How much is the Nobel Prize in rubles? Nobel Prize amount

One of the key events in the social and intellectual life of Sweden is Nobel Day - the annual presentation of the Nobel Prize, which takes place on December 10 in Stockholm's Studhuset (city hall).

These awards are internationally recognized as the most honorable civilian distinction. The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Economics are presented to the laureates by His Majesty the King of Sweden at a ceremony held on the anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel (December 10, 1896).

Each laureate receives a gold medal with the image of Nobel and a diploma. Currently, the Nobel Prize is worth 10 million Swedish kronor (about 1.05 million euros or $1.5 million).

The Prizes in Chemistry, Physics and Economics are awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Prizes in Medicine are awarded by the Karolinska Institutet, and the Swedish Academy awards the Prize in Literature. The only non-Swedish prize, the Peace Prize, is awarded in Oslo by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

By the way, Nobel signed the last version of the famous will almost a year before his death - on November 27, 1895 in Paris. It was announced in January 1897: “All my movable and immovable property must be converted by my executors into liquid assets, and the capital thus collected must be placed in a reliable bank. The income from the investments should belong to a fund, which will distribute them annually in the form of bonuses to those who, during the previous year, have brought the greatest benefit to humanity ... The specified interest must be divided into five equal parts, which are intended: one part - to the one who makes the most important discovery or invention in the field of physics; the other - to the one who makes the most important discovery or improvement in the field of chemistry; the third - to the one who makes the most important discovery in the field of physiology or medicine; the fourth - to the one who creates the most outstanding literary work of an idealistic direction; fifth - to the one who has made the most significant contribution to the unity of nations, the abolition of slavery or the reduction of the size of existing armies and the promotion of peace congresses ... It is my special desire that, in awarding prizes, no consideration will be given to the nationality of the candidates ... "

Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Swedish inventor, industrial magnate, linguist, philosopher and humanist, was born in 1833 in Stockholm into a Swedish family. In 1842, his family moved to St. Petersburg, the capital of what was then Russia. Nobel received an excellent education of international class. He read, wrote, spoke and understood equally well in 5 European languages: Swedish, Russian, English, French and German. Nobel went down in history as the inventor of dynamite, a substance that played an important role in the development of world industry.

During his life, Alfred Nobel became the owner of 355 patents, which formed the basis of about 90 enterprises in 20 countries. His brothers Robert and Louis, who worked in Russia and later in Baku in the oil fields, contributed to his fortune. Alfred Nobel bequeathed $4 million (currently equivalent to $173 million) to be used as prizes in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine. These areas were close to him, and in them he expected the greatest progress.

He did not bequeath prizes to architects, musicians and composers. Literature prizes also reflect Nobel's personal interests. In his youth he wrote poetry and poems in English and Swedish, and throughout his life he was a voracious reader in all languages ​​accessible to him.The prizes in the field of science and literature were to be awarded in Sweden, and the peace prize - in Norway. The history of the Nobel Prize, the fund of which amounted to 31 million crowns, began with this will.

A year later, on December 10, 1896, Alfred Nobel died in Italy from a stroke. Later this date will be declared Nobel Day. After opening the will, it turned out that almost all of Nobel’s fortune was inaccessible to his relatives, who were counting on this money.

Even the Swedish king Oscar II showed dissatisfaction, who did not want finances to leave the country, even in the form of awards for world achievements. Objective bureaucratic difficulties also arose. The practical implementation of Nobel's will turned out to be very difficult, and under certain conditions the prizes might not take place.

But soon all obstacles were overcome, and in June 1898, Nobel’s relatives signed an agreement to renounce further claims to the capital. The main provisions related to the awarding of prizes also received approval from the Swedish government. In 1900, the Charter of the Nobel Foundation and the rules regulating the activities of the Nobel structures being created were signed by the King of Sweden. The prize was first awarded in 1901.

Nobel Prize became the most prestigious prize in the field of physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, economics, literature and activities to establish peace between nations. It is paid once a year from the funds of the fund created according to the will of Alfred Nobel. More than 600 people became Nobel Prize laureates during the 20th century.

