Charter of the all-Russian public organization of veterans of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. About the organization: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans

In order to make fuller use of the service experience and spiritual potential of the older generations in solving the tasks facing the Armed Forces, in the interests of the social protection of veterans, representatives of military administration bodies, heads of leading veteran associations of types and branches of service, main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided to create an All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The first meeting of the members of the organizing committee of the new veterans' organization was held on July 18, 2008.
Today we are publishing the draft Charter of the LLC Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The document itself will be adopted at the founding conference of the new veterans' organization, which will be held in October 2008 in Moscow.

1. General provisions
1. All-Russian public organization Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) is a voluntary, non-profit public association created on the initiative of veteran organizations of the Armed Forces, united on the basis of a common interest to achieve the goals defined by this Charter.
1.1. The organization brings together veterans of the Armed Forces, war veterans and military service, combat veterans, as well as veterans from among civilian personnel. The organization is free to determine its internal structure, goals, forms and methods of its activities.
1.2. The organization works in close cooperation with government agencies, military authorities and public organizations. The organization may be a member and participant of other public associations without changing its Charter.
1.3. The organization carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws "On Public Associations", "On Veterans", etc. legislative acts and this statute.
1.4. The organization is a legal entity from the moment of its state registration, has settlement and other accounts in banking institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond its borders, a round seal, stamps, letterheads with their full name in Russian, an emblem, symbols and other details approved and registered in the manner prescribed by law.
1.5. The organization owns separate property, can acquire and exercise property and non-property rights on its own behalf, conclude contracts, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.
1.6. The organization has a full and abbreviated name in Russian. Full - "All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." Abbreviated - "OOOV RF Armed Forces".
1.7. Location of the permanent governing body - the Committee of Veterans of the Armed Forces of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: 119160 Moscow, K-160, st. Znamenka, 19.
2. Goals and directions
activities of the Organization

2.1. The main objectives of the Organization are:
association of veterans for joint social activities, strengthening veteran friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance;
consolidation of the intellectual, scientific and practical potential of veterans of the Armed Forces to strengthen the country's defense capability, increase combat readiness, preserve and develop the traditions of the army and navy, and raise the prestige of military service;
assistance in the legal and social protection of veterans, providing them with consulting legal assistance in socio-economic, labor, housing, property and other issues;
uniting the efforts of veterans in military-patriotic education, in the formation of patriotic consciousness in the younger generation, healthy lifestyle life, a high sense of military and civic duty, readiness for military service, defense of their Fatherland;
full exercise of the powers provided for by laws on public associations.
2.2. In accordance with the statutory goals, the subject of the Organization's activities are:
coordination and support of the veteran movement in the districts and fleets, types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the main and central departments of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and other structures of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
the development of scientific and information activities that contribute to the strengthening of contacts with legislative and executive authorities, representatives of science and the military-industrial complex in the interests of building and developing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
cooperation and interaction with military authorities in resolving issues of preparing young people for military service, their patriotic and moral education;
interaction with state authorities and social protection bodies, participation in the development and implementation of programs aimed at protecting the interests of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, ensuring their worthy position in society;
assistance in creating the necessary conditions for social adaptation, retraining and employment of military personnel transferred to the reserve;
interaction in their work with public associations veterans, funds mass media, charitable and other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the legal, social, medical, cultural, scientific, technical and other socially useful areas of activity in order to achieve the goals provided for by this Charter;
participation in the socio-political life of the country, cultural, educational, sports and recreational events, meetings, rallies, demonstrations and other actions in accordance with applicable law;
establishment, support and development of relations with international and national organizations of veterans of the Armed Forces of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, other foreign countries, exchange of experience;
study, dissemination and propaganda of the traditions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, conducting outreach work in order to form public opinion on issues of defense and security of the country, military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
interaction with the media, establishment own funds media, implementation publishing;
providing legal assistance to veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, members of their families, representing their interests in legislative and executive authorities, in courts, in military administration and local government bodies in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
using the potential of retired and retired officers and generals to transfer experience to young officers of the Armed Forces;
assistance in the protection of nature, historical monuments, military glory and culture both in the Russian Federation and abroad;
implementation of other activities aimed at fulfilling the statutory goals and not contradicting the current legislation.
To resolve issues in the main areas of activity, the Organization may create public commissions.
3. Rights and obligations

