth, and it is very difficult to change the psychic centers. At any level of consciousness, upon contact with one of the psychic centers, there is an understanding of what happiness and love are. This means that the rapprochement between a man and a woman will take place at one of these levels, and relationships will be built in accordance with this ...

The main secret of harmonious relations between men and women.

A harmonious relationship between a man and a woman is the foundation of happiness. Today we will consider the sacred secrets of the relationship between men and women. This is a very important topic, your happiness, success, well-being and health will depend on its understanding. Many women, having read an article about the female share, and having learned that in relations with men they are “giving”, were upset. I guess? Of course, you thought that this was unfair: someone only needs to give, and someone only needs to receive. My dear readers, I want to reassure you. You will only have to give what you have in abundance by the will of nature, and for this happiness and prosperity will come to you. Everything created by the Creator is always harmonious, you just need to understand and accept this truth.

Read this information several times until you have a deep understanding of this important issue. Realizing it, you can build a harmonious relationship with your soul mate. In addition, many are interested in the question of how to open the chakras, because our well-being in all aspects of life depends on the degree of their opening. So, the implementation of this knowledge in life is one of the ways to open the chakras and personal growth.

We already know that the Creator divided man into 2 halves to accelerate the development of mankind. In order for these halves to always strive for each other, a very wise mechanism was invented: In women, the sexual energy chakra is always filled with energy, while in men it is always hungry and only a woman can feed it. Therefore, men without women cannot fully live and develop at all. They need the Muse. Why do women always have a sexual chakra full of energy? Yes, because she needs a man to attract, feed, inspire, conceive, endure, give birth and raise offspring. Therefore, a woman is closely connected with the Earth, which feeds her with this powerful energy.

It is due to the fact that women always have a lot of sexual energy after the birth of a woman, a woman can be considered self-sufficient. But do not rush to rejoice and assume that you can live well without a man. You can! But life will be more difficult, and true happiness will not be without them, because the soul will ache from unfulfilled debt to the Universe.

Precisely because a man is a transformer of the World, his sexual chakra is not confined to one woman. A man should always be full of this energy. Only in this case it can develop and produce offspring. One woman will not give energy, another will “refuel”. In addition, a man in the reproduction of mankind is responsible for the number of descendants. Therefore, he constantly has a huge amount of active spermatozoa in his sperm. All these factors make a man sexually insecure. Man is polygamous by nature. Wanna have faithful companion, feed well, do not manipulate your superiority. You are not alone in this world with such a gift.

In a woman, the sexual chakra is unidirectional, if she has chosen a man for herself, then only the flow of energy is directed at him. In women, only one egg matures once a month. A woman is responsible to the Universe for the quality of offspring. Therefore, she always naturally has a sufficient supply of energy and should not be preoccupied with finding it. The woman is monogamous. The issue of female infidelity does not lie in the plane of energy. This problem lies in the field of psychology, and we do not consider it today. This is a separate issue. But a man will immediately feel that a woman has redirected her energy from him to another, no matter how she disguises herself. After all, this interrupts the power source. A woman can energize one man, even if she has sexual relations with several.

When a man and a woman form a union based on attraction, their biofields unite, mutually reinforcing each other. They create a common energy structure, enhancing the potential of each. But in order for this system to be stable and a harmonious union be created, a clear distribution of functions must be shown in the work of energy centers. Consider this for a better understanding schematically.harmonichnye otnosheniya 2

According to the first chakra, a man should be giving. He always has this energy center filled with enough energy to implement the tasks assigned to him in this incarnation. This is his source of physical strength. A woman in this center of energy is only enough to survive. Therefore, a man must provide a woman with proper living conditions, comfort, protection.

Pay attention: it is in the projection of this chakra that a man has a protruding organ (penis), and a woman has a recess. People say: "A man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son." Moreover, a man gives a woman not the energy itself, but the material conditions of life created by him thanks to this energy, because he is the transformer of the World. Feminine energy is quite enough to improve the family nest built by a man.

If a man does not provide a woman with the necessary protection and conditions for a normal life, one must run away from such a man and as soon as possible and away. Unspent energy will make him aggressive, jealous, he will try to spend it on sexual pleasures on the side or become addicted to alcohol. The chakra will be blocked and in the future it is expected male infertility(there will be few spermatozoa and they will be weakly active for full fertilization), early impotence. Do you need it?

