How to add volume to the hair on the back of your head. Root hair volume: how to create and maintain it for a long time - all methods from fleecing to the most effective means

beautiful people listen with their eyes

The most effective methods for adding volume to hair: care, styling, masks

Don't know how to add volume to your hair so that it is thick and voluminous? We will tell you the main secrets home care behind the sparse, thin strands, there are small nuances when styling such curls. Using the right cosmetics will help you quickly and efficiently solve the problem.

Even naturally thick and lush curls lose their volume over time, become thinner and no longer look as chic as before. What can we say about the initially sparse, liquid strands that need to be constantly curled and styled in such a way that it seems that there are more of them than there actually are.

Hair lacking volume is a real problem for many women, when special styling and various products stop helping, the strands become thinner and turn into dull, lifeless hanging tow.

The thing is that you can add volume to your hair only with comprehensive hair care. Disjointed actions and activities will remain ineffective and disappointing. Try to master a three-dimensional program to: care + styling + masks.

Only a single implementation of these measures can give you amazing results that will be visible to the naked eye.

Caring for hair that has lost volume

A unique program on how to add volume to your hair recommends starting with proper care, which is the base, basis, foundation for all other manipulations. This stage includes several points that should be strictly followed. By doing them, you will soon feel how your hair has not only gained volume, but has become even stronger, stronger, more radiant and shiny. Analyze your life: is everything in it good enough for your curls to bloom with health and beauty?

  • Store-bought cosmetics

What hair care products do you have in your arsenal? It's time to reconsider them in the most radical way, if you have set out to make your hair voluminous and voluminous. First of all, forget about regular stores and cosmetic boutiques. You will need cosmetics. Secondly, try to select all products from the same manufacturer and line. In your case, all tubes and cans should have the inscription: “FOR HAIR VOLUME.” Thirdly, you will definitely need shampoo, conditioner, conditioner and mousse (spray) for styling.

  • Home remedies for hair volume

Store-bought products alone will not be enough to add volume to your hair. Nothing nourishes curls more than using homemade masks made from ordinary foods (honey, kefir, eggs) 2 times a week, rinses made from herbs (sage, mint, rosemary, hops, calendula, birch, lavender, burdock root, oak bark and etc.) after each shampooing, daily aroma combing (using essential oils lavender, mint). Their regular use will help you achieve your goal much faster.

  • Nutrition

Review your diet. Masks, of course, nourish the hair roots, but biologically active substances(the same vitamins) still cannot penetrate to a sufficient depth to renew and restore all cellular processes on which hair thickness in one way or another depends. A much greater effect can be achieved by enriching your diet with vitamins and microelements. From the inside, they will reach their destination much faster and thereby transform appearance curls. Principles proper nutrition are familiar to everyone, but not everyone has the courage to stick to them. Firstly, you will have to limit the amount of fast food eaten, fatty, spicy, smoked foods and alcohol consumed. Secondly, your daily diet should contain enough greens, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish, and red meat. It just seems that there is no visible connection between nutrition and hair. Try to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition for a week - and you yourself will notice the changes that happen to your curls: they will become fuller and more voluminous.

  • Treatment

Very often, the reason hair loses its previous volume is one or another disease that undermines the body from the inside. Don't let it develop. Get an annual medical examination, seek help from doctors, get treatment, and take preventive measures for the diseases to which you are prone. Curls are a litmus test that reflects any ailments and illnesses.

By gradually implementing this program, you will be able to create volume in your hair at home by any means - do styling that will now fit on healthy curls much easier than it was before.

Masks that you made before, but were not satisfied with the result, will now become much more effective, because they will be supported by proper, competent care for thin, sparse, thin hair.

If the effect of masks is a fairly long process, when the same product has to be used regularly, then styling gives immediate, quick results. How to make it so that the volume stays on the hair as long as possible?

Styling hair to add volume

The purpose of such styling is to create volume at the roots of the hair. , which will lift the entire mass of curls and create the impression that there are a lot of strands, they are thick and lush. The method is really good in terms of the results obtained.

However, it is undesirable to resort to it often (daily, for example, as many women do before work in the morning), since it involves the use of tools such as a hair dryer, tongs, curling iron, and straightener.

All of them do not have the most beneficial effect on inner health curls, although they will undoubtedly add an external shine. Keep this in mind: adding volume to your hair through styling should not be permanent.

