How to make an ultraviolet lamp at home. A simple do-it-yourself ultraviolet flashlight

No modern nail salon is complete without a UV nail dryer. This device is necessary when building, or when applying shellac. But not every lady has the time and finances to go to beauty salons, and some just like to decorate themselves. Therefore, many girls do manicures on their own, and for this, a do-it-yourself UV lamp can come in handy.

It is much easier to go and buy a ready-made UV device from the store than to make it yourself, but such amateur performance has its advantages:

  • Confidence in the quality and safety of the device
  • lower costs
  • You can come up with any shape and design.

The case is usually made by injection molding, which allows the implementation of different shapes in very durable plastic.

The most effective device in which the lamps are located not only on top, but also on the sides.

Thus, the placed hand is illuminated from all sides, and allows high-quality drying of places near burrs. For the same purpose, the inner working area is made of a reflective material, most often foil is used for this.

Most models are equipped with a timer. In devices with low power, this is usually one button for 2 minutes. In more professional models, several timers and touch switching are used. Usually the lamps have a removable bottom, or a swivel mechanism, this is useful for drying the polymer on the legs.

It's all important, but main parameter nail dryer is its power. In order for the coating on the nails to dry evenly and completely, a sufficiently powerful radiation is needed. All experts note that a good UV lamp should be at least 36 watts.

Unlike LEDs, which can be 1-3 watts, fluorescent bulbs for dryers are only 9 watts, that is, 4 light emitters are needed for a 36-watt dryer.

At home, UV dryers with one or two bulbs are very often used, the polymerization process is delayed, but such a device is inexpensive and compact.

Salons often use more powerful devices, at 45 or even 54 watts, they dry very quickly and efficiently.

Why fluorescent lamps

Progress is moving forward, and simple UV dryers have begun to give way to new LED and hybrid models. Of course, they have a lot of advantages:

  • Low power consumption
  • less heating
  • LEDs do not need to be changed
  • Fast polymerization

But, despite the positive qualities of led models, many still prefer to use proven UV nail dryers.

Maybe it's all about the lights. LEDs do not heat up or lose their power, but they cannot be replaced. Diodes are built into the board, they are not removed, not unscrewed. Therefore, if they burn out or break, then it will be necessary to completely change the entire device to a new one. To prevent this from happening, you need to try not to touch the light emitters with your hands and keep them clean.

Fluorescent bulbs last approximately 3000 hours, after which it must be replaced with a new one. This is due to the fact that the phosphor layer through which the radiation passes gradually burns out, from which the effectiveness of the light bulbs decreases. During polymerization, this is expressed in a poorly drying coating, it can deform, quickly come off.

Since the do-it-yourself lamp will be designed for home use You don't have to worry about its durability. If you use shellac as a polymer, which lasts about two weeks, then drying can be enough for a lifetime. That is, polymerization will take no more than an hour, once every two weeks, this is two to three times a month. Thus, drying will be enough for 80 years. Extended nails last even longer, and UV drying will be applied twice less often.

When assembling a nail dryer, you need to take into account the features of the light bulbs, or rather their launch system. It is of two types:

  • The induction system has a choke and a starter, so its weight is somewhat greater than the electronic one. Switching on occurs by flashing the light, but such drying will not burn out during power surges. Therefore, this is often taken by professionals who require constant uninterrupted operation of the device.
  • Electronic is simpler, lighter, but vulnerable to voltage drops

To make an ultraviolet lamp with your own hands, the base with the entire system will need to be removed, so you can just take the light bulb that is cheaper, that is, electronic.

Despite the fact that UV drying for nails is quite affordable, you can try to do it yourself.

It is worth remembering that a homemade lamp is suitable only for personal use, usually clients do not have confidence in such a miracle technique.

And, of course, such amateur performance will not add to the image of a good master.

Under consumer protection law, they have the right to require a certificate for the device used, since low-quality fluorescent bulbs can be harmful. It is also forbidden to sell an uncertified device, but it is quite suitable as a gift for a close friend.

