A child's waking hours at 2 years old. A two-year-old baby is already an adult, but still so small

A child at 2.5 years old imperceptibly becomes completely different: he feels deeper, becomes more and more independent, and acquires his own character. We can say that the middle of the third year of life is a certain milestone personal development, which is not easy for both parents and the baby to cross. Emotionality, demandingness and capriciousness are frequent companions of children aged two and a half years. Moms and dads will have to show considerable wisdom and patience during this period.

Physical development of a child at 2.5 years old

Height and weight of a child at 2 years 6 months according to the standards of domestic pediatricians:



Bottom line

Upper limit

Bottom line

Upper limit

Head circumference, cm

Height and weight of a child at 2 years 6 months according to WHO:



Bottom line

Upper limit

Bottom line

Upper limit

Head circumference, cm

How many teeth should a child have at 2.5 years old? The norm is considered to be both the presence of all primary teeth and their continued eruption. WHO states that a child should have a full set of baby teeth by age 3.

Day, sleep and nutrition regimen of a 2.5 year old child

A child’s daily routine at 2 years 6 months remains stable: general sleep about 12-12.5 hours, including daytime sleep for 1.5-2.5 hours. Despite the fact that the baby seems to be quite old, you should not neglect his daytime rest. Active wakefulness for more than 6 hours has a negative impact on nervous system child. Pediatricians focus parents' attention on the need for daytime sleep up to 5-6 years of age. Try to maintain a stable routine, including getting up early (at 7-8 a.m.) and going to bed early (at about 9 p.m.).

At two and a half years old, the baby eats 4 times a day, the time interval between meals is about 4 hours. The highest calorie meal should be lunch. Remember the importance healthy eating: You should not offer your child fast food, smoked, fried foods and sweets (with the exception of natural ones). Make sure your baby also gets enough water. At 2.5 years, the need for water is about 1.5 liters per day.

Psychology and mental development of a child at 2.5 years old

The middle of the third year of life usually marks the beginning of a period of asserting one’s own “I,” which is associated with a gradual psychological separation from parents and awareness of oneself as a separate person. The child carefully observes the world around him, forms his views and ideas about reality. Two and a half years is the age at which stable behavioral patterns are created in a child’s thinking and character formation.

Child's emotionality at 2.5 years old it becomes even brighter: he feels obvious pride in his achievements, feels love and tenderness for loved ones, regrets and is offended, rejoices and gets angry, envies, sympathizes, fears and yearns. At the same time, he cannot always appreciate someone else’s good deed or understand the reason for the punishment. The baby shows a sincere interest in animals and plants, is delighted and surprised by natural phenomena (a jumping grasshopper, a strong wind or a leaf flying through the air). A 2.5-year-old child has clear emotional associations associated with situations he has ever experienced: being sick is unpleasant, visiting Aunt Masha is fun, and driving for a long time in a car is boring.

At the age of two and a half, children are still very attached to close adults : mom, dad, grandparents. The baby treats all family members differently, recognizing the individuality of each of them. Separation from a loved one causes anxiety and anxiety in the baby, but now he calms down much faster. Strangers make the child wary and want to be closer to his mother. However, feeling a friendly attitude towards himself, the baby easily makes contact. The age of 2.5 years to start attending kindergarten is undoubtedly better than 1.5-2 years, but up to three to three and a half years preschool education is only a forced measure that does not bring any benefit to the child.

The most common characteristic of children aged 2.5-3 years is increased independence . The child tries to do everything himself, without the help of adults. “I myself!” - a favorite phrase of kids who have reached the age of the so-called “ crisis 3 years " At the same time, due to their high emotionality, they do not always adequately respond to an adult’s appeal, showing extraordinary stubbornness in seemingly trivial matters. During this period, parents are required, first of all, to be patient.

For all its apparent independence, your child remains extremely dependent on the attitude of loved ones, a positive assessment of his actions and the general well-being of the atmosphere around him. The child reacts to any changes in the family microclimate. The lack of attention, injustice and rudeness towards him cause not only grief, but also a pronounced protest. Be attentive to your behavior, show sensitivity and love to your baby - now he especially needs them. Remember: screaming or spanking as a reaction to the “harmfulness” of the baby will bring results that are far from what you expected. A crisis is just a stage in your baby’s growing up, and it mainly depends on the parents how easily it will pass.