Awarding awards does not always meet with universal approval. In 1953, Sir Winston Churchill received a literary prize, while the famous American writer Graham Greene never received it.

Each country has its own national heroes and often the award or non-award is disappointing. The famous Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren was never nominated for the prize, and the Indian Mahatma Gandhi never won the prize. But Henry Kissinger won the Peace Prize in 1973 - a year after the Vietnam War. There are known cases of refusal of the prize for reasons of principle: the Frenchman Jean Paul Sartre refused the literary prize in 1964, and the Vietnamese Le Dick Tho did not want to share it with Kissinger.

The Nobel Prizes are unique awards and are particularly prestigious. The question is often asked why these awards attract so much more attention than any other awards of the 20th century. One reason may be the fact that they were introduced in a timely manner and that they marked some fundamental historical changes in society. Alfred Nobel was a true internationalist, and from the very foundation of the prizes named after him, the international nature of the awards made a special impression. Strict rules for the selection of laureates, which began to apply since the establishment of the prizes, also played a role in recognizing the importance of the awards in question. As soon as the election of the current year's laureates ends in December, preparations begin for the election of next year's laureates. Such year-round activities, in which so many intellectuals from all over the world participate, orient scientists, writers and public figures to work in the interests of social development, which precedes the awarding of prizes for “contribution to human progress.”

The first Nobel banquet took place on December 10, 1901, simultaneously with the first presentation of the prize. Currently, the banquet is held in the Blue Hall of the City Hall. 1300-1400 people are invited to the banquet. Dress code - tailcoats and evening dresses. Chefs from the Town Hall Cellar (a restaurant at the Town Hall) and culinary specialists who have ever received the title of Chef of the Year take part in the development of the menu. In September, three menu options are tasted by members of the Nobel Committee, who decide what will be served “at Nobel’s table.” The only dessert that is always known is ice cream, but until the evening of December 10, no one except a narrow circle of initiates knows what kind.

For the Nobel banquet, specially designed dinnerware and tablecloths are used. A portrait of Nobel is woven on the corner of each tablecloth and napkin. Dishes self made: along the edge of the plate there is a stripe of three colors of the Swedish Empire - blue, green and gold. The stem of the crystal wine glass is decorated in the same color scheme. The banquet service was commissioned for $1.6 million for the 90th anniversary of the Nobel Prizes in 1991. It consists of 6,750 glasses, 9,450 knives and forks, 9,550 plates and one tea cup. The last one is for Princess Liliana, who doesn't drink coffee. The cup is stored in a special beautiful wooden box with the princess's monogram. The saucer from the cup was stolen.

The tables in the hall are arranged with mathematical precision, and the hall is decorated with 23,000 flowers sent from San Remo. All movements of the waiters are strictly timed down to the second. For example, the ceremonial bringing in of ice cream takes exactly three minutes from the moment the first waiter appears with a tray at the door until the last of them stands at his table. Other dishes take two minutes to serve.

Exactly at 19 o'clock on December 210, the guests of honor, led by the king and queen, descend the stairs to the Blue Hall, where all the invitees are already sitting. The Swedish king is holding a Nobel laureate on his arm, and if there is not one, the wife of a Nobel laureate in physics. The first to toast is to His Majesty, the second to the memory of Alfred Nobel. After this, the secret of the menu is revealed. The menu is printed in small print on cards included with each location and features Alfred Nobel's profile in gold embossing. There is music throughout the dinner - very famous musicians are invited, including Rostropovich and Magnus Lindgren in 2003.

The banquet ends with the delivery of ice cream, crowned with a chocolate monogram “N” like a crown. At 22:15 the Swedish king gives the signal for the start of dancing in the Golden Hall of the Town Hall. At 1:30 the guests leave.

Absolutely all dishes from the menu, from 1901 onwards, can be ordered at the Stockholm Town Hall restaurant. This lunch costs a little less than $200. Every year they are ordered by 20 thousand visitors, and traditionally the most popular menu is the last Nobel banquet.

