The concept of political system and political power. The main stages in the formation of political science

7.1. Power, its origin and types The pivotal, leading concept of political science is the concept power . Power is the main goal of political activity, and the political relations themselves in society can rightfully be called power relations. Power - the ability and ability to exercise one's will, to have a decisive influence on the activities, behavior of people, to force others to obey using any means (authority, law, violence, etc.); dominance, which ensures the execution of the order; the ability to realize the intended goals, to coordinate conflicting interests, to subordinate them to a single will with the help of persuasion or coercion. In ancient times, the basis of power was authority - the influence that a person, a group of people or an organization receives as a result of recognition of their experience, knowledge, high moral virtues. important when considering power relations in society is the concept of resources power. Under power resources refers to the means by which power structures influence the activities and behavior of citizens. We list the most important resources of power in modern society: Economic resources, which include, first of all, financial resources, capital, property. The impact of these resources is especially noticeable in countries with market economy where almost everything has its price.  Force Resources: army, police, security services, prosecutor's office, court. These resources prevailed in past eras in authoritarian and totalitarian states. But even today, the strength of the state lies in the strength of laws, in the precise execution of laws and the subordination of all state bodies and citizens to them. "Power" bodies were always and everywhere, but if they act on the basis of the law, this does not contradict at all, but, on the contrary, presupposes a democratic order.  Social Resources: prestigious positions, special rights and privileges. The significance of such resources is important not only for a class society, a society of privileged and unprivileged groups. And today, in our days, not only material, but also moral, status incentives are important for human activity. Of course, if we are not talking about the inherited privileges of a closed group of people.  Informational resources, which are the most effective in modern times. Many political scientists emphasize that today the one who owns the information controls the society. Even the modern power elite - people in power, are called the information elite, which owns, first of all, information property. In political science, there are several types of power. Political power characterized by the lawful use of force through special state enforcement agencies, such as the police or militia, the army, special services, tax authorities; binding decisions for all citizens (if these decisions do not go beyond the established laws, which can be established by the court), publicity (open appeal to all citizens and organizations); the presence of a center for making the most important decisions (the state usually acts as a certain center, but this does not mean that power in the state should be concentrated in one hand or in separate bodies). economic power based on the use material assets, which are primarily money, as well as movable and immovable property. Often economic power has a significant impact on political relations. social power- establishing obedience by raising or lowering the social status of people - statuses, positions, benefits, privileges, places in the social hierarchy. Coercive power relies on force, physical coercion. It can be established not only in the state, but also in the family, criminal gang, youth company. With the help of force, short-term obedience can be achieved, but constant control over people and maintaining an environment of fear is necessary. The dominance of coercive power depends in direct proportion to the severity of punishment and weakens when there are opportunities to evade it. Information power can enforce obedience through the use of means mass media often referred to as the "fourth estate". The role of the media has especially increased in our time, which is called the information age. Shadow power is not of a public nature main characteristic is a hidden government in which state bodies secretly transfer their powers to certain individuals or groups that do not have rights to exercise it. This is how the power of a party, sect, caste, secret service, mafia structure, family clan or friendly circle can be established. There are other grounds for classifying power: by spheres of action (state, party, trade union, army, family, etc.); by function (legislative, executive and judicial); according to the ways of interaction of power structures with the population (democratic and non-democratic). 7.2. Political system, its structure
and features
Consider the main definitions of politics that are used by social scientists: 1) participation in the affairs of the state; 2) historians understand by politics the types, intentions, goals and mode of action of the rulers, their associates, it is rather the art of ruling; 3) politics - the science of public administration (V. I. Dal). A politician, according to Dahl, is "smart and dexterous, not always honest statesman who knows how to tilt things in his favor, by the way to say and keep silent in time ”; 4) politics is the art, the doctrine of public administration, and the activities of those who manage or want to manage the affairs of society (French encyclopedic Dictionary Larousse); 5) politics - the art of government, a certain direction of action of the state, parties, institutions. In the political dictionary under politics refers to a special kind of activity associated with the participation of social groups, political parties, movements, individuals in the affairs of society and the state. The core of political activity is the activity associated with the implementation, retention, opposition to power. Political activity covers several areas: public administration, the impact of political parties and movements on the course public processes, political decision making, political participation. Political sphere closely connected with other public spheres. Any phenomenon: economic, social, and cultural, can be politically colored, associated with an impact on power. Political activity is an activity in the sphere of political, power relations. Political relations , in turn, is the relationship between the subjects of the political system on the issues of conquest, exercise, retention of power. In theory and practice, political activity is often associated with coercion and violence. The legitimacy of the use of violence is often determined by the extreme nature and rigidity of the course of the political process. As a result of political activity, the interaction of the institutions of the political system, the implementation of political decisions and attitudes, the political process is formed and develops. Political activity can be active and passive, spontaneous and purposeful, an important part of political activity is political leadership, which includes the following links: development and substantiation of the goals and