The relationship between adults and a child at 2.5 years old is built, one might say, anew. Try to find a balance between prohibitions and the baby’s opinion. Give him the opportunity to choose wherever possible, while not forgetting about the limits of behavior and categorical prohibitions (usually associated with danger to the child).

Skills and abilities of a child at 2.5 years old

Physical development children 2.5 years old allows them to:

  • good at running and jumping, running up to 60 m at a slow pace;
  • step over obstacles on the floor (side step);
  • walk on an inclined board independently;
  • rise and walk on tiptoes, maintaining balance;
  • throw the ball with one or two hands from different positions, catch it with both hands, throw it over an obstacle;
  • accurately kick the ball;
  • run between the lines (distance 25-35 cm) without stepping on them;
  • crawl under obstacles up to 40 cm high;
  • climb the stairs, sometimes without even holding the railing, jump from the bottom step.

Intellectual development A 2.5 year old child is characterized by the following skills:

  • Can assemble a pyramid of 4-8 rings;
  • Builds towers of 7-8 cubes, a “bridge” (two cubes with a gap between them and one on top) and a “locomotive” (a row of cubes and one on top in the form of a pipe);
  • Orients itself in 4-6 geometric shapes (ball, cube, brick, cylinder, cone, prism). Selects a volumetric image by applying it to a hole or flat image. geometric figure;
  • Correctly selects the necessary parts to the holes of the sorter or insert frame. Almost does not try to insert one inappropriate object into another by force;
  • From simple auxiliary materials (cubes, construction elements), he creates plot buildings and gives them names - “house”, “road”, “garage”;
  • Assembles simple puzzles;
  • Has a good memory;
  • Easily turns pages in a book;
  • Loves to draw and may already be able to hold a pencil with three fingers.

Play activity for a 2.5 year old child is of a plot nature. With the help of his favorite characters, he reproduces and analyzes the reality around him. In the game, there are no longer two, but three or four sequential actions (feed the doll, undress, put to bed; load the car, ride and unload). The baby begins to use substitute objects - this indicates a developing imagination. The child's doctor is always the one you recently visited.

In the family game, the child portrays one of the characters, usually of his own gender: most often, girls copy mom, and boys copy dad. Already at 2.5-3 years old, you can notice a difference in play actions depending on the gender of the child. Girls prefer to reproduce everyday scenes using dolls, boys are more often interested in technical toys.

At about 2.5 years old, children begin to learn to interact with peers in simple outdoor games, memorizing simple rules(for example, the need for turn – “your turn”, “my turn”). Interest in such games is still enough for 1-2 minutes. Also, kids really like to imitate the actions of other children on the playground: run or climb somewhere, jump or crawl under an obstacle.

Household skills A 2.5 year old child makes his parents very happy. The baby, in his quest for independence and independence, tries to dress himself (socks, panties, a zip-up jacket, a loose jacket, panties) and put on shoes. He tries to fasten buttons and zippers (although not everyone can do this at 2.5 years old). Can't tie shoelaces yet. The baby immediately notices “mistakes” in other people’s clothes, showing his dissatisfaction and pointing out a mistake - an untied lace or an undone button. The love of order in a child’s own understanding looks very cute: the little one is constantly “putting things in order” because, in his opinion, all things should be in their places! A child of two and a half years old can confidently and accurately eat with a spoon and fork and use toiletries; controls his physiological needs. Can take off and put on panties before going to the toilet. The baby climbs the stairs on his own, perhaps even alternating legs. Half of the children already know how to ride a tricycle by pedaling (other kids push off the floor with their feet to do this).

Speech of a child at 2.5 years old

The speech of a two and a half year old child is, of course, still different from that of an adult, but at the same time it is very close to it. Common sentences (of three or more words) are quite meaningful and include conjunctions, prepositions, and pronouns. The baby is good at distinguishing between the only and plural, knows the names of the main colors and body parts.

