Download presentation political system of society. The political system of the Russian Federation

slide 2

Political science questions:

  • Are there internal patterns in the development of political structures?
  • Is it possible to successfully predict the development trends of certain political processes?
  • slide 3

    The two most important aspects of the political system are:

    • Integrity
    • Dynamism
    • Structural elements:
    • Structural elements:
    • Organizational (state, political parties, socio-political movements, pressure groups);
    • Normative (political legal norms and values, customs and traditions);
    • Cultural (political ideas, political culture);
    • Communication (information links and relations within the political system, as well as between the political system and society)
    • political ideas
    • Values
    • outlook
  • slide 4

    Politic system- a set of norms, institutions and organizations that together make up the political self-organization of society.

    slide 5

    • Communication subsystem
    • Functional subsystem
    • Regulatory subsystem
    • Political principles, political traditions, moral norms.
    • Institutional subsystem
    • State, political parties, socio-political movements.
    • The structure of the political system:

    Cultural and ideological subsystem

    slide 6

    Functions of the political system:

    • Definition of goals, objectives, ways of development of society.
    • Organization of the company's activities to fulfill the adopted goals and programs.
    • Distribution of material and spiritual values.
    • Formation of political consciousness, involvement of members of society in political participation and activity.
    • Coordination of various interests of the state and social communities.
    • Ensuring internal and external security and stability of the political system.
    • Development of rules and laws of behavior of people and groups in society.
    • Control over compliance with the implementation of laws and regulations, suppression of actions that violate political norms.
  • Slide 7

    The functioning of the political system:

    • Politic system
    • Requirements
    • Solution
    • Actions
    • Support
    • Exit
    • Environment
    • Environment
  • Slide 8

    Relationship between political system and environment

    (structure of entry and exit by D. Easton):

    a) work on the regulation and formulation of requirements by parties, trade unions, socio-political organizations, state. actors within the political system to keep it from being overwhelmed by a wide range of demands.

    b) feedback mechanism - the actions and decisions of the authorities cause either support for the authorities by society, or new demands on the authorities within the system.

    Slide 9

    Levels of existence of political systems.

    • global (worldwide)
    • regional

    National State

    Slide 10

    Types of political systems.

    • Stable (steady)
    • unstable (unstable)

    Express the will of the majority of the population, distribution political power corresponds to the balance of social forces in the country.

    slide 11

    Political systems of dictatorial type:

    • dictatorship

    Lack of guarantees of political freedoms, the principle of separation of powers and supreme law. Rejection of democratic principles of governance.

    slide 12

    a) a small number of power holders.

    b) Unlimited power, the absence of real democratic mechanisms for monitoring its implementation. At the same time, power is not arbitrary and can be based on the force of laws, although these laws are adopted at the discretion of the ruling elite.

    c) the desire to use force to resolve conflict situations. Although this does not mean that force is resorted to automatically and in all cases.

    d) prevention of real political opposition and political competition.

    e) the relative closeness of the ruling elite, the recruitment of members of the political elite through co-optation, appointment from above, and not competitive struggle in the course of open and fair elections.

    slide 13

    • authoritarianism
    • totalitarianism

    The general penetration of mono-ideology (the only permitted ideology) into all subsystems of society and the gradual absorption of society and the individual human personality by the structures of the party-state.

    The dominance of state structures over society, the primacy of the executive over the legislative and judicial.

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    municipal autonomous educational institution

    Perevozsky municipal district Nizhny Novgorod region

    "Ichalkovskaya secondary school"

    social studies presentation

    Politic system

    (questions of the USE codifier)

    Ganyushin M.E.,

    a history teacher

    highest qualification category

    With. Ichalki


    Social science. Codifier of exam questions.

    4.3. Politic system

    The political system of society is a set of interactions of political subjects, organized on a single normative-value basis, related to the exercise of power and social management and the relations between them through which political power is exercised.

    The political system of society is a set of organizations and institutions exercising state power and managing the affairs of society.

