Steppe wolf. Hermann Hesse - Steppenwolf Hesse steppe wolf download fb2


Hermann Hesse - Steppenwolf

Type: audiobook
Genre: prose
Hermann Hesse
Publisher: Studio ARDIS
Release year: 2006
Artist: Vladimir Samoilov
Playing time: 9 hours 11 minutes
Audio: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 64 Kbps


This is `Steppe wolf`. A novel that legitimized the principles of postmodern literature for the nonconformist culture of the second half of the 20th century. A novel, without which there would be very, very much in the avant-garde of the 20th century - in painting, in cinema, in rock and roll. Are you wondering why? Not worth it. Re-read - and you will understand everything ...


Hesse Hermann - collection of books (Hesse Hermann)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Hesse German
Year of issue: 1961 - 2009
Genre: Prose
Publisher: Azbuka-klassika. AST.
Russian language
Number of pages: 31 books
Description: Hermann Gksse (1877 - 1962) - German writer and artist, laureate Nobel Prize(1946). List of books Reveal..August.. Reveal..Inside and Out.. Reveal..Wolf.. Reveal..City.. Reveal..Demian.. Reveal..Magician's Childhood.. Reveal..Bead Game..Reveal ..Iris.. Reveal..Klein and Wagner.. Reveal..The Book of Tales.. Reveal..The Book Man.. Reveal..Spa.. Reveal..Knulp.. Reveal..Short story...


Hermann Hesse Collected Works. In 4 volumes

ISBN: 5-8352-0315-2, 5-8352-0316-0, 5-8352-0317-9; 5-8352-0318-7, 5-8352-0314-4, Exlibris

Author: Hermann Hesse
Release year: 2004
Genre: Classical prose and poetry, essay and journalism
Publisher: "North-West". Saint Petersburg
Russian language
Number of books: 4 books
Description: Hermann Hesse (1877 - 1962) - An outstanding German-Swiss writer, poet, screenwriter, publicist, essayist, critic, public figure, pacifist, thinker and artist. Classic of world literature. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1946 and other numerous foreign ...


Steppenwolf (Hermann Hesse)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Hermann Hesse
Release year: 2011
Genre: Romance
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Evgeny Ternovsky
Duration: 09:59:24
Description: This is the Steppenwolf. A novel that legitimized the principles of postmodern literature for the nonconformist culture of the second half of the last century. A novel, without which there would be very, very much in the avant-garde of the 20th century - in painting, cinema, music. Are you wondering why? Re-read - and you will understand everything ...
Add. information: Read from the publication: M., Progress, Kharkov, Folio, 1994, v.3
Digitized by: alkoshmarik Purified...


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Duration: 15:35:45
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Format: audio performance, MP3, 128kbps
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Released: 1975
Genre: Domestic classics
Publisher: Melodiya
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Duration: 01:29:21
Description: Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev not only transferred Shakespeare's plot to the realities of Russian landlord life in the mid-nineteenth century. The image of Martyn Kharlov shows the true tragedy of deceived parental feelings and violated trust, commensurate with the tragedy of Shakespeare's King Lear, transferred to Russian soil. Actors and performers of STEPNOY K...


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Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 Kbps
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Release year: 2017
Genre: Biographies and Memoirs
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Vorobyova Irina
Duration: 08:02:24
Description: This book is about a dynasty of writers and filmmakers. Yuri Pavlovich German was a popular playwright and novelist in the 1930s and 1960s. Aleksey Yuryevich and Aleksey Alekseevich Germans wrote scripts and made films that attracted the attention of film critics, spectators, and jury members of film festivals. The task that the author has set for himself is to try to find the origins of creativity, to understand ...


Herman Gorter - Historical materialism

Format: DOC, OCR without errors
Released: 1989
Author: Herman Gorter
Genre: Sociology, political science
Publisher: Kommunist
Number of pages: 78
Description: The book "Historical Materialism" by a major Dutch Marxist of the first quarter of the 20th century, one of the leaders and theorists of the German-Dutch Left Communism Hermann Gorter (1864-1927). Gorter was originally a poet - one of the best Dutch poets, they say. He continued his poetic activity until the end of his life, when he wrote a huge poem "Workers' Council", but from the end of the 19th century the center of his interests shifted to another area. ...


