Home lemur care. Lemur

Lemurs (lemuriformes) are an infraorder belonging to the suborder of wet-nosed primates.

This group unites all representatives of the order living in Madagascar.


The internal taxonomy of the taxon is as follows. The lemur-like infraorder includes six families:

  • hand-footed;
  • dwarf lemurs;
  • Lepilemuraceae;
  • lemurs;
  • megaladapids (an extinct group of animals);
  • indriaceae.

The lemur family, in turn, is divided into five genera:

  • common lemurs (includes species such as crowned lemur, white lemur, mongoose lemur);
  • gentle lemurs (which includes the golden lemur, the gentle lemur);
  • lemur (ring-tailed lemur);
  • prolemur (includes the broad-nosed lemur);
  • ruffed lemurs (including species such as ruffed lemur and rufous ruffed lemur);
  • pachylemur (extinct).

What kind of animal is a lemur?

Different types of lemurs differ significantly from each other in their external characteristics. What an animal looks like depends on its species. Common to all representatives of the order is the presence of incisors and canines lower jaw, which protrude forward. Another unifying feature is an elongated claw on the second finger. lower limbs, which animals use to “comb” their thick fur.

Lemurs are endemic to Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. The name "lemur" in Ancient Rome meant "ghost", "spirit". This is probably due to the nocturnal lifestyle of mammals, as well as the large size of the eyes of these animals. A lemur with big eyes, flying from branch to branch, almost invisible to the human eye under the cover of darkness, emitting a specific cry, can really be associated with mysterious spirit or a ghost.

Primates range in size from the smallest (“mouse-sized”) to comparable to a small dog. Some fossil species were the size of a large dog. The largest representatives of lemur-like animals are the indri - they grow up to a meter and can weigh up to 10 kg. The smallest are dwarf lemurs, whose height does not exceed 23 cm, of which 10 cm is the length of the tail. The weight of mouse lemurs is 50 grams.

The habitat of these animals is rainforests. In these conditions they feel very comfortable due to their ability to climb and jump well on tree branches. The limbs of lemurs are five-fingered, and the thumb of the front paws is opposed to the rest, which makes it possible to firmly cling to branches and irregularities in the bark.

Most members of the family are nocturnal, and during the day they sleep in nests. Lemurs live in groups of 4 to 60 individuals, as well as in pairs and alone.

The muzzle of most of these animals has an elongated shape. The eyes are usually disproportionately large and the gaze is directed forward, giving the impression of a surprised expression. Eye color ranges from orange-red to brown-yellow. In rare cases, blue-eyed primates are found, in particular Sclater's black lemur.

The ratio of the lengths of the fore and hind limbs depends on the species of the animal. Some members of the family have much longer front legs than their hind legs. This is due to the way of life of lemurs, namely the need to climb trees. Species of lemurs that live on land, on the contrary, have more developed hind legs, or relatively the same size of both pairs of limbs.

Most lemurs boast a luxurious tail, which performs a number of important functions:

  • help balance while running and jumping;
  • serve as a means of grasping branches and holding the animal suspended;
  • are a signaling tool for relatives.

Indri lemurs are deprived of such capabilities, since the length of their tail does not exceed 5 cm.

Recently, lemurs have become very popular among pet lovers. People are attracted by the unusual appearance of these animals and their funny behavior. Pets most often become small lemurs (for example, the mouse lemur - loris), which quickly and easily get used to a new environment. At the same time, owners are recommended to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible.


  • a house for shelter during the day;
  • branches (or even wood) for climbing;
  • drinking bowl and food bowl;
  • filler for rodents.

The material from which the cage is made is not particularly important. Drinking water should be changed as often as possible. It is highly not recommended to heavily clutter the space, since the animal needs a lot of space to play. It is best to place the cage in the corner of the room, where there is no access to drafts and too bright lighting.

Lemurs feel most comfortable in twilight. The cage can be equipped ultraviolet lamp, which should be turned on during the daytime for 1.5-2 hours. It is recommended to fill the bottom of the home with sawdust. It is necessary to clean the cage daily of lemur waste products. Thorough cleaning is carried out monthly.

What do domesticated lemurs eat?

It is known that lemurs eat mainly plant foods. IN wildlife their diet also includes small birds, lizards and invertebrates. At home, animals should be fed vegetables and fruits.

