Exercises for the pectoral muscles without iron. Workouts without iron at home

Not everyone can boast of steel joints, but this is not a reason to give up the vainglorious dream of pumping up, if not hefty “cans,” then quite noticeable biceps.

You yourself can come up with different variations of exercises with different muscle groups. But first, learn 10 basic ones, once you have mastered them you will understand what’s what and how you can develop them yourself:

1. Raise your arms and bring your palms together at chest level. Then try your best to bring your hands together for 5 seconds. And rest for exactly the same amount of time. Do five such cycles: tension-relaxation. Gradually increase the duration of muscle tension, bringing the time to 10-15 seconds.

2. Stand with your back close to the wall, extend your arms straight along your body. Without bending your elbows, press them against the wall for the same 5 seconds. Do five cycles, as in the first exercise.

3. This exercise will strengthen your thigh muscles, which can relieve stress on your knees. Sit on the floor and bend one leg at the knee. Tighten the thigh muscles of your straightened leg while slowly counting to six. Relax and repeat the cycle. Then do the same with the other leg, gradually increasing the duration of the tension to 10-15 seconds.

4. Stand straight, legs slightly bent at the knees, shoulder-width apart. Shift your weight to one leg and hold the tension until you feel pain in the muscles. Then repeat with the other leg.

5. Sitting on a chair in front of the table, straighten your arms in front of you. Place them on the table and try to press them in there with all your might. Do 5-second tension-relaxation cycles five times per session. The load can be gradually increased to 10-15 seconds of tension.

6. Stretch your arms straight in front of you with your fingers spread, turn your palms towards each other and press with one hand on the other. Do this exercise in cycles - like the others.

7. Interlace your fingers below the back of your head and try to push your neck forward with your hands while resisting the pressure from your neck muscles. Do this exercise in 5-6 second cycles five times.

8. Stand facing the wall, place your feet well on the floor and try to “move” the wall with your arm muscles.

9. While sitting on a chair, grab the seat and try to lift yourself up.

10. Sitting on a chair, extend your legs straight forward. Place one leg on top of the other and try to simultaneously lift the upper one and lower the lower one.

Important little things

During each exercise, mentally concentrate on the muscle group you are working. Try your best and give it your all. But increase the load gradually. Remember that it is better to strain hard for 5 seconds than to work half-heartedly for 15 seconds. And also

Training with your body can replace training with iron and on machines, especially in the first three years of strength training, without losing the rate of muscle growth, especially in the upper shoulder girdle.

An example of training the lats, biceps, rear deltoids and forearms:

Chest workout

Do you think you need to bench press to train your chest? For many, push-ups, and even more so, dips, do not allow you to go beyond the repetitions in which muscles effectively grow.

Muscles grow over a wide range of repetitions. If the approach lasts less than one minute, it is effective time strength load, then you can perfectly grow your breasts.

The effective repetition time is 2-3 seconds. In a minute you can do 20-30 push-ups cleanly at a fairly slow pace. Can you do 5 of these sets and get them done in 10 minutes? No? Why do you need iron and exercise equipment for training then?

Do simple push-ups and build up your chest muscles.

To the treasury of knowledge:

Lat training

You don't need a barbell or block to train your lats. Pull-ups are quite enough, especially if you do not do 20-30 repetitions in a working approach. But we already figured that out with push-ups. After all, pull-ups are twice as hard to do as push-ups.

For the widest pull-ups, this is enough for those who already consider themselves pros.

Delt training

Of course, deltoids are great for training with push-ups and pull-ups. But if your deltoids are lagging behind for some reason and you really want to shift the load to them, then you don’t need standing presses with a barbell or dumbbells. You can perfectly load your shoulders with handstand push-ups. I’m not even talking about twenty repetitions in a working approach.

Biceps workout

Biceps work great in any type of pull-up with good amplitude, when the angle at the elbow is as sharp as possible in the upper position. But if you want to shift the load specifically to the biceps, then this can be done without iron and exercise equipment.

If you do a pull-up with your knees bent and your heels behind your back, the load falls on your lats. If you pull your palms towards you and bend your knees in front of you or generally hold a corner, then the load falls on the biceps.

Abs workout

You probably already know that the abs, even in the gym, are trained by leg lifts and body lifts without iron. Therefore, I will not describe in detail the possibility of training the abs without iron and exercise equipment.

