Learn erotic dance. How to lap dance for your man

A seductive erotic dance can ignite your feelings again, bewitch, surprise and delight. It will make you look at you differently, arouse passion and vivid emotions.

Strip dance

I really want to learn how to move beautifully, dance femininely, undress seductively! By nature, this talent is not given to everyone. Although, if you wish, you can learn from the comfort of your home using online video. This video strip dance lesson will help you.

Watch the video, learn to move gracefully, sensually, express your emotions through movement. Practice a little at home with this video tutorial. Watch sliding and smooth cat movements that will help seduce, tease, seduce. that is, they will make you irresistible.

Are you shy? Familiar! But we can overcome. . I hope you master the graceful dance moves and surprise not only yourself, but also please your lover.

Free, in Russian, with instructor's explanations, watch and learn the dance technique of strip dance.

Videos strip lesson

Soon you will learn this art of moving beautifully, your self-esteem will skyrocket, which will bring you incredible self-confidence and joy. From the video lesson, you can learn successful dance combinations. By the way, you can improvise and successfully combine with other types of dances, for example,

  • with modern club dances to watch and learn
  • and also, do not ignore, which presents 11 video lessons for beginners.

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 24 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

How to perform private dance for your man? It's sexy, it's fun, it's harmless, it's liberating and your partner will love it!

Attention: This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.


    Set some ground rules.

    • Never, during the entire dance, do not let your partner touch you. You can touch it, lick it, rub it and caress it all you want without letting it get cold. Slow seduction is a sure way to a successful dance. The whole point of a private dance is to drive a man crazy with impatience and desire.
    • You are in charge. Take your time, take control and have fun teasing him.
    • If he reaches out in your direction or starts to spread his arms, hit him on the wrist and let him know that if he does it again, the dance is over for him, no exceptions.
  1. To enjoy private dancing, you must feel comfortable. You won't look sexy if you don't feel sexy. Accept your body the way it is and enjoy, no matter your shape or size. Any woman can do a striptease or lap dance, whether she's shy or thinks she's not perfect. Not all lap dancers are supermodels, they just act like supermodels. Now is your time to cherish, release your sensual spirit and be seductive. Leave inhibitions and prejudices. You are a sexy goddess.

    Choose clothes that make you feel hot and sexy and the rest will follow. There is a huge selection of clothes! These are bras, panties, garters, belts, stockings, shirts, robes, soft toys, swimwear, clubwear, fetish clothing with oversized buttons at the top of the shirt and much more. The bottom line is to put on something that will be easy to take off. Dare! When doing this, remember that you will be teasing the man, so it is important to expose some of the flesh.

