Facial skin rejuvenation at home: effective and safe! Facial rejuvenation at home (quick result) Rejuvenation what.


All about beauty 12.05.2017

Dear readers, today I want to talk to you about preserving our beauty and youth. This topic is of interest to many of us. And it affects many aspects of our lives, primarily our internal state and harmony in the soul, our spiritual and spiritual fulfillment. But no matter how harmonious and prosperous our condition may be, there are moments of self-care.

Today I have a guest on my blog, an expert in the field of express rejuvenation, cosmetologist Ethel Adanier. I met her on the Internet. Those who constantly follow the news of the blog remember that I gave information in the mailing list about various conferences on beauty and health topics. And at one of these conferences we met Ethel.

She is the author of the ReFace technique - “Do-it-yourself plastic surgery”, and I myself listened to everything with great interest. Her system has been successfully used for more than 6 years, and during this time, 6,000 Ethel students from 45 countries have achieved remarkable results in rejuvenation. The course has also been translated into English language for residents of the USA, Canada and Europe.

Erase wrinkles from the face - do-it-yourself plastic surgery

Good afternoon, dear readers of Irina's blog! Today I would like to talk to you about a non-standard, but very efficient way facial rejuvenation. It is a unique alternative to those methods of rejuvenation that we all know, which are widely advertised to us, but which, according to most women, do not give the effect that is expected from them.

The uniqueness of this system is in its effectiveness - it does not fight each manifestation of aging separately, but eliminates all age-related defects immediately in a very short time. And the results of such exposure are visible on the face instantly. This method helps to get rid not of wrinkles, but of the very cause of age-related changes in the face without surgery, injections and expensive cosmetics.

How is this possible?

First, let's look at how we usually deal with age-related changes in the face. Beautiful commercials that we see on TV or on the Internet recommend that we take care of our face with various cosmetic products. Use a special cream regularly, make a mask, visit a beautician, we are told, and your skin will be smooth, beautiful and young. But all these funds have one huge disadvantage - they do not have a rejuvenating effect. More precisely, they do not have the desired anti-aging effect.

Creams, masks and any other methods of influencing the skin can slightly improve the appearance of aging skin, as a result of which it begins to look a little more well-groomed, help to cope with fine wrinkles, but they do not give real facial rejuvenation. The most common complaint of my students was that after all the cosmetic procedures they continued to look their age, even if they became a little more well-groomed in appearance. That is, there was no real, significant rejuvenation! Why?

Wrinkles are not the only and far from main feature face aging. There are about a hundred more tiny details that give out a woman's age even more than wrinkles. Landing and tilt of the head and neck, the angle of rotation of the neck, the circle of rotation of the eyeballs, the depth of the “drowned” eyeballs, the changed proportions of the face (even slight changes are visually noticeable!), the change in skin tone, the “hollows” on the face that appear due to a decrease in the volume of soft tissues, the appearance of the bone structures of the skull on the face - our eye reads all these signs instantly, and from them one can almost unmistakably guess the true age of a woman. Even without wrinkles!

And, of course, the blurred features of the oval of the face, because of which sometimes the face “merges” with the neck, even a young woman is aging, not to mention an aged woman. Obviously, creams cannot solve this problem.

Why anti-aging creams do not rejuvenate

Why anti-aging creams and masks from the best European brands are ineffective in the fight against aging of the face and neck? More precisely, ineffective for you? After all, elegant beautiful women at the age that they advertise, they really look much younger than their years. Are manufacturers cheating us?

No, the manufacturers of these funds do offer products that help to cope with age - but not for everyone. For a small part of the lucky ones, such cosmetics are indeed a real elixir of youth. But much more women are disappointed, because even despite the external absence of wrinkles, their face does not look younger even after prolonged use of these products. And it seems absolutely incomprehensible why these funds really help some women, but not others.

To find out why this happens, let's look at how and why our face ages and how aging differs in humans. different types and complexes.

as we age

We are accustomed to thinking that the aging process is the same for all people, and we consider wrinkles to be the main sign of aging. But as we said above, not only and not so much wrinkles speak of our age. It happens that a woman’s face does not have a single wrinkle, but it nevertheless looks older. And for someone, on the contrary, the general features of the face seem young, but it is all covered with a network of small wrinkles.