  1. It is better to make thin, straight hair wavy before styling - this will give it additional volume. There is no need to resort to harmful and destructive perms or even curling irons: better use curlers . To add volume long hair, it would be good to use Velcro curlers: after removing them, treatment with a hairdryer will make your hair fantastically voluminous and luxurious.
  2. Blonde hair looks more voluminous (more airy) than dark hair, so It’s advisable to lighten it a couple of shades .
  3. Be sure to wash your hair before styling.
  4. On damp hair (to be more precise, on its root part), apply a special volume mousse (very little).
  5. Next comes the process of drying the hair with a hairdryer, the power of which must be at least 1,600 W to obtain optimal volume. The head should be lowered down, it is recommended to pull the strands away from the roots, and direct the air from the hair dryer to this area of ​​the head. Once this section is dry, lightly dry the rest of your hair.
  6. It would be good if you have long hair use a comb instead of a hairdryer , which perfectly lifts curls from the roots. True, after this method the hair becomes very tangled.
  7. Give your hair the desired shape.
  8. Apply a thin layer of varnish. The styling that increases hair volume is ready.

Now you know how to add volume to your hair in just a few minutes using DIY styling. As we have already said, this is not the only way to make your hair luxurious and chic.

Regular homemade masks will be much more effective; they thicken the hair, make it strong and strong - due to this, the hair volume increases.

Homemade masks for hair volume

Homemade masks for adding volume to hair are prepared from the most common food products that are in your refrigerator, from certain cosmetic and essential oils, and from herbs.

The naturalness of the products ensures their high effectiveness. In addition to volume, such masks intensely nourish the roots and moisturize the strands, which is very important for the health and well-groomed appearance of the hair.

Products of this kind rarely contain aggressive components, so their exposure time under insulation can be extended to 1 hour. This method of adding volume to hair should be regular: carry out such procedures 1 or even 2 times a week.

There are many recipes: select them according to their composition (which products you are not allergic to, which ones are available to you), according to your hair type.

  • Sea salt + cognac + honey

Lightly heat 100 ml of fresh honey, combine with the same amount of good cognac, add 100 grams of sea salt. Mix everything thoroughly, pour into a jar, seal tightly, and leave to infuse for 10 days in the darkest and coolest place.

  • Mayonnaise + egg + olive oil

Beat 30 grams of low-fat mayonnaise with two homemade raw eggs. Lightly heat a tablespoon in a water bath olive oil, add to the main mass. The mixture can be left on the head for up to 2 hours.

  • Gelatin + water + mustard + yolk

Pour a teaspoon of gelatin powder with warm water (100 ml) and leave for 20 minutes. At this time, beat a teaspoon of mustard powder with raw yolk. Combine the two mixtures. Exposure time is no more than half an hour (due to the presence of mustard in the mask).

  • Nettle + colorless henna + yolk + water

Grind the dry powder (half a glass), add to it colorless henna powder (2 teaspoons), raw beaten yolk. Dilute the mixture with warm water to form a mask with a creamy consistency. The duration of action can be increased to two hours.

  • Lemon + castor oil + honey + yolk

Freshly squeezed lemon juice (a tablespoon) is mixed with castor oil (the same amount), heated warm honey (2 tablespoons), and yolk.

  • Castor oil + vodka

Bring castor oil to a warm state (2 tablespoons), mix thoroughly with vodka (1 tablespoon). It is recommended to wash off this mask for hair volume without shampoo.

  • Kefir + egg

Half a liter of full-fat kefir is slightly heated, and a raw home-made egg is driven into it.

  • Castor oil + burdock oil + aloe + yolk

Mix 2 tablespoons of castor and burdock oils, heat slightly in a water bath. Add a tablespoon of chopped aloe pulp and raw yolk.

  • White clay

A mask for adding volume to hair with white clay is very effective and easy to prepare, although it can be somewhat shocking with its results. Dilute two tablespoons of kaolin powder (white clay) with warm water to the desired consistency. The action time is only 15 minutes.

When washed off a large number of the hair will be washed off along with the shampoo. There is no need to be afraid of this: white clay eliminates dead follicles that interfere with the growth and development of new, healthy, strong hair.

  • Kefir + yeast

Pour two tablespoons of dry yeast into a glass of warm kefir. In addition to giving your hair the desired volume, this mask also promotes incredibly rapid hair growth.

  • Pine nuts

Grind 100 grams of peeled pine nuts and dilute with warm water to obtain the desired consistency. Place the mixture in a ceramic pot and place in an oven preheated to 150°C for half an hour. If you rub this miraculous remedy into your roots every day, your hair will become strong, thick, voluminous and very beautiful. The course of treatment is 14 days.

  • Herbs + esters + apple cider vinegar

Mix 1 teaspoon each of mint, basil, rosemary, sage, chop, add two glasses of apple cider vinegar (one glass will be enough for dry hair), add essential oil of mint (3-4 drops) and lavender (5-6 drops). Close with a tight lid and leave in a glass container for two weeks in a dark place. Then dilute two tablespoons of the resulting infusion with a glass of warm boiled water and rub into the skin overnight: rinse off only in the morning.

Increasing hair volume at home is not an easy, complex task that includes many activities and manipulations.

