Diet for skin diseases table. Features of nutrition in certain skin diseases

The basic rule in the treatment of any pathologies - A complex approach. Diet at skin diseases considered one of the methods of therapy and prevention, it helps to prevent the development of the process, and sometimes completely cures the disease.

Most experts argue that the use of a diet for skin diseases helps not only reduce the manifestation of the disease, but also strengthen the patient's immunity. As a rule, in case of skin diseases, doctors advise adherence to a hypoallergenic diet. Its essence lies in the fact that the main place in the diet is given to low-allergenic products that do not contain flavors and dyes. It should be noted that the diet for skin diseases for each patient is selected individually, depending on the type of disease. This should be done by a nutritionist with whom a person is registered, but the basic principles diet food the patient must know.

First of all, a person suffering from skin diseases should study the information about which foods are highly allergenic in order to completely exclude them from their menu. This is due to the fact that such products increase the level of cell sensitivity and stimulate the occurrence of allergic reactions. TO this species include: any seafood, chicken eggs, goat and cow milk, all bee products, coffee, smoked meats, chocolate, mushrooms, spices, alcohol-containing products. All of the above is recommended to be completely excluded from the patient's diet, at least until tests are carried out, due to which an allergen that affects the condition of the skin is revealed.

Due to the fact that the patient just refuses to use highly allergenic products, the manifestations of the disease will noticeably decrease: the swelling will decrease, the rash will begin to go away, the constant itching will stop tormenting, and this will happen as much as possible. short term.

Low-allergenic foods should form the basis of the patient's diet. This type includes fermented milk products, lean boiled meat, greens, turnips, cabbage, dried fruits, non-carbonated mineral water, kidneys, liver.

Food preparation also needs to be given attention. Most dishes for skin diseases are recommended to be cooked in boiled form with a minimum addition of salt, and preferably without it at all. When preparing meat or fish broth, it is recommended to drain the first or second water. The duration of boiling eggs (if it is not possible to limit their use) should be 40-50 minutes. The temperature of the dishes should be in the range of 15-60 degrees Celsius, that is, eating hot or cold food is unacceptable.

If the patient, due to skin diseases, was prescribed a diet, then in addition, it is advisable for him to keep a so-called food diary, which will indicate the day of the week, the dish consumed, what ingredients it consists of, how it is prepared and how the body reacted to it. The duration of such a diary is 2-3 months, the results of the patient should be coordinated with the attending dietitian.

An approximate menu for skin diseases may be as follows: breakfast - oatmeal boiled in water with the addition of a small amount of olive oil, sweeteners are allowed as a sweetener. Second breakfast: white cabbage and carrot salad with olive oil, a small piece of dark bread. Lunch: soup in a light chicken or vegetable broth with a piece of lean boiled meat, boiled potatoes. Dinner: boiled meat and stewed vegetables.

In conclusion, it should be said once again that the patient's diet can be adjusted according to the type of disease. So, for example, with furunculosis, it is recommended to eat food that contains yeast, and for psoriasis, 70% of the menu should consist of alkaline-forming foods.

Skin - business card our body. It can be safely judged on the state of human health. Skin rashes, peeling and wen speak not only of impaired metabolism in the body, but also of overwork or nervous tension, malnutrition and lifestyle. Appearance skin and its condition - color, firmness, elasticity - are changeable and are associated withwithering of the body.

Our skin performs many functions: it protects internal organs from mechanical damage and exposure to chemicals, cleanses from poisons with the help of sweat and sebaceous glands. It takes part in the general metabolism - water, mineral, nitrogen, carbon, vitamin. The latter plays a huge role in the life of the skin

The main non-contagious skin diseases include allergic reactions, viral dermatoses, herpes, acne vulgaris, hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating (most often due to functional disorders of the nervous system), lupus erythematosus, lichen planus, pyoderma (pustular skin diseases), boils, hydradenitis, psoriasis , seborrhea, various eczema.

Causes of skin diseases in Tibetan medicine.

Like joint diseases, diseases of the skin are part of a general, systemic lesion of the body, the basis of which is a violation of the constitutions of Bile (Pitta), Mucus (Kapha) and Wind (Vata) (see Kapha, Pitta and Vata doshas in Ayurveda). Tibetan medicine considers the skin as a reflection of the function of internal organs. And therefore, all manifestations on the skin (abscesses, pimples, rashes, discoloration, etc.) for Tibetan medicine are a signal of a violation of these functions. Treatment of skin diseases begins after a thorough diagnosis, and an integrated approach is carried out. Treatment, first of all, is aimed not at eliminating visible symptoms, but at eliminating the root cause of the disease - harmonization of the constitutions of Bile, Mucus, Wind, and as a result, the normalization of all functions of organs and systems.

The causes of skin diseases, in Tibetan medicine, are considered as follows.

When outraged constitution Bile, increases the work of the liver, including the production of bile. In Tibetan medicine, one of the types of bile is called "Clear Color", which is responsible for staining the skin and mucous membranes in a normal color. When this type of bile rises, then the skin becomes hot, rough, red, and pigment spots, rashes, papillomas, etc. may appear on it.

When bile penetrates the skin through the general circulation, pimples, moles, acne, papillomas, pustules on the back and face may appear, and diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, dermatosis, neurodermatitis, etc. can develop. In these cases, Tibetan medicine refers these diseases to the so-called "heat" diseases of the skin. In this situation, to purify the blood, normalize liver function and restore the normal state of the skin, phytopreparations are prescribed that act on the bile constitution (Diseases of the liver and gallbladder), and blood purifiers.

The transition of the liver from the Yang (excitation) state to the Yin state (decline) of its function decreases. As a result, there may be a lack of pigment that stains the skin, and light uncolored spots may appear. A disease called vitiligo develops.

When indignant constitution slime, the skin becomes pale and cold, sticky to the touch, cold sweat, itchy skin, small pimples, abscesses appear, and wounds that do not heal for a long time.

When violated the wind constitution(nervous system) the skin becomes dry, itching of the skin, peeling appears, diseases of seborrheic dermatitis, dermatitis of nervous origin may develop.

Tibetan medicine in the treatment of skin diseases uses herbal remedies and external methods of exposure.
It should be noted that in Tibetan medicine there is such an expression "the disease enters the body through the skin and exits through the skin." And therefore, speaking about the fact that the disease comes out through the skin, in Tibetan medicine they emphasize the role of external methods of influence, medical procedures in the treatment of various diseases.

All internal organs in Tibetan medicine are hollow and dense and have their own energy channels (meridians) on the surface of the skin. There are only 14 meridians, on which there are about 1000 BAPs (biologically active points). And through the impact on these points, you can treat all organs and the whole body as a whole.
Acupressure through energy channels (meridians) affects the internal organs, contributing to their restoration and normalization of their functions. Deep acupressure activates blood and lymph circulation, increases blood flow to organs and skin, supplies them with energy and improves the energy of the whole organism.

Other methods of action on BAP are acupuncture and moxotherapy (heating with wormwood cigars). In order to achieve the best result, in addition to external methods of influence, a combination of taking herbal remedies and internal exposure is necessary. In general, in the treatment of skin diseases in Tibetan medicine, great importance is given, and it is carried out in accordance with the basic canon of ancient oriental medicine: the human body is a single whole and an indivisible whole.

Since the main cause of skin diseases, eczema and rashes is improper metabolism in the body, then Treatment should begin with blood purifiers., and only then use external agents for the treatment of skin inflammations or use both of them at the same time.

1. Strawberry juice or crushed berries.
2. Apply the pulp of pumpkin fruits to sore spots.
3. Make compresses from crushed blueberries.

5. Boil 0.5-1 kg of straw for half an hour in 1 liter of water. Do washing with this infusion or take baths with it.
6. Apply thinly sliced ​​potatoes to the skin.
7. Use an aqueous infusion of tricolor violet herb for washing.
8. For skin inflammation, make poultices: 3-4 tbsp. spoons of goose cinquefoil grass scald with boiling water, wrap in gauze.

9. Garlic juice. Wrap chopped garlic in gauze or gauze napkins, apply to sore spots for 10 minutes for 3-4 days.

10. A strong decoction of hop cones, obtained by boiling, is used to prepare an ointment: 1 teaspoon decoction for 4 teaspoon vaseline.

11. 4 tbsp. boil spoons of chopped celandine grass with flowers for 5 minutes in 6 glasses of water in a sealed container, leave for 8 hours, strain. Use for baths and washings.

12. Lotions from infusion of eucalyptus: 50 g of leaves per 1 liter of boiling water.
13. Lubricate sore spots with pine resin.

14. With a strong infusion of yarrow, soar sore spots and take the infusion inside.

15. Use a strong decoction of young dried willow bark for washing.

16. Fresh leaves, aloe juice ointment and aloe emulsion. The emulsion is prepared from the juice of the leaves, kept in the dark at a low temperature, mixed with castor and eucalyptus oils.

17. 2 tbsp. spoons of rosemary herb with 5 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil to insist 12 hours in a closed vessel on a hot stove, strain. Apply externally.

18. Grind 1 teaspoon of elecampane root powder, mix with 2 teaspoons of lard (butter or petroleum jelly). Apply as an ointment.

Boil 19.100 g of fresh elecampane rhizomes in 1 liter of water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Use the decoction for baths and washings.

20. 3 tbsp. spoons of rhizomes of erect cinquefoil (galangal) boil in 1/2 liter of water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Use for washing, lotions and wet dressings.

