Certificate of salary in 1s 8.

If the policyholder is incorrectly specified, the program will display the following information message: “The document is intended for registering certificates of other policyholders of our employees!” In this case, the predefined element “Current employer” is selected as the policyholder from the directory. Please note that even if this element has been renamed, the error will remain. Must be included in the Employers directory new element. Based on this certificate, it is possible to generate a document “Request to the Social Insurance Fund for verification of the employer” (form approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 24, 2011 No. 20n).

Registration of a certificate of the amount of earnings for the calculation of benefits (incoming)

1c accounting 3.0 certificate of earnings for calculating benefits

It is also possible to enter data on income from a previous place of work into the document calculating benefits during parental leave in the 1C Salary information system. To perform this operation, you need to enter the document to determine the average level of income of the employee, which is located in the section of the menu dedicated to benefits, and enter the data from the certificate provided by the employee into the information entry form that opens. It is necessary to check that in the settings of the 1C ZUP information system a parameter is set that allows you to take into account payroll from previous employers.
As a rule, it is set by default, but can be changed during operation. Therefore, to make sure that all benefits will be calculated correctly, it is recommended to check it again.

The procedure for registering a certificate of benefits in 1s zup

Procedure for registering a certificate of benefits in 1C ZUP 08/30/2017 To register a certificate of income in the 1C Salary information system, which is used to determine the amount of various social payments and benefits, it is recommended to use a document called “Certificate for calculating benefits.” When filling it out, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • It is available in the Payroll section. You must enter this section of the Salary and Personnel Management information system and create new document.
  • It will automatically indicate the name of the organization, which is set in the 1C ZUP settings.

For example, temporary disability benefits are subject to personal income tax, but not insurance premiums, so they will be indicated in one certificate, but not in another. This certificate includes only the earnings for which insurance premiums. The “Days of illness, child care” tab is filled out if the employee had sick leave during the period of work.

You also need to check the “Data about the policyholder” and “Data about the insured person” tabs; all fields must be filled out. To print the help, there is a corresponding button at the bottom of the form. In order to enter into the program the data of certificates of previous policyholders, which are provided to you by employees, you need to go to the “Payroll calculation” tab and select the item “Certificates of other policyholders”.

Create a new document, select an organization and an employee.

Help for calculating benefits included in 1s 8 3 accounting

To register information from a certificate of earnings provided by an employee, to calculate benefits for temporary disability and maternity benefits, as well as to calculate monthly child care benefits, the document “Certificate for calculating benefits (incoming)” is used (section Salary - See. See also – Certificates for calculating benefits).

  1. In the “Employee” field, select the employee who provided a certificate of earnings for the calculation of benefits (Fig. 1).
  2. In the “Insured” field, select the previous policyholder, previously entered into the “Employers” directory (section Settings - Directories - Employers), who issued the certificate to the employee.
  3. In the field “Period of work from...

After entering information about the previous employer, information about him and data from the certificate will be automatically taken into account when calculating various indicators necessary to determine the amount of social payments and benefits.

  • It is recommended that the document indicate the period of time during which the employee worked at the previous place of work.
  • The tabular part must be filled out on the basis of a certificate provided by the employee. The year for making calculations is set to the one for which data is available in the certificate. Earnings - all income that was received at the employee’s previous place of work and for which contributions to extra-budgetary funds were accrued (primarily to the Social Insurance Fund for the formation of sick leave benefits and maternity leave).

Answers to questions about 1C programs Question: How to enter information about earnings from a previous employer to calculate benefits in “1C: ZUP 8” (rev. 3)? Answer: Calculation of benefits and social payments To calculate benefits, information about earnings from the previous employer is recorded in the document “Certificate for calculating benefits (incoming)” (section Salary - See also - Certificates for calculating benefits). You can also enter this information directly in the “Sick Leave” document (Fig. 1) (section Salary – Sick Leave or section Salary – Create – Sick Leave):

  1. On the “Main” tab, when you click on the “Change data for calculating average earnings” button, the “Entering data for calculating average earnings” form opens. In this form, click on the “Add help from previous” button.