The Nobel concert is one of the three components of the Nobel week, along with the presentation of prizes and the Nobel dinner. It is considered one of the main musical events of the year in Europe and the main musical event of the year in the Scandinavian countries. The most prominent classical musicians of our time take part in it. In fact, there are two Nobel concerts: one is held on December 8 of each year in Stockholm, the second in Oslo at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. The Nobel concert is broadcast on several international television channels on December 31 of each year.Quote from the message Vladimir_Grinchuv

Nobel Prize

Alfred Nobel

In 1888, Alfred Nobel read his own obituary in a French newspaper entitled “The Merchant of Death is Dead,” published by mistake by reporters. The article made Nobel think about how humanity would remember him. After this, he decided to change his will. On December 10, 1896, Alfred Nobel died at his villa in San Remo, Italy, of a cerebral hemorrhage.

Alfred Nobel's will, drawn up on November 27, 1895, was announced in January 1897:

Nobel's will

“All my movable and immovable property must be converted by my executors into liquid assets, and the capital thus collected must be placed in a reliable bank. The income from the investments should belong to a fund, which will distribute them annually in the form of bonuses to those who, during the previous year, have brought the greatest benefit to humanity ... The specified interest must be divided into five equal parts, which are intended: one part - to the one who makes the most important discovery or invention in the field of physics; the other - to the one who makes the most important discovery or improvement in the field of chemistry; the third - to the one who makes the most important discovery in the field of physiology or medicine; the fourth - to the one who creates the most outstanding literary work of an idealistic direction; fifth - to the one who has made the most significant contribution to the unity of nations, the abolition of slavery or the reduction of the size of existing armies and the promotion of peace congresses ... It is my special desire that, in awarding prizes, no consideration will be given to the nationality of the candidates ... "

This will was initially received with skepticism. It was only on April 26, 1897 that it was approved by the Storting of Norway. The executors of Nobel's will, secretary Ragnar Sulman and lawyer Rudolf Liljequist, organized the Nobel Foundation to take care of the execution of his will and organize the presentation of prizes.

According to Nobel's instructions, the Norwegian Nobel Committee, whose members were appointed in April 1897 shortly after the will came into force, became responsible for awarding the Peace Prize. After some time, the organizations presenting the remaining awards were determined. On June 7, he became responsible for the presentation of the Prize in Physiology and Medicine; On June 9, the Swedish Academy received the right to award a prize for literature; On 11 June, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences was recognized as responsible for the physics and chemistry prizes. On June 29, 1900, the Nobel Foundation was founded for the purpose of managing the finances and organizing the Nobel Prizes. The Nobel Foundation reached agreement on the basic principles of awarding prizes, and in 1900 the newly created foundation charter was accepted by King Oscar II. In 1905, the Swedish-Norwegian Union was dissolved. From now on, the Norwegian Nobel Committee is responsible for awarding the Nobel Peace Prize, and Swedish organizations are responsible for the remaining prizes.

Prize rules

The main document regulating the rules for awarding the prize is the statute of the Nobel Foundation.

The prize can only be awarded to individuals and not to institutions (except for peace prizes). The Peace Prize can be awarded to individuals as well as official and public organizations.

According to § 4 of the statute, one or two works can be rewarded at the same time, but the total number of recipients should not exceed three. Although this rule was only introduced in 1968, it has always been de facto respected. In this case, the monetary reward is divided among the laureates as follows: the prize is first divided equally between the works, and then equally between their authors. Thus, if two different discoveries are awarded, one of which was made by two people, then they each receive 1/4 of the monetary part of the prize. And if one discovery is awarded, which was made by two or three, everyone receives equally (1/2 or 1/3 of the prize, respectively)

Also in § 4 it is stated that the prize cannot be awarded posthumously. However, if the applicant was alive at the time the prize was announced (usually in October), but died before the award ceremony (December 10 of the current year), then the prize remains with him. This rule was adopted in 1974 and before that the prize was awarded posthumously twice: to Erik Karlfeldt in 1931 and to Dag Hammarskjöld in 1961. However, in 2011, the rule was broken when, by decision of the Nobel Committee, Ralph Steinman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine posthumously, since at the time of the award the Nobel Committee considered him alive.

