Dance for the man you love. Dance for the man you love - how to overcome embarrassment for a private dance How to dance a belly dance for a guy

As Bernard Shaw said, dancing is nothing more than a vertical expression of horizontal desires. At all times, girls have been looking for new ways to charm a man. Our mothers adopted the fatal looks from Sophia Loren, the gait of Marilyn Monroe, and today your girlfriends are mastering Thai massage and Indian ritual dances. The bravest ones took strip plastic courses. So you decided to learn belly dancing yourself.

All these efforts are not intended for the general public, but for one, the most important viewer - a loved one. Almost none of the visitors to Arabic dance or strip dance schools plan concert activities. Each one hopes that, having learned a few moves, she will become unique for her man. Remember: experiments are good at the right time and in the right place.

Situations in which body language is necessary:

Make an impression

Oriental dance is still at the peak of fashion. Everyone will be delighted when at a party you offer to perform real bellydance. And if there is someone in the company you dream of, you can be sure: he will not resist. While dancing for everyone, be sure to give him a few special looks.

Refresh your relationship

You've been together for quite some time, and your sweetheart imagines that he knows everything about you, which means it's time to master the exciting dance. And when he’s in the mood for a traditional and already a little boring evening, give him a show for adults. Believe me, he will be incredibly happy about such a surprise.

Enjoy it

Even if you are not trying to win over anyone, but are just having a blast in a nightclub, you can gain many new fans. Elements of strip dancing or belly dancing look very exciting. The main thing is to enjoy the movement and think less about how you look from the outside!

Dmitry worked with Marina for a whole year and practically did not notice her - plump, short, not at all his type. For the company's birthday, the employees organized a skit party, and the girls prepared a belly dance. They came out in monists, bright oriental outfits. And suddenly Dmitry realized that he was admired by girls with curves! And when he met Marina’s eyes, he immediately decided to make a date with her. Now she dances only for him.

Debutante rules

For the first time, putting on a “performance” for his companion. Try to avoid common mistakes.

Prepare in advance!

Sometimes a girl believes that by rehearsing several explicit poses in front of the mirror, she will be able to show her beloved a first-class show. However, strip dance is a very demanding dance; all movements must be carefully worked out. It is not surprising that for beginners it is often not so much erotic as it is funny. Therefore, it is better to learn several dance sequences well than to simply try to portray passionate steps “like in the movies.”

Make the room dark, turn on the music, and tell your loved one that an incredible temptation awaits him. However, he himself will understand everything.

Forget about your shyness and stiffness, because this will only ruin everything. The viewer is your beloved man, who loves you any way - dressed and undressed, who knows every mole on your body, who longs for adventures with YOU! You are the one and only for him.


When a girl performs a sultry belly dance with a tense, concentrated face, the effect is rather the opposite. You might think that you are seducing your own lover through force. Eyes and lips should also dance: flirt, give smiles! And then your sweetheart will never notice any flaws in the plastic. Remember your favorite films, for example, “Striptease”, “True Lies” or “9 and a Half Weeks” - it’s good that you have someone to learn from!

Keep it in moderation!

The dance should last no more than two or three minutes and end when the man is ready to eagerly watch more and more. You can limit yourself to a few hints of striptease, for example, to depict a couple of bold movements. Or beckon him with your hand again. This will inspire your partner more than a full-fledged “performance.” You don't even have to turn on the music.

Andrey invited Lena on a first date: he arranged a candlelit dinner in his apartment... Having finished a glass of wine, the girl suddenly turned on the music and began to perform an intricate oriental dance. For about 15 minutes. She tried so hard that it was a pity to stop her. Andrei was wondering what to do: start dancing around her, clapping his hands, or catching her around the room. In general, they both experienced nothing but awkwardness.

A few advantages:

Classes erotic dancing useful not only for relationships in couples. You will learn the capabilities of your body, improve coordination and, of course, get rid of complexes about your figure.

Unusual steps are also an intense load on many muscle groups. Keep in mind: half an hour of belly dancing is minus 160 calories.

Surely, after your efforts, your loved one will also think about how to add variety to your life. Expect surprises!

Fashion is fickle. Today everyone is studying strip plastic, and tomorrow variations on the rumba theme will become popular. A dance without words will tell you about the feelings you have for a person. So live by dancing!