Also, the animals will not refuse bread, meat and eggs. One of the most favorite delicacies of lemurs are insects - to please your pet, you can purchase such food at a pet store. For proper nutrition and maintaining the health of the animal, do not forget to treat your pet with vitamin supplements. Feeding is carried out once a day.

Animal habits and maintenance features

It is noteworthy that Lemurs don't respond to names, therefore, accustoming the animal to a name is completely useless. Lemurs are neutral towards other animals in the apartment.

These animals do not have the habit of chewing furniture.

If treated well, the lemur quickly becomes attached to its owner.

The mouse lemur does not like to be left alone; it needs affection and attention. To make the animal feel happy, it is enough to spend only 30 minutes a day with it. It is allowed to keep lemurs in pairs.

The nature of these animals is such that It seems impossible to train them to go to the toilet in the same place. You should not force the animal to do something against its will. Otherwise, other than aggression on the part of the animal, the owner will not get any result.

Lemurs are characterized by curiosity and the habit of exploring the surrounding space.

Animals are clean, so it is not necessary to wash them.

How long do lemurs live at home?

In the wild, the lifespan of these mammals can reach 15 years. At home, a lemur can live from 20 to 30 years. The longevity of a pet will depend on the quality of its maintenance.


If you decide to have an exotic animal at home, the lemur is perfect for this. Of all possible representatives exotic fauna, this animal is perhaps the most unusual. To make the lemur feel comfortable, it is enough to follow the recommendations in the article for its maintenance and care.

This tiny animal with huge wet eyes looks more like an owl. The homeland of the loris lemur is the islands of Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. But this animal is almost never found in nature and is an endangered species. Exporting it into your home country is considered smuggling. Exotic lovers who want to purchase a lemur need to remember this. Before you buy a loris, it is better to make sure that the baby is locally bred and was born in a nursery, and did not arrive by secret means from abroad.

What are lemurs like?

Lemurs were classified in 1766 by the French naturalist Buffon. These animals belong to the genus of prosimians and There are three main types and several subspecies. They are divided into:

  • slender loris;
  • slow loris;
  • pygmy loris.

The most major representatives lemurs weigh only 1.6 kg, and individuals of the dwarf species weigh 300 grams. Body sizes can be from 20 to 40 cm depending on the species. Their fur has a short pile that fits tightly to the body, color variations range from yellowish to brown, the fur on the abdomen is noticeably lighter, and a dark stripe runs down the back. These animals have miniature, rounded ears, and the tail is almost invisible.

Character and habits of the lemur loris

Those who keep the animals claim that they are not distinguished by outstanding intelligence. But if they are treated well, the animals become attached to their owner. Home slow loris (the biggest one) doesn’t like to be alone, the animal just needs attention and affection. Give him at least half an hour a day of your time - this will make him happy with life.

If you are often not at home and you decide to get a lemur playmate in the form of another animal, this is fraught with skirmishes and brawls. In this case, the cage should be spacious and have shelter. The animals are nocturnal, waking up in the evening, they begin to be active, and fall asleep only at 8-9 o’clock in the morning.

Lemurs are very curious. They love to explore their surroundings, moving deftly throughout their home. Animals are clean, so it is not necessary to wash them, just keep the cage clean. If you decide to bathe loris, remember that they are heat-loving and can easily catch a cold, after which they get sick for a long time.

In a city apartment, a lemur needs an aviary or a spacious cage. Once in new conditions, the baby will not immediately get used to them and will spend most of his time in his house. The bars of the cage can be made of metal, plastic, wood - the material does not really matter. You need to put two bowls inside - for water and food. Keep the water clean and change it often.

Ideally, you can create conditions inside the cell close to natural. You can place branches there, large indoor flower or even a tree. Be sure to install a house in which the house lemur can retire to sleep. But the cage should not be too cluttered; when the loris is active, it should have enough space for its games.

It is better to place the cage in the corner of the room, where there are no drafts or excessive lighting. Lemurs feel comfortable in twilight. You can arrange additional illumination with a weak UV lamp, which needs to be turned on for a couple of hours during the daytime. It is better to fill the bottom with wood chips - it is environmentally friendly and makes cleaning easier. You will have to clean the loris’s home from feces every day, once a month you need to thoroughly clean everything.

