What happens if after salty. What does the body lack with a constant craving for salty foods?

Some people practically cannot imagine their life without salt. Those who refuse to use it altogether can provoke serious disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Each person has their own taste preferences. Some people like sweets, some like salty, some like bitter. There are times when you want something to such a state that it is impossible to endure. Why do people have certain preferences? Most often, people are faced with the fact that they want something salty. All food seems under-salted; you want to add salt to any food, even bread. And it’s better not to think about pickles, tomatoes and herring at all. Such whims are not without reason. If such symptoms occur, the body seems to warn the person that he is missing something.

Why is salt needed?

For some people, salty cravings are associated with pregnancy. Why such a stereotype arose is not difficult to guess. As soon as a woman mentions that she wants something salty, everyone around her looks at her belly. But if an irresistible desire to eat salty foods affects representatives strong half humanity, here many are at a dead end.

The question may arise: can the human body really need salt? What might he be missing if some people are able to do without it altogether? The answer they will hear will be positive. Salt is responsible for the normal functioning of many important systems. human body. In the scientific world, salt is better known as sodium chloride.

Why is salt so important for the body?

  1. It takes part in acid-base metabolism.
  2. If this element is normally contained in human blood, red blood cells work in full force, supplying oxygen to all tissues.
  3. Together with potassium, sodium promotes the penetration of dextrose and amino acids through cell membranes. In other words, this is what the proper nutrition of the body’s cells depends on.
  4. This element is also directly involved in the functioning nervous system. With its help, the nerve endings receive the necessary information and transmit it further directly to the nerves and muscles.
  5. Sodium is responsible for absorption nutrients walls of the intestines and kidneys.
  6. Normalizes the secretion of gastric juice.
  7. This may seem strange to many, but salt affects the work genitourinary system.
  8. Sodium is one of the most important components of bones, muscles, blood, and intercellular fluid.

Not enough salt or too much? This can cause the body to stop functioning normally. When there is a lack of sodium, the following happens.

  1. Blocking the passage of nerve impulses to the cerebral cortex, as a result of which the individual begins to gradually become dull.
  2. Weakening of the effect of electrolytes. Characterized by problems with the perception of information and inappropriate behavior.
  3. Lack of sleep.
  4. Weakness.
  5. Loss of coordination.
  6. Dehydration.
  7. Blood thickening.
  8. There is a risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Causes of cravings for salty foods

So why do you want salty foods? Often this desire is pathological. I always want salty food. This problem is caused by diets, poor nutrition or metabolic disorder. In some cases this may be temporary. The desire for salty foods is especially common in pregnant women.


How can you understand that the body is pathologically lacking salty foods? Some symptoms indicate this. In a person who is low in sodium:

  • the skin dries out and its elasticity is lost prematurely;
  • muscle weakness is felt;
  • Nausea begins;
  • tachycardia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • problems appear in the functioning of the nervous system and kidneys.

Here the person's guilt is obvious. Why is this happening? The main reason that there is not enough sodium is strict, often incorrectly selected diets, which can cause metabolic disorders.

Adhering to some diets, a person completely excludes from his diet not only salt, but also all products that contain it. He is forced to give up seafood, cheeses, mineral water, tomato, legumes and other products. The result of such diets is problems that arise in the body.

The body craves salty foods due to the following problems:

  • accelerated metabolism;
  • it lacks some micro- and macroelements;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • some infections affecting the genitourinary system.

People who are constantly stressed can also crave salty foods. Everything around them seems bland - life, work, and food included. A certain drive is missing. A person strives to revive all sensations, trying to add salt to everything.


If a pregnant woman craves salty foods, then this is quite normal. What causes such a desire? When a woman carries a baby in her womb, the amount of blood during this period increases significantly, and the volume of fluid increases accordingly. Do not forget that sodium is a necessary link in the process of water metabolism.

The developing fetus lacks the blood and salt that a woman has. The distribution of these components between two people provokes increased consumption of salty foods.

However, even during this period, when it would seem you don’t want to deny yourself anything, you should not overuse salty foods. By eating a cucumber, a tomato, or a herring, a woman provokes a moment when her body is oversaturated with salt. As a result, the pregnant woman begins to complain of swelling of the limbs and bags under the eyes.