The understanding of this phenomenon lies in the fact that all people differ in body types, and depending on them, their faces also age in different ways. The ReFace methodology takes into account differences in body types and appearance to identify the main causes of aging in each face. After all, how a person changes with age also depends on what means should be used to restore his youth. appearance.

Types of aging and differences in rejuvenation methods

There are three main types of figures, each of which is determined by three parameters - the volume and thickness of the bones, the volume and thickness of the muscles, the thickness of the skin.


People of the asthenic type have a thin skeleton, thin muscles (including on the face) and thin skin. These miniature, graceful people, especially women, age very gracefully - they retain clear young outlines and shapes of the face and neck, and a slender figure even with age.

In fact, the parameters of their figure and face practically do not change, and the only sign of external aging for them is the skin, which eventually becomes covered with fine wrinkles. Therefore, their type of aging is called fine wrinkled. Figures and faces of this type are common in Europe, in particular in France, where the bulk of anti-aging cosmetics is being developed.

The main reason for the aging of such women is too rapid and intense loss of moisture in their thin skin, therefore, in order to cope with wrinkles, it is enough for such women to moisturize and nourish the skin. For this reason, for asthenic women, all cosmetic skin care procedures are very effective: it is enough to make a mask or apply cream, and wrinkles are smoothed out almost immediately.

Western cosmetologists are focused on this type of woman - and this is the reason why the products they have developed are not effective for women of other types.


Thick heavy bones of the skeleton, large developed muscles, thick skin - this is a characteristic of hypersthenics. Women of this body type are usually referred to as “blood with milk” - they are tall, large, stately, chubby, ruddy, with a magnificent bust and wide hips.

The hypersthenic type is most common among women of the Slavic ethnic group. Women in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, for the most part having this type of face and body, do not look like asthenics and age, respectively, they are different. Therefore, they need other means to eliminate the influence of time.

Their type of aging is called deformational, because the face of hypersthenics does not retain young parameters at all with age. Unlike asthenics, their face and neck are significantly deformed. The face becomes wider and thicker, the oval of the face floats, the clarity of the features is erased, the neck is shortened and thickened, often even the so-called withers appear.

The main signs of aging for them are not wrinkles, but sagging facial tissues: nasolabial folds, flails, double chin, sagging eyelids, eyebrows, corners of the mouth. At the same time, there are few wrinkles as such in women of this type, so Western cosmetology aimed at eliminating wrinkles is ineffective for women of this type.

The most effective for them is working with muscles. But in no case is face-building - “pumping up” the muscles of the face only exacerbates the problems of the deformation type, and then I will tell you why.


Another type of appearance is a mixed type, and the style of their aging is called mixed, a combination of the first and second. They have the hardest time, because they get both sagging facial muscles and wrinkles. For them, the fight against aging should be fought on two fronts - first you need to restore the muscles, and then improve the condition of the skin.

What type of face do you have?

Which way to deal with age-related changes in the face is right for you? In order to define it, you need to understand what type of aging you are.

There is a simple test that allows you to determine your face type. It is necessary to pinch the vertical fold in the middle of the cheek with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and evaluate its thickness. If the fold turned out to be less than 1 cm, your face type is asthenic, and the type of aging is finely wrinkled. The thickness of the pleat 1.5-2cm means mixed type. If the fold is 2-3 cm thick, you are hypersthenic, and you are characterized by a deformation type of aging.

As a rule, only 5% of women age according to the fine-wrinkled type, 15% - according to the mixed type, and 80% - according to the deformation type.

Causes of age-related changes in the face

Let's figure out what our face consists of and where all its age-related changes come from. By eliminating these root causes, we will automatically remove the consequences and be able to restore youth to the face.

Bones, muscles, skin are the foundations of our face. All of them are penetrated by a network of nerve fibers, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. Nerve fibers transmit impulses from the brain to muscles and from skin receptors to the brain, blood vessels bring nutrients and oxygen to tissues, and the lymphatic system removes toxins, salts, and excess fluid from tissues. These three systems are very important for maintaining a youthful and healthy face.

