Norwegian parliament. Norwegian Parliament Legislative procedure

Norway is one of the most developed European countries. It is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula and borders three countries. So, its neighbors are Russia and Finland. The official name is the Kingdom of Norway.

State structure of Norway

Norway in its state structure is a constitutional monarchy, headed by the king. He performs representative functions. Officially, the King of Norway heads the executive branch, but in reality, many of his powers are limited by the country's legislature. He also has some competences in relation to the parliament: he opens sessions, speaks at meetings, etc. Harald V is currently the king of Norway.

The Kingdom of Norway in its territorial structure is a unitary state. It consists of 19 regions, or the so-called county. In turn, they are divided into municipalities, the average population of which is generally less than 5 thousand people.

Legislature of Norway

Legislative power in the Kingdom of Norway is exercised by the people through the Norwegian parliament, which is called the Storting. It is unicameral, but for the adoption of laws, its members are divided into Lagting (upper house) and Odelsting (lower house).

In its current form, the legislative body of the country has existed since the beginning of the 19th century, but its roots go far back in history - as far back as the ninth century. Even then, on the territory of modern Norway, there were local institutions that united into a single inter-regional assembly. This body bore the same name as modern Norway.

Parliamentary elections

The legislative institute of the country consists of 169 members (until 2005 it consisted of 165). In order to qualify for a seat, a candidate must be eligible to vote and have lived in Norway for at least ten years. Parliamentary elections are held once every four years. However, they should end in September.

The composition of the parliament is determined by the proportional electoral system, in which the seats are distributed according to the received votes. Such a system has been operating in Norway since the First World War. One hundred and fifty deputies are appointed on the basis of electoral lists, while the remaining nineteen receive equalizing mandates. These seats are awarded to parties that receive fewer seats than the percentage of votes received.

All citizens of the country who are 18 years of age have the right to vote. For voting, Norway is divided into 19 districts (coincide with the borders of the regions). Each of which, in turn, is divided into polling stations (they are communes). Depending on the size of the population and districts, a different number of seats in the Storting is provided.

Functions performed by the Storting

The main thing in Norway is the adoption and abolition of the laws of the country, as well as the establishment of the state budget. In addition, he is also empowered to establish taxes, customs duties, etc. He can grant government loans, allocate funds to eliminate the debts of the country, and also determine the amount of expenses for the maintenance of the king and his family.

The Norwegian Parliament also has the right to demand information about alliances and treaties concluded by the head of the country with foreign states, the provision of all official documents of the Council of State (the country's highest executive body), and also to appoint a number of officials (an auditor to review the government report and a special person to monitor by the entire apparatus of officials). Another important function of the Storting is the granting of citizenship.

Legislation procedure

At the first ordinary session after the parliamentary elections, the Storting chooses among its members those who will join the Lagting. The upper chamber is one-fourth of all the deputies, and the Odelsting forms the remaining three-quarters.

The first step in the adoption of laws is the introduction of a bill in the lower house of parliament, which can be done by both its members and officials of the government of Norway. After the adoption of the bill by the Odelsting, it is submitted for consideration to the Lagting, which can either approve the submitted document or attach comments to it and return it back. In this case, the deputies of the lower house again consider the bill, and after that, either a refusal to further work on its adoption may occur, or it may be sent for re-consideration to the Lagting. At the same time, Odelsting can make changes to the document, or can leave it unchanged.

After the bill receives the approval of the entire Storting (parliament), it is sent for signature to the king. The latter has the right to either approve the proposed document or send it back to the lower house. In this case, the draft law cannot be repeatedly sent to the head of state for signature during the work of the same parliamentary session.

Election 2017

In September, regular elections to the parliament were held in the Kingdom of Norway. More than 20 political parties represented by 4437 candidates took part in them.

The elections were won by the Norwegian Workers (CHP) (27.4% of the vote), but together with their partners, the CHP received 9 seats less than the union led by the conservative Høire (25.1%). As a result, the right got 89 seats, the left - 80. The attendance of the elections was more than 75%.

The Norwegian word Stortinget means "big meeting". The Storting was formed on May 17, 1814, on the same day as the adoption of the Constitution of the country. Today, May 17 is the main one.

The Storting is the highest body of state power. Elections to the Norwegian Parliament are held every four years; it has 169 members. Interestingly, the Storting website lists the e-mail addresses of all parliamentarians, and any Norwegian can turn to the people's representatives with their questions. In addition, on the website of the Parliament, you can watch all sessions live, or view any of the previous sessions in the video archive.

