Specificity of a complex sentence as a syntactic unit. Complex sentence, its structural features and grammatical meaning

A sentence is a syntactic unit characterized by semantic and grammatical completeness. One of its main features is the presence predicative parts. According to the number of grammatical bases, all sentences are classified as simple or complex. Both perform their main function in speech - communicative.

Types of complex sentences in Russian

A complex sentence consists of two or more simple sentences connected to each other using conjunctions or just intonation. At the same time, its predicative parts retain their structure, but lose their semantic and intonational completeness. Methods and means of communication determine the types of complex sentences. A table with examples allows you to identify the main differences between them.

Compound Sentences

Their predicative parts are independent in relation to each other and equal in meaning. They can be easily divided into simple ones and rearranged. Coordinating conjunctions, which are divided into three groups, act as a means of communication. Based on them, the following types of complex sentences with coordinating connections are distinguished.

  1. With connecting conjunctions: AND, ALSO, YES (=AND), ALSO, NEITHER...NOR, NOT ONLY...BUT AND, AS...SO AND, YES AND. In this case, parts of compound conjunctions will be located in different simple sentences.

The whole city was already asleep, I Same went home. Soon Anton Not only I re-read all the books in my home library, but also turned to his comrades.

A feature of complex sentences is that the events described in different predicative parts can occur simultaneously ( AND thunder roared And the sun was breaking through the clouds), sequentially ( The train rumbled And a dump truck rushed after him) or one follows from the other ( It's already completely dark, And it was necessary to disperse).

  1. With adversative conjunctions: BUT, A, HOWEVER, YES (= BUT), THEN, THE SAME. These types of complex sentences are characterized by the establishment of opposition relations ( Grandfather seemed to understand everything, But Grigory had to convince him of the need for the trip for a long time) or comparisons ( Some were fussing in the kitchen, A others started cleaning the garden) between its parts.
  2. With disjunctive conjunctions: EITHER, OR, NOT THAT...NOT THAT, THAT...THAT, EITHER...EITHER. The first two conjunctions can be single or repeating. It was time to get to work, or he would be fired. Possible relationships between parts: mutual exclusion ( Either Pal Palych really had a headache, either he just got bored), alternation ( All day long That the blues took hold, That suddenly there was an inexplicable attack of fun).

Considering the types of complex sentences with a coordinating connection, it should be noted that the connecting conjunctions ALSO, ALSO and the adversative SAME are always located after the first word of the second part.

Main types of complex sentences with subordinating connections

The presence of a main and dependent (subordinate) part is their main quality. The means of communication are subordinating conjunctions or allied words: adverbs and relative pronouns. The main difficulty in distinguishing them is that some of them are homonymous. In such cases, a hint will help: an allied word, unlike a conjunction, is always a member of a sentence. Here are examples of such homoforms. I knew for sure What(union word, you can ask a question) look for me. Tanya completely forgot What(union) the meeting was scheduled for the morning.

Another feature of NGN is the location of its predicative parts. The location of the subordinate clause is not clearly defined. It can stand before, after or in the middle of the main part.

Types of subordinate clauses in SPP

It is traditional to correlate dependent parts with members of a sentence. Based on this, there are three main groups into which such complex sentences are divided. Examples are presented in the table.

Subordinate clause type


Means of communication



Which, which, whose, when, what, where, etc.

There was a house near the mountain, a roof whom I'm already pretty thin.



What (s. and s.w.), how (s. and s.w.), so that, as if, as if, or... or, who, like, etc.

Mikhail didn't understand How solve the problem of.


When? How long?

When, while, how, barely, while, since, etc.

The boy waited until Bye the sun hasn't set at all.

Where? Where? Where?

Where, where, where

Izmestiev put the papers there, Where no one could find them.

Why? From what?

Because, since, for, due to the fact that, etc.

The driver stopped for the horses suddenly began to snort.


What follows from this?

By morning it cleared up So the detachment moved on.

Under what conditions?

If, when (= if), if, once, in case

If the daughter did not call for a week, the mother involuntarily began to worry.

For what? For what purpose?

In order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, if only,

Frolov was ready for anything to get this place.

Despite what? In spite of what?

Although, despite the fact that, even if, for nothing, whoever, etc.

Overall the evening was a success Although and there were minor shortcomings in its organization.


How? Like what?

As if, exactly, as if, just as, as if, just as, as if,

Snowflakes flew down in large, frequent flakes, as if someone poured them out of a bag.

Measures and degrees

To what extent?

What, in order, how, as if, as if, how much, how much

There was such silence What I felt somehow uneasy.


what (in the oblique case), why, why, why = the pronoun this

There was still no car, from what The anxiety only grew.

SPP with several subordinate clauses

Sometimes a complex sentence may contain two or more dependent parts that relate to each other in different ways.

Depending on this, the following methods of connecting simple ones into complex sentences are distinguished (examples help to build a diagram of the described structures).