Rash with itching

1. Wrap fresh grated carrots or onion gruel (finely chop 1-2 onions) in gauze and apply to the sore spot.

2. Take baths for 20 minutes from a decoction of herb succession (50-100 g per bucket of water, boil for 30 minutes), bath temperature 38 ° C. At the same time, take inside the infusion of the series: 2 tbsp. spoons of grass insist 12 hours in 1/2 liter of boiling water in a warm oven, strain. Drink 3 times a day for 1/2 cup.

3. Put the corn kernels cut in half into a clean frying pan and crush with a hot iron object. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the resulting dark brown resinous liquid.

4. Water infusion of sea buckthorn fruits, sea buckthorn oil.

5. Chopped fruits of fresh cucumbers.

6. An infusion of white (deaf) nettle flowers is used for washing, local baths and compresses.

7. 1 st. a spoonful of dried burdock roots insist 2 hours in 2 cups of boiling water. It is applied inside hot 1/2 cup 2-4 times a day and externally for washing.

8. The appearance of a rash on the body in the form of many small pimples that itch strongly characterizes a lack of calcium in the body. It is recommended to take calcium tincture or "calciumite" 3 times a day, 1 des. spoon immediately after eating. Method of preparation, see "Pulmonary tuberculosis", op. 13.

9. Dissolve 20 g of table salt in a glass of wine vinegar, add 4 ml of alcohol, mix. You will get a lotion of orange color, almost straw. First, wash the affected areas with warm water and soap, dry, and then apply gauze wipes moistened with this lotion 3 times a day.


2. Boiled chopped blueberries for compresses.

3. Lotions and washings with strong infusion or celandine juice.

4. Strong infusion of yarrow.

5. Decoction of horse sorrel roots: 80 g per 3 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes, stirring, use as a remedy for weeping eczema.

6. Hot baths with the addition of alcohol tincture of birch buds (15 g to insist on 1/2 liter of alcohol or vodka).

7. Cabbage leaves boiled in milk and mixed with bran (as poultices for weeping eczema).

8. Apply slices of fresh potatoes to the skin.

9. Hard boil a few eggs, remove the yolk. Putting the yolk on a knitting needle or fork, hold candles over the fire. The heated yolk will give drops of juice that must be collected in a bowl. As soon as the drop on the yolk increases, you need to substitute a bowl so that the drop falls there. It takes a long time to warm up right amount precious ointment. The number of eggs should be taken depending on the size of the space of the affected skin. Thickly smear gauze with this oil and apply it on a sore spot. Change once a day, and preferably once every two days. It is better not to tie, but if you need to work, you can tie it with wax paper so that the bandage does not absorb the medicine. Continue treatment until complete recovery.

10. Put corn kernels cut in half on a clean frying pan and crush with a hot iron object. Lubricate the affected areas with the resulting dark brown resinous liquid.

11. 3 tbsp. Boil a spoonful of rhizomes of erect cinquefoil (galangal) in 1/2 liter of water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Use for washing, lotions and wet dressings.

12. Cut off the trunk of a hazel tree, peel it from the bark, then finely chop into thin chips, dry for 3 days. Then take a metal vessel from two halves, fold these chips into one half and shift with a metal mesh, close tightly. Bury half of this vessel in the ground, and cover the full half with Firewood, burn for 13 minutes. This dry distillation of the tree will yield the juice in the form of beer. This juice is a medicine that needs to be smeared on sore spots.


1. Mix 1 hour of powdered sulfur with 2 hours of lard (internal lard). Rub into the skin in the morning and evening before going to bed. After 4-5 days, go to the steam bath or take a very hot bath.

2. 1/2 tbsp. spoons of lard mixed with 1/2 tbsp. spoons of green soap. All this is mixed with 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons of sulfur in powder and 1 teaspoon of purified tar. Mix everything very thoroughly and rub into the skin in the morning and evening before going to bed. After 4-5 days, go to the steam bath or take a hot bath.

3. Mix 1 tbsp. l. powdered sulfur, purified tar, green soap, lard and 1/2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Rub this mixture 2 times a day, do not rinse. After 4-5 days, go to the steam bath or take a hot bath.

4. Mix 1 teaspoon of turpentine in the form of an ointment with 1-2 tbsp. spoons of lard or 1-2 tbsp. spoons of boiled drying oil. Rub 2 times a day. If large pimples and sores from scratching appear on the body, it is recommended to use sulfuric ointment for children, which consists of 1 teaspoon of sulfur in powder for 4 teaspoons of lard. Rub and spread the ointment in places 2 times a day and always after a bath or bath. Keep linen clean. Frequently change underwear and bed linen, carefully iron everything with an iron.

5. Baths and washing with a decoction of horse sorrel roots 300 g per 3 liters of water; cook for 20 minutes, stirring. 6. Boil 100 g of fresh elecampane rhizomes in 1 liter of water, leave for 4 hours, strain. The decoction is used for baths and washings.


1. Immediately after the burn, moisten the burned area with alcohol, cologne.

2. After a burn, dip the burned part of the body in water, and then sprinkle liberally with tea soda.

3. Attach a fresh leaf of aloe or kalanchoe.

4. Ointment and emulsion of aloe. The emulsion is prepared from the juice of aloe leaves, kept in the dark at a low temperature, mixed with castor and eucalyptus oils.

5. Pulp of pumpkin fruits, fresh grated carrots - apply.

6. Onion gruel prevents the formation of bubbles. Finely chop 1-2 onions, wrap in gauze and apply to the burn site.

7. Crushed hazel fruits, mixed with egg white, apply to the burn.

8. Application of grated raw potatoes.

9. When bubbles appear, protect them from air. Spread or apply on rags, on gauze egg white, whipped with 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil.

10. Overheated sunflower oil in the form of oil dressings.

11. Rub cudweed grass powder with fresh butter and honey (or Vaseline).

12. Moisten the bandage with mucus from the boiled young linden bark. Apply to the burn site.

13. Brush with beaten fresh egg.

14. Prepare vodka tincture from fresh herb of stinging nettle. Soak a bandage in it, apply to the burn site.

15. Chopped leaves of fresh cabbage, mixed with egg white, contribute to a quick cure for advanced burns.

16. 1 tbsp. boil a spoonful of rhizomes of Potentilla erect (galangal) in 1 cup of unsalted butter, strain the warm solution. Use to lubricate burns.

17. If the throat is burned, then one should drink oily substances (olive, sunflower oil) or water mixed with raw egg protein.

1. Strawberry juice and crushed berries.

2. Rub garlic juice. Wrap chopped garlic in gauze and gauze napkins, apply for 10 minutes, for 3-4 days.

3. Lemon juice.

4. Boiled chopped blueberries for compresses.

5. Apply crushed blackberry leaves.

6. Nettle infusion: 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Abscesses, boils, boils

1. Roasted garlic crushed and mixed with cow's butter or boiled with milk speeds up ripening.

2. Bake a medium-sized onion, cut it in half and attach one of the halves while the onion is hot. Put on a bandage. Change the hot onion dressing every 4 hours.

3. Milk onion gruel accelerates ripening.

4. Take freshly baked rye bread and, having salted it well, chew it thoroughly. Apply a thick layer of chewed bread with salt to the sore spot and bandage it. When chewing bread and salt are mixed with saliva, which plays an important role in the treatment.

5. Compresses and lotions from decoctions of horsetail or string.

6. Apply an ointment of 5 g of crushed marigold flowers or an alcohol tincture of them, ground with 25 g of petroleum jelly.

7. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals infusion of dandelion roots and herbs or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nettle infusion.

1. Inflammation underlies all infectious processes - erysipelas, pyoderma, acne, furunculosis, herpes, eczema and others. The essence of the process is that a bacterial or viral pathogen penetrates into unprotected skin (against a background of weakened immunity, hormonal imbalance, microtrauma) and causes a response in the form of activation of blood cells, local (or general) rise in temperature, swelling, itching. This is how the body fights infection.
2. Allergy is an important link in such diseases as urticaria, rash, diathesis, all childhood dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. The body recognizes particles of substances that come to us with food, air, water as foreign and harmful, and launches cellular and molecular mechanisms for their destruction, which is manifested by redness, swelling, itching, as well as temperature and more serious disorders. neuro-psychic adverse factors(stress, depression, fatigue) only increase allergic reactions.
3. Degenerative processes (manifested in lupus, trophic ulcers, in the elderly, often in psoriasis). Due to poor blood supply to the skin caused by senile changes, diseases of blood vessels and nerves, trophic (nutritional) processes of tissues are disturbed, and protein structures skin starts to break down. Destroyed waste products are hardly excreted through the pores, and often simply "clog" the tissues, causing all the same symptoms: peeling, itching, swelling.
4. Autoimmune processes (often underlie psoriasis, discoid lupus erythematosus, isolated vasculitis, chronic urticaria (urticaria vasculitis), some forms of alopecia, vitiligo). These diseases can be combined on the basis that an immune system that is aggressively tuned against its own body takes part in their development. The reasons for the development of almost all autoimmune diseases are still unknown to modern medicine.

Principles of treatment of skin diseases

Many herbs are good for cleansing, including the widespread ones - dandelion, burdock, clover, plantain, yarrow and Chernogolovka. Turmeric, barberry, sandalwood and guggul are used from Ayurvedic herbs, and honeysuckle, forsythia, woad and volodushka are used from Chinese medicine.

