Professional development of the teacher's personality. Professional development of a teacher in modern conditions experiments and experiments on the topic Methods and means of professional and personal development of a teacher


The article deals with issues related to the professional development of teachers in general educational institutions in the context of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards general education from the point of view of the system-activity approach. Attention is drawn to the fact that the process of professional development should reflect positive changes in the personal and professional qualities of the teacher, ensuring the achievement of educational results by each student (personal, meta-subject, subject), contributing to the development of the child's personality on the basis of universal educational activities. Based on the positions of the system-activity approach, a solution to the problem of the professional development of teachers is proposed, on the one hand, through self-design of their own professional growth, on the other, through the organization of a system of methodological and managerial interaction of all subjects on which the professional development of teachers depends.

system-activity approach.

professional development of teachers

federal state educational standards of general education

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5. Rubinshtein S. L. Fundamentals of general psychology [Text]. In 2 vols. Vol. 2 / APN USSR; S. L. Rubinshtein. - M.: Pedagogy, 1989. - 328 p.

6. Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education [Text] / Ministry of Education and Science Ros. Federation. - M. : Education, 2010. - 31 p.

7. Federal state educational standard of basic general education [ Electronic resource] / Ministry of Education and Science Ros. Federation. - M. : Education, 2010. - 31 p.

8. Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary [Text] / [comp. A. L. Grekulova and others]; editorial board: S. S. Averintsev et al. - 2nd ed. – M.: Sov. encycl., 1989.

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Since September 2011 in educational institutions throughout the territory Russian Federation Federal State Educational Standards for General Education (hereinafter referred to as GEF OO) have been introduced. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the standards are a set of requirements for the results, structure and conditions for the development of basic educational programs. An essential feature of the new standards is that, for the first time, the requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs of general education and the achievement of the planned results of general education are singled out in a separate category.

In the new Federal State Educational Standards of general education, along with the requirement for the staffing of an educational institution with pedagogical, managerial and other employees, requirements are put forward for the level of qualification of pedagogical and other employees of an educational institution and the continuity of their professional development. The level of qualification of employees of an educational institution for each position held must correspond to the qualification characteristics for the corresponding position, and for pedagogical employees of a state or municipal educational institution - the qualification category. Thus, the success of the effectiveness of the implementation of new standards will be determined by the level of professional development teaching staff.

The methodological basis for the development and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of general education is a system-activity approach. One of the developers of this approach A.G. Asmolov identifies three of its constituent bases:

1. Activity, including social activity, is a purposeful, result-oriented system.

2. The result of the activity is achieved only if there is feedback.

3. Activity as a system always has a genetically developing plan of analysis.

These provisions of the system-activity approach are clearly visible both in the methodological substantiation of the Federal State Educational Standards of general education, and in determining the goals and requirements for the results, structure and conditions for mastering the main educational programs of general education. So, in paragraph 7 of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education, it is determined that the Standard is based on a system-activity approach, which includes, among other things, an orientation towards the results of education as a system-forming component of the Standard, where the development of the student's personality is based on the assimilation of universal educational activities, cognition and development of the world is the goal and the main result of education. Thus, this indicates the focus of all participants in the educational process on the final result. Moreover, the final results planned on a fundamentally different methodological approach (system-activity), according to T.I. Shamov, have an innovative character, which is expressed in their orientation not only to the formation of knowledge, but also to the formation of the personality of the student himself, his mastery of universal methods of educational activity at all stages of further education. The innovative nature of the results requires a different organization of the educational process, which, based on the activity approach, determines the goal of school education to form the ability to learn as a competence that ensures the mastery of new competencies. Or in other words, how does A.G. Asmolov, "competence to competency renewal".

The requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational programs, which are a backbone component of the Federal State Educational Standards of general education, give grounds for the formation of a feedback system based on the assessment:

The state of the general education system as a whole (at the federal, regional, municipal levels);

Activities of educational institutions through the procedure of their accreditation;

The activities of teaching staff through the certification of personnel of educational institutions.

To achieve the final result - the development of the child's personality through the formation of universal educational activities - it is necessary, on the basis of a comprehensive and comprehensive analysis of the real situation, to determine and create certain conditions, including for the professional development of teachers involved in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of general education. Moreover, there is a real need to move from traditional teaching methods to the use of activity-type learning technologies that contribute to the formation of universal educational (meta-subject) actions of students both by means of a school subject and extracurricular activities students. In this regard, there is an acute problem of mastering such technologies by all teachers, the solution of which is possible only through the creation of a system of teacher professional development.

Throughout their professional activities, each educator has the opportunity and need to constantly change the level of their professional development. Different stages of professional and pedagogical development correspond to different levels of professional competence. The higher the level of professional activity of the teacher, the higher the level of his professional development.

In philosophy, development is understood as a characteristic of qualitative changes in objects, the emergence of new forms of being, innovations and innovations, associated with the transformation of their internal and external relations. Expressing, first of all, the processes of change, development implies the preservation of the (systemic) quality of developing objects. From the point of view of the problem we are considering great importance has the thesis that with qualitative changes that lead to development, the systemic qualities of the developing object are preserved, in our case, the level of professional development of teachers who ensure the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education.

The professional development of any specialist is based on the dialectical principle “from simple to more complex”. All researchers dealing with this problem (V.I. Bespalko, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, N.V. Nemova and others) clearly distinguish, hierarchically structure and characterize the levels of professional development and its improvement, which testifies to the professional development carried out at each level of professional development. In addition, all researchers focus on the fact that all the levels they single out are closely interconnected, since each of them is either a condition for moving to the next level, or the result of mastering the previous one. The transition from level to level is a smooth process that takes place without jumps, which characterizes professional development, which is expressed in qualitative changes.

Thus, the professional development of teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education can be defined as a process of positive changes in personal and professional qualities that ensure that each student achieves educational results (personal, meta-subject, subject) determined by the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education, and, most contributing to the development of the child's personality on the basis of universal educational activities.

It should be noted that when determining the essence of the professional development of teachers, we adhered to one of the main provisions of the system-activity approach - focusing on the result of the professional activities of teachers, in particular, on the implementation of the goals of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, the achievement of which is impossible without the professional development of each teacher participating in their implementation.

In our opinion, one of the components of the professional development of teachers is self-development, which implies the ability to carry out self-knowledge, self-design, self-realization.

As a result of self-knowledge, an idea of ​​oneself (a subjective image of one's "I") is formed under the influence of the evaluative attitude of other people when correlating the motives, goals and results of one's actions and actions with social norms of behavior accepted in society. When the "I-image" becomes the basis for goal setting of the subject's activity, it is necessary to talk about self-projection. In this case, the idea of ​​the goal (change of the “image of the Self”) and the ways to achieve it, i.e., simultaneously arise in the consciousness of the subject. an idea of ​​their future actions, of their abilities that are formed in these actions. Thus, the function of self-projection allows a person to properly plan the image of his “I”, which differs from the one that exists in reality, determine an action plan to achieve it and outline the trajectory of his own further development.

The role of self-realization in all forms of manifestation of self-development is to aim the individual at the maximum disclosure of creative abilities, at adequate and flexible behavior, at performing actions that meet expectations and own tasks. Ultimately, the role of self-realization is to unlock the potential of the individual. Self-realization is a manifestation of one's own individuality, independence and self-affirmation in various spheres of a person's life.

The professional development of teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education should be carried out through a system of additional vocational education(course and intercourse training) and a system of methodological work organized in an educational institution. In both cases, the teacher should be motivated to realize the need for constant professional self-development.

In psychological and pedagogical science, the reasons for the emergence of a teacher's motivation for self-development are determined. The first reason is the need for the teacher to have an adequate understanding of his own activities and his own personality. The second is the formation of a normative or ideal idea of ​​pedagogical activity and the teacher's personality. The third is the ability to correlate one's own activity and one's own personality with an ideal model or normative model. An analysis of one’s own activity from these positions allows the teacher to find out for himself what he is strong and weak in, what “sinks” in his activity, what is still not enough to do the job more efficiently. The contradiction between the normative model and the assessment of one's own activity serves as a motivational basis for self-education, sets the goals and direction of self-development and self-improvement. There are four elements from which professional self-awareness is structured:

1. "Actual I" - how the teacher sees and evaluates himself at the present time.

2. "Retrospective I" - how he sees himself and how the teacher evaluates in relation to the previous stages of professional activity.

3. "Ideal I" - what the teacher would like to become.

4. "Reflexive Self" - how, from the point of view of the teacher, it is considered and evaluated by representatives of the professional environment (colleagues, administration, students and their parents).

Rice. 1. Professional identity of the teacher

The teacher's professional self-awareness can be represented as a diagram (Fig. 1), where the "Actual - I" is located in the horizontal plane, or one's own sense of one's professionalism, achieved through self-realization of the individual to present moment. "Actual - I" is formed on the basis of professional experience that was in the past, and the definition of professional qualities that were characteristic of the teacher's personality in previous periods of professional activity, in other words, on the basis of "Retrospective - I", which is determined through self-knowledge and is located at the bottom schematic plane. But a teacher striving for self-improvement is not limited to the self-assessment of the "Retrospective - I" and the achieved level of the "Actual - I". He strives to change and develop the "Actual - I". At the same time, he self-projects himself and his future professional activity through the definition of the “Ideal-I” model and chooses ways and means for its implementation. "Ideal - I", thus, is located at the top top of the scheme, opposite the "Retrospective - I". We define the vertical that connects them as "Reflexive - I", since the entire trajectory of self-development of the teacher's personality runs from the "Retrospective - I" through the "Actual - I" to the "Ideal - I". And this change in the "I" of the teacher's personality is constantly accompanied by introspection of his own professional activity, self-correction, in other words, the teacher is constantly engaged in self-designing both his personality and his professional activity. Thus, the "Actual - I" is formed through the self-realization of the "Retrospective - I" and its self-knowledge and is located at the level of being. "Ideal - I" is formed through the implementation of the process of self-reflection of the "Actual - I" and the process of self-designing its future image, that is, the level of proper, which the "Actual - I" strives for in its activities, is revealed.