    • Start by choosing your underwear, as this will be the last thing you have left. Sexy bra, thongs, stockings (easier to work in) and possibly suspenders.
    • Panties should emphasize your buttocks, while rear end panties should reach as high as possible. Try high bottomed panties, thongs sticking out of shorts to see what works best for you. Panties that, when removed, leave marks on the body, will have to be removed - they are probably too tight and should be avoided.
    • Thigh high stockings or no garters are a sexy addition to almost any outfit. Try a pair that is easy for you to move in. If you do not plan to take off your stockings and garters throughout the dance, put your panties on outside so that they can be removed without having to untie the garters.
    • For a top layer, try little shorts, an innocent thin robe, sexy high school teacher/student uniforms, vamps, desperate housewives, or something else like classic red or black. Evening Dress with retro lingerie underneath.
    • Avoid corsets or clothes that are too tight and difficult to slip out of. Also avoid clothing with zippers at the back or big amount belts, which will take a long time to remove.
    • Shoes with high heels are usually the most suitable for any outfit. It makes legs matte, smooth and longer. Even if you are a little uncomfortable, try it - you won't have to walk in heels for a long time. Otherwise, wear what you feel comfortable in. At the very least, dance barefoot.
    • Take off as many things as you want. You can choose full nudity, topless, you can stay in sexy lingerie, in lace dress or fully clothed. However, your loved one must remain fully dressed.
    • If you choose shoes with buckles, think about how you will take off your clothes without removing your shoes. Elastic clothes or light dresses can be removed with shoes, but you should make sure in advance. None of the shoes fit? Dance barefoot and turn your man on as hard as you can.
    • If you're doing this in heels, don't take them off (except taking off your stockings, or better yet, leave the stockings on). It may be necessary to put on the shoes again after removing the stockings. Shoes without webbing and straps are easier to remove than shoes with straps or buckles.
    • If you have chosen something that can be easily removed over your head, gliding seductively, pull the clothes from the bottom to the sides, while standing straight and without hunching.
    • A button down shirt can be a very sexy piece of clothing when taken off. After unbuttoning the last button, play with bare shoulders on each side, and then let the shirt slide slowly to the floor.
    • Tight pants or jeans will take a long time to remove. The pencil skirt can be easily unbuttoned and pushed down. Do this during a slight tilt, and when it subsides, “get out” of it. Skirts can be removed without removing shoes and stockings.
    • Practice removing stockings ahead of time. For added balance (and teasing), place your toes between your legs or on the arms of your chair as you take each stocking off, slowly roll or roll them up the length of your leg.
    • Don't forget to tease him. For beginners: take your time to remove each layer. Pull your skirt or underwear down a few inches before removing it. Grab the sides of your pants, skirt, or underwear with one or two fingers and pull the garment down slightly to tease your loved one.
    • Pull the straps of your bra over your shoulders before lowering them. Classic way removing the bra, which professional strippers resort to, is to turn your back on your man and let the bra fall to the floor, or standing with your back to him, hold the bra over your head before throwing it to the floor. Then turn around with your hand on your chest and slowly move it across and away from your chest. It will look very sexy.
    • When taking off your underwear, try sliding them over your shoes, or when you're standing upright with bare feet. Do this by bending a little at the waist and guiding them all the way to the floor, and then come out of them. If this is not easy for you, try bending your knees or taking off your clothes while lying on your back. Don't squat too low.
    • Do not undress completely until the very end, and when you do, tease the man's imagination until his patience runs out.
  2. Choose 2-3 sensual songs that both of you like. Think of something cute and seductive. Avoid songs with big vocals. It would be nice to take something from pop singers and divas of the 60s, anyway, if you want something romantic. The sensual rhythm will guide you through the entire dance. It's best if you can feel the music and feel comfortable in it. Start with 2-3 songs.

    • The first song is for warm-up. This is your time to lead your partner to a chair, sit him down, explain the rules, and begin seducing him slowly and with ease.
  3. You don't have to start from the very beginning of the song. Take your time, walk around your loved one, touch him, run your fingers through his hair and feel the rhythm.

    If you have chosen 2-3 songs, you won't have to worry about finishing the dance in a hurry. You are free to choose short sweet songbooks or long and languid ones. You will probably be at the peak of your passion for their ending, so you can safely choose a dozen songs, then the pleasure at the end will be unforgettable.

    • If possible, burn all the songs to a CD or create a playlist on a portable player. Don't stop there, look for new songs and update your CD.
  4. Beginners will need to catch the rhythm and take their time in the process of seduction. Close your eyes, feel the music, go into a trance and start rocking.

    • Spend 30 minutes the night before trying on clothes and rehearsing poses and movements. Dance on your feet and on the floor. These may be things that you have never done before. Try sliding down the wall and then climb up. Walk at your fingertips.
    • Standing on the floor, try opening and closing your legs or leaning on your knees from one side to the other. Experiment with different angles. Sit on a chair. Caress your thighs, neck, belly and legs. Close your legs and then open them with your hand spreading your hips. Open up again. Close your eyes if you are shy.
    • If you feel uncomfortable while dancing, think of it as an aerobics class. Stretch, bend over, sit on the twine. Use your hands, stretching them out to the sides, and pull your hands towards your fingertips. If you have practiced martial arts, yoga or Pilates, apply your knowledge to create your own sexy look.
    • Think of your dance as a tai chi session in gym. Slow movements and a general sense of well-being are all that is needed for a good dance.
  5. Seduce your loved one with passionate glances. Your facial expression will reflect your sexual thoughts and activate the sexual tension in the air. Look at your body, touch it, enjoy it, and then look at your loved one, eye to eye, and notice how he reacts to you and your body. Maintain eye contact at all times. If you are standing with your back to your partner, look at him over your shoulder.