All these herbs help in most cases in acute conditions. In chronic diseases, emollient and tonic herbs are required - marshmallow, licorice, shatavari, gokshura.

To treat leucoderma and restore normal skin pigmentation, Ayurveda uses bakuchi, which is considered a rejuvenating agent for skin, nails and hair. It can be used to make medicinal oil. Bakuchi powder is taken 5 g twice daily before meals, adding a little coriander and honey to soften the bitter taste of this herb.

Herbs can be used both internally and externally. Herbal decoctions are used for washes, lotions and plasters, and herbal oils are also used.

For inflammatory skin diseases, rashes and burns, ghee is a good external remedy. For this purpose, it is better to prepare it as follows: ghee is placed in a copper vessel, water is added in a ratio of 2: 1 and kept for a month, stirring from time to time with a copper spoon. Over time, it fades, acquires a pleasant smell and is better absorbed by the skin. In India, you can buy a similar preparation Shatodhara grita. It is obtained in a shorter time by intensive mixing of water and oil in a copper vessel.

Aloe juice helps with almost all types of skin rashes. For allergic skin conditions, cilantro juice is useful. Ayurvedic ointment "Turmeric" is also good, especially for treating acne and improving complexion. However, it should be noted that some Ayurvedic turmeric-based ointments contain many essential oils, sandalwood in particular, which can cause skin irritation.

A special remedy for skin nutrition is saffron, which is taken in the form of a milk decoction (1 g per cup), as well as pearl ash (Mochi basma) and pearl powder.

Sometimes in the process of removing toxins and heat from the body, an exacerbation of the course of skin diseases can be observed, but after some time an improvement occurs. In such cases, unless, of course, the diagnosis is in doubt, treatment should not be interrupted prematurely.

Features of manifestation (types) of skin diseases
Pitta skin conditions are characterized by redness, swelling, fever, infection, and irritability that are aggravated by heat and sunlight. External use of oils tends to worsen the condition.
In Vata-type skin diseases, the skin becomes dry or flaky, itchy, bloated and constipated. The condition is aggravated by wind and dryness, and the application of heavy oils, especially sesame, brings relief.
Kapha-type skin diseases are accompanied by the appearance of weeping ulcers, blockages, swelling and itching are observed, aggravated by cold and humidity, as well as the use of oils.

Differentiated treatment of skin diseases
Patients with a Pitta constitution and Pitta-type diseases need a diet that reduces Pitta. Foods that can cause allergic reactions are excluded: nightshade (especially tomatoes), peaches, strawberries, sour-milk products. Useful coconut milk and cilantro. Avoid exposure to heat and sun. Coconut oil and aloe juice are applied externally. For rashes on the head and neck, oils "Brami" and "Bringaraj" are useful, as well as decoctions of these herbs. For the most part, herbs that improve metabolism, such as burdock or clover, are effective. Useful bitter laxatives - rhubarb or aloe. Of the drugs used "Herbal antipyretic composition" (No. 7), which is taken with aloe juice or dandelion tea.

Vata-reducing diet is used for Vata constitution and Vata-type diseases. Soothing oils such as sesame oil are applied to the skin, laxatives and enemas are used. Regularly take the composition of Triphala (5 - 10 g before bedtime), as well as the composition of Triphala guggul and myrrh tincture.

With a Kapha constitution, the diet is aimed at reducing Kapha; heavy, fatty and oily foods should be avoided, especially cheese and yogurt. Oils are not used either internally or externally. Diuretics help, in particular, plantain, burdock seeds and winter love. Of the preparations, Gokshuradi guggul and Triphala guggul are used, as well as "Herbal antipyretic composition" (No. 7) with warm water or ginger tea.

1. Cowberry juice - used externally for lichen and scabies.

2. Juice of fresh knotweed grass - it is good for treating bleeding or old wounds, ulcers (you need to moisten a napkin with juice and, after washing the wound with it, apply it to the site of damaged tissues).

3. A decoction of oak bark - it is used for washing and compresses for skin diseases, wounds, burns.

4. Grated carrots - it is applied to inflamed areas of the skin, burns, purulent wounds.

5. Sea buckthorn oil - by ingestion of 2 milliliters per day and externally in the form of a 5% ointment from sea buckthorn oil, cheilitis, eczema, and scaly deprive are quite successfully cured. Sea buckthorn oil also contributes to the rapid resorption of infiltrates, reduces erythema, swelling, pain and burning, stops peeling, promotes epithelialization and the disappearance of itching.

6. St. John's wort - it is suitable for the treatment of burns, various skin diseases and wound healing. Use St. John's wort oil (pour a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of vegetable oil, leave for 14 days).

7. Cranberry juice - compresses from it are used for lichen, dry eczema and other exudative skin processes.

8. Lemon is a good remedy for all kinds of lichen and eczema. The course of treatment is as follows: on the first day, drink juice from five lemons in several doses, on the second - from ten, and so reach 25, adding five lemons every day. Then reduce the number of lemons until you reach five again. It is better to drink juice through a straw, so as not to spoil the tooth enamel, rinse your mouth thoroughly after taking it.

9. The succession, roots and leaves of strawberries, mint in the form of decoctions, linden leaves in the mixture have a calming effect on skin diseases, including various eczema.

No pustules!

Pustular lesions are one of the most common groups of skin diseases. They are most often caused by bacteria, staphylococci and streptococci. The disease is characterized by the appearance of rashes on the skin, mostly pustular in nature. Some pyodermatitis are contagious to others and even take on the character of an epidemic in schools or kindergartens.

As a rule, carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed in all patients with pyodermatitis. Therefore, when carrying out herbal medicine, patients are prescribed plants that have a hypoglycemic effect: ginseng or aralia roots, blueberry leaves, dandelion roots, horsetail grass, strawberry leaves, nettle grass. To enhance the body's resistance, patients are helped by tonic herbal remedies: aralia tincture, Chinese magnolia vine, eleutherococcus, ginseng. Tinctures are taken 30-40 drops in the morning and in the afternoon before meals.

Of great importance are also vegetable and fruit juices, especially the juice of potatoes, carrots, white cabbage, hawthorn, willow-herb, nettle. Juices are best drunk diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.

From medicinal plants, traditional medicine in this case advises the following:

* A decoction of cocklebur herb is used for folliculitis. 10 grams of dry grass is poured with 200 milliliters of water, insisted for 1 hour, filtered. Used to wipe the skin.

* Fresh inner leaves of white cabbage mixed with egg yolk and chewed rye bread are applied to lesions in pustular skin diseases.

* A decoction of willow bark (50 grams of bark per 500 milliliters of water, boil for 20 minutes) can be used for compresses.

* Plantain juice is used to treat boils and pyoderma, gruel from mashed leaves is applied in the form of compresses.

* Resin of pine, fir and spruce is one of the best remedies for any pustular diseases. Apply in the form of a bandage or lozenge to the lesion.

* Rose oil and Kazanlak rose are effective in the treatment of pyoderma, furunculosis and all pustular diseases. Apply in the form of lotions or compresses, and inside.

With the frequent formation of acne and pustules on the face, such folk remedies:

* Tincture of white lily petals: 10 grams of petals per 100 grams of vodka. Insist 2 weeks and wipe the skin of the face before going to bed;

* Crushed seeds of sowing coriander and violet root (1: 1) - they can be used as a powder in places of a rash on the face;

* Warm compresses from the infusion of herbs and dill seeds;

* Adding some brewer's yeast to everyday food.

Tells about nutrition nutritionist Samoilenko V.N.

How to eat so that diseases like psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema or mycoses do not worsen or occur? This is what will be discussed today.
True, the basic principles of nutrition for these skin diseases (with the exception of mycoses) do not differ from the recommendations for allergic diseases, including skin manifestations. But this is natural, because the allergic and inflammatory components are always present. They should be especially strictly adhered to during exacerbation. I will try to briefly formulate the main provisions of such a diet.

  • It is desirable to replenish most of the fats with vegetable (40-50%) and ghee.
  • Sugar and other sweets are excluded during the acute period, and the rest of the time it is advisable to eat no more than 30-50 g per day of sugar or its substitutes (honey, xylitol, etc.), and limit other sweets as much as possible.
  • Bakery products are best consumed from rye flour or whole grains.
  • It is necessary to exclude or significantly limit the following foods and dishes:
    all types of smoked meats; canned meat, pork, lamb, duck, goose; offal (liver, kidneys, etc.); strong meat broths, spicy and fatty meat sauces and sauces; sausages;
    sea ​​fish in any form, if there is intolerance to it; in any case, its use should be no more than 2 times a week, River fish preferred;
    various pickles and marinades, capsicum, eggplant, horseradish, radish, radish, sorrel, spinach, raw onions and green onions, garlic, various spices (mustard, pepper, etc.), table salt;
    coffee (natural and instant), cocoa, chocolate, sweets, honey, nuts, flour products and potatoes;
    oranges, tangerines, bananas, pineapples, grapes, raisins, peaches, as well as juices from them;
    in case of poor tolerance to milk, exclude natural milk, you can use butter and fermented milk products.
  • During the period of exacerbation of the disease, patients are recommended to eat homemade food for 3-6 months.
  • If you notice that this or that food or dish allowed on the specified diet causes an exacerbation, it should be immediately excluded from the diet for a long time. F Last but not least effective remedy is starvation. The tool is harsh, but acting more quickly and effectively than the rest.
    We are talking about intermittent fasting for 3-5 days, followed by a transition to a cleansing and unloading diet with the inclusion of raw vegetables and fruits, rice and buckwheat porridge, fresh juices, fermented milk products, drinking plenty of water (up to 3 liters of water, rosehip broth or herbal tea) in small portions.
    Longer fasting (15-25 days) is recommended only in a hospital under the systematic supervision of doctors. Two weeks of fasting is acceptable for independent application if you have experience of short fasts that you have successfully endured. But in any case, you should first consult with your doctor, and also have the relevant literature.
    Fasting does not give good results the first time, but in 3-4 short courses of 5-7 days and 2-3 courses of 10-15 days, you will significantly reduce the manifestations of your illness. Fasting is not recommended only for fungal diseases. With fungal infections, you should first think about your immunity. To strengthen it, you need a good diet with sufficient intake of protein, vitamins and minerals. In this regard, the following points are important:
    the use of products that contribute to the normalization of the intestinal microflora: lactic acid products, unsweetened fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and pectin;
    the introduction of raw vegetable oils into the diet, preferably flaxseed, olive, camelina (vegetable oil obtained from the seeds of the oilseed crop of camelina sowing, herbaceous plant from the cabbage family);
    the use of germinated wheat, dishes from oatmeal, buckwheat;
    consumption of vegetable and fruit juices.