The tasks of the organizers of additional professional education and methodological work should be to create conditions for individual methodological support that ensure the advancement of the personality of each teacher from the level of existence to the level of due, in the need to teach the teacher to self-project his professional growth based on self-analysis of his professional activity. But at the same time, the teacher is required to have a formed motivation for self-development and self-improvement.

We believe that the professional development of teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education should be considered from the standpoint of a system-activity approach, since this is a systematic, purposeful activity of the subjects of methodological interaction (teachers, methodologists, managers), which is implemented in specific individual projects of professional development and self-development and is aimed for the implementation of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, which ensure the final result - the development of the individual on the basis of universal educational activities that are formed through a complex of personal, meta-subject and subject results. Moreover, the positions of the system-activity approach are very important when considering the process of managing the professional development of teachers, which should be of a leading nature. Anticipatory management has such an important quality as an integrative character and has as its goal, based on what has been achieved, to foresee the future and, on this basis, prepare the necessary system of resources that should ensure the further development of the system. From this point of view, in our opinion, it is advisable to consider the professional development of teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education as a metastructural plan for analyzing the activities of all subjects of this process, which includes:

1. motivational and value plan of activity;

2. target plan of activity;

3. operational and technological plan of activity;

4. resource plan of activity.

Carrying out a motivational-value analysis of activities for the professional development of teachers, answers are given to the questions: Why is it necessary to do this? For the sake of achieving what results it is necessary to do this? In psychological science, the motive is considered as a source of activity. Every action, directed towards a certain goal, proceeds from one or another motive. A more or less adequately conscious impulse acts as a motive, that is, in other words, the motive acts as an impulse to activity associated with the satisfaction of the needs of the subjects, as a conscious reason underlying the choice of actions and actions of the individual. We consider motivation as a source of improving professional activity, potential, availability of internal means that ensure the readiness of the subject to perform new professional functions and self-development, and also as a source of formation of value professional orientations. The purposeful formation of value orientations contributes to the transformation of values ​​into incentives and motives for the professional activity of any educator.

Target planning allows us to answer the question: what results will we achieve if professional development of teachers is carried out? A characteristic feature of this stage of planning is the definition of a common goal and a set of tasks that specify this goal for the professional development of a particular teacher, taking into account his individual level of professional development and the degree of motivation for this development. In our opinion, this should be a complex of personal and professional qualities of a teacher, the formation of which should be aimed at achieving the goals of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education.

The operational and technological component of the metastructural plan determines how and by what methods and technologies the goal and objectives will be achieved. The implementation of all three previous plans is impossible without a resource plan of activity, since it determines the totality of the necessary personnel, material, technical, program, methodological, information and other resources.

It should be noted that for a particular teacher or a certain group of teachers, individual plans (programs) of methodological support (individual educational routes) of professional development should be developed. These plans (programs, routes) should take into account the existing individual professional level of development of the teacher ("Actual - I"), the expected level of achievement of his professional development, depending on the specifics of the professional activity performed ("Ideal - I"), formed motivational and value attitudes and guidelines for professional development ("Reflexive - I").

The result of the implementation of the metastructural plan should be a change in the level of professional development of teachers, which will ensure the implementation of the goals of the Federal State Educational Standards for General Education.


Potapova M.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk.

Kipriyanova E.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of MBOU Lyceum No. 11 of Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk.

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On present stage society development system Russian education is at the stage of significant changes, which are associated with a change in the model of historical and cultural development. However, regardless of the direction and duration of educational reforms, the central figure in their implementation is the school teacher. The success of the implementation in practice of innovations in the school that meet the modern requirements of society depends on the teacher, who must have the necessary level of professionalism and professional development to implement the tasks facing him.

The theoretical and methodological analysis of the concept of "professional development" requires consideration of the term "development" itself.

In the "Big Encyclopedic Dictionary", development is understood as a regular, directed change, as a result of which a "new qualitative state of the object - its composition or structure" appears.

The psychological interpretation of the concept of "development" focuses on changing the personality of a person. So, in the “Concise Psychological Dictionary”, development is “the process of a natural change in personality as a systemic quality of an individual as a result of socialization” .

We are interested in the pedagogical view of the interpretation of the concept of "development". A number of authors interpret development as an objective process of internal qualitative and quantitative sequential changes in the spiritual and physical forces of a person under the influence of uncontrollable and controlled, natural and social, internal and external. It should be noted that pedagogical research also emphasizes the importance of the influence internal contradictions on the process of development of self-organizing, complex systems, and ultimately on self-development.

Development as a whole is interpreted in pedagogy both as a change, which is a transition from simple to more complex, from lower to higher, and also as "a process in which the gradual accumulation of quantitative changes leads to the onset of qualitative changes."

Thus, generalizing all the considered approaches to the definition of the concept of "development", we consider it appropriate to understand it as a purposeful or spontaneous process aimed at qualitative and quantitative changes in the properties, characteristics, parameters, indicators of the system. In relation to personal development, one should talk about changing such personality traits as accumulated experience, mental processes, character, abilities, self-consciousness, worldview, “I-concept”, personal qualities and characteristics, etc.

Further analysis of the concept of "professional development" involves the consideration of such a term as "profession".

In the scientific literature, this term is interpreted based on the external and internal orientation of professional activity. Thus, some authors note that a profession is a system of professional types, forms, tasks of professional activity, professional personality traits that can ensure the satisfaction of society's needs in a particular product or result. Other researchers note that a profession is an occupation that requires special training of a person, the application of his physical and spiritual strength and makes it possible to obtain sources of livelihood for him, and also allows you to unite people with a common professional consciousness and type of activity, etc.

Thus, a profession is a form of activity that has its own purpose, has certain means, norms, its own product, is determined by a social function and is determined by motives and personal characteristics and characteristics of the individual.

Returning directly to the analysis of the concept of "professional development", it should be noted that its application is often used in the literature on management and personnel management. In this regard, the interpretation of this concept is aimed at analyzing professional development as a process of personality formation, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills by employees, the development of qualitative characteristics of personnel (giftedness (intelligence, reaction, etc.), social needs for contacts, conflict management etc., artistic, analytical and other abilities, motivation, personality traits (character, will, abilities) in order to prepare an employee to perform certain new production tasks that arise in the context of the company's development, the implementation of its tactical and strategic plans and goals.

It is important to note that in management, professional development appears to be a purposeful systematic process, a set of activities that are aimed at improving the skills of employees in the course of their entire professional life.

Thus, in management, the process of professional development, one way or another, is connected with the life of a particular organization. In this case, the subjects of professional development management are top management, functional and line managers, specialists of the personnel management service, and the object is the staff itself, i.e. those people on whom the managerial influence is directed. Personnel can also act as a subject of professional development management in the case when they are engaged in self-training, self-development.

In relation to pedagogy, the object of research by scientists is the analysis of the professional development of a teacher.

The professional development of a personality in the "Dictionary of Pedagogy" is understood as "growth, the formation of professionally significant personal qualities and abilities, professional knowledge and skills, an active qualitative transformation of the personality of its inner world, leading to a fundamentally new structure and way of life - creative self-realization in the profession" .

In general, summarizing the above approaches to the definition of the concept of "professional development", it should be understood as the process of active transformation of the personality of its inner world, the formation and development of professionally significant knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities of the individual in pedagogical activity, which contribute to successful creative self-realization. the teacher in his professional activity in the conditions of work in a particular educational organization.

At present, the analysis of the essence of the concept of "professional development of a teacher" is carried out in the scientific literature within the framework of a number of approaches.

Thus, representatives of the personal-activity approach in their works are guided by the allocation of professionally important qualities of a teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity. These include pedagogical ones, combining them with the general concept of "professionally significant qualities of a teacher". The works of these and other authors make it possible to create a professional portrait of a teacher and determine the direction of his professional development.

Within the framework of the system-thought-activity approach, the professional work of a teacher is considered as a polyfunctional, polysubject, polystructural system, which includes not only pedagogical, but also managerial, design, research, and methodological activities. In the studies of these authors, the professional development of a teacher is characterized through consideration of such concepts as “professional qualification”, which is understood as organizational and activity competence, i.e. ability to perform and qualify their activities.

Representatives of the activity approach consider professional activity as a decisive condition, means, basis for the professional development of a teacher, achieving the highest level of pedagogical activity and self-realization. At the same time, it is emphasized that important condition effectiveness and productivity of professional pedagogical activity is the creative level of its implementation.

Within the framework of the complex basis of professional development, such components as self-actualization, procedural-technological, individual-personal are considered. Works in this direction are focused on the study of self-actualization as the basis for the professional development of a teacher.

In the system-structural approach, professional development is presented as a set of interdependent and interrelated components, which are determined on the basis of a certain standard of individual, social, professional achievements of a teacher, professiograms and prospectograms. teacher. The professional development of a teacher is determined in a system-structural approach in the characteristics of professional values, motives for the teacher, the development of his professionally important personal and business qualities, professional competence, professionalism, which are subject to purposeful, specially organized development and self-development.