    The political system of society is a complex, multifaceted system of relations between state and non-state social institutions performing certain political functions.

    Institutional (organizational)


    State, political parties, public organizations, media, etc.

    Representation of different political interests

    social management

    Creating social norms

    Political socialization of citizens, etc.



    Social norms (legal, political, moral, etc.)

    Regulation of the political process



    Various interactions of subjects of political life

    Transfer of information / exchange of information

    Organization of political dialogue



    Values, political ideologies, etc.

    Giving meaning to political action

    Stabilization and integration of society

    Creating a meaningful basis for political dialogue

    Subsystems of the political system

    Functions of the political system

    • identification, formulation and justification of the interests of large social groups
    • determination of goals and directions for the development of society and the state
    • participation in the struggle for power and the activities of the state
    • integration, activation and mobilization of large social groups, political socialization of citizens
    • promotion of political ideas, creation of ideologies
    • formation of public opinion
    • nomination of political leaders, training of personnel for the state apparatus and political organizations
    • development of rules of conduct and laws, control over their observance

    1. Write down the word missing in the table.

    Subsystems of the political system

    2. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are elements of the political system.

    1) political parties; 2) banks; 3) state; 4) production; 5) public organizations; 6) parliament.


    4. Country Z has a stable political system, which ensures the stable development of society. What are the components of a political system?

    1) communicative

    2) cultural and ideological

    3) educational

    4) regulatory

    5) party-organizational

    6) institutional

    3. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

    1) political institution; 2) political party; 3) political program; 4) the political system of society; 5) political norms.

    6. Find in the list below the functions of the political system in a democratic society.

    1) definition of goals, objectives, ways of development of society

    2) harmonization of the various interests of the state and social communities

    3) the formation of a centrally planned economy

    4) establishment of a single official ideology

    5) development of rules and laws of behavior of people and groups in society

    6) control over compliance with laws

    5. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are the names of subsystems of the political system.

    1) institutional; 2) proportional; 3) normative; 4) majoritarian; 5) cultural and ideological; 6) communicative

    8. Establish a correspondence between the elements and subsystems of the political system.

    7. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series below.

    1) political parties; 2) the state; 3) public organizations; 4) political system; 5) political consciousness.

    9. Write down the word missing in the table.

    The structure of the political system


    10. Establish a correspondence between the subsystems of the political system and their elements.

    11. Match the examples social reality and structural elements of the political system: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

    12. “The political system includes _______ (A) political power. The relationship between society and the state characterizes the flow of _______ (B). The political system ensures the integration of all elements of society and its very existence as a single body centrally controlled by political power, the core of which is _______ (B).

    The political system of a society is its political life activity organized in a special way. The content of political activity is not limited to the power activities of the state. It includes various forms of _____ (D) subjects; different kinds and ways of political activity. The well-known Western political scientist D. Easton drew attention to the fact that politics in any society is a system of interactions through which the authoritative or binding distribution of ______ (E) in society is carried out and consolidated.

    1) state 7) social group

    2) political participation 8) political ideologies

    3) organization 9) political processes

    4) values

    5) specific historical

    6) public

    13. What meaning do social scientists invest in the concept of "the political system of society"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the subsystems of the political system, and one sentence revealing the essence of any subsystem of the political system.

    1. The totality of norms, institutions, organization, their interaction, constituting the political self-organization of society, is called a political system.

    2. The political system consists of such structural elements as institutional, normative, communicative, cultural.

    3. The institutional system includes such political institutions as the state, parties, socio-political institutions.

    14. What meaning do social scientists invest in the concept of "the political system of society"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the structure of the political system of society, and one sentence revealing any of the functions of the political system of society.

