What helps with dry lips. How to get rid of dry lips: folk remedies

Dryness and peeling of lips occur in almost all of us, not only women, but also children and men. Lips can not only dry out, peel, but even crack. As a result, inflammation sometimes occurs on them and in the corners of the mouth.

To avoid such problems, you need to be more attentive to lip care, choose the right caring cosmetics, lipstick, and follow some rules, which we will discuss below.

The well-being of the skin of the lips is influenced by a variety of factors, both external and internal. Therefore, it is important to know the main reasons that can make plump and pink lips wrinkled, cracked and sore.

What leads to dry and flaky lips

  • The first and most common reason: Lips become dry due to unfavorable weather factors. The sun, wind, and frost can greatly dry out delicate skin, especially when it is not protected.
  • The second important factor: dehydration, which affects the condition of the entire skin and is especially evident on the lips. Therefore, in order for your skin to always look fresh and healthy, you need to drink enough liquid and regularly moisturize your skin.
  • Sometimes this is a consequence of bad habits such as smoking.
  • But there are also more commonplace causes of peeling and cracking: the habit of licking, biting or chewing lips. Sometimes getting rid of them is enough to make the problem go away.
  • The use of incorrect and low-quality cosmetics and irregular care also lead to dryness and peeling.
  • Very often you need to pay attention to your diet, since vitamin deficiency can also cause similar problems.

Let's name the effect vitamins have on the skin of the lips:
- retains moisture in the skin, maintains the elasticity and shape of the lips. To prevent sagging skin, include animal fats, eggs, liver, carrots, onions and apricots in your diet.
— Vitamin E (tocopherol) is involved in the regulation of the water balance of the skin, nourishes and improves the functioning of the capillary system. To maintain elasticity, you need to eat more seeds, avocados and vegetable oils.
— B vitamins affect metabolic processes in skin cells, so if they are deficient, lips often become inflamed and cracked, and may develop a rash. Eggs, dairy products, grains and beans fill this gap well.
— Vitamin C directly affects the formation of collagen in the skin and recovery processes in organism. To replenish it, you need to eat more vegetables, berries and fruits such as sweet peppers, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn and rose hips.

The state of our lips often depends on health problems, such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, problems with the thyroid gland, renal failure, some skin diseases. In these cases, we recommend seeking the help of specialists, because the main thing is to identify and treat the cause.

What you need to have well-groomed lips

If dry and flaky lips are not associated with any disease, you can use folk remedies that will help heal the skin and make your lips beautiful.

It’s easy to find products at home that will help the skin of your lips. They are very simple to use, but to see positive results, you need to do this regularly and consistently.

Lip ointment: mix cocoa powder and butter and place in a water bath. Bring to a boil and simmer for a few minutes. You'll get effective remedy from peeling skin on the lips. Masks made from sour cream or butter: Apply these products to your lips for 20-30 minutes before going to bed. This will relieve you from dryness. Honey scrub mask: just rub honey on your lips. The lips will be smooth and juicy. Baby cream: apply as a mask on the lips for 10-15 minutes. Oil masks: cosmetic oils from wheat grains, grape seeds and sea buckthorn are an excellent remedy for dry and flaky lips. It’s good to add a few drops of vitamins A and E to them. Exfoliating scrub: to remove dead skin cells from your lips, use a scrub made from sugar and honey. Simply mix these products and apply gently onto your skin using your fingertips.
Read the article for recipes for lip scrubs: Lip massage is simple and healthy, it improves blood circulation and has a good effect on the condition of the skin. Lubricate the skin with vegetable oil or balm and massage lightly with your fingertips or simply make patting movements.

  1. It happens that the skin on the lips becomes very dry due to a reaction to lipstick or toothpaste. Solution: choose a product that does not cause allergies. And do not use toothpastes containing fluoride.
  2. To care for children's lips, use children's products and wean your child from putting and chewing various objects in his mouth. Children especially love to chew pencils.
  3. Before you begin treating dry lips, use scrubs to remove flakes from the surface of the skin.
  4. To heal cracked lips, use vitamin E as a lubricant. Apply it on and around the lips.
  5. To keep your lips moisturized longer, first wet your skin with water and then apply lip balm. It will retain moisture in the skin.
  6. When choosing a balm, make sure that it does not contain fragrances and that it is intended to moisturize dry lips.
  7. The next tip concerns smoking. This bad habit leads not only to dryness, but also to pale lips, so quitting smoking is the right decision to maintain beauty and health.
  8. Humidify the air if you stay in a dry room for a long time and use air conditioning.
  9. Always apply lip balm or oil at night to ensure your skin recovers well during the night.
  10. Make it a rule to drink plenty of water and avoid excess alcohol and caffeine consumption - all of this leads to dehydration and affects the condition of your skin.