Why not pamper your loved one with an exquisite treat. After all, only the most gentle, loving and chic men deserve such a gift. Is your lover like this? A romantic evening, flickering candles, an oriental aroma, sensual music, a sexy outfit, smooth movements of the hips, a playful look from underneath - your man is completely smitten. But you don’t stop: you tease, you entice, you delight. You have turned into a charming oriental beauty, but so dear and beloved. He is intrigued, discouraged, intoxicated, in love again.

Are you afraid you don't have enough courage and skill? No problem. All you need is desire and a few rehearsals. For your attention, below are several video lessons for beginners absolutely free.

How to learn to dance oriental dance

Two good news:

  1. Oriental dancing is suitable for all women, neither age, nor size, nor nationality matters, only your passionate desire to become sensual, erotic and desirable.
  2. You can study at home, completely free, using video lessons. Bookmark this page, at a time convenient for you, you can prepare for a surprise for your man at home.

Belly dance lessons

Here are 9 Belly Dance training videos for beginners, 14 minutes each. The first 5-7 minutes are warm-up, the next 7-9 minutes are learning a new movement. The last lesson involves combining all the movements into a dance. For convenience, the numbering of lessons is as in the video. Valeria Putitskaya helps you master it.

Video 1. Warm-up. Introduction to basic movements.

Bellu dance - awakens us feminine, teaches plasticity and awakens self-confidence. , learn to move beautifully and harmoniously. If you suddenly cannot watch the video, click on the link.

Video tutorial 2. Hands.

Due to the great popularity of this article, it takes a lot of workload and the videos take a long time to load, so I divided them for your convenience and moved them to the article and. There you will find tips for beginners on how to look confident, relaxed and captivate your favorite viewer, and much more interesting things.

To watch the following Videos

  • lessons 4, 5, 6. please go to.
  • lessons 8, 10, 16

Professional oriental belly dance.

Overcome your shyness, listen to your body, let it lead you into the world of oriental dance, so exotic, mysterious, sensual. Don't be afraid of awkward movements, your intuition will tell you your body language. Let go of all your thoughts and worries, immerse yourself in the music. Feel like a fabulous Scheherazade, confident and desirable. Dance in your own way, adapting the movements to suit your body. This also applies to your outfit; give yourself the freedom of personal choice. A few memorized movements, spied connections from professionals and you can give your own private dance, watch the video professional dance. There is something to strive for. link


  • endurance is developed,
  • the heart is trained,
  • joint flexibility increases,
  • well-being improves,
  • the mood lifts.

As you can see, it is not only beautiful and erotic, but also useful.

What benefits does oriental dance have for the female body?

It is not without reason that it is called belly dancing. All dance movements are concentrated in the abdomen, waist, and hips. Created load,

East Dance reveals all the power and beauty of the mysterious female soul. This is the most powerful weapon in the hands of a woman to tame an obstinate man. Do you want to surprise your man, give him a holiday of an oriental fairy tale? It's just a matter of little things - the main thing is to learn to dance and at the same time, in the oriental way...
Oriental dancing is the most ancient art. Many legends, poems and paintings are dedicated to oriental dancers. In ancient times, there were two types of belly dance. One type was allowed to dance to ordinary girl dancers for fun. The second could only be danced by priestesses of temples and girls from very rich families. For such a dance it was necessary to study long and hard. A girl could dance this dance either in a temple or only for one man. The grace of oriental dance movements is inherent in every woman. You just need to work a little so that all the movements merge into a single beauty of temptation.

Learn oriental dance at home simple enough. To start training, you need a bright room, a little desire and oriental music. Just turn on the music and start moving. This, of course, is still far from ideal. But you are already dancing oriental dance at home. To improve your technique you can download free lessons or take some online lessons. Just a little practice and you will be able to charm your beloved man.

Traditionally costume for oriental dance the woman does it herself. In this case, for starters, you can buy a costume for oriental dance at home in a specialized store or just at the market.
It is impossible to imagine a man’s delight when you appear in front of him to the accompaniment of oriental music in chic oriental clothes and...just start dancing a delightful belly dance.
The Eastern craft of seduction has been proven by hundreds of years of practice on men. They simply cannot resist the sight of the woman they love, who delightfully sways her hips, arches her back sexually and beckons him with her hands, and all this happens to the rhythms of mesmerizing Arabic music.
Every woman should have her own little secret. This secret lies in a woman’s awareness of herself as sexy, special and significant. And when such a woman puts on a dance dress, the whole world will envy her beauty.