3.1. To achieve its statutory goals, the Organization has the right to:
freely disseminate information about their activities;
participate in the development of decisions of state authorities and local governments in the manner and to the extent provided for by the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations” and other laws of the Russian Federation;
hold meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions;
establish mass media and carry out publishing activities;
represent and defend their rights, legitimate interests of their members, as well as other citizens in state authorities, local governments and public associations;
take initiatives on various issues public life to submit proposals to public authorities;
install and maintain international connections, conclude agreements with international and foreign non-profit organizations;
exercise in full the powers provided for by the current legislation for public associations.
3.2. The organization may own property necessary for the material support of the activities of the organization specified in this Charter. The owner of the property listed on the balance sheet of the Organization is the Organization. Each individual member of the Organization has no right of ownership to a share of the property of the Organization. Members of the Organization do not retain the rights to the property transferred by them to the Organization.
3.3. The organization independently carries out its financial and economic activity manages his property. To implement its statutory tasks, the Organization engages individuals and legal entities on a voluntary basis, creates non-profit organizations and enters into associations and unions.
3.4. The organization is obliged:
comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms international law relating to the scope of its activities, as well as the norms provided for by this Charter;
annually publish a report on the use of their property and ensure the availability of familiarization with the said report;
annually inform the body that made the decision on the state registration of the Organization about the continuation of its activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and data on the heads of the Organization in the amount of information included in the unified state register of legal entities;
submit, at the request of the body that makes decisions on the state registration of public associations, decisions of the governing bodies and officials of the Organization, as well as annual and quarterly reports on its activities in the amount of information submitted to the tax authorities;
allow a representative of the body that makes decisions on the state registration of public associations to the events held by the Organization;
provide assistance to representatives of the body that decides on the state registration of public associations in getting acquainted with the activities of the Organization in connection with the achievement of the statutory goal and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
inform the federal body of state registration about the amount of money and other property received by the public association from international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons, about the purpose of spending or using them and about their actual spending or using in the form and within the time limits established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
inform the body that made the decision on the state registration of the Organization of changes in the information specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs", with the exception of information on licenses received, within three days from the date of such changes;
to ensure the accounting and safety of documents on the personnel of its regular apparatus, to comply with the requirements of this Charter.
4. Structure of the Organization.
Governing and control and auditing bodies of the Organization. Competence and procedure for the formation of the governing and control and audit bodies of the Organization, terms of their powers

