Educational performances of oriental dances. Dance staging online

Natalya Govorova

Reading time: 6 minutes


The best thing master the art of belly dancing an experienced instructor will help, but you can learn to dance at home. About what is needed for this, we will tell in our article.

How to start learning belly dance for beginners at home - paraphernalia and basic rules

Belly dancing demands from a woman the ability to relax those muscle groups who are not employed in this moment. Only in this way can a dancer perform dance movements for thirty minutes.

Belly dance lessons will require a lady formation of one's own sexual image of a dancer. You can completely immerse yourself in the world of oriental dance only by creating your own image. An important role is played here costume, jewelry and, of course, makeup. All of the above will focus on the sexuality and femininity of the oriental dancer.

  • To choose the right clothes for dancing, you should know that in the first months of classes, the figure of a woman will change significantly . The waist will become more refined, and excess fat will disappear. It is recommended to purchase some elements of the attire for oriental dances after some time has passed.
  • For beginners, belly dance is better to dance in combination short top with breeches or leggings.
  • Later, a woman can complement her image coin loincloth that create the intended mood during training.
  • As for shoes for belly dancing, we recall that for a long time there has been a tendency to dance oriental dances barefoot, thus marking an inseparable connection with the Earth. For women who do not want to dance barefoot, you can put on shoes ballet shoes, Czechs or socks.

In order to harmoniously and correctly perform belly dance, a woman must be well versed in the styles of oriental dances, know their differences, and also know what costume, music and vocabulary correspond to a particular style.

Video belly dance lessons for beginners - basic movements and elements of belly dance

Video: belly dance - first lessons

  • A notable element of belly dance is "rocking chair". To perform this movement, the woman must rise on her tiptoes with her legs placed together, bend them slightly at the knees and mentally draw a vertical line through the navel. Along this line, you need to smoothly move your hips so that the navel remains in place. You can do dance elements up - down or forward - backward.

For the execution of movements down - up, i.e. - in the vertical plane , put your feet together, rise to the toes and bend your knees a little. In turn, we pull up to the armpits of the thigh so that the location of the navel remains unchanged. This element of the dance can also be performed moving forward.

To perform movements in a perpendicular plane (forward - backward) we stand on a full foot, bend our knees a little. Bending the lower back as much as possible, we take the pelvis back. We lead it forward and pull the pubis to the navel. Plastically moving the hips, we describe a semicircle. The center of the circle is in the navel. Accelerating the pace, we switch to shaking the stomach.

  • The next element of belly dance is "pendulum" . To perform the exercise from top to bottom, up to the armpit, we raise the right thigh, bring it to the right and lower it down, raising the left thigh to the armpit.

Pendulum from bottom to top performed by bringing the right thigh further to the side. By lifting the heel off the floor, the thigh is pulled towards the armpit. Diagonally lower the right thigh, lifting the left thigh up to the armpit.

  • Hip circles. Do not forget - when dancing the element, you need to make sure that the back remains straight. In the horizontal plane, we mentally imagine a circle for ourselves. We strive to outline it from behind with the buttocks, bending the lower back as much as possible. In front, you need to get the pubis on the stomach as much as possible.
  • Reset circles. We describe the circle and, pulling back the pelvis, perform a dump with the hip from top to bottom. On the following laps, the movement continues without stopping. Circles can be horizontal, vertical, large, medium and small. If you try to make circles in the frontal plane, you get a new movement.

  • Dance element "Wave". With it, only the hips should work. The upper body is immobile. To perform the element, we stand on high half-fingers, half a turn towards the viewer. In the vertical plane, we imagine a circle, the axis of which passes through the femurs. In the direction from below - forward - up - back, we try to describe it with our hips. The execution of this element is possible with advancement to the side or forward. There are several types of waves - lateral and frontal.

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“Movement is life” is a truth known to all. Dancing is movement pure form Therefore, it is simply impossible to overestimate their benefits for life.

The article "Oriental dances - movements" is aimed at introducing everyone to wonderful world oriental dances, which, in addition to graceful movements, provide an excellent opportunity to keep muscles in good shape.

The proposed video will teach you how to perform the so-called "drum solo" and help to form an idea of ​​​​the basic movements and techniques of oriental dance.

Video training "Oriental dances - movements"

Order of training

  1. Warm up.
    Each workout should begin with a warm-up, the purpose of which is to warm up and stretch the muscles. Otherwise, you may be injured.
  2. Technique and theory.
    The rhythm obtained from playing the central part of the drum is used to return the body to its original position and perform basic movements. The resulting sound is rather low and dull, while the rhythm played on the rim of the drum determines the moments when the upper body moves in a different direction from the lower one, for example, sideways or up and down. The sound of this rhythm is very sonorous.
  3. "Drum Solo"
    This technique is based on dancing to drum rhythms and is characterized by accurate hitting the rhythm and clear point movements. For correct execution dance you need to work well with the muscles of the press, hips and chest.
    The dance proposed for study consists of five combinations of movements and the final part.
  4. Hitch.
    It is performed to restore a calm heartbeat and stretch all the muscles that were involved during the workout.
  1. Do not skip the warm-up and cool-down at the beginning and end of workouts. This will protect the muscles from injury.
  2. Regardless of the level of training, you need to get a special training suit and a suit for the performance. Such a simple trick will help you tune in to oriental rhythms and feel their flavor.
  3. When learning oriental dances, it is very important to pay attention to the movements of the arms and shoulders, since their plasticity will complement and perfect any dance inspired by Arabic motifs.