Biologically active substances necessary for the skin

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine). The daily requirement is 1.5-2.5 mg. The richest in thiamine are brewer's yeast, wholemeal bread, sprouted wheat grains, as well as cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet), legumes (peas, beans, soybeans), nuts, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, liver and other offal.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). One of the key vitamins. It is involved in the processes of oxidation and energy metabolism, providing all regeneration processes. This vitamin is extremely important for the skin, participating in the processes of its nutrition, energy supply and antimicrobial protection. It is needed to keep the skin smooth, soft and beautiful. This, if I may say so, is the most “skin preparation”. In addition, its deficiency causes disorders of the nervous system. The daily requirement for this vitamin is 1.3-2.4 mg. Its main source is milk and dairy products.
    If sour milk and 50-100 g of cottage cheese or cheese are included in the diet, then it is practically possible to satisfy the daily requirement for vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin B6. Participates in many enzymatic reactions, especially occurring during protein and fat metabolism. Deficiency of this vitamin is accompanied by severe disorders of the central nervous system (irritability, drowsiness, inflammation of the peripheral nerves). The daily requirement is 1.2-2.2 mg. This vitamin is rich in whole grains, especially buckwheat, meat, offal (liver, kidney), fish, yeast, nuts and seeds, legumes, potatoes. Vitamin B6 is concentrated in bran. In addition, it is produced by normal intestinal microflora, if there is no dysbacteriosis.
  • Vitamin PP (cyanine). Significantly improves peripheral circulation, is part of the redox enzymes involved in the processes of cellular respiration. With its deficiency, a disease develops with damage to the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and skin with dermatitis. The daily requirement for vitamin PP for an adult is 14-20 mg. In animal products, it is found mainly in the form of nicotinamide, and in vegetable products - in the form of nicotinic acid. The most important food source is wholemeal bread, legumes, and vegetables, especially potatoes, green pea, tomatoes, red Bell pepper. Very high content of niacin in yeast, dried mushrooms, peanuts.
  • Vitamin B12 and B9 (folic acid). Current research suggests that latent vitamin B12 deficiency and folic acid is a risk factor for disorders of higher nervous activity.
    Main sources of B12- products of animal origin. These are liver, kidneys, meat, some types of fish, egg yolk, cheese, seafood, dairy products. The daily requirement is 3 mcg. To satisfy this need, it is necessary, for example, to eat 5 g of beef liver, 20-30 g of fish such as mackerel, Atlantic herring or sardines, 50 g of beef, 75 g of lamb, 100 g of pork, about the same amount of cheese, but cottage cheese is already 3 times, and milk 5 times more than pork. But if the diet for a skin disease excludes these products, then you need to think about additional sources of vitamins.
    As for both B12 and folic acid, in the human (and animal) body they are synthesized in sufficient quantities by healthy intestinal microflora, but, unfortunately, this is a rarity in our time, even in childhood. Therefore, they must be taken with food. Folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables, legumes, wholemeal bread, yeast, liver, and honey. In the process of cooking, part of the folate is destroyed, vitamin B12 is resistant to heat, and its losses during cooking are small.
  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C improves the condition of the vascular wall. This reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes. Vitamin C supports the antioxidant activity of other vitamins: E, A and beta-carotene. The usual daily human requirement is 70-100 mg, and in cardiac patients it increases to 200-500 mg per day. The highest content of vitamin C in rose hips, blackcurrant, sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, sweet pepper. High content in dill, parsley, cauliflower, oranges, mountain ash, strawberries.
  • Vitamin P (rutin). The daily requirement is 50 mg. Interacting with vitamin C, it reduces the permeability and increases the strength of capillaries, stimulates tissue respiration, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The main source is vegetables, fruits and berries. Especially a lot of vitamin P in oranges, lemons, black currants, chokeberries, rose hips, quince, green tea.
  • Vitamin A and carotenoids. By themselves, they have less antioxidant activity, but contribute to the realization of these properties in vitamin E and its restoration.
    There are two forms of vitamin A (retinol) and provitamin A (carotene)
    Vitamin A is found in animal products, carotene - in vegetable. The list of animal products rich in vitamin A is small: the liver of marine animals and fish, butter, cream, cheese, egg yolk, fish oil. There are a lot of plant products - sources of carotenes: carrots, sweet peppers, green onions, sorrel, spinach, parsley, rose hips and sea buckthorn. Lots of carotene in lettuce and apricots.
    Vitamin A is also called the beauty vitamin, it greatly affects the condition of the skin. Like vitamin E, it belongs to the group of fat-soluble antioxidants and directly affects the state of cell membranes. Vitamin A affects tissue respiration and energy metabolism.
    An analysis of the mechanisms of psoriasis development shows that the main problems of patients are associated with a decrease in the intensity of free-radical oxidation processes, therefore, normalization of their level is the main way in the treatment of this dermatosis. This means that antioxidant protection is extremely important for such patients. I want to tell you a little more about this now. And the first, as always, is vitamin E (and you already know everything about vitamin A!).
  • Vitamin E. Daily requirement 840 mg. It is involved in the processes of tissue respiration and the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, he owns important function maintaining the stability of cell membranes and intracellular structures. And most importantly, it is a powerful antioxidant. Our regular readers have already learned the importance of this vitamin for health and know where it is most found - in vegetable oils, and unrefined ones, especially in the "sediment" of the oil, if any. Of all vegetable oils, camelina and sea buckthorn oils are the richest source. Do not forget about useful (for most diseases and for their prevention) rye and wheat bran, raw nuts and seeds, as well as the ovaries of various plants.
    In addition to vitamins, it is very important to maintain healthy skin to balance nutrition and microelements.
  • Iodine. Necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for many metabolic processes, including skin condition. The daily requirement is 100-150 mcg. The main source of iodine on the planet is the oceans. Therefore, it is necessary to eat iodine-rich seafood whenever possible: sea ​​kale, fish, fish oil, squid, mussels, shrimps. A good source of iodine are dairy products, buckwheat, millet, potatoes, some vegetables and fruits. The champions among the products of the middle band in terms of iodine content are chokeberry and beets. But its content in plant products depends on the iodine content in the soil on which they grew, and the water of these places. So, for example, walnuts, feijoa and persimmon contain a lot of iodine, but if we talk about the recognized leadership of feijoa, scientists have found that this only applies to those berries that have ripened in areas where feijoa comes from ( South America). I talked extensively and extensively about iodine foods in the thyroid issue (#49). Let me just say that iodine is very unstable and is lost during long-term storage of products. It is organic iodine that is valuable for the body, while inorganic iodine, on the contrary, can harm the thyroid gland.
  • Zinc, chromium and selenium necessary to maintain antioxidant activity in body tissues, normalize carbohydrate and other types of metabolism, they are very important for maintaining healthy skin.
  • Zinc. The daily requirement is 13-14 mg. Fruits and vegetables are poor in zinc, only oatmeal, sunflower seeds, wholemeal bread, mushrooms, as well as sprouted wheat grains and garlic can serve as a vegetable source. Zinc is found more in fish, meat, eggs, offal. A good source of zinc is herring and mackerel. Although the trace element is preserved during heat treatment and preservation, in case of skin diseases of products such as canned fish, it is better to avoid.
  • Chromium. The daily requirement is 50-200 mcg. The most significant sources are black pepper, veal liver, sprouted wheat grains, brewer's yeast, wholemeal bread.
  • Selenium. It is directly involved in antioxidant protection. Deficiency of this trace element is associated with insufficient consumption of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. It is found in coconuts, pistachios, lard, garlic, sea ​​fish, wheat bran, eggs, soy. Many regions of our country are considered selenium deficient, so it is necessary to additionally take selenium in the form of food supplements.
  • Ready-made preparations from brewer's yeast with zinc, selenium can be used as a good additional natural source of B vitamins and these trace elements. Of course, I have named the most basic trace elements, but to maintain the skin and nails in a healthy state, a sufficient intake of such elements as silicon and calcium is also necessary. fluorine, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, stranded, manganese. magnesium. You can read some tables of the content of these elements in foodstuffs in issue No. 49 (“Thyroid Diseases”).
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are also very important for skin health. From them, families of biologically active compounds are formed that have a multilateral effect on various aspects of metabolism - eicosanoids. These include prostaglandins, prostacyclins, thromboxanes. In psoriasis, it is important that the substances formed during the metabolism of PUFAs reduce the increased permeability of the vascular wall, the activity of leukocytes, the process of inflammation, etc. At the same time, PUFAs reduce the secretion of biogenic amines (adrenaline, norepinephrine, histamine and serotonin) - inflammatory mediators - and stimulate the formation of an enzyme that destroys histamine and the production of antihistamine antibodies. As a result, the therapeutic effect of PUFA is achieved.
    There are 2 types of polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega-3 and omega-6. The organism is able to transform representatives of one class into another, but is not able to synthesize both classes from simpler substances. Therefore, they must be obtained by the body from food. Natural sources of PUFAs are vegetable oils from wheat germ, flax seeds, sunflower, soybeans, peanuts, walnut kernels, almonds, sunflower seeds, as well as fatty and semi-fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, trout, tuna, etc.). .) and shellfish.

