Payroll in "1C: Enterprise". Registration and payroll step by step for beginners Payroll in 1 s

Home 1C: Payroll and Human Resources 8

Payroll preparation

Remuneration is a necessary condition for the relationship between the company and the employee. Modern conditions require the management of the enterprise to use flexible tools for calculating wages. On the one hand, the principles by which an employee's salary is calculated should reflect the specifics of his work and be focused on receiving remuneration depending on the achievement of goals and the performance of professional duties. On the other hand, payroll is regulated by law and must take place in accordance with its requirements.

Therefore, employees responsible for payroll work with a large amount of data. Automation of tasks related to payroll calculations and the calculation of taxes and deductions to various funds makes it possible to reduce the complexity of calculations, increase the speed of data processing, and ensure their reliability.

It is an effective tool that allows you to carry out automatic payroll and related taxes and fees in accordance with applicable law, including for organizations with a large number of employees:

  • Reflect accruals and payments in regulated accounting.

1C: Salary and personnel management 8 fully automates a complex of labor-intensive calculations with personnel, starting from the input of documents on actual output, payment of sick leave and vacations, and ending with the formation of documents for the payment of salaries and submission of reports to state regulatory authorities. As a result of using the software product, the calculation of accruals and deductions regulated by law is fully automated, and the results of calculations are reflected in the costs of the enterprise. The system allows you to automatically upload data to carry out the necessary calculations and generate documents, which reduces the time spent by the settlement service and accounting, and also reduces the risks associated with the human factor.

1C: Salary and personnel management 8 ensures the formation of the necessary paper documents in accordance with the law, as well as paper and electronic reporting related to payroll.

Wages are paid at least every half a month. For the first half of the month, wages (advance payment) are recommended to be calculated for the time actually worked by the employee. The procedure and specific date for the advance payment are established by the internal labor regulations, collective or labor contract. It is not necessary to calculate, withhold and pay personal income tax to the budget from the advance.

For information on how to calculate and pay an advance using the methods provided for in the programs "1C: Payroll and HR 8" (rev. 3) and "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0), read the updated article of the reference book "Personnel Accounting and Calculations with personnel in 1C programs ":

Calculation and payment of the planned advance on wages in the program "1C: Accounting 8" (version 3.0)

There are two ways to calculate the advance payment in the program:

  • fixed amount;
  • percentage of salary (percentage of all planned accruals of the employee).

The advance payment procedure can be set both for the entire organization (the payment procedure will be the same for all employees of the organization), and individually for each employee. The choice is made in the payroll accounting settings (section ) on the tab Salary In chapter Salary and advance payments. The default setting is set to Common for all employees advance payment procedure, and the advance payment for all employees is calculated Percentage of salary(40% of all planned employee accruals) (Fig. 1). If the order of advance payment is different for employees, set the switch to position, then the method of calculation and the amount of the advance can be set in a planned manner individually for each employee by personnel accounting documents: Recruitment, Personnel transfer(chapter ). When specifying the method of calculating the advance Fixed amount the amount of the advance is indicated in rubles, when specifying the method of calculation Percentage of salary- in percentages.


In TEX LLC, advance payment is made in fixed amounts (the amount of advance payment for employees is set according to applications when hiring) and is carried out on the 20th day of each month through the cash desk of the organization according to the payroll.

The following actions are performed:

Entering the payment method and advance amount

To individually assign an advance payment procedure to each employee in the payroll accounting settings (section Payroll and Human Resources - Payroll Settings - Payroll Accounting Procedure) on the tab Salary In chapter Salary and advance payments(Fig. 1) set the switch to position Set individually for each employee. In our example, the calculation method Fixed amount and the amount of the advance (in rubles) is set for each employee upon registration of employment (section Salary and personnel - Personnel documents- button CreateRecruitment) in field Prepaid expense(only available with an individual advance payment procedure) (Fig. 2).

The program saves the history of changing the employee's advance payment. Up-to-date information about the advance payment of an employee can be found in his card (section Salary and Human Resources - Employees) in field Prepaid expense(only available with an individual advance payment procedure) (Fig. 3).

Calculation and payment of advance payment on wages

An advance is a payment, not an accrual. Therefore, the calculation and payment of an advance on wages in the form of a fixed amount or an amount as a percentage of the salary (it includes all planned employee accruals) is made using documents Statement to the cashier(chapter Salary and personnel - Vedomosti v cashier) (Fig. 4) or Statement to the bank(chapter Salary and personnel - Vedomosti v bank). In the specified documents in the field Payment type you must specify the nature of the payment Prepaid expense by setting the switch to the appropriate position. The specified value is used to automatically fill in the tabular part of the document and calculate the amounts payable. By pressing the button Fill the document is filled in automatically for all employees of the organization who are given an advance payment. Moreover, the amount of the advance payable is calculated without taking into account the hours worked.

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Moscow State University

Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)

(Ust-Kamenogorsk branch of MESI)

Department of Applied Informatics

Course work

In the discipline "Information systems"

On the topic: Payroll in 1C: Enterprise.

Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2008

  • Introduction
  • 1. Description of the subject area
    • 1.3 Payment for marriage
  • 2. Characteristics of the system "1C: Enterprise 8.0"
    • 2.1 Simple differences
    • 2.2 Configuration objects
    • 2.5 Embedded language
    • 2.6 Screen forms
    • 2.7 Requests
    • 2.8 Reports
  • 3. Analysis of similar information systems
  • 4. User manual
      • 4.1.2 Organization retentions
      • 4.2.2 Description of the structure of the organization
      • 4.2.3 Filling in directories of personnel information
      • 4.2.4 Creating a staffing table
    • 4.4 Payroll
      • 4.4.1 Salary payable
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Introduction
  • Accounting for labor and wages occupies one of the central places in the accounting system in the organization.
  • Labor is the most important part of the economy, because labor is both a commodity and the reason for the appearance of added value, since objects and materials become more expensive when labor is applied to them.
  • Hence the need arises to evaluate and pay for labor in all its manifestations, then including the cost of wages within the framework of laws established by the state in the cost of production.
  • Employees of the organization involved in payroll calculations are faced with the need to refer to regulatory materials on a daily basis. Payroll, bonuses, various payments and compensations in accordance with labor legislation, benefits, allowances, payment of temporary disability leaves and social benefits - this is an incomplete list of issues that an accountant must understand in order to avoid mistakes and sanctions from labor inspectorates and tax authorities .
  • Settlements with employees in modern conditions are constantly becoming more complicated. The different procedure for determining the average daily earnings when calculating retained wages, when paying for temporary disability leaves, regular and additional holidays, calculating personal income tax, etc. - all this forces the accountant to resort to complex calculation procedures and increases the likelihood of a counting error. The only alternative under these conditions is to use specialized computer programs from 1C, in particular the 1C: Enterprise 8.0 program. The capabilities of this program make it possible to practically completely automate the work of payroll accountants and personnel officers in organizations of any form of ownership.
  • This program allows you to take into account the peculiarities of remuneration in its various manifestations, calculate all types of social payments, other payments and expenses, calculate deductions of any kind. Hence the second, no less important goal of the program is to show the possibilities of modern computer processing of information. The 1C: Enterprise program automates payroll and payroll procedures, thereby facilitating the work of an accountant and eliminating counting errors.
  • 1. Description of the subject area
  • Salary is a monetary compensation in proportion to the time or work task, paid to an employee who is associated with an employer by an employment contract. "Marketing Encyclopedia" from the site
  • Remuneration systems, general levels of wages and individual payments are established by the following regulatory documents:
  • · in relation to employees of organizations financed from the budget, by relevant laws and other regulatory legal acts;
  • in relation to employees of an organization with mixed financing (budget financing and income from entrepreneurial activity);
  • laws, other regulatory legal acts, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations of organizations;
  • in relation to employees of other organizations - collective agreements, agreements, local regulations of organizations, labor contracts.
  • At the same time, the conditions of remuneration provided for by an employment or collective agreement cannot be worsened in comparison with the provisions and requirements of regulatory enactments in the field of remuneration.
  • The state, as a participant in labor relations, establishes and guarantees:
  • the amount of the minimum wage;
  • the value of the minimum tariff rate for employees of public sector organizations;
  • · Measures to increase the level of the real content of wages;
  • limiting the list of grounds and amounts of deductions from wages by order of the employer, as well as the amount of taxation of income from wages;
  • Restriction of wages in kind;
  • ensuring that employees receive wages in the event of termination of the employer's activities and its insolvency in accordance with the laws;
  • · state supervision and control over the full and timely payment of wages and the implementation of state guarantees for wages;
  • · responsibility of employers for violation of laws, other normative legal acts, collective contracts and agreements;
  • the timing and sequence of payment of wages.
  • All other terms of remuneration are accepted by agreement of the parties to the employment relationship, but in compliance with the requirements of legislative acts.
  • As before, the minimum wage established by federal law is taken as the basis for calculating wages. Below this level, the labor of workers who have worked the norm of working hours for the month and fulfilled the norms of labor cannot be paid. Accordingly, if the reporting month is not fully worked out, then the minimum allowable wage level should be calculated in proportion to the amount of time worked (working standards fulfilled).
  • When determining the level of the minimum wage that can be accrued in favor of the employee, additional payments and allowances, bonuses and other incentive payments, as well as payments for work in conditions that deviate from normal, for work in special climatic conditions should still not be included. and in territories subjected to radioactive contamination, other compensation and social payments.
  • In budgetary institutions, and other organizations using the tariff system, the size of the tariff scale of the first category also cannot be lower than the minimum wage.
  • In all cases, the amount of the minimum wage adopted by law should not be lower than the subsistence level of an able-bodied person. At the same time, it should be noted that a special procedure has been established for the transition to a minimum wage in an amount not lower than the subsistence minimum, which is established by law.
  • In fulfillment of its obligations, the employer is obliged to issue to each of the employees a payslip with all information relating to his salary. The form of such a sheet is approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees.
  • Despite the expected changes in the frequency of payment of wages, they have not been changed - as before, employees must receive wages at least every half a month.
  • To implement such requirements, employers have the right to use advance and non-advance methods. In the first case, for the first half of the month, the employee is given an advance, which is credited for the calculation and payment of wages for the second half of the month. In the second case, both for the first and for the second half of the month, wages are calculated according to the forms and systems of remuneration used, hours worked and labor standards fulfilled.
  • The specific terms of payment of wages are established by the internal labor regulations of the organization, the collective or labor agreement. If the established day of payment coincides with a weekend or a non-working day, the payment of wages must be made on the eve of this day.
  • Dismissed employees are paid wages on time, namely no later than the day of their dismissal.
  • For violation of the established deadlines for the production of settlements, the Labor Code establishes the responsibility of employers.
  • 1.1 Compensation for employees under the age of 18
  • Students of educational institutions in their free time from study, with the consent of their parents, adoptive parents, trustees, can be employed to perform light work.
  • · For employees aged 14 to 16 - 24 hours a week;
  • · For employees aged 16 to 18 - 36 hours per week.
  • Labor is paid:
  • · With piecework pay - depending on the output;
  • · In the case of hourly wages - in proportion to the hours worked.
  • The amounts earned by schoolchildren in their free time are paid to them in full within the time limits established for the payment of wages.
  • Students of specialized vocational colleges during their work practice according to production assignments are paid:
  • · In case of piece-work payment - according to the established piece rates for the established scope of work;
  • · In case of time payment - at the tariff rate of the time worker, corresponding to the tariffication of work or salary, for the actual hours worked.
  • When passing practice in certain professions as understudies without additional output, wages, as a rule, are not charged.
  • 1.2 Remuneration during the period of retraining
  • Retraining aims to train an employee who already has a profession in a new profession. The need for this may arise due to the lack of opportunities to work in the existing profession or in connection with the needs of production.
  • For the period of on-the-job retraining, the employer and the employee conclude a student agreement, which is additional to the employment contract and is regulated by labor legislation and other acts containing the norms of the employment contract.
  • Apprenticeship is organized in the form of individual, brigade or course training.
  • Apprenticeship time per week must not exceed normal or reduced working hours. Employees undergoing training in the organization may be released from work under an employment contract or perform this work on a part-time basis.
  • During the period of apprenticeship, employees are paid a stipend, its amount is determined by the apprenticeship agreement. The work performed by the student on practical assignments is paid according to the established rates.
  • 1.3 Payment for marriage
  • Marriage is considered to be products, parts and assemblies that do not meet the requirements, standards or specifications and cannot be used for their intended purpose.
  • Distinguish between payment for a partial (correctable) marriage and for a complete (non-correctable) marriage.
  • Partial or complete marriage through no fault of the employee is paid on a par with good products. Full marriage due to the fault of the employee is not subject to payment. In case of any marriage due to the fault of the employee, he bears financial responsibility.
  • 1.4 Payment for night work
  • Night time is considered from 22.00 of the current day to 6.00 of the next day.
  • Night time is taken into account in the timesheets by the total amount for the month.
  • Work at night is formalized by the primary documents established in the organization and is paid at an increased rate specified in the collective agreement, but not lower than the level established by law in these cases.
  • 1.5 Payment for work on public holidays
  • Holidays are officially declared non-working days. If a weekend and non-working holidays coincide, the day off is transferred to the next day after the holiday.
  • Work on weekends and non-working days is paid in the following order:
  • · Pieceworkers - not less than double piecework rates;
  • · Employees whose work is paid at daily and hourly rates - in the amount of at least a double or hourly rate;
  • Employees receiving a monthly salary - in the amount of at least a single daily or hourly rate in excess of the salary, if the work on a non-working holiday was carried out within the monthly norm of working hours, and in the amount of at least a double hourly or daily rate in excess of the salary, if the work was performed above the monthly limit.
  • At the request of the employee, for work on a day off or a non-working holiday, he may be granted another day of rest. In this case, work on a non-working day is paid in a single amount, and the day of rest is not payable.
  • 1.6 Pay for hours not worked
  • Time off pay includes:
  • · Payment of annual and additional holidays in accordance with the law;
  • · Payment for additional holidays granted to employees in accordance with a collective or labor agreement;
  • · Payment for study holidays granted to employees studying in educational institutions;
  • · Payment for the period of training of employees aimed at vocational training, advanced training or training in second professions;
  • · Remuneration retained at the place of main work for employees involved in the performance of state or public duties;
  • · Payments to employees for days of medical examination, blood donation and rest provided after blood donation;
  • Payment for downtime through no fault of the employee;
  • · Payment for the time of forced absenteeism;
  • · Payment for absence days due to illness at the expense of the organization (except for temporary disability benefits);
  • · Amounts paid at the expense of the organization's funds for unworked time to employees who were forced to work part-time at the initiative of the administration.
  • 1.7 Payroll methods
  • When choosing a method for calculating the basic salary, depending on the applied wage system, you should be guided by the information below
  • Methods for calculating basic earnings