    The correct answer may include:

    1. Political system - a set of political institutions, legal norms that control and maintain order in society.

    2. The political system consists of political institutions: the state, political parties, socio-political movements.

    3. The political system performs the function of managing society and maintaining stability.

    15. Name any two subsystems of the political system and reveal the content of each of them.

    The correct answer must contain the following elements:

    1) The subsystems are named, for example:



    2) Content revealed, let's say:

    Normative: all kinds of norms that determine the behavior of people in socio-political life;

    Communicative: channels for transmitting information from society to government and vice versa.

    16. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The political system of society." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

    One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

    1) The concept of the political system. The political system of society is a system that implements social management.

    2) The main elements of the political system:

    a) organizations and institutions (the state, parties and socio-political movements, the media);

    b) political communications (a set of relations and forms of interaction between political subjects);

    c) political norms and traditions (constitutions and laws, ethical and moral norms);

    d) cultural and ideological subsystem (a set of political ideas, views, ideas and feelings that are different in their content).

    3) Functions of the political system:

    a) determination of goals, objectives and ways of development of society;

    b) regulation of the company's activities;

    c) distribution of spiritual and material resources;

    d) coordination of different political interests;

    e) stability and security of society;

    f) monitoring the implementation of decisions and compliance with regulations.

    4) Typology of political systems:

    a) depending on the source of power (democratic and non-democratic (authoritarian and totalitarian));

    b) depending on interaction with society (open and closed);

    5) Features of modern political systems.

    Internet resources

    • FIPI. Open bank of USE assignments. Social science
    • I will solve the exam
    • image "political system"
    • image "political norms"
    • image "communication"


    1) USE 2016. Social science. Typical test tasks / A.Yu. Lazebnikova, E.L. Rutkovskaya. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2016.

    2) Social science: USE textbook / P.A. Baranov, S.V. Shevchenko / Ed. P.A. Baranov. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2014.

    3) Social science. Grade 10. Modular triactive course / O.A. Kotova, T.E. Liskov. - M .: Publishing house "National Education", 2014.

    The political system is a set of norms, institutions and organizations that together make up the political self-organization of society. Functions: making generally binding decisions, managing society (defining goals, objectives for the development of society, developing a political course, etc.); integrative function (consolidation of society based on common values); the function of mobilizing resources to achieve certain goals; the function of political communication (providing communication between various elements of the political system, as well as between the system and the environment)

    POLITICAL SYSTEMS OF THE DICTATORIAL TYPE "dictatorship" (from Latin dictatura - unlimited power). Characteristic: the lack of guarantees of political freedoms, the principles of separation of powers and the rule of law. Within the framework of political systems of a dictatorial type, it is customary to single out authoritarian and totalitarian political systems.

    POLITICAL REGIME is a system of methods for exercising power in society, which is a set of certain rules of the political game, political values ​​and political norms, as well as corresponding political institutions and structures designed for their implementation in political practice.

    Totalitarian political regime The main features of the totalitarian regime: 1. Recognition of the leading role of one party and the implementation of its dictatorship; 2. The dominance of one official ideology in the spiritual sphere and the forced imposition of it on all members of society; 3. The existence of general control over the behavior of individuals and the use of repressive methods; 4. General control over the media; 5. Centralized management of the economy.

    Authoritarian political regime The main features of an authoritarian political regime: 1. Autocracy (from the Greek autokrateia) - autocracy, monarchy, autocracy or a small number of power holders (tyranny, junta, oligarchic group). 2. Unlimited power, its non-control of citizens. At the same time, the government can rule with the help of laws, but it accepts them at its own discretion. 3. Reliance (real or potential) on force. An authoritarian regime may not resort to mass repression and be popular among the general public. However, he has sufficient power to force citizens into obedience if necessary. 4. Monopolization of power in politics, prevention of political opposition and competition. 5. Recruitment of the political elite through co-optation, appointment from above, and not on the basis of competitive political struggle. 6. Refusal of total control over society, non-intervention or limited interference in non-political spheres, primarily in the economy.