How to properly apply and use lipstick for dry lips

There are several here important rules:
- do not keep lipstick on your lips for too long, give your skin a rest;
- do not apply lipstick to chapped lips, so as not to aggravate the problem even more;
- choose creamy lipsticks that do not dry out the skin too much;
- before applying lipstick, lubricate your lips with balm.

And in conclusion - useful video tips:

Many of us often feel dry and tight skin around the lips. This is especially unpleasant when communicating or eating. The main reasons are primarily: shortage useful substances in the body, frequently holding wet lips in the wind, as well as freezing of the skin outside at sub-zero temperatures. How to protect our lips from dryness? To avoid this problem, you need to know special rules for lip care.

Moisturizing lip masks at home

To eliminate dry lips, you need to use nourishing masks at least once a day. An oil mixture with an apple will be very effective. To do this, cut off a small piece of apple and grate it. You should not use a whole apple, since we will need very little mixture for our lips, and it should always be fresh. IN applesauce add half a teaspoon of soft butter, mix and apply on lips. Keep it for no more than twenty minutes.

Another nutritious remedy is a mask of cottage cheese with carrot juice. Grate half a medium carrot on the finest grater. Wrap the puree in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Mix it with a teaspoon of cottage cheese and apply it to your lips. We hold in the same way for twenty minutes. Carrot juice can be replaced with heavy cream.

Chamomile compress perfectly helps relieve irritation and inflammation on the lips. You can buy chamomile tea in bags in stores or pharmacies. Brew a tea bag, let it cool and apply the tea bag to your lips for ten minutes. Or you can brew regular herbs and then make compresses using a cotton swab.

To turn dry lips into soft and smooth lips, just apply a few drops of olive or sunflower oil with the addition of a drop of glycerin. When we wake up in the morning, we will see an excellent result. In addition to olive oil, a few drops of honey will do.

Features of lip care

In windy or frosty weather, lips must be painted with lipstick or hygienic lipstick. It serves as an excellent protector of the skin of the lips from external unfavorable conditions. But at the same time, lipstick should be as natural and oil-based as possible. You should not use long-lasting lipsticks; on the contrary, they dry out your lips and do not moisturize at all.

When removing makeup, first of all, we smoothly cleanse our lips of lipstick with a special cosmetic milk, and only after that we carry out the procedure of washing the entire face. Cosmetic milk can be replaced with cucumber juice. Lips will become even softer and more elastic. You can periodically smear your lips with cucumber throughout the day to consolidate the effect.

If your lips begin to peel, then under no circumstances should you peel them off yourself. You just need to take the tea leaves and gently wipe them. The excess skin will soften, roll up and fall off without compromising the integrity of the skin surface of our lips.

Maintaining health

Dry lips certainly indicate that the body does not have enough fluid and there is a deficiency of vitamins A, B and E. Therefore, you should drink at least three liters of regular non-carbonated water daily. It is worth including more fruits and vegetables containing these vitamins in your diet. Parsley, dill, carrots, green onions, spinach and mint, and citrus fruits are rich in vitamin A. Also, don’t forget about vegetables such as bell pepper, cabbage, tomatoes, beets, they are rich in vitamin B. As for vitamin E, in our case it is useful to eat more nuts, kiwi, pumpkin, avocado, rose hips, broccoli and a variety of berries. In this case, it is recommended to smear the lips with cosmetic creams containing vitamins A and E.

Eating should be done only after washing off the lipstick, and at the end of the meal, it is advisable to rinse your face with water and anoint your lips with a rich nourishing cream or cream. You should try to lubricate your lips with saliva as little as possible while in the fresh air. If cracks have already appeared on the lips, we will use cocoa butter, sea buckthorn or calendula compresses. These products have a good healing effect. And also don’t forget to drink tea with St. John’s wort and honey more often.

As we can see, solving the problem of dry lips is very simple. Using the right tips and our recipes, you can achieve the desired result very quickly. Let our lips always look charming.

Causes of dryness

There are several main reasons that can cause dry lips.

  • Sudden temperature changes. Since the skin in the mouth area is very sensitive, and there are practically no sebaceous glands that protect the rest of the skin, any change in weather can greatly affect the condition of the lips.
  • Wrong lipstick. A number of dyes contained in decorative lipsticks significantly dry out the skin. It gives effect vicious circle- the drier the skin, the more girls try to disguise it with the same lipstick. Another explanation for constantly dry lips may be the overuse of decorative cosmetics.
  • Allergy. Often the source of problems is toothpaste, especially those containing fluoride, which causes allergic reaction, which is expressed in dry skin around the lips.
  • In summer, problems often arise sunscreens , which, when applied to the face, accidentally end up on the skin in the mouth area. The substance oxybenzone they contain very quickly dehydrates the epithelium.