objectives of society, social group; determination of methods, forms, means, resources of political activity; selection and placement of personnel. Directions of state activity to satisfy the overall public interests can be called policy directions . There is an internal policy, which is focused on resolving domestic tasks - maintaining order, ensuring the development of the country, the well-being of its citizens. There is an external policy, it includes the resolution of interstate contradictions, its task is to defend the interests of the state on the world stage. Allocate in modern world And international politics . This is not just a state activity, but rather a supranational one. The United Nations Organization, the Council of Europe and other similar organizations participate in it. You can also talk about various varieties policies in relation to areas public life that need to be regulated by the state in the person of its bodies. For example, those actions that are aimed at resolving economic issues can be called economic policy. It occupies an extremely important place in the entire system of state affairs. How fast will the industry develop? Agriculture, transport, services, how much we can buy with our wages, whether we can sell and buy land, what taxes to pay - all these are questions of economic policy. Turn on the TV when Time or Today is on and you will hear The State Duma discussed and adopted (or did not adopt) in the first reading the new Tax Code of the country, amended the draft budget for the next year submitted by the government, discussed the articles of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, introduced a bill on the subsistence minimum, and so on. The object of economic policy is each of us, no matter who we are. If we study or work at school, then we cannot but worry about the problems of state funding public education. If we are students, we are concerned about the timely payment of scholarships, guaranteed employment in our chosen profession after graduation. If we are women, we are interested in ensuring that there is no discrimination in hiring, determining the size wages, promotion. After all, it's no secret that it is women who prefer to be fired in the first place. Elderly people are concerned about the timeliness of payment of pensions and their size. To solve all these problems and is called upon economic policy states. Questions about the content of school courses, new teaching aids, programs includes a special educational policy. It depends on it which faculties, institutes, departments to open, which subjects to study in the first place. Actual problem for Russia is the reform of the school. Various variants of it are being developed, there are disputes about the fate of public and private educational institutions about teaching various subjects. As you can see, here we also encounter a clash of interests, and the task of the state is to find agreement between them for the good younger generation Russians. National movements represent a serious problem in the modern world. Many peoples formerly living within the borders united states- empires, today are awakening to an independent state life, trying to build their own "national apartments". This process can take extremely painful forms, up to war, terrorism, violence. An example of this is the collapse of Yugoslavia, the problem of Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Chechnya. Every day we learn about the facts of hostage-taking on the border with Chechnya, about the alarming situation in the entire North Caucasus. Issues related to the solution of these problems, with the coexistence and cohabitation on the same land of several different peoples, is called upon to solve national policy. The state should also take care of the normal increase in the number of its citizens. It must know how many it can provide. decent life, to feed, to put on, to warm. If a country is experiencing a decline in the birth rate and an increase in mortality, the bar of average life expectancy is falling lower and lower, these are symptoms of a crisis. The state should develop a special system of measures to support motherhood and childhood, redistribute funds to support young families. The gene pool of the nation is the key to the prosperity and power of the state, its future. It is intended to address these issues population policy. It can be aimed not only at stimulating the birth rate, population growth, improving the quality of life of the elderly. There are countries in which the main problem, on the contrary, is too high a birth rate - these are Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela, the demographic situation in China is traditionally acute. In this case, the state is forced to adopt special laws that limit the number of children in families. It is possible to select in an independent area and environmental policy - state action to protect environment from the destructive influence of people. This and maintaining environmentally clean production, and harsh sanctions against those who pollute water bodies, air, barbarously manage the land, cut down forests. But it is necessary not only to protect, it is necessary to carry out expensive research, to create new, resource-saving technologies. All these are tasks of the state. There are many other areas of state activity. We can talk about politics in the field of culture, science, the fight against organized crime. There are many politicians and at the same time it is one and represents in its entirety an activity aimed at exercising power, at achieving society's goals and objectives, ensuring a higher standard of living, social harmony and stable development than before. Politic system - a set of various political institutions, socio-political communities, forms of interaction and relationships between them. Functions political system: determination of goals, objectives and ways of development of society; organization of the company's activities; distribution of spiritual and material resources; reconciliation of different political interests; promotion of various norms of behavior; stability and security of society; getting people involved in political life; control over the implementation of decisions and compliance with regulations. The main elements of the political system: 1) Institutional subsystem - political organizations: parties and socio-political movements (trade unions, religious and cooperative organizations, interest clubs), the state is allocated in a special structure. 2) Communication subsystem- a set of relations and forms of interaction between classes, social groups, nations and individuals. 3) Regulatory subsystem- norms and traditions that determine and regulate the political life of society: legal norms (constitutions and laws, refer to written norms), ethical and moral norms (unwritten ideas about good and evil, truth and justice). 4) Cultural and ideological subsystem- a set of political ideas, views, ideas and feelings that are different in their content; 2 levels - theoretical ( political ideology: views, slogans, ideas, concepts, theories) and practical (political psychology: feelings, emotions, moods, prejudices, traditions). 5) Functional subsystem covers the forms and directions of political activity, methods of exercising power.