4.1. The organization has the following structure:
l Conference of the Organization (the highest governing body of the Organization);
l The Committee of Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (permanent collegiate management body), which includes the Chairman of the Committee, two deputies, executive secretary, members of the Committee. Location of the Committee of Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: 119160 Moscow, K-160, st. Znamenka, 19;
l Audit Commission.
4.2. The structure of the Organization includes veteran organizations of types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, main and central departments of the Russian Ministry of Defense, military districts (fleets), associations, formations and units, local (primary) veteran organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are its structural divisions.
Local (primary) organizations are created on a voluntary basis with at least three people within administrative-territorial units and municipalities, taking into account the place of service, life or work of veterans in a particular military formation. In their activities, they are guided by this Charter of the Organization in the manner determined by the current legislation, and may acquire the rights of a legal entity.
4.3. The main function of the Conference of the Organization is to ensure that the Organization fulfills the purposes for which it was created. The Conference is held by the decision of the Committee of the Organization once every four years. An extraordinary (extraordinary) Conference may be convened by the Committee of the Organization on its own initiative, at the suggestion of the Audit Commission, or at the request of regional organizations that unite at least one third of the total number of members of the Organization. The Committee of the Organization, within a month from the date of receipt of a written request to hold an extraordinary (extraordinary) conference, is obliged to decide on its holding.
Delegates to the Conference are elected in the manner and according to the norms of representation determined by the Committee of the Organization. The conference is considered eligible if more than half of the delegates elected from regional organizations formed in more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are present at its meeting.
Decisions of the Conference on the adoption of the Charter of the Organization, amendments to it, as well as reorganization or liquidation of the Organization are taken by a qualified majority of two-thirds of the votes of the delegates present at the Conference.
Decisions of the Conference on other issues are taken by a majority vote of the delegates present at the conference.
The decisions of the Conference are taken in the form of decrees and resolutions.
4.4. The Conference has the right to consider any issues related to the activities of the Organization.
The exclusive competence of the Conference includes the resolution of the following issues:
approval of the Charter, additions and amendments to it;
determination of the main directions of the Organization's activity, principles of formation and use of its property;
formation of executive bodies and control and audit bodies of the Organization, determination of their quantitative composition, early termination of their powers;
the election of the President of the Conference of the Organization;
making decisions on reorganization or liquidation of the Organization;
approval of the symbols of the Organization.
Issues related to the exclusive competence of the Conference cannot be transferred for decision to the collegial executive body of the Organization.
4.5. The permanent governing body of the Organization is the Committee, whose members are elected by open vote by the Conference of the Organization.
By decision of the Conference, the election of members of the committee may be held by secret (closed ballot).
The Committee is accountable to the Conference of the Organization.
The Committee resolves any issues related to the activities of the Organization that are not referred by this Charter to the exclusive competence of the Conference.
Organization Committee:
elect from among its members the Chairman of the Committee, the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee and the Executive Secretary of the Committee;
defines quantitative composition and elect from among its members for the term of office the Presidium of the Committee of the Organization;
manages the activities of the Organization and its structural divisions;
develops documents on the most important areas of socio-economic and public life of the Organization on the basis of the decisions of the Conference;
organizes the implementation of the decisions of the Conference;
determines the main directions of the Organization's activities for the current period;
coordinates the activities of regional organizations;
interacts with public associations of the country;
represents the Organization in relations with public authorities, foreign organizations;
makes decisions on convening the Conference of the organization, establishes the norms of representation at it and determines the agenda;
manages the property and funds of the Organization;
approves the long-term financial plan and annual cost and income estimates of the Organization;
decides on the creation and use of trust funds of the Organization;
listens to the reports of the Presidium and regional organizations;
forms the Permanent Commissions, approves their composition and elects the chairmen of the Permanent Commissions;
performs other functions for the management of the Organization, contributing to the achievement of the goals specified in this Charter.
The meetings of the Committee are held in the form of a plenum. Plenums of the Committee are convened by the Presidium as necessary at least once every six months. Extraordinary plenums of the Committee are convened by the Presidium on its own initiative, as well as at the request of at least one third of the members of the Committee or at least one third of regional organizations. The Committee is considered competent if more than half of its members are present at its meeting.
The Committee has the right, by its decision, to co-opt its composition of new members of the Organization, in exchange for those who left, on the recommendation of regional organizations.
The powers of the Committee shall remain until the election of a new Committee by the Conference.
4.6. To resolve organizational issues in the period between plenary meetings, the Committee of the Organization elects the Presidium of the Committee for the term of its powers. The Chairman of the Presidium is the Chairman of the Committee. The Presidium consists of the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee, Deputy Chairman of the Committee, as well as members of the Presidium.
The meeting of the Presidium is held as needed, but at least once a month. The Presidium is accountable to the Committee of the Organization.
Committee Presidium:
organizes the implementation of the decisions of the Conferences and the Committee;
in the period between the Plenary Meetings of the Committee decides on the issues of the public life of the Organization;
convenes regular and extraordinary Plenums of the Committee, determines their agenda;
determines the structure and staffing of the Committee's apparatus, organizes its work;
organizes work on consideration of appeals of members of the Organization;
organizes the use of property and funds of the Organization;
organizes speeches in the press, on television and radio on issues affecting the interests of veterans, informing the public about the activities of the Organization;
organizes the registration of members of the Organization by structural divisions;
prepares proposals for admission to membership of the Organization of legal entities - public associations, as well as for the approval of local (primary) organizations in the Organization;
annually submits to the Ministry of Justice of Russia information on the number of the Organization, its regional organizations, as well as financial reports to the tax authorities;
considers other issues on behalf of the Committee.
The work of the Presidium is headed by the Chairman of the Committee.
4.7. Organization Committee Chairman:
carries out operational management of the activities of the Organization, makes the necessary decisions on all issues of the current activities of the Organization;
chairs the Plenums of the Committee of the Organization and chairs the meeting of the Presidium;
organizes the work of the Committee and its Presidium;
represents the interests of the Organization in relations with public authorities, local authorities, public organizations of the country and abroad;
signs decisions of the Committee and the Presidium, as well as other documents on behalf of the Organization;
opens settlement and other accounts in banking institutions, has the right of first signature on financial documents, concludes and signs contracts, makes other transactions within the budget approved by the Committee of the Organization;