Problems can arise not only with the skin on the lips, but also in the corners of the mouth. The cause of peeling in the corners of the lips can be a fungal infection or a lack of vitamins in the body.

In addition, very dry lips can be the cause of a number of serious diseases, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, diabetes and hypothyroidism. You should consult your doctor to determine exactly what your dry lips are a sign of.

Proper care at home

  • Try to smear the lower part of your face with a cream containing vitamins E and A. It is the lack of these substances that explains the appearance of dry skin around the lips.
  • Try to enrich your diet with foods rich in vitamin A- carrots and orange fruits (oranges and tangerines). Also, constant use of sea buckthorn decoction will relieve your lips from small cracks.
  • You need to consume more vitamin B to avoid dryness in the corners of the lips. It is found in greens, vegetables, legumes, and dairy products.
  • It is useful to massage your lips several times a week with a soft-bristled toothbrush. The massage restores the hydration process by stimulating blood flow to the area.
  • If you have a bad habit of licking your lips, try to control it. Licking can lead to the appearance of wounds and cracks, and significantly worsen dry skin in the corners of the lips.
  • Try to maintain fluid balance in your body. In winter, always have a small bottle of water or natural juice with you. However, you should not drink cold drinks on the street - this can make your lips chapped even more. And don’t forget to use a healing balm or chapstick after every meal or drink!

Care products

Girls often wonder what to do with very dry lips. If your lips are dry and the dryness cannot be prevented, there are many lip care products that can help solve the problem.

  • Limit the use of decorative lipsticks and try to use natural products for daily moisturizing - for example, honey, petroleum jelly or cocoa butter.
  • If compliance with office etiquette does not allow you to give up decorative lipsticks, choose oil-based beauty products. Avoid long-lasting lipsticks - they penetrate very deeply into the skin and have a degreasing effect. Oily lipsticks, on the contrary, deeply moisturize and nourish constantly dry lips.
  • When choosing chapstick, pay attention to the composition. It is better to use those means which includes thermal water . This will give the skin an additional source of hydration.
  • Try to purchase means protecting against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Even in winter, although to a lesser extent, ultraviolet rays dry out the skin, so it is important to have UV protection at any time of the year.

In the fight against dry skin, consistency is key, so don't forget to apply a balm, protective cream or chapstick before going outside. This will help avoid another unpleasant problem - chapped lips.

Home Recipes

Fortunately, in addition to commercial dry skin care products, there are many folk recipes that will help quickly restore the smoothness and silkiness of your lips.


  • It is good to treat dry corners of the lips with aloe juice: cut off an aloe leaf and squeeze a couple of drops into your palm, then rub the liquid into the corners of your mouth with light massaging movements. By repeating this procedure two to three times a day, in a week you will forget about dryness in the corners and around your lips!
  • If the skin is cracked to the point that every movement of the mouth causes pain, there is an express remedy to relieve irritation. Just do it green tea lotion, and keep it on your lips for 20 minutes. The pain will go away, and the antioxidants contained in green tea will prepare the epithelium for further recovery.

Persistent dry lips can be treated with the right choice of combination of aroma oils.

  1. Take three drops essential oil orange, patchouli and vetiver.
  2. Mix with a teaspoon of almond oil.
  3. Add one drop of neroli oil to the resulting mixture.
  4. Keep the mixture in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks.
  5. Every day at night, apply the resulting mixture in an even layer.

Lip masks

A good remedy is various nourishing masks. To prepare sour cream mask:

  1. take a teaspoon of sour cream, a teaspoon of lemon juice and add a little vegetable oil;
  2. mix all the ingredients and apply to the lips and skin around the mouth for half an hour;
  3. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

You can also apply a honey mask to your lips, slowly rubbing honey into the skin with light massaging movements. This mask quickly heals cracks and nourishes dry corners of the lips.

A curd mask has a similar effect. To prepare it, you need to mix a small amount of fatty cottage cheese and carrot juice, and apply the resulting mixture for twenty minutes.

There are many reasons why lips become dry. But if such a problem happens to you, don’t panic. U modern girl There should be no doubt about what to do with dry lips, because the existing wide range of store-bought and folk moisturizers will not let dry skin ruin your mood!

A few simple beauty hacks will help minimize the risk of chapping and flaking of your lips. We tell you what you can do and what you can’t do, and choose the best means to eliminate the consequences and prevent these troubles.