According to the second chakra, a woman should be giving. In this center it is redundant. A woman gives this energy to a man not only through sex (although the largest portion of energy is given through sex), through caresses, hugs, kisses, even when thinking about her lover, wherever he is at that time. If a woman does not want to give enough energy to a man, then her excess energy in this energy center will lead to the development of gynecological diseases (cysts, fibroids, cancer) or nymphomania. And the man will have to look for a "battery" on the side. By the way, in the projection of this center, a woman has a bulge - a tummy. If it so happens that a woman is lonely and there is no one to give sexual energy to, she must raise it to the next chakras and begin to realize it through them. At the same time, a woman will eliminate excess energy, remain healthy and achieve great success in society. But at the same time, she should not forget about the mechanism of more rational harmony. A woman should not be alone for long.

According to the third chakra, a man should be giving. But he can be bestowing only if he receives a sufficient amount of sexual energy from a woman. Then his third energy center opens, his will wakes up, purposefulness, assertiveness, and he rises socially. This contributes to professional growth, career, power, honor, respect. Such a man brings prosperity to the house and can fulfill the desires of women already beyond the norms of simple survival: beautiful furniture, clothes, jewelry, a car, rest, etc. This is how he pays the woman for the energy given to him and the prospect of development. By the way, men in the projection of this chakra have a convex abdomen. In the East, they believe that the larger the abdomen, the richer and more generous the person.

If a man does not pay off a woman, then excess energy and pride lead him to greed, cruelty, revenge and, as a result, to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the fourth chakra, a woman should give energy. Indeed, in her heart center, the source of divine love is not exhausted. Moreover, the more she gives this energy, the more she receives from the Creator and, in addition, receives various gifts of fate. A woman should give the energy of love not only to a man. She must broadcast it to the surrounding space. This is especially true at the present time, this will be her mission (read here). Women sometimes ask: “But how to give the energy of love if you don’t love your husband?” If you do not love, but for some reason you want to keep the union, then love your husband as a friend, as a brother, as an eldest son. Only then will a woman fulfill her duty to the universe.

A man's heart center will open slightly and the energy of love will reveal in him such qualities as mercy, compassion, empathy, he will learn to love and then this power will free him from the power of instincts. loving heart a man can no longer be unfaithful. In the Age of Aquarius, loveless marriages will quickly fall apart, while love marriages will be encouraged.

A woman gives the energy of love different ways: through the biofield, through an affectionate and gentle look, through an inner smile (read here), through an affectionate word, sympathy, empathy, forgiveness. She charges with the energy of love everything she touches with love in her heart. With her own hands, she makes gifts to a man with love, cooks food for him with love, etc. In separation, she can mentally send this energy even to the ends of the world.

A man should give on the fifth chakra. By the way, men have an Adam's apple on their necks, women do not. Here is a clue from Nature itself, who should give. If a woman generously endowed her husband with her inexhaustible energy of love, then the throat chakra opens in men, his Creative skills. So a man of realization according to the first energy center will make a strong stool for a woman, now he will make an elegant chair with curved legs for her.

In addition, he will give a woman a wonderful harmonious relationship and a woman will not have to spend her energy on building these relationships, using the advice of psychologists. Relationships will develop almost automatically. And a woman will be able to direct the released energy to the development of creativity in herself.

As these five centers open, both will begin to open 2 higher centers, which will give them more opportunities for development and personal growth. In addition, with such a harmonious union, the emotional shell will be filled with higher energies of joy, love, and due to this, its upper part will expand. It is she who assimilates the energy of abundance coming from the Cosmos to much more. And the energy of abundance brings with it the energies of love, success, happiness, health and prosperity. Such an alliance is simply doomed to the full realization of all one's aspirations.harmonichnye otnosheniya 4

Let your man become a king, then you will become a queen. And notice without much effort, just fulfilling the duties assigned to you by Nature. For this, nature has given you everything, just use it in the right direction.