However, all this pays off with the results that can be achieved with their help. With them you can forever forget about thin, thin, sparse hair and become the owner of luxurious, thick, voluminous curls.

Not all women can boast of a voluminous hairstyle. But even thin and not very thick hair can be given volume. There are several methods and rules that will help every girl get rid of sleek strands and create a voluminous hairstyle.

Choosing the right shampoo

When choosing a shampoo, conditioner, masks and other care products, you need to pay attention not only to the manufacturer’s brand and the list of promises on the packaging, but also to the type of hair for which these products are intended. For example, if your hair quickly becomes oily at the roots, but the ends are dry and split, then you need to choose a shampoo for combination hair type. If the product is chosen correctly, excessive oiliness will disappear, and this will immediately give natural volume to your hair.

It is also worth acquiring additional styling products (mousses, jellies, etc.), they will help maintain voluminous hair throughout the day. It would also be a good idea to purchase dry shampoo. This is not only an express product for unwashed hair, but also an excellent way to give curls volume at the roots.

After washing, do not wrap your hair in a towel for a long time

Having wrapped your hair in a towel after washing, many people can walk in this form quite long time. This is one of the most common mistakes when drying hair. Under the towel, a sauna effect is created, sebum begins to be actively produced, and this leads to excessive oiliness of the scalp. Being under a towel for a long time also causes hair to lose volume, and increased fat content further aggravates the situation. After washing your hair, you just need to walk around with a towel on your head for 10 minutes. This way, the hair will not lose its natural volume and will remain clean longer.

Use a special styling spray

Among other care products, you need to purchase a styling spray. Such a product can be found in the assortment of any manufacturer. Apply the spray to clean curls along their entire length. It does not stick together or weigh down the strands. The volumizing spray not only adds volume to the roots, but also makes the curls shiny and smooth.

Dry your hair upside down

You should not carefully straighten and comb your hair before drying, as this will not create volume at the roots. Wet hair should be dried upside down. When the curls become slightly damp, you can proceed to drying with a round brush. It would be good if it was made of natural bristles. A round brush will help achieve volume at the roots. To do this, you need to divide your hair into strands and dry each one separately, wrapping it around a brush. You need to start drying by lifting your hair at the roots and turning the comb each time. This method of drying your hair will help you quickly create a lush hairstyle.


If everything is done correctly, then the styling will not remind anyone of the long-gone fashion from the past, when all women wore huge, voluminous hairstyles, larger than their own heads. The task of backcombing is to give thickness to your curls and volume at the roots. To do this you will need a large flat comb. You need to comb your hair layer by layer. Each strand of hair is worked through with a comb from the middle to the roots, and then covered with loose hair. You can fix your hair with hairspray.

Volume with a haircut

It is much easier to add volume to thin curls if their length is above the collarbone. Too long strands weigh down the roots, which is why the lush styling cannot last long. When choosing a suitable haircut, it is better to avoid straight cuts. Because of them, the hairstyle looks flat and the strands are sparse. A good option– multi-layered haircut with graduation. Curls will always look voluminous. And styling with a slight carelessness effect will enhance the effect; the hairstyle will appear more voluminous and the curls will appear thicker.

Any hair can be given a well-groomed appearance and the desired volume. To do this, you just need to choose the right haircut and stick to it. simple rules in hair care. It is also worth paying attention to buying shampoo that matches your hair type and learning how to make a beautiful backcomb.

You will find secrets of adding volume to thin hair and care tips in the article.

Thin hair is a common and rather unhappy occurrence for women. But this can be dealt with if you approach the problem comprehensively.

Why does hair become sparse and thin?

Causes thin and sparse hair is divided into three groups:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Problems and changes in the body
  • External factors

Genetic predisposition.

If mom and dad do not have luxuriant hair, then there is a high probability that the child will also have rather thin and sparse hair.

But with proper care for such hair, you will achieve good results.

Problems and changes in the body:

  • Thyroid disorders
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Serious diseases of internal organs
  • Taking strong drugs
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Constant or severe stress
  • Poor nutrition
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Smoking and alcohol

External factors:

  • Impact high temperatures. Drying with a hot hairdryer, using a curling iron, washing hot water
  • Exposure to cold temperatures: walking without a hat in the cold
  • Exposure to chemicals: frequent dyeing, perm
  • Ultraviolet: frequent visits to the solarium

How to cure thin hair

Treatment should be comprehensive:

  • We need to find out the cause and eliminate it. If the reason remains, then the hair will continually return to its previous state.
  • Treatment with professional cosmetics
  • Hair treatment in the salon
  • Taking vitamins
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Take proper hair care

Hair treatment in the cabin:

  • Cauterization. The hair is washed with a special shampoo, after which a restorative serum is applied. Afterwards the serum is sealed with a special curling iron. The procedure seals useful material inside the hair, after which the hair becomes heavy and shiny
  • Biolamination, glazing, shielding. A special composition with natural ingredients, ceramides, nutrients respectively. These are variations of the lamination procedure. All of them are aimed at giving hair volume and treating it.
  • Cryotherapy. Aimed at stopping the process of hair loss by saturating the hair follicles with liquid nitrogen

Vitamins for hair

For proper nutrition, hair must receive vitamins B, A, E, F, C.