Also dancing oriental dancing at home, you can easily gain an excellent toned figure, as well as cheer up your spirit and become more confident. When a woman dances, she becomes simply beautiful, and when such a dance is belly dancing, the woman immediately turns into a desired and forbidden fruit that you just want to eat. No man in the world can resist a woman who skillfully performs belly dancing.
Often belly dancing will say much more than words. Learn to represent your thoughts and desires with your body, and your man will be at your feet forever.

Don't forget to cook in oriental style, buy red wine, decorate the room with fine fabrics, light up

Belly dancing has recently become a very common type of dance in Russia. It is simultaneously considered both a type of muscle strengthening and a power to seduce men. Men look spellbound at this semi-erotic dance, so almost every woman dreams of learning how to dance it beautifully.


Belly dancing is largely inspired by myths about the East, oriental beauties (Salome), odalisques and bayaderes, which was embodied in the 20th century on the basis of synthetic dance techniques: European cabaret (burlesque) of the 19th - 20th centuries, gypsy dance Ghawazi (which penetrated into Egypt from India in the 10th century) and local Arab dance traditions (rhythmic swaying of the hips), which were significantly muted by the centuries-old dominance of Islam. The main argument in favor modern origin belly dancing is the fact that Arab folk dances were communal in nature, and the Islamic dress code is incompatible with the attire of a belly dancer.


There are more than 50 styles of oriental dance, the following areas are also distinguished:

  • The Egyptian school is a more chaste version of belly dancing in closed outfits with smoother movements.
  • The Arab school (Khalij) is a hair dance, which got its name from the characteristic swings of flowing hair.
  • The Turkish school is more sensual, the costumes are more revealing, dancing on the table, communication with the audience during the dance are accepted, in our time examples are pole dancing.
  • Belly Dance is a classical Middle Eastern graceful dance performed by women. Characterized by clear isolation of movements different parts body (stomach, arms, hips move as if “on their own”).
  • Tribal is a somewhat eclectic style of oriental dances, combining the techniques of several styles at once (folklore, Belly Dance, ATS), has a special, wild, “tribal” spirit, usually representing some kind of nationality. The movements are simple, polished, there is a lot of improvisation. Can be performed by both men and women.
  • Folklore consists of several dance styles characteristic of different eastern countries. So the dances that originated on the Arabian Peninsula are called “Khalidi”, Egyptian dances– “Saidi” and “Baladi”, Lebanese dance – “Dabka”, etc.


Some types of belly dance may use accessories:

  • cane (saidi dance, related to the male war dance takhtib)
  • fire
  • sabers
  • sagatas (small metal discs that fit on the thumb and middle finger)
  • Shawl (large, rectangular scarf)
  • wings
  • fans
  • small drums
  • Meliaia (Alexandria)
  • candelabrum (shamadan)
  • snake (boa constrictor)

Beautiful and useful

Sometimes oriental dance is called “belly dance”. At least that's how it seems to the audience. Also, many people think that only overweight women can cope with belly dance movements. Since, it turns out, you can move to the beat of the music only with the folds on your stomach. This is fundamentally wrong.

It's actually a spinal dance. All its departments are developed in it: from the back of the head to the coccyx. Its movements involve almost all muscle groups associated with the spine, even the deepest ones, which cannot be achieved by any modern gymnastics systems. This improves blood circulation and, through nerve endings, has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. In particular, on the pelvic organs, which is extremely important for women. Oriental dance is useful for girls and women of any age: from elementary schoolgirls to ladies of the most serious “elegant” years.

Neither age, nor build, nor health status are an obstacle to this dance. Since all movements of oriental dance are physiological, it has practically no contraindications. As a result of classes oriental dance Slimness, ease of movement and graceful gait are acquired. Also, many diseases associated with the spine recede (scoliosis of the 1st and 2nd degree, osteochondrosis, pathological types of kyphosis and lordosis).

In dance, women “remember” their femininity and charm, feel younger and therefore become much more attractive and attractive to men. It’s not for nothing that in Arab countries women are allowed to dance only for their husbands, so as not to attract other men.

