Belly dancing is beneficial for women. Belly dancing as medicine

The Egyptians say that belly dancing originates from the pharaohs, but historians are more inclined to the version that this dance came to Egypt from India with the gypsies, and from there it spread throughout the world. Currently, there are several large and many small schools of this dance.

The benefits of belly dancing for women's beauty and health

The most popular style of belly dancing in the world is Latin American. Second place on this list is occupied by the oriental style. Oriental dance is an exceptional healing technique that was created specifically for women, and this system is suitable for women of any age. People who professionally practice this type of dance claim that benefits of belly dancing difficult to overestimate. Why is there so much talk about benefits of belly dancing, and whether these conversations have any basis, or whether this is just another advertisement and a way to pump out money, will tell.

Benefits of belly dancing for posture

The benefits of belly dancing colossal, and there are advantages: belly dancing does not require exhausting stress on your body, and also eliminates the risk of damaging ligaments. Systematic dance classes strengthen the muscles and improve the condition internal organs, promote the development of correct posture. Plastic movements easily straighten the spine and help the displaced cartilage return to its place. All muscles and ligaments acquire elasticity and maneuverability, the condition of the skin improves, and the fight against cellulite turns into pleasure. And even the intestines work better after such exercises. The gait becomes light, all movements become smooth, the body becomes flexible and mobile. Confidence in yourself, in your own body, in your own attractiveness is born.

The benefits of belly dancing for women's health

The breasts, which take an extremely active part in the dance, are enlarged, their shape is improved, and the ideal breasts acquire tone. This circumstance is noted by many women involved in oriental dances. Many physiologists argue that this value for women is due to the active movement of various parts of the body, which increases blood circulation and tissue nutrition. Intense activity Hips not only exercise the flat abdominal muscles, but also massage all the pelvic organs, helping to prevent many gynecological and urological problems.

The benefits of belly dancing for pregnant women

Belly dancing may well serve as preparation for an easy birth, even if we are talking about late birth. Some researchers even believe that this dance was originally created for this purpose. Because dancing exercises not only the muscles that we use in Everyday life, as well as the internal pelvic muscles. In oriental dance, all movements of various parts of the body are autonomous, and the muscles that are this moment do not apply, must be relaxed. And muscle tension and relaxation alternately play an extremely significant role in the process of preparing for the onset of labor in special classes, in special sets of exercises. A normal pregnancy is not a contraindication for exercise. The implementation of belly dancing calls for even rhythmic breathing, and breathing control during childbirth is extremely necessary. Therefore, for the successful outcome of childbirth and health expectant mother with a baby it’s just huge!

The benefits of belly dancing and how to learn it

Classes can be attended from one to four times a week - this is at the discretion of the person wishing to study. And this depends on the possible load, intensity of training, as well as on the time that is available in reserve and which can be devoted to training.

Let's take stock of our women's magazine benefits of belly dancing: classes will give a woman not only thin waist, rounded hips, elastic buttocks, toned stomach, but also a graceful gait, sexuality, mystery eastern woman. Along with excess weight, your complexes and bad mood will go away, and studying in a group of like-minded people will help you find new friends. The decision and choice is obvious, all that remains is to find a good teacher and find time to dance. We wish you to enjoy the classes, and that the positivity and obvious benefits of belly dancing become your main motivators in this difficult task!