Here is a list of what you may need when assembling the lamp:

  • The ballast is a ballast that limits the current. It can be electronic or induction. For home drying, the electronic version is best, as it is lighter and does not flicker. You can ask for it in a specialized store (with the same power as the future lamp), or extract it from an energy-saving fluorescent lamp. In them, it is located between the flask and the base

  • Fluorescent lamps

  • Self-adhesive or food foil is needed for internal drapery so that the emitted ultraviolet is reflected and directed to the nails

  • Cord with a plug for connecting the UV device to the network

  • On / off button (sometimes it comes with a cord)

Before you make a nail lamp with your own hands, you need to think through every little thing:

  • First you need to determine the power of future drying, that is, select the number of fluorescent bulbs, each of which has a power of 9 watts. For home use, you need no more than four, for a total of 36 watts, or less, depending on the desired speed and quality of polymerization
  • Next, you need to think about the body. For it, you can use an old block from a computer, plexiglass, wood panels, in general, any material at hand. But safety precautions should be taken into account, because fluorescent lamps tend to heat up. The heating temperature is small, but it is better to play it safe and choose a safe material
  • It is best to first draw the entire diagram on paper in order to roughly calculate the amount of material and dimensions. You also need to foresee the size of the connector, it will be for one or two hands, assign the location of the ballast, lamps, start button. For ballast and wires, it is better to make a second compartment so that the hand placed inside does not touch them.
  • Consider fixing the lamps to the body

The drying assembly algorithm for nails is not complicated, the main thing is to observe the polarity when connecting. In order not to miscalculate with the dimensions, it is better to first make the electronic “stuffing”, and then mount it in the frame:

  • Disassemble the light bulb base. To do this, remove the legs with wire cutters, pry off the white base under the metal rim and remove it. Now you can see four wires, two of which were closed through the starter, and the other two went to the legs
  • Connect the wires of the lamps to each other, and connect to the ballast. It is better to use store-bought ballast, it looks more aesthetically pleasing, and it is easier to connect. On one side are the contacts for connecting the lamps, and on the other for the power cord
  • Connect cord with button
  • Check the performance of the device by plugging the entire resulting system into a power outlet
  • Install the ballast and lamps in the housing

That's all, the assembly of the electronic component will not take more than an hour. But the installation of the case and the installation of lamps in it depends on the chosen material and design. Considering the low cost of ultraviolet dryers, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to be so zealous in order to save 500-1000 rubles?

Homemade device or purchased, the main thing is not to forget about the rules of operation. First of all, it must be protected from water. You can’t wash the dryer, you need to wipe it with a damp cloth, and clean the lamps from dust with a soft brush. It is impossible to rub the light emitters, fragile glass can crack or break completely, so if the gel gets on the lamp, it must be scraped off with a sharp razor.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that for delicate female hands it is not possible to make a nail lamp with your own hands, it is best to ask your husband, brother, friend. Another a good option, is to buy everything you need for assembly, and give it to an electrician, he will definitely assemble everything quickly and without errors. The cost price, excluding the case, will be about five hundred rubles.

If there is a sick person in the house, it is very uncomfortable. It is even more frustrating when the disease is viral, and you have to take some precautions when communicating, trying not to get infected. But, as it turned out, you can find a way out of this situation that will suit everyone.

When visiting polyclinics or hospitals, many were faced with the fact that entry into the premises is prohibited due to quartzing. Many saw the lamp itself for this process. But few people know what this so-called "quartz" is and why a person should not be under its rays. So why not deal with this term.

The real name of such a lamp is ultraviolet, and the name "quartz" appeared because the flasks of such devices are made of quartz glass. But first things first. First you need to understand what UV devices are.

Types of UV lamps

UV lamps are divided into several parameters. They can be ozone - such a device through ultraviolet light contributes to the release of ozone from oxygen. When operating such a device, it is important to ventilate the room as often as possible, since this gas is in large quantities harms the body. Also, the ultraviolet light bulb can be ozone-free. On the flask of such a device, a special coating is applied that prevents the production of ozone.

