The strangest mollusks in the world. Blue Dragon

The depths of the sea are home to many interesting creatures. Here are some interesting facts about mollusks.

The weight of the largest clam ever caught reached 340 kilograms. It was caught in 1956 near Okinawa, Japan.

Interestingly, not only plants can carry out the process of photosynthesis. The sea slug, called Elysia chlorotica, feeds on glucose obtained from the chloroplast of the alga Vaucheria litorea. In the first stage, chloroplasts are assimilated by the cells of the digestive tract. Then the process of photosynthesis takes place, in which the slug gene encodes the proteins needed for this process by the chloroplasts. As a result, the glucose needed by the slug is synthesized.

Bivalves have the ability to move. For example, scallops, with the help of rhythmic compression of the valves and the release of water, swim far enough to escape from starfish - their main enemies.

The hunting “specialization” of gastropods of the order of sea angels are limacines, which also have a second name – monkfish.

Among the interesting facts about shellfish is the “sound of the sea,” which can be heard from a souvenir sea shell. It's actually nothing more than noise. environment, which resonates with the cavities of the shell. A similar effect can be seen without a souvenir - just place a bent palm or a mug to your ear. The resonator, in addition to external sounds, can amplify sounds human body, filtered by the brain in a normal state. This may be the sound of blood passing through the vessels, as well as the sound of air movement through earwax.

To safely approach female giant Australian cuttlefish, some males pretend to be females. This gives them the opportunity to mate despite the formidable guard of a large dominant male.

Thanks to actively displaced during movement a large number The mucus of many mollusks is very slippery. This allows them to avoid danger, in particular, slipping out of their hands.

By changing the texture and color of their skin, adjusting to the color of the soil or water, octopuses successfully hide from enemies. Mimicking other marine organisms, the octopus of the species Thaumoctopus mimicus looks like a jellyfish, shrimp, stingray, crab or other inhabitant of the deep sea. This species of octopus selects a model for mimicry depending on the predator it has noticed.

Scientists estimate that the oldest clam caught by humans was 405 years old. It is believed that this was also the oldest.

To protect themselves from predators, many cephalopods release an ink cloud and swim away under its cover. Deep sea mollusk hellish vampire Because of the darkness reigning in the depths of the waters, it is necessary to resort to another trick to escape. The tips of its tentacles release bioluminescent mucus, creating a sticky cloud of many glowing blue balls. This curtain of light shocks the predator, giving the hellish vampire a chance to escape.

Among the mollusks there are also hermaphrodites - these are the nudibranchs Chromodoris reticulata. In this species, when mating, two individuals simultaneously penetrate each other’s vaginas. After this act, the penises of each mollusk fall off, leaving them with two spare ones. This is achieved by the fact that their penis, 3 cm long, is curled inside the body; during mating, only a part of the organ 1 cm long comes out, which then disappears. A day later, the next part of the penis is ready for new mating.

An interesting video showing a sea angel in motion:

Anyone who has vacationed on the Black Sea coast knows that in addition to sand and stones on the beach you can often find shells ground by the surf.

Some are broken down to tiny shards, some are very well preserved. All these are shells of sea inhabitants - mollusks.

If algae can be called the lungs of the sea, and its orderlies, then mollusks are its kidneys and liver.

How do these organs human body perform the function of purifying harmful substances, and mollusks play the role of living filters, purifying water from microscopic organisms suspended in it.

For what? You ask.

They just feed on them. Mollusks eat unicellular algae, plankton, bacteria, organic matter and other biomass.

In addition, some mollusks do not disdain larger food: dead fish and their relatives.

All mollusks of the Black Sea can be divided into bivalves and gastropods.

Bivalve mollusks, as the name implies, protect their body with a shell consisting of two valves. Most often they lead a sedentary lifestyle, attaching themselves to solid surfaces with strong threads.

Gastropods, are very reminiscent of land snails. Their abdominal part, in addition to its main functions, is a leg. They use it to move around and use it to attack other mollusks.

Of the bivalves, perhaps the most famous are the mussel and the oyster.

In the recent past, one of the most common species of the Black Sea.

The shell looks like a drop of black or dark purple color, which tapers at the point of attachment and has a length of up to 15 cm

It lives in colonies at depths from 0 to 80 meters. Leads a sedentary lifestyle, attaching itself to rocks, piles, submerged structures and other underwater objects.

It feeds mainly on unicellular algae, organic debris and bacteria. Lives up to 8 years.

Since ancient times it has been used by humans as food. For these purposes, mussels are bred in special mussel farms.

Recently, it has become less common in nature and at greater depths. This is mainly due to poaching and extermination by rapana.