To the treasury of knowledge:

Simple conclusions:

If you don’t see any noticeable imbalances in your body composition, then you can safely do a simple workout:

Push-ups: 25 sets per week
Pull-ups: 25 sets per week
Pistol: 25 sets per week
Running: 10 km per week

If you see a distortion in some muscle, then shift the load in push-ups or pull-ups as described above.

If you are a supporter of hassle-free training without hardware and machines, then be my friend

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I would like to discuss such an important topic for many as training at home for men without iron. After all, many of you, probably, due to your busy work schedule, simply don’t have time to go to the gym.

And for some, it’s even more convenient to train early in the morning, before work, when any “gym” is still closed. And if at the same time you think that home training is a waste of time, then this is not at all true.

A well-constructed program will allow you to significantly transform your figure, even without exercise equipment and dumbbells - of course, if you pay due attention to proper nutrition.

The most interesting articles for your training:

Training at home: where to start

First of all, I recommend studying at the same time in order to develop some kind of systematicity - this creates discipline. You will need 2-3 such workouts per week - the rest of the time the muscles will recover, and this is one of the conditions for their growth.

Considering that we train without weights, each exercise should be performed maximum amount once for 3-4 repetitions. You should feel a burning sensation in the muscles being trained.

An ordinary jump rope will suit you as a warm-up exercise machine - just jumping on it for a minute or two at a fast pace to prepare your body for exercise.

Pectoral muscle training

When it comes to “pumping” the chest muscles, the best option would be push-ups. You can start with regular push-ups with your arms wide. In the future, you can complicate the task by putting something heavy on your back - you can, for example, put on a heavy backpack.

More difficult option are one-arm push-ups. In this option, to maintain balance, the legs are placed wide apart - then you will avoid falling.

There are many different types of push-ups - you can find many videos on the Internet where, thanks to different hand placements, you can complicate this simple exercise.

Back muscle training

Of course, it is best to train your back with pull-ups - if there is a horizontal bar near your house (and some people have one at home), then best option can not found. But you can do without it.

A heavy backpack will help you, which you will use as a “weight.” Take it in your hands, place your feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward with your body, keeping your back straight and arched in your lower back. From this position, pull the backpack towards your stomach, your elbows pointing straight back and not to the sides.

Basic leg exercises are squats and lunges. Squats can be either with the classic position of the legs (shoulder-width apart), or with narrow or wide ones. By changing your position, you engage different muscles, which will allow you to better work your legs. Again, you can use a backpack as a “weight.”

The most effective options Exercises that involve the buttocks and the back of the thigh are lunges. To perform this exercise correctly, you need to take a wide step forward with one leg and sit down, bending your knees. The knee of the front leg should be at an angle of 90%, and in no case should it “go” forward. Abs workout

Beautifully defined abs are the goal of almost every man who comes to the gym. But you can achieve the desired “abs” by training at home, because there are many options for working it out without iron.

Below I will give a few exercises that even a beginner can do. For a better understanding, you can find examples with pictures or videos to eliminate errors:

Nutrient nuances for home workouts

Proper nutrition is what successful training, including home training, is based on. If you decide to take training seriously, you should radically reconsider your diet.

First of all, remove the products from it instant cooking and fast food - if, of course, you were previously into this kind of thing. It is also undesirable to use fried foods, give preference to boiled or baked.

If you are training to lose weight, then it is important to exclude fast carbohydrates from your diet - sweets, baked goods. What you eat should consist of slow carbohydrates (any type of cereal, except semolina), as well as proteins (meat, legumes, mushrooms, dairy products). Trying to eat less carbohydrates in general is a common mistake, because they are the source of our energy for training.

Your diet should be structured so that you have about 5 meals - but don’t overeat. It is better to eat carbohydrates in the first half of the day - before 15.00, but protein foods - in the second. The ideal “snack” before bed would be regular cottage cheese.

If your goal is to gain weight, then protein foods must be included in every meal. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a gainer, which will give the body a large number of calories and protein needed for muscle growth.

Otherwise, the principle of nutrition is the same as for those who are losing weight - a balance of proteins and carbohydrates, frequent meals. The only thing is that you can afford to eat more high-calorie foods.