Debutante rules

For the first time, putting on a “performance” for his companion. Try to avoid common mistakes.

  1. Prepare in advance! Sometimes a girl believes that by rehearsing several explicit poses in front of the mirror, she will be able to show her beloved a first-class show. However, this is a very demanding dance, all movements must be carefully practiced. It is not surprising that for beginners it is often not so much erotic as it is funny. Therefore, it is better to learn several dance sequences well than to simply try to portray passionate steps “like in the movies.”
  2. Make the room dark, turn on the music, and tell your loved one that an incredible temptation awaits him. However, he himself will understand everything.
  3. Forget about your shyness and stiffness, because this will only ruin everything. The viewer is your beloved man who loves you any way - dressed and undressed, who knows every mole on your body.
  4. Smile! When a girl performs a sultry belly dance with a tense, concentrated face, the effect is rather the opposite. You might think that you are seducing your own lover through force. Eyes and lips should also dance: flirt, give smiles! And then your man will never notice the flaw in the plastic.
  5. Keep it in moderation! The dance should last no more than two or three minutes and end when the man is ready to eagerly watch more and more. You can limit yourself to a few hints of striptease, for example, to depict a couple of bold movements. Or beckon him with your hand again. This will inspire your partner more than a full-fledged “performance.” You don't even have to turn on the music.

Step by step workout

Don’t even think about entering the hall or standing in front of a mirror at home and immediately starting shaking, waves, blows, sudden movements Belly dancing - first you will have to work out the starting position. Usually it takes at least one and a half months for this body position to become natural. At first, the body may resist, but if you exercise regularly, you will quickly get used to the new sensations. Let's learn the starting position of belly dance.

  1. Stand in front of the mirror so that you can see yourself full height. A mirror on the side wouldn't hurt either. Consider the correct body position from bottom to top: the distance between the feet is equal to the length of your foot. This allows you to distribute your body weight evenly on both legs. Feet are parallel to each other, toes forward - so that knee-joint did not twist and the patellas (knee caps) did not move. We touch the floor with all our toes: this makes it easier to maintain balance.
  2. The knees are soft, but not bent. This way you will protect yourself from damage to the menisci and dislocation of the patellas.
  3. Hips relaxed.
  4. The gluteal muscles are relaxed. Do not stick out your butt, otherwise you will increase the load on your lower back, and it will look vulgar. A bend in the lower back, of course, looks impressive, but this position disrupts the natural flow of blood and oxygen to the abdominal organs.
  5. The pubis does not protrude forward.
  6. Pelvic bones on the same line.
  7. Don't suck in your stomach to look slimmer. Let men walk smart - everything should be relaxed with us, without unnecessary pressure on the abdominal organs.
  8. The chest moves slightly forward, and the solar plexus area moves back. Body weight is concentrated more on the toes than on the heels. In this position you will reduce the load on your lower back.
  9. The shoulder blades are brought together and seem to be holding a small pencil. In this position, the muscles of the shoulder region stretch and maintain tone.
  10. Shoulders are at the same level, lowered.
  11. The arms are extended to the sides at chest level. This is the optimal height for strengthening the arm muscles; over time, a beautiful relief will appear on them. The elbows are soft and point back, not down. Hands are extensions of your arms, do not “break” your wrists. Imagine holding a huge bouquet of flowers in front of you. The fingers are together, but not clenched, there is a distance between them. The middle finger is slightly inward. The palms are open to the viewer.
  12. The neck is completely relaxed. Do not lower or raise your chin, keep it parallel to the floor: this way all the cervical vertebrae form the correct line.
  13. Stretch your head up, like a flower reaches for the sun, this will help you maintain balance. Having mastered this starting position, dance to your health!

Benefits of classes

  • Erotic dance classes are useful not only for relationships in couples. You will learn the capabilities of your body, improve coordination and, of course, get rid of complexes about your figure.
  • Unusual steps are also an intense load on many muscle groups. Keep in mind: half an hour of belly dancing is minus 160 calories.
  • Surely, after your efforts, your loved one will also think about how to add variety to your life. Expect surprises!