Has a sink up to 8 cm long with doors irregular shape and scaly growths. The color, depending on the habitat, can range from pale green to dirty gray.

It lives in colonies at depths from 3 to 60 meters. Leads a sedentary lifestyle, attaching itself to underwater objects.

The oyster's diet includes mainly algae and single-celled organisms. Lives up to 30 years.

It was once an object of commercial fishing due to its taste and dietary qualities, but in recent decades it has been practically exterminated in the Black Sea.

Currently listed in the Red Book.

- a bivalve mollusk with a fan-shaped shell up to 6 cm long. Color can range from white to red and brown.

Habitat: depths 40 – 60 meters. Unlike other bivalves, it can move perfectly, slamming the doors shut with force.

It feeds on plankton and detritus, filtering water through itself. Lives up to 18 years.

Because of their small sizes and small numbers have no commercial value, although they have good taste qualities.

Relatively recently appeared in the Black Sea. It is believed that it was introduced accidentally from the Atlantic or the Sea of ​​Japan, where it is a common species.

The bivalve shell is elliptical in shape, off-white to yellow-brown in color, up to 10 cm long.

Lives separately or in small groups at depths from 0 to 20 meters. Prefers sandy or silty soil. It burrows to a depth of up to half a meter, exposing a siphon to the surface, with the help of which it breathes and feeds.

It feeds on organic debris, protozoa, small crustaceans and algae. Lives up to 20 years.

Along with mussels, it is the main type of fishery. Artificially grown in sandy shallow waters.

- a bivalve mollusk that also recently appeared in the Black Sea. Presumably brought from the Pacific Basin in the last century.

The shell of the skafarka has a convex fan-shaped shape with thick valves and jagged edges. The length of the shell can reach 8 cm.

Color ranges from white to dark gray.

This is one of the few mollusks that has red blood, for which it is called the bloody shell.

It lives at a depth of up to 10 meters, forming clusters with high density.

The diet includes small plankton, unicellular organisms and algae. Lives up to 9 years.

It is not used in commercial fishing, but has excellent taste. It is a favorite delicacy in Japan and Korea.

Can move by jumping with the help of a strong leg. With its help, it can burrow into silt or sand to a shallow depth.

The shell resembles a heart, which is where the name of the mollusk comes from, up to 4 cm long and white to brown-green in color.

Lives at depths from 2 to 40 meters

It feeds by filtering organic particles, algae and plankton from the water. Lives up to 10 years.

A non-commercial species, but edible and serves as food for bottom-dwelling fish.

Venerka– a widely distributed mollusk in the Black Sea. It has a massive triangular shell with rounded edges, up to 4 cm long. The color varies from white to brown.

It lives at depths from 0 to 30 meters. It can move with the help of a wedge-shaped leg and burrow into sand or silt to a shallow depth.

It feeds on settling organic debris, which it filters from the water. Lives on average up to 30 years, although some non-Black Sea species live up to 400!

It is edible, but is not a commercial object due to its small size.

Rapana- an invader brought from Far East without having in the Black Sea natural enemies, has become very widespread.

This gastropod has a thick and durable shell up to 12 cm in diameter with a red-brown color.

It lives at depths from half a meter to 40 meters on soils ranging from rocky to silty-sandy, where winter time is buried.

A predator by nature. It feeds on bivalve mollusks, drilling a hole in their shells with its tongue or opening their valves with a strong leg.

Very prolific. At one time, the female lays up to 300,000 eggs. Lives up to 12 years.

As already mentioned, it has no natural enemies except humans. Widely used in commercial and recreational fishing.

Gibbula has a conical shell up to 25 mm high and up to 20 mm wide, green, yellowish with red specks.

It feeds on plant foods, unicellular algae and organic matter.

It lives at shallow depths in the coastal zone, mainly feeding on algae.

Littorina- the small shell of this gastropod, often no more than 10 mm, with a light gray to red-brown color, also has a cone-shaped shape.

Found at the water's edge, on coastal rocks and rocks. Can go without water for a long time.

It feeds on aquatic vegetation and the remains of organic matter.

Calyptra has a cap-shaped shell, almost regular round shape, up to 3 cm in size.

Color ranges from yellowish to dirty purple.

It lives on sandy and shell soils at depths from 2 to 70 meters.

It feeds on bottom sediments and plant matter.

Citarella- a gastropod mollusk that lives at depths from 5 to 50 meters.

Has a spirally twisted, thick-walled shell up to 1 cm long

The color is light brown.

Lives on sandy soil. A rare mollusk listed in the Red Book.

I don’t think it’s worth listing all the about 200 species of mollusks, but the most famous ones are in front of you.