UV lamp at work. Room disinfection

The next classification is mobility. Devices can be portable and stationary.

According to the parameters of functioning, they can be open and closed. For quartzing in medical institutions, open devices are used - nothing protects against ultraviolet radiation here and it is scattered throughout the room. Using them if there are people or animals in the room is prohibited. Closed (or recirculators) process certain objects. When using this type of lamp, you do not need to leave the room.

But there is another type of such devices, which is most common in terms of home use - an ultraviolet lamp for special applications. This type is used for physiotherapeutic treatment of the disease, struggling with acute respiratory diseases.

Usually in the kit there are nozzles, glasses. They are also applicable in the solarium.

amalgam lamp

But there are ultraviolet lamps that have appeared relatively recently. Their difference from conventional bactericidal lamps is that inside the tube there is a hard coating of an alloy of such elements as indium, mercury and bismuth. When exposed to electricity, this alloy, when heated, releases mercury vapor, which emits ultraviolet light. The production of ozone during the operation of such lamps does not occur, although the destruction of bacteria does not lose its intensity.

It is very important that in the cold state of the lamp, mercury is bound by other metals, and therefore there will be no consequences for the body in case of accidental mechanical damage. Of course, in case of damage to working devices, vapors of this heavy metal can be released, but even here the amalgam lamp has a great advantage.

The fact is that a conventional quartz device contains about three grams of mercury, which really threatens health if damaged. For this reason, it is impossible to dispose of such devices as ordinary household waste. In an amalgam lamp, the content of toxic substances is so small that it does not pose a danger to human health.

Therefore, if it is damaged, you only need to collect the fragments and ventilate the room a little. Also noteworthy is its durability, which is 16,000 hours versus 8,000 for a conventional bactericidal one.

UV lamp device

The essence of the operation of an ultraviolet quartz lamp is similar to a fluorescent lamp. If you look, then this is the same lighting device. The lamps of these lighting devices are absolutely no different. The differences are in the flasks themselves. The LL tube is coated from the inside with a special substance - a phosphor.

Since a fluorescent lamp during breakdown and ignition of mercury vapor emits mainly ultraviolet light, which is not visible to the human eye, the phosphor converts it into a visible glow. The principle of operation of "quartz" is identical, only inside the flask there is no substance that converts UV rays, which kill bacteria.

The only problem is that ultraviolet destroys all bacteria, and therefore the body does not need it in its radiation. Therefore, it is impossible to be in a room where such an open-type device is turned on, and even more so to look at it. A person who even looked at an ultraviolet lamp for a short time, after that, his eyes hurt very much.

Quartz lamp for the apartment

Application ultraviolet lamps in the disinfection of residential premises has recently become more and more in demand. In the light latest trends on the incidence of new forms of influenza, etc., people began to pay more attention to their health.

If you need an ultraviolet lamp for home use, you need to pay attention to some parameters that are very important.

Provided that not only the simple destruction of microbes is required, but also a therapeutic effect, then it is necessary to choose a UV lamp with various nozzles. Most often, in the configuration of the new device there are several spare light elements. It is necessary to check whether the device is in working condition and whether safety glasses are available. It also does not hurt to clarify which company produced this lamp. According to statistics, the highest quality goods are produced by Belarusian firms.

It is also worth paying attention to the cost - it should be average. Do not buy too expensive or very cheap goods. It does not hurt to clarify whether there is a guarantee for the purchased device and what it is.

But still, if only bactericidal treatment of premises is necessary, why overpay? You need to understand how to make ultraviolet yourself.

Do-it-yourself bactericidal lamp for home

How to make an ultraviolet lamp with your own hands? To do this, you need (DRL) with a power of at least 125 watts. It must be wrapped with a cloth, and then gently split the flask with a hammer blow. In this case, you need to try so that the inner tube is not damaged - it is because of it that everything is done. It is better to perform these actions not indoors, because if the flask is damaged, mercury vapor is released.