    The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Social Studies"

    The main purpose of the social studies presentation is to study society and understand social processes. This section of the site contains ready-made presentations covering the entire school curriculum in social studies. Here you can find and download a ready-made social studies presentation for grades 6,7,8,9,10,11. Well-illustrated and well-written presentations will help the teacher to conduct the lesson in a fun way, and students can use them to prepare for the lesson, review the material already covered, or as a visual accompaniment to a presentation.


    Goals and objectives:

    1) introduce the typology of political systems, show the main features of political regimes;

    2) Develop the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problematic tasks, reveal the most important theoretical positions and concepts of the social sciences and humanities with examples, participate in discussions, work with documents;

    3) to form students' attitude to political systems.

    Lesson plan:

    1. Political system: general characteristics

    2. Political systems of dictatorial type

    3. Political regime

    During the classes:

    1. Organizational moment: Solving the task on the topic: Social structure.

    A wise man was asked the question: “What is the difference between democracy and dictatorship?” To this, the sage, after thinking, replied: “Democracy is when the people openly show dissatisfaction with their government. Dictatorship is when the people openly show dissatisfaction with a foreign government.”

    How true is the story told?

    What is a “political system and political regime” and what role do they play in our society, we will try to understand today.

    new material:

    1. Political system: general characteristics

    - a set of norms, institutions and organizations that together make up the self-organization of society.

    POLITICAL SYSTEM OF SOCIETY is a system of institutions within which political life society and exercise state power.



    Structural elements:

    Organizational, normative, cultural, communicative.


    Functions of the political system

    American scientists D. Easton, C. Deutsch, G. Almond represent the political system (PS) as a system of interactions between the subjects of political action, one of the subsystems that performs the functions of integration and adaptation to the requirements of the environment. The relationship between the PS and the environment is presented in the form of input-output.

    System requirement

    Citizen support for the system

    At the entrance - a wide range of requirements. Overload must not be allowed. This work is carried out by the parties, total. organizations, statesmen. The support of the people is important.

    Concrete political actions and decisions. Influence the state of external environment.

    The ability to flexibly and quickly respond to new requirements is the key to the viability of the system as a whole. Failure to give an adequate response leads to the collapse of the system.

    The most common division of all political systems according to the methods of organizing power and control: democratic political systems and systems of a dictatorial (non-democratic) type.

    2. Political systems of dictatorial type

    "Dictatorship"(from lat. dictatura - unlimited power).

    Common features of dictatorial regimes:

    rejection of democratic principles of governance

    lack of guarantees of political freedoms

    lack of a system of separation of powers and the rule of law

    within political systems. dictatorial type is usually distinguished authoritarian and totalitarian political systems.

    Working with the textbook: analysis of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes

    The main features of a totalitarian regime:

    1. Recognition of the leading role of one party and the implementation of its dictatorship;

    2. The dominance of one official ideology in the spiritual sphere and the forced imposition of it on all members of society;

    3. The existence of general control over the behavior of individuals and the use of repressive methods;

    4. General control over the media;

    5. Centralized management of the economy.

    1. Autocracy (from the Greek autokrateia) - autocracy, monarchy, autocracy or a small number of power holders (tyranny, junta, oligarchic group).

    2. Unlimited power, its non-control of citizens. At the same time, the government can rule with the help of laws, but it accepts them at its own discretion.

    3. Reliance (real or potential) on force. An authoritarian regime may not resort to mass repression and be popular among the general public. However, he has sufficient power to force citizens into obedience if necessary.

    4. Monopolization of power in politics, prevention of political opposition and competition.

    5. Recruitment of the political elite through co-optation, appointment from above, and not on the basis of competitive political struggle.

    6. Refusal of total control over society, non-intervention or limited interference in non-political spheres, primarily in the economy.

    3. Political regime

    Points of view:

    political system = political regime

    political system = form of government

    political regime - ways and means of exercising political power

    Political regime- the type of political power with characteristic ways, forms and methods of its implementation, reflects the ways of the relationship between power, society and the individual.