If the conduction of nerve fibers is disturbed, then the regulation of muscle tension and relaxation is disturbed - this leads to hypotension or spasms.

If the system of blood vessels does not work well, the nutrition of muscles and skin is disrupted. If there are problems with the lymphatic system, lymph stagnates with waste products of metabolism, and all facial tissues, and especially the skin, are intoxicated.

It's all about the muscles

And all three of these systems can stop working due to a malfunction in the work of ... the muscles of the face. Yes, yes, the main reason for the deterioration in the appearance of the face and neck is the muscles. It is they who start a chain reaction of processes that worsen our appearance. And the main problem of muscles (especially in the deformation type of aging) is their spasm - an abnormally stressed state. muscle fibers, which remains very long time and deforming, compressing the muscle.

Muscles spasm, as a rule, due to frequent stress, because the state of the psyche is directly related to the state of the muscles of the body and face. And count how many times you experience nervous tension during the day? And for a year? What about the last 10-15 years? None of them passed without a trace on your face.

The muscles of the body, and most importantly, the face and neck, tense up whenever you experience even a little stress, and the stronger and larger the muscles (as in hypersthenics), the more they tense up and the more difficult it is for them to relax.

And here it is, the fatal chain: stress causes tension in the muscles - the muscles contract in spasms - muscle contraction compresses the skin into wrinkles, it also contributes to the sagging of the muscles themselves and it also compresses blood flow and lymph flow, which worsens the general condition of the face. After all, the lack of nutrients and oxygen supplied with the blood, as well as the deterioration in the excretion of metabolic products with the lymph (as a result of which toxins quickly accumulate in the tissues) leads to the fact that the skin ages even faster.

By the way, this is why Facebook building techniques are not able to help in rejuvenation - targeted “pumping up” makes the muscles even more tense, which means they can aggravate existing problems.

What to do?

Muscle relaxation and recovery immediately solves all problems - wrinkles, sagging tissues, sagging skin, impaired blood flow and lymph flow, and even impaired conduction of nerve fibers. And it is precisely this effect that gives an instant effect of multi-level rejuvenation, ranging from the visible smoothing of wrinkles on the skin from the outside to the deep restoration of all facial tissues. This is how the ReFace technique works.

The system is quite simple - it is based on exercises that allow you to completely smooth out wrinkles, restore youthful clarity of facial features and neck, restore skin elasticity and tone, that is, completely restore the youthful appearance of the face. You can work according to this technique on your own, without cosmetologists and expensive salons, and this is its huge advantage.

I am glad that more and more women are interested in my technique, because it not only makes it possible to make the face younger without creams, injections and operations - it helps a woman to regain her self-awareness of youth from the inside, to reveal herself, her femininity and beauty. This is very important, no injections and creams can give this. The beauty and youth of a woman is not only smooth skin and a long neck. This is the ability to love yourself, this is energy and good mood, this is a real art.

Especially in order for you to learn more about the causes of aging and about your face, I suggest you watch a special webinar about the ReFace technique. It has both a theoretical part and a practical part, which will allow you to try the unique techniques of the course and get immediate results immediately after their application.

You can view everything by clicking on the button below.

facial rejuvenation course

Ethel Adanye

Thank you very much Ethel for her inspiring story. It was very interesting for me to listen to all her thoughts again. Indeed, we so often look for miraculous ways of rejuvenation in the wrong place and find something completely different that can help us. While such opportunities exist, we can use them to our advantage.

And for the soul, we will listen today Richard Clayderman . Great music and beautiful video series. Give yourself a mood!

see also

Questions of rejuvenation have been of interest to humanity for a very long time. After 35 years, people are increasingly thinking about how to rejuvenate the body. And this is understandable: visual signs of aging begin to appear, fatigue comes more and more often, the rhythm of life gradually slows down. What was easy five or seven years ago is now becoming a problem.

Causes of female aging

Female aging is associated with several causes.

Insufficient production of female sex hormones by the ovaries. As a result, the skin rapidly ages, becomes flabby, sags, and deep skin wrinkles appear on it. Cells lose the ability to retain moisture and produce their own elastin, collagen, and after 40-45 years, aging is irreversible.