7.1. Power, its origin and types

The pivotal, leading concept of political science is the concept power. Power is the main goal of political activity, and the political relations themselves in society can rightfully be called power relations.

Power- the ability and ability to exercise one's will, to have a decisive influence on the activities, behavior of people, to force others to obey using any means (authority, law, violence, etc.); dominance, which ensures the execution of the order; the ability to achieve the intended goals; coordinate conflicting interests, subordinate them to a single will with the help of persuasion or coercion.

Important when considering power relations in society is the concept of power resources. Under power resources refers to the means by which power structures influence the activities and behavior of citizens.

We list the most important resources of power in modern society:

    Economic resources, which include, first of all, financial resources, capital, property. The influence of these resources is especially noticeable in countries with a market economy, where almost everything has its price.

    Force Resources: army, police, security services, prosecutor's office, court. These resources prevailed in past eras, in authoritarian and totalitarian states. But even today, the power of the state is in the power of laws, in the clear implementation of the law and the subordination of all state bodies and citizens to them. "Power" bodies were always and everywhere, but if they act on the basis of the law, this does not contradict at all, but, on the contrary, presupposes a democratic order.

    Social Resources: prestigious positions, special rights and privileges. The significance of such resources is important not only for a class society, a society of privileged and unprivileged groups. And today, in our days, not only material, but also moral, status incentives are important for human activity. Of course, if we are not talking about the inherited privileges of a closed group of people.

    Informational resources, which are the most effective in modern times. Many political scientists emphasize that today the one who owns the information controls the society. Even the modern power elite - people in power, are called the information elite, which owns, first of all, information property.

In political science, there are several types of power:

Political power characterized by the lawful use of force through special state enforcement agencies, such as the police or militia, the army, special services, tax authorities; binding decisions for all citizens (if these decisions do not go beyond the established laws, which can be established by the court), publicity (open appeal to all citizens and organizations); the presence of a center for making the most important decisions (the state usually acts as a certain center, but this does not mean that power in the state should be concentrated in one hand or in separate bodies).

economic power It is based on the use of material values, which are primarily money, as well as movable and immovable property. Often economic power has a significant impact on political relations.

social power- establishing obedience by raising or lowering the social status of people - statuses, positions, benefits, privileges, places in the social hierarchy.

Coercive power relies on force, physical coercion. It can be established not only in the state, but also in the family, a criminal group, a youth campaign. With the help of force, short-term obedience can be achieved, but constant control over people and maintaining an environment of fear is necessary. The dominance of coercive power depends in direct proportion to the severity of punishment and weakens when there are opportunities to evade it.

