The corset is lumbosacral semi-rigid with the omission of the kidneys. Lumbosacral semi-rigid corsets

A bandage when lowering the kidneys is often used as a conservative treatment. This method is especially effective in the early stages of the development of the disease. The decision on whether to wear a corset or not is made by the attending physician, based on the patient's well-being and the results of the analysis.

What is a bandage used for?

A bandage is a special belt, a corset used for various types of diseases, including nephroptosis.

This disease is characterized by prolapse of the kidneys (nephroptosis), and the corset is designed to maintain the body in the optimal position. It is provided by a tight fit of the thing to the body. Usually such things are made of cotton so that the bandage is comfortable when worn.

The versatility of this product lies in the fact that it can be used by people with different figures, both slim and full, because there are special sticky pads in the bandage area designed to for secure fixation of the product.

There is an opinion among doctors that wearing a renal corset can harm the muscles if not carried out. extra classes physiotherapy exercises that strengthen muscles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of wearing a brace the following factors are considered:

  • it is invisible under clothes;
  • the bandage can be worn both on the naked body and on the underwear area;
  • it does not hinder movement when walking.

Often such things are released to match the color of the body, so that they do not stand out from under white clothes.

It is important to note that the corset is able to limit the movement of a person only in the situation when he is trying to make some kind of sharp jerk.

This is justified by the fact that when the kidney is lowered, many people

Along with the positive properties when wearing a medical belt, it also has a number of contraindications.

Such contraindications should not be neglected, otherwise the body may experience additional types pathological processes. First of all, belt forbidden in the following cases:

  • If there are wounds or cuts in the lumbar region.
  • With excessive displacement of the body from its past anatomical location.
  • In this case, fixing the kidney in a certain position will not only harm the person using the belt, but also lead to unnecessary pain.

    With a timely appeal to a urologist or a specialist in the field of nephrology, another treatment will be prescribed to restore the organ.

  • With severe pain in the kidney area.
  • In this case, the bandage is not only unable to provide effective assistance, but can cause additional discomfort. Therefore, in such a case, it is recommended to look for the cause of the pain together with a specialist, and then eliminate it.

How to choose it when buying?

Modern manufacturers are ready to offer the choice of the patient different kinds fixing belts, differing in size, fastening methods and the material from which they are made.

In order for the product to be tightly fixed on the back (as in the photo) and at the same time not cause discomfort to its owner while wearing, you should pay attention to the bandages made in the form of a corset.

When trying on, it is important to decide on the suggested size. There is no need to be shy about refusing to buy a product if it feels like it does not fit correctly or presses. Health should always come first, especially when it comes to the scaffolding to support the kidney.

If, in addition to the descent of the kidney, the patient has inflammatory process, then for such cases there are special belts made of natural wool. They provide reliable heating of the inflamed area of ​​the kidneys. Such products are recommended to be worn in winter and summer seasons.

You need to wear it all year round, even in the case when the inflammatory process has receded, and remission has come.

In any case, the final decision on the parameters necessary to comply with the purchase remains with the medical specialist, who bases his choice on the patient's well-being and the results of the studies.

How to use?

Many people mistakenly believe that after wearing a corset for several months, the situation can improve significantly, so these are only temporary inconveniences.

In fact, in order for the bandage to be useful, it must be used daily for one year.

Therefore, it is important to take responsibility for the selection of a corset, namely its material and quality. Then it will not create inconvenience when using.

(Image is clickable, click to enlarge)

Some patients also mistakenly believe that the bandage will be an uncomfortable thing under clothing, especially since muscles will be stiff in one position. This is a misconception, because modern manufacturers have developed models that meet high quality standards. This applies not only to fastenings, but also to the material from which the treatment belt is designed.

In order not to harm your health, you need a corset fit correctly on the back. To do this, follow the following sequence of actions. First you need to take a horizontal position, and fix the bandage on a deep exhale. It is attached with special adhesive tapes.

Since wearing a corset is allowed in two versions: over clothes and on a naked body, nevertheless, in order to avoid a possible allergic reaction it is better to use the second option.