After that, you need to carefully remove the base with a glass tube from the fabric, put a rag with fragments in a bag and hand it over to a specialized center. They must not be disposed of with normal waste.

Do-it-yourself UV lamp from DRL. Required part - glass tube

Now it remains only to carefully pull out the glass tube - this will be a do-it-yourself UV lamp - and apply power. So there was experience in the question of how to make an ultraviolet lamp - there is nothing super complicated in this.

The main thing is that when quartzing a room, it should not contain people, animals, and even plants should preferably be taken out. After the procedure, the room is ventilated, and only after that you can return the flowers to their places.

But you also need to know that the ultraviolet lamp does not destroy germs and bacteria that are in the upholstery of furniture or under the wallpaper. Disinfection with such a device is only superficial. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether the device is made at the factory or such an ultraviolet lamp is made by hand at home.

If all precautions are taken, such a device will be an excellent assistant to health, and will also help in the prevention of many diseases, including not only respiratory ones.

All the fair sex love to take care of their nails, often visit beauty salons for manicure procedures. But earlier, in order to make a permanent manicure, you had to look for an intelligent master and pay a lot of money, but today it can be done at home. But you will need a special lamp and materials for this. It is important to choose a quality device in order to perform the necessary manipulations on your own. Knowing how to make a DIY UV nail lamp can save you a lot of money. Today we will not only understand this issue, but also take a closer look at the features of the most popular types of manicure dryers.

Features of work and the main characteristics of lamps for manicure

Electric lamps are quite popular among manicure masters and lovers of creating high-quality and long-lasting nail art with their own hands. To purchase a ready-made device that meets your requirements, you should first familiarize yourself with the main characteristics, features, design and advantages of such devices. In addition, if you know them, stock up on everything you need, then you will get a decent nail dryer with your own hands.

Table lamps have the simplest design:

  • Ordinary body.
  • External control panel.
  • Special light bulbs.
  • Timer.
  • Fan.

Important! Some dryers have more features, but their cost increases greatly due to this.

Let's separately consider each parameter that needs attention:

  1. Dimensions. The most important difference between all lamps is their dimensions. There are models that allow you to dry the permanent coating on both hands at the same time. When choosing a device for home use, you can safely stop at a small lamp, without a timer, additional functions. It is inexpensive, takes up minimal space, consumes electricity sparingly.
  2. Power. This is also very important. Modern installations for manicure have power indicators in the range of 9-54 watts. They can have from 1 to 4 special lamps at the same time. Less and less low-power appliances are used, even for home use.

Important! The best option is 36 watts. Naturally, more powerful models are used in nail salons.

Varieties of nail dryers

When creating nail art, it should be borne in mind that ultraviolet rays affect each layer of varnish separately. Therefore, the total time for general action ultraviolet light on the entire nail plate should not exceed ten minutes. Otherwise, you will violate sanitary norms, nails and skin of the hands can be severely damaged. If you plan to do your own multilayer manicure, then buy quick-drying coatings.

On this moment there are such types of lamps:

  • UV dryers. All manicure devices are equipped with fluorescent or LED lamps. But the most affordable cost is the ultraviolet lamp for drying gel polish. With your own hands, with its help, you can create real masterpieces on your nails, the main thing is to use it correctly, not to violate the established rules and norms. Such a model can be purchased on the Internet, a specialized store, and even made independently.

Important! Their only downside is short term operation of light bulbs used inside and the content of hazardous mercury in them.

  • LED lamps for nails. Today they are considered the best in the field. Such devices work with the help of LEDs, so the drying process is completely safe for health, economical, fast. Polymerization is carried out in just 20-30 seconds, that is, there is no need to wait for three minutes. There are no harmful substances inside the lamp, so if it breaks, no one will be hurt.

Important! Over time, LEDs do not become less powerful.

To summarize, it becomes quite clear how they differ. LED lamps are something new for the fashion and beauty industry. UV dryers are considered a proven and cheap option, which once again proves the currently relevant review of lamps for drying nails from various manufacturers. The main advantage of LEDs is a long service life, which devices with fluorescent lamps cannot boast of. But the most important thing is that LED models are absolutely safe.