    Payroll scheme


    Wage system: time-based

    At monthly rate

    • Earnings are calculated by multiplying the daily wage rate by the days worked.

    The daily wage rate is determined by dividing the salary by the number of working days in a month.

    Monthly hourly rate

    • Earnings are calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by the hours worked.

    The hourly rate is determined by dividing the salary by the number of hours worked per month.

    Use in the schedule of working hours set in hours

    At the daily rate

    Earnings are calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by the days worked

    Used when working time schedule is set in days

    At an hourly rate

    Earnings are calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by the hours worked.

    Used when working time schedule is set in hours

    Labor system: piecework

    piecework earnings

    • Earnings are calculated by multiplying the piece rate by the amount of work performed.
    • Piecework prices by type of work are entered in the reference book "Technological operations".

    The amount of work performed is entered in the document "Piecework order for work performed"

    The value of the "Tariff/salary" field is used when calculating the payment for hours worked.

    • 1.8 Conceptual domain model
    • The subject area automated by the application solution "1C: Enterprise" is illustrated by the following diagram:
    • 1.9 Basic concepts of the program
    • System 1C: Enterprise is a set of mechanisms designed to manipulate various types of metadata objects of the subject area.
    • Under metadata object refers to a formal description of certain entities of the subject area of ​​automation with similar properties and the same purpose.
    • The program uses the following types of metadata objects:
    • Constants- designed to store permanent or semi-permanent information, but can be used to store data that changes over time.
    • Reference books- designed to store information about a set of homogeneous objects. Each directory is a list of homogeneous objects of the subject area: individuals, positions of organizations, grounds for dismissal, etc. Individual objects of the directory are called elements directory.
    • Documentation- designed to reflect information about various events related to personnel. With their help, hiring, personnel transfer and dismissal, accrual and calculation of planned and one-time accruals, etc. are recorded.
    • Document journals designed to store documents of the same type, which register deviations from the work schedule, etc.
    • Enumerations are intended to describe sets of constant values ​​that are not changed by users in the process of working with the program, for example, to describe types of state benefits, types of civil law contracts, types of wage costs.
    • Plans of types of characteristics are intended for describing sets of similar objects of analytical accounting, settings and user rights, forming questions for questionnaires, etc.
    • Charts of accounts are used to describe the accounts of accounting and tax accounting, intended for certain characteristics of information on payroll calculations, as well as taxes and contributions from payments in favor of individuals.
    • Calculation type plans are used to describe the types of calculation by which amounts are calculated that are subject to accrual to employees for one reason or another (on salary, for overtime work, vacation pay, etc.) or subject to deduction from their income (in the form of personal income tax, alimony for the maintenance of minor children, etc.).
    • Information registers are designed to store information essential for the applied task, the composition of which is expanded according to a certain combination of values, and, if necessary, also in time. This can be tax rates, data on accounting policies for the personnel of organizations, information on the amount of advance paid to employees, etc.
    • Savings registers are used to take into account information about the presence and movement of any quantities. These objects are used to store information about deductions for each month, amounts and contributions for each employee separately, about mutual settlements with employees for wages.
    • Calculation registers allow you to organize the accounting of the results of periodic calculations of accruals and deductions in a form convenient for their control and analysis.
    • Reports are designed to obtain result information according to some algorithm described in the built-in language of the system. With the help of objects of this type, information is presented in a form convenient for viewing and analyzing.
    • Treatment is designed to perform various service and regulatory actions on information. With its help, various data are loaded and unloaded, employees are selected when filling out tabular forms of documents, employees' data management managers are organized, etc.
    • 2. Characteristicsand systems "1C: Enterprise 8.0"
    • The 1C: Enterprise 8.0 system is a new version of the technological platform on which application solutions are developed. When designing the 1C: Enterprise 8.0 platform, a serious analysis of the experience of using version 7.7 in various conditions was carried out, numerous wishes of partners and users of the system were taken into account.
    • In the process of choosing the main directions for the development of the 1C: Enterprise 8.0 platform, modern realities were taken into account: an increase in the average scale of solutions built on the basis of 1C: Enterprise, an expansion of the range of applied tasks that are solved in the automation of enterprises, new technical conditions in which the system operates .
    • The new version of "1C: Enterprise", like the previous ones, is focused on the creation and support of mass applied solutions for small and medium enterprises. While developing the new version, the task was set, while maintaining the initial level of mass solutions (starting from the smallest enterprises and home users), to increase the efficiency of using the system in small enterprises by expanding functionality and increasing scalability.
    • 2.1 Simple differences
    • New configuration objects have been added, such as information registers. Many mechanisms of the system have been significantly improved. In fact, a new unified platform object model has been developed.
    • Built-in language version 8.0 is not compatible with language version 7.7. When converting an infobase, the texts of source modules are not converted (transferred as comments).
    • An increase in performance and scalability of application solutions is expected with the correct use of platform mechanisms, especially for the client-server version of 1C: Enterprise 8.0, due to the implementation of a modern three-tier architecture using the 1C: Enterprise 8.0 server and the Microsoft SQL Server database server.
    • The speed of platform adoption and configuration development should increase due to a unified object model and new software objects, such as a report builder.
    • The platform is no longer divided into basic objects and components supplied separately (accounting, operational accounting, calculation). All configuration items are included in the standard delivery.
    • In the file version of 1C: Enterprise 8.0, the infobase is stored in one file, which includes the configuration, data, and a list of users. This ensures a higher integrity of the infobase and simplifies backup.
    • 1C:Enterprise 8.0 has a regular configuration delivery and support mechanism, which makes it easier for developers to deliver configurations, and for users to easily update the applied solutions used.
    • A COM connection mechanism has been introduced to communicate with other applications that support this technology. This allows you to build complex integrated systems using 1C: Enterprise 8.0.
    • 2.2 Configuration objects
    • Reference books, documents and other configuration objects can have several tabular parts, several forms and layouts.
    • Instead of the excluded periodic constants and periodic details of directories, it is proposed to use a new object - information registers. This is a universal mechanism designed to store information expanded over a combination of dimensions.
    • Directory elements can be parents (along with groups), i.e. they can have sub-elements. The depth of the directory hierarchy can be unlimited.
