Project "This wonderful world of fish". "River Fish"

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River perch Average weight ranges from 400 g to 3 kg The length of the fish can exceed 1 meter, but the average size of a perch is usually no more than 30-45 cm. Under natural conditions, these fish are hunted by larger predatory fish, otters, herons and humans.

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Pike The average length is 1 meter with an average weight of 8 kilograms. Individual individuals grow up to 1.8 m and have a body weight of up to 35 kg, with females usually larger than males. In the spring, after forced winter fasting, it rushes at everything and can pursue the victim for a long time until the pursuit is crowned with success. This fish is a voracious and indiscriminate predator; it can even eat other pike, especially small ones.

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Catfish are very smart and cunning fish. To lure prey, it moves its whiskers, imitating the movement of worms, and at the same time opens its mouth. At the sight of prey, the catfish draws in water along with its trusting prey. very greedy fish. He picks up everything edible that falls into the water: a passing duck, a nest hanging above the water, small fish, larvae, frogs, shells, crayfish, or birds that accidentally fall into the pond. The weight of this predatory fish can reach 400 kg, and its length is 5 meters. Depending on the habitat, the color of the catfish can range from yellow to black. dangerous predator, there are even known cases of this fish attacking people.

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Crucian carp Goldfish are often used as experimental animals in scientific experiments. For example, they were the first fish to go into space. Crucian carp have a highly developed sense of smell, so they are able to detect the finest odors in water at a considerable distance. These fish are attracted to strong odors, so fishermen often add garlic, valerian tincture and other strong-smelling substances to the bait. Weight no more than 2.5 kg. In lakes and ponds with little food, when overcrowded, crucian carp becomes smaller and even at an advanced age does not exceed 10 cm in length

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Ruff The length of an adult is 10 cm. Weight is from 15 to 30 grams. A large ruff reaches a length of up to 20 cm and weighs up to 100 grams. The ruff has many spines on its fins. The common ruffe feeds on smaller fish, invertebrates, insects, plants, and fry, but its main food is crayfish. In the spring it eats the eggs of other fish. Ruff does not like river currents, sunlight or warm water. IN summer period the fish descends to a depth of 2 meters. The age of the ruff is determined by the number of lines on the scales. Females can live up to 11 years, and males up to 7 years.

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Herring Typically, the maximum lifespan of a herring is up to 25 years. Medium-sized specimens have a body length of up to 35 centimeters: the photo shows that they do not claim to be the largest fish. However, some individuals can grow to a length of more than 40 centimeters. Feeds on sea crustacean larvae

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Cod Cod fish grows throughout its life, and most fish by the age of 3 grow in length to an average of 40-50 cm. The size of mature cod individuals depends on the area, the largest representatives of the Atlantic cod species reach 1.8-2 m in length , while the weight of cod can be about 96 kg. Feeds various types fish: capelin, herring, polar cod, saury, sprat, smelt, as well as young and medium-sized individuals of their own kind. In summer, krill and bivalves, in which the cod bites off the legs extended from the shell.