If a man and a woman, having formed a union, do not correctly carry out the exchange mechanism, then an inharmonious union is formed. Let's see what it brings them both. Here I want to make a small addition to the question of the structure of the chakra system (read here). Between the second and first chakras, as well as between the third and fourth, there are safety valves for the transfer of energy from one center to another in case of emergency. For example, if a man does not have a woman for a long time, then part of the energy from the first energy center will pass into the second for the normal functioning of the body.

If it happens that a man is lazy and does not want to exert himself in bestowing on the first chakra, then the woman will be forced to deal with issues of ensuring living conditions herself. Her natural energy will not be enough for this, and she will take energy from the sexual chakra, leaving a small amount of it there only for childbearing. Then this woman will begin to lose sex appeal and cease to be attractive to men, her libido will begin to give, various kinds of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, menstrual irregularities will begin. The husband will transfer part of the energy from the first to the second and begin to "walk", because his own wife is not able to feed him with sexual energy. It is not worth talking about the further growth and development of both, it will practically not happen. This is the most dead end situation.

Therefore, when choosing a partner, look not at a pleasant appearance and figure, not at beautiful compliments, but at whether he can provide you with conditions for a normal life and protection. For this is the basis of the foundations of a harmonious union. This is the fundamental secret of harmony.harmonichnye otnosheniya 5

If you do not give your man enough energy to raise and open his third chakra, or if the man does not provide realization for you through the third center, then you will have to realize all your dreams yourself, rise in society yourself, and suck the energy for this. from the heart center and sex chakra. For inappropriate and prolonged use of the energy of love, you will be covered by the source of its receipt. You will realize your ambitions, but you will become callous, heartless. Endless scandals will begin in the family, finding out who is cooler. Soon, failures in the work of the heart will begin, and then diseases. Even having reached a high position in society and having achieved high earnings, such a woman is unlikely to feel happy. Her soul will whine, because she did not fulfill her most important duty, did not become a source of love on Earth. In addition, in order to rise in society at a modern level, it is necessary to play according to male rules, therefore such a woman wastes her femininity, gains male energies. She herself is not realized as a woman, and her man gets stuck at a certain level. It turns out that there is a queen, and instead of a king, a page is next to him or he runs away to the woman who is ready to make him king.

In this case energy shell burdened with low feelings and emotions and expands downwards. Such a structure cannot receive for free a lot of energy of abundance from the Cosmos. Everything has to be conquered through great effort, expenditure of energy and at the cost of health. In such a union there are no conditions for the development of each and personal growth. Such a union either needs to be corrected, or must break up for the sake of the happiness of both. To maintain such a union, great efforts are needed by both and the help of an experienced psychologist or energy therapist.

It's no secret that the basis of a happy and long life family life is harmony in relations between a man and a woman . In these relations, as elsewhere, there are features, real secrets.

In this article, we will consider what health, well-being, success and simple happiness depend on - sacred secrets.

There is an opinion that the relationship between a man and a woman is characterized by full return from a woman.

Of course, this can be frustrating for an unprepared person. However, not everything is so bad: in a relationship, a woman gives only what nature has given her in abundance. We are created very harmoniously, and, as you know, where it decreases, it arrives there. Therefore, for bestowal, a woman is rewarded with well-being and happiness.

The Creator, creating humanity, wisely divided it into two halves.

Initially, it was conceived by him that the halves would not be able to live without each other, and they should always strive for each other. This is where the sexual chakras come into play - the male chakra is always empty, hungry, while the female chakra is full of energy, with which it feeds the man. The woman was conceived this way - the Earth, with which she is closely connected, feeds her with energy, with the help of which a woman attracts a man, inspires him, conceives children, gives birth and keeps a family. A woman is by nature self-sufficient precisely because of the always full sexual chakra.

The man is the engine he transforms, develops the world . He is responsible for future offspring, and for this, nature endowed him with a huge number of active spermatozoa, making the man polygamous. To do this, he must be full of energy all the time. This explains the fact that the sexual chakra of a man is not filled with a single woman. After all, if one woman gave insufficient energy, the man will look for more sources to replenish his chakra. All women have the energy to fill a man, so in a relationship it is important to give your companion as much energy as he needs, otherwise the other will “feed” him.