Oriental dances have always been considered quite seductive and frank. Mastering at least some of the techniques will allow you to show yourself in all its glory, flashing your femininity and plasticity.

Why not treat your loved one to an exquisite pleasure. After all, only the most tender, loving and chic men deserve such a gift. Is your lover like this? Romantic evening, flickering candles, oriental fragrance, sensual music, sexy outfit, smooth movements of the hips, a playful look from under - your man is smitten on the spot. And you do not stop: tease beckon, admire. You have turned into a charming oriental beauty, but so dear and beloved. He is intrigued, discouraged, intoxicated, in love again.

Afraid you don't have the courage and skill? No problem. All you need is a desire and a few rehearsals. For your attention, here are a few video tutorials for beginners absolutely free.

How to learn to dance East Dance

Two good news:

  1. Oriental dances are suitable for all women, no matter your age, body size, or nationality, only your passionate desire to become sensual, erotic desired.
  2. You can study at home, completely free of charge with video lessons. Bookmark this page, at a convenient time for you, you can prepare for a surprise for your man at home.

Belly dance lessons

To your attention 9 Belly Dance training videos for beginners, 14 minutes each. The first 5-7 minutes is a warm-up, the next 7-9 minutes are learning a new movement. At the last lesson - the combination of all movements into a dance. For convenience, the numbering of lessons as in the video. Valeria Putitskaya helps to master.

Video 1. Warm up. Introduction to basic movements.

Bella dance - wakes us up feminine, teaches plasticity and awakens self-confidence. , learn to move beautifully and harmoniously. If suddenly you can't watch the video, click on the link.

Video lesson 2. Hands.

Due to the great popularity of this article, a large load falls on it and the videos take a long time to load, so I divided them for your convenience and transferred them to the article and. There you will find tips for beginners on how to look confident, relaxed and bewitch your favorite audience and much more.

To view the following videos

  • lessons 4, 5, 6. go to please.
  • lessons 8, 10, 16

Professional oriental belly dance.

Overcome shyness in yourself, listen to your body, let it testify you into the world of oriental dance, so exotic, mysterious, sensual. Do not be afraid of awkward movements, intuition will tell you body language. Let go of all your thoughts and feelings, immerse yourself in music. Feel like a fabulous Scheherazade, confident and desirable. Dance in your own way, adjusting the movements to the features of your body. This also applies to the outfit, give yourself the freedom of personal choice. A few learned movements, peeped ligaments from professionals and you can put your private dance watch the video professional dance. There is something to strive for. link


  • endurance is developed
  • heart training,
  • increased joint flexibility,
  • feeling better,
  • the mood rises.

As you can see, not only beautiful and erotic, but also useful.

What benefits does oriental dance bring to the female body?

They don't call it belly dancing for nothing. All dance movements are concentrated in the abdomen, waist, hips. The created load

Dear girls!

You can purchase a professional production from Samira (of any style and level of complexity) for participation in a professional or amateur oriental dance competition (subject to competitive requirements) or for personal performances.

Price one minute of staged dance - 3000 rub.

This price includes assistance in "cutting" music (if required) and 3 lessons (work on the production, for these lessons you pay only the rent of the hall).

Online staging

If you do not have the opportunity to come to Moscow and take the production in person, you can order a performance remotely!

I make a production for you, record it on video in my performance (the dance itself and a detailed analysis of the dance with explanations of the movements) and send the video files by email or through a file sharing service.
Then you can send the practiced dance on video for error correction an unlimited number of times.
Payment is made through a bank card. + free search and cut music!

Price- 2500 for 1 minute of dance ( +1000 rub. filming room fee)
(SHOW, GROUPS - from 3000 to 3500 per minute of dance,
CHILDREN - from 1500 to 2000 rubles. per minute of dancing).

At your request, it is also possible to sendslow motion video.

Non-folklore styles:
- mezhance (entre)
- tarab (song)
- solo tabla
- taxim
- dance with sagats
- dance with wings (shawls)
- dance with a candelabra
- sword dance
- dance with veil fans
- dance with a tambourine
- tabla dance
- dance with 1 or 2 canes
- any mix of these styles or show by your order

Folk styles:
- balyadi
- shaabi
- saidi
- khaliji
- hagalla
- Alexandria (Scandarani)
- zaffa
- aspani rax

Production examples

Julia Sevryukova -

Salma Lucia -

Elena Solovieva -

Aliya Ismayeva. Mejance

Aliya Ismayeva. Saidi

Julia Bagalo. Mejance

Zulfiya Kulakhmetova. Vakhashtini

Julia Bagalo. Veil Fans

Yulia Kartushina. Mejance 1