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- Guys, today we will talk to you about fish. What do you know about them? What are they? (children's answers)
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Fish are aquatic inhabitants whose bodies are covered with scales.
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The body of a fish consists of a head, body, tail and fins.
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With the help of fins, fish turn in the water and change direction. The tail serves as a rudder for them.
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Fish breathe using gills. They close their gills and take a mouthful of water, and then open their gills and release water through them, “taking” oxygen from the water.
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Most fish spawn. Each egg then produces fry. They don't look exactly like adult fish. But a little time will pass and the fry will turn into adult fish.
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In winter, when the water freezes, the fish sink to the bottom. At this time, they lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat little. But there is very little oxygen in the water under the ice, so people make ice holes to make it easier for the fish to breathe.
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- And now, guys, let's talk to you about river fish.
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Crucian carp is a river fish, ranging in size from 30 to 50 cm. There are gold and silver crucian carp.
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Perch is a small river fish up to 30 cm long. Despite the fact that it is small, perch is a predatory fish.
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Ruff is a small fish that feeds on small organisms - crustaceans, etc. Ruff is found in rivers and lakes, and is prey for larger fish.
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Catfish is a very large fish, up to 5 m long and weighing up to 300 kg. Catfish live in rivers and lakes. This fish has no scales. Catfish is a predator.
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Pike is a river predatory fish; it reaches a length of up to 2 m and weighs more than 60 kg. The color of the pike is speckled gray-green. Pike is very voracious. It feeds mainly on fish, frogs, and insects.
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- Let's remember what river fish you have just met? (children's answers)
- And now, let's talk to you about sea fish.
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Swordfish is one of the largest predatory fish. It reaches 4.5 meters in length and weighs up to 500 kg. She has a large semi-lunar fin on her tail, upper jaw carries a sword, and the body is naked, without scales.
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Monkfish is a large fish up to 1.5 m long and weighs up to 20 kilograms. On the head there is a fishing rod - an appetizing glowing “bait” for other fish.
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Flying fish are small, from 15 to 25-35 cm. Even the giant flying fish is no longer than 50 cm. Its pectoral fins are slightly shorter than the body and contain a large number of rays.
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The electric stingray is a large fish, often reaching a length of 2 m and a weight of 100 kg, with an almost round body disk and bare skin, devoid of thorns and spines. They use their formidable weapons mainly to kill prey and, of course, for defense.
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Zebra fish - sea ​​fish, painted with cream and burgundy stripes. The body of the zebra fish is equipped with a large number of fins, spines and other appendages. In a moment of danger, she quickly turns from side to side, trying to stand with her back to the enemy, and hits him with her dorsal fins. Lionfish venom is extremely dangerous.
- Well, guys, we introduced you to two types of fish. Remind me what types of fish exist? (children's answers). Well done, which fish can we classify as river and which as sea?

Presentation on the topic: River fish.

The river is the habitat of many fish. In it you can find different types river fish, for example: ruffe, crucian carp, perch, catfish and pike.

Ruff The length of an adult ruff is 10 cm and weighs more than 100 grams. The back of the fish is gray-green with black dots, the sides are yellow, the belly is gray or white. The color of the ruffe depends on its habitat: in rivers with a clean sandy bottom, the color of the fish is lighter than in muddy reservoirs. Feature fish - a spiny dorsal fin consisting of several rays. The main food of the ruffe is cyclops, small crustaceans, worms, leeches. The sense organ with which the fish hunts is the lateral line; with its help, even in complete darkness, the ruff can find immovable prey. The lifespan of the ruffe rarely reaches 7-11 years.

Silver crucian carp, unlike gold carp, has a silvery belly, large quantity gill rakers The pectoral and ventral fins of the golden one are slightly reddish, those of the silver one are yellowish or gray, like all other fins in individuals of both species. The mouth of crucian carp is small. Crucian carp are characterized by great unpretentiousness to water quality. They are found both in large and clear lakes and rivers; often inhabit muddy ponds, quiet river backwaters, various ditches, quarries and even swampy reservoirs with acidic water, where other fish cannot live.. They are tolerant of low temperatures and do not die as a result of freezing into ice. In the winter, as in the case of temporary drying up of a reservoir, they are buried in silt, where they remain motionless all the time. Silver crucian carp can bury themselves in the mud after being frightened for several minutes (UP TO 10). The crucian carp leave their winter shelters only after the ice has melted and the water has sufficiently warmed up.
Gold and silver crucian carp

Golden crucian carp

River perch

Big Catfish

Pike is a lake and river fish. Pike has an elongated, cylindrical or moderately laterally compressed body. A large head relative to the length of the body. The dorsal fin is located at the back of the body, which allows it to quickly accelerate and maneuver through the water. The color varies greatly depending on the habitat - the back is usually greenish-brown, the belly is light silver. The jaws are equipped with teeth oriented towards the inside of the mouth. Pike can prey on almost anything it can grab: waterfowl, animals, rodents. Pike feeds throughout the daylight hours. The larger the pike, the less often it feeds. Shchuryats with a length of 15 to 60-70 mm feed on crustaceans, primarily crustaceans. By June, two-month-old squirrels switch to feeding on the young of other fish.