1. Drink (and eat) right

The most useless rule at first glance is the basis for subsequent actions. See for yourself: We all know that drinking water has a ton of benefits. Scientists can argue for as long as they like about the amount of the really necessary two or three liters of water per day, but we have no doubt that a life-saving sip of water can instantly improve overall well-being. Regarding food: we are not moralizing here, you only live once, but if your lips are already chapped, refrain from spicy grilled wings and aromatic grapefruit until the situation normalizes ─ your lips don’t need an extra irritating factor.

2. Don't lick your lips (ever)

Even if this is the last chance for a languid evening in pleasant company, it is better not to do this. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase, which already in the mouth starts the first stage of the long-term process of food digestion. An enzyme that can effortlessly deal with starch in the oral cavity and break it into its component parts will not stand on ceremony with the delicate skin of the lips either. Another taboo is biting. When lips peel, there is an irresistible desire to slowly and carefully remove a piece of desquamated epithelium. Never do this under any circumstances. Firstly, regeneration in the lip area is extremely slow and painful, and secondly, infection can occur.

3. Protect them

When you sit on the beach, you diligently cover your body with sunscreen lotion, and in winter, before going outside, you check that you have warm mittens in your pocket. Lips deserve no less attention: it is recommended to apply a balm with SPF throughout the year, and on days of particularly severe frost, hide half your face in a fluffy scarf. Last year we ourselves conducted a short experiment in the winter, covering the same distance on the street with and without a scarf - the difference in sensation for the lips was the size of an abyss.

4. Find the perfect balm

A sign that it is correct is the presence of petroleum jelly, dimethicone, shea butter or hyaluronic acid in the composition. All of them are capable of heroically retaining moisture and patching microscopic damage. It is believed that the texture of the balm should be viscous and plastic, but not waxy. And if peeling becomes chronic, try “serious” balms with ceramides - these substances restore the skin barrier at the cellular level. If you suffer from eczema, then the balm should not contain lanolin (it worsens the course of the disease). Pay attention to the “taste and aroma” (especially mint or cinnamon), often they (though not always) turn out to be a brake on the “healing” process of dry lip skin.

1 /10

Tinted balm French Kiss, Caudalie. Available in three shades ─ Innocence emphasizes the natural color of the lips, Séduction makes them look like a delicate rose petal, Addiction gives a sensual raspberry tint.

Moisturizing lip balm with Shea and jojoba butters and pineapple aroma, Beauty Bar

Lip balm “Raspberry and white chocolate”, Faberlic

Restoring balm-barrier Cicaplast for children and adults, La Roche-Posay

Nourishing lip balm “Macadamia”, Yves Rocher

Moisturizing lip balm with light pigment, Weleda

Moisturizing lip balm Lip Drink Sheer, Jane Iredale

In order to restore the softness and pink color of your skin, you need to follow a few tips.

1. balm and lipstick.

In the winter and autumn seasons, your friend is a lip balm with UF filters. If your lips are excessively dry, it is also better to avoid long walks in dry, windy and cold weather.

Use chapstick under makeup and just like that. Apply it not only before going outside, but also after drinking water. You can lubricate your lips olive oil or animal fat.

2. makeup remover.

Before going to bed, be sure to cleanse your lips and apply a nourishing product. It is imperative to remove makeup from your lips, since the thick texture of many lipsticks simply does not allow them to breathe.

3. medicinal ointments.

An infection may develop on the surface of chapped lips. For treatment, antibiotic ointment or hydrocortisone ointment should be applied to the surface of the lips (it is often prescribed after lip tattooing), this will quickly heal cracks on the lips.

4. drink more fluids.

Some experts advise drinking a lot to hydrate your lips from the inside out. You need to drink clean water every hour in small portions.

5. humidify the indoor air.

Well-known dermatologist Diana Bikhova advises winter period humidify the air in the office or at home.

6. beeswax.

The best remedy for treating chapped lips is Carmex wax balm. It contains phenol and beeswax.

You can make wax balm at home. Recipe: beeswax (half a teaspoon) any vegetable oil 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) 1 spoon (teaspoon) honey. Mix everything in a water bath. And once cooled, apply to the lips.

7. Don't lick your lips.

Don't lick your lips often. Thinking that we are moisturizing them with saliva, we, on the contrary, are helping to dry them out. The moisture on the lips quickly evaporates and the process has to be repeated again and again. Constant moisture and too rapid drying is the reason why they crack, sometimes very painfully. In addition, saliva contains a digestive enzyme, which aggravates the problem.

8. zinc ointment.