  • Vitamin B5 ensures full hair growth
  • Vitamin B6 prevents hair loss
  • Vitamin A will save you from dullness and brittle hair (it’s good to drink beta-carotene)
  • Vitamin E nourishes hair, which prevents hair loss
  • Vitamin F makes hair silky
  • Vitamin C promotes good blood microcirculation, which means hair will not fall out

IMPORTANT: Vitamins can be used internally, buy hair cosmetics containing vitamins, add a few drops to shampoo, conditioner, hair mask. Or you can buy a ready-made vitamin complex at the pharmacy.

How to add volume to thin hair at the roots

To give the best volume effect, it is worth solving the problem comprehensively:

  • Correct haircut
  • Correct hair color
  • Correct styling
  • The right hair cosmetics

How to create root volume on long hair?

Long hair should be treated in the same way as short hair (see previous section).

IMPORTANT: Only in case of long hair you will need styling products with stronger hold.

Video: How to create volume at the roots of your hair

How to style thin, sparse hair for volume

Several ways to style your hair to add volume.


Quite an old method of hair styling and quite effective.

For installation you will need:

  • Large curlers with Velcro
  • Hair clips
  • Fixation agent


  • Divide your hair into 2 parts with a horizontal line
  • Divide each part into strands the width of the curler
  • From the ends to the roots, curl the curlers so that the hair is at the top and the curlers are adjacent to the head
  • Secure with clamp
  • Keep it on your hair until it dries completely, or for as long as possible (then you will need to dry your hair with a hairdryer, without removing the curlers)
  • Remove the curlers
  • Set with styling product


This is a common way to add volume to hair:

  • Separate the upper hair, which will not be combed, with a horizontal line.
  • Divide the rest of your hair into small strands
  • Use a flat comb to comb the strand 2-3 cm from the roots so that the volume looks natural.
  • Cover the bouffant with your top hair

Blow dry.

The easiest, but less noticeable way is to dry your hair with your head down.

For a more complex method you will need:

  • Fixation agent
  • Round comb. Diameter about 5-6 cm

IMPORTANT: See the video below for installation techniques.

Video: Adding volume: how to style your hair correctly

Coloring fine hair for volume

  • To add volume to thin and sparse hair, choose shades from dark brown to blonde.
  • Dark colors visually reduce volume, even if you've just styled your hair.
  • But you shouldn’t paint it pearly white either.

IMPORTANT: But if you are naturally given dark hair, then do not bleach it to add volume. Bleaching damages hair. But for thin hair this is simply contraindicated.

Great for helping to visually increase volume complex painting techniques hair: ombre, shatush, balayage (see).

What haircuts are suitable for volume for thin hair?

  • Length around the shoulder is suitable (a little higher or lower)
  • The more layered the haircut, the more volume it creates.
  • Any bob haircut options
  • Short hair at the back of the head helps to achieve volume
  • If you are not a supporter of short hair, then just make a ladder and a cascade along the length

IMPORTANT: Hair that is too long will look very scanty and will be difficult to style to create volume. Hair that is too short will reveal the fact that you don't have much hair on your head and will look like fluff.

Long bob for fine hair

A bob haircut is an ideal option for thin hair. This haircut is suitable for all face types and visually creates volume.

Bob hairstyle for volume of thin hair

For thin hair, a multi-layered bob haircut is suitable. This haircut will allow you to easily style your hair and create volume.

The tousled bob option is also ideal for fine hair.

A bob haircut usually involves uneven parting and bangs on the side.

Long bob for thin hair for volume, photo

An elongated bob will advantageously present your hair at a length no lower than shoulder length. A possible length option is 1-2 cm below the shoulder.

IMPORTANT: You cannot make it longer, you will only express the thinness and rarity of your hair

Volumizing mask for fine hair

You can choose a mask for the volume of thin hair in a store, or you can make it at home from natural natural ingredients. The choice in stores is huge. Reviews about each product can be found both negative and positive. After all, the selection of any product is an individual matter. Here are some masks:

  • Wella Lifetex Volume protein mask for fine hair
  • Concept Biotech organa mask for fine hair

  • Amway Satinique

Volumizing shampoo for fine hair

Sulfate-free shampoos and shampoos containing vitamin B6 will help achieve the greatest effect.