Children 2.5 years old try to imitate adults, including in speech. However, when trying to form some forms of words by analogy with already familiar ones, the child may get somewhat confused: saying “chew” and “get up” instead of “chew” and “get up” (like “play”, “bite”). There may also be problems pronouncing long words. Children often simplify complex words (“atobus” instead of “bus”, “leopad” instead of “leopard”, “electitetvo” instead of “electricity”). Do not be touched by the distortion of words, but always patiently and consistently correct the child, explaining how to speak correctly. Otherwise, it will become fixed in the baby’s brain. irregular shapes words, and relearning will be quite difficult.

In addition, there may be some difficulties with word endings and identifying oneself. Many children talk about themselves in the first person: “I, me, myself,” but some continue to call themselves by name: “Masha has gone, Vanya wants to sleep.” It is also considered normal if a child likes to talk about himself as a favorite character or a close adult.

Children aged 2.5 years understand the speech of an adult well and can describe a picture with a familiar plot in two or three sentences, answering leading questions: “Who is this? What is he doing? The child can also imitate the movements of the shown character and repeat after an adult the words of a fairy tale known to him.

A baby at this age has extensive lexicon(names of animals, clothes, dishes and other household items). In addition, he easily copies even unfamiliar words in speech; can learn a short rhyme or sing a line of a favorite song without prompting.

The tone of a child’s speech changes in different situations and according to his mood. He asks a lot of questions: not only “Where?”, “Where to?”, but also “Why?”, “Why?”, “How?”. This suggests that it is now important for the baby to know the reasons for what is happening. He tries to understand how everything that surrounds him works.

You can have a real dialogue with a two and a half year old child. He answers (perhaps simplistically) the question: “What is your name?” and others. Knows the names of mom, dad, grandparents, as well as the names of children he knows. The child talks to peers while playing and imitates them, for example, on the playground.

If a child at 2.5 years old does not speak at all or speaks little/poorly, be sure to consult a neurologist or speech therapist. This is not just a precaution - waiting up to three years for speech progress (as they like to advise on forums) can be fraught with serious problems with speech and spelling in the future.

2 years 9 months >>

The basis of upbringing in the third year of a child’s life remains, as before, a correctly structured and clearly implemented daily routine. But due to the development of the child, changes need to be made.

At this age, a healthy, normal child should sleep 12-13 hours a day, of which 10-11 at night and 2.5-1.5 hours during the day. He can stay awake actively, without overwork, for 6.5-5.5 hours, no more. These fluctuations in the duration of wakefulness and sleep depend on the individual characteristics of children. Some children can stay awake for no more than 5.5 hours and sleep during the day for at least 2-2.5 hours.

Others are awake for 6-6.5 and sleep during the day for only 1.5-2 hours. Within age norms, there are other individual deviations in the duration of wakefulness and sleep.

Nervous, easily tired children and children after serious illnesses need shorter wakefulness and more frequent and longer sleep. Sometimes they should even be temporarily switched back to two naps during the day.

How to determine what kind of sleep and wakefulness your child needs? This can be judged by his behavior. If before bedtime the child becomes either excited (screams, laughs a lot and sometimes for no reason, moves erratically, plays pranks, does something that is obviously illegal, does not listen to what he is told, and eventually bursts into tears), or, conversely, lethargic (cannot do anything) , whines at the slightest provocation, gets offended for no reason) - this shows that he has already exhausted his capabilities, that he is already overtired.

In this case, it is necessary to reduce the duration of wakefulness by 30-40 minutes, and sometimes even by an hour, so as not to lead to overwork. If at the time of going to bed the child is balanced, alert, feels well and, after being put to bed, does not fall asleep for a long time, then you can extend his time of wakefulness by delaying the onset of sleep for some time.