Important! When planning to make such a device and use it at home, read also interesting information from our other posts:

Making a manicure lamp with your own hands

If you already intend to save money, then try to make a drying device yourself. A do-it-yourself manicure lamp is made using the lamp itself. Be sure to collect everything you need before starting work:

  • UV lamp (inexpensive models, such as those used in bill checking machines).
  • An energy-saving light bulb that fits a standard size cartridge.
  • Block for screws.
  • Lampholder and wire with plug.

The lamp is quite inexpensive, while the rest of the materials can be found at home or in any lighting store. To make or replace diodes, you can buy it there. Repair and replacement of parts is also not difficult to do ..

The ultraviolet dryer assembly scheme consists of the following steps:

  1. We fasten the UV lamp onto the pads. Since it is quite difficult to find connectors, it is better to use pads. We connect the wires to the blocks. Cable for local networks ideal in this case, you just need to twist the wires in pairs in them and use them together.
  2. We take out a plate with electronics from an energy-saving lamp. We cut off a couple of wires coming out of it to the flask, then solder and solder the twisted wires in pairs in their place. We assemble the base with electronics back. As a result, we will have a power source for our lamp.
  3. We attach the device with a plastic strip to the base and get the base of the dryer.
  4. The case can be used ready-made or made independently from the old computer block nutrition.
  5. We insert the lamp into the body.

Important! Once you've practiced with a hand-built instrument, you may still want to buy a more efficient professional series fixture. Or maybe you even want to develop your business in this direction. Then our articles will help you:

The benefits of ultraviolet emitters have been proven in medical practice and not only. Now such disinfectants are becoming more common for use in living conditions. In an apartment, office, they are used for the purpose of prevention. You can buy it or create it yourself. How to do it yourself is a question that worries many.


Ultraviolet is a segment of the electromagnetic spectrum of high energy power. The emission spectrum differs depending on the wavelength:

  • UVC wavelength is 180-290 nm, this radiation is dangerous for living beings.
  • UVB - medium wavelength range - 290-320 nm. It is vital for the existence of reptiles.
  • UVA - long waves - 320-400 nm.

UV lamps differ depending on the length of the spectrum, power, shape and other parameters. Due to this, their application is extensive.

Important! Such lamps are durable, on average, the service life is 1 year. In some cases, replacement is needed more often.


The first classification that is important to users is the type of lamps that can be used for the home. They are ozone and non-ozone. In the first case, UV radiation promotes the formation of ozone from oxygen. Such lamps can be used only if there are no people and other living beings, plants in the room, since ozone is destructive not only for bacteria, but also for all living things. After turning off the device with a light bulb of this type, ventilate the room.

UV irradiator

The second option - ozone-free, due to a special coating on the flask, do not emit a destructive element into the air, but at the same time they destroy microbes. It is these that are most often used in domestic conditions.

According to the mobility parameter, there are portable and stationary lamps.

By type of operation:

  1. Open. It is open devices that are convenient for use in medical institutions. Such lamps are not protected by a screen, and all radiation affects pathogens indoors. They can also be used at home, but it is necessary that no one is in the room that is being processed.
  2. Closed. They are also called recirculators. This type is often used to locally affect or process a particular object. It is not necessary to leave the room when the lamp in the protective case is on.

For domestic use for medicinal purposes, there are special devices - UV lamps for special purposes. They are equipped with nozzles of different sizes and goggles.

UV lamp "Sunshine" for domestic use

Scope of application

The use of UV lamps that give different wavelengths is huge. From cosmetology to treatment.


In medicine, the use of UV lamps has been practiced for a long time. The main task that is placed in front of the device is to quickly disinfect the entire room, the surfaces of walls, floors, objects that are in it. Devices that are used in medical institutions are capable of:

UV treatment

For plants

IN winter time provide plants in greenhouses and greenhouses with UV rays, possibly only using special lamps. For plants, UV lamps with different wavelengths are used, it depends on its physiological characteristics and the further cycle.