Houses of Parliament

In 2016, the building where the Norwegian Storting meets celebrated its 150th anniversary. Previously, a design competition was held, and even the winner was determined - a tall building in the neo-Gothic style. But after that, the Construction Commission considered the project of the Swedish architect Emil Victor Langlet, who was simply late to submit his project to the competition. The project was adopted unanimously.

The construction of the building began in 1861 and was completed 5 years later, in 1866. The Parliament building is low, it does not dominate the surrounding landscape. This, as it were, emphasizes that the parliament is the pillar of democracy, and that the people sitting in it are equal to all other citizens of Norway. And the fact that it is located on the main street, opposite the royal palace, is also very symbolic.

In 1949, another competition was held - for a project to expand the building, as it became too small. The reconstruction project belonged to the architect Niels Holter. Reconstruction began in 1951 and was completed in 1959. As the then president of the Storting, Niels Langelle, put it, "The new entered into a joyful union with the old."

The nine doors leading into the rounded building demonstrate that Parliament is open to all. Three of them face Karl Johan Street.

How to visit the Norwegian Parliament?

The Storting is located on Karl Johans gate - the main street of the capital, which starts from the railway station; it is located at its intersection with Akersgata. You can get to it by metro (the Storting station is on lines 1, 2, 3 and 4).

The building of the Storting is open to all comers. You can not only walk along the corridors and admire the interiors, but also attend political debates during parliamentary sessions: a special balcony is reserved for spectators. However, the audience has no right to speak. The grand opening of the Storting after the holidays takes place on the 1st Sunday in October.

For groups are held on weekdays by prior arrangement. Sightseeing tours are held during the daytime, and in the evening on certain days there is an inspection of art objects.

In addition, on some Saturdays there are also sightseeing tours of the building, but for single visitors, and not for organized tour groups. On Saturdays, guided tours (in English) take place at 10:00 and 11:30; only 30 people are allowed through, the first in the "live" queue. The duration of the tour is about an hour. There is a mandatory security check upon entry. Photography is allowed in the Storting (with the exception of the security control area), but video recording is prohibited. The tour schedule is subject to change, usually changes are notified on the Storting website.

The number of deputies elected to the Norwegian parliament is 169 people, 150 of whom are elected on party lists from the provinces (fylke), and the remaining 19 receive the so-called "equalizing" mandates.

Formally, the Storting consists of 2 chambers - odelsting And lagting. However, in 2007 it was decided that after the next elections in the year, the Storting would become unicameral. The Storting is headed by the President of the Storting. Currently it is Torbjorn Jagland. In addition to him, the Presidium of the Parliament includes the Vice-President of the Storting, the President and Vice-President of the Odelsting, and the President and Vice-President of the Lagting. Seats on the presidium are distributed proportionally, according to the parties represented in the Storting. The deputies sit in the plenary hall not in factions, but in groups from the provinces.

The main tasks of the Storting are:

  • issuing laws
  • adoption of the budget
  • control over the work of the government

The 169 deputies of the Storting currently belong to 7 party factions. Each faction has its own chairman, official representative and board. Members of factional boards are also automatically members of parliamentary commissions for foreign affairs and constitutional law.

The Storting has 13 commissions. Each member of parliament participates in the work of a commission. Both parties and provinces of the country are proportionally represented in the commissions. According to the law. Each committee must include at least one member of the Lagting. The commission consists of 11 to 20 deputies, after its creation, members elect a chairman, an official representative and a secretary. Commission meetings are open to the public. The commissions also have the right to invite representatives of the government, any organizations and individuals to their meetings, if this is required for better coverage of the issue under consideration.

There is no such thing as an "imperative mandate" in the Storting. Each deputy enjoys the right of personal immunity. For a year, the annual salary of a deputy of the Storting was approximately 70 thousand euros. Deputies do not have the right to voluntarily return their mandates. An exception is made only for cases where a member of parliament is appointed by a minister.


The Storting comes from the early medieval Norwegian Things, meetings of representatives of the Norwegian clans, at which kings were elected, criminals were condemned, treaties were concluded and disputes were settled.

In its modern form, the Storting has existed since the year when the Norwegian constitution was adopted on 17 May. The Storting met all the time and during the Swedish-Norwegian Union - the year.