According to § 5 of the statute, the prize may not be awarded to anyone if the members of the relevant committee did not find worthy works among those nominated for competition. In this case, the prize money is retained until the next year. If the prize is not awarded next year, the funds are transferred to the closed reserve of the Nobel Foundation.

Nobel Prizes

Nobel's will provided for the allocation of funds for awards to representatives of only five areas:

  • Physics (awarded since , in Sweden);
  • Chemistry (awarded from , in Sweden);
  • Physiology and Medicine (awarded since , in Sweden);
  • Literature (awarded since, in Sweden);
  • Promoting world peace (awarded since , in Norway).

In addition, regardless of Nobel’s will, since 1969, on the initiative of the Swedish Bank, a prize in his name in economics has also been awarded. It is awarded under the same conditions as other Nobel Prizes. In the future, the board of the Nobel Foundation decided not to increase the number of nominations.

The laureate is required to give a so-called “Nobel Memorial Lecture,” which is then published by the Nobel Foundation in a special volume.

Number of Nobel laureates from different countries

Nobel Prize amount

Award procedure

Award presentation

The award procedure is preceded by a lot of work, which is carried out all year round by numerous organizations around the world. In October, the laureates are finally approved and announced. The final selection of laureates is carried out by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Academy, the Nobel Assembly of the Karolinska Institutet and the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The award procedure takes place annually, on December 10, in the capitals of two countries - Sweden and Norway. In Stockholm, prizes in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine, literature and economics are awarded by the King of Sweden, and in the field of peace - by the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee - in Oslo, in the city hall, in the presence of the King of Norway and members of the royal family. Along with a cash prize, the amount of which varies depending on the income received from the Nobel Foundation, laureates are awarded a medal with his image and a diploma.

The first Nobel banquet took place on December 10, 1901, simultaneously with the first presentation of the prize. Currently, the banquet is held in the Blue Hall of the City Hall. 1300-1400 people are invited to the banquet. Dress code: tailcoats and evening dresses. Chefs from the Town Hall Cellar (a restaurant at the Town Hall) and culinary specialists who have ever received the title of Chef of the Year take part in the development of the menu. In September, three menu options are tasted by members of the Nobel Committee, who decide what will be served “at Nobel’s table.” The only dessert that is always known is ice cream, but until the evening of December 10, no one except a narrow circle of initiates knows what kind.

For the Nobel banquet, specially designed dinnerware and tablecloths are used. A portrait of Nobel is woven on the corner of each tablecloth and napkin. Handmade tableware: along the edge of the plate there is a stripe of three colors of the Swedish Empire - blue, green and gold. The stem of the crystal wine glass is decorated in the same color scheme. The banquet service was commissioned for $1.6 million for the 90th anniversary of the Nobel Prizes in 1991. It consists of 6,750 glasses, 9,450 knives and forks, 9,550 plates and one tea cup. The last one is for Princess Liliana, who doesn't drink coffee. The cup is stored in a special beautiful wooden box with the princess's monogram. The saucer from the cup was stolen.

The tables in the hall are arranged with mathematical precision, and the hall is decorated with 23,000 flowers sent from San Remo. All movements of the waiters are strictly timed down to the second. For example, the ceremonial bringing in of ice cream takes exactly three minutes from the moment the first waiter appears with a tray at the door until the last of them stands at his table. Other dishes take two minutes to serve.

The banquet ends with the delivery of ice cream, crowned with a chocolate monogram “N” like a crown. At 22:15 the Swedish king gives the signal for the start of dancing in the Golden Hall of the Town Hall. At 1:30 the guests leave.

Absolutely all dishes from the menu, from 1901 onwards, can be ordered at the Stockholm Town Hall restaurant. This lunch costs a little less than $200. Every year they are ordered by 20 thousand visitors, and traditionally the most popular menu is the last Nobel banquet.