Some people have the habit of talking while sleeping, and this dries out the surface of the lips or aggravates chapping, if it has already appeared. To avoid negative consequences, lubricate your lips at night with zinc oxide ointment.

9. toothpaste.

Pay attention to toothpaste; it may contain cinnamate, which is often an allergen. Toothpastes with fluoride irritate and dehydrate lips, sometimes even causing inflammation. If you are concerned about dry lips, check to see if it is caused by toothpaste.

10. control the intake of vitamins into the body.

According to some scientists, a deficiency of vitamin B and C in the body can cause peeling of the lips.

11. What dries out the skin of the lips?

The skin of the lips is dried out and spoiled by products containing alcohol, glycerin, petroleum products, menthol, salicylic acid, retin a. It is better to use such products in the warm season.

Too hot and too spicy food can also play a role - take care of your lips. And, sometimes, your body thus signals about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, infections, candidiasis and herpes. This already requires consulting a doctor.

12. ointment with Vaseline.

Try making your own protective ointment. It will help you a lot, especially when the cracks become painful. Recipe: castor oil (teaspoon) Vaseline (teaspoon), mix and apply ointment to lips several times a day.

13. products with hyaluronic acid.

Buy products with hyaluronic acid at the pharmacy, such as "Regetsina", they will moisturize your lips and give a healthy shine, heal wounds.

14. folk remedies.

Cottage cheese will help cure cracked lips carrot juice- Apply the paste on your lips for a couple of minutes, as well as ghee, fresh apple puree, cucumber juice, and flax seed decoction. All these folk remedies help perfectly in winter and summer.

15. train your lips.

The beauty of your lips can be preserved by maintaining their health. And also if you train them. Puff out your cheeks, stretch out your lips and blow, releasing the air forcefully, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. Every day 15-20 times, in front of the mirror. And your lips will be elastic until you are very old.

The skin of the lips can dry out when the weather outside changes, it becomes too hot, windy, frosty. The culprit of dryness is sometimes a low level of air humidity in the room. In some cases, the problem is associated with dysfunction internal organs. It is very important to establish why lips dry and crack in order to eliminate the cause in time, improve the condition of delicate skin, and prevent the development of dangerous consequences.

Diseases of the lips in medicine are called cheilitis. Dryness is just one symptom. Peeling, redness, a red, painful edge, damage to the integrity of the skin may also occur, which is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition, weakness, and increased fatigue.

Dry lips can be a sign of the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • constant stress, depression;
  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • inflammatory processes.

Another reason for severe dry lips is poor diet and consumption of foods that help remove fluid from the body. Girls may not even suspect that smoking, excess caffeine-containing drinks, or eating hot, spicy, salty foods could trigger the problem.


Dry corners of lips a clear sign lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Vitamin deficiency or hypervitaminosis affects the condition of the skin; it can dry out, become flabby, and inelastic. Before starting treatment, the cause of the disease should be determined. There are usually two of them. The first is the supply of microelements in insufficient quantities, the second is a violation of its digestibility.

  1. Vitamin A or retinol. A deficiency of this substance is manifested by the following symptoms: sagging skin, loss of firmness and elasticity, dry lips. You can make up for the deficiency at home with the help of a properly formulated diet, which includes carrots, egg whites, and animal fats.
  2. Vitamin E or tocopherol is responsible for regulating water balance in the skin. If it does not enter the body, the skin in the corners of the lips becomes dry and rough. The trace element is found in avocados and vegetable oils.
  3. B vitamins take part in metabolic processes occurring in the cells of the dermis. Primary symptoms of a lack of these substances include chapped lips, inflammation, and the appearance of skin rashes.
  4. Vitamin C is very important for maintaining healthy skin. If it is not enough, collagen synthesis is disrupted. Externally, this manifests itself as dry lip skin, pallor, and loss of elasticity. The trace element is found in citrus fruits, sea buckthorn and other fruits.

Not only adults can experience signs of vitamin deficiency. If a child has very dry lips, it is necessary to examine him to determine the cause of this condition. Treatment of the disease in children has its own characteristics, so it is impossible to do without consulting a specialist.

Dry lips. Why do lips dry out?