approves the staffing table of the working apparatus of the Organization and manages it. Signs orders for hiring and dismissal of employees of the apparatus, including the chief accountant. Issues other orders and instructions binding for execution within the limits of the powers presented. Keeps the Charter, certificate of state registration and round seal of the Organization;
solves other issues on behalf of the Conference and the Committee.
4.8. Responsible Secretary of the Organization.
The Executive Secretary of the Organization is elected by the Committee of the Organization and reports on his work to the Chairman of the Committee.
It is entrusted with:
preparation of plenary meetings of the Committee, meetings of the Presidium, draft resolutions on the issues under discussion, execution of relevant protocols;
keeping records of legal entities of the Organization, as well as personal records of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, studying the conditions of their life, providing them with assistance and support;
organization of work to attract sponsorship funds, as well as social support funds.
4.9. The Audit Commission is the control body of the Organization. Its members are elected by the Conference by open vote.
Audit committee:
exercises control over the observance by the members of the Organization, as well as structural subdivisions of the provisions of this Charter;
exercises control over the conduct of financial and economic activities by the structural divisions of the Organization;
exercises control over the implementation of decisions of the Conference on all issues within the competence of the Audit Commission;
monitors compliance with the procedure for considering applications and letters from members of the Organization and other citizens.
To organize its work, the Audit Commission elects a Chairman and a Deputy Chairman from among its members.
Decisions of the Audit Commission, adopted within its competence, are binding on all bodies and structural divisions of the Organization.
The Audit Commission is considered competent if more than half of its members are present at its meeting. Decisions are made by majority vote of those present at the meeting.
Officials of the Organization are obliged to submit to the Audit Commission the documents and information necessary for its work.
Members of the Audit Commission have the right to participate in meetings of the governing bodies of the Organization with the right of an advisory vote.
The Audit Commission is accountable to the Conference of the Organization and submits a report on its work for its approval.
5. Conditions and procedure for acquiring and losing membership in the Organization, rights and obligations of members of the Organization
5.1. Members of the Organization may be citizens of the Russian Federation who are veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, veterans of war and military service, veterans of military operations, as well as legal entities - public associations that recognize and comply with the Charter of the Organization, implement the decisions of its governing bodies, take a direct part in the activities of the Organization and share its goals. All members of the Organization have equal rights and bear equal duties.
5.2. Membership in the Organization and withdrawal from it are voluntary.
5.3. Admission to the Organization of individuals is carried out on the basis of a written application of the applicant and is formalized by the decision of the relevant local (primary) organization.
Admission to the Organization of legal entities - public associations is carried out on the basis of a written application, as well as a decision of the authorized governing body of the entering legal entity - public association, submitted to the Committee of the Organization.
5.4. Withdrawal from the members of the Organization of individuals is carried out by submitting a written application to the relevant local (primary) organization, where the member of the Organization who has expressed a desire to leave is registered.
Withdrawal from the members of the Organization of legal entities - public associations is carried out by submitting a written application to the Committee, as well as a decision of the authorized governing body of the legal entity - public association that has expressed a desire to withdraw.
5.5. Registration of members of the Organization is kept by the Committee of the Organization on the basis of information provided by the Presidium of the Committee (according to legal entities- public associations) and local (primary) organizations (individuals).
5.6. A member of the Organization may be expelled by the decision of the body that made the decision to admit him to the Organization for:
non-compliance with the Charter;
failure to comply with the decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization;
actions discrediting the Organization.
A member of the Organization may appeal the decision on his exclusion to the higher governing body of the Organization - the Conference.
5.7. Member of the Organization has the right:
elect and be elected to the elected bodies of the Organization;
make proposals to any governing bodies of the Organization on issues related to the activities of the Organization;
participate in all activities of the Organization;
receive information about the activities of the Organization and its bodies;
seek assistance from the Organization to protect their legitimate interests.
5.8. Member of the Organization is obliged:
actively participate in the activities of the Organization to fulfill its statutory purpose;
comply with the requirements of this Charter and decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, adopted within the competence established by this Charter, strengthen the authority of the Organization;
provide labor and other support to the activities carried out by the Organization.
6. Sources of formation of funds and other property of the Organization
6.1. The organization is entitled to have separate property, have an independent balance sheet, conclude transactions on its own behalf and bear property liability for its obligations.
6.2. Funds and property of the Organization are formed from:
voluntary contributions and donations;
proceeds from events held in accordance with the charter of the Organization;
civil law transactions in accordance with the current legislation and this Charter;
income from the participation of the Organization in business companies and partnerships, entrepreneurial activity and other receipts not prohibited by law.
The owner of the property is the Organization as a whole, local (primary) organizations carry out their activities on the basis of this Charter and have the right to operational management of the property assigned to them by the Organization.
6.3. An organization, in accordance with the current legislation, may own buildings, structures, transport, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational and recreational purposes, cash, shares, and other securities, as well as other movable and immovable property necessary for the material support of the activities of the Organization specified in this Charter.
The organization is the owner of the property belonging to it. Members of the Organization have no rights in relation to the property of the Organization.
6.4. An organization can carry out entrepreneurial activities only in the interests of achieving the statutory goals for which it was created. Income from the entrepreneurial activities of the Organization cannot be distributed among the members of the Organization.
6.5. The organization draws up a balance sheet, maintains accounting records, submits statistical and other reports in the prescribed manner. Responsibility for the state of accounting, timely submission of accounting and statistical reporting is assigned to the chief accountant, whose competence is determined by the current legislation.
7. Procedure for reorganization and liquidation of the Organization
7.1. The organization may be reorganized in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The reorganization of the Organization is carried out by decision of the Conference.
7.2. The Committee of the Organization performs all the necessary actual legal actions for the reorganization of the Organization in accordance with the decision of the Conference.
7.3. The liquidation of the Organization is carried out by decision of the Conference or by decision of the court. The Conference establishes the procedure and terms for the liquidation. The property and funds of the Organization remaining as a result of the liquidation of the Organization after settlements with the budget and creditors are directed to the statutory purpose, and in disputable cases - to the purposes determined by the decision of the court.
7.4. The information and documents required for the state registration of the Organization in connection with its liquidation shall be submitted to the body that made the decision on the state registration of the Organization upon its establishment.
8. Amendments and additions to this Charter
8.1. Changes and additions to the Charter are made by the Conference.
8.2. Changes and additions to the Charter are approved by at least two-thirds of the votes of those present at the Conference.
8.3. Changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by law and become effective from the moment of such registration.