  1. With consistent submission. The next subordinate clause depends directly on the previous one. It seemed to me, What this day will never end, because There were more and more problems.
  2. With parallel homogeneous subordination. Both (all) subordinate clauses depend on one word (the entire part) and belong to the same type. This construction resembles a sentence with homogeneous members. There can be coordinating conjunctions between subordinate clauses. It soon became clear What it was all just a bluff So what no major decisions were made.
  3. With parallel heterogeneous subordination. Dependents are of different types and refer to different words (the entire part). Garden, which sowed in May, already produced the first harvest, That's why life became easier.

Non-union complex sentence

The main difference is that the parts are connected only in meaning and intonation. Therefore, the relationships developing between them come to the fore. They are the ones who influence the placement of punctuation marks: commas, dashes, colons, semicolons.

Types of non-union complex sentences

  1. The parts are equal, the order of their arrangement is free. Tall trees grew to the left of the road , to the right stretched a shallow ravine.
  2. The parts are unequal, the second:
  • reveals the contents of the 1st ( These sounds caused concern: (= namely) in the corner someone was rustling persistently);
  • complements the 1st ( I peered into the distance: someone’s figure appeared there);
  • indicates the reason ( Sveta laughed: (= because) the neighbor’s face was smeared with dirt).

3. Contrasting relationships between parts. This manifests itself in the following:

  • the first indicates a time or condition ( I'm five minutes late - there is no one anymore);
  • in the second unexpected result ( Fedor just got up to speed - the opponent immediately remained behind); opposition ( The pain becomes unbearable - you be patient); comparison ( Looks from under his brows - Elena will immediately burn with fire).

JV with different types of communications

Often there are constructions that contain three or more predicative parts. Accordingly, between them there can be coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, allied words or only punctuation marks (intonation and semantic relations). These are complex sentences (examples are widely presented in fiction) With various types communications. Mikhail has long wanted to change his life, But Something was constantly stopping him; As a result, the routine bogged him down more and more every day.

The diagram will help to summarize information on the topic “Types of complex sentences”:

A complex sentence allows you to describe several events and express the relationships between them. The use of certain means of communication (conjunctions and allied words) between simple sentences as part of a complex sentence makes it possible to accurately determine the semantic relationships (causal, temporal, target, etc.) that are established between the individual parts of a detailed statement.

Complex sentences are widely used in book writing.

However, often the construction of such sentences causes great difficulties, and incorrect construction of a complex sentence leads to a violation of the syntactic norms of the modern Russian language and causes gross speech errors.

The most common mistakes made when constructing a complex sentence include the following.

1. Incorrect or inaccurate use of conjunctions and allied words.

Incorrect option: New methods of organizing production will become widespread only if the results of the economic activity of the enterprise are sufficiently high.

Corrected version: New methods of organizing production will become widespread only when the results of the economic activity of the enterprise are sufficiently high. Or: New methods of organizing production will become widespread only if the results of the economic activity of the enterprise are sufficiently high.

2. Using identical conjunctions and allied words between parts of one complex sentence, stringing together parts of a complex sentence.

Incorrect option:The discussion has taken such a turn that we can safely say that its participants will not be able to reach a compromise.

Corrected version:The ongoing discussion suggests that its participants will not be able to reach a compromise.

3. Setting a series of unambiguous conjunctions.

Incorrect option: The teacher made comments to the students several times, but his words had no effect.

Corrected version: The teacher made comments to the students several times, but his words had no effect. Or: The teacher made comments to the students several times, but his words had no effect.

4. Incorrect word order in a sentence with a subordinate clause.


Between the conjunction word which and the noun to which it refers must not be another noun of the same number.

Incorrect option: Yesterday, the journalist interviewed a representative of the delegation, who specially came to the meeting.

Corrected version: Yesterday, the journalist interviewed a representative of the delegation who had specially come to the meeting.

5. Mixing direct speech and indirect.

Incorrect option: The student said that I had not yet prepared the answer.

Corrected version: The student said that he had not yet prepared for the answer.

6. Variation in the parts of a complex sentence.

Incorrect option: The following issues were discussed at the parent meeting: a) assistance to the school in repairing classroom furniture; b) how to organize an evening meeting of school graduates.

Corrected version: The following issues were discussed at the parent meeting: a) assistance to the school in repairing classroom furniture; b) organizing an evening meeting for school graduates. Or: The following issues were discussed at the parent meeting: a) how to help the school repair classroom furniture; b) how to organize an evening meeting of school graduates.

difficult sentence. A sentence consisting of two or several parts, similar in form to simple sentences, but forming a single semantic, constructive and intonational whole (simple parts, when combined to form a complex one, form not an arithmetic, but an algebraic sum).