Consequently, the sleep and wakefulness regime must be established for each child not only in accordance with his age, but also taking into account his individual capabilities. With a solid routine that meets your child's needs, he usually falls asleep quickly at the right time and wakes up at the right time in a good mood. It should be remembered that on some days the child sleeps a little longer than usual. This is quite natural and depends on many reasons: physical condition child, experienced impressions, environment, weather, etc. Such random fluctuations should not serve as a reason for changing the established regime. You should not worry if your baby sometimes sleeps a little longer or does not fall asleep right away. A signal to change the routine is the repetition of such cases, and most importantly, a change in the child’s well-being before bedtime.

Sometimes parents note that in the summer children lose weight, become more irritable and disobedient, and it can be difficult to sit them down for some quiet play. This is explained by the fact that in the summer, children, being outdoors a lot, receive a much larger variety of impressions than in the winter. Being lightly dressed and seeing a lot of new and interesting things, they move a lot. And at the same time, in the summer they sleep less.

Due to natural natural phenomena In summer, children usually fall asleep about an hour later in the evening and wake up earlier in the morning. All this leads to overwork. Therefore in summer time you should put the child to bed during the day an hour and a half earlier than usual and thereby complement the shortened night sleep.

In summer, if possible, the child should spend the entire day outdoors. During the cold season, take two walks every day. Children 2-3 years old can already move freely during walks, even dressed in warm clothes and shoes.

This allows you to increase the time of a winter walk to 1.5-2 hours.
In spring and autumn, the duration of stay in the air increases depending on the weather for more or less time.

A child of two or three years of age cannot long time do just one thing because you get tired quickly. But he himself does not yet know how to regulate his activities. Therefore, in the daily routine, it is necessary to determine the time for different types his activities, ensuring their variety and alternation of calm and active games, independent games and games-activities with adults.

If the baby attends a nursery, then it is necessary to coordinate his home regime with the nursery, after consulting with a teacher or doctor.

Many mothers complain that it is difficult for them to wake up their children in the morning. This suggests that he did not get enough sleep during the night. The time to get up in the morning cannot be delayed, especially if the mother works and the child goes to nursery. There is only one thing left to do - put him to bed earlier in the evening so that he sleeps at least 10 hours at night.

Everything necessary for the child should be prepared in the evening, this will give you the opportunity to calmly get him up and dress him in the morning, without rushing for half an hour.

On days off, feeding, naps and walks should be carried out at the same hours that the child is accustomed to in the nursery, i.e. strictly adhere to the nursery regime.

Remember that a violation of the usual daily routine causes various negative changes in the child’s mood and behavior (refuses to eat, does not fall asleep for a long time, is capricious, etc.). A uniform routine in the nursery and at home will ensure the child’s cheerful, balanced behavior.

In order for the child to be active while awake, not get tired, and for this time to be beneficial for his development, it is necessary to properly organize all the baby’s activities.

A child of 2-3 years old can play independently for a considerable time, but still he cannot be left to himself for the entire waking time. He needs supervision, help and guidance from elders. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly resolve two issues: when and at what time a child can play independently and when adults should devote special time to play and study with him.

After a night's sleep, i.e. long have a nice rest and a long break in activity, the child can do something well on his own.
In the morning part of the day, loved ones who remain at home are usually busy with household chores, and therefore it is very good to organize this part of the day so that the child can basically study on his own with only very little adult participation.

In the morning before breakfast, when everyone is busy, the child, after he is washed and dressed, can play on his own. After breakfast, while the child is still alert and full of energy, it is good to give him some activity of a more complex nature, for example, looking at a book, building with blocks, etc.

If the mother or grandmother is doing something at this time in which anyone can take part and Small child, then it’s good to involve him in your work, which he does very willingly and with interest. An hour and a half after breakfast, when the child has exhausted his ability to play independently, and the mother or grandmother has already completed the necessary household chores, you need to go for a walk with him.

While walking, he should play outdoor games, observe his surroundings, i.e. be in an active, active state. Adults should alternate active games with quieter activities (observation, conversation).

You need to return from a walk no later than 30-40 minutes before meals so that the baby has time to rest a little. It is good for the child to play independently again during this time. It is possible and very useful to involve the child in preparing for meals and cleaning up toys: “Let’s move the table together, now we’ll eat,” “Take the doll off the table, I need to put the dishes,” etc.