Errors - Description of solutions to errors in 1C: ZUP 8 - Certificate of another policyholder on earnings Certificate of another policyholder on earnings Question: How can I enter in salary 8 a certificate issued to an employee about his earnings by another policyholder? Answer: In the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management program there is a separate document “Certificate of another policyholder on earnings”, intended specifically to reflect certificates of income received from previous employers (policyholders) provided by employees. The data from the entered documents is used for further calculation of sick leave and child care benefits. Entering a certificate of earnings is carried out through the menu Salary calculation by organization → Absences → Certificates of other policyholders on earnings, where the parameters indicate the employee, the policyholder, period of work, billing years and, in fact, earnings.

It is also necessary to reflect the number of days of illness or leave for child care and other reasons when the employee was absent from work, but his wages were accrued.

  • After filling out all the details, the document should be posted, saved and closed.

If necessary, information about income from your previous place of work can be entered directly into the sick leave certificate, which is also issued in 1C Salary. This document is intended to determine the amount of benefits for the period of illness, and for this, information is required on the income accrued to the employee by the previous employer. To enter the required information, you should start the procedure for changing data in the document to calculate the average income level by clicking the button of the same name.
Next, you need to add a certificate from the previous employer and fill it out based on the document provided by the employee.

Employees regularly turn to their employer with a request to provide a certificate of income in Form 2-NDFL. It is also necessary to issue this certificate upon dismissal of an employee, since the new place of work requires information about his earnings for the current year to correctly determine the right to tax deductions. The resigning employee is also provided with a certificate for calculating benefits, containing information for calculating average earnings in the event of temporary disability. Let's talk about how to generate certificate data in the 1C program: Salaries and personnel management 8th ed. 3.1, and whether the earnings amounts in these two documents should match.

It is necessary to dismiss an employee using a “Dismissal” document.

In order to draw up a certificate of income of an individual in form 2-NDFL, the program contains the document “2-NDFL for employees”. To find it, go to the section “Reporting, certificates” - “Certificates for employees” - “2-NDFL for employees”. In the window that opens, click the “Create” button.
In the “Year” field, select the year for which income information is generated and indicate the employee. In the “Generate” field, select “Summary”, since you need to create a single certificate for all the employee’s income. Click "Fill". The tabs “13%”, “30%”, “35%”, “15%”, “9%” will be filled in automatically, they will reflect the monthly accrued income, taxed at the specified rates. The right side of the table will display tax deductions, if any.

The “Personal Data” tab is filled in with data about the individual for whom the certificate is being drawn up. This information is reflected in printed form in the section “Data about the individual - recipient of income”. If any data is not filled out or requires correction, you need to change it in the “Individual” card, which can be accessed by clicking on the “Edit” hyperlink. If you edit the data of an individual so that they differ from the data entered earlier, then when posting the document the program will issue a warning: “Errors have been detected in the document. Continue?". If you agree, the document will be posted and can be printed, but the program does not recommend doing this (because the data in the posted document will differ from the data entered previously).

To generate and print a certificate, use the “Certificate of Income (2-NDFL)” button.

The generated 2-NDFL certificate for the employee additionally contains the comment: “Form 2-NDFL is not for submission to the tax authority.”

Now let's talk about creating the second document. To draw up a certificate of the amount of earnings for calculating benefits, the document “Outgoing certificate for calculating benefits” is used. You can find it in the “Reporting, references” section. Click “Create”. A window appears in which you must indicate the date the document was compiled and the employee for whom you want to generate this certificate. In the “Calculation years” field, select the periods for which you need to provide information.
If changes have been made to the credentials, the certificate must be refilled using the “Fill in certificate data” button. If there have been manual corrections in the help, you must click on the “Update (taking into account manual corrections)” button.