Clothes and shoes for dancing

Clothing for classes should, first of all, be comfortable. And also aesthetic. You'll need a crop top, tight-fitting or not-too-loose sweatpants that don't hide the movement of your legs, and a hip belt that accentuates your movements. It is important that the stomach is open: you should see it. It's best to dance barefoot. However, if the floor is not suitable for this, you will need soft shoes - Czech shoes or ballet slippers. You should not exercise in socks: you may slip. To get a better feel for the dance, for inspiration, wear some jewelry, such as bracelets with coins, let your hair down... Remember that even during training you should be feminine and beautiful.

Belly dancing has recently become a very common type of dance in Russia. It is simultaneously considered both a type of muscle strengthening and a power to seduce men. Men look spellbound at this semi-erotic dance, so almost every woman dreams of learning how to dance it beautifully.


Belly dancing is largely inspired by myths about the East, oriental beauties (Salome), odalisques and bayaderes, which was embodied in the 20th century on the basis of synthetic dance techniques: European cabaret (burlesque) of the 19th - 20th centuries, gypsy dance Ghawazi (which penetrated into Egypt from India in the 10th century) and local Arab dance traditions (rhythmic swaying of the hips), which were significantly muted by the centuries-old dominance of Islam. The main argument in favor of the modern origin of belly dancing is the fact that Arab folk dances were communal in nature, and the Islamic dress code is incompatible with the attire of a belly dancer.


There are more than 50 styles of oriental dance, the following areas are also distinguished:

  • The Egyptian school is a more chaste version of belly dancing in closed outfits with smoother movements.
  • The Arab school (Khalij) is a hair dance, which got its name from the characteristic swings of flowing hair.
  • The Turkish school is more sensual, the costumes are more revealing, dancing on the table, communication with the audience during the dance are accepted, in our time examples are pole dancing.
  • Belly Dance is a classical Middle Eastern graceful dance performed by women. It is distinguished by a clear isolation of movements of different parts of the body (the stomach, arms, hips move as if “on their own”).
  • Tribal is a somewhat eclectic style of oriental dances, combining the techniques of several styles at once (folklore, Belly Dance, ATS), has a special, wild, “tribal” spirit, usually representing some kind of nationality. The movements are simple, polished, there is a lot of improvisation. Can be performed by both men and women.
  • Folklore consists of several dance styles characteristic of different eastern countries. Thus, dances that originated on the Arabian Peninsula are called “Khalidi”, Egyptian dances are called “Saidi” and “Baladi”, Lebanese dance is called “Dabka”, etc.


Some types of belly dance may use accessories:

  • cane (saidi dance, related to the male war dance takhtib)
  • fire
  • sabers
  • sagatas (small metal discs that fit on the thumb and middle finger)
  • Shawl (large, rectangular scarf)
  • wings
  • fans
  • small drums
  • Meliaia (Alexandria)
  • candelabrum (shamadan)
  • snake (boa constrictor)

Beautiful and useful

Sometimes oriental dance is called “belly dance”. At least that's how it seems to the audience. Also, many people think that only overweight women can cope with belly dance movements. Since, it turns out, you can move to the beat of the music only with the folds on your stomach. This is fundamentally wrong.

It's actually a spinal dance. All its departments are developed in it: from the back of the head to the coccyx. Its movements involve almost all muscle groups associated with the spine, even the deepest ones, which cannot be achieved by any modern gymnastics systems. This improves blood circulation and, through nerve endings, has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. In particular, on the pelvic organs, which is extremely important for women. Oriental dance is useful for girls and women of any age: from elementary schoolgirls to ladies of the most serious “elegant” years.

Neither age, nor build, nor health status are an obstacle to this dance. Since all movements of oriental dance are physiological, it has practically no contraindications. As a result of practicing oriental dance, one acquires harmony, ease of movement and graceful gait. Also, many diseases associated with the spine recede (scoliosis of the 1st and 2nd degree, osteochondrosis, pathological types of kyphosis and lordosis).

In dance, women “remember” their femininity and charm, feel younger and therefore become much more attractive and attractive to men. It’s not for nothing that in Arab countries women are allowed to dance only for their husbands, so as not to attract other men.

Debutante rules

For the first time, putting on a “performance” for his companion. Try to avoid common mistakes.