Information power can enforce obedience through the use of the media, often referred to as the “fourth estate”. The role of the media has especially increased in our time, which is called the information age.

Shadow power does not have a public character, its main characteristic is hidden rule, in which state bodies secretly transfer their powers to certain individuals or groups that do not have rights to exercise it. This is how the power of a party, sect, caste, secret service, mafia structure, family clan or friendly circle can be established.

There are other grounds for classifying power:

by spheres of action (state, party, trade union, army, family, etc.);

by function (legislative, executive and judicial);

according to the ways of interaction of power structures with the population (democratic and non-democratic).


The program of the second course for directors includes mastering the method of effective analysis of the play and the role - the pinnacle of Stanislavsky's directorial teaching. This method is the main professional core of the Tovstonogov school, it is inseparable from the first part of the Stanislavsky system, from the laws of acting psychotechnics.
The content of the second course is built in the following areas:
I Theoretical comprehension of the method of effective analysis.
Topics of lectures.
1 The first stage of the method of effective analysis is the director alone with the play, "reconnaissance of the play with the mind"; method parameters and their systemic relationship.
2 The second stage is the method of physical actions as an instrument of the method of effective analysis, "reconnaissance of the play with the body"; physical action as part of a triune active process (mental, verbal, physical action); mise-en-scène - the language of the director; stage composition and mise-en-scene.
3 The method of effective analysis is the method of analysis and synthesis.
II Practical application of the method of effective analysis and the method of physical actions:
1 Analysis of several plays - one-act and multi-act;
2 Analysis of plays (modern and classical repertoire), excerpts from which directors make;
3 Event-active analysis of the passages on which the directors are working;
4 Joint work of directors with student actors on excerpts, first from modern, then from classical plays (dialogues - etude improvisations).
III Work on "beginnings" based on poems and songs.