  • Amway series shampoos
  • Aubrey Organics shampoos

  • L'oreal Professionnel series shampoos

Volumizing lotion and spray for fine hair

Lotions and sprays are also individual for everyone. The choice is also great. It is better to choose those that contain vitamins B, E,

  • Spray care L’oreal Professionnel Volume Expand

  • Spray with black caviar extract Mon Platin

Volume cream for fine hair

The choice of cream for hair volume should be made according to the same principles as when choosing a shampoo, spray, mask (see above)

  • Wella Wellaflex volumizing cream

  • Cream-gel for adding volume to fine hair L’oreal Professionnel Dual stylers liss & Pump up

Volume mousse for fine hair

The choice of mousse for hair volume should be carried out according to the same principles as when choosing a shampoo, spray, mask (see above)

  • Wella
  • L'oreal
  • Estel

Oils for thin and weakened hair

Oils weigh down hair. Keep this in mind when purchasing oils for fine hair. They will undoubtedly help heal your hair, but it will be more difficult for you to achieve volume.

Essential oil for volume of fine hair

The following oils are optimal for protecting and treating fine hair:

  • Lavender oil
  • Tangerine oil
  • Orange oil
  • Grapefruit oil
  • Jasmine oil
  • Cananga oil

IMPORTANT: Essential oils are best used either as part of masks or added to hair care products (see the next section with recipes)

How to make thin hair voluminous at home

Cooked recipes will help thin hair and make it voluminous at home. special recipes masks with various components.

  • Wash your hair quickly
  • Do not use heavy waxes or gels to hold your hair in place. Better - light foam or varnish
  • Choose shampoos containing vitamin B5

Boost up for hair

Boost up is a procedure for creating volume in the hair.

  • Done exclusively in the salon
  • Stays on hair for 6 months
  • The upper hair is separated by a horizontal parting and does not participate in the procedure
  • Next, the hair, starting from the parting at the roots, is wound into special spirals
  • Next, the curled areas are treated with a special chemical composition that does not harm the hair at all, as it contains cystiamine
  • After waiting a certain time, the coils are removed
  • The top hair is returned to its place

IMPORTANT: The procedure is suitable for all hair types, for any hair length and color

What you need to keep in mind when deciding on the boost up procedure:

  • If your hair is severely damaged, you may be denied the procedure.
  • If your hair is very short, then you may also be refused, as the result may be unpredictable
  • The procedure lifts even the thickest hair
  • The procedure can be performed on pregnant and lactating women
  • The process takes several hours
  • The effect will last for half a year
  • No amount of washing or styling products will remove volume from your hair.
  • Keeps hair non-greasy longer
  • The applied composition should be selected individually based on your hair.

IMPORTANT: Choose a specialist who has positive experience in performing this procedure

Boost up root volume procedure, reviews

Reviews about the boost up procedure are contradictory.

Positive reviews point to:

  • Amazing volume over several months
  • Infrequent hair washing
  • No deterioration of hair condition
  • Saving installation time

Negative reviews point to:

  • Curls are visible
  • After half a year, the hair in the area where it was curled is simply terrible.
  • I had to cut my hair short to get rid of the terrible sight on my head

IMPORTANT: The opinion of the girls who did the boost up is the following: the result depends only on the hairdresser, on how he selects the composition for the curl and how he does the curl itself

Don't be lazy to take care of your hair and you will be satisfied with the result.

Video: Rules for caring for thin hair

On how to give your hair volume at the roots, for this you need to follow some recommendations when drying with a hairdryer. The volume of both short and long hair enhances your beauty. In commercials, everything is simple - one stroke of the comb, and the effect lasts all day. In reality, everything happens completely differently.

How to add volume to the roots

Often, to create a beautiful, voluminous hairstyle, we use different means and methods for this, without thinking that this can harm our hair. Excessive exposure to curling irons or flat irons is bad for them.

They begin to break and the ends split.

Care is required so that after styling they remain healthy and beautiful.

The most effective means of providing nutrition and protection are masks.

And to protect your hair from external influences, a mask of salt and honey is suitable. Thanks to this mask they will be more obedient and stronger.

What is needed to prepare a mask?

  • First, you will need 200 g of sea salt. It needs to be crushed. You can use a coffee grinder.
  • Honey needs to be heated.
  • Mix honey and salt until smooth.
  • Place the mask in a cool place for 15 minutes to cool down.

Afterwards, you can apply the mask, slowly rubbing it into the roots along their entire length. Wrap your head in a terry towel to keep your head warm and leave for half an hour.

Afterwards, you can wash off the mask and dry them. Now you can start creating a beautiful hairstyle. There is another way to add volume, a video of a step-by-step procedure from a specialist in this field.

Creating volume without a hairdryer

There are many ways to create volume without a hairdryer.
Styling products. Wet hair should be thoroughly dried with a towel. Apply a special styling product and comb them carefully.

Now you can start installation. You need to curl your hair with the teeth of a comb. When they are completely dry, the curls will remain beautiful and voluminous.