People who suffer from excessive sweating also want salty foods. Sweat removes salt from the body. Typically, this condition is observed in resort areas, where humid air predominates, with increased physical activity and work in workshops, especially if the air is constantly hot.

In such cases, the lack of sodium can be replenished with vegetables, fruits, and mineral water. If this is the reason, then it is recommended to exclude pickled foods (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.) from the diet and avoid over-salted foods.

In some cases, the passion for salty foods is a habit developed over the years. For example, as a child, my mother constantly added salt to food while cooking. For her, this seemed like the norm, and the child’s body gradually adapted to this. As a result, in adult life, a person will constantly add salt to all cooked food.

But sometimes things are not as simple as they seem. A person may simply not feel the taste of food. This problem may begin to manifest itself due to depression or brain diseases in which the taste buds have been affected.

In some cases, cravings for salty foods may indicate the following problems:

  • infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • exacerbation of certain diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • prostatitis;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the appendages;
  • weakening of the immune system.

You need to eat for pleasure, but everything should be done in moderation. If the body excessively requires salty foods, and so much so that you cannot tolerate it, it is better to seek help from a specialist. Perhaps your body is signaling you about serious problems.

Salt is an important seasoning that is found in every kitchen. You'll be hard-pressed to find a recipe in any cookbook that doesn't require the use of salt and pepper to prevent the dish from coming out bland and lacking in flavor. A person needs some salt in their daily diet to stay healthy. However, many people consume too much salt.

According to scientists, the average person needs 2,300 milligrams of salt per day, people with high blood pressure should limit their salt intake to 1,500 milligrams or less, and those with serious illnesses should eat even less salt. How do you know if you are consuming too much of this seasoning? Here are a few simple signs that indicate a problem quite clearly.

You eat processed foods

The emergence of processed foods is the number one cause of the problem of excessive salt consumption. There is a certain list of foods that most often turn out to be too salty. If you eat them regularly, the level of salt in your diet will exceed the recommended level. Among similar dangerous products: canned soups and broths, frozen meals, pickled cucumbers and olives, soy sauce and ketchup, processed cheese, salted nuts, crackers and chips. The problem is especially acute if you are not active enough.

People often rely too much on processed foods, often eating chips and bread, and as a result they end up with a huge amount of salt. Increased amounts on a daily basis, coupled with lack of physical activity and poor lifestyle choices, lead to a high risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and other problems. Avoid the above foods if you want to eat less salt. This is the easiest way to quickly make your diet safer.

You often feel thirsty

Eating too much salt can negatively impact the amount of fluid in your body. For example, if you ate pizza, you took in an excess amount of salt, causing your body to become dehydrated. The next day you will be terribly thirsty, and you may also suffer from a headache or an upset stomach. It feels like a hangover, but you don't even have to drink alcohol to experience the discomfort: meat, salted cheese, olives - all these foods cause you to deal with puffiness, fatigue and dry mouth. You could say it's a hangover after eating! To avoid this problem, review your eating habits. If you use less harmful products or eliminate them altogether, you will notice that strong thirst visits you much less often.

Are you suffering from swelling?

If your ring fits you one day and doesn't fit the next, you're probably suffering from swelling. This may be due to an excess of salt in the body. Excess salt leads to edema and tumors because salt disrupts the balance of fluids in the body. As a result, your body tissues swell with excess fluid. This excess fluid will also show up on the scale, which can really put you in a bad mood. You will feel uncomfortable and gain weight.

And all because you eat too much salty food! Water retention in the body is the simplest signal of this. If your fingers or eyes swell, you notice that you have gained a kilogram, it is due to water retention in the body. If this is accompanied by thirst, there is no doubt - salt is to blame. Therefore, it’s time for you to think about changes in your diet.

Your taste has changed

If you constantly find yourself adding salt to your food when no one else uses a salt shaker, you may have a poor diet that has already altered your food receptors. They adapt to high salt content, but can also get used to its absence.