    • Sequences can have dimensions that speed up the reposting of documents. When restoring the sequence, only those documents are retransferred that have changed registers for this dimension, for example, for a specific item.
    • Document movements in registers can be with different dates, for example, the "Agreement" document can record the planned payment schedule under the agreement in the register.
    • The infobase can store pictures, files and other data, since the details of configuration objects can now be of the "Value Storage" type.
    • 2.3 New configuration objects
    • Information registers -- designed to store arbitrary information in the context of specified measurements. The information register may be periodic, which is intended to replace the excluded periodic details of directories, but the scope of the information register is much wider.
    • Plans of types of characteristics -- store additional properties of objects. Through this object, analytical accounting by subconto is implemented in accounting mechanisms.
    • Shared modules -- belong to the entire configuration as a whole, can only contain procedures and functions.
    • Styles are used to control the appearance of the entire configuration and its parts.
    • Languages ​​-- used for multilingual configurations
    • Subsystems -- groups configuration objects by subsystems, for example, "Trade Account".
    • General forms -- belong to the entire configuration as a whole.
    • Selection criteria - provide selection of objects on a certain basis.
    • Accounting and management accounting
    • The accounting register is a distant analogue of the posting journal in 7.7. The structure of the accounting register is configured by the developer. It determines which resources will be stored (for example, "Amount", "ValSum"), by which dimensions (for example, "Organization" and "Department"). There can be several accounting registers, and each register is tied to a specific chart of accounts.
    • Requests for accounting totals are made through a common query mechanism. Virtual tables of the accounting register support receipt of balances and turnovers on accounts, subcounts and in other sections.
    • An accounting ledger can have multiple dimensions (accounting delimiters).
    • Instead of the excluded system document "Operation", you can use regular documents.
    • Separate storage for debit and credit is supported for non-balance measurements and resources, for example, Val Amount Dt and Val Amount Kt.
    • 2.4 Complex periodic calculations
    • The new object "Plan of types of calculation" is a distant analogue of the types of calculation in 7.7. Calculation types are data objects, not metadata objects. There may be predefined calculation types.
    • Instead of excluded payroll groups, you can use the built-in plan mechanisms of payroll types and payroll registers. To group calculation types, you can use other objects, for example, details of calculation types or a lookup.
    • New object "Calculation register" - a remote analogue of the calculation journal in 7.7
    • Instead of calendars, information registers are used to implement work schedules.
    • 2.5 Embedded language
    • To significantly expand the capabilities of the platform, a new unified object model of the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 language was developed. This made it possible to drastically expand the capabilities of the platform, accelerate its development, and increase the understandability of program modules.
    • New literals and data types have been introduced, such as the literals Undefined, Null, True, and False (boolean data type). The date type includes the time.
    • The debugger is included in the configurator. It can display a list of object properties with their values ​​and types. It is possible to view collections, such as arrays and tables of values.
    • Introduced common modules, in which there is only a section of procedures and functions. Procedures and functions of common modules declared with the "Export" keyword are available in the configuration.
    • When writing program modules, contextual hint technology is used (similar to IntelliSense). The text editor of program modules supports grouping (convolution) of syntactic constructions, as well as descriptions of procedures and functions (in the form of comments).
    • The functionality of the external component v7plus.dll is included in the platform in the form of objects "Mail", "System Information", "Internet Connection", "FTP Connection, etc. There are tools for working with XML documents, as well as for sequential reading and writing large text files.
    • A new loop construction "For Each ... From ... Loop" (for each) has been introduced for bypassing collection elements.
    • 2.6 Screen forms
    • Forms are separate from configuration objects. This means that in any form a list of reference elements, a list of documents, etc. can be displayed. Controls are separated from object attributes. The relationship between controls and attributes is set using the "Data" property.
    • Configuration objects can now have multiple forms. A configuration may contain general forms that do not belong to a specific object.
    • The set of controls has been expanded, the controls "Panel", "Command panel", "Spreadsheet document field", "HTML document field", etc. have been added.
    • Extended set of properties and events for controls. Now the form can contain ActiveX components.
    • Improved development of forms in the configurator, in particular, the "Formatting" panel has been added and the properties palette has been introduced. The form editor has many service functions.
    • There are ample opportunities to programmatically control the appearance and behavior of the form, as well as controls. Now it is possible to add, change and delete form elements during program execution.
    • There was a mechanism for binding borders for a more rational use of the space of the form when changing its size.
    • Improved ergonomics of work with forms. Some appearance parameters can be customized by the user. Windows can have different states, including attached to the edge of the main 1C:Enterprise window, hiding, etc.
    • The new style mechanism allows you to flexibly customize the formatting of the entire configuration and individual forms.
    • The configuration can be multilingual, i.e. for each interface element, you can set the title in several languages ​​at once.
    • company wages
    • 2.7 Requests
    • The request mechanism has been redesigned. The query language has become similar to standard SQL, even surpassing it in some aspects, for example, you can access objects through a dot (field dereference), calculate totals, etc. All query language keywords have English equivalents, for example "SELECT" can be replaced with "SELECT". The query engine is recommended as the primary means of retrieving data, except in a few special situations.
    • There are different options for bypassing the selection from the query result: linear, hierarchical, by grouping.
    • The query builder has changed. It can also be called in "Enterprise" mode.
    • The query result can be the data source for the PivotTable.
    • 2.8 Reports
    • A new "Report Builder" object has been introduced, designed to generate complex multidimensional reports and allows you to organize the visual customization of the report by the user, including selection and sorting, row and column dimensions, fields displayed in the data area. The report can be issued in a spreadsheet document, in a chart or a pivot table.
    • A spreadsheet document can contain pivot tables designed to analyze multidimensional data.
    • In a spreadsheet document, there can be horizontal or vertical groupings, which are usually used to display subtotals, for example, by directory groups. Groupings can be nested. Cell text can be automatically indented according to the grouping level.
    • In 1C:Enterprise 8.0, there are the following types of layouts: spreadsheet document, binary data, ActiveDocument, HTML document. The layout type is specified when it is created.
    • Layout rows can have different cell widths.
    • Spreadsheet document cells can have comments, in which case a small red triangle is displayed in the upper right corner of the cell. When you hover the mouse over a cell, the note is displayed in a pop-up window.
    • 3 . Analysis of similar information systems
    • Characteristics of the analysis of the capabilities of similar information systems for payroll at the enterprise:
    • Galaxy.