In the evening, adult family members come home from work and the nature of housework changes for the mother. Therefore, you can spend more time directly working with your child. During the second half of the day, you should definitely work out with him and take him for a second walk. Older brothers and sisters usually prepare homework in the evening, adults relax, you need to make sure that the baby does not disturb them, and keep him busy with quiet play.

But the child cannot spend the whole evening in quiet games; his need for movement must be satisfied during a walk, where he can run around without disturbing anyone.

With this organization of wakefulness, the child feels good throughout the day. It is busy and adults can do homework.

If a child attends a nursery, then in the evening upon returning home you need to set aside 30-40 minutes to engage in some quiet play with him, or tell him a fairy tale, or look at a book with him. Let him play on his own for the rest of the time before bed.

It is better to give new and very interesting toys to a child on a day off, since in the evening the child has too little time to play and he, not wanting to part with them, will not want to go to bed.

It is advisable to turn the return from the nursery into a walk. It is better, if distance allows, to walk with your child. However, there is no need to rush. Let him stay in the air longer. Being around other children during the day makes him somewhat overstimulated, and a walk will be a release for him.

Approximate daily routine for a child aged 2 to 3 years:

  • Wake up, morning toilet - 7.00
  • Breakfast - 8.00
  • First walk - 9.30-11.30
  • Lunch - 12.00
  • Daytime nap - 13.15-15.30
  • Afternoon snack - 16.00
  • Second walk - 17.00-19.00
  • Dinner - 19.30
  • Night sleep - 21.00-7.00

There are many professions and activities, but one of the most difficult in the world is being a mother. Raising and caring for a child requires complete dedication. During the day, the mother will have to feed the child more than once, accompany her for a walk, and carry out various hygiene procedures. At the same time, most women on maternity leave do housework and dream of personal time. Planning will help. We bring to your attention an approximate regimen for 2 years.

Mode - what is it and what is it for?

Every conscious mother knows that a two-year-old baby needs to be fed 3-5 times a day, taken for a walk and put to sleep during the day. If you do all these steps haphazardly, it's easy to get confused. Do you want to keep up with everything and stay calm? Plan your child at 2 years old if you haven't used planning before. We are talking about an organized sequence of actions throughout the day. It is also useful for the child himself. Children who live “by the rules” grow up calmer and more organized. These babies have no problems with appetite, getting up early and going to bed on time. If you follow the regime with early childhood, the child successfully adapts to kindergarten, and then to school.

Sample action plan

Your child's daily routine should be based on his needs. At two years old, most children have no problems sleeping. The baby sleeps for about 10 hours at night and wakes up only at special cases. Daytime sleep is very important for a full sleep; just put your baby to bed for 1.5-2 hours in the middle of the day.

You can take a piece of paper right now and try to sketch out an approximate daily routine for your own son or daughter.

The optimal wake-up time for two-year-olds is considered to be 7.00-8.00 in the morning. Accordingly, the baby should be put to bed no later than 22.00. If you do not plan to send your child to kindergarten, waking up can be moved to 8.00-9.00. But keep in mind that bedtime will shift by an hour in this case.

At two years old, the baby eats from the adult table; it is recommended to divide the daily diet into three main meals and two additional ones. In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, include an afternoon snack and a second dinner in your daily plan. During such snacks, dairy and fermented milk products with cookies, fruits and other healthy snacks are appropriate.

Conservative pediatricians and teachers recommend daily walks in the fresh air at least 2 times a day for two hours. It’s not easy for modern mothers to follow this rule all year round. Try to train yourself to go for a walk with your baby twice a day for about an hour in favorable weather conditions.

What other items should a 2-year-old child’s daily routine contain? Try to distribute the remaining time evenly between developmental activities (creative, sports and musical) and games.

Daily routine for a 2 year old child at home: sample

We present to your attention an approximate daily routine for a two- to three-year-old child. This plan includes all the necessary procedures and activities for the baby. And yet, the daily routine is individual and unique for each family. Based on the sample, you can easily create your own plan without forgetting anything important.