Once you give up salt and processed foods, you will be able to regain your sense of taste and be sensitive to over-salted foods. It will be difficult at first because everything will seem bland, but it is good for your heart - do not pick up a salt shaker and give up salty foods. Plus, there are other seasonings that add flavor to food without any harmful effects on your body. Try them and you will love the variety they guarantee. You won't miss the salt!

You have indigestion

Stomach pain can be caused by various things: you eat too much, you have an infection, and so on. In some cases, excess salt intake may also be the cause. A diet high in salt can lead to digestive problems, sometimes very serious. The risk of gastritis or ulcers increases. These gastrointestinal diseases can be extremely painful and come with a variety of unpleasant symptoms, such as persistent pain, nausea and vomiting. If you feel like your poor diet is causing stomach problems, you should change the situation and consult your doctor as soon as possible. If you ignore gastritis, your condition will only get worse. Don't let your health take its course!

Do you have high blood pressure

About a third of the population experiences high blood pressure. One risk factor is a high-salt diet, so keeping an eye on this is important. If you know you have hypertension, you should limit your intake of salty foods. Read labels, avoid processed foods, eat less in restaurants. And in restaurants high level, and in fast food cafes dishes are prepared with big amount salt. Try a diet designed specifically for hypertensive patients, based on lean meats, vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

You have heart disease

If you ignore blood pressure problems and other obvious symptoms leading to heart problems, you could die ahead of schedule. Eating too much salt may be a major cause of heart attack. Consult your doctor for advice on the best diet.

You have a kidney stone

If you have a kidney stone, you will have to deal with pain that no one should have to endure. For example, one in twelve women encounters a kidney stone at least once in their life, and the chance of recurrence of the disease is fifty percent.

What Causes Kidney Stones? There is no single specific cause, but there are risk factors such as genetic predisposition, dehydration and a diet high in salt. Prevent the problem - drink water and watch your diet.

Mindful Eating is the Key to Health

Salt is an important component of dishes in cuisines all over the world; food without it lacks taste and aroma. However, if you eat too much salt, you are harming your body, so it is important to be mindful of your diet. When cooking, add salt a little at a time and taste often - you may need less salt than what is written in the recipe. Read labels carefully, watch your salt intake, avoid foods that contain too much salt, and avoid salt shakers at your table. Use fresh herbs to add flavor to your food. Explore a variety of spices and seasonings, and use them instead of sauces such as soy and tomato. You'll be surprised how much your nutrition can improve if you're patient.

Within the framework of the concept healthy eating We are accustomed to perceive salt, if not as “white poison,” then at least as a product, the amount of which in the diet can be minimized. But perhaps you ask yourself from time to time: can salt be good for you? And the answer will surprise you - yes.

Today, nutritionists are increasingly saying that a salt-free menu will not save you from problems, but, on the contrary, can aggravate them. Below are ten reasons why you need to eat salt regularly.

1. There is no evidence that salt causes hypertension. On the contrary, research shows that a diet low in sodium leads to health problems. One study in particular found that people consuming less than 2,300 mg of salt per day (the recommended daily allowance) had a higher mortality rate than people consuming 2,300 mg of salt per day or more.

2. Salt controls sugar levels. And this happens by increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin. Thus, a low-sodium diet increases your insulin resistance, and sometimes leads to limiting your salt intake (compared to the amount you normally eat).

3. Salt is a natural antihistamine. Thus, a pinch of salt placed under the tongue can reduce allergic reaction and even cope with an asthma attack (according to research published in the book Your Body’s Many Cries for Water).

4. The body needs salt to maintain optimal stomach pH. Maintaining stomach acid at the proper level is, in turn, necessary for excellent digestion.

5. Salt reduces adrenaline surges. Adrenaline is a necessary and important stress hormone, but sometimes all it does is cause stress.

6. Salt improves sleep quality. It has anti-stress and anti-excitement properties due to its ability to suppress adrenaline hormones. This may explain the fact that many people on a low-sodium diet report sleep disturbances and unreasonable anxiety. Does your heart feel like it's going to jump out of your chest right now? Matt Stone, nutrition expert and author of Eat for Heat: The Metabolic Approach to Food and Drink, notes that a pinch of salt and sugar (or salt and honey, whichever you prefer) can help lower your adrenaline levels and instantly calm you down.