    System "Galaktika" is a complex system of enterprise management automation. The system has wide functionality and is the basis of a single information space of the enterprise. The system is focused on automating the solution of problems that arise at all stages of the management cycle.

    The most important principles implemented in the Galaktika system are: focus on solving the problems of enterprise management (in contrast to the traditional approach - registration and accumulation of information), an integrated approach to automating various enterprise services, sequential passage of documents through various modules, the possibility of phased implementation, acquisition of technical modules that are needed to work today.

    The solutions of the Galaktika corporation fully support the specifics of business management in the conditions of the domestic economy. Provide accounting and management, protection of confidential information in accordance with national legislation, which is confirmed by certification in government departments and professional organizations

    Salary in the "Galaktika" system is performed using the "Salary" module. It is designed to automate accounting and computational procedures related to the remuneration of personnel of enterprises, with time and piecework forms of remuneration.

    Application of the module "Salary of the system" "Galaktika" allows you to automatically perform the following functions:

    Development of work schedules for the personnel of the enterprise (for any mode of operation);

    maintaining personal accounts of employees, accumulation of data on accruals, deductions and deductions;

    Formation of a time sheet;

    · accrual of earnings using various types of payments (up to 320 types);

    calculation of various types of deductions (up to 230 types);

    · Calculation and processing of monthly and one-time payments in the inter-settlement period (advance payments, allowances, vacation pay, etc.);

    · the use of regional coefficients, northern allowances, bonuses for seniority;

    payment of financial assistance;

    Accounting for the income of part-timers;

    accounting of accountable and deposited amounts;

    calculation of wages from the reverse (calculation of the accrued amount based on the amount issued on hand);

    Reversal of previously accrued or withheld amounts (to withdraw incorrectly accrued funds);

    cancellation of payroll;

    · Formation and printing of output documents: payrolls, vaults, registers, etc.;

    Formation and printing of various certificates and reports on wages and taxes.

    The module takes into account the peculiarities of payroll calculations in modern conditions, including changes in the minimum wage, the first category tariff rate, types and rates of taxes, exempted amounts, indexation. It is possible to use regional coefficients, northern allowances, bonuses for long service, payments of material assistance and valuable gifts, accounting for the income of part-time workers, accounting for accountable and deposited amounts, calculating wages from the reverse (calculation of the accrued amount based on the amount handed out).

    The "Salary" module is constantly being finalized taking into account changes and new requirements in the legislation of countries, as well as the wishes and specifics of user enterprises.

    KIS "Laguna".

    Corporate Information System (CIS) "Laguna" - a set of software products designed to automate all activities of enterprises and institutions: planning and accounting for resources and finances, personnel management, preparation of accounting and tax reporting.

    CIS "Laguna" provides for the possibility of automating enterprises of various forms of ownership and structures - from small enterprises to large holdings.

    CIS "Laguna" allows you to build a high-performance and low-cost automated control system that provides ample opportunities for integration with software products of domestic and foreign manufacturers (with the Crystal Report reporting program, with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, etc.).

    CIS "Laguna" has built-in security subsystems (see "Administrator Tools").

    CIS "Laguna" has a modular structure, which allows you to implement any configuration of enterprise automation: from local projects (for example, accounting automation) to complex automation of the entire enterprise. As part of the basic delivery of CIS "Laguna" - four autonomous integrated subsystems (blocks), covering almost the full range of business processes of the enterprise:

    financial block.

    Block of personnel management.

    Block of information analysis.

    Production planning block.

    The functionality of each block is extensible and can, at the request of the user, include functions of almost any level of complexity. The number of units can also be expanded through special solutions developed in the process of implementing CIS in enterprises with a pronounced production specifics. For example, the blocks are:

    Layout menu.

    Accounting for clothing.

    In addition, the basic configuration of the CIS "Laguna" includes two auxiliary units that ensure the performance of service functions (separation of access to information and ensuring its protection, changes and additions to the CIS functionality, etc.):

    Administrator Tools.

    Developer Tools.

    The construction principles implemented in the CIS "Laguna" allow for close interaction of all subsystems and integration with various software products (such as, for example, the Crystal Report generator), providing a specific enterprise with an individually customized information processing system that is characterized by high performance and low implementation costs and use.