Political parties

There are currently 7 parties in the Storting:

  • Workers' Party (Social Democrats) - 61 deputies
  • Progress party (right-wing liberals) - 38 deputies
  • Heire Party (Conservatives) - 23 deputies
  • Socialist Venstre (left socialists) - 15 deputies
  • Christian People's Party - 11 deputies
  • Center Party (peasant) - 11 deputies
  • Venstre (left liberals) - 10 deputies

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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    PARLIAMENT- the highest representative legislative body in the countries, built entirely or partially on an elective basis. In England it is called Parliament, in the USA it is called Congress, in Sweden it is called the Riksdag, in Norway it is called the Storting, in Russia it is called the State Duma and ... ... Big Economic Dictionary

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- Portal:Politics

  • King
  • Cabinet of Ministers
    • Prime Minister
  • Storting
    • The president
  • Domestic politics
    • Elections
  • Administrative division

General information

The seat of the Storting is the capital of Norway - Oslo. The number of deputies elected to the Norwegian parliament is 169 people, 150 of whom are elected on party lists from the provinces (fylke), and the remaining 19 receive the so-called "equalizing" mandates.

Formally, the Storting consists of 2 chambers - odelsting And lagting. However, in 2007 it was decided that after the next elections, in 2009, the Storting would become unicameral. The Storting is headed by the President of the Storting. Currently (since 2009) it is the representative of the Workers' Party Dag Terje Andersen. In addition to him, the Presidium of the Parliament includes the Vice-President of the Storting, the President and Vice-President of the Odelsting, and the President and Vice-President of the Lagting. Seats on the presidium are distributed proportionally, according to the parties represented in the Storting. The deputies sit in the plenary hall not in factions, but in groups from the provinces.

The main tasks of the Storting are:

  • issuing laws
  • adoption of the budget
  • control over the work of the government

The 169 deputies of the Storting currently belong to 7 party factions. Each faction has its own chairman, official representative and board. Members of factional boards are also automatically members of parliamentary commissions for foreign affairs and constitutional law.

The Storting has 13 commissions. Each member of parliament participates in the work of a commission. Both parties and provinces of the country are proportionally represented in the commissions. According to the law. Each committee must include at least one member of the Lagting. The commission consists of 11 to 20 deputies, after its creation, members elect a chairman, an official representative and a secretary. Commission meetings are open to the public. The commissions also have the right to invite representatives of the government, any organizations and individuals to their meetings, if this is required for better coverage of the issue under consideration.

There is no such thing as an "imperative mandate" in the Storting. Each deputy enjoys the right of personal immunity. In 2002, the annual salary of a member of the Storting was approximately 70,000 euros. Deputies do not have the right to voluntarily return their mandates. An exception is made only for cases where a member of parliament is appointed by a minister. Any citizen can watch the debates in the Storting from a special gallery, and the deputy who votes “against” not only presses the appropriate button, but also gets up from his seat, demonstrating his disagreement with what is happening.


The Storting comes from the early medieval Norwegian Things, meetings of representatives of the Norwegian clans, at which kings were elected, criminals were condemned, treaties were concluded and disputes were settled.

In its modern form, the Storting has existed since 1814, when the Norwegian constitution was adopted on May 17. The Storting met all the time and during the Swedish-Norwegian Union -1905, and took a great part in breaking it up. On November 25, 1905, the Storting elected instead of the Swedish Oscar II a new, independent king of Norway - Haakon VII.

Political parties

In 2005, 7 parties were represented in the Storting:

  • Workers' Party (Social Democrats) - 61 deputies
  • Progress Party (Conservatives) - 38 deputies
  • Höyre Party (Conservatives) - 23 deputies
  • socialists) - 15 deputies
  • Christian People's Party - 11 deputies
  • Venstre (Liberals) - 10 deputies
  • Workers' Party (Social Democrats) - 64 deputies
  • Progress Party (Conservatives) - 41 MPs
  • Höyre Party (Conservatives) - 30 deputies
  • Socialist Left Party (Left Socialists) - 11 deputies
  • Christian People's Party - 10 deputies
  • Center Party (agrarian) - 11 deputies
  • Venstre (Liberals) - 2 deputies

Results of the 2013 Storting elections

Parties that formed the government (77)

  • Conservative Party (Høire) (48)
  • Progress Party (29)

Parties supporting the government (19)

  • Christian People's Party (10)
  • Liberal Party (Venstre) (9)

Opposition (73)

  • Norwegian Labor Party (55)
  • Center Party (10)
  • Socialist Left Party (7)
  • Norwegian Environmental Party (1)

see also

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