The unity and integrity of a complex sentence is created for its individual types by different means, which include:

1) intonation. Parts of a complex sentence do not have intonation completeness, which is one of the main features of a sentence as a communicative unit: this feature is inherent in the complex sentence as a whole. The foam boiled and splashes of water flew through the air(Gorky) (before the union And the voice rises, and the decrease in voice characteristic of a narrative sentence occurs only at the end of the second part of a complex sentence);

2) conjunctions or allied words. The son silently took the flail, and the work began in four flails(L. Tolstoy). I I want a feather to be compared to a bayonet (M a i k o v s k i i). I don't I know where the border between comrade and friend is(Svetlov); (I don’t describe them because they are listed further in question 23)

3) lexical composition(specialized words with the meaning of indication, systemic lexical relations - synonymy, antonymy). In one or another part of a complex sentence there may be words indicating its lack of independence. One thing was certain: he would not come back.(Turgenev) (the first part needs clarification of the word in it one). You are too human not to be horrified by these consequences(Herzen) (the means of coupling both parts is a pair too... to). Before I had time to come to my senses, someone’s hand in a white glove found itself in mine.(L. Tolstoy) (pair didn't have All you had to do now was look back at the village, and everything from yesterday was vividly remembered.(Chekhov) (pair it was;

4) syntactic structure of parts (incompleteness of one of the parts, structural parallelism of parts). The cat sat motionless on the mattress and pretended to sleep(Chekhov) (the first part needs to be expanded with the help of the second). Pavel feels that someone's fingers are touching his arm above the elbow(N. Ostrovsky) (same thing). She had not seen Alexei yet, while all the young neighbors were talking only about him(P u sh-k and n) (parallelism of the arrangement of sentence members in both parts);

5) order of parts. Some types of complex sentences allow only one specific order of parts. The rope was almost the length of the entire room, so that only the opposite corner could be safe from attack. terrible beast(Pushkin) (rearrangement of parts is impossible);

6) the ratio of forms of verbs - s k a z u e m y x (coordination of aspectual and tense forms of predicate verbs). In some cases, the relationship between aspectual and tense forms of a verb or mood forms in parts of a complex sentence is its constructive feature. His fox-shaven face smiled pleasantly, and his eyes squinted, looking around at everyone gathered.(L. Tolstoy) (the meaning of simultaneity is conveyed by imperfective forms). If I knew the craft, I would live in the city(Gorky) (the meanings of the condition and consequence are expressed by the form of the imperative mood in the first part and the subjunctive in the second).

Each having its own specificity, a simple sentence and a complex sentence in some cases come closer to each other, forming transitional cases. I came here to explain myself(Turgenev) (infinitive phrase to explain myself occupies an intermediate position between the subordinate clause of the goal and the adverbial clause of the goal;

cf.: I came to explain). Like a distant lightning in the dead of midnight, a vague awareness of danger flashed(Serafimovich) (comparative turnover like a distant lightning in the dead of midnight occupies an intermediate position between the subordinate clause and the circumstance of the manner of action; compare: ... flashed like a distant lightning in the dead of midnight).

Based on the type of connection, joint ventures are divided into union and non-union.

BSP – a complex sentence, the predicative parts of which are interconnected in their meaning and structure, by rhythmic and melodic means, without the help of conjunctions or relative words. They differ:

1) non-union complex sentences homogeneous composition (with parts of the same type). According to the meanings they express (simultaneity or sequence of events, comparison or opposition of actions, etc.) and according to some structural features (enumerative intonation or intonation of opposition, uniformity of aspectual forms of predicate verbs, the possibility of inserting coordinating conjunctions), sentences of this type can be correlated with the BSC. They are characterized by an open structure (the number of parts is limited only by the will of the speaker). The white blanket has been thrown to the floor, the house is empty, Vera Nikandrovna is alone(Fedin). You are eager for war - we have strengthened peace(B e z y e n s k i s);

2) non-union complex sentences heterogeneous composition (with different types of parts). According to the meanings they express (relations conditional! and, cause-and-effect, explanatory, etc.) and according to some structural features (intonation, the order of predicative parts with a single goal, the lexical composition of the first part, etc.) sentences of this type can be correlated with SPP . The number of parts in this type of sentence is no more than two. Sometimes the horses sank up to their bellies: the soil was very viscous (F a d e c). Fedor understood: it was about communication (F u r-man o v).

With this classification, transitional or intermediate types of non-conjunctive complex sentences are possible, not correlative with complex or complex sentences, for example, non-conjunctive sentences with explanatory relations. The weather was terrible: the wind howled, wet snow fell in flakes...(Pushkin).

Another classification of non-union complex sentences is based on various types intonation as the most important formal aspect of their construction. Stand out:

1) enumerative sentences. Silk does not tear, damask steel does not fray, gold does not rust(proverb);

2) comparative sentences. L This is in store - winter eats(proverb);

3) sentences of conditionality. If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest(proverb);

4) explanatory sentences. She imagined a picture: a fragile boat rushing downstream(Veresaev);

5) connecting sentences. The Russian intelligentsia grew and developed in absolutely brutal conditions - this is undeniable(Bitter).

The allied ones, in turn, are represented by SSP and SPP.