Herman Melville Collected Works

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Herman Melville
Year of issue: 1987-2018
Genre: Classical prose, poetry and memoirs
Publisher: various
Russian language
Number of books: 20 books
Description: Herman Melville (1819 - 1891) - Famous American writer, poet, customs inspector and traveler with a difficult fate. The author of the repeatedly screened novel "Moby Dick". Winner of the US National Book Award for Best Nonfiction (1951, posthumously). Classic of world literature. He was born on August 1, 1819, in the city of New York, New York, USA, in a poor and...

but I

Herman Wouk is still alive (King Stephen)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 44kbps
Author: Stephen King
Release year: 2014
Genre: Fantasy story
Publisher: Samizdat
Artist: vaska_hulya
Duration: 00:37:00
Synopsis: Brenda wins the lottery and joins her friend Jasmine and the kids on a weekend getaway to her parents' house in a rental van, while a couple of elderly poets, Paulina and Phil, have a romantic picnic at a highway rest area...
Add. info: P.S. I am not a professional in reading audio books, I read as best as I can, in the "background" background, the sounds of the surrounding life are sometimes heard.


Collection "The Hobbit Saga" German Romanov

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: German Romanov
Release year: 2009
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of books: 3
Description: Having become one of the most powerful magicians of Middle-earth, the hobbit Hemfast decides to restore order, dictated by the laws of Good and Justice, not only in his homeland, but also in other worlds. Goodness and Justice make their way in fierce battles, in formidable battles, in the fire and smoke of conflagrations, to the whistle of blades cutting through the air. Victories often turn out to be illusory, and ideals are still inaccessible. But in order to be sure of this, you need to go to ...


Collection "Popadanets on the throne" German Romanov

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: German Romanov
Year of release: 2009-2011
Genre: Alternate history
Publisher: Eksmo, Yauza
Russian language
Number of books: 2
Description: The best debut in the genre of "alternative history"! An exciting fantasy thriller about a “hit” who landed in the body of Peter III in a matter of days before the insignificant emperor was to be overthrown by his wife and killed by conspirators. But our contemporary refuses to submit to the inevitable, determined to crush the rebellion and rewrite the past! The fate of Russia hangs in the balance - after all, not only the rebellious guards, but also the court kam...


Collection "Civilian hitman" German Romanov

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: German Romanov
Year of release: 2010-2012
Genre: Alternate history
Publisher: Eksmo, Yauza
Russian language
Number of books: 3
Description: It's good for the “fallers” abandoned from our time to the Great Patriotic War - it’s immediately clear who is friend and who is enemy. But what if you managed to get into the thick of a fratricidal civil war? December 1919, Siberia. The Supreme Ruler, Admiral Kolchak, became a hostage to the dirty political games of the interventionists and "liberals". The fate of white Russia hangs in the balance - the Red Army is advancing from the west, in the rear...


German and Marta. Flower under the foot. Kusaka (Leonid Andreev)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 56-64kbps
Author: Leonid Andreev
Released: 1963
Genre: Classic
Publisher: Gosteleradiofond
Artist: Igor Dmitriev, Maria Petrova, Ivan Krasko
Duration: 01:09:53
Description: "Herman and Marta" - both lovers were over fifty: Marte Ikonen - fifty-one years old and German Metanen - fifty-six. When this strange, funny and sad love began for them, no one knew ... "The flower under the foot" - little Yura discovers something new in the world around him every day, sometimes noticing what is inaccessible to adults. And the main people in this world...


Wolf (Henry Lyon Oldie)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Henry Lyon Oldie
Release year: 2016
Genre: Science fiction
Publisher: IDDC
Artist: Dmitry Polonetsky, Polonetskaya Elena
Duration: 14:20:13
Description: Mark Tumidus, an officer of the Pompilian Aerospace Forces, has gone missing outside the ecumene. Got off my feet foreign intelligence, does not know: to search further or to bury in absentia? Uncle Mark, a traitor to the motherland, former legate Gaius Tumidus, is planning a deadly expedition. Mark's father, energy engineer Julius Tumidus, for the sake of his son, comes into conflict with the imperial security service. The Council of Antis, giants of the cosmos, seek...


Wolf (Stanyukovich Konstantin)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Stanyukovich Konstantin
Release year: 2014
Genre: story
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Dmitry Shabrov
Duration: 00:58:25
Description: Sea stories and stories of the outstanding Russian writer Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich (1843-1903) are equally read by beardless young men dreaming of distant voyages, and gray-haired men. The heroes of Stanyukovich's stories are sailors and officers who know how to overcome dangers and get out of the most difficult situations with honor. Your attention is invited to the story "Wolf" (1900), which tells about us...