  • Fungal infections, erythematosis, psoriasis, lichen planus, syphilis, tuberculosis and other skin diseases;
  • Allergic reactions. Often appear during contact with components included in lipsticks and some products. Those suffering from such troubles have clinical manifestations of dryness and flaking of the facial skin;
  • Neurological disorders. The so-called exfoliative cheilitis occurs from severe anxiety, depression, and anxious feelings of a person. This type of cheilitis most often has a continuous, sluggish course, with moments of remissions and exacerbations, and is almost impossible to self-heal;
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Researchers have reason to believe that this problem also causes dry lips;
  • Chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis. Up to a third of people with these diseases constantly experience bad breath, rashes on the lips and in the mouth: dryness and peeling of the lips are observed in most patients;
  • Anomalies of small salivary glands(congenital or acquired). At risk of getting glandular cheilitis are women with chronic periodontal disease, tartar and caries: these problems lead to infection of the salivary gland ducts;
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve. There may be a hereditary predisposition. A sign of these diseases can be dry lips, itching, and sometimes swelling that spreads to other parts of the face. The color of the lips and skin does not change, although in swollen areas the skin becomes bluish-pink. Neuritis can manifest itself as a skewing of the face in the healthy direction, and the nasolabial fold is smoothed out.

Causes of dry lips. External factors affecting dry lips

The external cause that led to dry skin of the lips is usually very easy to identify. Therefore, it can be eliminated quickly. Most often, dryness occurs due to:

Spicy food

  • Spicy or salty foods. Everyone knows that such food leads to dehydration. And dry skin, including on the lips, is a consequence of poor nutrition. By changing your eating habits, you can easily get rid of the problem. A proper care for delicate skin will help restore it to a healthy appearance.

Lack of vitamins

  • Lack of vitamins A, B, E. Chapped lips, peeling nails, pale skin - all these consequences of vitamin deficiency can also be easily eliminated by including foods rich in these vitamins in your diet. Spinach, broccoli, beef, liver, salmon, yeast, milk, green peas are sources large quantity useful vitamins and microelements. If you can’t control your diet, you need to periodically drink vitamin complexes. In this case, your doctor will help you choose the appropriate medications.


  • Allergies to lipstick. Usually this reason makes itself felt immediately. It is enough to give up an unsuccessful cosmetic product so that after a while the skin recovers.


  • Women who have the bad habit of licking and biting their lips in the wind often experience dryness, peeling, and cracking. To solve the problem, you need to try to control yourself and get rid of the unaesthetic habit as quickly as possible. Chapstick will help eliminate signs of dryness.

Frost or heat

  • Our lips do not have sebaceous glands, so they react painfully to temperature changes. Severe frost or summer heat dry out delicate skin. Control and prevention measures are simple: hygienic lipstick, drinking enough liquid, the right move.


  • Lack of iron in the body. A doctor will help you cope with the problem. In this case, self-medication can lead to another problem - excess iron.


  • Overdose of drugs. To avoid this problem, you need to carefully read the instructions for use. If the origin of the problem is discovered, then consultation with a doctor is required. A specialist will help you get rid of not only dryness, but also the consequences of improper medication use.

Vitamin A

  • Excess of vitamin A in the body. If you are trying to figure out the cause of dry and flaky lips on your own, review your diet completely. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, a dermatologist will do it professionally.


  • Chapped lips are a natural reaction to extreme stress. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin will help alleviate the situation a little.

Vitamin H

  • Lack of biotin (vitamin H). A deficiency of this vitamin is often indicated not only by dry lips, but also by increased levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, drowsiness, inflammation of the mucous membranes, increased hair loss, and pale skin.

The problems listed above are fairly easy to deal with, but there are other causes of dry lips that are more serious.

Pancreas disease symptoms. Symptoms of pancreas disease

Acute, burning pain in the lower back is a sign of inflammation of the pancreas

The pancreas is located in the human body in such a way that it can fulfill its functional responsibilities. As already mentioned, it is located behind the stomach, in close proximity to the gallbladder. Therefore, all inflammatory processes that affect the gallbladder quite quickly spread to the pancreas.

Signs of inflammation of the pancreas at the beginning of the development of the disease are quite standard:

acute burning pain from the back in the area of ​​the lower ribs - the nature of the pain is girdling - at the moments of the greatest peak of pain, an increased gag reflex is noticeable - vomiting can consist of acidic contents - decreased appetite - when bending forward in a sitting position, the level of pain decreases noticeably, and sometimes there is a possible increase in temperature measured in the patient’s armpits.

Usually, it is not difficult for a doctor to determine inflammation of the pancreas - the symptoms are very pronounced and the pain is acute.

For example, the development of acute pancreatitis occurs rapidly. The signs of pancreatic disease are so obvious and the pain is so severe that it is often difficult for the patient to even lie down. For at least minor relief, he has to constantly sit in a position with his body slightly bent forward. Attacks of constant nausea and vomiting indicate that the pancreas is affected quite severely. If against the background of these symptoms the body temperature rises, this may indicate the beginning of necrotic processes.