A woman is conceived by polygamous nature, she has a huge responsibility for the quality of future offspring . That is why only one egg matures in a woman's body in a month. A woman chooses her only man and envelops him with her sexual chakra and energy. But there are cases of female infidelity, and they are no longer explained by energy, but by psychology. However, in this case, a man suddenly deprived of nourishment will immediately feel that his woman is giving her energy to another man.

By creating union, a man and a woman unite their biofields , thereby. Creating one for two energy structure. For a harmonious union, it is very important that the partners' energy centers perform functions clearly distributed between them.

The following diagram will help you understand how the chakras of a man and a woman are distributed.

First chakra. The man in this case giving . The male chakra is full of energy, which he seeks to give to the woman. Note that the male chakra is represented by a protruding organ, this is its strength, the center is full of energy. The female chakra is represented by a deepening, and the energies here are only for elemental survival. For a strong union and a normal life, a man gives a woman protection, comfort and reliability. But if these conditions are not provided by a man, then the unreleased energy will be realized in negative side- attacks of jealousy, aggression will begin, betrayals will appear. All this leads to early impotence, weak spermatozoa and the inability to continue the race. Such a man should be left as soon as possible.

Second chakra . A woman gives energy through the second chakra. Most of the energy is given through sex, but also through caresses, hugs, kisses. In the case when a woman pinches her energy and does not want to give it to a man, the energy is in excess: the woman becomes a nymphomaniac or acquires gynecological diseases, such as fibroids, cysts, cancer. At the same time, the man, not receiving energy, begins to look for it on the side.

But what if a woman has not yet met a companion, and her sexual energy does not find an outlet?

In this case need to redirect energy higher, to the next acres. This is very important point, since the energy will not play against its mistress, but will help her to realize herself at work, in society and in general - to reach great heights. Remember, a woman is conceived by nature as happy and giving energy to a man who has been reaped for a long time, loneliness should not continue.

Third chakra. If you look at the projection, the man in the third chakra is represented by a convex tummy. In this case man - giving energy . And he pays the woman precisely for the sexual energy received from her through the second chakra. It is important to remember that a man can only give if he has received enough energy from a woman. The third chakra opens for a man power, respect for others, professional growth, his will increases. Life is filled not only with vital things, but also cars, beautiful interior items appear, the family begins to relax. When energy is retained in a man, that is, in the absence of its return to a woman, the energy begins to work against the man: he becomes vindictive, greedy and cruel. Often the outcome is various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fourth chakra. In the projection, the fourth chakra is represented by a bulge in a woman, therefore in this case, she must give energy to a man . It is the heart center of a woman that is an inexhaustible source of love and tenderness. According to the law, the more you give, the more you receive, so a woman who gives in this chakra is encouraged in a variety of ways. Moreover, you need to give energy to everything around you - through a smile, an inner good mood, sweet words and gentle look. A man to whom a woman mentally sends the energy of love is charged with a huge amount of energy, no matter how far he is from the woman.

The heart center of a man will open the flow of energy of love.

He will become compassionate, merciful, gentle, instincts will fade into the background.

Fifth chakra. A man gives off on the fifth chakra - take a closer look at the projection, and you will see that the man has an Adam's apple in this very place. The energy that a man received from a woman through the fourth chakra, given by a man in the form of harmonious and lasting relationships. Everything will go smoothly and easily. At the same time, a woman's energy is released, which she can with great success direct to self-development in a creative way.

Only the woman who is allowed to be king to her man becomes queen.

It is quite easy to do this, it is enough just to fulfill the duties that Nature has entrusted to us. In addition to the five described chakra centers, there are two more higher centers - they open as the five lower ones open. Such a harmonious union is filled with love, joy, which makes it possible for the union to realize itself in all profiles - the shell of the union expands from above and receives the energy of the Cosmos.

But what happens if a man and a woman do not understand how the mechanism of energy exchange between a man and a woman should work correctly, and, nevertheless, form a union?

The fact is that then both a man and a woman will begin to transfer their energy through their own centers to maintain life.

The fact is that between the first and second, third and fourth chakras there are valves that perform a safety function. They work at the moment when you need to transfer energy from one center to another.