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P. P. S. You can familiarize yourself with the topics that will be covered in the near future at.

Interesting Facts about shellfish.

1. The largest clam ever caught weighed about 340 kilograms. It was caught in Okinawa, Japan in 1956.

2. The oldest clam caught by humans was estimated to be around 405 years old, possibly making it the oldest marine animal.

3. The age of mollusks can be determined by the number of rings on the shell valve. Each ring differs from the previous one due to the characteristics of the food consumed during this period, the state of the environment, temperature and the amount of oxygen in the water.

4. The main type of food of mollusks is plankton, which they filter from the water.

5. Oysters can change sex. One season a woman, the next a man.

6. An oyster can produce about a million eggs in one season. However, only a few will be able to survive and grow to adulthood.

7. Some varieties of scallops have dozens blue eyes along the edges of the shell. With their help, scallops can notice predators and escape in time.

8. Bivalves can move. Scallops, for example, by rhythmically squeezing their valves and throwing out a stream of water, can swim quite far from their enemies - starfish.

9. Nudibranchs number about 3,000 species, beautiful and poisonous inhabitants of the seas, characterized by a complete absence of shell. However appearance deceptive. Nudibranchs are very poisonous; just touching such a beauty can remove the skin from your hand. Another feature of these creatures is the presence of genital organs on the tail and head. These mollusks range in size from 6 millimeters to 31 centimeters. Nudibranchs feed on algae, anemones and even other mollusks. They owe their beautiful coloring to what they eat. Here are some photos of these beautiful and extraordinary creatures.

10. The world's largest bivalve mollusk is the giant tridacna. The diameter of its shell can reach two meters and its weight can reach 250 kilograms. This giant lives in tropical waters and can safely settle at depths of up to one hundred meters. Also widespread among aquarium enthusiasts. Recently, the tridacna has been practically exterminated, but there remains hope that this miracle of nature will survive at depth, where it is more difficult to obtain.

11. The largest mollusk in the world (also the largest invertebrate in the world) is a giant squid called Architeuthis dux. Its length is more than 18 meters. This representative of invertebrates was caught in 1880 in New Zealand. The first mention of them dates back to 1555. At that time, squids were called both octopuses and sea snakes, and in general people for a long time refused to believe in their existence. Japanese scientists were able to photograph Architeuthis dux for the first time in 2007.

12. The @ symbol, which we call “dog,” is called “happy snail” by Koreans.

13. The most beautiful, but deadliest sea wasp in Australia is the most poisonous jellyfish in the whole world. Off the coast of Queensland, 66 people have died from its poison since 1880.

14. In Japanese cuisine there is a very interesting dish called “dancing squid”. A freshly killed clam is placed in a bowl of rice and watered on top. soy sauce and it is at this moment that the squid begins its dance, moving its tentacles. This effect is explained by the unusual structure of nerve fibers, which, even after their death, react to the sodium contained in the sauce, and this causes the muscles to contract.

15. Empty mollusk shells were found in the Nazca Desert, which, as we know, was previously covered with continuous forest.

16. An unusually interesting mollusk was found in Cuba that emits light signals during irritation. It was discovered by Spanish and Cuban researchers who worked on the island to study the underwater fauna of Macaronesia 2000.

17. Cone mollusks, belonging to the family Conidae, are extremely beautiful and are very often found in collections. But they are very poisonous and are predators by nature. When hunting fish, they harpoon it with a greatly enlarged tooth, through which they inject strong poison into the body of the victim. Some cones are so poisonous that they can even kill a person. This happens when people collect shells from shallow waters or shores.

18. Not only some plants can carry out photosynthesis. The sea slug Elysia chlorotica, which lives only on glucose, obtains it from the chloroplasts of the algae Vaucheria litorea. This mollusk achieves this by assimilating chloroplasts directly into the cells of its digestive tract, and after this process photosynthesis begins: the genome encodes the proteins that the chloroplasts need, and in return it receives synthesized glucose.

19. The sound of the sea in souvenir shellfish shells is the noise of your environment, which resonates with the cavities of the shell. This effect can be achieved without a mollusk shell by placing a bent palm or a mug to your ear.

20. In France and England in the first half of the 19th century, oysters were considered food for the poor who could not afford to buy meat. However, uncontrolled fishing of these mollusks led to a sharp decline in the population of these individuals, and in the second half of the 19th century they became very expensive, becoming a delicacy.

21. Starfish can feed without swallowing food. For example, when encountering a bivalve mollusk, she grabs it and turns the lower stomach outward. This, in turn, penetrates the shell, enveloping the softest parts of the mollusk, and subsequently digests them. The starfish then draws in the resulting solution.