    Add some accessories for your daily dances, items you love to play with. You do it for your own pleasure.

    • Blindfolds will help keep your partner's feelings on their toes. He will be intrigued to know what will happen next.
    • A pair of handcuffs or a silk scarf can be used to keep your partner's arms down if they break the rules.
    • Use a soft pen to draw it across your partner's body. Sit on a chair and, keeping your body upright, slide the feather down your legs and slowly draw it from your neck to your inner thighs.
    • If you wear button-down shirts, you can use a tie. Tie a noose around his neck to pull him closer to your face, or tie his hands if he breaks the no-touch rule.
    • If you are the kind of girl who loves to be naughty, use your favorite toy for your pleasure and his "torture".
    • Tease him with a handkerchief or silk cape, or use it to cover up if that makes you feel more comfortable.
    • Use your hair. As you stretch your torso while kneeling or sitting, pull back your hair and let it fall again. Use them for seduction.
    • Use an ice cube from a cocktail. Place the cube in your mouth and roll it over your lover's body or run it over his nipples.
    • Your lips and eyes powerful means seduction. Try the classic pout or smile. Play with facial expressions.
    • With a little practice, use a hat, scarf, cane, or riding gear to seduce and seduce a man.
  6. Create the perfect atmosphere. Subdued lights, perfume, lit candles. To candles, you can add the light of a floor lamp or garlands. Candles will add a soft, warm glow to your body. Indirect lighting will be both flattering and more intimate. Avoid fluorescent lights or white LED fixtures.

    • Make sure the room temperature is comfortable, not too cold or too hot, otherwise it will distract you.
    • Turn off all possible distractions - TV, mobile phones, and so on.
  7. Clear the area where you will be dancing so you don't crash into anything.

    • Make sure the chair your partner will sit in can support both of them. Sit on him and imagine yourself in his place, and then - as you sit on his lap.
  8. Send him a seductive SMS or a cryptic message on email, but see that he does not receive it too late. The invitation will intrigue him and make him burn with anticipation all day. Alternatively, don't send anything, but surprise him. In any case, you will need time to prepare the “scene” and also to calm yourself, especially if this is your first time.

    Turn on the music and guide your loved one to a chair. Let him sit with his legs crossed. Start by looking him straight in the eyes with a teasing smile. Move around the man, touch him, run your fingers through his hair and move to the rhythm of the music. Explain the rules and start dancing slowly, lightly and seductively.

    Switch your gaze between him and yourself by touching certain parts of your body. Run your fingers through your hair, then move to the back of your head, across your chest, then down to your hips and across the front of your body. As you move your hands, imagine that they are his hands. Enjoy the touch of your (his) hands on your body. Constantly touch your body and move them from side to side towards the back of your head. Look into his eyes and try to slowly and gently wrap your head around his head (head falls forward and then back up) letting your hair fall over his face.

    Then try moving your hips. Move so that your groin is in the area of ​​his knee, then lean in as if you are about to kiss him, and linger in this position so that he can smell your perfume, and then abruptly pull away.

    Take a few steps in front of your partner. Think sexy and show it in your movements. Start moving your hips to the beat of the music in gentle circular motions. Close your eyes for a few seconds and enjoy the moment. There is nothing around you but your partner. Take your time, slowly approach him, putting forward one or the other leg, in a cat style. Once you get close enough, take your lap dance to the next level.

    Try to continue the lap dance, swaying between your partner's legs, bumping parts of your body against his groin. Turn around and sit between his legs. Bend over, sit on his lap and move slowly (and carefully).

    Step back and start taking off your clothes. The top must go first. Seductively and gradually remove another item or two of clothing (perhaps a skirt or shorts) and return to your partner again. Get close enough to practically sit on his lap. Lean sensually on him, and let him feel your hot breath and soft, passionate moan. Gently nibble on his ear or touch his neck with a brush, inhale the scent of your loved one to show him how pleasant his scent is to you.

    Throughout the lap dance, keep caressing yourself and don't get too close to your partner for too long. Come just for a moment. Remember that eye contact is very important. Let your eyes convey all those sexy thoughts, and don't forget to smile.