The axiological aspect of considering the concept of professional development focuses on the semantic, value basis of the content of this concept, the role of personal, universal, professional and value orientations in the professional development of a teacher (B.M. Bim-Bad, B.S. Brushlinsky, V.A. Slastenin , P.G. Shchedrovitsky and others). In particular, S.I. Maslov and T.A. Maslova highlight the humanistic values ​​of pedagogical activity (student, childhood, individuality and uniqueness of the personality, development and self-realization of the student); professional and moral values ​​(kindness, compassion, mercy, peace, sincerity, fidelity, professional duty, freedom, faith, trust, justice, patriotism, commitment, professional honor and dignity); the value of creative self-realization (improvement of professional and creative abilities, taught subject, continuous self-improvement of the teacher); intellectual values ​​(truth, professional knowledge, creativity, knowledge, free access to information); social values ​​(professional-pedagogical communication, professional-pedagogical corporativity, catholicity, traditions, family, love and affection for children); aesthetic values ​​(beauty, harmony).

Within the framework of the personal approach, the professional development of a teacher is considered from the position of analyzing such personal qualities of a teacher as an individual style of activity, value orientations, semantic formations, purposefulness, responsibility, empathy, communication skills, etc. The design and implementation of the process of professional development of a teacher means focusing on his personality as a subject, goal, value, the main criterion for effectiveness and result. The teacher as a person and subject of pedagogical activity independently determines for himself the priorities of self-expression and self-development, making a choice in favor of professional growth (B.G. Ananiev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, V.A. Petrovsky, V.I. Slobodchikov and others .).

The analysis of the essence of professional development in the humanistic and subjective approaches involves the analysis of the conditionality of the teacher's professional growth by his need for self-actualization (A. Maslow, K. Rogers, etc.) the ability of a teacher through activity to constantly improve, self-actualize, achieve the highest optimal level of professional growth (V.A. Petrovsky).

Thus, professional development in all of the above approaches, one way or another, is focused on the analysis of the development of personal characteristics that affect the choice of a profession, the process of professional adaptation and professional growth of a teacher, and stimulation of his creative pedagogical activity. In other words, professional development should be considered in close connection with the development of personal qualities, character traits that underlie professional pedagogical activity, which implies further analysis of the personality of the teacher, his professionally important knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities, which, with on the one hand, they determine the effectiveness of pedagogical activity and teacher development, and on the other hand, they are the object to which the organized impact of the professional development process is directed.


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The opinion of the editors may not coincide with the opinion of the authors.

Personal and professional development of a teacher as a necessary condition for improving the quality of education

self-education is a system of mental and ideological
self-education, which entails volitional and moral self-improvement, but does not set them as its goal.
G.M. Kodzhaspirova

The results of the work of the teacher are not always tangible immediately. Most often, they manifest themselves in the personal qualities of students some time later.
According to A.V. Lunacharsky, a teacher is a person who shapes the future. He is a huge factor in this future. Only a person is capable of educating a person. From this it is clear that the development of the teacher himself, his intellectual, moral and professional qualities must outstrip the level of the social environment. This is possible if the teacher realizes his social significance, high personal responsibility, cognitive activity, constant objective introspection and systematic work on self-improvement.

One of the forms of manifestation of cognitive activity, conscious self-development is self-education. You cannot convey your thoughts and feelings to another person, but you can arouse interest and desire for a certain type of activity. This applies equally to teachers and students. The main thing is the development of the teacher's personality and, on this basis, an increase in the level of his qualifications, professionalism, and productivity.
The need for self-education is dictated, on the one hand, by the very specifics of teaching activity, its social role, and, on the other hand, by the realities and trends of lifelong education, which is associated with the constantly changing conditions of pedagogical work. The needs of society, the evolution of science and practice, the ever-increasing demands on a person, his ability to quickly and adequately respond to changes in social processes and situations, his readiness to restructure his activities, skillfully solve new, more complex tasks.
The meaning of self-education is expressed in the satisfaction of cognitive activity, the growing needs of the teacher, in self-realization through continuous education.
The essence of self-education lies in mastering the technique and culture of mental labor, the ability to overcome problems, to independently work on one's own improvement, including professional one.
The principles of self-education include: universality, continuity, purposefulness, integrativity, unity of the general and professional culture, individualization, interconnection and continuity, accessibility, anticipatory nature, compensatory nature, permanent transition from lower to higher levels, variability.
The problem of self-education concerns not only teachers, but also students. In our time, the preparation of schoolchildren for serious independent work is of particular importance. The implementation of the goals and objectives of the modern school is directly related to the increase in students' interest in learning, the development of inquisitiveness and cognitive activity, intellectual skills, ways of mastering information and transforming it into actions. In other words, it is necessary to teach schoolchildren self-learning and self-education. To do this, it is necessary to develop such qualities of the mind as: independence, observation, curiosity, the ability to raise questions and solve logical problems, perform tasks of a problematic and search nature, make experiments, participate in experiments, compare and analyze the results, generalize the data obtained, draw conclusions. Therefore, when constructing a lesson, the teacher must provide for situations, tasks and activities of schoolchildren that train thought processes and moral-volitional efforts. In addition, it is necessary to plan and develop cognitive skills. How will the lesson work out the skills of listening and hearing, highlighting the main idea, participating in discussions, defending one's own opinion, extracting information from various sources of knowledge (diagrams, tables, documents, textbooks, audiovisual tools, etc.)? Due to which the skills of writing theses will be formed. Supporting notes, reviews, etc.?
When managing the self-education of schoolchildren, it is necessary to take into account the regularities of this process, as well as the age and individual characteristics of children. At junior schoolchildren, as a rule, this is inquisitiveness and susceptibility to knowledge, for middle-level students - a multi-level and multi-directional character cognitive interests, which is often a means of self-affirmation among peers. High school students have professionally oriented interests. When organizing the independent work of schoolchildren, the teacher must predict the result, provide the children with the opportunity to demonstrate their achievements to students, teachers, and parents.
A teacher who does not have the ability to create, to form an actively thinking and active personality, to select for this purpose necessary funds impact, unable to nurture and develop predictable qualities in their students. In order to educate, educate and develop a personality, a teacher needs to be able to improve himself, while being able to place emphasis on the main thing, i.e. on what ensures the success of pedagogical activity.
Research has shown that the methods, forms, methods of conducting a lesson in themselves do not ensure success in work, if they are not due to the personal qualities of the teacher. In the process of pedagogical interaction, students acquire not only knowledge, skills and abilities, but also become carriers of the teacher's personal qualities, carriers of his reflection. A student is more willing to learn in conditions if he feels his own development. Ensuring interested communication is based on the special sensitivity of the teacher to his pupil, on the ability to use a mental dialogue in the process of presenting information.
“If you carefully look at people who cannot praise anyone, blame everyone and are not pleased with anyone, then you will find out that these are the very people with whom no one is pleased.”
Another aspect of improving the quality of education is the creation of situations of success in the classroom. This is practically impossible without the teacher's intensive work on himself, the development of his personal qualities. A happy person can only be brought up by a happy person. The success of a student can be created by a teacher who himself experiences the joy of success. After all, the task of the teacher is to give each student the opportunity to experience the joy of achievement, to realize their capabilities, to believe in themselves. Success in learning is one of the sources of the student's internal strength, giving rise to energy to overcome difficulties, the desire to learn. This is the experience of a state of joy, satisfaction because the result to which a person aspired either coincided with his expectations or exceeded them. As a result of this state, new motives for activity are formed, the level of self-esteem and self-respect changes. All of the above is relevant to the work of the teacher.
Yes, children would like to take to their country, first of all, kind teachers who do not complain to their parents, who can teach dozens, who are sympathetic. Those who know how to be delighted with beauty, who know how to take the place of a child, who understand each child, who are fair, sincere, smiling, caring, cheerful, sensitive, friendly, explaining lessons well, who know how to give students a break and relieve tension at the right time, open to people who understand the nursery psychology, patient, responsive, moderately strict, those who are interesting to listen to, beautiful, smart, respectful students, loving all students. “A pass to the country of childhood” will not be given to teachers who swear, are always in a bad mood, raise their voices, are angry, aggressive, unable to hide their likes and dislikes, unfair, greedy, who are not ashamed that they teach poorly, explain the material poorly, incompetent.
What are the teachers' problems? What prevents them from working better, working on themselves, raising their level, achieving student success?
Of course, going from beginner to master is not easy. Professionalism does not just come with experience, it also depends on many other things: the motivation of the teacher, the content of the work, interest in the work, personal abilities and personality traits. But the personal and professional development of a teacher is a necessary condition for improving the quality of education. Unfortunately, there are teachers in the school who have stopped in their development, having received the first or highest category, they do not participate in competitions, do not give interesting open lessons and victories in the Olympiads, all this, as it were, does not concern them. But modern requirements to education, scientific and technological progress, the level of our children tells us that this is unacceptable, it is impossible for the work of the gymnasium, creative events, competitions, olympiads, etc. rested on the same people, working creatively, constantly working on themselves. It is necessary for literally everyone to remember that we work at school, and this leaves a certain imprint on our work and the requirements for it. Perhaps today we have not fully disclosed this topic, since it is deep enough, but at least we managed to plunge into this problem and we will all think about the questions “What do we do to make our children interested in us? Are we the professionals? And will we get a pass to the country of childhood?”

  • Specialty HAC RF13.00.08
  • Number of pages 354



§ 1. The problems of studying the personality of a teacher in pedagogy in the context of a typological approach.

§ 2. Problematics of the study of the teacher's personality in the context of pedagogical psychology.

Conclusions on the first chapter.


§ 1. Development of a conceptual and categorical apparatus for researching the professional activities of a teacher.

§ 2. Concepts of pedagogical activity.

Conclusions on the second chapter.