Using an iron. Stylists have come up with many hairstyles that can be created with a simple straightening. An iron with a corrugated nozzle allows you to create pomp from roots to ends.

Leave the upper strands as they are, the waves should be barely noticeable, this will make the volume more natural and aesthetically pleasing. If you want to curl it, use conditioner to speed up the process.

A simple styling method using gel. To do this, you need to wash your hair and dry it thoroughly with a towel. Then apply the gel and make a ponytail on your head.

This procedure should be done before going to bed, and the next morning you should loosen your ponytail, and you can admire your beautiful hairstyle all day long.

Hair curlers for styling. This is the easy way. Place curlers on damp hair and leave until dry.

Backcombing - adds natural volume. This is a little difficult to do. The main thing is to use hairspray sparingly so that it looks natural and aesthetically pleasing.

You will need a wooden comb. It must have frequent teeth. They start combing from the roots, and so gradually reaching the ends.

Make sure that the teeth penetrate the strand from the bottom side, since the volume needs to be formed from the inside.

A new type of installation is carving. In other words, carving is a light perm. This is common safe way, which allows you to give amazing volume, styling lasts a long time.

Carving is done using curlers and styling products, such as mousse or gel. Suitable for all types of hair: short or long. The effect lasts 4-8 weeks.

When choosing one of these methods, consider your hair type. It is recommended to use each method in turn so as not to harm them.

Root perm - (Boost Up)

Boost UP is one of the famous curling methods. The hair is twisted with metal pins and the result is secured with special styling products.
Wavy curls start from the roots.

Near the roots, curls are not visible, but stunning volume is visible, which gives your hairstyle a special beauty. Read more about this procedure and user reviews on the Internet.

Although perm is popular and simple, stylists advise not to overuse it, since the method has a bad effect on the hair structure.

The effect of the procedure is simply stunning. The curls last for six months.

This technology is especially necessary for those who lead an active lifestyle with a busy schedule and do not have enough time to do their hair every morning. The procedure is inexpensive.

How to use styling products correctly

The first step is choosing the right product that suits your hair type. Now you need to read the instructions for use, otherwise excessive or incorrect use can cause great harm.

Principles and rules for using products to add volume:

  • In beauty salons, for convenience, all products are applied using devices. But to achieve better results, you should not resort to such methods at home.
    It is enough to apply the gel or mousse with your hands. This is more practical from the point of view that it will be easier for you to correct your hairstyle and make it more impressive.
  • After applying styling products, leave your hair for a while to allow the mousse or gel to dry naturally. Use a hairdryer after they are dry. Be sure to keep it at least 15 centimeters from your head, otherwise you risk the health of your curls.
  • The best remedy is wax. It has unique properties that help preserve and protect the natural structure.
    It is considered the safest of all existing funds. A small amount of wax is enough to give huge volume. You can't use it often.
  • It is recommended to use those products that are suitable for your hair type. For example, use a spray or gel more for those who have dry skin.
    It is better to use hairspray to fix hairstyles for those with oily hair. It hides oily shine perfectly. And styling foams are universal products; they are suitable for all types.

Not all girls have thick and voluminous hair, so you have to put in a lot of effort to achieve results.

Adding the desired volume is not that difficult.

You need to have special knowledge and skills.

  • Do not forget to care for your hair with special masks and other products, otherwise you can cause great harm to it. On store shelves you can find various protective products that give natural volume and shampoos.
    Choose a shampoo with a volume effect. They protect the hair structure, enveloping it, making it more manageable and voluminous.
  • Do not use shampoos that contain essential oils; they weigh down your hair, depriving it of its natural volume.
  • Before applying shampoo, dilute it with warm water and shake until foam is obtained, and then apply to your head.
  • For hair conditioner lovers, use conditioner instead. This will make them more obedient. Conditioner should be applied all over, rather than rubbed into the scalp.
  • You can dye your hair, do highlights. Visually they will become more voluminous. Highlighting suits every girl. Choose a color that suits you.
  • Avoid styling foam or mousse. Replace them with regular varnish, it is safer and more effective.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water, only warm water. And you should rinse cold water. This helps improve blood circulation in the roots. For better results, add lemon juice to the water.
  • Change the position of the hairdryer or straightener during styling. This will make your hair look fuller and more attractive.
  • Most important point- this is the selection of the appropriate hairstyle, which is the key to your success. A short haircut, such as a bob, always allows you to keep your hairstyle much longer than with a long length.
    If you prefer long ones, you can try a cascade haircut. There is a universal cutting method - root thinning.
    To do this, hairdressers use scissors, which can be used to thin the hair at the roots.
  • Profiled, they do not adhere to the head, due to this, visual volume is created.

  • There is another way - extension. The method is more suitable for those who have a frantic pace of life and do not have time for styling. Seek help from someone who knows their stuff, your hair will look beautiful and voluminous.