Theoretical comprehension of the method of effective analysis
So, the method of effective analysis of the play and role. I will tell a little about the history of the issue in the hope that the interested reader will want to get acquainted in the future with this method in other interpretations, since only one version is presented in my book.
The method of effective analysis is most fully reflected in the publications of M.O. Knebel and G.A. Tovstonogov. Interesting research in this area was also carried out by A.M. Polamishev.
Knebel, a student of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, wrote that the beginning of the discovery of a new law of play analysis, in her opinion, can be attributed to 1905, to the period of work in the theater studio on Povarskaya, when the master “for the first time proposed to analyze the play by etude ... And only in 1935, Stanislavsky, with a new, tenfold force of conviction, began to preach the idea of ​​analyzing the play in action. Knebel noted that, unfortunately, in the works of Stanislavsky "... there is no special chapter describing this discovery. (I emphasize that the most significant are preparatory materials Stanislavsky to his unfulfilled book "The work of an actor on a role", which poses the problems of working on a play and a role.) Probably only the modesty of Knebel, this talented teacher, director and scientist, did not allow her to say that it was she who deserved the merit - on the basis of unfinished works , individual articles, statements on this issue, practical exercises at the opera and drama studio in last years life of Stanislavsky - for the first time to describe and theoretically comprehend the essence of the discovery of his teacher. After all, the very term "method of effective analysis of the play and role" was introduced into our science by Knebel. This method has found wide application in stage pedagogy in Moscow.
In GITIS - mainly through the efforts of Knebel, in the Vakhtangov school - in the works of Polamishev. Within the framework of this book, it is not possible to analyze each of the existing points of view on the problem, to identify areas of contact, unity of views, to explore the essence of differences. My story is about Tovstonogov's directing school.
The method of effective analysis is a way of translating images of one type of art - literature, dramaturgy - into another, translation into the language of stage creativity. This is its fundamental difference from literary analysis.
The concrete historical analysis of the work here is inseparable from spiritual and moral problems. Therefore, the fundamental concept of the method is the super-task - that is, the idea of ​​the work, addressed to today's time, that in the name of which the performance is staged today. Comprehension of the super-task is helped by penetration into the super-super-task of the author, into his worldview.
The way to implement the super-task - through action - is that real, concrete struggle taking place before the eyes of the audience, as a result of which the super-task is affirmed.
The dual process underlying the methodology of the so-called "reconnaissance with the mind" and "reconnaissance with the body" is based on the ability of theater artists to perceive reality in an eventful way. At the stage of "reconnaissance with the mind", the director forms an idea of ​​​​how the performance will develop - from the initial event, through the main, central, final - to the main event. Event development is the most important part of the director's intention. Event - main structural unit stage life, an indivisible atom of an effective process. The chain of events selected by the director at the stage of "reconnaissance with the mind" is the way to the staging solution of the performance.
Stanislavsky proposed to identify in the analysis the most important events that determine the process of the movement of the performance. Tovstonogov believed that the play in its development is based on five such events:
1. The initial event is a kind of emotional "beginning" of the performance, its tuning fork, it begins outside the performance and ends before the eyes of the viewer; it focuses, reflects in itself (like a drop of water - the ocean) the original proposed circumstance, arising in its depths.
2. The main event - here the struggle for a through action begins, the leading proposed circumstance of the play comes into force.
3. The central event is the highest peak of the struggle in the performance.
4. In the final event - the struggle for through action ends, the leading proposed circumstance is exhausted.
5. The main event is the most last event performance, which concludes the "grain" of the most important task; in it, as it were, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work is “enlightened”; here the fate of the original proposed circumstance is decided - we find out what has become of it, whether it has changed or remained the same.
The most important stage in the birth of the director's idea is the determination of the initial proposed circumstance, that environment that has not changed throughout the entire development of the play (which has absorbed the author's pain), which is "pregnant" with the problem of the work.
No less significant is the identification of the main conflict: it is always of a moral nature, it is the process of birth, formation or fall, degradation of the individual.
All the parameters of the method mentioned here are interconnected, inseparable from each other, this ensures the integrity of the analysis. In the process of the birth of a performance, they are a compass that correctly orients its creators.
The method of effective analysis involves a joint improvisational analysis of the event and the action in it, carried out by the actors under the guidance of the director - this is the so-called "reconnaissance with the body". This part of the method is called the physical action method.
It should be noted that the name "reconnaissance with the mind" is conditional, since it does not reflect the fullness of the process - not only logical, rational, but primarily emotional, sensual comprehension of the material by the director; in the same way, speaking of "reconnaissance with the body", we must remember that the analysis is carried out by the entire psychophysical apparatus of the actor - not only the body, but also the mind, the whole heart and soul of the artist.
Improvisational search is carried out with the active interaction of the director and actors. To create a special environment in the rehearsal class, an atmosphere of a general search for unique means of expressing the author's style means to direct improvisation in the right direction. This process requires high directing skill. The true meaning of the etude method of rehearsals is the analysis of the work, carried out in action. The participation of the director in the process of improvisation is ambiguous. Having determined the event and the action in it, having selected the proposed circumstances, the stage director of the performance must be sensitive to whether the tuning fork is set to the right improvisational search, whether the nature of feelings and the mode of existence in the performance are guessed; the director corrects and directs the search. Intuitive penetration into the artistic fabric of the work, creative inspiration play an important role in improvisational search. However, inspiration and intuition require specific food, and it is this that is obtained by the joint work of the director and actor in the process of rehearsal.
