How to choose the right canned peas. Test purchase: how to choose the right green peas

Every housewife must have a jar of green peas in her bins, especially in the autumn-winter period, when salads such as Olivier salad, cod liver salad, squid salad, etc. become popular. It is so tasty and healthy that it would seem, what disadvantages could it have? In fact, there is a lot to think about here, so we suggest taking a closer look at this wonderful product and finding out what the benefits and harms of canned green peas are, and how to choose them correctly.

And here are its best advantages:

  • High content of vegetable protein. It is contained here up to 18-20 grams. per 100 gr. product. Thanks to this, it is excellent for use during diets and fasts, especially if consumed together with cereals.
  • Optimal combination of protein and carbohydrates. Thanks to this, peas become a very filling product with minimal calorie content (only 60-70 kcal per 100 grams). Due to the high protein content, it digests for quite a long time, maintaining a feeling of fullness.
  • Protects the heart and blood vessels. Peas contain unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, which are very important for our body, which play a huge role in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Harm of canned green peas

If we talk about fresh peas, then they have no drawbacks. It's just that it's a little heavy for digestive system, and in people with a weak gastrointestinal tract can cause flatulence. But the preservation process corrects everything - such peas are much more tender and easier to digest.

How to choose the right canned peas?

Given that most manufacturers produce peas in a tin, you have no way of knowing what's inside, so try to use the following as a guide.


If you have the opportunity to choose glass containers, great - here you can immediately see how high-quality the product is in color and density. For example, a cloudy, thick filling hides stale or unripe fruits. If you still choose a tin can, then first look at its integrity - there should be no dents or bulges. This indicates that the product is spoiled.


The label of a quality product always provides comprehensive information: legal address of the manufacturer, expiration date and packaging date, detailed composition. There should not be any food additives, sweeteners, preservatives. Some manufacturers convince that additives are necessary to preserve the product, but this does not apply to heat-treated products - after all, when you close jars of jam at home, you do not add anything there for preservation. The ideal composition of canned peas is simple - water, peas, salt, sugar.

Pea variety

In canning, only two types of peas are usually used - brain and smooth grain. The first is oval, sweet, aromatic, tasty - great for salads, pates and fillings. The second one is larger, smooth, beautiful with a mealy aftertaste. Also great for salads and garnishing dishes.


Unfortunately, tasting is only available after purchase. But after trying it once, you will already know for sure whether it is worth buying a similar product next time. High-quality and ripe fruits feel quite elastic to the touch, offer little resistance, without falling apart at the slightest touch. Good peas smell good. There should be no sediment in the filling; ideally, the brine should be transparent.

Green peas gained their well-deserved popularity many thousands of years ago. Growing green peas is not particularly difficult, both in terms of care and climatic conditions in which it can grow. The product was popular not only among peasants, but also among kings and other noble persons. The combination of peas with other ingredients gave rise to delicious, unique dishes. For example, the French nobility loved to eat green peas cooked in lard.

Green peas in Russia

In Russia, green peas have become widely known since the reign of Peter the Great and have not lost their popularity since then. And now we cannot imagine the famous Olivier salad, mashed potatoes and other dishes without green peas. And so that we can enjoy its taste at any convenient time of the year, there are canned green peas.

The undoubted advantage of this product is its unpretentiousness in storage - green peas do not have to be put in the refrigerator; it is enough to put them in a place protected from moisture and direct sunlight.

A canned product, if it is of high quality, retains all the beneficial and taste properties of fresh green peas. GIPAR products offer you exactly this option.