So, long-wave radiation stimulates growth and development, medium - give resistance to temperature drops. Short waves for plants are detrimental and are not used.


Increasingly, UV lamps are used in cosmetology, the simplest example is the sources of ultraviolet radiation in solariums. Long waves are used to create an even tan.

Today, compact devices with UV radiation are popular for building nails and creating a neat manicure. Their main task is to dry the gel, shellac, which is applied to the nails. Another possibility is to protect the nail plates from fungus.

Lamp for polymerization of gel and shellac

Other areas

In addition, they apply:

  1. Checking banknotes. A special mark is applied to banknotes, which is visible only in UV rays. Similar devices are in banks, many stores.
  2. Disinfection of drinking water. Together with chlorination, ozonation or disinfection with UV rays is used.
  3. in chemical analysis.
  4. For catching insects. This effect is achieved due to the shifted visible range in most insects.
  5. For restoration. Such a device helps to see the old layers of varnish and new ones, they look different in a similar glow. For other light sources, such changes are invisible, as well as for the human eye.
  6. For biotechnology in order to obtain a genetic mutation.
  7. They are used in terrariums where they contain reptiles and turtles, in aquariums.
  8. For the formation of lighting effects at various events.

What can replace UV lamps?

You can replace the UV lamp, but what exactly depends on the tasks that it performed. So, in the case of plants, you can create a wave of fluora-type lighting from blue and red LEDs by connecting them in a certain sequence.

LED alternative

Another type of alternative lamp - amalgam, is used for disinfection. They have become widespread relatively recently. Inside it is a hard coating of an alloy of indium, bismuth and mercury. When heating occurs, mercury vapor is released and begins to emit ultraviolet light.

A huge plus is that ozone is not formed, while microbes are destroyed just as intensively. If the amalgam lamp is damaged during operation, then mercury vapor will be released, but not in the same concentration as when a conventional ultraviolet lamp is damaged. As for cracks or holes in a non-working lamp, mercury is bound by other metals and does not pose a danger to humans.

Often looking for an alternative to UV lamps to dry the gel on the nails, but at the moment there is no equivalent replacement.


The principle of operation of a UV lamp is very similar to the essence of the operation of a fluorescent device. In fact, these are the same light sources, inside their mercury vapor. The only difference is what the flask is made of or how it is coated from the inside. Depending on this or that coating, the wavelength, the color of the glow changes. For standard UV lamps, there is no phosphor coating, so a person does not see the radiation.

Important! It is dangerous to stay in the room while it is being treated with such a lamp, and even more so to look at it.

How to do at home?

You can create a UV lamp with your own hands, and it's not so difficult. In the process you will need:

  1. Ordinary arc mercury light bulb (DRL). Its power is not less than 125 watts. These are used in street lamps.
  2. Throttle for ignition.
  3. The cartridge where it will be screwed.
  4. Wooden stand to hold the lamp.
  5. Hammer or vise.
  6. A piece of fabric to wrap around the bulb.

Components for a homemade UV lamp

The process of creating a homemade irradiator is extremely simple:

  • Take a workable arc mercury lamp of suitable power.
  • Wrap her flask with cloth and lightly hit it with a hammer. If there is a vise, then the lamp can be wrapped in cloth and clamped in them and gently twist the handle and squeeze it. In this case, the risk of damaging the inside is less.
  • Upon impact, you need to break the flask, but do not damage the glass tube and the electrodes that are inside. It is advisable to do this on the street so as not to collect fragments around the house.
  • Leave fragments in matter.
  • Now you need to prepare the base for the lamp. Mount the throttle on a wooden platform, connect the socket for screwing in the lamp.
  • Pieces of glass from the light bulb may remain on the base, they must be carefully removed with pliers or other suitable tool.
  • The next step is to wipe the internal elements with cotton soaked in alcohol. The main task is to remove the white coating that is there.
  • The inner glass element with electrodes remained on the base, it remains only to screw it into the cartridge and use it for its intended purpose.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in the repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Such an ultraviolet lamp is open, so its operation must be carried out in accordance with the rules for such irradiators.