Lack of trace elements, vitamins, nutrients. Oddly enough, the deficiency of these substances also has a very bad effect on the condition of the skin and the body as a whole. The lack of micro and macro elements has a direct impact on sexual functions, can disrupt the menstrual cycle, reduce sexual desire, and therefore bring old age closer.

But it is not all that bad. The process of biological aging can be slowed down if the knowledge accumulated over the centuries and modern medical discoveries are correctly applied in order to rejuvenate. First of all, you should not deal with the skin, but with the improvement of the body. Moreover, internal reserves are guaranteed to be enough for this.

Answering the question of how to rejuvenate the body, doctors recommend starting with bowel cleansing. It is from his work that the state of immunity depends, which means the ability to destroy foreign microorganisms and produce young, healthy cells.

We clean the intestines

After 35 years, intestinal slagging for a modern person is practically the norm. Due to toxins obtained from food useful material digested extremely poorly, toxins are not properly excreted, there is a constant poisoning of the body. As a result, the state of health decreases, the immune system begins to “fail”, the skin, nails and hair deteriorate, the person feels constant fatigue.

These are all signs that it's time to get serious about bowel cleansing. The easiest way is to use natural fiber from a pharmacy, honey or herbal preparations.

The general rule during cleansing is to limit or completely eliminate everything salty, smoked, spicy, sweet, fatty. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal protein.

Cleansing methods

Fiber is taken for a month three times a day, one or two tablespoons half an hour before the main meal. Be sure to drink fiber with a glass of warm (or room temperature) water. It is necessary to clean the body twice a year, in spring and autumn.

Honey also has great cleansing power, but requires more frequent and prolonged use. Stir one hundred to one hundred and twenty grams of natural honey in 200 ml of warm water (a glass is enough). If the acidity of the stomach is increased, drink one and a half hours before the main meal, lowered - twenty minutes. Do not use hot water: useful substances bee product will disappear. The course lasts two months, it must be repeated three times a year.

Herbal preparations are another way to cleanse the intestines. First, the following mixture is prepared: take five tbsp. tablespoons of dried yarrow, chopped dried rose hips and lemon balm, one teaspoon of fennel, cumin, one tablespoon of buckthorn (bark), birch buds, immortelle (grass). Mix everything well, brew two tablespoons per liter of boiling water. Leave for at least forty minutes. Take half a glass 30 minutes before meals. Gathering to drink for half a month. After a three-month break, repeat the course again.

After the age of 40, the use of bowel cleansing regimens becomes mandatory. At the same time, you should completely reconsider your diet so as not to load with harmful substances not only the intestines, but also the lymphatic, vascular, biliary systems, liver, kidneys, and heart.

We eat right

The basic rule of maintaining health is to reduce the calorie content of the diet and the amount of animal protein in food with age. After 40 years protein diets on meat, sausages become not only undesirable, but very dangerous. Animal proteins contained in meat, when decomposed, release a lot of toxins, accelerate aging.

You can replace them with the following herbal products:

  • white rice, pasta;
  • cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage;
  • oat bran;
  • corn, olives, soybeans;
  • tomatoes, eggplants, turnips, onions, dill, beets, carrots;
  • mushrooms, nuts, beans;
  • apples, oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, peaches, apricots, plums, figs.

Vegetable proteins not only rejuvenate, but also prevent stroke, hypertension, heart attack, osteoporosis, and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. They contain essential amino acids in terms of rejuvenation, contribute to the removal of toxins.

Some protein products of plant origin can be consumed even after 40 years, but in moderation: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir without sugar. It is better to eat fish instead of meat.

Great for stimulating new cell growth sea ​​kale, sorrel, young nettles, and sesame, green leafy vegetables replenish calcium reserves.

Sprouts of cereal crops have a fantastic rejuvenating effect: wheat, oats, green buckwheat, lentils. Grains need to be filled with water, covered with gauze. When the sprouts reach eight mm in length, the product can be consumed at 50 grams daily. It is not necessary to eat sprouts separately: they can be added to salads.