The creative and moral power of the method of effective analysis, synthesizing analysis and implementation, which consists in the naturalness and organic nature of the process of exploration, trial and error, free (here we mean both external and internal, in broad sense words - freedom) of creative search, consistently, gradually comprehended by students throughout the entire training.
It is necessary to train in oneself the ability to see the simple in the complex, and the complex in the simple; any phenomenon of life that happens to you, around you, adapt, translate into the language of action, detect an event, a conflict in it.
The method of physical actions contributes to the creation of a chain of physical actions that blow up the conflict, reveal its meaning, and explain the depth of the relationship between the characters.
The event structure of the play is the main core of the effective analysis method. Since the event has both an objective and a subjective character, it is the plot, based on the individual point of view of the artist, that brings one closer to the super-task of the play, the through action, the understanding of its main conflict, the initial and leading proposed circumstances.
In the plan-summary of "Work on the role", written by Stanislavsky shortly before his death, the author proposes to outline a temporary, rough super-task, to start probing the line of through action and for this to divide the play into the biggest events. The proposed super-task became a kind of compass, even if it is not formulated, but only outlined and lives only in the director's premonitions. This principled position of Stanislavsky, of course, should be taken into account in the work on the plan for the "storm" of the play and role.
Let's emphasize the key role of the event in the method. The etymology of the word "event" is interesting. Tovstonogov was close to the interpretation of V. I. Dahl - "the coexistence of someone with someone." The master emphasized that human life is eventful in its structure, the structure of stage life is also eventful. Only stage life always takes place under conditions of exacerbation of the proposed circumstances, therefore in the play the event, the common, joint existence of people is in conflict - such is the law of drama. Any event is a conflict, that is, a conflicting effective fact (as Stanislavsky called it). Action is a struggle. It is very important that the event is an active, conflicting fact that takes place “here, now, before my eyes”, that is, the events really take place in the play, and not outside it.
Only the proposed circumstances of the large circle can be outside the scope of the play. It is in order to understand the “heap” of the proposed circumstances, as I already wrote, that we divide them into circumstances: a small circle (event, action), a middle circle (through action) and a large circle (super task). Each circle of proposed circumstances corresponds to a specific goal and action.
In addition, when analyzing the play, we must determine:
1 The leading proposed circumstance of the event is the circumstance of the small circle that determines the struggle in the event (after all, in the event - the sum of various circumstances of the small circle), therefore, sometimes you can call the event according to the leading proposed circumstance.
2 The leading proposed circumstance of the play - it determines the struggle through the through action of the play.
3 The original proposed circumstance of the play is the environment in which the problem of the play is concentrated, the author's pain; we comprehend it in the process of the development of the play. The initial and leading proposed circumstances of the play are often in conflict with each other, but by no means always.
It should be remembered that not all plays begin with an open confrontation and a clear effective fact. The unhurried unfolding of the action, the latency of the conflict, the absence of a bright event at the beginning are characteristic of many plays. Sometimes the conflict is not exposed, it is hidden, but this does not deprive the event of conflict content. It is only necessary to figure out why the author needs to have such an initiating event. Perhaps, in the seemingly stagnant swamp of boredom, the monotony of life reflected in the initial event, passions are already lurking, boiling, and the director only needs to see them? The most ordinary, seemingly static event is saturated with the sharpest struggle, although outwardly this struggle can be hardly expressed. Let's take, for example, A. N. Ostrovsky's "Hot Heart". For Kuroslepov, who woke up from sleep at ten o'clock in the evening (!) - (no wonder that he dreamed of the end of the world waking up), - to get up from the porch, and go to see if the gates in the house were locked at night - hard labor torture! But he does not trust the janitor Silan - due to his oversight, two thousand rubles were stolen from under the very nose of the owner (they were under the pillow!) Here an acute struggle unfolds; but Kuroslepov still fails to overcome his sleepy stupor - he yawns for a long time, then threatens the janitor, and goes into the house. Of course, such an event outwardly looks completely static, but the sharpness of the conflict is not lost from this.
Not every event in a play is part of the overall action of the play. The through action starts only in the main event and ends in the final one. At the same time, the events of the play - from the initial to the main and from the final to the main - do not lose their conflict nature.
In the main event of the play, its super-task is clarified, the fate of the initial proposed circumstance is decided, and this is necessarily the very last event of the play.
Tovstonogov compared the parameters of the method of effective analysis proposed by him with parallels and meridians, the intersection of which makes it possible to find the desired geographical point on the map. Knowing only one parameter and not paying attention to others will not lead to success - it is necessary that they "intersect".
Let us see how the various concepts of method are related.
Cross-cutting action is the way to implement the super-task, that real, concrete struggle, as a result of which the super-task is affirmed. It begins in the main event simultaneously with the appearance of the leading proposed circumstance of the play - this circumstance will determine the entire struggle through action. This struggle will reach its highest peak in the central event. It will end - in the final, here the leading proposed circumstance of the play will also be exhausted. The initial proposed circumstance, unchanged throughout the play, is connected with the initial event - the initial proposed circumstance is reflected in the initial event; in the main event, the fate of the original proposed circumstance is decided (we find out what happened to it, whether it changed or remained the same, “won” or “lost”). In the main event, the most important task of the play is also enlightened.
As you can see, there is not a single concept of a method that is divorced from the whole, that does not have many strong links with other parameters. This is what seems to me the most strong point method developed by Tovstonogov.
Correctly unraveled by the director at least one of the parameters will help to discover new secrets of the play - after all, all the parameters are interconnected. And vice versa - one mistake is capable of destroying the entire system of thinking, more precisely, to clearly reveal that there is no system of analysis! There are separate, unrelated conjectures about the play, and not a holistic analysis of it.