After that How will your pet get used to you and your home?, you can let him out of the cage for a walk around the apartment and pick him up; lemurs do not accept other pets, and they are wary of children. Animals do not have the habit of gnawing and damaging furniture, you can rest assured. Unfortunately, they do not respond to the nickname.

What is the best way to feed your pet?

In nature, lorises feed on insects, small birds, lizards, and invertebrates. At they are fed indoors:

You cannot catch crickets and grasshoppers on the street yourself; they can “give” the animal an infection. It is better to purchase such food at a pet store; their price is quite affordable. Buy vitamin supplements for the loris there, which your veterinarian will recommend to you so that the lemur’s nutrition is complete. Feeding frequency – 1 time per day.

How much do loris lemurs sell for?

Exotic lovers are well aware that rare animals are expensive, and the loris lemur is no exception. Breeders' prices for animals fluctuate in the range from 70 to 100 thousand rubles. As you can see, this is a very profitable business for them. At the time of purchase, the baby must have all the necessary vaccinations and be issued a veterinary passport.

A healthy pet will behave actively at the time of purchase, break free and show dissatisfaction because it was disturbed, making groaning sounds. His fur will be fluffy, and his eyes will be large and shiny, this can be seen even in the photo. It won't be cheap. If the animal is weak and can barely move, and its eyes are cloudy, it is unhealthy.

You can also buy a lemur at the bird market. The price may be lower, but should not be doing that. The animal may be sick, having suffered during transportation. Smugglers care little about the conditions in which their “goods” are delivered, and most exotic animals simply die during transportation.

With good care and maintenance, pets can live in captivity for up to 20 years, consider this before you buy a lemur. Their average life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Lemur at home

If you have decided to get a pet, but have not yet decided which one, then turn your attention to a small and very cute lemur. Of all the representatives of exotic animals, this beauty is the most amazing. Moreover, if you want to surprise your guests with a unique pet, then you will succeed with a lemur. And all because such an exotic animal can be found quite rarely at home. Moreover, if you get a lemur, you will help nature preserve this species.

To help you become better acquainted with this animal, we have prepared the following material, in which we will consider the features of keeping, feeding, reproduction and the nature of such a pet.

Description of the species

Lemur in ancient greek mythology means "ghost that lives in the night." It is because of the nocturnal way of life that animals with huge eyes, frightening the inhabitants of Madagascar, received such a name.

In total, the lemur-like category includes more than one hundred species. They have a lot, both in common and different. They are all medium-sized primates. In appearance, it is quite difficult to give a single description, since there are varieties a large number of. You can find such animals as small in size, 17 cm, or much larger, about 1.2 m. But, to a greater extent, lemurs of the same size as cats are found at home.

The body of lemurs is longitudinal, the legs are the same size, both front and back. The tail of such animals is especially different. It is very long and straight. These primates actively use it; it is quite difficult to imagine them without a fifth limb.

Unlike monkeys, the lemur's head has a somewhat elongated shape. Their ears are small, but the same cannot be said about their eyes. The visual organs of these animals are one of the distinguishing characteristics of the species. The nose of these animals is always wet, which also indicates their primitiveness. These animals have five toes on their paws, with the big one significantly separated from the rest. Their coat is short but smooth and has a furry texture.

As for the color, it can be very diverse: white, gray, red, brown, red, orange, black, and also, in addition to a single shade, there can be a combination of several colors at once.

The lemur is predominantly nocturnal, although there are also species that prefer to stay awake during the day.

These amazing creatures are found in their natural habitat only in Madagascar and the Comoros Islands.


This exotic animal has a very sweet disposition. The lemur is quite shy. This is why it prefers to be active at night. He also likes to play, but does not play pranks. In addition, it is worth noting the calm nature of such an animal. Also, lemurs can very quickly adapt to different climatic conditions. But, of course, they prefer warm climates, because this is their natural habitat. Males are very easy to tame and even teach some tricks, which cannot be said about females.

In principle, with careful care and love, such animals will reciprocate the owner.

True, until the baby gets used to it, it’s better to take it with a net, otherwise he might bite out of fear.