For the correct and timely removal of toxins, it is important to drink at least one and a half liters of water daily. It is better to replace black tea with unsweetened green tea, store-bought juices from the package, carbonated drinks should be abandoned.

The diet must include bioenergy food: nuts, honey, fresh fruits and vegetables. You can not exceed the calorie threshold of 2000 kcal. Nutrition after 35 years should become low-calorie and contain a large number of vegetable fiber, trace elements, vitamins.

It has been proven that it is possible to prolong life, rejuvenate the body, and prevent fatal diseases by increasing the amount of plant foods (including vegetable fats) in the diet. Longevity, rejuvenation, health become not a dream, but a reality.

Rejuvenation rules

Rejuvenating the body is not as difficult as it might seem. By cleansing the intestines and adjusting the diet, you can very quickly notice positive results. But this is not enough.

Rule One: Antioxidants

For rejuvenation after 35 years, the body needs antioxidants, that is, substances that destroy the so-called free radicals - killer cells. Radicals provoke the development of cancer, inflammation, atherosclerosis. You can fight them with the help of antioxidants - vitamins C, A, E, selenium, etc.

Berries rich in antioxidants (cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries), fruits, vegetables, beans and beans, nuts, tea, cocoa, coffee, cinnamon, cloves, vegetable oils. After 40 years, the use of these products becomes mandatory.

Rule Two: Pepsins

Contribute to the replacement of old cells with new special enzymes - pepsins. To enhance their production, half an hour after eating, put a gram of salt on the tip of the tongue, hold until completely dissolved, and then swallow the salty concentrated saliva. It will cause the active production of gastric juice and pepsins, which are able to dissolve cancerous, old, damaged cells, pathogens.

Rule three: remove the salt

To remove some types of alkaline salts that the body is not able to evacuate (phosphates, urates, oxalates), you need to help it with a decoction of sunflower root. The amount of crushed root, which is placed in a glass, pour three liters of boiling water, boil for two or three minutes. Divide the entire volume into two days and drink even portions.

When the urine becomes completely transparent (after ten to fourteen days), stop the course. Taking a cleansing decoction, you can not eat too salty, spicy food, make plant foods the basis of the diet.

To remove salts, you can brew horsetail, bear ears (bearberry), watermelon peels, cinquefoil, knotweed (highlander). The recipe with black radish is also good: grate the vegetable, squeeze the juice through a gauze filter. Mix the squeezed part with natural honey in a ratio of three to one, put the resulting juice in the refrigerator. Drink a teaspoon of juice after meals, eat radish honey cake in a large tablespoon three times a day.

Removal of salts is a great way to rejuvenate after 40 years.

Anti-aging drinks

To rejuvenate the body, each nation has its own, proven methods for centuries. The national drinks of Tibet, India, and Egypt go very well with Russian traditions.

Tibetan drink

Take in equal proportions chamomile, immortelle, birch buds. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour. Strain, add (optional) a little honey. Drink in the morning before meals and at night before going to bed.

Tibetan tincture

Gently grind 350 grams of garlic in a mortar so that at least two hundred grams of garlic puree is obtained. Pour it with 200 mg of real alcohol. Infuse in a glass container for ten days, putting it in a dark pantry. Dilute in a quarter of a standard glass of whole milk twenty minutes before meals according to the rules below.

First day: breakfast and lunch - two drops each, dinner - three drops each.

Second day: breakfast - four drops, lunch - five, dinner - six.

From the third to the sixth day, increase the amount of intake by one drop.

Having reached the sixth day from lunch, begin the reverse movement in the direction of reducing the number of drops: breakfast - fifteen drops, lunch - fourteen, dinner - thirteen. Continue decreasing until the eleventh day.

From the eleventh day, take 25 drops for breakfast, lunch and dinner until the tincture is over.

This remedy is used to clean vessels after 45 years. It is one of the very strong, so you can repeat the course only after three years.

indian drink

It is called the elixir of youth. Peel and boil two heads of garlic in a liter of fresh milk until completely softened. Insist for at least an hour, then strain and drink half a glass on an empty stomach in the morning. Skin color improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, arthritis ceases to torment. Flower tea can be drunk from the age of thirty.