    In the "Laguna" system, wages are also calculated using the "Salary" module.

    The module fully automates the processes associated with:

    financing of the labor resources of the enterprise;

    Maintaining timesheets;

    calculation of accruals, deductions;

    payroll taxes, etc.

    The module takes into account all modern features of payroll calculations:

    changes in the minimum wage

    Types and specific rates of taxes

    · indexation of salaries, etc.

    It is possible to calculate allowances and deductions. Calculations of advance payments, allowances, individual and team orders, work contracts, etc. have been automated.

    The module allows you to generate summary reports and data for the tax office and the pension fund.

    The module includes templates for various documents: pay slips, pay slips, various codes, wage control journal, etc. At the same time, print templates for all documents generated in the module, including the pay slip, can be reconfigured depending on the specifics of the enterprise.

    The module transfers data on employees' wages to banks.

    BEST - 5

    "BEST-5" is an integrated enterprise management system that supports the entire cycle of management procedures: activity planning, collection of actual data (accounting), transformation of primary information into information for management, control of deviations of indicators from planned values, advanced analytical procedures. The system is used in almost all enterprises. "BEST-5" continues the line of BEST products, which have been distributed for more than 10 years and work at tens of thousands of enterprises in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

    The BEST-5 software package creates a unified information environment for keeping records of all types: accounting, tax and management.


    Maintaining a file of personal accounts of employees;

    · Support for various wage systems: salary, tariff, piecework;

    · Flexible configuration of various types of accruals and deductions;

    · Group accruals and deductions;

    · Calculation of holiday and sick leave;

    Formation of payrolls (advance payment, salary, inter-settlement payments);

    · Control of the issuance of the patch through the cash desks of the enterprise;

    Formation of lists for the transfer of funds to the bank and to the post office;

    · Calculation of personal income tax and unified social tax;

    · Preparation of data on personalized accounting in the Pension Fund and reporting on personal income tax.

    For large enterprises, the Laguna and Galaktika systems are used, BEST-5 is used for small and medium-sized enterprises, and 1C: Enterprise is recommended for small ones.

    BEST-5 and 1C: Enterprise 8.0 do not require the purchase of other, often expensive software components, while Galaktika and Laguna offer additional modules.

    The CIS system is offered to enterprises with a pronounced production specifics, while 1C: Enterprise is for everyone.

    To date, most of all it is small businesses, so systems are more relevant for small businesses. 1C: Enterprise is an ideal value for money. Therefore, it is the most common system.

    4. User manual

    4.1 General information about the program

    After the 1C: Enterprise 8.0 program is installed on a computer, it is necessary to create an information base for accounting.

    Through the "Start" button we find the folder 1C: Enterprise 8.0 and select 1C: Enterprise or configurator. At the first start, the program detects that there are no infobases in the list, and offers to create a new infobase, if not, then click the "Add" button.

    Set the switch to Create a new infobase and click the "Next" button.

    On the next screen, the program displays a list of configurations installed on the computer and prompts you to choose the option to create an infobase: from an existing template or an empty one. The choice of the first option assumes that a ready-made setting (configuration) will be used for accounting, the choice of the second option implies that a new infobase is being created that does not yet contain a description of the subject area.

    On the next screen, specify the infobase name and location type.

    On the last screen, select a place to store the infobase and the interface language.

    After completing the procedure for adding an infobase, we will see that a new line with the details of our infobase will appear in the list of the launch window.

    4.1.1 Basic accruals of the organization

    The plan of types of calculation The main accruals of the organization is intended for storing descriptions of the types of calculation of charges that have an extension in time. In this plan of types of calculation, a description of the types of calculation for the payment of hours worked and unworked, as well as accruals depending on hours worked, is stored.

    New types of calculation can be added to the plans of types of calculation, if the predefined ones are not enough to fulfill all the accruals in favor of employees provided for by the labor or collective agreement. At the same time, it is necessary to describe how this type of accrual will be calculated, how it will be taken into account for tax purposes, whether it is necessary to take into account the periods during which the accrual is made in the time sheet.

    Payroll methods can be different, for example:

    · At the monthly tariff rate;

    · At the monthly tariff rate by the hour;

    · By monthly tariff rate by day

    · At an hourly rate;

    · At the monthly tariff rate from the reverse;

    · Percentage;

    a fixed amount;

    · By monthly calculation index by day;

    · By average earnings;

    · According to the average earnings for vacation;

    · According to the average earnings for sick leave;

    Bookmark Accounting indicates whether it is income in kind;

    In field reflection in accounting - method of reflecting accruals in accounting and tax accounting; V accounting for taxation- accounting of accruals of certain taxes.

    Bookmark Other is filled in if the calculation results of other charges are necessary to determine the amount of the described accrual, or this accrual should not be accrued in the period of time falling on the period of validity of other charges.

    4.1.2 Organization retentions

    Plan of types of calculation holding organizations is designed to store types of calculation of deductions from employees of organizations.

    It contains predefined calculation types that can be used without additional configuration. If necessary, you can add new types of calculation to it, if the predefined ones are not enough to make deductions from employees.

    The description of the type of calculation is carried out in the form of a dialogue. Each type of retention calculation is assigned a name and code.

    4.2 Preparing the infobase for work

    Before using the 1C: Enterprise program to make settlements with personnel for wages, it is necessary to perform preparatory work: fill in classifiers and directories, enter information about the organization, set up individual mechanisms, fill in the list of users and configure the parameters of the current user, enter the necessary data up to the current date by the time the program was installed, the organization in the current year had already made payroll calculations.

    4.2.1 Entering organization details

    Information about the new organization is entered into the directory through the appropriate form. All fields of the form of information about the organization can be conditionally divided into mandatory and optional fields.

    For the correct execution of documents and the formation of standard and regulated reports, the following must be indicated in the form:

    · Full name of the organization according to constituent documents;

    · Information about the organization as a taxpayer;

    · Information about VAT registration.

    Bookmark Contact Information the legal and actual address of the organization, phone number and other contact information are indicated.

    Bookmark codes information of the following nature is indicated:

    · Organization code in the register of enterprises and organizations registered in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (OKPO code);

    · The main type of activity according to OKED;

    Bookmark access if necessary, you can set the modes of operation of individual users or groups of users with infobase objects.