As mentioned above, in nature there are quite a lot different types of this family. We will look at the most famous of them:

  • Hand-footed. This is the most common branch of the family. The appearance of such animals strongly resembles a cat. The length of the body of hand-footed lemurs is 40 cm, when the tail is as much as 60 cm. Their head is massive, with large oval ears. The eyes are bulging and large. Color coat in such animals it is mainly dark, rich brown and black. These are true nocturnal inhabitants;
  • Dwarf. This species includes animals with a size of 30 cm and a weight of 100 g. These individuals are very timid. They live alone. They lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. Due to their cowardice, dwarf lemurs are very aggressive because they fear danger from all sides;
  • Megaladapids. This type is extinct. Individuals belonging to this family were quite large. Approximately 1.2 - 1.5 m long. Otherwise, they were similar to their descendants that exist today;
  • Indriaceae. The smallest individuals of this species are recorded with a height of 30 cm. On average, their body length is about 50-70 cm. This family can be distinguished by its muzzle, on which there is practically no hair. The weight of such animals reaches 6.5 kg. Appearance These individuals are more like dogs.

If you buy a small animal from other people or from a nursery, that is, its parents are tamed and, accordingly, the baby too, then there will be no problems with it in your home. In the same case, when the animal is caught in the wild, and it is absolutely wild, quite a few difficulties will be added to your life.

Since lemurs are freedom-loving and very active animals, they should be kept in a spacious cage, or they should be given regular walks in the fresh air. Can be built for pet a large enclosure in which your pet will feel very good.

For the material of the cage and enclosure, you can use both metal and wooden rods.

It is advisable that containers for food and water be made of ceramics, glass or porcelain. They also need to be secured near the wall of the cage so that the baby does not inadvertently turn out the contents of the feeders.

What kind of cell should it be?

A house for a lemur must be chosen according to its size. The animal must move freely around the cage or enclosure. Then he will grow well and develop properly. To make the baby more comfortable, it is necessary to build a sleeping place in his house. To do this, you can put an old hat or build a small “room”. In this place, the pet will be able to rest and sleep peacefully, away from prying eyes.

Be sure to put bedding on the bottom of the cage. Hay, straw or cotton wool are best suited for this. You also need to place several tree branches in the enclosure so that your pet can climb on them.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness and order in the cage. To do this, you will have to carry out daily cleaning. The litter needs to be changed at least once a month.

The location for the cage also needs to be chosen very carefully. It is advisable to install it in a quiet, remote area of ​​the house, without drafts or heating devices nearby.

Feeding an exotic pet

In order for your baby to grow properly and develop well, you need to take a responsible approach to his diet. In this matter, you need to draw up everything in advance.

The lemur must include in its diet both food of animal origin and plant origin. Approximately 30% of the total diet should be a variety of insects, dairy products, as well as cereals and plant foods.

Lemurs are very fond of eating mealworms, various fruits, boiled eggs, as well as bread pre-soaked in milk or water. It is very useful to give such animals milk rice and millet porridge.

In order for your pet to eat well, you need to sweeten the food with natural honey.

It is always necessary to monitor the presence of water in the drinking bowl. Also make sure it is clean and fresh. Drinking and food containers must be changed and washed every day.

A properly formulated diet for lemurs is the key to their good health and proper development, in fact, like any other living organism.

Since the exotic baby likes to lead an active life at night, it is necessary to fill the feeders in the evening so that he has enough food for a long time.

The negative side of keeping a lemur at home

Of course, there are a lot of positives in caring for such an amazing pet, but there are still some disadvantages. Let's talk about them, because familiar means armed.

First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that it is very difficult to train a lemur to a tray, or rather, almost impossible. No matter how hard you try, the baby will do his job wherever he wants. So, you either have to come to terms with this or not buy such a pet.

You shouldn’t force this animal to do something; it gets very offended when you tell it to do something. You need to treat the lemur with love, understanding and care, and he will respond to you in the same way.

Breeding at home

This question is very relevant, since there are quite a few such animals left in nature. Therefore, there are several reasons to start breeding lemurs at home:

  1. This kind of activity will benefit our nature. After all, poaching lemurs has long been prohibited and is punishable by law.
  2. Breeding exotic animals is a very exciting activity.
  3. Breeding lemurs can become a family business that will bring very good income to your home. After all, the offspring of these animals are not cheap.

It is worth noting right away that lemurs reproduce very slowly, because females bear their offspring for a long time. Moreover, in the end, one baby or two are born. So, if you want to see a little lemur, you will have to be patient.