The pivotal, leading concept of political science is the concept of power. Power is the main goal of political activity, and the political relations themselves in society can rightfully be called power relations.
Power- the ability and ability to exercise one's will, to have a decisive influence on the activities, behavior of people, to force others to obey using any means (authority, law, violence, etc.); dominance, which ensures the execution of the order; the ability to realize the intended goals, to coordinate conflicting interests, to subordinate them to a single will with the help of persuasion or coercion.
In ancient times, the basis of power was authority- the influence that a person, a group of people or an organization receives as a result of recognition of their experience, knowledge, high moral virtues.
Important when considering power relations in society is the concept of power resources. Power resources are understood as the means by which power structures influence the activities and behavior of citizens.
We list the most important resources of power in modern society:
Economic resources, which include, first of all, financial resources, capital, property. The influence of these resources is especially noticeable in countries with a market economy, where almost everything has its price.
Power resources: army, police, security services, prosecutor's office, court. These resources prevailed in past eras in authoritarian and totalitarian states. But even today, the strength of the state lies in the strength of laws, in the precise execution of laws and the subordination of all state bodies and citizens to them. "Power" bodies were always and everywhere, but if they act on the basis of the law, this does not contradict at all, but, on the contrary, presupposes a democratic order.
Social resources: prestigious positions, special rights and privileges. The significance of such resources is important not only for a class society, a society of privileged and unprivileged groups. And today, in our days, not only material, but also moral, status incentives are important for human activity. Of course, if we are not talking about the inherited privileges of a closed group of people.
Information resources that are the most effective in modern times. Many political scientists emphasize that today the one who owns the information controls the society. Even the modern power elite - people in power, are called the information elite, which owns, first of all, information property.
In political science, there are several types of power.
Political power characterized by the lawful use of force through special state enforcement agencies, such as the police, army, intelligence agencies, tax authorities; binding decisions for all citizens (if these decisions do not go beyond the established laws, which can be established by the court), publicity (open appeal to all citizens and organizations); the presence of a center for making the most important decisions (the state usually acts as a certain center, but this does not mean that power in the state should be concentrated in one hand or in separate bodies).
economic power It is based on the use of material values, which are primarily money, as well as movable and immovable property. Often economic power has a significant impact on political relations.
social power - establishing obedience by raising or lowering the social status of people - statuses, positions, benefits, privileges, places in the social hierarchy.
Coercive power relies on force, physical coercion. It can be established not only in the state, but also in a family, a criminal group, a youth company. With the help of force, short-term obedience can be achieved, but constant control over people and maintaining an environment of fear is necessary. The dominance of coercive power depends in direct proportion to the severity of punishment and weakens when there are opportunities to evade it.
Information power can enforce obedience through the use of the media, often referred to as the "fourth estate". The role of the media has especially increased in our time, which is called the information age.
Shadow power does not have a public character, its main characteristic is hidden rule, in which state bodies secretly transfer their powers to certain individuals or groups that do not have rights to exercise it. This is how the power of a party, sect, caste, secret service, mafia structure, family clan or friendly circle can be established.