Hermann Hesse is a German writer and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Since 1942, some of his works have been banned in Germany, because. he does not support the policies of the Nazis who came to power.

The novel "Steppenwolf" is one of the most famous works of the author. This book is the notes of a certain Harry Haller. And a strange postscript - only for crazy people. As can be seen from these notes, main character was a very controversial personality, two principles constantly fought in him - a highly moral person and a wild beast. Galler himself called himself a steppe wolf. It was extremely difficult for him to be in society. Even in conversations with intellectuals, he was disgusted by their philistinism and arrogance. This man felt falsehood a mile away. While judging others, he was also strict with himself, realizing that he was also dependent on society. After all, criticizing the pursuit of material wealth, he understood that he himself was not a poor man, he lived on interest from the shares of industrial enterprises that he had in the bank. He is an opponent of the war, but he managed to negotiate with the authorities and he was not shot. In the soul of the protagonist of the work "Steppe Wolf" there is a constant war between wild beast, a solitary being and a member of the human cell. Sometimes it seems to him that all the insincerity of people is alien to him, and he feels lonely, cut off from the human herd. He is on his own.

"Steppenwolf" by Hermann Hesse lives in his own world, on his own wave. He prefers the society of books, he has a large library, where there are works of various famous people, from Goethe to Dostoevsky. Constant, mental torment pushes this person to a desperate step - he wants to commit suicide. But at the same time, he is terribly afraid of death. And fate decides that he still has to live. At the Black Eagle cafe, he meets an unusual girl, Hermina, who subsequently says that he must kill her at the appointed time. She shows him nightlife, his society of friends, teaches young man to jazz...

Throughout the novel "Steppenwolf" it is not clear where the line between reality and fiction, pictures in the head of the protagonist, passes. Internal experiences absorb the young man so much that he begins to go crazy. And at the masquerade ball, at midnight, devils and wizards merge for Harry Geller into one endless round dance, beautiful and vicious at the same time. With this episode, Hermann Hesse created a personal Walpurgis Night for the protagonist… the masks are finally torn off, and it is already clear who is who at this hellish carnival… Laugh, because all life is a game.

On our literary website, you can download the book by Hermann Hesse "Steppenwolf" for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

At first, the book seemed gloomy to me, but then, when you get to know the main character better and get interested in his life, it becomes very exciting. A very unusual person, this book was presented to me by my friend, who is very similar to Harry and I was doubly interested in this read it. There is a lot of wisdom, grace and depth of thought in the book. Instructive and unusual! The book would be especially interesting for people who are extraordinary and somewhat similar in character to wolves, who are a little lonely, but have unique personalities) I recommend it.

I stumbled upon this book by accident, but once I started reading I couldn't put it down. It has everything that every person who wants to understand himself, the world around him, love, eternity and the immortality of the soul needs. In a word, this book makes you look at the world and yourself with different eyes. I liked everything. Hesse is simply a connoisseur of the human soul and its secret desires.

I waited too long to read this book, although I myself had no idea either about its ideas or about the plot ... The beginning was captivating. As usual, he was delighted: the main character is unhappy, there are a lot of arguments, everything is as I like. And as soon as I felt close to the Steppenwolf, I began to share his feelings, beliefs, immediately - the first click on the nose. Young woman. Dancing. All. Feel like I've been caught, found mine weakness… I think I will never tear myself away from this book. And things start to go wrong in the book. "Steppe Wolf" turns out to be not so sublimely tragic, it easily lends itself to earthly petty-bourgeois joys ... Eh. And I was waiting. I sincerely believed that there would be no sex and no cheap pleasures in this book. Why is this, why ... And everything becomes somehow disgusting. And no more sympathy for this idle old man. And a realistic ending would be much more appropriate than the magical fairy-tale pictures of a magical theater. Thank you, I no longer need to think about spirituality, about everything that exists, about Eternity, etc ... Still, the book is good. At least something that can stir up and even make you somehow reconsider life, values, understand who you are and what takes over in you: a beast or a person.