Belly dancing has long been popular in Eastern countries, but now European women have begun to adopt it. Of course, this is not surprising, since many men, and even women themselves, like it - what could be more bewitching than this dance! It would seem that any dance, not excluding belly dancing, should be very beneficial for the dancer’s health, but it has its “disadvantages”. As it turned out, belly dancing brings not only benefits, but also harm.
If we talk about professional dancers, then the situation with their health is very serious, since chiropractors do not approve of vibrating movements in the spine; they are sure that this kind of hobby, after some years, leads to the development of diseases: intervertebral hernias and osteochondrosis. After all, our spine is not designed by nature for this type of activity and, now, the statistics are such that more than half modern people, even without being dancers, they suffer from spinal diseases. If we go even further, we know from the school course that the human spine is not designed to walk straight (according to Darwin's theory), so it has 2 S-shaped bends to compensate for the impact forces transmitted through the spine to the brain.
Lovers of oriental dance face another unpleasant danger - the development of flat feet, which aggravates the already “shaky” position of the spine with an additional negative load on it.
Another indignant group of doctors (gynecologists) believe that an increase in abdominal muscles can negatively affect a woman’s condition during pregnancy, this is due to difficulty in the growth of the uterus due to strong abdominal muscles. Often, professionals can be sterile. The cause of this phenomenon may be cervical adhesions. Disappointing news for women involved in this type of dancing is the exacerbation of diseases of the genital tract: fibroids, polyps, chronic inflammation, development of cysts, spondylolisthesis and fibroids.

Dancing at a later age, as well as for pregnant women, is not recommended by doctors, as it increases bleeding in women during the menstrual cycle and increases pain.
It is worth noting that all of the above applies to dancers who have been practicing these dances for a large amount of time, in a professional manner, but ordinary lovers of oriental dance should not be afraid, because loads of this nature with a small frequency do not harm, but, on the contrary, carry a greater health benefits. Dancing strengthens muscles, increases their overall tone, increases blood circulation, strengthens the back, improves mood and immunity.

It became known what the benefits of oriental dances are for women. What are the benefits of belly dancing? For most people, this is just an exotic oriental dance, belly dance, very beautiful and erotic.

What are the benefits of belly dancing?

Belly dancing is a complex and, it turns out, very useful technique for a woman’s health: it puts stress on all muscle groups, including those that are not involved in our daily life.

Positive effect on women's health

  • The muscles that are given to a woman for pregnancy and birth are trained. healthy child; internal pelvic muscles.
  • Performing belly dancing requires the ability to relax those muscles that are not involved in the dance. This is the only way a dancer can dance for half an hour, and sometimes longer.
  • For those women who do not yet have children, dance is an excellent preparation for childbirth, and for those who have them, recovery after it.
  • Belly dancing is also suitable for pregnant women. In this case, of course, an individual approach, appropriate loads and consultation with an observing gynecologist are required.
  • According to medical observations, dance actively develops the vestibular apparatus and has a beneficial effect on the ligaments, spine, and cardiovascular system.
  • And since such a dance requires even, rhythmic breathing, this helps reduce stress levels - it’s no secret that rhythmic breathing affects the pleasure centers, releases endorphins, and improves mood.
  • Dance helps a woman to harmonize her intimate life, liberating sexual energy. And this, in turn, affects intimate communication with a loved one.
  • Belly dancing forces the entire body to work to the limit of its capabilities. After a few months of training, you will feel tangible results.

Belly dancing, age and psychology

It’s interesting that today women of completely different ages and sizes are into belly dancing, and this technique helps to remove many women’s complexes.

Thus, women who consider themselves too thin or too plump, carried away by belly dancing, gradually come to understand that the body is a wonderful instrument that must be accepted as it is.

This is an important step towards solving many psychological and emotional problems: dancers learn to accept their body, their “I” and, as a result, to positively perceive the multifaceted and contradictory world around them.

Positive aspects of dancing

Don't think that dancing will only be associated with correcting the shape of your stomach by strengthening your muscles. There are many other positive aspects associated with understanding the mysterious oriental dance:

  • Firstly, your overall well-being will improve.
  • Secondly, you will no longer be tormented by pain in the spine, characteristic of the current “sedentary” time.
  • Thirdly, you will forever forget what salt deposits are.
  • Plus, if you had problems related to gynecology, then they will be solved. Not such a bad start, don't you agree? Not to mention that dancing classes will give your figure the seductive shape of Arab dancers, and you will be in good shape and enjoy life.
  • Belly dancing not only has a beneficial effect on a woman’s physical health, it improves her psychological well-being. This is due to the fact that during the dance all energy centers “work”. A woman begins to feel more confident and believes in her attractiveness, regardless of age and external characteristics.
  • Ultimately, long-awaited harmony comes into your personal and intimate life, and nervousness and tension disappear from relationships with others.