Salute to all lovers healthy image life. Today we once again turn to the question of how to swing properly at home. To begin with, I will try to refute the myth that it is unrealistic to pump up at home, you must definitely go to the gym and take all sorts of supplements. And there are two points of view. All gym goers talk about the uselessness of home workouts, and they are right.

After all, in order for muscles to constantly grow, they must constantly experience “stress.” You should regularly increase the load by increasing the weight of the barbell, thereby preventing the muscles from getting used to the load. They, the muscles, in turn, will respond with growth, provided that you eat right.

But visitors to the gym have their own goals: they want to become huge, compete in some bodybuilding competition, and, of course, training at home is not suitable for them.

Now let's look at pumping up muscles at home from the perspective of a common man in the street, a person who just wants to have a trained body. He doesn’t need huge, 56-centimeter biceps, breasts bigger than his girlfriend’s, no, he doesn’t need all that. He needs a beautiful, athletic physique, having which he can safely go to the beach in the summer and show off his sculpted abs and defined chest. For such people, training at home is the easiest and most affordable way.

How to pump muscles at home correctly

So, how to build muscles at home. This is a fairly simple matter, but you need to be patient and stock up on willpower. First, you need to understand simple rules, without compliance with which, your training will not only not bring you results in the form of a sports figure, but will be completely useless.

1. Rule number – proper nutrition. Proper nutrition for muscle growth this is 85% of your success. Without good nutrition, all your efforts will be in vain. And by eating well, I don’t mean that you need to start eating like an elephant everything that comes to hand. By good nutrition I mean the following:

  • you definitely need to increase your consumption of protein foods (meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese), if for an ordinary person the protein consumption rate is 0.5 grams per kilogram of weight, then you need to eat 1.5 proteins per kilogram of weight;
  • It is very important to reduce your carbohydrate intake, we need carbohydrates to maintain our vital functions and for the energy we need during training. Therefore, we reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, especially fast ones (sugar, bread, buns). We eat slow carbohydrates (oatmeal, buckwheat, pasta) and only in the first half of the day. Your dinner should consist entirely of protein foods, plus some vegetables or fruits.

2. We talked about nutrition, now let's move on to training. Since our muscles will not receive serious load, in the form of heavy dumbbells and barbells, we will expose our muscles to other stresses. We will use circuit training and cardio exercises. Cardio training will not only help you “pump up” your endurance, but it will also help you get rid of excess weight. With the help of circuit training, which consists of only seven exercises, we will pump up the whole body, four times a week.

Circuit training at home

How to swing correctly at home We've already told you, now it's time to show. Here are seven exercises with which you will pump your entire body, four times a week. First, review all the exercises, and then we will write out a program for you from them.


You probably did pull-ups at school. Let's remember. This will be the first exercise.

Do 10 pull-ups and immediately move on to the next exercise.

Explosive push-ups

These are the same push-ups you do. But the moment you lower yourself, you need to push yourself up as much as possible so that your palms come off the floor.

Do 8 explosive push-ups, and without rest, immediately move on to the next exercise.

Single leg squats

Look at the picture below, squat exactly the same way. Place your right leg on the chair, and move your left leg forward slightly. Squat down and get back up.

We squat 8 times on each leg.

Reverse grip pull-ups

Pull-ups again, this time to pump up the biceps. While performing the exercise, try to feel their work.

Do 12 repetitions and run to another exercise.

Hand push-ups against a wall

Stand on your hands, head down. Place your feet against the wall. Slowly lower yourself down and also come back up.

Do at least 5 reps.

Push-ups on chairs

Take two chairs (prepare them in advance). Throw your legs over one, and rest your hands on the second. Do push-ups, feel your triceps working? Amazing.

Do 12 push-ups and move on to the last exercise.

Hanging Leg Raise

Hang on the horizontal bar and raise your legs as high as possible. Take your time, don't swing, do controlled lifts and feel the work of your abs.

Do 12 lifts.

Congratulations, you have completed the first circuit of 7 exercises, now rest for a couple of minutes and repeat the circuit again. Do at least 4 laps. If you don’t have a horizontal bar at home, then you can go to the nearest sports ground and train there.

Home workout program

As I promised, here is a detailed circuit training program. You will have to train 4 times a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. On rest days, I recommend stretching or going for a light jog. Each week, try to increase the number of circles or repetitions of the exercises. Choose for yourself.

I hope you enjoy the exercises and enjoy the program. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.