For myself, not to offend the author, but rather as a compliment for originality, I characterized this work as a treatise by a crazy philosopher on the meaning of being. If, while reading, to take the content as descriptions of real facts from the life of a certain Harry, then you get a literary biography of a schizophrenic, if you read and look between the lines, trying to understand what the author encrypted in his book, then you get a rather intricately elegant story about the formation of a healthy self-sufficient versatile personality. I especially fell in love with this line: “The lover of power dies from power, the lover of money from money, the slave from slavery, the seeker of pleasure from pleasure. So the Steppenwolf perished from his independence”… i.e. “... in the midst of the achieved freedom, Harry suddenly felt that the world had somehow ominously left him alone” in complete, absolute peace, grave peace. And our Harry lived most of his life in this categoricalness that if a wolf, then to the steppe, if tradesman, then limited pop little man, if modern dance, then vulgarism, etc. And only approaching the age of 50, he realized that there is no person in the world who lives with one emotion from birth to death. We are all multifaceted, in all of us there is a wolf and a tradesman and a vulgar type and many more and many qualities, and in each of us they range from 0.1 to 100%. An individual percentage for each person (not static, but changing throughout life) of one quality or another constitutes our character, our personality. If one of the qualities strives (or is purposefully crushed) to 0%, and the opposite one flies up to 100%, then this is the way to mental illness, in a healthy normal personality all qualities are in a constant smooth moving balance. A novel about the recovery of the individual, about the fact that you do not have to deny your many-sided soul. In each of us there is both an angel and a demon, and this is good and right, no need to run away from yourself, no need to lock yourself up from the outside world, no need to be afraid to take a step to the side and then the soul, asleep in the cold of alienation and almost frozen, sigh again, sleepily lead weak wings and fly to the sun, peace, happiness and love.

Oct 31, 2016

Steppenwolf Hermann Hesse

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Name: Steppenwolf

About the book "Steppenwolf" by Hermann Hesse

The famous writer of the early twentieth century, German by birth and Swiss by passport, Hermann Hesse, was born back in 1877, in a missionary family. For a short time he mastered theological science in Maulbronn, then left his studies. The guy had to earn a living, mastering various professions - from a mechanic to a bookseller. In 1912 Herman emigrated to Switzerland. In 1923 he became officially a citizen of this country.

Hermann Hesse gained popularity much earlier than the move. His first novel, written in 1904 and published in 1907, brought fame and a substantial income to the author. Thanks to this, Herman left his job and took up exclusively literature. Passed psychoanalysis sessions with J. Lang, a student and follower of Carl Jung.
Hermann Hesse was married three times, managed to acquire offspring (three sons). He died of a hemorrhage in 1962. To date, the interest of readers in the work of the writer is not weakening. In terms of demand, his books stand along with the works of E.M. Remark.

"Steppenwolf" is a truly epoch-making "book within a book" with an unusual plot, the ending of which the writer left open. Here the main theme of Hesse's work can be traced - the combination of opposites. The novel is considered autobiographical, a kind of "diary", since many lines are a description of the state of mind of Hesse. He is torn between two worlds - material and spiritual, he is afraid to death of becoming a tradesman. Elements are connected in the plot artwork and deep philosophical reflections. The ideas of Buddhism are presented in a veiled unusual form. Subtle sarcastic remarks and extraordinary irony will not leave readers indifferent.

Many of Hesse's works, including The Steppenwolf, found a wide response in the hearts of younger generation 60s. Under their influence, many people went as pilgrims to the East to get away from the worldly bustle and "rediscover themselves."

The protagonist of the novel "Steppenwolf" is Harry Haller, a man in a state of severe internal crisis. Within him there are several personalities that are directly opposite to each other. In addition to this, the hero is haunted by thoughts of suicide. The author managed to depict the boundary between the external events around Harry and his inner experiences so subtly that it is almost imperceptible.

The book "Steppenwolf" was filmed in 1974, directed by F. Hines.

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Quotes from the book "Steppenwolf" by Hermann Hesse

Life had a disgustingly bitter taste.

Each person considers the suffering that has befallen his lot as the greatest.

Live full life possible only at the cost of one's own "I".

The one whose vitality is undermined from the very beginning, no medicine in the world will prolong life.

The morning was already yawning through the windows, a leaden, cursed morning on a rainy winter day.

You are my opposite, you have everything that I do not have.

We should be proud of the pain, every pain is a memory of our high purpose.

Each person consists of a dozen, a hundred, a thousand souls.

If you absolutely need someone's permission for your pleasure, then you really are a poor fellow.

What was normal yesterday is not normal today.

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