    The daily requirement for PUFA is approximately 12-15 g. To fully satisfy this need, it is enough to eat 1.5 tbsp daily. tablespoons (25 g) natural vegetable oil. Moreover, it is better to take it not in its pure form, but add it to porridge, salad, boiled potatoes, pancakes, or just pour a slice of bread on it. The most useful (in terms of omega-3 and omega-6 balance) linseed oil.

Healing products:

  • From dairy products, lactic acid products, unfermented cheeses, ghee are recommended.
  • Eggs (with good tolerance), seaweed, apples, cherries, cucumbers, red peppers, black currants, parsley, buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat germ, walnuts, linseed oil, bran, sea buckthorn oil should be present in the diet of patients.
    I will tell you about another interesting product that is very useful for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases.
  • Black cumin oil. Reduces hypersecretion of aggressive hormones (adrenaline, noradrenaline) and biogenic amines (histamine and serotonin), stimulates the secretion of the enzyme histaminase (destroys histamine) and the production of antihistamine antibodies, supplies an enzyme that destroys serotonin to tissues, promotes the production of anti-inflammatory substances. Many are probably surprised that it is necessary to reduce the hypersecretion of serotonin, because it is everywhere positioned as the hormone of happiness, good mood, etc. But, as in everything, you need to know when to stop. And serotonin is no exception. An excess of serotonin in the body adversely affects the functioning of the lungs, reduces the level of oxygen in the cells of the body, and can cause a variety of painful reactions in the body - migraine attacks, allergic reactions, nervousness, insomnia, fatigue and depression, etc.
  • Black cumin oil is used for 1 hour. spoon a day. It can also be found in dietary supplements.

Useful recipes for skin diseases

Now it's time to talk about healthy recipes cooking products in case of skin diseases such as neurodermatitis and mycoses.

Beetroot stew with bran.

2 beets. 1 apple. 6-8 tablespoons of bran, 1/4 cup vegetable decoction. Boil the beets, grate, add an apple. Bran fry in oil until reddish. Add to prepared mixture. Pour vegetable broth over everything, simmer until tender. Season everything with sour cream, you can add a little citric acid, salt and bring to a boil.

Buckwheat porridge with bran.

2 tbsp. spoons of buckwheat, 6-8 tbsp. spoons of bran, a small onion, 100 ml of water. Bran fry in vegetable oil. Pour buckwheat into boiling water, add fried bran, salt to taste. Boil until thickened, then put in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours, covering warmly. Season the finished porridge with finely chopped onions poached in vegetable oil.

Bran pies with cabbage

For the test take 40 g of cottage cheese, 1 egg, 1.5 cups of bran, 2 teaspoons of butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream.
For minced meat you will need 200 g of white cabbage, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 egg. Separately, prepare 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet.
First, the dough is prepared: combine bran with cottage cheese, butter, sour cream, knead the dough. Leave for 20 minutes, and during this time, minced meat is also very simple to prepare: finely chop the cabbage, pour in milk, butter and bring to readiness over low heat, then mix with a hard-boiled egg (you can without it).
Form 2 thin cakes from the dough and stuff them with minced meat, giving the shape of pies. Put the pies on a greased baking sheet, brush with egg on top and bake in the oven until cooked.

for skin diseases

Grate 2 raw carrots and 1 raw or boiled beetroot (according to tolerance), add 2 tbsp. spoons oatmeal"Hercules", season with sour cream.

Tibetan milk mushroom for skin diseases

Now the Tibetan milk mushroom is so popular that many already perceive it simply as a way to get tasty and healthy kefir, without even thinking about the fact that this is a “medicine”. Moreover, it is a good cure for many diseases, unless, of course, you drink some buns-cheesecakes with them, like ordinary kefir. Although it is a good source of calcium and vitamins, like a fermented milk product, it should still be drunk 30 minutes before meals, 100 ml 2 times a day or, if it is more convenient for you, 200 ml before bedtime. Then it will bring much more benefit to your body. First of all, it will clean it, restore the beneficial intestinal microflora, and there you will begin to notice yourself that it is “feel better”: various sores will begin to go away. Course 2 months 2-3 times a year.

Eggshell for skin diseases

An old recipe that was prescribed to our grandmothers for allergic and other skin diseases, in addition to brewer's yeast, is calcium chloride. But it can be replaced with a natural product - egg shells with lemon juice.
Here is the recipe for its preparation. Remove the shell from a freshly boiled egg and immediately remove the film from it. The shell should be air-dried for several days at room temperature, then ground in a mortar to a fine powder (possible in a coffee grinder). Adults should take this powder in 1/2 teaspoon with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice to completely moisten the powder. You can drink water. The child needs 1/4 teaspoon. Take the powder 1 time per day until the effect occurs.

Ecology of health: As long as the biochemical processes in our body proceed normally, the skin remains healthy. But if the biochemistry of the body goes wrong, for example, due to malnutrition, improper breathing or stress, then toxins begin to accumulate in the body, and the body tries to remove some of them through the skin - this is how acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis, rashes and other skin diseases occur. . The visible manifestations of this process depend on the type of constitution.

As long as the biochemical processes in our body proceed normally, the skin remains healthy.But if the biochemistry of the body goes wrong, for example, due to malnutrition, improper breathing or stress, then toxins begin to accumulate in the body, and the body tries to remove some of them through the skin - this is how acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis, rashes and other skin diseases occur. . The visible manifestations of this process depend on the type of constitution. Skin diseases fall into six categories:

Disorders of the sebaceous glands: seborrhea (imbalance of Vata or Pitta); acne, whiteheads, papular acne, steatoma and excessive oiliness of the skin (manifestations of Kapha imbalance).

Sweat gland disorders: increased sweating, prickly heat and red rash (Pitta disorder); decreased sweating (Vata disorder); sweat with an unpleasant odor (imbalance of all three doshas).

Pigmentation: dark (Vata disorder); brownish or red (Pitta disorder); whitish (Kapha disorder).

Allergic skin diseases: psoriasis (Vata disorder); dermatitis (Pitta disorder); eczema (Kapha disorder).

Infectious skin diseases(fungal, bacterial or viral) associated with weakened immunity (depletion of ojas) can occur on any skin.

Tissue Growth Changes: dandruff (disorder of Vata or Pitta); warts, rosacea and birthmarks (Pitta imbalance); cysts and tumors (Kapha imbalance).

Cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing: external skin care routine. Fight common skin conditions

What to do?

    Cleanse, nourish and moisturize daily skin with herbs and oils.

    Treat problem areas of the skin with herbal preparations, including solution essential oil lavender in almond oil - not bad againstA microbial, soothing agent that also helps prevent scarring.

    Stick to your diet, calming the excited doshas.

    Drink aloe vera juice diluted with water every morning on an empty stomach.: It will help cleanse the blood of toxins.

    Drink a cup of warm milk with 1 teaspoon of ghee every night before bed.: It is a good remedy for constipation.

    Drink more water during the day.

    Actively solve your personal problems to avoid "undigested" emotions that create toxins.

    Do self-massage daily to reduce the negative effects of stress.

    Exercise for half an hour every day but don't overdo it.

    Lead balanced Lifestyle, according to your constitution.

What not to do?

    Do not squeeze or open deep pimples.

    Do not abuse refined, canned and processed foods, fried foods, sugar, chocolate, seafood and red meat.

Below you will find tips on how to alleviate most common skin problems with topical treatments. All these problems are related to our behavior, which in many cases is the cause of them.

As already mentioned, “undigested” emotions, tension and stress that disrupt hormonal balance and weaken the immune system are, along with undigested food, the main factors in the accumulation of toxins in the body and hence main causes of skin problems.

Psoriasis, for example, is exacerbated by anxiety and anxiety, rosacea - by anger and frustration, eczema - by a wide variety of stresses, depending on the constitution of a person, and papular acne - by depression, the inability to get rid of old sorrows and, in general, any emotional attachments.

Significant factors in the occurrence or aggravation of skin diseases also include the abuse of "dead" (refined, canned and over-processed) food, sugar, chocolate and sweets, fatty and fried foods, salt, seafood and red meat; weak digestive fire and problems with waste disposal (such as constipation); lifestyle and habits that disturb the balance of the doshas; hormonal changes; hereditary factors; lack of physical activity; lack of rest; and finally, improper external skin care.