SSP – a complex sentence whose parts are connected by coordinating conjunctions. From a grammatical point of view, the parts are equal. The old prince was still in the city, and they were waiting for him every minute (L.. Tolsto A). The old man was clearly indignant, and Grigory winced(Sholokhov).

The connection between the parts of a complex sentence is also carried out by other grammatical and lexical means. The Germans will leave, and the entire territory they occupy will pass into the hands of the Red Army(N. Ostrovsky) (incompleteness of the intonation of the first part; the ratio of the forms of perfective verbs, conveying the relation of succession; the order of the parts corresponding to the order of the actions being spoken about). Liza was frightened by Vera Nikandrovna’s strangely aged look, and she did not dare to object.(Fedin) (the interconnection of the parts and the semantic lack of independence of the second part are emphasized by the use of the pronoun in it she). The hallway smelled of fresh apples and hung wolf and fox skins (L. Tolstoy) (parts of a complex sentence are united by a common minor member in entryway). The snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in the spring(Tyutchev) (the interdependence of the parts is expressed using words yet... well).

There can be relationships between the parts of a complex sentence:

1) connecting (with the meaning of simultaneity, sequence, cause and effect, etc.). Dark rainy clouds were approaching from the east, and moisture sipped from there.(Chekhov). Pierre entered the children, and the laughter and screams intensified even more. (L. T o l s t o i). That day I was a little unwell, so I didn’t wait for dinner and went to bed.(Arsen'ev);

Unions: And , rep. conjunction-particle And , yes (=and), too, also , rep. union no no

2) dividing (with the meaning of incompatibility, alternation, mutual exclusion). Now the sun shines dimly, now a black cloud hangs(N e-krasov). Either you get dressed now, or I'll leave alone(Pisemsky);

Unions: a, but, yes (=but), however, same (this conjunction is located distantly in relation to the boundary of the predicative part), but .

3) adversative (with the meaning of opposition, inconsistency). Everyone looked after him, but no one smiled(Turgenev). He the man is awkward, disheveled, ragged, but his face is almost beautiful(Bitter);

Unions: or, or , rep. unions whether - whether - or, this, whether - roofing felts, not that - not that .

4) connecting, gradational and explanatory

Affiliating unions: yes and, but also.

I really wanted to go home, but there was nothing to go there for.

Graduation unions: not only but; not really, but...

Not only the administration came out to greet the guests, but also students and schoolchildren came out.

Explanatory conjunctions: that is, namely, or (= i.e..)

Ivan Ilyich sat down to work in the evening, that is, he read papers and corrected laws.

SPP – a sentence whose parts are connected by subordinating conjunctions or allied words. It’s not a waste of effort if it gives such results(N. Ostrovsky). The battle is won by the one who is determined to win it(L. Tolstoy). The subordinating relationship between the parts of a complex sentence is expressed in the syntactic dependence of one part (subordinate clause) on the other (main clause). (for more details see question 23)

25.Style (French) style from Greek stylos - writing stick).

1. A variety of language characterized by features in the selection, combination and organization of linguistic means in connection with the tasks of communication. Language style. Functional style.

2. A set of techniques for using language that is characteristic of a writer, work, or genre. Pushkin's style. The style of “Eugene Onegin” The style of the romantics. The style of the fable. The style of the feuilleton.

3. Selection of linguistic means based on the principle of their expressive and stylistic coloring. Book style. The style is official. The style is solemn. The style is satirical. The style is humorous.

4. Constructing speech in accordance with the norms of word usage and syntax. The style is artificial. The style is casual. The style is simple. Errors in style. Work on your style.

(Linguistic dictionary of terms by D.I. Rosenthal)

Basic unit style systems are functional. style.

At school traditions and styles are considered in accordance with different aspects of social life.

V.V. Vinogradov emphasized the relationship between styles and the spheres and functions that language performs:

Communicative function (communication) – everyday life;

Message (business, scientific);

Impact (journalistic, artistic - fiction).

But Vinogradov himself noted that there are more styles than functions. Then he identified styles of language and styles of speech.

Functional style is a certain socially conscious variety of speech,

a) corresponding to one or another sphere of social activity and form of consciousness,

b) possessing a unique stylistic coloring created by the peculiarities of the functioning of linguistic means and specific speech organization in this area,

c) having its own norms for the selection and combination of linguistic units, determined by the tasks of communication in the relevant field.

* Each of the spheres of human activity corresponds to a special attitude to reality: in communication with loved ones - associative, in business communication - abstract-logical.

Factors that determine style:

1. Form of consciousness and type of activity (type of thinking and form of reflection: scientific concept, legal norm, artistic image).

2. Factors that determine the substyle:

Degree of formality/informality

Oral/written form

The greater the proportion of written form in a style, the less “transparent” its oral form is, and vice versa.

Monologue/dialogue view

Method of communication: direct, indirect and impersonal (law, article). Direct contact tends to be oral.