To achieve results, you need to put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of time. A voluminous hairstyle does not always lead to results. Eat different ways, types of hairstyles, thanks to them you will look great.

Thick hair looks impressive. But not all people are given them by nature. Beauty salons offer many ways to add volume to your hair, but there is not always enough time to visit stylists every day. What to do if you want to wear voluminous hair every day?

Let's find out a few effective methods how to add volume to your hair at the roots at home, and what you will need for this.

Ways to create root hair volume

There are many ways to make your hair look full at the roots. All these methods can be divided into three types:

  • hot;
  • cold;
  • long-term

What is the difference?

  1. Hot methods are the creation of root volume using heated hairdressing tools. These include a hair dryer, curling iron, flat iron, and corrugated tongs.
  2. Cold are methods without heat treatment. Volume at the roots is achieved using devices that do not need to be heated - curlers, comb.
  3. The long-term type is giving root volume with the help of chemical compositions, which affect the disulfide bond of the hair. Such procedures include - Fleecing, Boost UP, Bouffant (Fleecing, Boost Up, Buffant).

To increase root volume at home, hot and cold ways can be combined. For example, use a hair dryer and a comb together.


To achieve hair volume at the roots at home, you will need the following hairdressing tools:

  • brushing;
  • corrugated tongs;
  • curling iron;
  • curlers;
  • iron;
  • comb.

However, professional hairdressing equipment differs from ordinary ones. Therefore, in order to make root volume at home no worse than a master in a beauty salon, the technical requirements for the tools used should be as follows.

Compliance technical characteristics The tools used will keep your hair healthy and make it easier to perform voluminous styling at home.

Choosing a tool depending on the length and type of hair

When choosing devices, in order for the root volume to retain its original shape well in the future, and for its creation not to deteriorate the structure of the hair, you need to take into account its type and length.

  1. For thinning, severely damaged, overdried hair prone to brittleness and loss, only a hair dryer or curlers are suitable. Combing or using heated stylers will only lead to aggravation of their problems - more hair loss or brittleness.
  2. Coarse, unruly hair can be lifted in the root zone only with the help of crimping or backcombing.
  3. For normal, unpainted ones, you can use any tools.
  4. You can create volume at the roots of short hair at home, regardless of the degree of damage, using any method except using crimps. Since it sharply raises the roots, the ends of short hair will no longer lie in the desired direction, which will give the effect of disheveled, untidiness on the head.
  5. How to create volume at the roots for long hair at home? It is better to lift them using fleece or corrugation. Due to the severity of the strands, other methods will simply be ineffective.
  6. How to add volume to naturally thin hair at home? They, as a rule, lack density, so to obtain lasting fullness at the roots, it is better to combine combing and corrugation.

And also when working with heating stylers, it is necessary to observe the following temperature conditions:

  • bleached and fine hair is processed at 180–190 °C;
  • natural and dyed - 200 °C;
  • rigid, difficult to lay - 210–220 °C.


To add root volume at home, tools alone are not enough. Its durability largely depends on what perfumes the hair was treated with.

There are two types of preparations for creating volume at the roots.

  1. Rinse-off products are products that are used to treat hair after washing. They are left for a while and then washed off. This type includes balms, masks, conditioners.
  2. Leave-in products are products applied after washing your hair, together with which you dry your hair or process the resulting styling. This type includes sprays, powders, mousses, varnishes, and gels.

To enhance the effect of root volume, you can use both types of products together.

All manufacturers of professional hairdressing perfumes produce entire complexes for hair care at home. The standard set consists of shampoo, conditioner, mask and spray.

A hair volumizing mask is done once a week. It should not contain weighting components such as silicone or oils. Since the mask is applied to the root zone, the oil content in it will cause increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which will cause rapid contamination of the head. Light caring components (keratin, plant proteins, polyphenols) dry the roots, causing them to lift and making voluminous styling easier.

To prolong the effect of pomp, apply aerosol varnish with strong or extra-strong hold to the resulting hairstyle. And also before using hot tools, you need to treat the surface of your hair with a heat protectant. For example, the Wella Design “Lift Them Up!” spray gel is suitable for frequent use. It gives the hair additional volume at the roots, protects the cuticle during heat styling, and has a strong degree of fixation.

Technique for performing root volume

Let's look at how to create root volume at home using different tools.

Before you start styling, you need to wash your hair thoroughly. Required condition For all methods of adding volume, use freshly washed hair.

When working with hot stylers, you need to use a heat protectant. Also, do not allow the heated surface of the iron or curling iron to come into contact with wet hair. You need to make sure your head is completely dry.


To get a lush root zone, when drying your hair with a hairdryer, the angle of the strand relative to the head should be 180°. The hair should be pulled under the brush, directing a hot stream of air from bottom to top, tangentially, so as not to burn the scalp.