§ 1. Personally-developing pedagogical interaction in theory and experiment.

§ 2. Localization of the teacher's personality in the professional space.

2.1. Plane 1: personal style of pedagogical activity.

2.2. Plane 2: compatibility of subjects of pedagogical activity

2.3. Plane 3: interaction of subjects of pedagogical activity.

§ 3. Dynamics of the direction of professional activity depending on the teaching experience.

Conclusions on the third chapter.



§ 1. Subject-centrism in the teaching profession.

§ 2. Type formation processes in the pedagogical profession.

§ 3. Dynamics of teacher's self-assessment in the process of professional activity.

§ 6. Phenomenology of pedagogical autostereotypes.

Conclusions on the third chapter.


§ 1. Professionalization of the individual as a consequence of the systemic organization of the educational process.

§ 2. Objectification of the evaluation of the teacher's professional activity.

§ 3. Activity as the basis for the formation of the teacher's personal organization.

§ 4. The pedagogical process as a cultural development activity.

Conclusions on the fifth chapter.

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Personal and professional development of a teacher in pedagogical activity"

The high social significance of the personality of the teacher does not require detailed comments. Thanks to it, the reproduction of society's values ​​in the minds of subsequent generations is carried out, and it has a significant impact on their development. This explains the unrelenting interest of teachers and psychologists in the teacher's personality, in the issues of improving the efficiency and quality of pedagogical activity, and in studying the process of becoming a professional teacher. The main institutions that solve the problem of assisting teachers in their professional growth are the IPK and PRO, district method rooms and centers, FPC at universities. But they still see their main task in replenishing knowledge, reporting missing information. Actually personal growth, personal and professional development of the teacher remains out of their attention and is his own concern. Knowledge of the facts, patterns of personal and professional development, identified in this study, should help the teacher himself to actively engage in the process of diagnosing and correcting the formation of his personality in the profession.

The relevance of this study is determined, on the one hand, by the formation of the humanistic paradigm in teacher education, and, on the other hand, by the growing understanding of the role and importance of professional activity as the most important factor shaping personality. A long-term moratorium, actually imposed on this issue, associated with the put forward principle of personality development in activity, led to the understanding of professionalization as an unambiguously positive phenomenon, which makes the theoretical and practical study of the problem of personality and activity relations all the more relevant.

Personal behavior is determined by the ways of entering the profession, the complexity of adaptation in it, the length of stay, relationships with colleagues and students. In this regard, it is relevant to overcome the gap between the established traditions of building and studying models of becoming a specialist and the real process of personality development in the profession, the dynamics of personality formation and change and its interaction with the development and deployment of the professional activity itself. This overcoming will make it possible to consider in a broader perspective the attitude of the subject both to the process of activity and to interaction with its object, as well as to theoretically comprehend the previously accumulated data.

The issues of personality development and change in the course of mastering professional activities are implicitly implied within the framework of acmeology and andro-gogy, however, here the dynamics of personal indicators of teachers in professional activities are considered in the same direction: from entering the profession, through becoming in it to mastery (A.A. Bodalev, A. A. Derkach, S. I. Zmeev, N. V. Kuzmina, A. T. Tsvetkova, etc.). The process of personal professionalization is currently practically not considered, although it is extremely important for determining the strategy and tactics of training teachers, assessing their professionalism, identifying deviations, and so on. The study of the process of professionalization is of cardinal importance both for concretizing the theory of personality socialization and for creating a psychological and pedagogical concept of the teacher's personality and special methods for its diagnosis, formation and correction.

The complexity of this task is also seen in the fact that in the philosophical aspect, a person is a rather dynamic and plastic formation. Being in in constant motion By consciously and unconsciously masking, changing, enriching, losing, compensating, interchanging, rebuilding, supplementing his inner qualities, the personality makes the problem of fixing stable, stable socio-psychological manifestations rather illusory and ephemeral. As a result, as L.I. Antsyferova points out, stability, stability are combined in the organization of the personality with amazing flexibility, continuous enrichment of the sphere of its potentialities, with huge compensatory reserves, with the possibilities of restructuring, interchangeability, complementarity of its constituents.

Such dynamics, and, consequently, complexity, is due to the fact that the main way of being a person is development, which expresses the basic need of a person as a universal generic being to constantly go beyond his limits, to achieve the possible fullness of incarnation in his individual form.

The phenomenology of changes that occur to a person in the process of her entry as a subject of activity into a profession is undoubtedly an important aspect in understanding her behavior, at the same time, the essence and patterns of this process have not yet become the object of close attention of research research and require a deeper consideration. , allocation and study of the space in which this change is carried out. This defines the essence of the research problem.

Its concretization leads us to a number of general theoretical positions. Thus, the study of the process of personal development is a non-algorithmic task and is largely due to the initial theoretical position researcher, his methodology. The results of such a change can be imagined as techniques and methods of action fixed in the structure of the personality, as a result of which new formations, personal meanings, determined by the profession, appear, the level of activity, organization and stability of the personal system increases or decreases, and the mode of its functioning changes. Traditionally, the mechanism of personal change is considered to be contradictions that arise either between two states of reality: present and desirable, or between a standard and self-esteem, or between real and potential in a person, etc.

Research, however, shows that only the presence of one or another contradiction is still not enough for the development of the personality, and even more so for its progressive formation. The development of a personality presupposes, first of all, its own activity, its activity of self-transformation, which involves the development of a life position and awareness of one's place in society. Personality changes do not occur in activity in general, but in the professional space, in the process of performing specific tasks and interacting with the object of activity, achieving certain goals, the complexity and success of achieving which determine the degree of professionalism of the employee.

Questions of defining professionalism in the activities of a teacher, assessing his skills have long been a subject of dispute and disagreement between philosophers, teachers, psychologists, physiologists, practitioners, etc. It is quite difficult to draw a real, hard line between professional and non-professional activities. Some often call the profession the activity in which a person has been engaged for a long time, others - the occupation that serves as their main source of income. Possessing a complex internal structure, the profession includes many heterogeneous subject-instrumental and ideal, spiritual components. In people's ideas, they can exist separately - in the form of private samples, and integrated - in the form of an "image of the profession", which finds its sign, symbolic expression in scientific, artistic, journalistic, political texts in the form of expressed ideas and artistic images (literature, cinema , theater, music, painting, etc.), in folklore, when in professional and public opinion there are legends about masters of their craft, about outstanding examples of professional behavior, vivid cases from practice, and, finally, in games, rituals and imitations, in which the idea and image, reflecting one or another reality of being, acquire a "live" embodiment with a teaching or other didactic meaning.

Such polyfunctionality creates certain difficulties in using the concept of "profession" to analyze the activities of a teacher, therefore, in this case, it is more appropriate to use the concept of "professional activity" or "pedagogical activity", as reflecting the essence of the research being conducted and consisting in the practical achievement of the goals of the activity. Moreover, it should be noted that the concept of "professional activity" is not identical with the concept of "role" as a social function of the individual or a mode of behavior that meets accepted standards.

The identified problems concerning, first of all, the entry of the individual into the profession and the changes that occur in it as a result of professionalization, the criteria for the professionalism of the employee, the mechanisms and factors that determine the ways of life of the individual, the dynamics of the image of the profession and others, made it possible to crystallize the main task of this work as the study of the process of formation personality of the teacher in professional activity.

Questions of methodology and theory are considered in it on the basis of experimental studies conducted on the basis of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Personnel Rostov region, Rostov State Pedagogical University, as well as educational institutions of the city of Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region. The paper substantiates the scientific status of the concepts of "profession", "professionalism", "professional pedagogical activity", "professionalization", "professional deformation" as independent phenomena and processes. The concepts of "professionalism", "professionalization" also need to be restored to their true meaning and included, in addition to their positive manifestations, negative phenomena, which can lead to excessive deepening in the profession.

The professional development of a teacher's personality is considered as a process of constant interaction of personal parameters with the functional structure of activity and the object of activity. In this vein, the tasks and methods of preparing and evaluating the professionalism of a teacher are rethought, the main directions of personal growth, the formation of personal individuality in the teaching profession are discussed. The problem of evaluation and certification of professional personnel is considered.

Solving the problems of mastering professional activity by a teacher has a direct way to a more complete realization of the capabilities of the subject, improving the professional training of teachers and overcoming the undesirable effects of labor on a person. These problems underlie the formation of professionalism and the improvement of the teacher's professional skills.

The relevance of the study is also dictated by the uncertainty of the situation in this issue and in another sense. On the one hand, quite rich material has already been accumulated on the problems of the formation of an individual style of activity (B.A. Vyatkin, E.A. Klimov, B.C. Merlin, etc.). In these works, the emphasis is on the subject's adaptation of his individual properties to the requirements of activity, and the actual personal, creative-subjective aspect often remains outside the field of view of researchers. The process of professionalization, the study of which is currently not given due attention, involves, first of all, the analysis of personal changes, without which the phenomenology of the formation of the personality of a teacher in the profession is incomplete, simplified. To a large extent, this is due to the fact that the problem of professional personality changes in pedagogy has not yet been practically developed, which is determined by the presence of certain social attitudes, as well as too many heterogeneous factors influencing the formation of a personality in a profession.

Thus, the relevance of the problem being developed is determined by the need for further theoretical and empirical study of the process of becoming a personality in the teaching profession, the place and importance that a teacher’s professional activity occupies in the structure of a teacher’s personality, as well as the practical tasks of identifying and taking into account the main determinants of the professionalization process that influence, including the negative, on the individual.

Object of study: teacher's professional and pedagogical activity at the main stages of professionalization: from the process of entering and mastering the profession to the formation of professional skills.