Local branches of districts of the city of Samara

1. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Industrial District of the city of Samara.
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Alekseev Dmitry Gennadievich.
the number of veterans is 659 people.
2. Local branch of veterans of the RF Armed Forces in the Kirovsky district of the city of Samara.
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Kumarkov Dmitry Nikolaevich.
the number of veterans is 452 people.
3. Local branch of veterans of the RF Armed Forces in the Leninsky district of the city of Samara.
Chairman: Captain Gavrilov Nikolai Alexandrovich.
the number of veterans is 832 people.
4. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Soviet district of the city of Samara.
Chairman: Major Weizenfeld Julius Grigorievich.
the number of veterans is 511 people.
5. Local branch of veterans of the RF Armed Forces in the Samara district of the city of Samara.
Chairman: Colonel Zolotov Oleg Nikolaevich.
the number of veterans is 373 people.
6. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for Oktyabrsky district city ​​of Samara.
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Drozdov Alexander Vladimirovich.
the number of veterans is 501 people.
7. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Kuibyshevsky district of the city of Samara.
Chairman: Colonel Grigoriev Alexander Mikhailovich.

8. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Zheleznodorozhny district of the city of Samara.
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Starikov Vladimir Nikolaevich.
the number of veterans is 526 people.
9. Local branch of veterans of the RF Armed Forces in the Krasnoglinsky district of the city of Samara.
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Gryazyutin Georgy Ivanovich.
the number of veterans is 401 people.