  1. The room should not be people, animals, it is desirable to remove all plants.
  2. Processing of rooms should be carried out systematically.
  3. After working with a UV lamp, ventilate the room well, if this is done poorly, a person may be poisoned while in it.
  4. Do not look at the lamp, otherwise you can get a retinal burn.
  5. Self-treatment with such powerful lamps is prohibited, they can irradiate rooms in the house, but without the presence of people.

homemade lamp

Simple UV lamps for phone and flashlight

A very simple and primitive UV light bulb can be made from improvised means. It will not give any bacterial effects, as well as harm to humans. But she will be able to check banknotes or read a message on a sheet written with a fluorescent marker.

The benefits of ultraviolet emitters have been proven in medical practice and not only. Now such disinfectants are becoming more common for use in domestic conditions. In an apartment, office, they are used for the purpose of prevention. You can buy it or create it yourself. How to do it yourself is a question that worries many.


Ultraviolet is a segment of the electromagnetic spectrum of high energy power. The emission spectrum differs depending on the wavelength:

  • UVC wavelength is 180-290 nm, this radiation is dangerous for living beings.
  • UVB - medium wavelength range - 290-320 nm. It is vital for the existence of reptiles.
  • UVA - long waves - 320-400 nm.

UV lamps differ depending on the length of the spectrum, power, shape and other parameters. Due to this, their application is extensive.

Important! Such lamps are durable, on average, the service life is 1 year. In some cases, replacement is needed more often.


The first classification that is important to users is the type of lamps that can be used for the home. They are ozone and non-ozone. In the first case, UV radiation promotes the formation of ozone from oxygen. Such lamps can be used only if there are no people and other living beings, plants in the room, since ozone is destructive not only for bacteria, but also for all living things. After turning off the device with a light bulb of this type, ventilate the room.

UV irradiator

The second option - ozone-free, due to a special coating on the flask, do not emit a destructive element into the air, but at the same time they destroy microbes. It is these that are most often used in domestic conditions.

According to the mobility parameter, there are portable and stationary lamps.

By type of operation:

  1. Open. It is open devices that are convenient for use in medical institutions. Such lamps are not protected by a screen, and all radiation affects pathogens indoors. They can also be used at home, but it is necessary that no one is in the room that is being processed.
  2. Closed. They are also called recirculators. This type is often used to locally affect or process a particular object. It is not necessary to leave the room when the lamp in the protective case is on.

For domestic use for medicinal purposes, there are special devices - UV lamps for special purposes. They are equipped with nozzles of different sizes and goggles.

UV lamp "Sunshine" for domestic use

Scope of application

The use of UV lamps that give different wavelengths is huge. From cosmetology to treatment.


In medicine, the use of UV lamps has been practiced for a long time. The main task that is placed in front of the device is to quickly disinfect the entire room, the surfaces of walls, floors, objects that are in it. Devices that are used in medical institutions are capable of:

UV treatment

For plants

In winter, it is possible to provide plants in greenhouses and greenhouses with UV rays only using special lamps. For plants, UV lamps with different wavelengths are used, it depends on its physiological characteristics and the further cycle.

So, long-wave radiation stimulates growth and development, medium - give resistance to temperature drops. Short waves for plants are detrimental and are not used.


Increasingly, UV lamps are used in cosmetology, the simplest example is the sources of ultraviolet radiation in solariums. Long waves are used to create an even tan.

Today, compact devices with UV radiation are popular for building nails and creating a neat manicure. Their main task is to dry the gel, shellac, which is applied to the nails. Another possibility is to protect the nail plates from fungus.