Or you need to raise the pair in different cages, and only cage them when they reach puberty. Know one thing, for everything to go well, these animals need to be properly fed, looked after, loved, and groomed and cherished. Only in a favorable environment can a female become pregnant and bring you babies.

Lemur is a mammal belonging to the class of monkeys. The ancient Greeks called lemurs ghosts that wander at night. The inhabitants of the island of Madagascar called lemurs just like that, because they have big eyes, and, according to the residents, they caused horror. Where do lemurs live and how to keep such an animal at home? After all, just recently, they became pets. This is what we will talk to you about, and let’s start with interesting facts.

Ring-tailed lemur interesting facts

Lemur one of the main characters of the cartoon "Madagascar"

Lemur susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases and allergies

Residents of the island of Madagascar are still afraid lemurs

As a reward for cleaning the fur, the female may offer to mate.

Ring-tailed lemur habitat

Ring-tailed lemur became the most recognizable among the representatives of lemurs, which quickly won our hearts. His body length is 39-46 cm, tail length 56-63, weight 2-3.5 kg. His tail painted with circular black patterns on white in the form of a spiral. U lemur long body with a small and dense head, pointed and elongated muzzle. Lemur eyes, close-set, of enormous size, and the expression resembles fear or surprise. Lemur eye color yellow, brown-yellow and orange-red, only one representative has Blue eyes(black lemur). Lower lemur teeth form a scallop, the upper ones are widely spaced. On paws the beast has five fingers and long claws. On hind legs claws are necessary for combing wool, front ones for food. U lemur quite thick wool gray-brown color, mask on the face. Lemur lifespan on average 20 years, but some individuals can live 34-37 years!

Where does the ring-tailed lemur live?

Of course, from the cartoon Madagascar we know that he inhabits island of Madagascar. Where else does he live? Ring-tailed lemur can be found in the southeast of Morondava, near the Andringitra mountain range, Ambalavao, Taolanyaro. They live in groups of 20-30 lemurs in forest areas, they live in trees.


What to feed your ring-tailed lemur at home

In the wild ring-tailed lemur feeding vegetation, cacti and various insects.

What to feed a lemur at home?

Lemur night dweller, activity occurs in the evening and night, it is at this time that he needs to be fed. He can eat various fruits and even citrus fruits, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, sorrel, radishes, white and black bread, turnips. You can also have boiled meat and boneless fish, boiled white cabbage and cauliflower. Porridge from cereals, without adding butter, sometimes milk and kefir. Cottage cheese and boiled or raw egg. You can add into the diet and live food such as: mice, cockroaches, crickets, mealworms. By the way, lemur sweet tooth and you can sometimes feed it with dried fruits (boiled), honey and nuts, dissolving all this in a bowl of water.

Keeping a ring-tailed lemur at home

Lemurs perfectly tamed, calm, non-aggressive animals. Lemur cage (terrarium) must be spacious so that he feels comfortable. Place vines and branches in his home where he will be happy to climb. Cover the bottom of the cage with sawdust, periodically cleaning the cage. Because, to the tray lemur not to accustom it, it is still advisable to clean the house more often, otherwise there will be an unpleasant smell, and also from the animal itself. Build a house for him where he will sleep. This can be done from a box or crate, covered with cotton wool or dry hay. Don't forget about a drinking bowl with clean water that is changed daily! remember, that lemurs Can't stand drafts.



The large expressive eyes of small, fluffy creatures living on the amazing island of lemurs - Madagascar - conquer continents and countries, enchanting lovers of marvelous animals. With the habits of a monkey and the appearance of a cat, lemurs, lori And galago - night, wet-nosed primates are the most ancient primates on earth!

In this article we will get acquainted with the living treasure of Madagascar - lemurs, we will figure out what affects their price, and find out whether it is possible to acquire and tame them.

Lemurs are mainly herbivores, arboreal and nocturnal animals, rarely come to the ground, feed at night, live in flocks, and have loud voices. At the same time, they tolerate captivity well and are easily tamed.

For a long time Madagascar was isolated from the world, which allowed it to develop unique fauna. But after colonization by humans, the lemur population began to decline rapidly, leading to the complete extinction of at least 17 species. The already extinct lemurs were much larger than those living today, their weight could reach 200 kilograms.

Recent decades have seen renewed interest in Madagascar's fauna, leading to increased conservation measures for lemurs. Breeding them in captivity is very difficult process, the population of species is constantly declining.