For example, a man is not able to give energy to the first energy center, therefore, a woman has to take everything on her fragile shoulders, deal with the arrangement of life, and the energy for this will be taken from their sexual chakra.

The consequence of this is the loss of attractiveness for a man, the appearance various diseases genitourinary system, violation of the menstrual cycle. A man has no relationship with a woman for a long time: part of the sexual energy from the first chakra through the valve will pass into the second chakra. He begins to look for energy from another woman, since his own woman no longer attracts him. This situation is the most unattractive, since the development of the family does not see any further prospects.

In the case when a woman does not provide her man with enough energy for the third energy center, the man will not have the energy to realize himself in the matter of improving living conditions.

Consequently, the woman transfers these functions to herself, spending energy from the first chakra. As a result, a woman becomes callous, unhappy, realizes her ambitions like a man. Such a development appears as an expansion of the shell of the union from top to bottom, and in such a position it is impossible to receive the energy of the Cosmos. You can save the union with the help of the huge efforts of the psychologist, and in some cases the best way out of this situation is the breakup of the union and the search for happiness separately.

So, the rules for building relationships filled with harmony and love have become clear.

If problems start in a couple, you need to try to understand where the weak link is, and then try to correct it.

Remember that the happiness of your family is only in your hands, the main thing is to correctly use the knowledge and opportunities given to us by Nature.

How to quickly determinewith the help of astrology, numerology and chakras? To do this, you only need two dates of birth: yours and your partner's. Read the article instead!

Chakra Compatibility

Chakra is an energy center in the subtle human body. There are 7 centers in total. These are the intersections of the channels (nadis) through which the vital energy (prana) flows. Chakras can be cleansed and harmonized such as meditation. This has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical state person.

Depending on which chakra the relationships between people are based on, you can find out how promising these relationships are and, if necessary, work to improve them.

How to find compatibility by chakras?

Chakra compatibility can be determined by analyzing the obvious characteristics of relationships in a couple. Read below the descriptions of relationships by chakras and choose the one that suits your couple the most.

Muladhara Chakra Compatibility

Similar relationships are lowest level due to the fact that they are based only on intimacy. The partners have almost nothing in common, the only connection between them is sex. Such relationships rarely reach marriage, and are usually not long-term (2-3 years) if the couple does not develop them.

Compatibility at the level of the Swadhisthana chakra

The main thing in such a relationship is material well-being and home comfort. Both partners strive to “get comfortable”: the man is looking for the mistress of the hearth, the woman is the breadwinner. Relationships based only on achieving comfort and financial stability last no more than 7-8 years on average.

Compatibility at the level of the Manipura chakra

In such a relationship, partners are united by the desire to start a family. Both initially have an already formed picture in their heads ideal family, and choose a mate based on this image. Such an alliance can be lasting if the partners find common interests in addition to creating a family.

Compatibility at the level of the Anahata chakra

The basis of such relationships is romantic love in the traditional sense. Partners have common interests, business, a good level of mutual understanding. Sometimes in such a pair it all starts with friendship. This compatibility results in strong marriages.

Compatibility at the Vishuddha Chakra Level

First and foremost are emotions. These are couples made up of creative people. They are united by a love of art and sublime pleasures. Such unions are very harmonious, as partners complement each other spiritually.

Ajna Chakra Compatibility

Relationships are based on deep mutual understanding in a couple. Partners are connected not only emotionally, but also “intellectually”. Mindfulness and self-development are the most important elements in such relationships.

Sahasrara Chakra Compatibility

A rare, one might say, ideal type of relationship from the point of view of Vedic astrology. A man and a woman in such a pair, as a rule, are engaged in spiritual practices, self-knowledge. Partners spiritually instruct each other, which strengthens the connection at all levels, including the cosmic one.

Did you know that compatibility is possible ? The ancient sciences contain a lot of important and useful knowledge. Do you want to know more about yourself?Register to our free webinar, where we will tell you how to make your own individual horoscope and learn how to fulfill your desires using a special technique.