Pay attention if you are concerned about the pancreas - the symptoms of the disease are as follows:

the pain is of a girdle nature - vomiting and nausea - after a diet violation, drinking strong alcoholic drinks from the back in the area of ​​the lower ribs, pain occurs - upon palpation in the area Pain is felt not above and to the right of the navel.

Very often, patients cannot make out that it is the pancreas that hurts - the symptoms are very reminiscent of spinal osteochondrosis, acute pyelonephritis and herpes zoster.

With the help of a simple technique, you can understand that it is the pancreas that hurts, and not the spine. With osteoxondrosis, palpation of the spinal column is painful, but with pancreatitis it is not.

Shingles causes rashes on the skin, but pancreatic diseases do not.

How to get rid of dry lips. How to cure dry lips at home?

If your lips become dry and cracked, then first of all you need to find the reason why this happened:

  • You often lick your lips. For some girls this becomes a habit. Saliva seems to “absorb” moisture and a protective fatty film, making the skin of the lips susceptible to external factors: wind, cold, dryness, and infections.
  • You drink too much coffee, and caffeine dehydrates your lips.
  • You do not cover your face with a scarf when you are outside in cold and windy weather.
  • You are using a low-quality lip balm that contains alcohol, carbolic acid and/or menthol.
  • You brush your teeth with a toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate (look for the name Sodium Lauryl Sulfate on the packaging).
  • You are allergic to metals, such as cobalt or nickel.

If you see your lips starting to dry out and crack, start treating them right away. And you can do this quickly and at home using one of the following means:

Castor oil and Vaseline

Apply castor oil to your lips using a cotton swab and spread a thin layer of Vaseline on top. Your lips will begin to heal, and in a maximum of a week the problem will disappear altogether.

Using a finger moistened with water (so that the honey does not stick), apply a little honey to your lips. It has antibacterial properties and also moisturizes and nourishes sensitive skin.


Glycerin helps increase the percentage of moisture in the skin of the lips and is considered one of the best natural moisturizers. It will relieve you of dry lips by restoring damaged tissue and speeding up the healing process. Glycerin also protects lips from unsuitable climatic conditions- stuffiness, cold, wind. Just apply a couple of drops to your lips before bed.

Lip balm

Lip balm is a product that can be found in almost every woman's bag. It is very convenient to carry with you, so your lips will always be protected. It can also be used as a base for lipstick. Take a closer look at the lip balms that we wrote about in this material.

Aloe vera

This herbaceous plant known for its medicinal properties, which help heal dry and sunburned skin. You can apply aloe vera gel to your lips or apply a fresh leaf to them.

Unsalted butter

Butter is an excellent natural moisturizer for lips. Rub your lips with a piece of oil twice a day, but make sure that the composition does not contain salts: they can further harm the skin.

Dry, chapped lips can be caused by dehydration throughout the body. It means you're not drinking enough clean water. Remember that soda drinks, soda, juices, coffee and tea are not substitutes for it, and sometimes even cause dehydration. Drink at least a liter of water a day to quickly rehydrate. Place a glass bottle next to your computer and take a few sips periodically.


Avoid direct sunlight and if you go to hot country or in the mountains, where it is very sunny, take a product with SPF with you: make it a habit to apply it to your lips every day.


A humidifier is one of the most needed items for the home these days. Clean and humidified air in the house is what will save you from dry lips.

Dietary supplements and vitamins containing iron

If you have tried everything but nothing helps, consult a doctor. You may be anemic or your body may not have enough iron. This often happens to vegetarians and vegans, since meat is the main source of iron. Headache, fatigue, severely chapped and dry lips are a few symptoms of this problem. You need to take dietary supplements (dietary supplements) and vitamins to compensate for the lack of iron.

How do you take care of your lips? Tell us in the comments.

How to deal with dry lips at home. Dry lips: how to properly care for your lips

To avoid problems with dry lips, you need to properly and regularly care for them. Not everyone knows how to do this.

But, unfortunately, even proper care does not always solve the problem. In this case, you need to seek help from professional dermatologists or cosmetologists.

The main methods of care include the following

  • Everyday light lip massage. The principle of this massage is to rub your lips with light circular movements for 2-3 minutes using a toothbrush. This action can improve blood circulation in the lips, which, in turn, improves their nutrition.
  • Proper makeup remover. In the evening, the skin is cleaned with a sponge, which must first be moistened in warm water or in a special care product. Do not rub the surface of your lips too much - the impact should be minimal.
  • Protect your lips before going outside. On the street, lips are more susceptible to drying out, so you should use regular hygienic lipstick or other special protective product every time.
  • Using a special scrub. Once or twice a week you need to clean your lips with a scrub. Such deep cleaning can remove already dead parts of the skin.