Nevertheless, an occasional bout of dry skin, a temporary skin rash, or the appearance of pimples is completely natural(though annoying at any age) element of the flow of life.

At different periods of the menstrual cycle or following, for example, weather changes, hormone levels can repeatedly rise and fall even within a month. Our diet and our activities also change from day to day. All this entails natural minor shifts in the balance of doshas, ​​leading to mood swings and even changes in appearance.

Ayurveda teaches to recognize these subtle shifts and be able to correct them in time, before a small imbalance develops into a serious illness. Generally speaking, the presence of a temporary imbalance does not necessarily mean illness: you can be quite healthy and, at the same time, feel some imbalance. However, imbalances can lead to disease if not corrected early.

One of the fundamental provisions of Ayurveda says that everything that happens in any part of the body happens in the whole body. There are no isolated diseases. Any physiological or mental symptom of imbalance indicates that the entire body-mind system is out of balance.Keep this holistic approach in mind when reading about skin care.

It is possible that at the moment you are not experiencing any serious problems. For example, your skin does not suffer from dehydration - but you may have dry, chapped lips. And although this trouble does not pose a danger to life and does not cause any noticeable inconvenience at all, it is worth paying attention to: it indicates that your Vata level is elevated. By taking simple measures to eliminate this minor symptom, you will automatically get rid of other symptoms of excess Vata.

On the other hand, if you ignore the early sign of imbalance and continue to lead a Vata stimulating lifestyle, then sooner or later the symptoms of a Vata disorder will increase as the increased dosha spreads to vulnerable tissues and organs.

In our example of dry lips, for example, cracked soles, nails and hair become brittle, the scalp begins to dry out, dandruff and premature wrinkles appear. If the imbalance is not corrected at this stage, toxins will continue to accumulate in the body, which over time can accelerate the process of cell breakdown and cause typical Vata-type diseases such as psoriasis and dry eczema, which, in severe form, can deal a devastating blow to the body.

Below we list the symptoms of an imbalance in each of the three doshas as it worsens. Symptoms of the disorder usually appear not one by one, but in groups, as the body-mind system reacts to imbalance as a whole:

    Cotton wool: slight dryness of the skin, dry lips, excessive dryness of the skin, cracks in the skin of the feet, brittle nails, dry skin of the scalp, brittle hair, dandruff, psoriasis, dry eczema, wrinkles on the forehead, age spots on the skin, dark circles under the eyes.

    Pitta: mild skin sensitivity, broken capillaries, whiteheads, rosacea, burning sensation on the skin, burning on the skin of the feet, burning in the eyes, bleeding from the nose or minor bleeding from acne, dermatitis (dryness and flaking of the skin around the eyebrows), burning on the skin scalp, true eczema all over the body, urticaria, allergic reactions, wrinkles around the eyes, warts, changes in skin pigmentation.

    Kapha: slightly oily skin, acne, enlarged pores, excessive oiliness of skin and hair, appearance of white itchy dandruff-like spots on the scalp, papular acne, urticaria with itching and weeping, swelling of the ankles and feet, weight gain, swelling under the eyes , cellulitis, cysts and tumors.

Even if you already suffer from a skin condition, simple daily skin care routines can improve your condition. But keep in mind, if the symptoms have spread widely throughout the body, this means that many toxins have already accumulated in the body and the excited doshas have penetrated deep into the tissues.

In such a situation, no external therapy (neither chemical, nor “live”, Ayurvedic), taken by itself, can eliminate the internal causes of poisoning in the body. External symptoms may subside, but as soon as you stop treatment, they will return - quickly and most likely in full.

In order to restore balance in conditions of illness or premature aging, it is necessary to purify and nourish the body from the inside and, first, undergo pancha-karma (“five actions”) under the guidance of a specialist - a special cleansing procedure, or at least cleanse the body at home.

Without prior internal cleansing, any substance that you try to "feed" the skin and body, even pure natural, will be recognized by the body as toxic, and it will try to get rid of it as waste. It's like pouring clean water in the dirt: dirt will remain dirt.

But even internal cleansing is only a temporary remedy. If you do nothing to change the lifestyle that has led you to imbalance, very soon new toxins will begin to accumulate.


Cotton wool.

Aggravating factors: dryness of the scalp, harsh shampoos, improper rinsing of the head, poor nutrition of the hair and scalp due to metabolic disorders, anxiety, anxiety, circulatory disorders, the use of hot spices, chemical drugs and stimulants.


    After regular shampooing, rinse your hair with an herbal decoction of burdock, arnica, or horsetail.

    Mix the yolk of 1 egg, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of natural camphor. Apply the mixture on the scalp. Wash off with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.

    Massage the scalp with warm oil 2-3 times a week.

    Dietary supplements: 400 units of vitamin E and 15-20 mg of zinc daily.

premature graying

Pitta and Vata.

Aggravating factors: restlessness, anger, frustration, anxiety, sudden shock, mental fatigue, stress, early menopause, thyroid problems, copper, zinc, folic acid, pantothenic acid deficiencies.


    Prepare an infusion of sage and walnut leaves (2 teaspoons each). Every day, lubricate the graying areas of the hair with a small amount of infusion.

    Accept nutritional supplements: horsetail, nettle, alfalfa, fenugreek pressed into tablets; biotin; vitamin E; lecithin; kelp, silicon. Eat a diet rich in proteins and minerals and include nuts in your diet.

Hair loss

Doshas out of balance: Vata, Pitta or Kapha.

Aggravating factors: Stress, poor diet, hormonal imbalance, tobacco smoking, alcohol or drug use, overuse of shampoo or hair dryer too much, prolonged exposure to the sun.


    Prepare a healing ointment that stimulates the growth of new hair. Mix a pinch of ground black pepper or half a teaspoon of ground fenugreek with a cup of coconut milk (the liquid inside a coconut). Gently massage the mixture into the scalp and wrap the head in a plastic bag. After half an hour, wash off the mixture with a mild shampoo. Do this every day before bed or whenever you wash your hair.

    Every night before going to bed, while combing your hair, moisten the hair roots with a small amount of coconut oil, adding 2-3 drops of lavender and rosemary oil there.

    It is also good in this case to perform a daily headstand. But first, check with your doctor.

    Massage your scalp regularly to improve blood circulation. Use cooling, softening oils.

    Prepare herbal oil by boiling 1 part dried hibiscus flower decoction in 4 parts coconut oil. Rub it on your scalp to stimulate hair growth.

    Hair loss can also be caused by increased activity of the sebaceous glands due to hormonal imbalance: excess fat clogs the pores. In this case, wash your hair more often and use only a light oil with the addition of 2-3 drops of rosemary or lavender essential oil when massaging your head.

Wrinkles on the forehead

Doshas out of balance: Vata and Pitta. (If you have a habit of knitting your brows, forehead wrinkles will appear in the absence of imbalance.)

Aggravating factors: anxiety, anxiety, severe dehydration, excessive consumption of sugar or protein foods, the habit of frowning, the use of alcohol-based skin astringents, the abuse of lemon, tomato or cucumber juice.


    Pour some water into the palm of your hand, add 3 drops of Vata balancing essential oil, and wipe your forehead with this solution daily, it is a good skin moisturizer.

    Prepare a moisturizing massage oil based on apricot kernel, avocado, sesame or almond oil and add 2 drops of sandalwood oil, 2 drops of geranium oil and 1 drop of lemon oil and cardamom oil. Rub the oil on your forehead with horizontal finger movements. Perform facial exercises daily: alternately gently stretch and squeeze the forehead muscles, holding them for 3 minutes in each of these positions.

    Do a firming mask twice a week. Make a paste of a teaspoon of cornstarch or potato starch with 2 teaspoons of aloe vera juice or egg white. Apply the mask on your face and lie down for 30-40 minutes. Then carry out the usual procedures for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

    Use an exfoliating enzyme mask once a week. Apply pineapple or papaya pulp to your face and lie down for 10 minutes. Then carry out the usual procedures for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

early wrinkles

Doshas out of balance: Vata and Pitta.

Aggravating factors: dryness (lack of fat), dehydration (lack of water), stress; exposure to the sun, wind, heat or cold, too hot or too cold water; excessive exercise stress, too frequent travel; abuse of alcohol, coffee, tobacco, sweet or spicy foods; sudden weight loss; taking hormonal drugs; diabetes; lack of purpose in life, lack of love in personal relationships; hereditary factors.


    Make a special mask twice a week. Mix and make a paste of a tablespoon of sandalwood powder, 1 drop of natural camphor oil, 3-4 drops of lotus oil and 2 teaspoons of water. To form a protective layer on the skin under the eyes, gently rub a few drops of facial oil prepared with sandalwood or rose oil into these areas of the skin. Then apply the prepared paste on the rest of the face. Close your eyes, put wet cotton swabs soaked in rose water on your eyelids, and lie down for 10-15 minutes. Then carry out the usual procedures for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

    Prepare a decoction of a tablespoon of dry geranium and a cup of water. Regularly lubricate the skin of the face with this decoction using a cotton swab.

    Take vitamin E and evening primrose oil. Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.

Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, dryness and overwork of the eyes

Dosha out of balance: Pitt.

Aggravating factors:elderly age, stress, anxiety, insomnia, alcohol abuse, dehydration, strabismus.


    Avoid chemical makeup removers and thick, heavy eye creams. Remove makeup with a cotton swab dipped in plain vegetable oil.