Compatibility by date of birth: numerology

The numerological approach to the compatibility of people is no less interesting than the chakra one. Calculatedate of birth compatibility in your pair:

  • write down the dates of birth of partners in one line (for example, 06/19/1988 and 10/14/1984);
  • add the numbers of both dates (1+9+6+1+9+8+8+1+4+1+1+9+8+4=64);
  • subtract the number 22 from the sum until you get a number equal to or less than 22 (64-22=42; 42-22=20). This number is the compatibility index.

Each index (from 1 to 22) has its own characteristic:

1 Each partner strives to be a leader in a pair, conflicts on this basis.
2 A harmonious union, partners are passionate about their work.
3 Paired with the main role assigned to a woman. The family will be strong.
4 The head of the couple is a man, problems due to jealousy are possible.
5 The difference in social status and outlook on life.
6 A happy union from the very beginning of the relationship.
7 The danger of betrayal and betrayal.
8 Relationships are more like business relationships.
9 Lack of mutual understanding, partners live their own lives.
10 Good compatibility, saving relationship for both partners.
11 In the intimate sphere, everything is perfect, but the problems are due to the complex nature.
12 Partners tend to sacrifice something for each other.
13 Poor compatibility, partners have very little in common.
14 Stable and harmonious union.
15 The danger of moral and physical violence in a relationship
16 Partners tend to be fickle.
17 A good combination, long-term relationship.
18 Marriage is possible, but it can be spoiled by deceit and distrust.
19 Relationships begin spontaneously, but develop into a strong alliance.
20 If you overcome the initial difficulties, the partners will be happy together.
21 Excellent energy compatibility.
22 Unpredictability and love of freedom can cause problems in the union.

It was compatibility by date of birth in terms of chakras and numerology. Let's now look at how compatibility is calculated in the Vedic culture.

Compatibility by date of birth in Vedic astrology

According to Indian traditions, the selection of a life partner must be treated very carefully. From how successfulfor future spouses, their family happiness depends, as well as the harmonious development of each in a couple.

Compatibility by date of birthin Vedic astrology is determined based on several criteria, each of which is responsible for one or another characteristic of the couple. These rules are based on the analysis of lunar nakshatras and lunar signs in the natal charts of a woman and a man.

important element in jyotish. This is how constellations are called in Vedic astrology, there are 27 of them in total. They show , it depends on how both partners are suitable for each other.

Now we will talk about each criterion that is used to analyze the compatibility of partners.

Compatibility by date of birth: Varna Kuta, or mentality

In Vedic culture, there are 4 varnas (castes), each of which has its own lunar signs:

  • brahmins: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio;
  • kshatriyas: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo;
  • vaishyas: Aquarius, Libra and Gemini;
  • Sudras: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

For a marriage to be harmonious, a man must belong to a higher varna (caste) than a woman, and not vice versa. It is also a good option when both belong to the same varna.

you also can and the caste of your partner.

Vasya Kuta or attachment

Vasya is a concept in Vedic astrology, denoting a special, magnetic interaction between people. It shows the degree of attachment of partners to each other.

From this point of view, it is considered the most successful combination in which the moon sign of one of the partners coincides with the vasya rashi of the other. The ideal option is when both partners have such a match.

Find out your moon sign right now .

Table of the ratio of the moon sign and vasya rashi:

Compatibility by date of birth: Dina (Tara) Kuta, or long-term relationship

This aspect considers the duration of the couple's relationship after marriage. To calculatefrom this aspect, both spouses.

The criterion is based on the division of nakshatras into 9 groups:

  1. Janma - birth (nakshatras: Ashwini, Magha, Mula)
  2. Sampat - wealth (nakshatras: Bharani, Purvaphalguni, Purvashadha)
  3. Vipat - danger (nakshatras: Krittika, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha)
  4. Kshema - prosperity (nakshatras: Rohini, Hasta, Shravana)
  5. Pratyak - obstacle (nakshatras: Mrigashirsha, Chitra, Janishtha)
  6. Saadhana - achievement (nakshatras: Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha)
  7. Naidhana - mortal danger (nakshatras: Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purvabhadra)
  8. Mitra - friend (nakshatras: Pushya, Anuradha, Uttarabhadra)
  9. Parama Mitra - good friend(Nakshatras: Ashlesha, Jiyestha, Revati)

Favorable nakshatras are groups 2, 4, 6, 8, 9. Accordingly, if we see group 3, 5, 6 or 7 nakshatras in spouses, this indicates difficulties and trials in marriage.