Lamp for polymerization of gel and shellac

Other areas

In addition, they apply:

  1. Checking banknotes. A special mark is applied to banknotes, which is visible only in UV rays. Similar devices are in banks, many stores.
  2. Disinfection of drinking water. Together with chlorination, ozonation or disinfection with UV rays is used.
  3. in chemical analysis.
  4. For catching insects. This effect is achieved due to the shifted visible range in most insects.
  5. For restoration. Such a device helps to see the old layers of varnish and new ones, they look different in a similar glow. For other light sources, such changes are invisible, as well as for the human eye.
  6. For biotechnology in order to obtain a genetic mutation.
  7. They are used in terrariums where they contain reptiles and turtles, in aquariums.
  8. For the formation of lighting effects at various events.

What can replace UV lamps?

You can replace the UV lamp, but what exactly depends on the tasks that it performed. So, in the case of plants, you can create a wave of fluora-type lighting from blue and red LEDs by connecting them in a certain sequence.

LED alternative

Another type of alternative lamp - amalgam, is used for disinfection. They have become widespread relatively recently. Inside it is a hard coating of an alloy of indium, bismuth and mercury. When heating occurs, mercury vapor is released and begins to emit ultraviolet light.

A huge plus is that ozone is not formed, while microbes are destroyed just as intensively. If the amalgam lamp is damaged during operation, then mercury vapor will be released, but not in the same concentration as when a conventional ultraviolet lamp is damaged. As for cracks or holes in a non-working lamp, mercury is bound by other metals and does not pose a danger to humans.

Often looking for an alternative to UV lamps to dry the gel on the nails, but at the moment there is no equivalent replacement.


The principle of operation of a UV lamp is very similar to the essence of the operation of a fluorescent device. In fact, these are the same light sources, inside their mercury vapor. The only difference is what the flask is made of or how it is coated from the inside. Depending on this or that coating, the wavelength, the color of the glow changes. For standard UV lamps, there is no phosphor coating, so a person does not see the radiation.

Important! It is dangerous to stay in the room while it is being treated with such a lamp, and even more so to look at it.

How to do at home?

You can create a UV lamp with your own hands, and it's not so difficult. In the process you will need:

  1. Ordinary arc mercury light bulb (DRL). Its power is not less than 125 watts. These are used in street lamps.
  2. Throttle for ignition.
  3. The cartridge where it will be screwed.
  4. Wooden stand to hold the lamp.
  5. Hammer or vise.
  6. A piece of fabric to wrap around the bulb.

Components for a homemade UV lamp

The process of creating a homemade irradiator is extremely simple:

  • Take a workable arc mercury lamp of suitable power.
  • Wrap her flask with cloth and lightly hit it with a hammer. If there is a vise, then the lamp can be wrapped in cloth and clamped in them and gently twist the handle and squeeze it. In this case, the risk of damaging the inside is less.
  • Upon impact, you need to break the flask, but do not damage the glass tube and the electrodes that are inside. It is advisable to do this on the street so as not to collect fragments around the house.
  • Leave fragments in matter.
  • Now you need to prepare the base for the lamp. Mount the throttle on a wooden platform, connect the socket for screwing in the lamp.
  • Pieces of glass from the light bulb may remain on the base, they must be carefully removed with pliers or other suitable tool.
  • The next step is to wipe the internal elements with cotton soaked in alcohol. The main task is to remove the white coating that is there.
  • The inner glass element with electrodes remained on the base, it remains only to screw it into the cartridge and use it for its intended purpose.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in the repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Such an ultraviolet lamp is open, so its operation must be carried out in accordance with the rules for such irradiators.


  1. The room should not be people, animals, it is desirable to remove all plants.
  2. Processing of rooms should be carried out systematically.
  3. After working with a UV lamp, ventilate the room well, if this is done poorly, a person may be poisoned while in it.
  4. Do not look at the lamp, otherwise you can get a retinal burn.
  5. Self-treatment with such powerful lamps is prohibited, they can irradiate rooms in the house, but without the presence of people.

homemade lamp

Simple UV lamps for phone and flashlight

A very simple and primitive UV light bulb can be made from improvised means. It will not give any bacterial effects, as well as harm to humans. But she will be able to check banknotes or read a message on a sheet written with a fluorescent marker.