22. An octopus, in order to hide from its enemies, can adapt to the color of the soil or water, changing the texture and color of its skin.

23. Thanks to changes in their shells, mollusks are able to maintain body temperature, preventing it from rising to the lethal threshold of +38 degrees. Moreover, this happens even when the air warms up to +42.

The mollusk is an amazing creature that amazes with its beauty, abundance interesting properties and unusual facts.

© Inga Korneshova especially for the site


IN sea ​​depths Sometimes you can meet incredible creatures that hide at impressive depths and which not everyone manages to meet. Some of the most interesting creatures of the oceans are animals like mollusks.

There are more than 150 thousand species (of known ones), and every year zoologists add new unique species to this list. We invite you to learn about amazing mollusks, some of which were discovered quite recently.

1) Angelfish

We probably wouldn't be surprised if sea angels ended up in the same family of living creatures as mythological sirens. They are called angels, although in fact they are predatory sea snails. This special representative (pictured), which was called Platybrachium antarcticum, “flies” in Antarctic waters, hunting pteropods (another type of snail).

2) Armadillo snails

There is no other snail that is clad in such strong armor. Meet the lepidopus species Crysomallon squamiferum, which was discovered in a hydrothermal vent in Indian Ocean. The multi-layer structure of the shell is similar to skillfully made armor, which seems to be made of synthetic material.

3) Bioluminescent octopus

One of the few eight-legged animals that emit bioluminescence, that is, glow, the octopus species Stauroteuthis syrtensis was discovered at a depth of about a kilometer in the Gulf of Maine. Photophores (luminous organs) are used by the octopus to deceive prey, which swims directly into the predator's mouth.

4) Snail "Flamingo tongue"

This snail species Cyphoma gibbosum got this strange name thanks to its bright spotted color. Painted only soft fabrics this snail, and its shell is one color. She hides in it in case of danger.

5) Hell Vampire

The hellish vampire is a cephalopod that can be found in Monterey Bay off the coast of California, however, if you descend to an impressive depth. Despite the name, this mollusk is not scary at all.

6) Eared octopus

Octopus genus grimpoteuthis found in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge region. These octopuses are sometimes called "eared octopuses" because of their ear-like fins that they move as they move.

7) Nudibranch "Golden Lace"

Resembling a snail without its shell, this nudibranch is famous for its bright and beautiful colors. This is a creature of the species Halgerda terramtuentiss was discovered in the northwestern part of the Hawaiian Islands.

8) Snail from a hydrothermal vent

Another inhabitant of hydrothermal springs, a snail of the species Alviniconcha, was discovered in the area of ​​the Shiyo Seamount near the Tokyo hydrothermal vent. These are the only representatives of the genus that have been discovered.

9) Jeweled Umbrella Squid

This unusual squid species Histioteuthis bonnellii lives at a depth of about 1.5 kilometers or more in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge region. Unfortunately, due to the fact that this creature lives at impressive depths, it has been little studied.

10) Octopus from Lizard Island

Another striking representative of the group of mollusks, the Lizard Island octopus, was recently discovered in the Great Barrier Reef island area off the coast of Australia.

Soft-bodied - this is how the name is translated from Latin - the name of animals that do not have a backbone - mollusks. Soft does not mean defenseless; most of them are protected by shells. There are more than one hundred thousand species of these organisms, and they live in salty and fresh water, on the land. Their meat is consumed by various birds, mammals, fish, and some species (for example, squid, oysters, scallops, mussels, and snails) are included in the cuisine of different peoples of the world, enriching people’s diets with tasty and nutritious protein foods. Mollusks are kept at home as pets, because their behavior is interesting, and they themselves are often very beautiful. There are many interesting facts about mollusks.


The maximum weight of a mollusk caught by a person reached 340 kilograms. This giant was caught near the Japanese island of Okinawa in 1956.

The age of some spineless ones reaches one hundred years. They can live much longer than other marine life. Age can be fairly determined by the rings on the shell; the differences between these rings are formed due to differences in water temperature, its oxygen saturation, diet and other factors. The oldest mollusk caught by humans was more than 400 years old.

The main food of aquatic mollusks is plankton, which they absorb by filtering the water.

In 1947, rapans were brought to the Black Sea from the Sea of ​​Japan on the bottoms of torpedo boats. This predator destroyed a significant part of the populations of mussels, oysters, and scallops. The rapid reproduction of rapana is associated with the absence of natural predators (for example, starfish) that live in their original habitat.