Nobel Concert

Nobel Concert- one of the three components of the Nobel week, along with the presentation of prizes and the Nobel dinner. It is considered one of the main musical events of the year in Europe and the main musical event of the year in the Scandinavian countries. The most prominent classical musicians of our time take part in it. In fact, there are two Nobel concerts: one is held on December 8 of each year in Stockholm, the second in Oslo at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony.

Nobel Prize Equivalents

Many areas of science remained “uncovered” by the Nobel Prize. Due to the fame and prestige of the Nobel Prizes, the most prestigious awards in other fields are often informally referred to as "Nobel Prizes".

Mathematics and computer science

Initially, Nobel included mathematics in the list of sciences for which the prize is awarded, but later crossed it out, replacing it with the Peace Prize. The exact reason is unknown. There are many legends associated with this fact, poorly supported by facts. Most often this is associated with the name of the Swedish mathematician, the leader of Swedish mathematics at that time Mittag-Leffler, whom Nobel disliked for some reason. Among these reasons, they name either the mathematician’s courtship of Nobel’s fiancée, or the fact that he was persistently begging for donations to Stockholm University. Being one of the most prominent mathematicians in Sweden at that time, Mittag-Leffler was also the main contender for this very prize.

Another version: Nobel had a lover, Anna Desry, who later fell in love with Franz Lemarge and married him. Franz was the son of a diplomat and at that time was planning to become a mathematician.

According to the director of the executive committee of the Nobel Foundation: “there is not a word about this in the archives. Rather, mathematics was simply not within Nobel's area of ​​interest. He bequeathed money for bonuses in areas close to him.” Thus, stories about stolen brides and annoying mathematicians should be interpreted as legends or anecdotes.

The "equivalents" of the Nobel Prize in mathematics are the Fields Medal and the Abel Prize, in the field of computer science - the Turing Award.


This is the unofficial name for the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. The prize was established by the Bank of Sweden in 1969. Unlike other prizes awarded at the award ceremony for Nobel laureates, funds for this prize are not allocated from the legacy of Alfred Nobel. Therefore, the question of whether this prize should be considered a “true Nobel” is debatable. The winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics is announced on October 12; The awards ceremony takes place in Stockholm on December 10th of each year.


Each year, His Imperial Highness Prince Hitachi, honorary patron of the Japan Arts Association, presents five "Imperial Prizes (Praemium Imperiale)" awards, which he says fill a gap in the Nobel Committee's nominations - specially designed medals, diplomas and cash prizes in five fields of art : painting, sculpture, architecture, music, theater/cinema. The reward is 15 million yen, which is equal to 195 thousand dollars.

Criticism of the award

Factual inconsistency with the will

According to Nobel's will, the prize should be awarded for discoveries, inventions and achievements made in the year of the award. This provision is de facto not respected.

Natural science awards

A number of scientists die before their discoveries or inventions pass the “test of time” necessary to be awarded the prize. There has also been a tendency to award prizes to representatives of the same scientific schools.

Humanitarian Awards

The compliance of the laureates of the literature prize with the official criteria for its award raised questions at the beginning of the 20th century [ specify] .

Repeated awards

Prizes (other than the Peace Prize) can only be awarded once, but there have been a few exceptions to this rule in the history of the award. Only four people have won the Nobel Prize twice:

  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie, in physics in 1903 and in chemistry in 1911.
  • Linus Pauling, Chemistry in 1954 and Peace Prize in 1962.
  • John Bardeen, two prizes in physics, in 1956 and 1972.
  • Frederick Sanger, two prizes in chemistry, in 1958 and 1980.


  • The International Committee of the Red Cross has been awarded the Peace Prize three times, in 1917, 1944 and 1963.
  • The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has twice received the Peace Prize, in 1954 and 1981.