    If you are in a playful mood, approach him again as if you are going to take him with all your passion, but instead kiss him on the cheek, step back and put your clothes back on. Then go to another part of the house or go for a walk. You may have to run.

    Try it a few times in different costumes, styles and with different music and you will soon become an expert in all kinds of sexy dancing. The possibilities are endless and the results are always great.

    At the end, take off all your clothes and tell him that your body belongs to him. Your partner will love it!

    Get ready for sex. Don't forget about contraception!

  • You already know how to take off your clothes, because you do it every day. So you can safely start practicing striptease - just change tactics, shoot it so as to remain naked or half-naked. Unbutton your shirt with one hand, keep the other on your hips. Take your jeans off slowly so that your underwear is visible first, and then push them down slowly, rocking your hips from side to side. You can do the same with a skirt, and when it is on the floor, “get out” of it. Roll tights or stockings gradually down, one leg after the other, until you roll them up at the very feet. Practice removing your bra by holding it over your head. Pull the panties down, then let them fall to the floor and get out of them. You already know all the moves, you just need to revive the memories a little.
  • Always be mindful of your hips. They are the basis of every movement, gesture and proposal. Keep them moving.
  • Wear sexy lingerie more often so that you feel comfortable in it. Wear sexy lingerie under your work clothes or when you go to the supermarket, and practice taking it off slowly when you get home. Practice and more practice.
  • As you lean towards him with your arms crossed over your chest, gently squeeze your breasts together to create extra volume. Your chest will become rounder and bigger if you apply pressure from your forearm.
  • The key to successful lap dancing lies in the ability to move and touch your body before moving on to more intimate caresses, when the "victim" is already helpless.
  • You don't have to take off all your clothes. Behave sexually, do everything to make his emotions go wild. You don't have to be completely naked to arouse him. The main thing is that you feel comfortable at the same time.
  • If you're dancing barefoot, or once you've taken off your shoes, try dancing on your toes. Dancing on your toes will help you achieve the same physical effect as wearing shoes and make your legs look longer, thinner and firmer. This will force you to straighten your chest, arch your back and accentuate your calves as an added bonus.
  • The key to successful erotic dancing lies in the multiple layers of clothing and how you take them off one layer at a time.
  • As you move your hip from side to side, keep your arms up in the air with your wrists crossed. So the chest will be more visible. Other than that, it's a great stretch.
  • Each time you place your hand on your hip, make sure your fingertips point up and your wrist drops so that your hand and wrist form a V. In this position, your shoulders stay straight, your body lengthens, and a beautiful hourglass effect is created.
  • Slow hot dance will make you feel sexy. Walk confidently with your hand on your hips and show off your body.
  • Some classic lap dance songs:
    • Prince - Cream
    • Prince - Peach
    • Madonna - Justify My Love
    • Gwen Stefani - Luxurious
    • Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around Comes Around/My Love
    • Nine Inch Nails
    • Timbaland - The Way I Are
    • Beyoncé - Freakum Dress
    • Kylie Minogue - Chocolate
    • White Stripes - I just don't know what to do with myself
    • Goldfrapp
    • Kyuss - Gloria Lewis
    • Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe
    • Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On
  • Imagine that your hands are his hands. Touch yourself where he would like to touch you.
  • Use your environment. Lean back against the wall, squirm, squat down, and rise again. Use a spare chair. Move back and forth or sit away from him to remove the stockings with the leg straight in the air, one at a time.
  • Stand at a slight angle and turn your head towards him. The angled profile in soft light looks very flattering. Hollywood movie stars do not just use this technique in the movies.
  • Remember, you must feel comfortable.
  • Stripper stance: arch back, chest forward, wear stilettos or stand on tiptoe, walk slowly with toes extended whenever the foot leaves the floor. Each time you lift your leg, bend it back and up before putting it down. As you walk, try to place one foot directly in front of the other, like a runway model, only slowly. Practicing this walk will make you feel taller, more dominant and sexy.
  • After taking four or five steps in one direction, pause, stop with one or two hands on your hips, and look into his eyes.
  • If you drink, take a few sips of wine or a cocktail to calm your nerves. Have your partner take a sip as well, or as much as you decide to let him, to keep him on his toes.
  • If you're nervous, practice in front of a mirror a few days before the event. Then, when the time comes, just imagine that you are dancing in front of a mirror.
  • Start wearing stockings instead of pantyhose. wear high stockings or stockings with garters under jeans while doing housework, or wear them to the supermarket if you're too shy to wear them with a skirt.