Hello reader! I feel like someone has wandered onto this page and this site again in search of miraculous ways to increase muscle size. Understand. Everyone wants it It's easy to get a fish out of a pond or sit on a Christmas tree without getting a thrill in the butt. What can we do, our body can be extremely lazy, it doesn’t want to spend precious energy right and left. Moreover, not everyone is ready to spend their energy on hard training with iron in the gym. But every normal young man without developmental or mental disabilities wants to pump up (pump up, get in order), unless, of course, he has already done this. Our subconscious feels that developed muscles with a small percentage of subcutaneous fat gives in our lives certain advantages. You can read more about these benefits by going to the page entitled What do big muscles give?

But let's get back to our main topic? Is it possible to pump up without iron? Of course you can! For example, if you have a reliable plastic barbell with heavy plastic plates in your arsenal, then you will not need iron and iron shells. Or how about making your own wooden dumbbells? Wood is an even more suitable material for creating power projectiles, because it will be much heavier than plastic. Use plutonium at least, but you must provide your muscles with such a strength load that you will experience positive failure in the range of 6-12 repetitions in any of the exercises.

Yes, it was a slight irony, but not without meaning. Iron and iron power projectiles are used precisely because ease of use– they are heavy and easy to handle. The barbell is an ideal piece of equipment for pumping up any muscle group. With its help you can load as conveniently and heavily as possible. target muscle groups in basic and even isolation movements. Can a horizontal bar, parallel bars and other devices for working with your own weight boast of this? I doubt. No, of course, the horizontal bar and parallel bars are some of the best strength equipment for muscle growth, but they are not enough to pump up the muscles decently and proportionately.

The horizontal bar allows you to work out the muscles of the back and biceps in pulling movements; parallel bars in pressing movements can give a good load to the lower pectorals, triceps and anterior deltoids. And if you also use weights that will help you get into the desired range for positive refusal– 6-12 repetitions, then our favorite yard equipment will not be worth the price. But for some reason, only a few use additional weight when working on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, or during regular push-ups. I consider this the main mistake of all street bodybuilders. Trying to pump up without doing main principle natural bodybuildingload progression, quite stupid and irrational.

By the way, it was in vain that I separated the horizontal bar and bars separately from Kachkov’s term “iron”, because I have never seen plastic bars before :) Horizontal bars are the same iron devices, like a barbell or dumbbells, it’s just that when working on such equipment, it’s not the weight of the projectile that is used as a weight, but your own body weight + additional. burdens. Any self-respecting gym always has devices for working with its own weight.

The most famous iron: barbell, dumbbells and bars are the best equipment for complete and targeted stress muscle fibers, the production of native anabolic hormones and, as a result, muscle growth. You cannot replace heavy strength training with either miraculous pharmacology, or weakly effective sports nutrition, or anything else.

Well, is it possible to get pumped up by doing another sport, such as running or swimming? To answer this question, you need to understand what type of physical activity promotes muscle development. No one has yet doubted what exactly anaerobic exercise lead to the desired muscle hypertrophy. They are called anaerobic because when performing such exercises in a forceful manner, they use anaerobic (oxygen-free) method of energy supply muscle activity due to the breakdown of creatine phosphate and glycogen. This method of energy supply is possible only for a short time, in contrast to the aerobic (oxygen) method, which is used by the body for long periods of time. physical activity such as long-distance running.

In this article, I see no point in going into a deep theory of these processes; what is important for us is a simple fact - with short power loads, muscle strength and strength performance are trained, but with increasing time the muscles are under load, the emphasis increasingly shifts to the development of muscle endurance. Muscle growth is associated precisely with an increase in the strength performance of these same muscles, which is what we are suitable for strength exercises with iron. It is almost impossible to increase muscle volume with aerobic exercise, such as running or swimming, and the longer the distance, the lower the chances of even the slightest hypertrophy. To make sure of this, just compare appearance professional sprinters and marathon runners. The former can often safely enter the bodybuilding stage, while the latter simply want to be fed. This is partly due to the fact that the time under load for a sprinter and a bodybuilder is quite similar - ranging from 10 to 20 seconds, and it is the fast muscle fibers that come into play.

So, guys, without hardware there will be no freebies. Your choice is to purchase a subscription to a normal gym, or organize your own home gym. And may there be plenty for you, friends!