Other rejuvenation methods

It is important to use all means to rejuvenate the body. The Russian bathhouse perfectly removes slags. If possible, you need to bathe every week. Heat and humidity stimulate the processes of cellular regeneration, improve blood flow, strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Long walks in the open air combined with correct breathing work miracles. You need to breathe with the diaphragm, that is, the stomach. Rib cage should expand, and the clavicles remain motionless.

Yoga is not only a fashionable activity, but also an excellent means of rejuvenation. It leads to a normal state of muscles, blood vessels, ligaments, normalizes metabolic processes. You can learn several asanas and perform them at home. Be sure to make a "candle", first for a minute, ideally - under ten minutes a day.

It is possible to really rejuvenate the body only in case of a complete rejection of bad habits, malnutrition, overeating. You need to take care of your health comprehensively, remembering that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This rule is also true for aging.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared ...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return ...
  • For population rejuvenation, see demographic rejuvenation

    Rejuvenation or "revitalization", "rejuvenation" - the idea of ​​​​the possibility of reversing the aging process.

    The search for a means of rejuvenation has been going on since ancient times (“rejuvenating apples” and other plots in fairy tales) and from ancient times (where the myths describe in detail the procedure for rejuvenating Aeson by the Colchis sorceress Medea), and also described by Herodotus the Source of Eternal Youth; medieval alchemists were looking for an elixir of immortality and rejuvenation, conquistadors (for example, Ponce de Leon) were looking for a “fountain of eternal youth” in America, Countess Elizabeth Bathory bathed in the blood of the girls she killed (other powerful people did similar experiments).

    The issue of rejuvenation was fashionable in medicine in the 1910-1920s, this was done, in particular, by the famous physiologist Eigen Steinach in Vienna (he associated rejuvenation with Leydig cells in the gonads, and men underwent vasectomy to increase not only potency, but vitality). strength in general; he also transplanted animal gonads into humans).

    It is currently believed that rejuvenation is possible through the restoration ("repair") of cells and tissues. human body medical nanorobots, although there is a SENS project by Aubrey de Grey, which does not provide for their use. Certain hopes for rejuvenation are associated with the hypothetical possibility of using induced stem cells and growing from them the rudiments of young organs - organoids.

    Some propagandists healthy lifestyle of life (HLS) assure that complete rejuvenation can be achieved by simple physical exercises. Physical activity is not enough to restore the original color gray hair, make wrinkled skin firm again. So far, none of the existing methods has been able to do this.

    However, physical activity is necessary to prolong a person's active life. According to the recommendations World Organization Health care people aged 65 and over should not neglect such types of physical activity as for example: regular walks, dance breaks during sedentary work, gardening or gardening, swimming, cycling. It is advisable to devote 300 minutes a week to aerobics. All over the world, for this purpose, long-known practices are practiced. physical exercise.

    In addition to physical activity, it is also required, if possible, to observe correct mode nutrition

    The currently developed senotherapeutics, in particular senolytics, which, in experiments on mice, can significantly slow down the development of atherosclerosis, one of the cardiovascular diseases leading to death in the world

Every woman wants to stay young as long as possible, and there is nothing surprising in this. In addition, the rejuvenation of the body and the preservation of youth are not at all difficult tasks, if you approach them seriously.

Many women and men make a big mistake by prioritizing external rejuvenation.

They are interested in how young they look in the eyes of others, how many wrinkles are visible and how tight the skin is. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that such people use only methods that give a visible result for rejuvenation, forgetting about the rejuvenation of the body, and not using the means that nature itself gives us. Such people prefer, as a rule, expensive cosmetic preparations, not paying attention to their body and health in general.

In Europe, the approach to the problem of old age, as well as rejuvenation, is completely different. If we have proper nutrition for health and youth costs almost last place, here everyone perceives it in a completely different way. Nobody is going to live up to a hundred years in our country, so people often treat their own health with carelessness.

Europeans are a different matter. French women, for example, are dismissive of cosmetic procedures, since wrinkles do not frighten them. But they are very scrupulous about their own health, equating it with youth.