How do oriental dances influence a woman’s soul?

Enchanting oriental music, plastic and soft movements, airy, shining and ringing outfits awaken in a woman her true essence.

And feeling like a true woman removes many complexes, cures diseases and brings Love, Beauty and Harmony into our lives.

A modern woman has to live by male laws, since making money, career, business is a male sphere. And the more successful a woman is, the more the feminine essence suffers, which leads to loneliness, depression, illness and other troubles.

Belly dancing is a wonderful opportunity to reconcile the feminine essence and the rigidity of the modern world...

What does oriental dance give?

If we talk about the everyday level, after 3-6 months of training, your gait changes, it becomes softer and more mysterious, your complexion improves, a sparkle appears in your eyes, men begin to pay attention to you, calmness and confidence in your abilities comes.

And what a queen you can feel at a disco or party! (not to mention how many men’s eyes light up at the sight of oriental dance).

Belly dancing, unlike fitness and bodybuilding, affects primarily the emotional sphere, and then the physiology (body), which is very important for women.

IN modern world It is customary to restrain (suppress) your emotions, deeply hide irritation, anger, and resentment. Negative energy can accumulate in our body, gradually destroying our health and leading to serious illnesses.

Belly dancing helps restore lost health

By immersing yourself in oriental music and dance, you can release negativity and, by protecting yourself from stress, regain lost health.

Moreover, by the stiffness of the body in dance, one can diagnose the accumulation of negativity (hidden psychological problems leading to serious illnesses).

  • Tightness in the thoracic region means problems in relationships with others, a lack of love for oneself and the world, unhealed heart wounds, feelings of anger, resentment and loneliness. Such problems, if not solved, can cause diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, stomach, liver, thoracic spine.
  • The rigidity of the lower body indicates self-suppression sexually, about anger and resentment towards men, this is dissatisfaction and rejection of one’s figure, unfulfilled ambitions in the material sphere. These problems bring diseases female organs, kidneys and exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis.
  • Stiffness of the hands, especially the fingers, may indicate a large accumulation of anger and resentment towards life (suppression of positive life plans and creativity). And anger and resentment can lead to diseases of the joints, cardiovascular system, obesity and smoking.

Of course, oriental dance classes will not solve all the accumulated problems, but this is a great opportunity to see and understand their cause, and then gain strength and make a decision.

Moreover, by acquiring flexibility and plasticity in dance, you acquire flexibility and plasticity in your relationship with the world. And liberation in movement leads to reconciliation with yourself and peace of mind.

On the influence of oriental dances on the physiology of women

  • Firstly, belly dancing has a gentle effect on the body. There is no sudden movements and power load, which helps protect the spine, joints and ligaments from injury (which is important for women, especially after 30 - 35 years). In addition, the technique of oriental dancing is based on toned arms, a straight spine and tension in the back muscles - therefore, during the training, the spine is gently stretched, the back is straightened, which not only corrects posture, but also relieves painful osteochondrosis (cervical, thoracic and lumbar) pain.
  • Secondly, drums play a large role in oriental music - and this is no coincidence. The magical influence of the drum on humans has been used since ancient times in many cultures around the world. On a subconscious level, the rhythmic beats of the drum are calming because they remind us of the beats of the mother’s heart that we heard in the womb.
  • The drums set the rhythm of the heart, which begins to actively pump blood to every organ, every cell. And shaking, performed to the beat of drums, is an excellent vibration exercise that restores lymph and blood supply to the whole body. This is very useful when cardiovascular diseases(varicose veins, atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased intracranial pressure, migraines, hypo- and hypertension).
  • Another feature of oriental dances is the training of the deep muscles of the abdominal press, pelvis and specific female muscles, as a result of which the stagnation of blood and lymph flows is eliminated and all vital functions of all organs “below the belt” are normalized. And this is invaluable in the treatment of female diseases (infertility, premenstrual syndrome, ovarian dysfunction (cycle disorders), painful periods, neoplasms (cysts, fibroids) and various inflammations (endometriosis, adnexitis, salpengitis, ophitis).
  • Restoring blood and lymph flows and vibration exercises also have a beneficial effect on eliminating chronic constipation, treating kidney diseases and frigidity.