Genre of speech (i.e. type of speech work, characterized by unity of design, composition, style)

Type of science, display method

3. Clarifying factor:

Tone of speech

Listener or audience orientation

Type of speech contact

The nature of the subject and addressee of speech

4. Subjective factors

For a long time, classification followed the path of differentiating book and colloquial styles. Gvozdev distinguished between everyday and journalistic styles. Budigov: colloquial (colloquial-intelligent and colloquial-familiar).

The substyle is influenced by the genre and genre varieties.

Thanks to the development of language and the constant interaction of styles, the boundaries between them have a certain mobility.

STYLISTIC NORM is a historically established and naturally developing generally accepted implementation of the styles inherent in the language. possibilities, meanings, colors, determined by the goals, objectives and content of this sphere of communication.

(From Spurs) Interstyle vocabulary. It includes words that do not have a functional fixation => used in all of the listed styles. Interstyle vocabulary includes:

Names of specific objects (person, dog, cat)

Name of natural phenomena (snow, rain)

Naming neutral features of words (happy, skillful, smart)

Name of common actions and states (speaking, writing)

Interstyle vocabulary is used both in oral and written speech. It is characterized by simplicity, naturalness, clarity, and accessibility.

Stylistically neutral vocabulary is opposed to stylistically marked vocabulary. Most scientists distinguish 2 categories of words as part of stylistically marked vocabulary: book words, colloquial words.

Book vocabulary includes 3 groups of words (scientific vocabulary, official business, journalistic, literary vocabulary)

Due to the diversity of colloquial vocabulary, there is currently no definitive study of the distinction between colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. There are several groups of words: 1. lit. colloquial (idler) 2. colloquial (dirty, grandfather) 3. everyday vernacular (net, bro) 4. colloquial terminological (castor oil, diabetic, heart patient, hypertensive)


Communication is unprepared, direct. The speakers have an informal relationship.


    Ch. dominant – lack of concern for the form of expression. do not use words foreign to this style.

    relative lexical poverty:

    • frequent repetitions

      words of imprecise, momentary semantics

      a lot of occasionalisms

      ersatz words (substituting pauses)

      Synonym members are almost never used. row

      the norm is to use neutral vocabulary

Morphology .

    Parts of speech ratio:

    • almost no participles and gerunds, cr. forms adj.

      many pronouns

      less than in other styles, noun is used. and adj.

    I.-V.p. dominates.

    There are some colloquial forms: on vacation, contracts, sugar, Mom!

    verb: a single time plan is not always maintained; truncated forms with meaning are actively used instant action(grab, knock)

    sometimes there is verbal control without a controlled word: Are you submitting early? I'm finishing (what?)

    Lots of particles

Syntax .

    The proposal is different from the book. styles: chains of short messages strung on top of each other, because there is no time to think through the phrase; a lot of insertions, additions, syntactic self-interruptions, unnecessary words.

    ellipsis, incompleteness

Both semi-functional and significant elements are truncated.

    many non-prepositional case constructions

    a lot of repetitions

    inversions, confusing word order, phrases often break up (I really liked reading books)

    connective means: if, if

    fragmentation of the sentence, parcellation (I’m going to Moscow. Alone.)

26.Constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the structure of the sentence (addresses, introductory words, interjections).

Appeal- the name of the person or, in the case of personification, the inanimate object or phenomenon to which the statement is addressed; Petya, come back soon! Wind, wind, you are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds(A. Pushkin). The primary purpose of O. is to attract the attention of the listener and make it clear that the statement is addressed specifically to him. The presence of O. is especially characteristic of interrogative and incentive sentences that require an immediate reaction from a specific addressee - an answer or action. In SRY, the form of address coincides with the form of the nominative case of the noun in combination with a specific intonation.

VvOthese wordsA, words that are syntactically unrelated to the sentence and express the speaker’s attitude to the message, a general assessment of the message, an indication of the source of the message or its connection with the context of speech. As a V. s. can be used as words isolated from one or another part of speech and used only as V. s. (“of course”, “for example”, “apparently”), as well as words that have retained living connections with various parts of speech and can be members of a sentence (“possibly”, “say”, “seems”). V. s. may contain an emotional assessment of the message (“fortunately”, “unfortunately”) or a call for attention (“you know”, “imagine”), indicate the degree of reliability (“true”, “apparently”), the source (“they say”, "known"), style ("simply") or on the relationship between parts of the message ("by the way", "finally").

Interjections- a class of unchangeable words that serve for an undifferentiated and grammatically unformed expression of emotions and expressions of will. M. occupy an isolated position in the system of parts of speech. Unlike auxiliary parts of speech, they do not participate in the expression of relations between words and sentences, and differ from significant words in the absence of a nominative meaning (for example. Alas! expresses a feeling of regret without being its name).