Pre;tmsg research: personal and professional development of the teacher and the process of pedagogical activity in the development of professional development space (during different time periods), as well as the conditions that determine this process.

The aim of the work is to identify and study the main phenomena and patterns of personal and professional development of a teacher in the course of pedagogical activity, as well as to develop, based on a system-generalizing analysis, a conceptual model for the formation of a teacher's personality in professional activity and to identify the conditions and means of managing the process of professionalization.

Research hypothesis: Personality changes that occur under the influence of pedagogical activity do not have a one-dimensional direction in their development. The dynamics of these changes is of a semantic nature, consisting of different links, each of which undergoes multi-level changes, manifested: a) in a change in the personality of the subject, both in appearance (motor skills, speech, emotionality, forms of communication), and in the formation of the corresponding elements professional consciousness (professional attention, perception, memory, thinking, emotional-volitional sphere), which in a broader sense can be considered as the formation of a professional worldview, i.e. a generalized system of views related to understanding the essence of the profession and its meaning, personal meanings and one's place in society; b) in changing the entire system of pedagogical activity, its functions and hierarchical structure. In the course of the formation of a holistic pedagogical activity, the subjective experience is transformed in the pedagogical culture, which ensures the movement of the individual along the steps of professional mastery, a specific system of ways to perform activities develops, and a personal style of activity is formed; c) in changing the relevant components of the teacher's attitude towards the student, which manifests itself in a reorientation to the subject-subject paradigm, the emergence of a need to interact with him, which allows us to talk about the formation of the teacher's professional culture.

The main feature of professional development is the personal growth of the teacher as a subject who manages his self-development based on knowledge of the laws of the personal-professional space.

Hypothesis testing was carried out in solving the following research problems:

1. On the basis of a theoretical analysis of existing works and an empirical study of the issue of the dynamics of personal parameters in the process of professional activity, to determine current trends in research on personality development in pedagogical activity.

2. To develop a conceptual approach to building a structural-dynamic model of a professional space for the development of a teacher's personality and to determine its main determinants, as well as factors and conditions that cause personality changes.

3. Reveal the features of the development of a professional space by a person, show the specifics of changes at various stages of professional activity.

4. Justify the scientific status and fill with new content such concepts as a professional teacher, professionalism, professionalization, professional deformation.

5. Develop techniques and methods for assessing the professionalism of a teacher in the context of student-centered education.

6. Reveal the grounds for professional typification and characterize the main professional types of personalities in pedagogical activity, determine the directions and levels of personal deformations in pedagogical activity, as well as possible ways of their pedagogical correction. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the provisions on the unity of consciousness and activity, the principles of the doctrine of the social and cultural-historical nature of the personality (JI.S. Vygotsky, SL. Rubinshtein, A.N. Leontiev, etc.), which were specified within the framework of the national pedagogical and psychological sciences in the personal-activity approach to the study and design of educational processes (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, A.B. Brushlinsky, Yu.N. Kulyutkin, V.Ya. Lyaudis, A.K. Markova, A. B. Orlov, L.A. Regush, V.I. Slobodchikov, G.S. Sukhobskaya, V.D. Shadrikov, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others), in the interpretation of the professional development of the personality (L.I. Antsiferova, E.F. Zeer, E.A. Klimov, T.V. Kudryavtsev, N.V. Kuzmina, L.M. Mitina, A.N. Chalov, V.D. Shadrikov, etc.), in the concepts of pedagogical culture , personalization and systemic organization of personality (E.V. Bondarevskaya, L.S. Vygotsky, I.F. Isaev, A.N. Leontiev, V.A. Petrovsky, etc.).

The implementation of the tasks set was achieved by using a variety of research methods. Among them: theoretical analysis and generalization of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological literature; included observation method; survey method; expert survey method; modification of Kelly's repertoire lattice method; the study of independent characteristics and products of the subjects' activities; factor analysis.

The validity and reliability of the data obtained was ensured by the use of proven methods of mathematical statistics, repeated experiments using the same methods, comparison of results obtained using different methods, representativeness of research data, and a significant amount of empirical research.

The novelty of the research is: a) in the development of a theoretical model of personality development in pedagogical activity; b) in the development of a theoretical concept (model) of the space in which the professional development of the personality of the teacher takes place, and which will allow predicting the direction and features of the further formation of strong and weaknesses his personality; c) in the study of the dynamics of the three-level structure of personality (V.A. Petrovsky) in the process of pedagogical activity. As a result, the theoretical understanding of the process of personality formation is deepened and the development of relations between the categories of personality and activity receives a new interpretation; d) in substantiating the scientific status of the concept of "professionalization" as an independent process of personality formation; e) in the introduction of the concept of "professional deformation" as a violation of the process of professionalization and the study of data on the transformation of the main professionally important structures of the personality of the subject of pedagogical activity with the functional structure of this activity.

A new result is also the identification and justification of the principles for constructing a typology of teachers in the teaching profession, taking into account the professionally important qualities of a specialist, the functional structure of activities and the specifics of relationships with students. For the first time, the student is considered as a factor, and as one of the components of the teacher's personal development. The dependence of the dynamics of the professional qualities of the teacher's personality on the length of service has been studied. The main directions of personality changes in the cognitive sphere of teachers are determined. Dependences of their attitude to the profession on the length of service have been established.

The use of multidimensional statistical procedures made it possible to identify and mathematically substantiate the existence of types of professionals, based on the characteristics of the combination of their personal qualities with the specifics of professional activity. As a result, it became possible for the first time to experimentally prove the need to take into account individual characteristics in the preparation of teachers, not only in the choice of subjects taught, but also in relation to individual priorities among the main functions of pedagogical activity.

An original psychological toolkit is proposed, aimed at identifying a possible type of professional development of a person in the teaching profession. The system of factors and conditions of personal and professional development is shown, which allows the teacher himself to diagnose and correct this process depending on the length of service, interaction style, type of professionalization, etc.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in a new, more complete interpretation of the principle of personality development in activity on the example of the teaching profession. A model has been developed and the main coordinates of the ontological space of professional development of a teacher's personality have been determined. New concepts are introduced into the categorical structure of pedagogy: professionalization, professional deformation, etc.

Due to the fact that the concept of pedagogical culture by E.V. Bondarevskaya, I.F. Isaeva, the theory of multi-level personality activity proposed by A.V. Petrovsky and V.A. is also associated with the clarification and addition of some provisions of these approaches regarding the role of pedagogical culture and the manifestation of various personality structures in the teacher's professional activities, which allows them to be connected with the problems of professional development of the individual in the pedagogical process.

Identification as the most important determinants of the process of professionalization of the personal characteristics of the teacher, the object of activity and the functional structure of activity creates the basis for building and considering the individual space of professional development. It should be noted that the concept of "object of pedagogical activity" in this case is used to simplify the theoretical analysis, diluting it with the concept of "subject of activity" and with the aim of possibly extending the developed approach into the sphere of any professional activity of the "person-to-person" type. The situation of pedagogical interaction is considered by us from the standpoint of "subject-subject" relations.

The differences between the individual style of work activity, where the main emphasis is on the internal conditions and capabilities of the individual, and the personal style of professional activity, which is more related to interpersonal relationships, are outlined. The bases of professional personality typology are revealed. The levels and directions of teacher's professional deformations are determined. It is shown that the length of service is one of the leading parameters for assessing the professional development of the individual, its changes and features that are manifested in professional activities.

The results obtained in the work concerning the change in various parameters of the teacher's personality in professional activity can contribute to the development of a complete and adequate general pedagogical theory of professionalization.

The practical significance of the study is related to the construction of a system of general theoretical and practical training and retraining of teachers.

The data obtained on the dynamics of personality change make it possible to more effectively manage the process of its development, to predict possible changes in its components. The factors that determine the personal and professional development of a teacher are determined: the activity of the teacher's personality, professional experience, psychological and pedagogical culture, creating an atmosphere of creativity, mastering new pedagogical technologies, improving certification criteria. The revealed results substantiate the need for a transition from the formally traditional training of teachers to their individual specialization in accordance with the leading personal parameters. The paper defines the ways of such a transition, which allows limiting negative trends in the activities of teachers and making it more rational and efficient.

The practical meaning of the work is also associated with the possibility of constructing objective expert systems assessments of the level of professionalism of a teacher, depending on the characteristics of his professional type and the direction of his professional activity.

The methods of diagnosing the types of professionals tested in this study can significantly improve the process of teacher training, and can also be used in the practice of vocational counseling and professional selection for teaching professions. The research materials will be useful both for teachers of pedagogical universities and colleges that train professional personnel, as well as school leaders and all teachers interested in their own development.

On the basis of the dissertation research, the course "professional development of the teacher's personality" was developed, read at the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers, at the senior courses of all faculties of the Russian State Pedagogical University. The problems of professional development, changes and assessment of personality in pedagogical activity were discussed in the Ministry of Education of the Rostov Region, in the education departments of Volgodonsk, Shakhty, at seminars led by the author at the Shakhtinsky City Psychological Center, in the district departments of education and in the psychological services of Veseloisk, Romanovsky , Azov and Remontnensky districts of the Rostov region and found practical implementation there.

The reliability of the results and the validity of the conclusions is ensured by the stable nature of the identified relationships, the correct use of the procedures of mathematical and statistical processing of empirical data, a large sample size, as well as the consistency of intermediate results and conclusions.