7. Adequate salt intake promotes a healthy (read: normal) weight. And at the same time -fast exchange substances. A study on the topic showed that increased salt intake leads to accelerated elimination of the hormone cortisol and, as a result, more low level cortisol in the blood. Uneven distribution or excess cortisol, in turn, means weight gain and stagnant metabolism.

8. Salt supports thyroid function. As you might guess, by reducing circulating stress hormones. For example, excess cortisol is harmful to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, but salt gently and naturally reduces cortisol levels.

9. Salt maintains hormone balance. Nutrition and hormone researcher Ray Peat explains the correlation between salt and the amount of aldosterone (an adrenal hormone): “One of the things that happens when there is not enough sodium in the diet is an increase in aldosterone synthesis. Aldosterone causes you to lose less sodium in urine and sweat, but it does this at the expense of increased loss of potassium, magnesium, and possibly calcium.”

10. Salt gives food flavor. Salt adds a satiety factor to any meal and makes eating truly enjoyable. Adequate salt in your menu allows you to enjoy quality without chasing quantity, encouraging mindful eating and weight management.

Which salt is better

Salt is only good for you if you choose the right type. The best option- unrefined salt, which is rich in microelements and does not contain additives.

Speaking about popular types of healthy salts, Real Salt experts in an interview with Empoweredsustenance note that pink Himalayan salt and Celtic sea salt are on the same level of usefulness. Despite the fact that some manufacturers claim that Himalayan salt contains up to 84 trace elements, you should not believe this. Any sea salt contains about 60 minerals, although the list may differ slightly from one type to another.

But most importantly, don't rely on fast food and processed foods. Cook at home with fresh ingredients and salt your own food to ensure the quality of your food.

We all have our own taste preferences, and that's completely normal. Some people like vegetables and fruits, some cannot imagine their life without meat, and others prefer dairy products. But sometimes our body behaves in surprising ways and begins to act up. During such periods, we are bothered by obsessive taste needs. And in fact, such a phenomenon may indicate a deficiency of minerals or vitamins, and even serious health problems. Let's talk about the reasons why the body craves something salty?


Perhaps, it is pregnancy that more often than other factors causes the emergence of new taste desires. And sometimes even the woman herself is not yet aware of her interesting position, but she’s already craving something salty. And the longer the pregnancy, the more pronounced and unexpected taste desires can overcome her. Doctors say that the desire to taste salty foods while carrying a baby can be explained by the production of the so-called antidiuretic hormone, which is called aldosterone. This substance prevents salt loss by retaining fluid in the body. Parallel female body Progesterone is synthesized, which blocks the activity of aldosterone. And the body still loses both fluid and salt. Therefore, there is a need to eat salty foods to compensate for the lack of sodium.


Arterial hypertension or hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the reasons that makes us eagerly glance towards the salt shaker. As research data show, with hypertension, a change in taste sensations occurs, which in turn causes a decrease in sensitivity to salt.

Therefore, those readers of Popular Health who suffer from high blood pressure may feel the dishes are under-salted. But you shouldn’t follow your desires, because increasing the amount of salt in your diet will only lead to a further increase in blood pressure and can cause a heart attack or stroke.

Salt addiction

Surprisingly, in fact, constantly adding salt to food is addictive, comparable to any other addiction. Systematic consumption of chips and salted nuts, dried and dried fish, various crackers, etc. can turn each of us into a real salt addict. With such an addiction, a person simply cannot exclude his favorite super-salty foods from his diet; he happily indulges in sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers or tomatoes. Dependence on salt often forces food to be added even before a person has tried it. At the same time, the products seem under-salted, although everyone else eats them without the additional use of such an additive.

Dealing with salt addiction is not easy. You need to really understand the harm of such a habit, and then eliminate the consumption of all overly salty foods.

It is also advisable to avoid eating sausages, sausages, canned food, etc., because they often contain a lot of salt. It is advisable to saturate the diet with fruits and vegetables, and salt all food not during the cooking process, but only after it, limiting the daily amount of salt used to one level teaspoon.