    4.2.2 Description of the structure of the organization.

    At the next stage, it is necessary to describe the structure of the organization, which is understood as a list of divisions (departments). The structure can be linear or tree-like. In the first case, labor costs can be taken into account (generalized) for each unit separately, in the second case, for individual units and the totality of units included in the group.

    The choice of structure depends on the traditions that have developed in the organization, the need to plan and distribute labor costs by cost centers and accounting accounts, etc.

    In the program 1C: Enterprise, the structure of the organization is described in the reference book departments of organizations.

    In order to describe the structure of the organization, it is necessary:

    1. Using the command Enterprise-Division of the organization, open the form of the directory Department of the organization.

    2. In the Organization field, specify the organization for which the structure is described, in this case, CompuService LLP.

    3. Use the Actions-Add command or click on the icon on the command panel to open a form for entering a new element, in the Name field specify the name of the first structural unit Administration and click on the OK button.

    4. Similarly, that is, without filling in the Group field, describe the rest of the first level structural units - Commercial department, Production department, etc.

    5. To enter a subdivision of the second level Directorate it is necessary to indicate in the form of the group directory element the division that includes the described division, that is Administration.

    6. In a similar way, enter information about the rest of the organization.

    4.2.3 Filling in directories of personnel information.

    To describe specific accounting objects in the 1C: Enterprise program, the use of information from various classifiers is provided, by filling in special type reference books - classifiers based on them. This ensures that only the information from the classifiers that is necessary for a particular organization is stored in the information base.

    Classifiers can be filled in at any time when working with the infobase, but the program recommends filling in some at the first start.

    When paying wages to employees on an account cash warrant, preparing information for the tax authorities and the Pension Fund, etc., it is required to indicate information about an identity document.

    4.2.4 Creating a staffing table.

    If hiring is carried out in accordance with the staffing table, then it is necessary to fill in the register Staffing Organizations. In this register of information, for each structural unit of the organization described in the directory of the division of organizations, information is entered on the positions of employees of the division, the type and size of the tariff rate, the number of rates, special working conditions, work schedule, allowances established for this position or profession in accordance with collective agreement.

    4.3 Registration of labor relations. Recruitment

    After all the necessary reference books are filled in, you can begin to reflect in the program the fact of hiring an individual for work. To do this, go to Salary - Personnel records - Hiring.

    When a document form is opened, the default number is automatically assigned - the next document number of this type in the current year. If the “default” organization is not specified in the user settings, then the number does not contain a prefix, that is, at this stage the document is impersonal, not “linked” to a specific organization. But as soon as the field is filled Organization, the number will change: the next serial number of this type of this organization will be automatically indicated. The number will start with the organization prefix.

    First, let's fill Personal data of an individual. In the Name field, the full name of the individual (separated by spaces) is indicated; in the next line, the full name is automatically divided into components.

    The General tab indicates:

    · Date of Birth;

    · Place of Birth;

    · Passport data;

    · Citizenship;

    · Pension Fund.

    Individual numbers such as RNN, SIK are also indicated; disability information; information about the status of a participant, a disabled veteran of the Second World War and persons equated to them.

    Data about an individual is saved at the click of a button OK.

    All agreed conditions are transferred to the Hiring to the organization document. As well as additional information necessary for accounting for labor and payroll.

    To automatically fill in the fields Organization, Responsible and Work Schedule with the default values, these values ​​must be specified on the Settings tab in the details of the Main organization, Main responsible and Main work schedule of the current user settings (menu Tools - User Settings). In all cases, the default value can be changed if necessary.

    The Employees tab says:

    The person being hired;

    The department in which the employee is hired;

    · position held;

    · Personnel Number;

    · Date of receipt.

    The accrual tab indicates which planned accruals must be made monthly in favor of employees and the type of calculation.


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In Enterprise Accounting 3.0, it is possible to set up payroll accounting, including the calculation of disability pay, the next vacation, and the calculation of deductions. To configure, open "Salary and personnel" - "References and settings" - "Salary settings". (Fig.1)

In the general settings, we will select that we will conduct personnel records and all payroll calculations “In this program”. In the menu item “Salary accounting procedure”, we will leave all the settings by default.

“Reflection in accounting” - “Methods of accounting for salaries”, you can use the reflection of accruals on account 26, subconto “wage”, or use account 20 for production costs.

Here, “Cost items for insurance premiums” will not be changed. (Fig. 1).

In the "Personnel Accounting" subsection, select "Full". Personnel records are best kept by creating personnel documents.

"Classifiers" reference books on insurance premiums and personal income tax codes can be changed by updating when the legislation changes.

Set up payroll accounting in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 3.0

Information about a new employee can be added to the program in two ways:
- through the staff directory,
- through the document "Recruitment".

In the menu "Salary and Personnel" - "Personnel Accounting" - "Personnel Documents" we will create the document "Employment", select the full name from the "Employees" directory, assign a salary and an advance payment method.

Let us state the standard deductions. Menu "Salary and personnel" - "Personal income tax" - "Application for deductions". Select the employee's last name from the list and add a standard deduction.

Employment and the provision of personal income tax deductions can also be carried out from the magazine "Employees". (Fig. 2).

Payroll. Advance payment.

In Enterprise Accounting 3.0, accounting of all calculations, including payroll calculations, is carried out immediately on accounting accounts simultaneously with tax accounting. Postings become available for viewing after the document is posted.

To pay an advance, we will make a “Statement to the cashier” through the menu “Salary” - “Statements to the cashier” and select in the statement that the advance will be paid. Postings for advance payments can be checked after posting the Cash Withdrawal document created from the statement to the cash desk for advance payment. (Fig.3).

To calculate payroll, we will create a document “Payroll” through the menu “Salary and personnel” - “Salary” - “All accruals”, it must be filled out and posted. (Fig.4).

In the document, in addition to wages and personal income tax, insurance premiums will also be calculated.

You can pay wages by creating a document for payment directly from the accrual document. The program will automatically set the amount for payment minus the advance payment.

Vacation accrual and sick leave calculation

In Accounting 3.0, you can accrue vacation and calculate sick leave through the menu of the program "Salary and personnel" - "Salary" - "All accruals". (Fig.5)

In the document journal, we create the accrual "Vacation" (Fig. 5). Select the name of the employee and the period for which the vacation should be calculated. The program will calculate the average amount of vacation pay, which can be adjusted if necessary, and calculate personal income tax.