Today, there are 101 species of lemurs, and almost all of them are officially recognized as endangered, many are listed in the Red Book, most are included in the 1st provision of the Convention on international trade endangered species of wild fauna and flora - CITES.

This means that CITES completely prohibits legal trade in all lemurs. During smuggling, no one will ever be able to provide a real document confirming the health and origin of the animal. Having tamed a lemur, you must understand and accept responsibility for the entire future life of this endangered creature on earth, which on average lasts more than 25 years!

The price of lemurs is determined by the black market, and in most cases will be quite high. It is influenced by the animal’s age, condition, species, origin, transportation conditions, protective status, place of sale. The demand and price for exotic animals often change: it is impossible to predict exactly how much it might cost to purchase a Lemur.

Approximate prices for most popular lemurs, such as the Ring-tailed Lemur, range from 1500 before 2000 dollars, slightly cheaper Loriformes: Slow Lari and Senegalese Galago will cost on average from 1000 before 1600 dollars, the Dwarf Mouse Lemur costs the same. Rarer and larger species, such as Vari's lemurs, are valued many times more expensive - from 4000 before 7000 dollars. But even just finding a lemur for sale can be difficult; of course, they are not sold in pet stores.

If, despite the incredibly high price, you happen to have a lemur, you need a large enclosure for it, or better yet a separate room with conditions as close as possible to natural ones: you need branches, leaves, shelters and holes. You also need to choose a diet suitable for the species, and nocturnal primates will have to be fed at night. For the heat-loving lemur, a suitable climate is important; they really do not like drafts and catch colds easily.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular lemurs of Madagascar, and more.

Ring-tailed lemur- the most famous representative of lemurs. The animal's fur is gray, and half its height comes from its luxurious black and white striped tail.

Among all the lemurs, the ring-tailed one spends time on the ground greatest number time, while his tail curls into something like a question mark. When walking, the tail straightens, like a cat's. By the way, in size, habits and flexible gait, the ring-tailed lemur really resembles a cat.

Like most lemurs, it feeds on young leaves, tree bark and fruit. Occasionally it can eat insects, so it is considered an omnivore.

Personality: usually quiet and peaceful. Ringtails are highly social lemurs; in nature they live in groups of up to 30 individuals. They can boast enviable opportunities for communication with their relatives, from their voice to their body position.

In nature, as well as in captivity, this type of lemur is the most common. But, due to the loss of its native habitat, hunting and drought, the lemur's status is determined to be endangered.

In captivity, the lifespan of this lemur can reach almost 30 years.

This seemingly cute and harmless animal is often called Lemur Lori, but in fact, the Loriev Family does not belong to lemurs, but is considered to be wet-nosed primates along with them. The most famous genus among the family is the Fat Loris, a prominent representative of which is the Slow Loris - unlike lemurs, it is a slow, ancient nocturnal animal, one of the seven poisonous mammals in the world!

The Slow Loris does not have a tail. Its soft fur is brown or yellow-gray in color. Spends almost its entire life in trees, living up to 25 years.

Lori is classified as a nocturnal omnivorous predator; at night it hunts and feeds on insects, bird eggs, and small mammals, and during the day it sleeps in the forks of branches or in the dense crown of leaves. He won’t refuse fruit either.

The apparent sweetness and harmlessness of these animals has greatly increased their smuggling throughout the world. At the same time, keeping Lori at home is painful. Before being sold, the fangs necessary for hunting are pulled out, and Lori’s huge eyes and daily activity are not adapted for daylight hours.

The threat and damage to these animals turned out to be so great that all species of Loris, along with lemurs, were listed in position 1 of the CITES convention. On the red list International Union Conservationists, Slow Lorises are considered vulnerable due to the illegal trade as pets.

But let's return to lemurs. Dwarf mouse lemur considered one of the smallest primates in the world. Its weight rarely exceeds 50 grams. Most of the sharp muzzle is occupied by large eyes, which are set off by dark rings. Half the length of the graceful body is on the tail. The short fur of the animal is red-brown in color.

This nocturnal primate in nature lives in tree hollows or in tangles of branches. It can be considered an omnivorous predator; at night it willingly eats insects, lizards, and even small frogs. It also does not disdain fruits and nectar. It is noteworthy that in the dry season it has the peculiarity of hibernating.