If during the period of wearing a bandage the body experiences stress, for example, from exercise therapy, that is physiotherapy exercises, Then it is recommended to perform while wearing a corset. It will protect the body from possible damage.

It is important to visit a medical specialist at regular intervals. This is necessary in order for him to monitor the progress of the treatment of the lowered kidney, and to be able to correct the bandage in time.

Often people wear the treatment belt incorrectly, after which the kidney takes the wrong anatomical position. In rare cases, when nephroptosis develops and treatment does not help, the doctor decides about the surgical intervention into the patient's body.

Omissions of the kidneys, the consequences and the use of a bandage to improve the condition of the body:

Back pain;

In the process of rehabilitation after operations on the lumbar, injuries, uncomplicated fractures, and so on;

Radiculitis, spondylosis;

Osteochondrosis, osteoporosis;

Vertebral hernias;

For preventive purposes, to improve the kidneys, urinary tract, abdominal muscles (only for certain models: for example, a corset with a warming effect);

For prevention: especially for people whose work and other activities are associated with a long stay in a sitting position (office workers), as well as with heavy loads on the lumbosacral region (athletes, loaders, drivers, and others).

As contraindications, one can note the prohibition of the attending physician on the use of corset designs and allergies to certain components of the corset (which is extremely rare, due to the natural composition of modern corsets). You should also refrain from using a corset if you have skin diseases during their exacerbation, which are accompanied by itching. In other cases, the use of modern corsets is mainly indicated for use, due to their excellent therapeutic properties.

Of course, if your treating specialist has already recommended a certain type of corset, justifying its use. And you know exactly what you need, you can immediately proceed to the next important step.

Choosing the Right Corset for Your Lower Back?

In our Online store in stock and under the order is presented the richest assortment of high-quality lumbar corsets from leading manufacturers. Therefore, you can be absolutely calm about the quality characteristics and guarantees. But there is one more important feature your future corset, which you need to pay close attention to, is the model of the product. Your comfort and the speed of the recovery process depend on it. For example, corrective corsets are mainly used if it is necessary to correct posture or spinal defects. Fixation models are in great demand among patients in the postoperative and post-traumatic period. But the most popular today are models for preventive purposes, since their use is shown to almost everyone who cares about their health.

Another important point: the rigidity of the lumbar corset. The main types are elastic, rigid and semi-rigid corsets. Naturally, do not forget about the size (in terms of waist, lumbar circumference), the degree of tightening, as well as the materials from which the model is made. You can determine the ideal option after consulting your doctor, as well as the specialists of our online store. We will help you find the best lumbar corset at the best price!

And before making the final choice, it would be useful to get acquainted with the unique properties of modern lumbar corsets:

Concentration on a certain zone (lumbosacral), which greatly enhances their effectiveness;

Eco-friendly and safe "breathable" materials that are used in the process of creating the latest corset structures;

Maximum comfort during wearing, thanks to ergonomic shapes and convenient fasteners (most often with Velcro);

Ease of use and maintenance;

Warming effect (products of certain models);

Reliable support and protection of the spine, which is especially important for owners of weakened back muscles.

Reduction of pain syndrome, removal of muscle spasms, general improvement in the patient's well-being.

This corset is made in the form of a wide elastic belt made of hypoallergenic material. Its main task is to securely fix the lumbosacral spine. It is equipped with stiffeners, which are made of metal or durable plastic. With the right selection, an orthopedic bandage tightly covers the desired area of ​​​​the body and helps to solve a number of important tasks:

  • relieves stress on the spine;
  • maintains it in a stable state by reducing mobility in the lumbosacral region;
  • fixes the vertebrae in the correct position with a low level of muscle tone;
  • eliminates deformities in the desired part of the spine;
  • reduces pain syndrome.

The corset is suitable as a means of recovery after injuries and fractures, and is used for complex therapy for serious diseases.

Types of lumbosacral orthopedic corsets

Orthopedic products for the lumbosacral region, or orthoses, are distinguished by the degree of fixation: rigid and semi-rigid.