    Political regime- this is a system of methods for exercising power in society, which is a set of certain rules of the political game, political values ​​and political norms, as well as relevant political institutions and structures designed for their implementation in political practice.

    Working with the textbook: Comparative characteristics political system and
    political regime

    Classification of political regimes:

    By form of government (monarchic, republican)

    By the nature of the formation of the ruling elite (open, closed)

    According to the composition of the ruling circles (military, civil, theocratic ...)

    According to the dominant methods of exercising power (dictatorial, liberal)

    Summary of lessons:

    Analyze the above statements of B. Mussolini and J. Stalin. What do they have in common? Can they be considered an expression of the essence of a totalitarian regime? Justify your answer.

    “Everything is in the state, nothing is outside the state, nothing is against the state” (B. Mussolini).

    “Our democracy must always put the common interest first. The personal in front of the public is almost nothing ”(I.V. Stalin).

    - Can authoritarian and totalitarian regimes play a positive role in history? Give examples.


    Learn concepts

    Answer the questions:

    1. What are the common features of dictatorial regimes?

    2. What do you see as the main differences between totalitarianism and authoritarianism?

    3. Why do you think totalitarianism and its communist varieties have gained considerable popularity in the world? Argue your opinion.


    1. Social science. Textbook for grade 11. edited by L.N. Bogolyubova, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, K.G. Kholodkovsky (profile level), M .: Education, 2008.

    2. Sorokina E.N.

    school teacher). Profile level, grade 11. - M.: VAKO, 2009.

    3. for

    Principles political ideology: in the political ideology, the attitude towards the parties established by international relations, the principles of solution are determined national question. political ideology shapes social ideals. political ideology concretizes in political documents measures to achieve certain goals, i.e. power mechanisms. ideology cannot be absolutized, only goals are identified with the triumph of the idea.

    Functions of political ideology: Legitimation of power. Mobilization and integration of united people into the social whole. Critical - understanding reality and ideological idols. Constructive - to take political action. Normative - contains political guidelines - norms. Compensatory - gives hope for well-being, compensating for social dissatisfaction. Communication impact, manipulated public consciousness. Cognitive - carries knowledge about society, transforming in a natural form.

    Liberalism arose with the development of capitalist society and coincides in time with the period of the bourgeois revolutions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The theorists of classical liberalism J. Locke, Adam Smith, S. L. Montesquieu expressed the interests of the third estate, which was fighting against feudal reaction. Their ideas formed the basis of the concept of liberal democracy.

    The principles of liberalism: The idea of ​​individual freedom, which can be limited by the freedom of another individual The social contract justified the sovereignty of the people as a source of power, and the government as a guardian public rules The idea of ​​resistance to despotic power. The principle of government based on law The principle of free market exchange and the protection of private property The principle of separation of powers The right to a political position Creeds: individualism, freedom, equality.

    Socialist Ideology Socialist Ideology 30s of the 19th century Pierre Leroux from each according to his abilities, each ability according to his deeds; comprehensive and harmonious development of personality; elimination of differences between town and country; diversity and change of physical and spiritual labor; free development of each as a condition for the free development of all

    Marxism 40s of the XIX century K. Marx, F. Engels - a society of free conscious workers, where public self-government will be established, and the state will wither away, there will be no classes, and social equality will be embodied in the principle "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" limitless flourishing of personality in freedom from exploitation

    Conservatism at the end of the 18th century as a reaction to the French Revolution E. Burke, J. de Mestre. L. de Bonald rigid pyramidal structure of society social reforms are based on spiritual traditions and values ​​moral absolutism - recognition of the existence of unshakable moral ideals and values historical heritage

    Neoconservatism in response to the "challenge" of the crisis state of scientific and technological civilization and the weakening of its spiritual and moral foundations, the principle of solidarity, based on the idea of ​​the unity of labor and capital; the principle of justice, i.e. "equitable distribution of income and property", "fair wage", "fair tax policy" and others; the principle of subsidiarity - assistance to promote self-help and private initiative

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