Based on their functional and semantic features, interjections are divided into several groups:

1) emotional M., expressing the difference between positive or negative emotions (admiration, indignation, surprise, irritation, fear) or a general state of excitement: ay-ay-ay, ah, here you go, well, well, wow;

2) expressive M., expressing calls for the implementation or termination of an action, demands for silence or attention, etc.: hello, ay, go ahead, take it, march, shh;

3) vocative M., close to volitional, but addressed to animals: scat, kitty-kiss, shoo, whoa;

4) etiquette M., which are fixed formulas of greeting, gratitude, forgiveness: hello, thank you, goodbye, bye. Based on their composition and formation, microorganisms are divided into non-derivative (primitive) and derivative (non-primitive). Non-derivatives M. ( ah, ah, scat, uh, ugh) do not correspond to the words of the significant parts of speech. Some of them contain rare or uncharacteristic for the Russian phonetic system. language sounds and their combinations: yeah, brr, um, shoo, ugh, shh; they can double and triple: ay-ay-ay, oh-oh, oh-oh. Their origin is associated with reflexive emotional cries and exclamations. Derivatives of M. can be correlated with nouns ( god, lord, damn): with verbs ( you'll think it will happen to you, wait), with adverbs and service units speech ( out!, away, however). Among the derivative interjections there are many stable combinations and phraseological units: that's it, what the hell, that's it, well, well. M., as a rule, are not syntactically related to other words and are not members. offers. They can function as the equivalent of a sentence: Ah ah ah!; Guard!; be part of phraseological structures: Oh yeah hero!; freely introduced into a sentence, usually opening it: Oh, trouble! At the same time, some emotional M. are capable of acting as a predicate if instead of a name. a sign expresses the impression it evokes: Her character is oh-oh-oh. In addition, volitional M., acquiring certain verbal properties due to their proximity to the imperative mood, can subjugate dependent words: march home; let's go to the river. Verbal words and onomatopoeias are close to interjections in some respects.

IN business speech Constructions with complex sentences are widely used, because this allows you to assemble into a whole a large number of words, emphasize shades of meaning, express a more complex thought.

The use of complex sentences allows you to accurately determine semantic relationships - causal, conditional, target, temporary, etc.

D. But document writers often complicate sentences. As a result, the text is difficult to perceive and loses its semantic significance. Such an error arises as a result of the saturation of a sentence with the same type of subordinate clauses, long enumerations, extensive quotations, and the use of complex intercalary constructions.

Text with such errors should be simplified. This can be done by:

1) direct abbreviation of the text,

2) text processing,

3) by breaking down complex periods into simpler structures, paragraphs, etc.,

Stylistically unsuccessful designs include:

1) complex sentences in which the subordinate part replaces the predicate of the main part of the sentence:

Our goal is when all workers can complete the task.

2) designs like:

Shop workers who were noted in the order took part in the competition.

A union word that refers simultaneously to both workers and workshops. Should have:

Employees of workshop No. 15, who were noted in the order, took part in the competition.

3) constructions with consistent subordination of similar subordinate clauses and obsessive repetition of conjunctions and allied words are unsuccessful:

We inform you that according to available information, you are systematically disrupting production assignments.

4) complex sentences with heterogeneous parts are unsuccessful:

2. Every employee must take care of the cleanliness of the workplace.

3. All cases of violation of labor discipline must be discussed at a team meeting.

Prevent is a verb, every is an adjective, everything is a pronoun. There should be uniformity:

The general meeting of the team decided:

1. Avoid violation of the work schedule.

2. Take care of the cleanliness of the workplace.

3. Discuss all cases of violation of labor discipline at a team meeting.

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More on the topic Features of the composition and structure of complex sentences:

  1. 22. Indivisible sentences. Complete and incomplete sentences.
  2. 9. Lexical meaning of a word, structure of meaning, components of lexical meaning. Basic types of lexical meanings of words in English.
  3. 36. The proposal and its main features, various aspects of the study of the proposal.
  4. 39. A complex syntactic whole and structural elements of its organization. Ways of connecting sentences as part of a complex syntactic whole.

Difficult sentence represents a structural, semantic and intranational association of predicative units, grammatically similar to a simple sentence. The difference between SP and PP is not quantitative, but quality. The joint venture has its own civil law and state fund, its own structural indicators.

The grammatical meaning of a SP is syntactically typified relationships between its parts. Predicativity is formalized in each predicative part, where modality, tense and person are expressed.

Something started to seem to me, as if I had a dream at night, from which only scraps remained. – in all parts there is a temporary meaning (1 – past, 2, 3 – temporary uncertainty), modal meaning (real and unreal, respectively).

However, these values ​​in the structure of the joint venture interact and influence each other, as a result of which special meanings: relative time, conditional modality.

If there was a field, we’d find a bipod.(Proverb)

(according to Lekant)

JV- structurally and semantically a single whole, composed of components that organically connect each other, depend on each other, and condition each other. Each component in the composition of the SP does not express a separate, completely complete thought in the process of utterance. (according to Markelova)

Yes, a proposal The boy peered at familiar places, and the hated chaise ran past(Ch.) consists of two parts, each part has two grammatical structures: The boy peered into familiar places; the hated chaise ran past.