We fill out the tabs “Data about the policyholder” and “Data about the insured person”, after which we post the document. Before generating a certificate, the program checks that this document is filled out correctly. We create a printed form using the “Print” button. We select the printed form of the certificate: “Certificate (according to the form of 2013)” or “Certificate (according to the form from 2011)”.

We have been generating certificates using the form since 2013.

As a result, the total amount of income taxed in the 2-NDFL certificate and the amount of wages, as well as other payments and remunerations subject to insurance contributions in the certificate of the amount of earnings for calculating benefits, coincide in this example.
Now let’s look at an example where an employee had periods of temporary disability.
We create a sick leave (“Personnel” - “Sick Leave”) in February from 02/08/2016 to 02/21/2016. The allowance is calculated based on average earnings: total - 1,713.32 rubles. Since benefits for temporary disability due to illness or injury are subject to personal income tax, the tax is calculated on the amount of sick leave, personal income tax is 233 rubles.

We create another sick leave in June by analogy. For this sick leave, the employee was accrued a total of 979.04 rubles, and personal income tax is 128 rubles.

Now let's see how our certificates will be generated based on the new conditions.
We generate a certificate “2-NDFL for employees”. Temporary disability benefits are also included in this certificate and are subject to personal income tax based on type of income 2300 “Temporary disability benefits.”

We generate an “Outgoing certificate for calculating benefits.” Hospital employees fall into the section “Days of illness, child care.” But earnings in general are already less than in the certificate “2-personal income tax for employees” just for the amount of sick leave (189526.66 - 186834.30 \u003d 1713.32 + 979.04). This is due to the fact that in this certificate the total amount of income includes wages and other payments subject to insurance contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, and temporary disability benefits, pregnancy and childbirth benefits are not subject to these contributions.

To summarize: the amounts in the two certificates under consideration may not coincide, since the 2-NDFL certificate includes income that is taxed on personal income, and the certificate for calculating benefits - income that is subject to insurance premiums. So, in the considered example, accruals on sick leave were included in the 2-NDFL certificate, but were not included in the certificate for calculating benefits.

Help 2-NDFL is multifunctional and can be used at another place of work, in banks, the Federal Tax Service to confirm the amount of earnings and taxes paid. It can be requested by your employee, and it is also intended for mandatory submission to the tax office.

Naturally, in order to form 2-personal income tax per employee, he must be hired in the program, and you also need to accrue his salary. We will not dwell on this in detail, since all the actions have already been described in our other articles.

In 1C 8.3 ZUP and Enterprise Accounting, there are two types of certificates:

  • “2-NDFL for employees”;
  • “2-NDFL for transfer to the Federal Tax Service.”

In 1C ZUP, they are in the "Taxes and Contributions" menu, and in Accounting in the "Salary and Personnel" menu.

The principle of creation and filling in both typical configurations is the same, therefore, within the framework of our step by step instructions We will consider an example on the ZUP 3.1 demo base.

2-NDFL for employees

Go to the list of documents 1C 8.3 “2-NDFL for employees”. A separate document is created for each employee for a certain year. Click on the "Create" button.

In the window of the created document that opens, fill out the header. Here you need to fill in the following fields: year, organization and employee. The rest of the data will be filled in automatically. To update them, use the “Fill” button.

In the event that you need to generate this certificate in 1C 8.3 in the context of OKTMO / KPP codes and tax rates, indicate this in the “Generate” prop. In this situation, you need to select the correct value in the "OKTMO / KPP" field, which is located below.

If you click on the question mark to the right of the “OKTMO/KPP” field, the program will notify you whether income is registered for this employee under the selected code. In the figure above, Igor Valentinovich Bulatov’s income for 2017 at checkpoint “123456789” was registered.

In the case where no income was found, the program note will look like the image below. In this case, income data will not be displayed.