Hello dear lovers of erotic dances on the site Video Teacher. For you, we would like to offer a video course from Alisa Malkova "Erotic Dance Lessons" a course for beginners. In this course, Alice will tell and show all the basic dance steps, learn how to move gracefully and beautifully

On the Tonus TV channel in 2009 - 2010, the program Juicy Dances Erotic Dance with Alisa Malkova was aired. Course for beginners. A little bit of passion and coquetry, a pinch of temptation and charm, a spice of challenge and grace - and the recipe for a romantic evening is ready. Erotic Dance - all the possibilities to express yourself!

The host will teach you the right exercises for stretching, so that you can give your body more plasticity and erotica. With these lessons you will learn how to dance with a chair, learn cat plastique, go-go dance and much more. Being engaged in erotic dances, you will not only feel more confident and easy, but you will also be able to lose extra calories. You will also become the owner beautiful body, femininity and sexuality.

Each lesson with Alisa Malkova will take you to the world of desires and fantasies, you will learn how to control your body, feel free and comfortable in any situation! And if you pass, the entire Erotic Dance course - a sensual, maddening, intriguing and passionate dance - will be a wonderful gift for your chosen one.

Alisa Malkova. There were quite a lot of us, so we decided to create our group - for those who learn to dance from Alice ...

Lessons of erotic dance which is available for viewing on our wonderful site Video Teacher for all network users absolutely free. Be the best with us!

1st lesson. Steps, points, postures, openings.

2nd lesson. The chair is an essential attribute of erotic dance.

3rd lesson. About the pylon. Lap dance.

4th lesson. Dance on a chair and work in the stalls. Erotic dan and strip dance are the differences.

5th lesson. Correctly selected image in the dance. Repetition of the learned elements and ligaments, staging a lap dance.

6th lesson. Turns, twists, drops, squats - new moves for a new dance. The history of erotic dance and striptease.

7th lesson. What is go-go dance? Who and where dances in this style? New movements for setting the final dance. Transition to the stalls. Two dance lines.

8th lesson. Do men dance erotic dance and what are the features of such a dance? New dance combinations in the stalls.

9th lesson. Cat plasticity and acrobatic stunts. Differences between group erotic dance and solo performance.

10th lesson. Final dance.

1. All men love with their eyes, and dancing will help to add a new spark to a relationship. Believe me, it does not matter at all whether you know how to dance or not, whether you have ever gone to dance lessons or not. In each of you lies this ability for beautiful, smooth and seductive movements.

2. First, drop all your complexes. Even if your body is not perfect, your man will not notice it and will not pay attention. Why are we so sure? Because men evaluate the image in general, and unlike women, they do not pay attention to details.

3. First, pick up some music. It should be seductive and set you in the right mood. See if you can dance to it and come up with your own moves.

4. As soon as the music is chosen, start preparing your image and the image of the room. Candles are the best decoration for a room. They will add mystery and intimacy to the atmosphere.

5. Choose the right suit. You can wear both the dress and his shirt. It doesn't matter at all. The main thing is to add accessories, and make it attractive to your man.

6. Practice in front of a mirror to avoid embarrassment. If you have never danced, then you should not try to portray complex steps. Just understand, standing in front of a mirror, how you can arch your body beautifully, or make a sexual movement.

7. Use foreign objects in the dance, such as a scarf, tie, or even an ice cube. For example, blindfold your beloved and turn on the music and you will see how intrigued he will be. To ignite great desire and passion in your loved one, forbid him to touch you until you allow it yourself. Your man will certainly be fascinated by this game.

8. If you want to dance something unusual, then of course you should seek the help of professionals. Well, if you want to cope on your own, you can watch training videos for your development.

9. Don't be shy and love yourself. Be open and seductive. You know, your man will be delighted with such a gift, and your self-esteem will certainly increase. Don't believe? Check. And may love always surround you.