In terms of composition, the contingent of tested teachers included 9.3% of men and 90.7% of women. teachers lower grades make up 33.7% of the respondents, 53.8% of teachers work in the middle classes and 46.3% teach in the senior classes. The interviewed teachers represent the main subjects taught in the secondary school. According to the experience of pedagogical activity, teachers were distributed as follows: teachers with experience up to 5 years make up 28.8%, from 5 to 10 years - 34.6%, more than 10 years - 36.6%. About 50% of the subjects are from rural areas. The number of teachers participating in each experiment was determined by the requirements for the reliability of statistical procedures. The total number of surveyed teachers is 654 people.

The following main provisions are put forward for defense:

1. Models existing in pedagogical science, professional portraits, professiograms and other characteristics of specialists are one-dimensional or planar formations that do not allow an adequate assessment of a professional. The use of universal simplified standards of professionalism does not cover the whole variety of personal manifestations of a teacher and, as a result, leads to their unjustified differentiation in terms of external parameters.

2. The basis of the conceptual model of the space of personal and professional development of a teacher is the features of the structure of his personality, the functional structure of professional activity and the features of the object of activity.

3. Professionalization is a complex multi-level process of self-development of the individual, which consists in a kind of change in its qualities in the course of performing a certain labor activity. Moreover, if professional activity is taken without regard to the sphere of general culture, to the personality, its orientation, the leading type of relationship, etc., then it acts as a strict condition, seeking to adjust the individuality of the individual to the traditions and norms established in the profession.

4. If a person, having sufficient activity, is able to withstand the leveling effect of professional norms, then this contradiction is a factor that determines personal growth and the development of a culture of professional activity, which in this case can be considered as spiritual enrichment and development of subjects of pedagogical interaction.

5. The process of becoming a teacher's personality in the profession has a dual nature: on the one hand, acting as a factor in personal growth, causing the development of professionally important qualities in the basic forms of being of an individual; and, on the other hand, under certain circumstances, leading to deviations and inadequate manifestations of the profession in the structure of the personality, its cognitive and social sphere, which should be attributed to professional deformations.

Approbation of work. The main ideas and results of the work were reported and discussed at more than 50 international, all-Union, republican, regional, interuniversity, industry congresses, congresses, symposiums, seminars, colloquia. Including: international conferences in Ryazan (1989), in Moscow (1991), in Voronezh (1993); all-union conferences in Minsk (1979), Alma-Ata (1983), Kaunas (1981), Moscow (1987,1989), Rostov-on-Don (1987), Bukhara (1988), Odessa (1988), Ordzhonikidze (1989), Perm (1991), Ryazan (1991) .), Smolensk (1993); All-Union Congresses of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR (Moscow, 1983, 1989); republican conferences: Leningrad (1978), Grodno (1980), Daugavpils (1985), Syktyvkar (1989), Kuibyshev (1989), Tomsk (1988), Kursk (1990), Rostov- on-Don (1991, 1992, 1997); in conferences of the Southern Branch Russian Academy Entities: Pyatigorsk (1988, 1992), Karachaevsk (1989), Armavir (1990), Rostov-on-Don (1991), Stavropol (1993), Maykop (1994), Volgograd (1997), Pyatigorsk (1998); in interuniversity conferences: Leningrad (1990), Astrakhan (1990), Ulan-Ude (1990), Voronezh (1990,1992), Tula (1991), Saratov (1992-97), Rostov-on-Don (1993) , Smolensk (1993), Volgograd (1993).

The operational implementation of the results of the research into practice was carried out in the following areas: a) in the development of programs and readings of the new discipline "Professional development of the teacher's personality" in the IPC and PRO and in the 4th year of all faculties of the RSPU; b) in the development of directions and research programs of the Laboratory of "Practical Psychology" of the Research Institute of Social and Pedagogical Problems of the Southern Branch of the Russian Academy of Education (1992-1994); c) in the application of the methods developed by the author in the educational process of students of Rostov State University, students of the Rostov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers and the Civil Service Academy of the North Caucasus Personnel Center; d) in the implementation of methods of working with teachers and in assessing their professionalism in the practice of educational institutions of the Rostov region.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, five chapters, a conclusion with conclusions, a list of references, including 542 titles, applications. The total volume of the dissertation is 347 pages. The dissertation text is illustrated with 30 tables and 3 figures.

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The entry of a person into a profession, regardless of this activity itself, has long been considered a positive phenomenon, which is reflected in the methodological principle, according to which the personality manifests itself and develops in activity. Developing a personality, labor creates not only material values, but also the moral qualities of a person, his ideals, patterns of behavior that underlie character.

However, as the above data have shown, it is generally unjustified to speak of development in labor, since not all labor leads to development. In addition, within the framework of a specific activity, it is possible to proceed, in fact, the process of standardization of the individual, leveling her individuality and subordinating her to professional patterns of behavior.

Pedagogical activity is a powerful factor of personal growth. Developing as a subject of professional activity and forming an attitude towards oneself as a doer, the individual develops as a person. High achievements of a person in activity significantly develop his personality

The involvement of the individual in the educational process leads to a change in its various manifestations in accordance with the logic of activity. These changes can also be found in the development of self-awareness, the professionalization of cognitive processes, and, above all, thinking, in changing the forms of communication with students and colleagues, the authorization of pedagogical experience, the formation of professional attitudes, the development of self-education and self-education. However, many of these parameters are subjective in nature and, with excessive development, turn into professional deformations.

A huge variety of approaches to the personality of a teacher, the presence of deviations in the individual development of a professional, changing criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of pedagogical work require a revision of the established methods for evaluating teachers and the effectiveness of their activities.

Unfortunately, neither the approaches themselves, nor even the existing methods of certification and evaluation of the activities of teachers, can be considered satisfactory. In most cases, they are one-sided, subjective and are one of the sources of conflicts and grievances that interfere with the normal work of educational institutions.

In order for certification to become a determinant of the development of a teacher's professionalism, it is necessary to develop an objective system of assessments. At the same time, the assessment of the teacher's performance should be a complex integral indicator, which includes a reflection of a whole set of factors.

In general, a teacher's rating is made up of subjective assessments and objective indicators. Subjective assessment includes an anonymous assessment of the teacher at all levels of his activity and consists of assessments of students, colleagues at work and school administration. Among the indicators indicated by the "objective" index, a significant impact on the overall rating of a teacher should have, first of all, his professional activity, evaluated by the methodological commission of the school. The systematic use of evaluation leads to the fact that it becomes one of the important factors in personal growth.

The formation of a teacher, his active position is, first of all, the formation of him as a person and only then as a skilled worker with special skills in this field of activity. The development of the teacher's personality in the professional space, his resistance to possible deviations will depend on the strength of the basic qualities of his personality, which are manifested, first of all, in activity. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to single out the already established basic qualities and characteristics of the subject, the different expression and combination of which makes up the strength and originality, what is called the uniqueness of the individual.

The activity of the teacher's personality is one of the essential characteristics of his development in the professional space. The most important manifestation of a teacher's professionalism is the highest level of his activity in the social sphere, his ability to personalize, that is, that set of properties (regardless of the incoming components) that ensures the translation of the teacher's personal qualities into the student's personality. It is this level of personal activity that needs to be recorded in order to assess suitability for the teaching profession, teacher training should be aimed at its development, and it must be taken into account when assessing the professionalism of a teacher. It is necessary to move away from the traditional approach, when a teacher, regardless of his personal parameters, acts as an executor of the whole set of pedagogical functions, and at the same time it is completely ignored that it is precisely because of his personal characteristics that he is simply not able to implement some of these functions in an appropriate way. The discrepancy between the personality characteristics of the subject of pedagogical activity and the strict requirements of this activity itself leads to a loss of contact with students, a decrease in the authority of the teacher in their eyes, and, consequently, to a decrease in the ability to exert personal influence on them.

In this regard, the development of personal activity, which provides the teacher with the opportunity to effectively interact with students, should be considered as a factor in the teacher's personal growth, a determinant that determines the process of his professionalization.

There is no doubt that a highly cultured personality is capable of ensuring the personal growth of students and their own self-development, revealing their inner potential through pedagogical means. Due to the fact that our society today is experiencing a shortage of spirituality, the task of improving human culture is very acute. Moreover, this process is interconnected: the cultural values ​​of society can only be created by a cultured person, and a cultured person can be formed only in a cultured society.

Education is a part of culture, which, on the one hand, feeds on it, and on the other hand, influences its preservation and development through a person. In order to ensure the ascent of a person to universal values ​​and ideals of culture, education must be culturally appropriate. This means that the main method of its design and development should be a culturological approach, which prescribes the turn of all components of education towards culture and man as its creator and subject capable of cultural self-development. Values ​​and cultural norms, art, morality, all the achievements of the spiritual sphere of life must create an atmosphere of appeal to the human person. In this regard, the teaching profession is completely subordinated to the interests of shaping and supporting the developing personality of the child.

The teacher of a modern school, like no one else, needs a professional and pedagogical culture, which is a set of assimilated universal ideas, professional and cultural orientations, personality traits, and the ability to engage in humanistic social and pedagogical activity. This allows the teacher to understand the inner world of a person, to study, diagnose the level of his development, to open up prospects for spiritual life. Objective-cultural thinking contributes to the adaptation of a specialist to difficult life situations, the development of his own hierarchy of life guidelines, values, the formation of holistic thinking.


The conducted theoretical and empirical research showed that the development of pedagogical activity by a person produces a number of specific changes in it, which determine its fuller inclusion in the profession, interaction with the social environment and is accompanied by a number of phenomena. An analysis of the dynamics of a teacher's personal characteristics has shown that the development of a professional is not a process of simple quantitative growth of the properties and qualities of certain personality structures.