    Wear in bright daylight Sunglasses and try not to read in the dark. Never look directly at the sun.

    Twice a day, pinch the skin above the eyebrows, starting from the bridge of the nose and moving towards the temples. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

    Blink, cover your eyes with your hands, do eye massages and eye baths.

Dark circles under the eyes

Doshas out of balance: brownish circles - Vata, gray-green circles - Pitta.

Aggravating factors: anemia, poor health, lack of sleep, circulatory disorders, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, menstrual disorders; abuse of fried, frozen and canned foods, beans, peanuts, lettuce.


    From time to time, lie down on an inclined surface and lie for 5-10 minutes with your legs elevated.

    Soak two cotton swabs in cold milk, rose water, fig juice, or mint leaf juice. Put tampons on your eyelids and lie down for 5-10 minutes.

    Apply crushed mint leaves to the skin around the eyes and lie down for 5-10 minutes.

    Before going to bed, gently massage the skin around the eyes with saffron or almond oil.

Edema of the eyelids

Dosha out of balance: Kapha.

Aggravating factors: high blood pressure, liver and kidney problems, waste elimination problems, weak digestive fire, fluid retention, lack of sleep, hormonal changes.


    Put black tea bags soaked in warm water on your eyelids, cotton swabs soaked in an infusion of dry hazel leaves or celery juice, or gauze bags with raw potatoes(1 teaspoon of grated potatoes per bag). Lie down with your eyes closed for 20 minutes.

    Use your ring finger to gently massage the areas under your eyes,pressing on one point and gradually moving from inner corner eyes to the outside when massaging the upper eyelid and vice versa when massaging the lower. This massage promotes the outflow of lymphatic fluids.

    Take 1000 mg of vitamin C daily and eat black raisins and figs.

Dry lips, wrinkles or cracks in the lips

Dosha out of balance: Cotton wool.

Aggravating factors: smoking, alcohol and drug use, cold, dryness, dehydration, old age, tendency to talk too much, licking lips. (Vertical folds above the upper lip are a sign of unsatisfied sex drive.)


    Lubricate your lips with vitamin E oil, unsalted butter, or ghee whenever your lips feel dry. You can mix 2 tablespoons of avocado oil with 5 drops of rose oil and 5 drops of sandalwood oil and use this mixture for the same purpose.

    Melt 9 teaspoons of lanolin with a teaspoon of castor oil in a water bath. Remove from heat, add 3-5 drops of rose oil and let the mixture set. Smear it on your lips over lipstick: this mixture sets lipstick, moisturizes lips and adds shine.

    Every evening, massage your lips, lubricating them with sesame oil and glycerin (2-3 drops of glycerin for 2 tablespoons of oil).

    Fill your mouth with water and swish the inside of your lips for a minute.

Prickly heat and red prickly heat

Dosha out of balance: Pitt.

Aggravating factors: Sun.


    For prickly heat: prepare an ointment from a teaspoon of sandalwood powder, a pinch of natural camphor and whey (or fat-free yogurt). Lubricate the entire body before taking a bath or shower.

    For red prickly heat: Mix equal parts sandalwood, sweet pea flower and coriander powders, add a pinch of nutmeg and 2-3 drops of vetiver essential oil. Prepare an ointment with rose water. Apply ointment to the body. After a few minutes, rinse off in the shower or bath (water should be at room temperature). Dry the skin by blotting it with a towel and dust the whole body with sandalwood powder. If you don't have time for an ointment treatment, just dust your body with sandalwood powder after your shower.

    Soak a teaspoon of cumin seeds and a teaspoon of coriander seeds in water overnight to relieve itching. In the morning, strain the infusion and drink.

Sudden rash or hives

Dosha out of balance: Pitt.

Aggravating factors: allergies.


    Mix an infusion of dry camphor basil leaves with any pitta-balancing herbal oil and rub on the rash. You can simply apply ice to the skin.

    To get rid of itching, lubricate the skin with sandalwood oil.

Warts and other skin lesions

Doshas out of balance: Cotton wool; Pitta and Kapha.

Aggravating factors: warts are of viral origin. But the clustertoxins and impaired excretory functions affect all types of skin formations.


    Every night before going to bed, rub some castor oil on the warts and then scrape off the top layer of skin.

    Bandage cotton wool soaked in fresh pineapple or lemon juice to the wart - it will gradually dissolve.


Dosha out of balance: Pitt.

Aggravating factors: Sun.


    To whiten the skin, rub cottonseed oil or pumpkin seeds rubbed with olive oil into it.

    A good natural bleach is a mixture of yogurt and honey (2-3 drops of honey per tsp of yogurt). Apply the mixture on the skin and wash off after half an hour.

White spots and leukoderma

Reason for imbalance: This disease is most often inherited. Aggravating factors: Small white spots on the skin can occur due to stress or excess salt. Leukoderma - large white spots - are most often inherited.


    Internal cleansing of the body.


    To alleviate external symptoms, regularly lubricate stains with margosa and bakuchi oil.

Age spots

Doshas out of balance: Vata or Pitta.

Aggravating factors: old age, cold weather.


    At each change of season, conduct a course of internal cleansing.

    Massage regularly with saffron oil or oils,balancing Vata.


Dosha out of balance: Kapha.

Aggravating factors: excess fatty secretions.


    To soften the skin and facilitate the removal of blackheads, dissolve in a cup (250ml) of water with a pinch of Epsom salts and wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in this solution.

    Apply a mask of grated fresh parsley to the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Lie down for 10-15 minutes, then carry out the usual procedures for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the face.


Description: silvery scales that appear mainly on the scalp, but can occur anywhere else. The disease is chronic and is accompanied by increased dryness and irritation of the skin.

Doshas out of balance: Vata and Pitta.

Aggravating factors: liver dysfunction, anxiety, stress, a feeling of lack of soil under your feet.


    Take baths with the addition of a decoction of horsetail (you can put a gauze bag with grass in the water).

    After a bath (preferably at least twice a day), lubricate problem areas of the skin with margosa oil with ghee or caranga oil.

    Do self-massage daily (see chapter 8).

    Do hatha yoga or other static exercises until you feel a little sweat (this helps to eliminate toxins from the body and helps to cope with stress).

    Take evening primrose oil, fish oil (cod liver is good), lecithin, vitamin E, and zinc.

Dry patches on the skin

Lubricate the skin with a mixture of sandalwood oil and castor oil (10 drops per 2 tablespoons).


Description: There are three types of eczema. Dry patches (dry eczema). Moist, inflamed red patches with a burning sensation (true eczema) usually, although not necessarily, appear in the joint area. Purulent, weeping patches (weeping eczema) or dry, itchy patches usually, though also not necessarily, appear around the eyes and eyebrows, on the nose, or on the scalp.

Doshas out of balance:

    Vata (dry spots).

    Pitta (moist, inflamed, red patches with a burning sensation).

    Kapha (moist purulent or dry itchy patches).

Aggravating factors:malnutrition, excess toxins in the blood, constipation, stress, undigested emotions, excessive exposure to the sun or salt water.


    Mix equal parts margose, brahmi and basil oils and lubricate the affected skin.

    Mix Vi teaspoon of natural camphor, 2 teaspoons of zinc oxide and 7-8 teaspoons of corn or potato starch. Treat the affected areas of the skin with the mixture.

    Apply a water compress of rose petal infusion, nettle and a pinch of natural camphor.

    Cut an aloe leaf and squeeze the juice directly onto the skin.

    Lubricate the affected area with coconut oil, adding a few drops of chamomile, geranium, juniper or lavender essential oil to it.

    Take baths with nettle decoction, adding natural camphor there.

    At night, massage your feet and scalp with brahmi oil.

    Take 1-2 teaspoons daily fish oil or evening primrose oil, 800 units of vitamin E, 30 mg of zinc, plus a daily dose of vitamin B complex and lecithin. Avoid salt, sugar, heavy fats, onions, garlic, radishes; eat plenty of carrots and nutmeg.

Natural Cortisone Therapy

Take a soothing bath by adding a decoction of licorice root to the water. Such baths help with eczema and psoriasis.

Papular acne

Description: h extremely oily skin, enlarged pores, blackheads, large purulent pimples, scar tissue formation.

Doshas out of balance: Pitta or Kapha.

Aggravating factors: sweet or fatty foods, vegetable oils, red meat, seafood, coffee, alcohol, tobacco; emotional stress, emotional attachments (inability to let go of the past), inactivity, possessiveness, depression, and a lack of purpose in life.


    Cleanse your skin with exfoliating herbal powders.

    Take a steam bath with rosemary or eucalyptus essential oil.

    Once a week, take a hot bath to detoxify by adding Epsom salts or a mixture of ground ginger and rock salt to the water.

    Three times a week, conduct half-hour sessions of intensive exercise to sweat properly. Take a shower after your workout.

    Lubricate blackheads with a natural softening lotion. Once or twice inapply a special “mask” to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for a week. For hercooking, mix half a teaspoon of ground cumin, a teaspoon of coriander and a few drops of water. Lubricate blackheads; wash off the ointment after 20-30 minutes.

    Apply a weekly face mask with a mixture of red sandalwood, margosa and lodra powders.

    Large inflamed acne, difficult to remove, do not squeeze out, Apply boiled onion gruel to them 2-3 times a day or at night: this way they will open faster.