Belly dance, lessons

Important: Cancer is a contraindication for belly dancing.

Of course, it is difficult to achieve the results described above in one to two months of classes; regular classes 3-4 times a week are required, with good motivation and an excellent mood. And in 6-12 months, a small miracle may well happen to you and you won’t recognize yourself!

Dance, enjoy Life and Sunlight. Love yourself and be loved!

Currently, Eastern culture has become widespread. Oriental spices, dishes, holidays in exotic countries, and, of course, oriental dances have become popular. Such dances are an unusually attractive, aesthetic spectacle. However, not only the aesthetic side of oriental dancing plays an important role, the benefits of belly dancing have great importance for women’s health, strengthening the body, normalizing the functioning of female organs, and solving many specific problems.

Oriental dancing, in particular belly dancing, increases blood circulation in this area of ​​the woman’s body. A beneficial effect is exerted on the pelvic organs, which often results in inflammation of the appendages, fibroids dissolving, and cysts no longer forming. Women who are having a hard time during their periods notice a relief in pain; they can do without the use of painkillers. To a large number For representatives of the fair sex, it was belly dancing that helped them cope with ovarian dysfunction.

The constant benefits of belly dancing are observed almost from the very first month of regular classes. The condition of the spine changes in better side, especially in women who have experienced any spinal injuries. Literally from the first months of oriental dance classes, women notice changes in complexion, due to the stabilization of the intestines, the work of which has become much more productive.

Oriental dance classes develop flexibility and smooth movements, without which oriental dances are impossible. Much attention is paid in classes proper breathing, allowing to reduce the level of stress that a woman receives in everyday life. These amazing dances are a wonderful prevention of hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis received by most women who deal with computers. Competent, rhythmic breathing during belly dancing effectively affects the pleasure centers female body, a release occurs. Your mood improves and everyday worries go away.

The benefit of belly dancing lies in the formation of correct posture, because it is absolutely known that even the most beautiful clothes will not make a woman attractive without beautiful posture. A few initial lessons in belly dancing allow even a woman who is constantly slouched to open up. The result of this will be a reduction in pain in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar regions. Regular headaches will stop, joints will become stronger, pectoral muscles, which will allow you to maintain an attractive breast shape for many years. In addition, it should be noted that belly dancing is a significant exercise stress. The particular value of such classes lies in the training process of the muscles of the female body, necessary for the normalization of reproductive function, which is not involved in everyday life.

There are consistent benefits of belly dancing for expectant mothers. Naturally, an individual approach and mandatory consultation with a gynecologist during this period are necessary. But if there is no pathology, then belly dancing classes are allowed until the middle of the entire period of a successful pregnancy. For expectant mothers, belly dancing is the ability to relax deep muscles to reduce painful spasms during childbirth, training the muscles of the perineum to prevent ruptures during childbirth. Belly dancing is a wonderful workout for leg veins and prevents varicose veins. The back muscles are also trained, which experience greater strain as the size of a pregnant woman’s belly increases.

The benefits of belly dancing include increasing the self-esteem of many naturally shy women. Visual appeal appears only after an internal understanding of one’s own beauty. Uniqueness female body is emphasized by performing the basic elements of a unique belly dance. With the inevitable increase in a woman’s self-esteem, her behavior in everyday life changes radically, she becomes more relaxed, graceful, and interesting to the people around her.

This popular dance style allows you to reveal your femininity without having to have a flat stomach. Love your body, improve it to the rhythm of oriental dance!