The last tab contains the personal data of the employee for whom this 2-NDFL is being made. They can be edited directly in the document card. If they differ from those entered in the employee’s card, the program will give you a corresponding warning.

You can ignore this warning by making all the necessary changes to the document. We don't recommend doing this. In the event that incorrect data is included here, it is better to correct it directly in the employee’s card, so that in the future both here and in other documents there will only be correct data.

After checking all the data yourself, you can start the software check with the appropriate button and scan the document. Next, the 2-NDFL certificate itself is printed for the employee.

This form is Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-11/485@ dated October 30, 2015, as indicated in its header. It also states that this form is not intended for submission to the Federal Tax Service.

At the end of 2016, the Tax Service approved several new income and deduction codes. Their use in the 2-NDFL certificate is mandatory. Full list new codes are given in the appendix to the order of the Federal Tax Service dated November 22, 2016 No. ММВ-7-11/633@.

Try to closely monitor new reporting releases and changes in legislation so that you can use only current reporting forms and calculation methods on time.

2-NDFL certificates for submission to the tax authority

This document is also located in the 1C “Taxes and Contributions” menu. Create a new document.

Let's move on to filling out the header. First of all, indicate the year and organization for which the reporting is being generated. Next, OKTMO and KPP are indicated when paying income. Also here you need to indicate the checkpoint and the code of the IFTS, to which this report will be transferred in the future.

The type of certificate in our case is “Annual reporting”. This field also has the value “On the impossibility of withholding personal income tax.”

The last step in filling out the header will be to indicate the type of certificate: initial, corrective or canceling, indicating the number of the correction.

Fill it out yourself tabular part with employees, you can automatically (button "Fill in"), manually, or by selection. For this example, we chose the first filling method.

When you click on any line of the completed line, a separate 2-NDFL certificate will be opened for each employee. This document is essentially a register of employee references.

Be sure to check all the data and post the document. In the future, you can download it or immediately send it to the regulatory authority (if you have the program configured accordingly). You can also print the document by selecting the appropriate item in the “Print” menu.

When printed in one report, certificates will be immediately generated for all employees selected in the document. They are almost identical to the one we formed in the previous example.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. The most important thing is to keep records correctly and monitor program updates.

Specialized offices, centers for the provision of accounting services. You can also enter into an agreement for accounting services with our organization. These services include personnel records management, payroll and reporting wages, including the preparation of certificates necessary for employees.

How to issue a certificate of earnings for calculating benefits in 1C ZUP?

Typically, this certificate is issued to a person upon dismissal, so that at the next place of work, the accountant can calculate the disability benefits due.

The earnings certificate confirms his income received for the previous two years, and indicates the days of incapacity for work for the same two years. This is important for calculating average earnings! You can draw up a certificate in 1C ZUP based on accrued wages.

Let's consider generating a certificate:

  • open the 1C ZUP database and select the “taxes” section,
  • find “Certificate of earnings for calculating benefits”,
  • Then we add a new certificate and a blank certificate opens in front of us to fill out.

We indicate the name of the organization in which the employee is employed, select the required employee from the list and in the billing period of the year that interests us.

As soon as the last name, first name, and patronymic are entered in the column, the table of income received for two years will immediately be filled in.

From the table data we can see how much income was received for each year. We check the “days of illness, child care” tab; if the employee was sick during this period or was on parental leave, then data about this will appear.

Next tab “data about the policyholder”

It must contain the organization's details:

  • name of the Social Insurance Fund branch in which the company is registered,
  • policyholder registration number,
  • subordination code,
  • supervisor,
  • telephone.

Then we open the tab “data about the insured person”, if during employment all personal data were entered into the database, in this tab all items will be filled in automatically (last name, first name, patronymic, SNILS, passport data and registration address in Russian Federation). All these fields are required. We save the certificate and when opening the printed form we can make sure that the certificate is fully formed.

The certificate also needs to indicate the director, chief accountant and telephone number of the organization.