After all, it is good health that gives us the opportunity to live to the fullest, enjoying every moment, regardless of gray hair and wrinkles.

Youth, according to European concepts, is the same physical abilities as young people, friends who are younger than you, similar interests with young people, etc. Of course, you can’t go anywhere from old age, and no one is immune from this, because death awaits each of us, as a worthy end to life. But we are still able to postpone this moment with the help of various methods of rejuvenating the body.

Eat different ways body rejuvenation is also our folk recipes, and Tibetan recipes, and exercises developed according to different methods, and even rejuvenation at the cellular level. It's up to you to decide which way to choose.

Recovery and rejuvenation of the body can be carried out at home, in your usual environment, without interruption from labor activity. To achieve the goal, you can use proven folk remedies, allowing you to control the biological age, which reflects the degree of wear of the body, its systems and organs.

The greater the degree of wear, the less physiological load can withstand both organs and the body as a whole.

What is recovery and rejuvenation of the body?

Improvement and rejuvenation of the body is a combination of different means and recipes, methods and ways, leading to the fact that the body is activated metabolism in a natural way.

And as a result, the body can easily withstand more intense metabolic processes.

If you have a young body, you can easily increase the performance of any system by about 5-6 times, and without complications. As biological age increases, the difference between the metabolic rate at rest and the possibility of its increase during exercise decreases.

And the smaller this difference, the greater the biological age, and the lower the quality of life. How to expand the scope of their capabilities? Only thanks to systemic healing, rejuvenation of the body and safe activation of metabolism.

How to stay young longer

Colon cleansing - the easiest way to heal and rejuvenate

Activation of intestinal peristalsis and its cleansing can be used in rejuvenation of the body. Since all the main digestive processes take place in the intestine, various toxic substances can enter it, and new toxins can also be formed under the influence of pathogenic microflora.

It is through the intestines that the body can be cleansed and cells can be provided with useful substances.

For this purpose, it is enough to take activators of the motor-secretory function of the intestine. They act along the entire length of the intestine, almost like a scrub acts on the skin, cleansing all ten meters of the intestine.

Such remedies are much more effective than hydrocolonotherapy or cleansing enema, and they also work safer, without causing discomfort in the intestines and without causing dysbacteriosis in the future. There is also a decrease in the absorption of toxic substances that inhibit metabolism into the blood.

But this method helps only in creating the foundation for healing and rejuvenation of the body.

The liver is connected with the work of the intestines, therefore it is recommended to simultaneously activate the work of the liver and intestines, as well as to ensure the filling of the blood nutrients, that is, provide more intensive work organism, organs and cells at the metabolic level.

Rejuvenation at the cellular level

To this end, it is necessary to increase the intensity of metabolism in cells. The simplest way for such rejuvenation of the body is to increase the amount of protein products of animal origin consumed, especially if they are consumed in the morning.

The fact is that animal proteins help to increase the metabolic rate by about 40 percent or rejuvenate the metabolism by about 20 years. Agree, great bonus!

But first, you will need to increase your regular fluid intake. The amount of protein consumed without complications depends directly on the amount of fluid consumed. To effectively remove the breakdown products of one gram of protein, the body needs 42 milliliters of fluid, that is, for every hundred grams of fish or meat, you need to drink about 480 milliliters of fluid.

With excessive consumption of protein, the kidneys, joints will suffer, aggravate chronic prostatitis or adenoma, mastopathy, etc. That is why it is important that the amount of protein matches the amount of fluid consumed. But the volume of fluid should outstrip the increase in the proportion of protein foods in the diet.

So it is extremely important to ensure the correct use of protein products.

The use of anti-aging mixture on an empty stomach

Such a mixture for healing and rejuvenating the body consists of 200 milliliters of water, one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, cherry, lemon, lingonberry or cranberry juice (the choice depends on the season and your taste). So you can achieve the activation of metabolism in the liver, and already through the liver, the metabolism of carbohydrates is activated throughout the body.

And the higher the proportion of carbohydrates in the energy supply of the body, the younger the metabolism and your body.

We wish you good health and reasonable attitude to it!