After the strand has been dried with hot air, you need to turn on the hair dryer to cool the blown stream. Then, without changing the angle of the pull, direct a stream of cold air onto the strand, holding the stream at each section of the root zone for 4–5 seconds. Sudden cooling fixes the given direction. If this is not done, the volume will disappear very quickly.

How to blow dry hair for volume


Part dry, freshly washed hair into thin strands in those areas where you want to create voluminous accents. Next, you need to clamp the hair between the plates as close as possible at the roots, slightly pull it up and slowly make half a turn with the iron around its own axis.

In order for the resulting root volume to hold well, you need to wait until the hair has completely cooled, and only then comb it.

Corrugated tongs

First you need to separate the areas where you plan to create volume. Turn on the crimping tongs and wait until they are completely heated. If the temperature of the tool is insufficient, the hair volume will be less intense.

How to properly perform root volume with corrugated forceps? First, the lowest parts of the separated zone are processed, and then smoothly move to the upper ones. The thickness of the strand should not exceed one centimeter - this will result in uniform zigzag creases on the outside and inside. To make a fluffy styling, you need to pull the strand up, hold it between the plates for 2-3 seconds, starting near the roots.

To hide the resulting creases, the topmost strand is left straight, combing it over the corrugation. You can treat the entire root zone or individual areas of the head.

Which corrugation is better for root volume - large or small? The size of the crease depends on the length of the hair and the fullness of the hairstyle. Large is suitable for adding strong volume to long hair. Small corrugation looks more natural, it is suitable for different lengths, except for short haircuts.

How to create root volume using corrugation

Curling iron

To create root volume using a curling iron, you need to clamp a strand of hair at the roots with a tongue and rotate the tool around its own axis.

This method of raising the root zone is suitable for short haircuts. To keep the volume, you need to wait until your hair has completely cooled before combing it.

Using curlers

To create root volume using curlers, freshly washed hair needs to be dried until semi-dry, and then separated those areas where you plan to emphasize volume. Comb thin strands upward and place under each large-diameter curler.

How to create root volume using Velcro curlers


Most quick way To get root volume is to backcomb it. To do this, you need to comb freshly washed, dried hair according to the haircut style and identify the areas that need to be raised. In order for the comb to hold its shape well, it must be dense at the roots.

Comb thin strands. You need to start at the top, gradually descending to the desired level. Carefully brush off excess volume according to the shape of the haircut so that no compaction is noticeable on top.

If you plan to make a very voluminous hairstyle, then you can combine backcombing with other methods of creating root volume.

How to create root volume using backcombing

Long-term root volume at home

The procedure for creating long-term root volume - Fleecing - will help you get rid of the problem of hair slicked at the roots for several weeks. Its developer, the cosmetics company CoolHair, has simplified the technology so much that it has become available to self-use at home. It's all about the new single-phase composition Puffy. This is a mousse based on the amino acid cysteine, which is available in bottles with a special dispenser and is easy to apply and distribute.

The execution technique is as follows.

  1. Make a very dense comb in areas where there is no volume.
  2. Then apply Puffy cysteine ​​mousse to each strand, leaving for 10-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.
  4. Treat with balm.
  5. Comb your hair using a wide-tooth comb.

The first drying after the fleecing procedure should be done with a hairdryer, directing the air flow from bottom to top.

Folk remedies for hair volume

In addition to ready-made hairdressing products, you can use folk recipes to prepare a mask to add volume to the roots yourself.

Yeast mask

This composition nourishes the hair and makes it easier to style. To prepare the mask you will need:

  • a packet of dry yeast;
  • 10–20 ml milk;
  • one ampoule of vitamin B2.

You need to dissolve the yeast in milk, warm it slightly in a water bath, and then add the vitamin. Apply to wet, clean hair roots, immediately after washing your hair. After half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Gelatin mask

The following composition not only adds volume to the hair at the roots, but also has a laminating property.

To prepare the mask, you need to pour one tablespoon of gelatin into 50–60 ml of water. Let it brew for 20 minutes and then heat in a water bath until completely dissolved. Cool to a comfortable temperature. Add one tablespoon of glycerin, a few drops of aloe juice and the contents of two Aevit capsules (vitamin E).

Apply the mask after washing your hair. Cover the top with plastic and leave for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

Concluding the article, let's summarize. You can create root volume in your hair at home no worse than in a beauty salon. A variety of methods allows you to create spectacular voluminous hairstyles, taking into account the condition of the hair and its length. And by combining backcombing with other methods, you can create extreme volume. In order for the resulting styling to better retain its shape, you must use styling products with strong or extra-strong hold. Self-performing the Fleecing procedure, using the new single-phase composition Puffy, will help cope with the problem of lack of root volume for several weeks.

How to create root volume using a hair dryer, comb and straightener