  • 8.00. Climb.
  • 8.00. Morning hygiene procedures, exercises.
  • 8.30. Breakfast.
  • 9.00. Educational activities/games.
  • 10.00. Walk.
  • 11.30. Games.
  • 12.00. Dinner.
  • 12.30. Preparing for daytime sleep.
  • 13.00. Dream.
  • 15.00. Educational activities/games.
  • 16.30. Snack (afternoon snack).
  • 17.00. Walk.
  • 19.00. Family dinner.
  • 19.30. Educational activities/games.
  • 21.00. Evening hygiene procedures, bedtime ritual.
  • 22.00. Dream.

For many modern mothers, such daily planning may seem too boring and “correct”. Where is the free time for parents, you ask? Is it really true that all the time a child is not busy with “obligatory” activities, he needs to be entertained and developed? The item “Developmental activities/games” involves the child playing together with the mother or alone or doing a creative activity. The proposed sample offers only three dedicated time slots during the day for a given activity type. One of them can be devoted to drawing, the second to playing with a construction set and other toys, the third to a lesson on a developmental manual. If a whole hour or more time period is allocated for play and cognitive activity, offer your child several types of activities. Let the child play independently for the first 10-20 minutes, then the mother will join the process, and after that you can learn something new together.

How does the morning begin?

Even if you have compiled the daily routine of a 2-year-old child by the hour, do not rush to turn your apartment into an army barracks. A child who does not attend kindergarten does not have to wake up at the alarm clock. Let him wake up 20 minutes later than planned or an hour earlier. It will be possible to meet deadlines by reducing walking time or “free” hours for games. After waking up, you should wash and get dressed. Then it’s time to do some simple exercises, after which you can go to breakfast in a good mood. Invite your refreshed baby to play a little. Immediately after breakfast, many mothers prefer to devote some time to themselves or to do household chores. Productive morning hours can also be spent on developmental activities. If on the face good weather After relaxing at home after breakfast, feel free to go for a walk.

Walk, lunch and sleep

Fresh air and physical activity are necessary for the harmonious development of a child. Choose comfortable clothes for the season for walking. What to do with a child outside? Combine time on the playground with cognitive activity. Talk about the change of seasons and draw your child's attention to the world around him.

After the street, it's time to change clothes and have lunch. If time permits, you can play a little. Then you should prepare for daytime sleep. Try to feed your baby and put him to bed at approximately the same time. A 2-year-old child's daily routine should be structured in such a way that he does not become overtired or feel hungry.

It's towards evening...

What to do after waking up? Daytime sleep allows the child to relax and gain strength for new victories and discoveries. In the evening, the baby can play, do some creative work with his mother, go for a walk and chat with family members who have returned from work. Don't forget to feed your child an afternoon snack and dinner. The last of the main meals should be taken no later than 2 hours before bedtime. After it, you can organize another snack, during which you offer your baby yogurt, cocoa or kefir with a bun. The daily and nutritional regimen of a 2-year-old child should meet his needs. You shouldn’t force-feed children who don’t want to have a big dinner, but you shouldn’t leave your baby hungry in the evening.

Going to bed on time

Evening rituals are a specific sequence of actions performed daily. Many children find it difficult to calm down quickly before bed. But if you organize your bedtime correctly, there will be no problems with this. You should prepare for a night's rest in about an hour to an hour and a half. Ask your child to put all toys away. Mandatory components of the evening bedtime ritual are hygiene procedures and putting the baby to bed. Many children enjoy bathing in a bathtub full of water. After water procedures, you can put on your pajamas and go to bed. The most popular part of the evening ritual is reading before bed. Whatever the routine and daily routine of a 2-year-old child, try to introduce this wonderful tradition into it.

Secrets of the correct daily routine

Daily planning is an important part of parenting. If a child is often capricious “for no reason” or requires constant attention, you should think about what he is doing all day. Proper distribution of physical and psycho-emotional stress during waking hours is the key to a child’s good mood and well-being. How to make one for a 2 year old child? Record exact times for meals and sleep. Distribute all time intervals between these points into active and passive games, gymnastics and intellectual activities. Be prepared for the fact that every day you will deviate from your plan. Never force a child to do something against his wishes.