How to choose quality green peas

  • First of all, you need to look at the date of production - peas should be canned in May or June, since this time is the time of harvest. If the peas were canned in the fall or winter, then, most likely, the manufacturer canned dried and then soaked peas, which, accordingly, indicates the low taste of the product. Therefore, it is not worth buying such peas.
  • Look at the label. When choosing peas, you need to pay attention to what is written on the can. The GOST inscription indicates that green peas are canned in strict accordance with the recipe - inside the jar there are only the peas themselves, salt, sugar and water. The name TU means less stringent preservation conditions, that is, the manufacturing conditions are established by the manufacturer himself. In this case, the canned green peas may be too salty or sweet, or may not be what you need. taste characteristics not in better side: Jars may contain overripe, broken, brown or starchy peas.
  • Check the jar. Can must be intact, without the presence of any dents or traces of bombing of the can - in this case, bacteria dangerous to the human body penetrate into the canned food, destroying the nutrient medium of the product.
  • Shake the jar. If you hear the sounds of overflowing water, this means that the manufacturer did not report required quantity canned peas, and, therefore, it is not worth purchasing these products.
  • Study the composition. If, in addition to the components listed above, the canned food contains other substances, then there is no need to buy this product - the harmful elements will not benefit you. In addition, the pea brine should not be cloudy.

Why you should eat green peas

  • Regular consumption of green peas reduces the risk of diseases such as hypertension, cancer and heart attacks.
  • Green peas slow down the aging process of the body, which means it directly affects making you look younger.
  • Canned green peas relieve hangover symptoms and improve sleep.

The products of the GIPAR company meet all GOST standards; you will not find preservatives or other harmful substances in the product, and taste qualities canned green peas will leave the most pleasant gastronomic impression.

It is a popular ingredient for preparing salads. It is used as a side dish for meat dishes and for other purposes. This product has a lot beneficial properties, which are preserved during its conservation. It is a canned product of this type that is most often used in cooking, since fresh green peas retain their juiciness and other qualities for a short time after harvesting.

Green pea quality standards

Helps to select and evaluate peas GOST R 54050-2010, which applies to canned natural products of this type. According to this standard, peas are divided into products of the highest, first and second commercial grade.

  • The grains must be whole and without any impurities of the shells.
  • The presence of brown fodder peas in canned food is excluded.
  • The smell is weak, natural, characteristic of canned green peas. There should be no foreign tastes or aromas.
  • The color of the beans is uniform in one package: light green or olive.
  • The highest grade is characterized by a soft, uniform consistency. For the first there is a soft, heterogeneous consistency and for the second, a harder, heterogeneous consistency.
  • The fill should be transparent with a greenish or olive tint.
  • Depending on the variety, up to 6-10% of the mass fraction of broken grains is acceptable.
  • Products of the first and second grades may have a slight starchy aftertaste.
  • Single grains are possible that differ in color from the bulk of the peas.
  • A slight sediment of pulp particles and slight turbidity are acceptable for premium products.
  • There may be a sediment in the form of starch and a cloudy filling of green peas; GOST allows this for goods of the first and second grade.
  • There should be no mineral or other foreign impurities.
  • The mass fraction of peas directly in canned food is at least 60%.

How to choose green peas?

GOST provides information on what the product should be. But in the store it is in packaging, usually in an iron can. How to understand which peas are better in such a situation? There are some tips for buyers to help in this matter.

  • Choose jars with the production date printed on them. If it is cut out on the paper label or embossed on the bottom of the lid, this indicates outdated equipment for the production of canned peas.
  • The best choice is green peas that were canned in May or June, which you will know by the production date. During these months, young but already mature peas are harvested.
  • Choose products manufactured in accordance with GOST, which must indicate the commercial grade - highest, first or second.
  • You can shake the jar of peas. If there is no sound of pouring pouring, then the manufacturer has not spared the product for canning. The presence of knocking, dull sounds indicates old and hard peas in a jar with a small volume of filling. It is better not to buy such a product.

When you open canned green peas, pay attention to the color of the grains. If they are green, such products can be used for making salads and as a side dish. A yellowish color indicates that the peas are overripe and more rigid. This product is best used in cooking, adding it to various dishes with additional processing: boiling, stewing, and so on. Brown pea grains are defective and should not be eaten.