Nobel Prize in Art

Ig Nobel Prize

Ig Nobel Prizes, Ignobel Prize, Anti-Nobel Prize(English) Ig Nobel Prize) - a parody of the Nobel Prize. Ten Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded at the beginning of October, that is, at the time when the winners of the real Nobel Prize are named, for achievements that first make you laugh and then make you think ( first make people laugh, and then make them think). The prize was founded by Mark Abrahams and the humor magazine Annals of Incredible Research.

see also


  1. Levinovitz, Agneta Wallin. - 2001. - P. 5.
  2. Levinovitz, Agneta Wallin. - 2001. - P. 11.
  3. Golden, Frederic. The Worst And The Brightest, " Time magazine, Time Warner(16 October 2000). Retrieved April 9, 2010.
  4. Sohlman, Ragnar. - 1983. - P. 13.
  5. Compuart magazine. Calendar of significant dates. Nikolay Dubina
  6. From dynamite to Viagra. Kommersant. Archived from the original on August 9, 2012. Retrieved June 28, 2012.
  7. Levinovitz, Agneta Wallin. - 2001. - P. 13–25.
  8. Abrams, Irwin. - 2001. - P. 7–8.
  9. Crawford, Elizabeth T.. - 1984. - P. 1.
  10. Levinovitz, Agneta Wallin. - 2001. - P. 14.
  11. AFP Alfred Nobel's last will and testament. The Local(5 October 2009). Archived from the original on August 9, 2012. Retrieved June 11, 2010.
  12. Statutes of the Nobel Foundation. Nobel Foundation. Archived
  13. What the Nobel Laureates Receive. Nobel Foundation. Archived from the original on October 26, 2012. Retrieved October 2, 2012.
  14. Nomination FAQ. Nobel Foundation. Archived from the original on October 26, 2012. Retrieved October 2, 2012.
  15. A Canadian scientist will win the Nobel Prize posthumously. 3, 2011). Retrieved April 5, 2012.
  16. Monetary equivalent of the Nobel Prize. Reference
  17. Dynamics of the cross rate of the Swedish krona to the US dollar. Reference
  18. [ITAR-TASS June 12, 2012. The size of the Nobel Prize has decreased... ]
  19. Culinary encyclopedia KM

Initially, the Nobel Prize was made up of the annual profits of the Alfred Nobel Foundation, which were distributed among the laureates in five areas. Consequently, the size of the Nobel Prize was different every year.

Now no one can say exactly how much the holdings of Alfred Nobel himself were valued, since family assets were closely mixed in various investments in different countries peace. After 5 years of work to establish the Nobel Fund, its volume was estimated at SEK 31,587,202.

In 1901, the monetary equivalent of the first Nobel Prize was 150,782 crowns. It is easy to calculate that a little more than 750,000 crowns were spent on just 5 award nominations, that is, a little more than 2.38 percent of all amounts at the disposal of the fund.

The real value of the Nobel Prize is also difficult to calculate due to changes in the purchasing power of the Swedish krona. However, the Nobel Committee provides approximate figures. Thus, 150,782 crowns awarded in 1901, at the 2011 exchange rate, correspond to 8,123,951 crowns, or more than 900 thousand euros.

From year to year, the part of the fund that went to pay bonuses changed. Apparently, this is due to the different profitability of the Alfred Nobel Foundation's investments, but it is impossible to say for sure, because the foundation began publishing financial statements only in 1975, after being exempt from taxes.

And the Swedish krona itself was valued differently in different years. It is believed that the most unsuccessful year for Nobel laureates was 1919. This year the award amounted to 133,127 crowns, which compared to the amount of 1901 does not look so bad. But it was a bad year for the Swedish krona, and in 2011 prices the 1919 premium is estimated at 2,254,284 kronor today. The biggest year for the Nobel Prize was 2001. Marking the beginning of the new millennium, members of the Nobel Committee decided to make the payment amounts fixed. And since 2001, the Nobel Prize has been worth 10 million Swedish kronor. However, the inflation of the Swedish krona has not been canceled. Therefore, it was most profitable in monetary terms to receive the Nobel Prize in 2001.

It is impossible to say exactly how much the Nobel Foundation manages today. According to 2007 estimates, this is 3.62 billion crowns. At the same time, the rules for distributing amounts between laureates have also changed. Since the Nobel Foundation regularly receives donations, since 1980 the amounts have been untied from the actual profits of the foundation and, for convenience, began to be adjusted to the inflation rate of the Swedish krona. In 1981, the premium amounted to 1 million crowns, in 1986 - 2 million, in 1989 - 3 million, in 1990 - 4 million, in 1991 - 6 million crowns. In the mid-1990s, the premium grew to 7 million, and by the end it reached 9 million. And from 2001 to this day, the premium amount is exactly 10 million Swedish kronor. It is possible that the amounts will be adjusted again in the future. If not, then getting a Nobel Prize will become less and less profitable every year.