There are other grounds for classifying power:
by scope (state, party, trade union, army, family, etc.);
by function (legislative, executive and judicial);
on the ways of interaction of power structures with the population (democratic and non-democratic).

1.Essence of power(“the vertical of power is a surrogate for the vertical of meaning”)

Deep source of power- human inequality.

The main thing in the essence of power- its role in the expedient organization of relations in society. The main features of power are:

universality - penetrates literally all human relations.

inclusiveness - connects and contrasts social groups and individual individuals.

§ 128

Job Description. Production of small simple rods on core and sand blowing machines. Preparation of core boxes (cleaning, wetting). Installation of simple frames. Finishing, painting and laying drying rods. Performing individual operations in the manufacture of more complex and large cores under the guidance of a more highly qualified machine-formed core.

Must know: basic information about the structure of serviced core or sandblasting machines and the rules for managing them; purpose and conditions for the use of simple tools and devices; name and purpose of core mixtures used for the manufacture of cores.

Work examples

Rod making:

1. Bushings with a diameter of up to 300 mm.

2. Elbows, branch pipes and fittings for pipes up to 125 mm in diameter.

3. Rods are cylindrical.

4. Pipes up to 75 mm in diameter.

5. Fittings.

§ 129

Job Description. Production on core machines, automatic machines and sandblasting machines of small and medium-sized cores of medium complexity cores in core boxes. Installation of frames of simple and medium complexity, finishing, fixing the rods and laying them for drying. Troubleshooting minor machine problems. Manufacture of rods of the same section on the mouthpiece machines.

Must know: device and principle of operation of serviced core, sandblasting and mouthpiece machines, automatic machines, devices and equipment; the composition of core mixtures and other materials and the requirements for them; purpose and rules for the use of instrumentation; rules for the placement of gas outlets; requirements for finished rods; rod drying modes.

Work examples

1. Gating funnels - production of rods.

2. Bushings with a diameter of more than 300 mm - the manufacture of rods.

3. Crankcases for car compressors - manufacturing of cores on a sandblasting machine.

4. Elbows, branch pipes and styles for pipes with a diameter of more than 125 to 150 mm - the manufacture of rods.

5. Bearing housings up to 300 mm in diameter - production of rods.

6. Rollers of roller tables of rolling mills - production of rods.

7. Hubs of driving wheels of tractors - production of rods.

8. Pipes with a diameter of more than 75 mm - production of rods.

§ 130

Job Description. Production on core machines of large sizes of cores of medium complexity in core boxes with a small number of detachable parts and complex cores on sandblasting machines. Installation of complex frames with gas ducting, careful finishing on the flow conveyor and coloring of the rods. Assembly of simple and medium complexity rods. Checking the quality of core mixtures. Adjustment of core machines.

Must know: device, principle of operation and rules for adjusting core machines various types; methods for preparing core mixtures and methods for determining their quality; influence of fasteners on the quality of rods; ways to use quick-drying mixtures; device and methods of application of control and measuring instruments and devices.

Work examples

Rod making:

1. Elbows and branch pipes for pipes with a diameter over 150 mm.

2. Oil pump housings.

3. Bearing housings with a diameter over 300 mm.

4. Fingers of the cutting apparatus of agricultural machines.

5. Compressor pistons.

6. Pistons, piston inserts and diesel piston heads.

7. Heating radiators.

9. Pyatnik bogies of wagons and tenders.

10. Clamps traction automatic couplers.

§ 131

Job Description. Production on core machines of large and complex shapes of cores from core boxes with a large number of detachable parts. Assembly of complex rods. Installation of complex curly frames and fastening them in various ways.

Must know: the sequence of manufacturing cores for complex castings; properties of rod materials and mixtures used for the manufacture of rods, and methods for determining their quality by appearance and indications of instrumentation.

Work examples

Rod making:

1. Cylinder blocks of internal combustion engines.

2. Sidewalls of cast bogies for wagons and tenders.

3. Cylinder heads of internal combustion engines.

4. Crankcases of car gearboxes.

5. Cases of axle boxes of wagons and tenders.

6. Compressor housings.

7. Heating boilers.

8. Exhaust manifold pipes.

§ 132

Job Description. Production on core machines with an electronic control system of complex cores on core hot boxes with a large number of detachable parts. Participation in the adjustment of serviced equipment and mechanisms.

Must know: manufacturing technology of complex rods; design features and kinematic schemes of core machines; rules for setting up and regulating instrumentation and equipment used.