Yoni Kuta, or sexual compatibility

This criterion is based on sexual compatibility. Here is a table that indicates which nakshatra corresponds to a particular animal:

Yoni type male nakshatra Female nakshatra
Horse Ashwini Shatabhisha
Elephant Bharani Revati
Sheep Pushya Krittika
Snake Rohini Mrigashira
Dog mula Ardra
Cat Ashlesha Punarvasu
Rat Magha Purva-phalguni
Cow Uttara-phalguni Uttara bhadra
Buffalo Swati Hasta
Tiger Visakha Chitra
Hare Jyestha Anuradha
Monkey Purva Ashadha Shravana
a lion Purva bhadra Dhanistha
Mongoose Uttara-ashadha

Marriage between people belonging to the same type of yoni is especially favorable. It is also good if each of the partners is born under the nakshatra of their gender. When in a couple both partners belong to the male nakshatra, they will have frequent quarrels, and if they belong to the female one, the relationship will develop normally.

Unfavorable combinations of yoni types for marriage:

  • lion and elephant;
  • hare and dog;
  • rat and cat;
  • buffalo and horse;
  • mongoose and snake;
  • tiger and cow;
  • sheep and monkey.

The friendlier these animals are in nature, the better will be the sexual compatibility of partners.

Graha Maitri, or psychological compatibility

To evaluate according to this criterion, it is necessary to look at the natural relationships of the planets that control the lunar signs of partners.

To find out which planet rules your moon sign, read .

Planet Friends Neutral Hostile
Sun Mars, Moon, Jupiter Mercury Saturn, Venus
Moon Sun, Mercury Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars
Mars Jupiter, Moon, Sun Saturn, Venus Mercury
Mercury Venus, Sun Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Moon
Jupiter Mars, Sun, Moon Saturn Venus, Mercury
Venus Saturn, Mercury Mars, Jupiter Moon, Sun
Saturn Venus, Mercury Jupiter Mars, Sun, Moon

A situation is considered favorable when the rulers of the lunar signs, men and women, are mutual friends.

Compatibility by date of birth: Gana Kuta, or temperament

In this aspect, it is important to take into account the temperament, or gana, to which the nakshatra of each partner belongs. This can also include .

  1. Deva gana (divine): Mrigashirsha, Pushya, Swati, Shravana, Ashvini, Punarvasu, Hasta, Anuradha, Revati.
  2. Manushya Gana (human): Rohini, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha, Purva Bhadrapada, Bharani, Ardra, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha, Uttara Bhadrapada.
  3. Rakshasa gana (demonic): Krittika.

The most favorable conditions for a couple are when both partners match in temperament. This is a very important factor when we considerdate compatibility.

Nadi Kuta, or physiological compatibility

This criterion is based on three types of hereditary energy, or nadis (another name is dosha). In other words, we are talking about three types of physiological constitution, or physique.

Each nadi (dosha) has its own nakshatras:

cotton wool pitta kapha
Ashwini Bharani Krittika
Ardra Mrigashira Rohini
Punarvasu Pushya Ashlesha
Uttara Phalguni Purva Phalguni Magha
Hasta Chitra Swati
Jyeshta Anuradha Visakha
mula Purva Ashadha Uttara Ashadha
Satabisha Dhanishta Shravana
Purva Bhadrapada Uttara Bhadrapada Revati

In the Vedic tradition, the coincidence of the nakshatras of both partners in the first (Vata) or third (Kapha) columns is considered normal. But if both belong to the Pitt type, such a combination is unfavorable. You can also determine your dosha type .

These calculations should not be taken literally. Many problems can be worked through by removing obstacles and improving relationships. To calculate the completewith a partner, you need A complex approach. Knowing your natal chart, you can learn even more about yourself, about what kind of person is right for you, how to attract the attention of a certain person, and how to build relationships with your husband / partner. You will also find out what are your weaknesses and strengths and what needs to be done in order to be a happy and harmonious person. All this you can learn at the training at the Institute of Astrology Lakshmi-Ameya.

Interesting? Write to the founder of the school Sergey Kapustin in private messages