In captivity, dwarf lemurs do not have an easygoing character and behave aggressively. They move in sharp jumps, like a squirrel. They live up to 8 years.

The species is considered vulnerable due to the destruction of its native habitat.

Lemurs Indri and Sifaka are a family of Indriidae lemurs whose sizes and colors vary significantly depending on the species. Indri, the largest living lemur, has virtually no tail and is colored black and white color. The Crested Sifaka, being smaller in size, has a tail longer than the body and a yellowish-white color. Indris are covered with long, thick fur, their dark muzzles are completely devoid of vegetation, but they have large and shaggy ears.

What unites these large lemurs is their lifestyle and anatomical features. Indris are the most diurnal, in comparison with other representatives of the species, lemurs, and are largely herbivorous primates. They feed on leaves, flowers, and tree bark. They travel in the crowns in an upright position, like sloths, and only occasionally descend to the ground.

The movement of Sifak on the ground resembles a dance, since the hind limbs of the Indrievs are much longer than the front ones. Thanks to this, their large graceful jumps can exceed 10 meters.

As far as we know, Indri Lemurs, like Sifaka, are relatively easy to tame and get used to the owner, and have a gentle and good-natured character. The local population has long used these lemurs for hunting, instead of dogs.

Most of the Indriev lemurs are considered endangered, and the most famous representatives of the family - the Indri Lemur itself and several species of Sifaka - are on the verge of complete extinction.

Life expectancy is approximately 25 years.

Lemurs Vari include two species - Lemur Vari and Red-haired Vari. These lemurs are considered the largest surviving lemurs after Indri. They are thick, fluffy and a long tail black, in proportion to its body.

Varya has thick fur and a characteristic elongated muzzle, reminiscent of a dog, with a long fur collar stretching from the ears to the neck.

The Lemur Vari is colored black and white, while the Red Vari is red and black. However, the color of this species may vary depending on its habitat. Unlike the Indri lemur, the Vari move along the branches mainly on four legs in a horizontal position.

They lead a diurnal lifestyle, but very rarely descend to the ground. Among lemurs, Vari are considered the most frugivorous, as they feed mainly on fruits, nectar and pollen. They live a little over 20 years.

Due to the destruction of their native habitat and hunting, the Vari Lemurs have been identified as a species on the verge of extinction.

Aye Aye (or Aye Aye), also known as Madagascar bat, the world's largest nocturnal primate. It is covered with coarse, dark brown fluffy fur. Being an omnivore, it lives in bamboo thickets, feeding on the core of bamboo and sugar cane, as well as everything it can find.

This lemur has a powerful and large middle finger on its front legs, which the arm uses to obtain food. All of Ai Ai's fingers are also devoid of nails in favor of claws.

The character of the little arm is unyielding. According to local natives, she has rabbit teeth, ears bat, with the bristles of a boar and the tail of a fox, is considered a messenger of evil, and even a harbinger of failure. They shun Ai Ai, they are afraid to pronounce the real name of the little arm, which is why the local name of this creature is still not known for certain.

Ai Ai is listed in the International Red Book as an endangered species due to ritual extermination and smuggling. Life expectancy is about 20 years.

Senegalese Galago They are not related to lemurs, but they are their distant ancestors. About the size of a squirrel, Galagaidae, along with Loriidae, belong to the family Loriformes, and are also wet-nosed primates.

These exotic African animals have thick woolly fur, colored in brown, gray, and brown tones. Galagos are nimble and agile, they jump deftly thanks to the special structure of their hind legs. The bushy tail makes up more than half the length of their body.

In the dark, huge round eyes help the omnivorous animal hunt grasshoppers and other insects, and get eggs and fruits.

Like all nocturnal primates, during the day Galagos sleep in secluded places among the foliage, or build spherical nests. The mobility and structure of the ears allows them to be independently folded until they disappear completely. They inhabit not only the tropics, but also dry copses, savannas, shrubs and steppes. In captivity, they live up to 10 years.

Galago has a large population and is the only species on our list that does not have special conservation status.

We hope that our video will help you decide whether you are ready to have a lemur and create him Better conditions for life in captivity. Every lemur is amazing creature, which can be watched endlessly. You will have to directly take responsibility for preserving these endangered creatures for future generations. Lemurs have an amazing history. And the best stories are the ones that never end.