How to accustom your child to a daily routine?

If you have drawn up an approximate daily routine for a 2-year-old child, it’s time to start following it. Tell your child the sequence of planned actions. If you have not previously adhered to any plans, be prepared for the fact that at first the child may actively resist such an innovation. Try to gently and unobtrusively control the baby's attention. The younger children are, the easier it is for them to learn something new. The sooner you introduce a daily routine, the easier it will be to stick to it. You can make a large poster with pictures showing the sequence of activities throughout the day. Hang your work in a visible place and let it be a visual reminder for your baby.

Routine - from the word “order”

The very definition of “daily routine” seems boring and outdated to many advanced mothers. Where in the daily planning are visits to friends and visits to development centers, as well as other activities that “do not fit” into the 2 hours allotted for a walk? In fact, only the mother can decide what daily routine a 2-year-old child will have. Accordingly, if a child regularly attends some classes, they can be safely included in the daily routine. As for entertainment, you shouldn’t give it up. If you go to a puppet theater, on a visit or to the zoo, adjust your routine. Just remember to feed your baby on time and, if possible, put him to sleep during the day.

Benefits and pleasure from the general regime and the baby

A 2-year-old child’s daily routine will help the mother herself become calmer and more organized. Komarovsky, a pediatrician of the highest category, advises organizing the correct routine for the baby for the peace of mind of parents. And it's not a joke! Having accustomed the child to a certain sequence of actions during the day, the mother will always know in advance what she needs to do. The baby will behave calmer and will not argue with his parents and be capricious for no reason. A daily routine is useful for every family. Try to live “according to plan” - and you will understand how convenient it is!

  • Daytime nap
  • Hysterics
  • You can raise a child, adhering to the regime and routine, or you can treat this more freely, starting from the immediate needs of the baby. However, experts say that children who are accustomed to a certain regimen from birth get sick less often, tolerate stress better, and adapt more easily to a new environment. Is it necessary to follow a regime, and what kind of routine to follow, says the famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky.


    Food, sleep, water, a sense of security - these are what children really need. In the regime, as such, not a single child in the world has any physiological or psychological needs, says Evgeny Komarovsky.

    From this point of view, the regime is no longer needed by the baby, but by his parents, in order to remain capable adults who are able to raise a child.

    If the child sleeps and eats when he wants, even in the middle of the night, then it is obvious that mom and dad will not get enough sleep, and will quickly turn into lethargic and incapable people with signs of nervous exhaustion. Since the child still really needs healthy and full-fledged parents, it is wiser to introduce a daily routine, and do it as early as possible. Ideally, immediately after discharge from the hospital.

    Routine is a great way to organize family life, in which an infant is growing up, and also prepare the baby in advance for a future visit to kindergarten and school, because everything there is according to the regime. However, parents will have to change the daily routine several times in the first years, since different ages require different approaches to organizing the regime.

    Daily routine by month

    At the very first stage of life, a child’s regimen should be drawn up with mandatory consideration sleep standards, which have significant age differences. A newborn, for example, needs at least 18 hours of sleep per day, a six-month-old child needs 14.5 hours, and a one-year-old baby needs 13.5 hours. However, much depends on the temperament of the child himself.

    Some babies refuse daytime sleep after 2 years, but they are perfectly fine choosing the 12-13 hours of sleep they are entitled to at night. Attempts by parents to force the baby to sleep during daylight hours end in complete fiasco - even if the child begins to sleep during the day, the quantity and quality of sleep at night deteriorates significantly. Therefore, drawing up a regime will require parents to be flexible and understand the individual characteristics of their own child.

    Diet convenient for parents, but it also has its downsides, says Evgeny Komarovsky. The child begins to produce gastric juice precisely when it is time for lunch or dinner according to his usual schedule. But as you grow older, circumstances may change, the kindergarten will have a different schedule and lunch time will shift by an hour, the school will have its own schedule and the child will have to adapt again. The production of gastric juice in the absence of food does not benefit the body.

    Taking into account the meal hours, they should be as close as possible to the routine that exists in kindergarten, which the child will attend or to the school routine.