The Nobel Prize is a national prize that has been awarded every year since 1901. It is awarded to the most outstanding chemists, physicists, writers, medical scientists and peacemakers. The laureate is awarded a medal with a portrait of A. Nobel, a diploma and a monetary reward.

The Nobel Prize is worth $1.5 million and is never awarded posthumously. The founder of the award is the famous Swedish entrepreneur, chemist, Alfred Nobel, who became famous throughout the world for creating dynamite.

On November 27, 1895, Nobel signed a will, in which he indicated that after his death the property should be transferred to cash and put it in the bank. All income from capital will be controlled by a special fund, which divides it into 5 parts and pays a monetary reward.

The first prize was awarded on December 10, 1901, and in 1969 a new nomination was established for specialists in the field of economics. The Nobel Foundation has decided that no more new nominations will be established. The Nobel committees, each of which consists of 5 people, are involved in awarding the prize.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences elects committees to determine the best among physicists and economists. Royal Karolinska Medical-Surgical Institute of Stockholm - committees in the field of medicine. Swedish Academy - committees to determine the best writers. And the peace prize laureates are chosen by the Norwegian parliament Stroting.

The Peace Prize has a specific position. It can be received not only by a person, but also by an organization, and it can be obtained more than once. Although, there are exceptions to every rule - Sklodowska-Curie (chemistry and physics) received the Nobel Prize 2 times; J. Bardeen (twice became a laureate in physics); L. Pauling (Peace Prize and Chemistry).

The award ceremony takes place on December 10th at hometown The Nobel Prize is awarded in Stockholm (the capital of Sweden) and only the Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo (the capital of Norway). The King of Norway and all The Royal Family. Before the ceremony, the so-called Nobel Week is held - the laureate scientists give lectures, which are published in a special collection of the Nobel Foundation.

But the most important events of the Nobel week are the Nobel Concert, which takes place on December 8, and the Nobel Dinner in the Blue Hall of the city hall. The best and most famous musicians who perform classical music take part in the concert.

The menu for the banquet is drawn up in September and contains all the dishes that have been on the menu since the first ceremony in 1901. Required condition banquet - strict dress code: ladies wear evening dresses, and men wear tailcoats. Typically, up to 1,500 people attend the Nobel dinner.

The Nobel Prize is the most coveted prize for many scientists in the world, but some refused to receive money that was earned from human deaths and the use of dynamite.

There is also a parody of the Nobel Prize - the so-called.

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The Nobel Prize is the most prestigious scientific award in the world. Scientists from different fields dream of obtaining it. Every educated person should know about the latest achievements of mankind, marked by this award. How did it appear and in what areas of science can it be obtained?

What it is?

The annual award is named after the Swedish engineer, industrialist and inventor. Alfred Bernhard Nobel was its founder. In addition, he owns a fund from which money is allocated for the implementation. The history of the Nobel Prize begins in the twentieth century. Since 1901, a special commission has determined the winners in categories such as physics, medicine and physiology, chemistry, literature and peace protection. In 1969, a new science was added to the list. Since then, the commission has also recognized the best specialist in the field of economics. Perhaps new categories will appear in the future, but this moment There is no discussion of such an event.

How did the award come about?

The history of the Nobel Prize is very interesting. It is connected with a very dark incident in the life of its founder. As you know, Alfred Nobel was When his brother Ludwig died in 1889, a journalist from one of the newspapers confused and indicated Alfred in his obituary. The text called him a merchant of death. Alfred Nobel was horrified by the prospect of remaining in the memory of mankind in such a capacity. He began to think about what he could leave behind, and composed a special will. With his help, he hoped to rectify the dynamite situation.