The lumbosacral corset of strong fixation (hard) ensures complete immobility in the indicated section of the spine, while the semi-rigid one only restricts movement. The degree of impact is regulated by stiffeners and elastic straps.

Why is a semi-rigid corset for the lumbosacral spine good?

It allows you to maintain mobility, which is especially valuable for most people who want to take care of themselves. At the same time, the bandage quite reliably holds the spine in the desired position, reducing the load on it, reduces pain, relieves muscle spasm.

Indications for use

  • osteochondrosis
  • radiculitis
  • scoliosis
  • spondylolisthesis
  • protrusions
  • herniated discs
  • displacement of the vertebrae
  • injuries and fractures of the lumbar spine
  • postoperative period

The use of a corset for intervertebral hernia

A good remedy for such a disease is the use of a corset - both for prevention and for the therapeutic effect, in particular, to ensure the fixation of the vertebrae during an exacerbation of the disease or for recovery after surgery.

Often, with an intervertebral hernia, a specialist prescribes wearing a semi-rigid version of the II degree. Such an orthosis limits the range of movements that provoke pain, reliably supports the spine, prevents overworking of the back muscles, and has the effect of micromassage. The patient's well-being improves significantly and the process of treating the disease is accelerated.

Rules for the selection and use of corsets for the lumbosacral region

  1. is selected individually according to the appointment of a surgeon, orthopedist or therapist. When choosing a size, the circumference of the waist and hips is taken into account.
  2. Particular attention is paid to the correct tightening: weak fixation will not allow to achieve a healing effect, too strong can be harmful.
  3. Properly worn bandage tightly wraps around the lower back and upper thighs.
  4. Wearing time should not exceed 8 hours a day.
  5. The corset is not recommended to be worn on the naked body to avoid rubbing the skin.

Orthopedic corsets should be washed by hand, dried unfolded, away from central heating radiators, heaters and other heating devices.

Where to buy a lumbosacral semi-rigid corset

Orthoses, including lumbar and sacral corsets, are quite adequately presented on Russian market. They can be purchased at pharmacies, specialized clinics and centers.

If you need to buy a corset lumbar- sacral semi-rigid cheap in Moscow, you should pay attention to online stores, with their large selection and loyal prices.

Orthopedic lumbar corset in "Ortoped Shop" is different affordable price: on average, it is 2000-2500 rubles.

In addition, in our company you can purchase a lumbosacral corset with delivery, saving not only your money, but also your strength.

Orthix specialists divide PC corsets into 4 main categories: light fixation bandages, semi-rigid fixation corsets, rigid fixation corsets, variable fixation corsets.

Light fixation bandages- consist of self-modeling plastic stiffeners (that is, the ribs themselves adjust to the anatomical curves of the spine) and do not have additional ties.

There are two types - normal and high. In a high bandage, the lower thoracic spine is additionally captured.

Action: normalizes muscle tone, forms the correct position of the spine, reduces pain.

Indications: mild pain syndrome in the lumbar region and lower thoracic spine, initial manifestations of osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis of the lower back and lower thoracic region. You can buy this corset on your own, without the advice of a doctor.

How to choose: You need to measure your waist circumference. In each product card on our website you will find a table of sizes and you will be able to choose a corset according to your measurements.

Semi-rigid corsets- consist of self-modeled stiffeners (that is, the ribs themselves adjust to the anatomical curves of the spine), and, unlike light fixation bandages, they have additional ties for stronger fixation and stabilization of the spine. The number of ribs (4-8 pieces) depends on the size. It is divided into 2 types: normal and high. In a high bandage, the lower thoracic spine is additionally captured.

Action: unloads the spine and compensates for the lack of support. Limits mobility, preventing further displacement of the vertebrae. Relaxes muscles, normalizes blood circulation, relieves pain.

Indications: moderate manifestations of osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, protrusion of intervertebral discs in the lumbar region and lower thoracic spine. Before buying, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

How to choose the size: measure the circumference, 2 cm above the ilium. In each product card on our website you will find a table of sizes and you will be able to choose a corset according to your measurements.