The process of becoming a teacher's personality in the profession is ambivalent: on the one hand, it acts as a factor in personal growth, and, on the other hand, under certain conditions, leads to negative changes and even deformation of the personality as a whole. Due to the high variability of personality, it is impossible to define a strictly and unambiguously fixed set of personality traits for the teaching profession, providing effective interaction with students.

The formation of the teacher's personality is carried out in a complex, multidimensional cultural, professional space, where professional activity, if it is taken regardless of the sphere of general culture, personality, its orientation, the leading type of relationship, etc., acts as a hard condition that seeks to adjust individuality personality under the traditions and norms established in the profession. In the case when a person is able to resist the leveling effect of professional norms, this contradiction acts as a factor that determines personal growth, contributes to the development of a culture of professional activity, which can be considered as its enrichment.

The specificity of personality development in the teaching profession is determined by the level of general culture, personal activity, which ensures the transmission of social experience to pupils. If the personality of a professional is regarded as a kind of receptacle of qualities and properties that are more or less closely related to this activity, then researchers are forced to use extensive collections of professional and personal qualities (professiograms), or indefinite universal concepts that reduce everything to "good-bad" relationships ( teacher "innovator" - "conservative", "master" - "non-master", etc.), or to activity characteristics, assessment of pedagogical abilities, skills and abilities.

The main vectors that determine the model of professional space are, firstly, the personality of the teacher as a subject of activity and, above all, the level of her pedagogical, cultural and social activity, ensuring the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction, and secondly, the pedagogical activity itself, represented by a functional structure, and, in thirdly, the characteristics of the student's personality as an equal subject of professional interaction. The intersection of these vectors forms planes that include all the diversity of the phenomenology of pedagogical activity.

Professional changes transform the personality of the subject both externally and internally; form the appropriate elements of professional self-awareness; change the system of personality activity, and thereby contribute to the movement along the steps of professional skill; optimize the installation of the subject in relation to the object of activity.

Consideration of the qualities of the teacher's personality through the prism of the functions carried out made it possible to identify four professional types of teachers: "communicator" - realizing the functions of his activity due to such qualities as sociability, kindness, external attractiveness; "organizer" - characterized by high demands, strong will and organization; "subject subject", whose personality structure is dominated by professional competence, the desire for creativity, observation; "enlightener", distinguished by high morality, high culture, high intelligence.

Each of these types has its positive and negative sides and, accordingly, its own directions of development and deformation. There are no insurmountable differences between the established types, and therefore it is possible for a teacher to combine the features of several types, with the predominance of one of them.

Assimilation by a person of professional activity leads to a change in its structure. Long-term engagement in the same activity forms greater satisfaction with one's profession, contributing to the adaptation of the individual in the profession, stabilizing the emotional sphere. The experience of a teacher's professional activity is a significant factor in professionalization, contributing to the development and preservation of personal and professional qualities at a high level.

Natural age-related changes that occur with a person in professional activities can be the cause of deformations that unfold according to the type of accentuations. Immersion in professional activities, functions performed, social roles can cause a violation of the optimal combination of personal qualities with professional activities. At the same time, personality deviations can develop, manifested in the lack of flexibility, adequacy of behavior, leading to a regression of a specialist with a transition to lower levels of functioning. Depending on the depth of change in individual structures and the degree of violation of the integrity and adaptability of the personality, deformations manifest themselves at four levels:

General professional deformations that characterize similar personality changes in all persons involved in this activity;

Typological deformations caused by the peculiarity of the fusion of personal characteristics with the corresponding structures of the functional structure of activity and leading to the formation of integral behavioral complexes;

Specific deformations due to the content of professional activity;

Individual deformations that develop, as it were, in spite of the activity performed and are associated with the dominant orientation of the personality.

Professional change pervades all areas of professional development. In the sphere of personality, they acquire the character of accentuations, in the sphere of activity, rigid behavioral stereotypes are formed, and the relationship with a specific personality of the student is replaced by an impact on the average type of student. Moreover, as studies have shown, the stereotypes of teachers' behavior are practically devoid of an emotional component. This is due to the fact that, according to most teachers, there is no place for emotional relationships in the educational process, the purpose of which is to transfer knowledge, skills and abilities. In the reality of the pedagogical process, this leads to the desire to level out the personal differences of students and limit the functions of pedagogical activity only to executive ones.

Changes in the personal parameters of teachers are manifested in the growth of self-esteem. According to the data obtained, the degree of overestimation of self-esteem is directly dependent on the length of service. The content of the taught subject affects the change in individual properties of the ideal self-esteem of the teacher, without affecting general professional trends, which is probably due to a similar methodology of pedagogical work and, indirectly, confirms the conclusion about the priority of the influence on the subjective sphere of the teacher's personality of the functions performed, determined by the social role of the teacher and others. components of professional activity, including its structure and content.

Correlation analysis shows that an increase in the experience of pedagogical activity leads to convergence of all types of self-assessment with the ideal assessment. This also indicates an increase in self-confidence and an increase in the level of self-esteem as a professionally significant and profession-changing personality parameter, which turned out to be most pronounced among teachers with more than 10 years of experience. At the same time, there is an inverse relationship between the experience of professional activity and personality parameters: with an increase in experience, the rating of intra- and inter-qualities decreases and the meta-qualities of a person increase. The available data testify to the ongoing reorientation of the views of young teachers from the theoretical ideals of university education to pedagogical reality, which was also reflected in the dynamics of the relationship between ideal grades and grades expected from colleagues.

In parallel, there is an increase in professional self-awareness. As a result of this process, teachers with long teaching experience, in contrast to their young colleagues, who in fact identify themselves with each other, have more differentiated assessments, distinguishing themselves from the general mass of teachers. The development of professional self-awareness is also manifested in the formation of professional auto-stereotypes in opposition to one's profession to others, evaluating it as the best.

As they enter the profession, paradoxical changes in the mental activity of teachers are observed, which manifests itself in a decrease in the representation of professional reactions and in a certain increase in asocial reactions. This can be explained by the development of rigid stereotypes, monodirectional pedagogical influences, leading to a decrease in criticality in relation to one's professional duties, and simply "washing out" the significance of professional knowledge from the structure of value orientations, replacing them with everyday stereotypes and reactions.

In the process of the teacher's professional development, there are changes in the relationship with the participants in the educational process. In this case, the relationship develops in the direction of their polarization along the "friendly-conflict" axis, which indicates a decrease in adaptability and an increase in stereotyped behavior. In addition, it should be noted an increase in authoritarianism and cruelty in behavioral reactions, which can be attributed to another area of ​​teacher's professional deformations.

These and other changes identified in the process of studying teachers require a revision of existing approaches and concepts that reveal the mechanisms of personality development in the profession, as well as changes in both the methods of training professionals and the subsequent evaluation of the effectiveness of their activities. The study confirms the need to create a set of conditions in an educational institution that ensures the development of a teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity, striving for his professional and personal growth. These conditions include a high level of pedagogical culture, an atmosphere of pedagogical creativity, the operation of the mechanism of social and pedagogical certification, and an increase in psychological and pedagogical competence, which allows teachers to anticipate and prevent possible personality deformations in professional activities.

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499. I could well live alone, away from people, /a or b/

500. I often win over others with my self-confidence.

501. A solid knowledge of my subject can make a person's life much easier.

502. People must more than now adhere to the laws of morality.

503. I carefully read each book before returning it to the library.

504. My ideal work environment is a quiet room with a desk.

505. People say that I like to do things in my original way.

506. Among my ideals, a prominent place is occupied by the personalities of scientists who have made a great contribution to the subject I teach.

507. People around me think that I am simply incapable of rudeness.

508. I always carefully watch how I am dressed.

509. It happens that all morning I do not want to talk to anyone.

510. It is important for me that there is no disorder in everything that surrounds me.

511. Most of my friends are people whose interests lie in the sphere of my profession.

512. I analyze my behavior for a long time.

513. At home, I behave at the table in the same way as in a restaurant.

514. In the company, I give others the opportunity to joke and tell all sorts of stories.

515. I am annoyed by people who cannot make decisions quickly.

516. If I have some free time, then I prefer to read something on the discipline I teach.

517. I feel uncomfortable fooling around in a company, even if others do it.

518. Sometimes I like to gossip about those who are absent.

519. I really like to invite guests and entertain them.

520. I rarely speak against the opinion of the collective.

521. I prefer people who know their profession well, regardless of their personal characteristics.

522. I cannot be indifferent to the problems of others.

523. I always willingly admit my mistakes.

524. The worst punishment for me is to be locked up alone.

525. The effort expended in drawing up plans is not worth it.

526. In school years I supplemented my knowledge by reading specialized literature.

527. I do not condemn a person for deceiving those who allow themselves to be deceived.

528. I have no internal protest when I am asked to render a service.

529. Probably, some people think that I talk too much.

530. I avoid social work and the responsibility associated with it.

531. Science is what interests me most in life.

532. People around me consider my family to be intelligent.

533. Before a long trip, I always think carefully about what to take with me.

534. I live for today more than other people.

535. If there is a choice, then I prefer to organize an extra-curricular activity than to tell students something on the subject.

536. The main task of the teacher is to convey knowledge of the subject to the student.

538. Sometimes people who turn to me with questions annoy me.

539. Most of the people with whom I am in companies are undoubtedly glad to see me.

540. I think I would like a job related to responsible administrative and economic activities.

541. I am unlikely to be upset if I have to spend my vacation studying at refresher courses.

542. My courtesy is often not liked by other people.

543. There were times when I envied the good fortune of others.

544. If someone is rude to me, then I can quickly forget about it.

545. As a rule, people around listen to my suggestions.

546. If I managed to travel into the future for a short time, then I would first of all collect books on my subject.

547. I take an active part in the fate of others.

548. I never said unpleasant things with a smile. processing

549. Each personality parameter is assessed by summing up the assessments for a group of questions. The total score for the factor does not exceed 10 points. The normal zone is in the range of 3-7 points.