    Walking mode very important for the baby and for the older schoolchild. You cannot refuse to walk in the fresh air even during illness, especially if the illness is respiratory. The only reason not to go outside is heat. But as soon as the fever subsides, then, despite the runny nose and cough, you need to go outside.

    During illness The child’s routine may go astray, and this is completely normal, says Evgeny Komarovsky. With a properly organized routine, the child will quickly return to his usual “track” after recovery.

    An approximate mode may be as follows.

    1-2 months

    At this age, the need for sleep is from 18 to 20 hours (depending on the baby’s temperament). In this case, night sleep (about 12 hours) can be interrupted by 1-2 feedings. During the day, the baby sleeps 4-5 times, each episode of sleep lasts about 2-2.5 hours.

    The average number of feedings is 6-7, the interval between meals is from 2.5 to 3.5 hours. Any mother can “adjust” this approximate plan to specific hours and minutes based on the family’s daily routine. If household members go to bed early (at 21-22 o'clock), then water procedures and the last feeding should occur at 20.30. This assumes that the family gets up at 5:00.

    If parents and other children in the family go to bed late (at 23:00), then the last evening feeding should be moved to 22:30, while the family (including the baby) wakes up at 7:00.

    3-4 months

    In children at this age, the intervals of wakefulness between sleep episodes increase, so the regime will require parental adjustment. Considering that the baby may not sleep for 1.5-2 hours, the number of sleep episodes is reduced to 3-4, the duration of each episode is 1.5-2 hours.

    At night, the baby is supposed to sleep about 11 hours with waking up for feeding. Children at this age eat 5-6 times a day every 3.5-4 hours. When making adjustments, it is important not to mix evening procedures (bathing, massage and the last feeding should remain at the same time as before).

    5-6 months

    The nightly need for sleep during this period remains the same - 11 hours. Daytime periods last 1.5-2 hours. However, the number of these daily periods can be reduced to 3. The child is awake for 2-2.5 hours.

    At night, from the age of six months, he may no longer eat; in any case, there is no longer a biological need for night feeding from the age of 6 months. Therefore, the number of meals is also reduced - up to 5 times a day. The baby is already able to withstand four-hour intervals between meals. The total need for sleep is about 15 hours a day.

    7-8-9 months

    This is already an active and inquisitive baby who spends quite long periods of time awake. The number of meals is 4-5 per day. Feeding at night should be strictly avoided. The baby sleeps at night for about 10 hours.

    During the day he should go to bed 3 times, but sometimes this number decreases to 2 (closer to 9 months). Periods of play and active exploration of the world between episodes of daytime sleep can last up to 3 hours; the main thing is to prevent the baby from becoming overtired and left without sleep large quantity time.

    10-11 months - 1 year

    Such a baby can eat 4 times a day at intervals of 4 hours. The amount of daytime sleep is reduced to 2 times, but the intervals increase - up to 2.5 hours for each sleep.

    The need for night sleep is 10 hours. At this age, it is important to include longer walks and developmental activities than before.

    1.5 years - 2 years

    At this age, it is important to adjust the regime in accordance with the regime of the preschool institution that the parents have chosen for their child. To do this, mom needs to pay a visit to the kindergarten, talk with the teachers, write down the hours of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, hours of classes and walks.

    On average, children of this age eat 4 times a day (including dinner, which is absent in kindergarten). The baby should sleep 2 times during the day, with a gradual transition to 1 nap (by 2-2.5 years). The duration of each “quiet hour” is 1.5-2 hours. The need for night sleep is 10-11 hours.

    The intervals, taking into account the individuality of the child, may differ from those indicated; it is important that the baby sleeps about 12.5-13 hours a day, this norm is physiologically determined for him.

    How to establish a regime?

    If a child is not accustomed to the regime, and at 8-10 months of age arranges nightly “vigils” for parents at the crib with loud demands for food, toys and attention, then Komarovsky advises parents to decisively begin to establish a “dictatorship”. It will take about 2-3 days to establish a regime, after which mothers and fathers of such babies will be able to forget about insomnia forever.