One of the most poisonous species mollusks - nudibranchs, there are more than three thousand species of different sizes - from half a centimeter to 30 centimeters. They are very beautiful, which attracts people who have a desire to pick them up, but after contact, the skin from the hand can peel off from the action of the poison. These marine inhabitants feed on various inhabitants of ocean waters - anemones, algae, and more peaceful types of mollusks. The beautiful color is due to the fact that their body is colored with a dye that enters their body along with food.

Symbol Email@ we call it a dog, and in Korea this sign is called a “happy snail.”

Cuba is home to a mollusk that glows in short bursts when disturbed. This behavior is likely to deter predators.

If you put a shell to your ear, you can hear the sound of the sea. This sound is ambient sounds that resonate with the empty space inside the shell. This sound can be achieved with any hollow object - for example, a mug or a bent palm.

The body of the mollusk largely consists of muscles, so they are very strong relative to their size. A person with the same strength could climb several tens of meters up a vertical ladder with a load of 500 kilograms.


Interesting facts about mollusks - bivalves, there are more than three thousand species.

This type of invertebrate is often used in cooking - they eat scallops, oysters, and mussels.

It is difficult to survive in the world of sedentary mollusks. Oysters can lay about a million eggs per season. But since they are deposited directly into the water, they are eaten by predators, so few survive, and only a few grow to adulthood.

Despite the fact that bivalves move little, in some cases they become active and can move. For example, scallops, by quickly compressing their valves, can create a small reactive force; the created stream of water helps these bivalve mollusks escape from starfish, their main enemies.

The largest mollusk with two valves is the giant tridactna. Its weight can exceed three hundred kilograms, the shell reaches two meters in size. In some countries, such sinks are used as a children's bath. For example, in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, baptismal fonts were made from tridactna doors. The shell can be dangerous for scuba diving enthusiasts - because its doors can pinch a diver’s hand.

Oysters in our time are one of the most “elite” dishes. But in Western Europe, in countries that had access to the sea, for example in France and England, until the half of the 19th century, they were considered food for the poor. Since the population of coastal settlements fully appreciated the taste of these shellfish, their population decreased sharply and they became significantly more expensive by the end of the 19th century, thus becoming a delicacy.


There are more gastropods than other species. They live in water, on land, and climb plants. IN warm seas and oceans we can see snails - prosobranch gastropods - limpets, livebearers, abalone. The sizes and appearance differ, but they have one thing in common - they crawl on their belly, which acts as legs.

Gastropod snails are the most toothed animals in the world - they have about 25 thousand teeth.

The largest mollusk of this type is Syrinx aruanus, the record holder had a shell measuring 80 centimeters, weighing up to 18 kilograms. It lives underwater and breathes through gills.

The record holder among those living on earth is Achatina fulica, its leg reaches up to 40 centimeters in length, weight up to one kilogram.

Pollination of a forest plant called splenium (found in our latitudes) is carried out by snails and slugs.


Interesting facts about cephalopods. These are marine predators (mostly), the most famous representatives being squids and octopuses. Cephalopods They got their name from the fact that the legs seem to grow straight from the head, but it’s as if there was no body.

Octopuses have a rectangular pupil.

An octopus, upon seeing an enemy, can camouflage itself - take on the color of the water or surface on which it is located. It can change not only the color, but also the texture of the skin.

When escaping, octopuses release a colored ink cloud, which should make it difficult to detect and scare away its pursuer.

There is a poisonous beak in the octopus’s mouth, therefore, in combination with powerful suckers, large octopuses pose a danger to divers, especially when you consider that water is the element of the mollusk, and a person in water and especially under water is very vulnerable.

The record holder among mollusks and invertebrates is Architeuthis dux, or giant squid. It can reach 20 meters in length (officially registered maximum length- 18 meters). Its eyes are up to 70 centimeters in diameter. Lives in Pacific Ocean, not far from the coast. The huge squid was first mentioned in historical documents in 1555. But all such facts were considered legends, until in 2007 Japanese scientists proved the existence of these large cephalopods - the researchers managed to take a photograph giant squid. The largest representative of this species is located in one of the UK museums; its length is nine meters.

Octopuses are distinguished by their developed intelligence - they can distinguish geometric figures, can get used to a person. They clean the places where they live - they wash away dirt with a stream of water, and make garbage heaps outside their home from garbage and waste.

The Australian ringed octopus is the smallest representative of cephalopods, about the size of a palm. He is very beautiful - his body is orange and brown, his skin shimmers with blue rings. When he is scared, he begins to glow like phosphorus. But it has a very strong poison, which is released when bitten in such quantities that it can kill about seven people. In addition, the poison is very insidious, since its effect may begin as dizziness, but can end in death. The beak is so strong that it can pierce a crab's shell.