Rigid fixation corsets- are a canvas with 4 metal ribs, which, unlike semi-rigid and light fixation corsets, require modeling. Also, additional ties have been added to the design to adjust the degree of compression and a snug fit of the orthosis to the body. It has a 3-point attachment on the front. In rigid fixation corsets, the anatomy of the cut plays an important role, because in case of severe injuries, the corset takes on a supporting function.

Action: compensates for the lack of support. Reduces mobility and prevents further displacement of the vertebrae. Removes pain. Increases intrathoracic pressure and stabilizes the spinal column.

Indications: severe pain syndrome, severe manifestations of osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, protrusions and hernias, osteoporosis, mild and moderate spondylolisthesis, spondylosis, osteoarthritis, hernias, spondylolisthesis, rehabilitation after injuries and operations, lumbalgia, osteochondropathy, osteoporosis. Wearing a corset is prescribed only by a doctor.

How to choose the size: Measure your waist. In each product card on our website you will find a table of sizes and you will be able to choose a corset according to your measurements.

Variable fixation corsets- This is a prefabricated corset that combines a light, semi-rigid and rigid degree of fixation. The corset is a canvas, which includes a plate in the lumbar region and replaceable stiffening ribs. Ribs allow you to adjust the degree of stabilization in accordance with the stage of treatment.

Corsets are fitted, which are suitable for women, and straight cut, which are suitable for men. Due to the different cut, a tighter fit to the body is achieved, which enhances the therapeutic effect.

Action: supports the abdominal muscles and at the same time activates them - the muscles remain functionally active, but the angle of the pelvis decreases forward. Eliminates muscle spasm. Corrects lumbar hyperlordosis.

Indications: recovery after injuries and operations, protrusions and hernias, the initial stage of spondylolisthesis and spondylolysis lumbago osteochondrosis spondylarthrosis sacroiliac joint syndrome impaired muscle tone that supports the body in an upright position. It is purchased only on prescription.

How to choose the size: For men, the circumference of the waist is measured, and for women, the circumference of the hips. In each product card on our website you will find a table of sizes and you will be able to choose a corset according to your measurements.

One of the most common variable stiffness corsets is Medi Lumbamed Disc.

Please note that the Lumbamed Disc corset set contains ribs for rigid fixation. A set of ribs for semi-rigid fixation must be purchased separately. A light degree of fixation can be achieved by removing all stiffeners.


Clima Comfort fabric will allow you to use the product for a long time and comfortably
- Comfort Zone - a special knitting technology ensures tight contact of the product with the body without excessive pressure on the skin, incl. due to ergonomic design in the area of ​​skin folds.
- Easy to lock into position with hand loops.
- The corset is divided into men's and female models resulting in a tighter fit.

Features of products with a higher cost (for example, Ottobock):

♦ Anatomical cut.
It is the cut that ensures a snug fit of the orthosis to the body. The smaller the space between the corset and the body, the better the healing effect.

♦ Use of modern materials.
Innovative fabric increases the service life of the product up to 5-6 years. Products do not stretch and are well fixed on the body even after 5 years of use.

♦ Breathable materials.
In such orthoses it is not hot, which allows you to wear the product long time. It is difficult to stay in dense tissues for more than 1 hour, especially in summer period and in a warm room.

♦ High-quality processing of edges.
It will protect your skin from scuffs, while improperly processed products will rub and press, you simply cannot wear such a corset.

♦ Thin materials
The fabric of the corset is not visible under clothing, which will allow you to wear the product along with your favorite things.

♦ Micro velcro closure.
Does not spoil clothes and keeps "sticky" properties throughout all term of operation.

♦ Impregnation with silver ions.
Provides an antimicrobial effect and eliminates the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

You can buy a thoracolumbar corset for any purpose (for fixation or correction) in the network of our orthopedic salons and in the online store. To clarify this or that information, please contact our specialists by phone 8-800-777-05-48.