What other diseases may cause a craving for salt??

If you do not have enough salty foods, then this constant desire may be due to hyperfunction (abnormal activity) of the thyroid gland. Also, similar taste preferences can appear with ailments of the genitourinary system, when the body actively loses salt.

Among the diseases that cause an abnormal craving for salt, it is worth highlighting eczema.

But all of these diseases, as a rule, are manifested by other health problems.

If food seems not only unsalted, but generally tasteless, perhaps the reason for this lies in a severe (or chronic) runny nose, depression, and even brain diseases.

What does the body lack if it craves salty foods??

If you want to taste salty foods or add salt to ready-made dishes, your body may be experiencing a lack of sodium (salt itself). Also, such taste preferences can be explained by a deficiency of potassium and chlorine, and they are also caused by an insufficient amount of magnesium in the body. In some cases, you crave salty foods when the water-salt balance is disturbed - with a constant or acute fluid deficiency. Some sources indicate that the desire for salt is a symptom of iodine deficiency.

If your body craves salty foods, regardless of the reasons that cause such a desire, you should not indulge your body. Excessive amounts of salt harm our body, causing increased swelling, fluctuations blood pressure and even a deficiency of other mineral salts, represented by potassium and calcium salts, as well as magnesium and phosphorus salts. Excessive inclusion of salt in the diet increases the load on many vital organs of our body. Salt can harm the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver.

You can deceive obsessive desires by drinking medicinal table mineral water (after consultation with a doctor) or by adding a variety of spices to dishes.

If you are worried about the constant need to eat salty foods (or even just lick or chew salt), and you do not see any sensible explanation for this, visit your doctor and undergo a complete examination of your body.

Salt has long been firmly established in the daily diet of almost every person on the planet. We prefer tasty, bright food that actively irritates the receptors of the tongue - and we don’t even think about the harm it brings to the entire body.

Meanwhile, doctors have long been insisting on the need to reduce the amount of salt consumed daily to the required minimum, which seems clearly insufficient for cooks in many countries. But what exactly happens to our body when salt levels rise?

Why is salt needed?

Actually, our body needs salt. It’s strange to start an article about the dangers of a product by praising it - but this is true. The main ingredient in table salt is sodium, which acts as a regulator of blood flow and pressure, promoting adequate communication between nerves and muscles. The second element in table salt, chlorine, is involved in digestion.

Why is it harmful?

It is a rare person who manages to properly maintain the salt balance in the body without making special efforts. Most people exceed their daily allowance due to neglect of diet: processed foods contain too much salt, fast foods are a cemetery for your nervous system, restaurants are a crematorium for your teeth and bones.

Salt and pressure

Sodium chloride is directly linked to the danger of high blood pressure. It is already present in the body, acting as a regulator of fluid and blood flows. By increasing the sodium chloride content in the blood, a person voluntarily increases the load on the heart, brain and arteries, which leads to permanently increased blood pressure.

Salt and calcium

Eating too much salty food can make your bones brittle and your teeth bad. The fact is that salt promotes the leaching of calcium from the body, which, among other things, regulates the functioning of the nervous system and is responsible for proper muscle recovery. Don't be surprised by your own superpower to get irritated by everything - just try to reduce the amount of salt you consume.

Salt and kidneys

To function properly, the kidneys must contain a strictly defined ratio of electrolytes (sodium and potassium) to water. A large number of salt disrupts this balance and, as a result, the kidneys begin to retain more water in the body. The body swells, more blood passes through the veins - hello, hypertension.

Salt and brain

In 2010, scientists from Berkeley discovered another negative factor due to increased salt consumption. It turned out that the “white death” reduces a person’s cognitive abilities - in other words (in case you already consume too much salt), a salty food lover slowly becomes dumber.

How much to weigh in grams

Doctors unanimously assure: it is enough for a person to consume about 2400 mg of sodium - approximately 6 grams of salt. A teaspoon, in the measurements familiar to any cook. Most people exceed this norm every day. When combined with coffee, nicotine and alcohol, the risk of nervous exhaustion becomes greater.