    Eat more fiber (bran, fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains). Drink fresh carrot, beet, apple juices. Drink herbal teas made from burdock, echinacea, margose, or turmeric to help detoxify. Instead of teas, you can drink 1/2 cup of warm water every hour. In the morning, take aloe vera gel: 1 teaspoon if you have a Pitta constitution, 2 tablespoons if you have a Kapha constitution.


Description: cr a clear rash on the nose or cheeks (possibly very sensitive or with a burning sensation), increased oiliness of the skin in the region of the nose, broken capillaries, rough skin on the nose.

Dosha out of balance: Pitt.

Aggravating factors: anger, frustration, frustration, anxiety, excessive ambition, stress, difficult circumstances, unsatisfactory or mutually hostile personal relationships, excessive activity, hot weather, exposure to the sun; the use of burning hot spices, sour fruits, fermented foods, tomatoes, seafood, canned foods, soda, flour confectionery, chocolate and other sweets, pizza or deep-fried potatoes; use of antibiotics and harsh chemical cleaners.


    Do not apply tonal creams, astringents and hard products on the skin. Use only natural emollients.

    Wash your face with milk with the addition of white sandalwood, manjishta and margosa powders.

    Soak a towel in a cool herbal decoction of comfrey or nettle and apply a wet compress to your face.

    Apply fresh cilantro and mint, ground in a mixer with a little water, on your face. Lie down for 10-15 minutes, then wash off the mask. For very dry skin, redness or a burning sensation, lubricate the face with an emollient lotion of ghee mixed with an aqueous extract of dry margosa leaves or margosa oil.

    Take 10,000 units of beta-carotene daily, 1,000 mg of vitamin C, 15-20 mg of zinc, 400 units of vitamin E, and a daily dose of vitamin B complex. Take herbal teas made from burdock, golden seal, echinacea, margose, or turmeric to promote eliminate toxins, or every hour drink a glass of water (room temperature). Drink aloe vera juice in the morning.

Cuts and wounds

To stop bleeding, heal a cut, and protect against infection, sprinkle pure turmeric powder on the wound. To prevent infection and scarring, apply 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil to the wound.


Doshas out of balance: Kapha or Vata.

Aggravating factors: weak agni, poor digestion, water retention, excess fat.


    Follow a Kapha-pacifying diet.

    After breakfast and lunch, take Vi teaspoonful of trikata 56 and in the morning 4-6 medohara pills.

    Drink Vi cups of aloe vera juice early in the morning every day to help flush out toxins.

    Massage the abdomen and thighs with any warming oil (such as bergamot or rosemary oil).

    Get exercise.

Dry skin and cracked feet

Doshas out of balance: Vata or Pitta.

Aggravating factors: cold weather, dehydration.


    Massage your feet at night with brahmi oil (for Vata skin types), castor oil (for Pitta skin types), or cashew nut oil (for all skin types). After the massage, put on your socks and go to bed.


To soften and then gently scrape off a callus, soak a cotton ball in fresh pineapple or lemon juice and bandage it over the callus.

Fungal diseases, unpleasant odor and burning sensation on the skin of the feet

Doshas out of balance: Pitt.

Aggravating factors: heat, exercise.


    Prepare deodorant foot powder: Combine 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) powdered orris root, 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) arrowroot, and 20 drops of lavender or rose oil. Pour the powder into your shoes or directly onto your feet.

For burning sensations, massage your feet with sandalwood oil, unripe mango fruit juice, or mango leaf juice.

Proper skin care is the first necessary step on the path to beauty., and the sooner you begin to regularly follow the recommendations prescribed here, the faster you will achieve improvement and stop early aging.

But remember that the ultimate cure lies deep within your body and mind. Ayurveda will help you get there through many of the other therapeutic methods described in this book - diet and massage, breathing exercises and meditation techniques. I really hope that you will use at least some of these methods of achieving balance. But there is no need to rush: master new techniques at your own pace.

A. Blaise "Absolute Beauty"

Reading time: 5 min.

Diet for dermatitis is an important point of complex treatment. Skin disease manifests itself in the form of a rash, redness, itching, burning of the epidermis. An allergic person may complain of blisters, vesicles with purulent contents. Therefore, a person should pay attention to the products that enter his body. Otherwise, the use of fast food, sweets, fatty, smoked, provokes an allergy. What can you eat with dermatitis?

During an acute manifestation of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to exclude allergenic foods from the diet. A mandatory item should be products that promote the process of regeneration of damaged epidermal tissues. The diet should include the following food items:

  • Liquid cereals on the water (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, barley, corn);
  • Vegetables, boiled or steamed: zucchini, Brussels sprouts, carrots, chickpeas, green peas;
  • Boiled chicken meat;
  • Green apples in a baked form;
  • Dairy products with a low percentage of fat;
  • Sea fish;
  • Green or herbal tea without sugar;
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.

To cleanse the body and remove toxins from it, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced water regime. Drink clean water at the rate of 30 ml per kg of body weight. If a person weighs 80 kg, then his water norm per day is 2.4 liters.

It is necessary to limit the intake of salt to a minimum, as it retains fluid in the body and prevents it from being cleansed. Usually doctors recommend to exclude the main diseases for 2 weeks. harmful products nutrition, and then - after improving well-being, introduce them again. If a rash, redness of the skin occurs, the allergen product must be completely abandoned.

What should be excluded from the diet?

One of the main causes of dermatitis is malnutrition. The reaction of the body to food allergens manifests itself in the form of a skin rash, redness, itching, and discomfort. In order to avoid exacerbation of the manifestation of allergies, it is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • Fast food;
  • Foods with a high fat content;
  • Spicy, smoked dishes;
  • Preservation, as well as products with a long shelf life;
  • Snacks: chips, nuts, crackers;
  • Citrus;
  • Pineapples;
  • Persimmon;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • caffeinated drinks, black tea;
  • Alcohol;
  • Sweets and bakery products;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Sausages;
  • Seasonings.

Meals should be frequent (up to 7 times a day), but small in volume. Since, against the background of limited nutrition, patients may be deficient in minerals and vitamins in the body, it is recommended to additionally take special vitamin complexes- Vitrum, Complivit, Supradin and their analogues.

In atopic dermatitis, it is recommended to follow a special hypoallergenic diet. Such a diet is shown to nursing mothers with a history of skin diseases. This factor puts the health of the child at risk: any allergy of the mother can provoke the same in the baby, about atopic dermatitis in children. A hypoallergenic diet implies such principles in nutrition as:

  • Vegetables, meat are boiled, and not fried in oil with spices;
  • Cereals before cooking should be soaked for 30 minutes, then thoroughly rinsed with clean running water;
  • Before eating raw vegetables and fruits, you need to peel them;
  • Meat or fish broth must be cooked in several stages. Initially, the products are soaked in clean water for 1 hour, then the broth is boiled, drained and the next one is boiled (until transparent).

It has been proven that adults and children most often develop allergies to vegetables and fruits of rich scarlet colors. Therefore, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, red currants should be excluded for the duration of the therapeutic diet.

At breastfeeding give up eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits, seafood, sweets. It is not recommended to constantly use the same products, as cumulative allergic reaction. Before buying food in a supermarket, carefully read the composition - it should not contain dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers.

Diet for allergic dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis develops as a result of close contact with an allergen substance. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend eliminating from the diet those foods that are most likely to provoke an unwanted skin reaction.

From the menu you need to remove honey, nuts, coffee and tea, cocoa, berries (viburnum, raspberries, currants, watermelon), citrus fruits. During the period of food restriction, you must adhere to a strict diet: do not eat fried, smoked, salty, sweet. For most followers of the diet for allergic dermatitis, it will seem tasteless. But, spices and excess salt are also prohibited in the diet of people suffering from skin reactions.

Try to prepare fresh meals before every meal. Meat, fish, cereals, vegetables must be soaked in water for more than an hour before cooking. This will reduce the concentration of nitrates and other chemical components in them.

Allergy sufferers are allowed to eat:

  • Baked apples and pears;
  • Zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli;
  • poultry meat;
  • Kefir, cottage cheese, ryazhenka;
  • Olive and sunflower oils;
  • Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice.

Use bottled water for cooking. In tap water, as a rule, the concentration of permissible chemicals (minerals) is not observed, which leads to allergic dermatitis. For culinary purposes, buy clean water from the store.

With seborrheic dermatitis, you can not eat:

  • Alcoholic and caffeinated drinks;
  • Fast food;
  • Fried and smoked dishes;
  • Food from packages (vermicelli, mashed potatoes) with a high content of chemical components;
  • Juices in bags with added sugar;
  • Cakes, pastries, bread with yeast.

For the duration of the diet, you need to limit the consumption of sweets based on refined sugar. Pay attention to chocolate, sweets, biscuits for diabetics. Do not consume fast carbohydrates in the form of honey, fruit jams. Vegetables, meat, fish are recommended to be cooked in a double boiler or baked without seasonings in the oven.

If severe dietary restrictions did not help get rid of the symptoms of a skin disease, it is necessary to additionally take allergy tests. Thus, it will turn out to exclude the product-allergen.

For the purpose of intensive removal from the body of toxins formed under the influence of the inflammatory process of the skin a large number of water - up to 3 liters per day.

Since one of the causes of seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis is stress, it is necessary to include teas based on lemon balm, valerian, chamomile, mint in the diet. In complex treatment, herbal teas have a sedative effect on the nervous system.

Diet for Dühring's dermatitis