If you follow these very basic rules, then the skin of your lips will most likely never dry out or crack, and you can completely forget about going to a cosmetologist with this problem.

If the skin in the lip area constantly dries out, then under no circumstances should you ignore it. Remember that dry and cracked lips are not just a cosmetic defect.

Particular attention should be paid to whether there are any cracks or wounds on the inside of the lips. If they are, then you should immediately go for a consultation with a specialist, as this may indicate the emergence of some serious illness.

Constant dry lips. Why do men and children have chapped lips?

A rather serious cause of dry, flaky and cracked lips is an improper diet.

Indeed, in the absence of certain vitamins and nutrients needed by the body, a similar reaction occurs.

Especially if the body is deficient in vitamin B or if a person has low hemoglobin.

And an equally common reason for the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms in both men and women is bad habits, which have a negative impact on the immune system, weakening it, thereby the skin is much more susceptible to negative influences and begins to “sick”.

Sometimes dry lips and flaking can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or poor hygiene oral cavity, thermal or mechanical irritation of the lips as a result of eating excessively hot food, liquids containing caffeine, allergies to toothpaste, lipstick, etc.

Experts also highlight a number of toothpastes that contain excess fluoride, which negatively affects the condition of the skin around the mouth, especially if it is very sensitive to any influences.

Dry lips in children are in most cases associated with dehydration or vitamin deficiency.

The baby develops cracks on the lips or corners of the mouth, which is quite painful, especially when the child eats.

So, the most well-known causes of cracks in children are:

  1. The skin is affected by a fungus. This usually manifests itself in the appearance of a whitish coating on the lower lip.
  2. Dehydration caused by dry and hot air in the room where children are.
  3. Lack of vitamins and nutrients.
  4. Impaired nasal breathing, which can be caused by diseases of the nasopharynx or allergies.

It is necessary to ensure that the baby receives all the necessary vitamins, is in rooms with normal humidity, drinks required quantity various liquids.

But if peeling and cracks are caused by a fungus, then you need to consult a dermatologist; if this is due to allergies or a chronic disease, then you need to contact an otolaryngologist.

In addition, the appearance of these symptoms in men and children is due to the fact that they do not use certain cosmetics in their daily routine that are actively used by women.

To accurately determine the cause of cheilitis, consult a therapist, who in turn will refer you to a doctor of a more specialized specialization (immunologist, dermatologist).

Balm “Zvezdochka” is a herbal remedy that has a wide spectrum of action.

The famous Vietnamese balm “Star”, the composition of which includes effective oils natural origin, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects. It is caused by local irritation of sensitive nerve endings, which is caused by the composition of the product. A kind of distracting effect is obtained, and pain, discomfort and itching (in the presence of insect bites) gradually disappear.

The antiseptic properties of the oils in the balm work great as inhalations. Volatile substances enter the area of ​​inflammation and quickly eliminate it, soften the mucous membranes and reduce their swelling.

The basic composition of all products from the “Golden Star” series contains the following components:

This is the basic composition; the ointment additionally includes the following components:

These auxiliary, additional substances serve to increase the plasticity and thickness of the product and to ensure that it remains on the surface of the skin longer.

Release form, shelf life and storage

The drug has different release forms

Balm “Golden Star” is not only the usual ointment in a small red “puck” with a characteristic pungent aroma. In the homeland of the product, in Vietnam, several are produced different types products under this name: the ointment itself, liquid balm, a special pencil intended for inhalation, a patch with a cooling effect, syrup, nasal drops, a patch, a nasal spray.

IN Russian Federation Three varieties of such balms have been officially registered - liquid, in the form of a classic ointment in a tin jar, and an inhalation pencil.

Balsam “Zvezdochka”, the composition of which is composed mainly of natural ingredients, requires storage in dry places protected from bright light and excessive heat.

The ointment is packaged in small tin boxes, which easily heat up in the sun, and the composition of the drug melts and can “leak”. You should also try to keep it away from children's eyes, because they perceive the small colorful packaging as a toy and can accidentally get the ointment into their eyes or mucous membranes, causing an allergic reaction and simply unpleasant sensations. In a child under 2 years of age, inhaling intense vapors of the substance may cause spasms. respiratory tract and even stopping breathing.

If the product gets into the eyes, it has a strong irritant effect, after which the baby’s tears literally roll down and he will scream and cry in pain. In some cases, it is necessary to seek medical help.

The inhalation pencil is valid for 60 months from the date of production, and liquid balms and ointments are valid for 48 months (subject to proper storage). If the product has changed color, texture or usual smell, it should not be used.