  1. Prepare in advance! Sometimes a girl believes that by rehearsing several explicit poses in front of the mirror, she will be able to show her beloved a first-class show. However, this is a very demanding dance, all movements must be carefully practiced. It is not surprising that for beginners it is often not so much erotic as it is funny. Therefore, it is better to learn several dance sequences well than to simply try to portray passionate steps “like in the movies.”
  2. Make the room dark, turn on the music, and tell your loved one that an incredible temptation awaits him. However, he himself will understand everything.
  3. Forget about your shyness and stiffness, because this will only ruin everything. The viewer is your beloved man who loves you any way - dressed and undressed, who knows every mole on your body.
  4. Smile! When a girl performs a sultry belly dance with a tense, concentrated face, the effect is rather the opposite. You might think that you are seducing your own lover through force. Eyes and lips should also dance: flirt, give smiles! And then your man will never notice the flaw in the plastic.
  5. Keep it in moderation! The dance should last no more than two or three minutes and end when the man is ready to eagerly watch more and more. You can limit yourself to a few hints of striptease, for example, to depict a couple of bold movements. Or beckon him with your hand again. This will inspire your partner more than a full-fledged “performance.” You don't even have to turn on the music.

Step by step workout

Don’t even think about entering the gym or standing in front of a mirror at home and immediately starting shaking, waves, blows, or sudden belly dance movements - first you will have to practice the starting position. Usually it takes at least one and a half months for this body position to become natural. At first, the body may resist, but if you exercise regularly, you will quickly get used to the new sensations. Let's learn the starting position of belly dance.

  1. Stand in front of the mirror so that you can see yourself in full height. A mirror on the side wouldn't hurt either. Consider the correct body position from bottom to top: the distance between the feet is equal to the length of your foot. This allows you to distribute your body weight evenly on both legs. The feet are parallel to each other, toes forward - so that the knee joint does not twist and the patellas (kneecaps) do not move. We touch the floor with all our toes: this makes it easier to maintain balance.
  2. The knees are soft, but not bent. This way you will protect yourself from damage to the menisci and dislocation of the patellas.
  3. Hips relaxed.
  4. The gluteal muscles are relaxed. Do not stick out your butt, otherwise you will increase the load on your lower back, and it will look vulgar. A bend in the lower back, of course, looks impressive, but this position disrupts the natural flow of blood and oxygen to the abdominal organs.
  5. The pubis does not protrude forward.
  6. Pelvic bones on the same line.
  7. Don't suck in your stomach to look slimmer. Let men walk smart - everything should be relaxed with us, without unnecessary pressure on the abdominal organs.
  8. The chest moves slightly forward, and the solar plexus area moves back. Body weight is concentrated more on the toes than on the heels. In this position you will reduce the load on your lower back.
  9. The shoulder blades are brought together and seem to be holding a small pencil. In this position, the muscles of the shoulder region stretch and maintain tone.
  10. Shoulders are at the same level, lowered.
  11. The arms are extended to the sides at chest level. This is the optimal height for strengthening the arm muscles; over time, a beautiful relief will appear on them. The elbows are soft and point back, not down. Hands are extensions of your arms, do not “break” your wrists. Imagine holding a huge bouquet of flowers in front of you. The fingers are together, but not clenched, there is a distance between them. The middle finger is slightly inward. The palms are open to the viewer.
  12. The neck is completely relaxed. Do not lower or raise your chin, keep it parallel to the floor: this way all the cervical vertebrae form the correct line.
  13. Stretch your head up, like a flower reaches for the sun, this will help you maintain balance. Having mastered this starting position, dance to your health!

Benefits of classes

  • Erotic dance classes are useful not only for relationships in couples. You will learn the capabilities of your body, improve coordination and, of course, get rid of complexes about your figure.
  • Unusual steps are also an intense load on many muscle groups. Keep in mind: half an hour of belly dancing is minus 160 calories.
  • Surely, after your efforts, your loved one will also think about how to add variety to your life. Expect surprises!

Clothes and shoes for dancing

Clothing for classes should, first of all, be comfortable. And also aesthetic. You'll need a crop top, tight-fitting or not-too-loose sweatpants that don't hide the movement of your legs, and a hip belt that accentuates your movements. It is important that the stomach is open: you should see it. It's best to dance barefoot. However, if the floor is not suitable for this, you will need soft shoes - Czech shoes or ballet slippers. You should not exercise in socks: you may slip. To get a better feel for the dance, for inspiration, wear some jewelry, such as bracelets with coins, let your hair down... Remember that even during training you should be feminine and beautiful.