Alfred Nobel's will

The significant text was invented and signed in 1895 in Paris. According to the will, the executors must exchange all property remaining after it for securities on the basis of which a fund will be created. Interest from the resulting capital will go towards bonuses for scientists who have brought the greatest benefit to humanity. They must be divided into five parts: one for the one who discovered or invented something new in the field of physics, the other for the most talented chemist, the third for the best doctor, the fourth for the creator of the main literary work year, dedicated to human ideals, and the fifth - for those who can help establish peace on the planet, fighting for the reduction of armies, the abolition of slavery and the friendship of peoples. According to the will, Nobel Prize laureates in the first two categories are determined by the Swedish Sciences. For medicine, the choice is made by the Royal Karolinska Institute, the literary one is chosen by the Swedish Academy, and the latter is chosen by a committee of five people. They are elected by the Norwegian Storting.

Award sizes

Since the bonus is determined as a percentage of the capital invested by Nobil, its size varies. Initially, it was provided in crowns, the first amount was 150 thousand. Now the size of the Nobel Prize has increased significantly and is awarded in US dollars. IN last years it is about a million. As soon as the money in the fund runs out, the bonus will disappear. The Nobel prize initially amounted to almost 32 million Swedish kronor, so, taking into account successful investments, it has only increased over the years. However, recently interest has not made it possible to achieve a positive budget - the costs of the prize, the ceremony and the maintenance of the administration are too high. Several years ago, it was decided to reduce the size of the Nobel Prize in order to ensure the stability of the fund in the future. The administration is doing everything possible to maintain it as long as possible.

Family scandal

If history had gone differently, this prize might never have been born. The Nobel prize turned out to be so large that relatives could not come to terms with its loss. After the death of the inventor, one of the others began litigation, in which attempts were made to challenge the will. Nobel owned a mansion in Nice and a house in Paris, laboratories in Russia, Finland, Italy, Germany and England, many workshops and factories. All the heirs wanted to divide it among themselves. However, the Storting decided to recognize the will. The deceased's attorneys sold his property, and the timing and amount of the Nobel Prize were approved. The relatives received the sum of two million.

Foundation establishment

The Nobel Prize, whose history began with a scandal, was first awarded only when the Royal Council met on June 29, 1900, at which all the details were considered and the official fund was approved. Part of the money was used to purchase the building in which it is located. The first award ceremony was held in December 1901. The size of the Nobel Prize of one hundred and fifty thousand was the first and most modest. In 1968, the Swedish Bank proposed to nominate specialists in the field of economics. for this area are selected by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. It was first awarded in 1969.

Rules for the ceremony

The will indicated only the size of the Nobel Prize and the sciences for which scientists should be recognized for their achievements. The rules of conduct and selection had to be drawn up by the fund administration. They were developed at the beginning of the twentieth century and have remained virtually unchanged since then. According to the rules, the prize can be awarded to several people, but there cannot be more than three. If the nominee died at the time of the December ceremony but was alive when nominations were announced in October, he will receive the amount posthumously. The Nobel Foundation does not award prizes, entrusting this to special committees for each area. Their members can seek help from scientists from different scientific fields. The Prize in Literature is given to the best specialists linguistics. The laureate in the peace category is chosen with the consultation of scientists in the field of philosophy, jurisprudence, political sciences, stories, invite for discussion Sometimes a specialist can personally propose a candidate. This right belongs to the laureates of previous years and members of the Swedish Academies of Sciences. All nominations are approved by February 1 of the year in which the award will be held. Until September, each proposal is evaluated and discussed. Thousands of specialists may be involved in the process. When preparations are complete, the committees send approved nominations to the official Nobel Prize scientists, who will make the final decision. In the field of physics, chemistry and economic sciences, the main ones are groups of representatives of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, each of which has twenty-five people. Fifty participants from the Karolinska Institutet practice medicine. Literature - eighteen scientists from the Swedish Academy. The Peace Prize is awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. In October, the last statement is made, which is announced at a press conference in Stockholm to the whole world, accompanied by comments on the reasons for each decision. By December 10, the laureates and their families are invited to a ceremony.