Signs of SP:

1. SP – polypredicative, PP – monopredicative;

2. SPs have specific means of connecting its predicative parts: unions(composition, subordinate), allied words, i.e. demonstrative pronominal signs (something...that), aspectual and tense forms of verbs, lexical components of predicative units of the SP;

3. Completeness and integrity its semantics, that is, the thought reflected in it is not a simple sum of different thoughts, but is complex semantic-syntactic whole, which is different independent meaning, completeness of this meaning and its theme;

4. The joint venture has special intonation contours.

All these signs correlate with the concepts free And unfree SP models:

- not free, as a rule, has communicative divisions, rhematic;

- free includes various semantic functions.

All joint ventures are divided into:

1. Allied (SSP and [SPP – approx. 85% in the language]);

2. Non-union.

Compound sentence expresses the meaning of grammatical equivalence. Divided into:

connecting sentences;




proposals of a complex structure.

Complex sentence consists of two or more unequal predicative parts: dominant part and subordinate (dependent) part. Divided into:

1. Undivided (single-membered):



pronominal correlatives.

2. Dismembered (two-membered):









2. Not included in either dismembered or undivided: connecting.

54, 55, 56. Complex sentence.

Compound sentence expresses the meaning of grammatical equivalence. The main indicator of this meaning, and at the same time, a means of connecting parts into a whole and expressing certain relationships, is coordinating conjunction . It creates the grammatical form of the SSP, so do not belong none of the predicative parts.

The whole sky was covered with clouds, and a rare, light rain began to fall.

The connected predicative units are equal and relatively autonomous, but in some cases one of them explains individual components of the other.

The room was big, light, but everything in it was arranged and piled up to no avail; I didn't want to home, yes and there was no need to go there.

The meaning of equivalence can be emphasized and strengthened with the help of homogeneity coordinators - general members.

A In the evening There was a Christmas tree for everyone and everyone celebrated the New Year together.

Structural factor MSP:

openness (connecting and separating relationships): open series, uniformity of construction, have the meaning of simultaneity, which is expressed by the correspondence of the tense forms of predicate verbs, can have an unlimited number of parts.

AND, best years hopes and love, in my chest everything comes to life again, and my thoughts rush far, and my mind is full of desires and passions, and my blood boils - and tears from my eyes, like sounds, flow one after another.

Either a long branch will suddenly catch her by the neck, or the golden earrings will be torn out of her ears by force; then a wet shoe will get stuck in the fragile snow; then she will drop the handkerchief...

closedness(adversatives and adjectives): parts are a closed series, they are always two parts, structurally and semantically interdependent, connected. These are sentences with adversative-contrastive and adjunctive relations. The second part in them closes the series and does not imply the presence of a third.

Not only Sonya, without color, could not withstand this look, but also the old countess and Natasha blushed when they noticed this look.

He wanted to say something to him, but the fat man had already disappeared.

Closed structure can also be observed in sentences with connecting conjunctions, in cases where complex sentences are combinations of contrasting or effective parts.

I wanted to answer him, but could not utter a word.

I told her a funny story and she immediately calmed down.

This indicates that the property of closed and open structure is associated not so much with the nature of the conjunction itself (although this is a decisive condition, for example, with adversative-comparative conjunctions), but with the semantic-structural interconnectedness of the parts.

The wind died down, and a fresh coolness began to spread in the vineyards. – an example of an open structure, since it assumes the continuation of a series due to the parallelism of the structure of the predicative basis of each part (mainly due to the coincidence of the aspectual-temporal plan of the predicate verbs), however, when the form of the predicate in the first part changes, the cause-and-effect dependence of the components of the sentence may appear more clearly and the series closes: The wind died down and a fresh coolness began to spread through the vineyards.

An elementary BSC includes two or more parts, but expresses one type of relationship. For registration different types relationships, a complicated BSC is used.

It was raining, And the trees rustled from the strong wind, But in the darkness neither rain nor trees were visible.

The general meaning of grammatical equivalence and analogy is manifested in SSP in the form of certain semantic-grammatical relations. They rely on the semantics of coordinating conjunctions.

Factors that form semantic-grammatical relations:

Coordination of forms of aspect, mood, tense of predicate verbs or connectives,

Lexico-semantic relations of synonymy and antonymy,

Lexical elements with a general denotative meaning ( then, therefore, because of that, for this, at the same time, as a result of this and etc.),

Including metawords ( from time to time, sometimes, at the same time, from time to time, since then, at that time, until now and etc.).

I left my brother early in the morning, And since then It became unbearable for me to be in the city.

Main types semantic and grammatical meanings of BSC:




54. Structural and semantic features of connecting sentences.

IN connecting BSC value uniformity is expressed in a list of similar events and situations, which is formalized by connecting conjunctions:

Unclosed structure:

Basic Union And (has a general connecting meaning).

The lanterns were burning And the moon was above the houses.

The underground water lies very deep, And Wells dry up by summer.– shade of result, consequence.

Shades can be expressed additional indicators,

Life on earth was not easy, And That's why I really loved the sky.– shade of consequence.