After posting the “Sick leave” document created through the “Salary” - “All accruals” menu (Fig. 5), the program automatically divides the sick leave amount for the first three days “at the expense of the employer” and all other days “at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund”.


We will generate reports through the menu "Salary and Personnel" - "Salary" - "Salary Reports" in order to check the correctness of the payments and accruals made. If the sequence of actions when creating documents is correct, the generated reports will correctly display information about the business transactions performed, including the calculation of employee remuneration.

Through the menu "Salary and personnel" - "Insurance contributions" - "Reporting to the FSS" and "Quarterly reporting to the Pension Fund" you can generate regulatory reports, check the finished report, transfer the report to the tax authorities (via 1C-Reporting), upload to a file or print.

Thus, Accounting Enterprise 3.0 can account for personnel settlements, such as payroll, bonuses and vacations, sick leave payments, as well as automated calculation of deductions from wages, including payments on writ of execution. One-time accruals can be calculated immediately in the document "Payroll" by clicking the "Account" button. (Fig. 4) It is possible to set up an advance payment by setting a percentage of the salary or by entering a fixed amount. Wages and other accruals can be paid through the cashier or through a bank, indicating the necessary details for transfer.

Do you have any questions? We will help you arrange wages in 1C 8.3 as part of a free consultation!

The applied solution automates almost all types of payroll calculations used at self-supporting enterprises, and related deductions, taxes and contributions.

The main forms of remuneration have been implemented: time-based (using monthly, daily and hourly tariff rates) and piece-rate forms of remuneration, as well as their variants - time-bonus and piece-bonus forms of remuneration.

To use the time-based remuneration of an employee, it is enough to indicate the amount of remuneration and the schedule according to which the hours worked will be taken into account when registering his employment.

If, as a result of personnel reshuffles, the work schedule of an employee changes, then such events must be documented in the information base.

You do not need to keep track of hours worked. Actual hours worked will be calculated as the amount of planned time that the employee had to work according to the schedule, minus documented deviations from this schedule, when the employee was absent during the working hours indicated in the schedule, for example, due to vacation or illness.

With piecework wages, in order to calculate the amount of earnings, it is necessary to monthly register the actual output of the employee with special documents - piecework orders. But the work schedule also needs to be indicated, since it is used in some other calculations.

Work schedules

The work schedules used to record hours worked can be of the following types: five-day, six-day and shift. In the configuration, you must specify the duration of the working week and hours of working time: work intervals during the working day or shifts with the exception of a lunch break. For example, for a 40-hour work week and a five-day work schedule, the working hours might be 8:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00 (here it is assumed that the lunch break is from 12:00 until 13:00).

Automatic completion of the current work schedule calendar is provided, taking into account national holidays, which reflects working days, shortened pre-holiday days and postponed days of rest. The list of national holidays is stored in the infobase.

Charges and deductions

All accruals of the organization are combined into two large groups:

  • Basic accruals are accruals that have a period of validity (payment at tariff rates, payment for periods of absence of an employee, etc.).
  • Additional accruals are accruals characterized by the same accrual date, such as bonuses or dividends. These accruals, however, may be calculated on the basis of the amounts previously accrued under the base accruals.

Each type of accrual is characterized by the method of calculation and other parameters.

The configuration contains a sufficient set of predefined types of accruals and deductions. In particular, accruals are provided for several types of vacations and several types of downtime during working hours, alimony deductions, etc. But users can add an unlimited number of their own types of accruals and deductions.

Basic charges can be calculated in the following ways:

  • at the tariff rate (monthly, daily or hourly) for the actual period of the accrual;
  • piecework for the actual period of the accrual;
  • fixed amount;
  • on average earnings for vacation on calendar days;
  • by average earnings for vacation when calculated from working days;
  • on average earnings for the calculation of benefits for temporary disability;
  • by average earnings (for example, to pay for business trips);
  • as an allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years;
  • as an allowance for the care of a child up to 3 years

Additional charges can be calculated in the following ways:

  • percentage (of the amounts accrued for the specified basic charges);
  • fixed amount.

Deductions can be calculated in the following ways:

  • percentage (of the amounts accrued for the specified basic charges);
  • for withholding under executive documents (i.e. with a preliminary reduction in the amount of basic charges by the amount of taxes);
  • fixed amount.

Payroll procedure

After entering into the information base information about the current output of employees, deviations from the work schedule, one-time charges and deductions, you can actually calculate wages and related charges.

For payroll calculation, the document "Payroll to employees of the organization" is used.

To perform the calculation, the user should create a new document and specify the most common calculation parameters: the month of payroll, organization, etc., after which the rest of the actions - filling in the tabular part of the document and the calculation itself - can be performed automatically. Moreover, all deductions will be automatically calculated: personal income tax, the amount of loans for which the maturity date has come, alimony, etc. The calculated deductions will be reflected in the corresponding tabs of the tabular part of the document.

The configuration automatically copes with difficult situations when information about the reasons for the absence of an employee is entered several times. When registering the absence of an employee for an unexplained reason, the salary for the period of absence will not be accrued, but if he later brings a sick leave relating to this period, then at the next payroll, he will be credited with sick leave for sick days.

In organizations with a large staff of employees, it is convenient to calculate salaries and other accruals not for all employees at once, but for departments. And if the organization is so large that several users of the configuration are involved in the calculation of salaries - payroll calculators, then for each calculator you can assign specific units with the entry of this information in the information base. If you specify a payer when generating documents, then only those employees who are serviced by the specified payer will be automatically entered in the tabular section.

To prepare the salary payment, the document "Salary payable to the organization" is used.

The document is generated and filled out automatically. The document provides for the possibility of registering the payment of salaries through the organization's cash desk, as well as by non-cash transfer of salaries to employees' bank accounts. Wages not received on time can be registered as deposited.

The configuration ensures the formation of all paper printed forms related to payroll: pay slips, pay slips, etc.

Transfer of salaries to card accounts of employees

To distribute the salary transferred to the bank, according to the card accounts of employees, a special information exchange mechanism is proposed, developed by 1C together with Sberbank of the Russian Federation. The exchange of data on the transferred amounts of wages takes place using XML format files. The proposed mechanism allows you to electronically transfer to the bank the information necessary to open an employee's card accounts, receive from the bank confirmation of their opening with the necessary parameters of the card accounts of the organization's employees, and then organize regular transfer of salaries to card accounts.