Good and happy time of day to you, my dear readers! I confess that I do not like to look my age. If someone (even after a sleepless night, unrealistic fatigue or excessive emotional upheaval) gives me my forties or so, then this is a serious reason for me. A reason to take care of yourself and run "back to the future" with greater zeal.

When I see a backlash like “it can’t be!” to my honest answer to the question about age, this is also a reason for me. A reason to achieve even more amazing results. In a word, solid reasons 🙂

So let's get started.

A little about the physiology of the skin

Our skin is nourished mainly not from the outside, but from the inside. Of course, healthy is extremely important, but now I'm not talking about that.

Blood supplies nutrients to the skin. Wouldn't you mind that skin without a good blood supply doesn't look very attractive? Remember what color the hand that you "rested" has. And if constantly the blood supply to the skin leaves much to be desired? Yes, no cream will help here!

And now - attention! - after a certain age, 90-95% of women leave much to be desired. The remaining 5-10% of women are just constantly working on it. Someone with the help of expensive salons and cosmetologists, and someone at home.

The good news is that you can easily fall into this small group of beauties who are not shy about their age. And why be ashamed of something - no one gives it to them!

And one more thing - lymph flow is incredibly important for the appearance of the skin. Lymph is the same colorless liquid that we used to call ichor. I will not list all its functions, I will only say that it binds the blood and tissues of the body, participates in the elimination of toxins and, alas, quite often stagnates. Outwardly, this is expressed in puffiness, which tends to increase with age.

There are many reasons for this, but most of them can be eliminated. Let's start with this.

Method one: hot

May I ask you an almost intimate question: when was the last time you sweated all over? And how often does this happen to you? If every few days or less, then you probably have a lot of toxins, and there is lymph stagnation.

Unfortunately, modern people sweat very rarely. Let me remind you the words of Oleg Gazmanov, who repeats them at every opportunity: "Once a day you should sweat." Agree, Oleg looks very young. And this is a considerable merit of his simple recipe.

Of course, ideal for your appearance, if you sweat every day with physical activity. Well, if 1-2 times a week it will be a bath. But often what is ideal is difficult for many to achieve. So what to do?

I share a secret.

You will need 0.5-0.6 liters hot water(but not scalding, if you dip your finger in such water, it will be hot, but tolerable - in a word, a little more than 40 degrees). This water should be drunk in small and constant sips - and you will be covered with light perspiration.

Surprisingly, most morning swelling can be removed with this simple action. And some will be completely without them. Then shower or wash - and fresh skin tightened skin is provided.

I will say more: perspiration gives not only an external, but also an internal effect of rejuvenation. The lymphatic system is activated, toxins leave the skin. This is a short physical stress for the body, which is very beneficial. Yes, and such a technique will be most welcome - water reduces appetite, cleanses, and promotes the release of the intestines.

It is good to carry out the procedure in the morning. In the morning, we just need to make up for the lack of water after the night, which can be up to 1.5 liters (although on average it is 0.6-1 liter).

And don't say you can't drink that much water at once. Have a drink! If so scary, start with 0.3 liters (but there is no guarantee that you will sweat). But the next day you can definitely drink the required half a liter.

Super version

And if there is time, then it is worth doing lymphatic drainage massage - it is much more effective.

Here is one of the massage options on the video:

Water version

And finally, I will share another way to massage the face, which I also often use. This is a normal shower. True, there are some nuances here.

You need to massage your face with a shower, directing the jets from the bottom up. It is necessary! So you are not able to harm your face, even if you do not know a single massage line.

The water temperature is desirable cool, but still comfortable. The water pressure is sufficient, I do the maximum (although your shower may have too strong jets, so be guided by your feelings). Duration - 5 minutes, until blood rushes to the skin. There is a feeling that the face comes to life. And in the mirror you see confirmation of this 🙂

Massage with the help of a shower is good for courses of 10-15 daily procedures.

Agree, this is elementary, like everything that is listed above. Try it - the effect of my small rejuvenation program is visible almost immediately. And as you try, it will only get stronger. It's so nice to do and get a visible result. And no matter how many there are in the passport - 35, 40, 50 or more - these numbers will have nothing to do with you. I sincerely wish you a quick and wonderful change!