550. Sociability 16, 66, 116, 166, 21a, 26a, 31a, 36a, 41a, 46a;

551. Organization 2a, 7a, 12a, 17a, 226, 276, 326, 37a, 42a, 47a;

552. Direction to an object Za, 8a, 13a, 18a, 23a, 28a, 33a, 38a, 43a, 48a; Intelligence - 4a, 9a, 14a, 19a, 24a, 296, 34a, 39a, 44a, 49a;

553. Motivation for approval 5a, 10a, 15a, 206, 25a, 30a, 35a, 406, 456, 50a.

554. Instructions: Before you is a questionnaire-grid, which included the fifteen most important personal qualities for a teacher. However, the proportion of these qualities in the performance of various pedagogical functions is not the same.

555. Try to work quickly and be careful not to repeat the ranking numbers of qualities in one column.

556. In conclusion, please tell us about yourself: gender; age; work experience; subject taught


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An article about the relationship between lifelong learning and the effectiveness of teaching.

The current stage of Russia's development is characterized by deep and multifaceted transformations that are manifested in all spheres of the functioning of society. The result of socio-political changes in the country has become a new social order, formulated as the goal of education: creating conditions for the development of an active, creative personality, able to adapt to a changing world, when a competitive personality is in demand with a focus on continuous self-development. And teachers, as the main participants in the process of education of each citizen, are subject to high demands. In the 21st century, there is a need to find answers to questions related to the professional development of teaching staff, its structure, content, technologies and assessment of the quality of teacher training and education in general.

In this regard, the practice of implementing the teacher's professional and pedagogical activities is changing significantly. In many ways, these changes are explained by a new understanding of the purpose and result of education, which is formulated in the documents of the education reform in Russia and in the world in the format of achieving a new quality of mass education. The question becomes extremely important: “How exactly should the professional and pedagogical activity of a teacher change in order to provide a new quality of education that meets the “challenges of the time?”. Over the past decades, the sociocultural situation in our country has seriously changed. Russia is becoming an open country building market economy and the rule of law, which increases the degree of freedom and responsibility of a person for their own well-being and for the well-being of society. Human capital in modern world becomes the main resource for the development of any country, a factor ensuring its stability and progress. Russia, like any country, needs mobile and highly qualified specialists who are able to make independent responsible decisions in the face of the uncertainty of a rapidly changing world, which, of course, places special demands on the education system.

An analysis of the directions of modernization of education in Russia shows that

that the main expected change is the achievement of a new quality of education, which corresponds to the main factors in the development of modern society:

  • Informatization of the life of society (the establishment of a priority for the construction of personal knowledge based on independent work with a variety of information).
  • The formation of an open society, which provides a significant expansion of the human environment and numerous intersections of individual environments.
  • The formation of a civil society, which increases the measure of freedom and, consequently, the responsibility of a person in the implementation of life
  • The formation of a new cultural type of personality (whose characteristics are activity, independence and responsibility of the individual).
  • Lifelong professionalization (which implies a person's willingness to learn and relearn throughout life).

These factors have a direct impact on the field of education, on the modern understanding of the quality of education and, consequently, on the professional and pedagogical activity of a teacher.

The opinion of students and their parents regarding the priorities of the school can also be viewed as a social order to the education system, reflecting the main meaning of school education - the formation of the potential of the individual - focused on achieving, first of all, personal results. The requirements of society relate to the quality of the result and reflect such characteristics of a person as initiative, independence in decision-making, motivation for continuous education and professional growth, which are a characteristic of the modern cultural type of personality.

An important aspect of understanding the quality of education at the present stage is the need to provide quality education for all students. These are the goals set by the UNESCO Education for All program. However, if in a number of countries of the world there are acute problems such as ensuring access of the population to education, involvement in the system primary education, providing quality education for women, then in Russia the goals of implementing the Education for All program have certain specifics, namely: ensuring equality of the population of the corresponding age in the possibility of obtaining a quality education, regardless of social status, material income of the family, level of education, place of residence (meaning, first of all, the difference in the opportunities of urban and rural schools), etc.

The quality of resource support for Russian schools is very heterogeneous. However, today it is quite clear that in the mass practice of the school, an extremely powerful resource for ensuring the quality of education - the potential of the teaching staff - is not always effectively used. The results of the education of Russian schoolchildren today are very high in the field of so-called academic knowledge in school subjects - knowledge of facts, laws, procedures, algorithms, etc. At the same time, it is clear that the modern quality of education requires more - the ability to apply school knowledge to solve life problems.

Thus, in modern conditions development of domestic education, it is extremely important to understand exactly how professional and pedagogical activity should change, since it is the teacher who is the main subject of changes in education, and without his active participation, progressive changes are impossible.

In domestic research on the theory of education, the humanistic paradigm is considered as the leading research approach. A person is understood as a unique integral personality, developing in the process of active self-realization of his creative potential in the system of interaction with other people. The humanistic paradigm is based on the results of understanding the central problems of humanistic psychology of self-actualization, self-regulation, self-realization of the individual, the search for the meaning of being, purposeful and value-oriented behavior, creativity, freedom of choice, dignity, responsibility, integrity, global thinking (G.A. Berulava, M. N. Berulava, I.A. Zimnyaya, V.P. Zimnechenko).

Levels of teacher professional development

The main characteristic of the teacher's activity should be considered pedagogical competence- effective possession by him of a system of educational skills and abilities, in their totality allowing him to carry out educational activities at a competent professional level and achieve optimal education for students. The combination of various professional skills of a teacher is called pedagogical technique.

The concept of "pedagogical technique" includes two groups of indicators. The first group is associated with the teacher's ability to control his behavior: control of his body (management of emotions, mood, facial expressions, pantomime, relieving mental stress, creating creative well-being); social-perceptual abilities (attention, observation, imagination), speech technique (diction, speech rate), etc.

The second group of indicators of pedagogical technology is associated with the ability to influence the personality and reveals the technological side of the pedagogical process: didactic, organizational, constructive, communicative, diagnostic-analytical and other skills.

The next stage in the professional growth of a teacher is pedagogical skill, which is traditionally understood as educational competence brought to a high degree of perfection, reflecting the special polished methods and techniques for applying psychological and pedagogical theory in practice, which ensures high efficiency of the educational process. For a modern teacher, the most important are theoretical knowledge (knowledge of modern psychological and pedagogical concepts), methodological knowledge (knowledge of the general principles of studying pedagogical phenomena, patterns of socialization of training and education) and technological knowledge (knowledge of not only traditional, but also innovative educational technologies).

Pedagogical technique as a component of the teacher's professional skills is corrected mainly in practical activities. However, when mastering new pedagogical principles and technologies, a necessary condition is not only the improvement of technical pedagogical methods, but also the personal self-development of the teacher, his self-actualization. The process of self-actualization includes the transition of potential personality traits into actual ones and acts as the main mechanism of self-development.

In this regard, it is advisable to dwell on the psychological requirements for the personality of a teacher who masters new pedagogical technologies. They include: variability of thinking, empathy (the ability to tune in to the “wave” of another person), tolerance (tolerance for dissent), communication (as a culture of dialogue), reflexivity, the ability to cooperate, etc.

The development of these qualities determines the high level of general culture, psychological, pedagogical and technological competence, creative (creative) abilities of the teacher. All this contributes to an increase in the level of his readiness for innovation in general and for mastering new pedagogical technologies, in particular. Readiness is defined as a qualitative indicator of the maturity of the teacher's self-regulation, as an active state of the individual, expressing the ability to solve pedagogical problems, taking into account the specific conditions and circumstances of practical activity. Definition of readiness for innovation activities cannot be limited by the characteristics of the experience and skill of the teacher.

Readiness for innovation is such a personal manifestation of the creative style of activity, which uniquely combines a certain personal orientation, desire, need to introduce new methods and forms of professional activity (“combination” of psychological, theoretical and practical readiness).

Higher level of teacher qualification pedagogical creativity. It is associated not so much with the production of new ideas and principles as with their modernization and modification.

Just on highest level his professional activity-innovation - the teacher puts forward and implements new, progressive ideas, principles, techniques in the process of training and education.

"Innovator" means "renewer", that is, a person who introduces and implements new, progressive principles, ideas, techniques in a particular field of activity.

A teacher who owns modern pedagogical technologies and has a technological culture must be flexible when using teaching methods and means, be able to modify their professional actions, while developing their own own pedagogical technology.

The readiness of the teacher to create an author's technology, characterized by the consistency of methodological techniques, the originality of their combination in an integral system that corresponds to a single plan and personal experience of the teacher, the author's style of his pedagogical activity is one of the most important indicators of the teacher's personal development.

The most important condition, mechanism and result of the formation of a teacher's readiness to create an author's pedagogical (didactic, educational) technology is an individual author's style activities of the teacher.

Self-education of a teacher is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the teacher himself. This activity includes several stages:

  • choice of direction and topic of self-education,
  • formulating the goals and objectives of self-education,
  • determination of the range of sources of information,
  • choice of form of self-education,
  • drawing up a plan for self-education,
  • determination of the result of self-education.
  • analysis and evaluation of activities in the process of self-education, preparation of a report.

For the emergence of internal motivation of teachers, the emergence of personal meaning, changes in semantic attitudes, it is necessary to create conditions in the form of:

  • transformation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge;
  • the formation of a reflexive position;
  • awareness and transformation of the motive;
  • ensuring success in activities.