From four o'clock Nevsky Prospekt is empty, Andhardly you will meet at least one official there.– the value of the result.

Repeating conjunction no no (strengthens the denial).

Unions Same And Also (introduce shades of identification and accession).

My daughter studied and grew up well, boy Same studied well. – union inside the second predicate.

Union Yes(similar to the union And , but differs in reduced stylistic coloring).

A lonely lantern flickered lonely near the church, Yes The school building was still glowing with lights.

Closed structure:

Gradational unions both...and , not only but) emphasize the obligatory nature of the connection, enhance the meaning of similarity and analogy.

We Not only on the eve of the coup, But we entered it.

Connective relationships are established against the background:

simultaneity(imperfect form of predicate verbs or connectives in both parts of the SSP);

The spaciousness of the room is deserted, And its dusk is cold.

different times(perfect view).

The forest is over And the company entered the village.

These values ​​are emphasized or adjusted lexical indicators.

That night the rain rustled in the garden, And Then Bad weather persisted for several days.– the meaning of the sequence is expressed lexically (Then), despite the imperfective verbs.

The use of different specific forms obscures temporary relationships; they are clarified with the help of “semi-official” lexical elements yet, already, suddenly, again, finally.

The forests were getting darker and quieter, And finally It started snowing thickly.– sequence (multi-temporality).

A blizzard was raging, And sky more didn't clear up.– simultaneity.

55. Structural and semantic features of adversative sentences.

IN adversative BSC expresses relationships opposites, incompatibility; their grammatical form is created by conjunctions:

Comparative emphasize the difference in signs, actions attributed to different persons or objects, as well as differences in space, time, etc.:

A (main),

After lunch, Zhenya read, lying in a deep armchair, A I was sitting on the bottom step of the terrace.

or (shade of bookishness): located inside the second predicative part, after the word in which the basis of comparison is expressed.

Study and lunch made the days very interesting, the evenings or It was a bit boring.

People crossed flooded areas without much difficulty, horses or got it again.

Opposite indicate the opposite of the content of the second predicative part to that expected from the meaning of the first part, i.e., their incompatibility:

But (main),

The clouds seemed to become thinner and more transparent, But the whole sky was covered with them.

The pale sky began to turn blue again - But it was already the blue of the night.

The river was still flowing in the hole, But it was quiet under the bridge.

however (bookishness),

Yes (archaic, colloquial)

Good Russian prowess Yes It suits few people.

but (shade of reimbursement),

The bright luxury of southern nature did not touch the old man, but Sergei, who was here for the first time, admired many things.

oh, just (partial, incomplete opposition).

There was no more than half an hour left until evening, A the dawn was barely breaking.

Then it became quiet only sounds came from the yard.

In all cases the conjunction can be used But How carrier of the semantics of opposition.

The opposite can be emphasized and strengthened through particles, lexical repetitions with negation, antonymic vocabulary, etc.

Rare lights lit up around the village, A That's all for Natalya Not was.

Lay down again sleep generals, Yes can't sleep them on an empty stomach.

Candles more were burning, But already The morning light was shining through the curtains.

The steppe has long remained behind, A ahead The local mountains were already rising.

Almost destroyed All,But no replacement created nothing yet.

All offers from adversative unions have closed structure.

56. Compound sentence. Structural and semantic features of dividing and connecting sentences.

IN dividing BSC expresses relationships mutual exclusion, alternative, choice. Structure such proposals open.


either, or (alternative, choice): they are used both as single and repeating ones.

Only occasionally will the old willows make noise and become silent, or An unknown plane will buzz high above the house.

I don't want to think about anything or thoughts and memories, cloudy, unclear, like a dream.

We talked for a long time and were silent for a long time, each thinking about his own, or she played the piano for me.

then... then (alternation): used only as a repeating phrase.

Thateverything in her breathes true, That everything in it is feigned and false.

either... or, not that... not that (relations of non-discrimination).

Not thatOver these three years I myself have lost my ability to get along with people, not that During this time people became more rascals.

Connection BRP combine the value of grammatical equivalence And additionality: the first part is semantically complete, autonomous, and the second forms a statement “about” the first.

It was fun in the forest, and Yeleska was already used to such a life.

Special connecting unions: yes, and, moreover, besides, and then, and not that, not that and etc.),

Actually writing, sometimes in combination with lexical units of connecting semantics: and besides, but, also, also, but and etc.

Kashtanka ran back and forth and did not find her owner, A meanwhile it was getting dark.

Arina Petrovna remained as before in Golovlev, and, of course, could not do without a family comedy.

The meadows beyond the Volga turned brown in the city Same all the colors have faded.

The meaning of the addition is expressed together with connective, adversative, etc.

The inclusion of connecting sentences in the BSC is not entirely uncontroversial, since they do not fully demonstrate the meaning of equivalence and analogy characteristic of an essay. The attached second part in some respect “serves” and explains the first.

I didn't want to go home and there was no need to go there.