Local branches of the cities of the Samara region

1. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, city of Togliatti
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Elkhov Alexander Pavlovich.
the number of veterans is 423 people.
2. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the city of Zhigulevsk
the number of veterans is 221 people.
3. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the city of Novokuibyshevsk
Chairman: Major Zhdanov Nikolai Nikolaevich.
the number of veterans is 262 people.
4. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the city of Kinel and Kinelsky district
Chairman: Colonel Protopopov Alexander Mikhailovich.
The number of veterans is 145 people.
5. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the city of Syzran
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Potapov Nikolai Nikolaevich.
number of veterans 750 people.
6. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the city of Oktyabrsk
Chairman: Major Dedik Pavel Alexandrovich.
number of veterans 40 people.
7. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, city of Otradny
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Vodogreev Alexander Alexandrovich.
number of veterans 48 people.
8. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the city of Pokhvistnevo
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Yanchev Valery Georgievich.
number of veterans 35 people.
9. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the city of Chapaevsk
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Vitaly Alekseevich Balyuk.
the number of veterans is 51 people.

Local branches municipal districts Samarka region

1. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Alekseevsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Major Moiseev Alexey Yakovlevich.
number of veterans 17 people.
2. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Bezenchuksky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Alexandrovich Korsuntsev.
The number of veterans is 58 people.
3. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Bogatovsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Lyalkin Anatoly Mikhailovich.
The number of veterans is 33 people.
4. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Bolshegluchitsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Mikhailenko Alexander Valentinovich.
number of veterans 46 people.
5. Local branch of veterans of the RF Armed Forces of the Bolshechernigovskiy district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Major Kushaev Iskander Kamilovich.

6. Local branch of veterans of the RF Armed Forces, Borsky district, Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Karlov Vladimir Mikhailovich.
number of veterans 27 people.
7. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Volzhsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Major Karakhanyan Vladimir Vanikovich.
the number of veterans is 436 people.
8. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Elkhovsky district, Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Milyutin Vladimir Grigorievich.
number of veterans 9 people.
9. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Isaklinsky district, Samara Region
Chairman: Major Mokshin Yury Petrovich.

10. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Kamyshlinsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Major Munirov Rais Latfinovich.

11. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Kinel-Cherkassky district, Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Shurasiev Yuri Semenovich.
The number of veterans is 82 people.
12. Local branch of veterans of the RF Armed Forces of the Klyavlinsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Major Dudchenko Alexey Nikolaevich.
number of veterans 24 people.
13. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Koshkinsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Jalilov Rashid Khursanovich.
number of veterans 36 people.
14. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Krasnoarmeysky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Andriyanov Anatoly Valentinovich.

15. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Krasnoyarsk district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Krotkikh Boris Sergeevich.
number of veterans 250 people.
16. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Neftegorsk district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Major Surkov Vladimir Petrovich.
number of veterans 34 people.
17. Local branch of veterans of the RF Armed Forces of the Pestravsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Shirokanev Alexey Ivanovich.

18. Local branch of veterans of the RF Armed Forces of the Privolzhsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Major Fomin Alexander Georgievich.
number of veterans 56 people.
19. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Sergievsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Major Batishchev Viktor Konstantinovich.
number of veterans 34 people.
20. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Stavropol district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Porokhov Alexander Grigorievich.

21. Local branch of veterans of the RF Armed Forces of the Khvorostyansky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Colonel Belyaev Viktor Sergeevich.
The number of veterans is 42 people.
22. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Chelnovershinsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Ivannikov Alexei Mikhailovich.
number of veterans 39 people.
23. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Shentalinsky district, Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Antipov Vladimir Fedorovich.
number of veterans 38 people.
24. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Shigonsky district, Samara Region
Chairman: Major Mavrin Vladimir Nikolaevich.
number of veterans 26 people.
25. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Syzran district of the Samara Region
The number of veterans is 32 people.
26. Local branch of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Pokhvistnevsky district of the Samara Region
Chairman: Lieutenant Colonel Khasibulin Sammigula Zakiulovich.
The number of veterans is 52 people.

Report of the Council of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period from November 17, 2012 to November 10, 2016

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Dear delegates and guests of honor!

Your attention is provided with the Report of the Council of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the past four-year period of work.

The activities of the organization took place against the backdrop of a difficult international situation and difficult conditions for the development of our state, because everything negative that is happening today in the world and in the country affects the economy, the social sphere and, accordingly, the lives of veterans.

Veterans note that all these challenges, both external and internal, are opposed by the firm position of the leadership of the state and its President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

They enthusiastically perceive all the measures of the Ministry of Defense, personally the Minister of Defense, Hero of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu to reform the Armed Forces and increase their authority in society.

The clear-cut actions of the Russian troops to destroy terrorists in Syria aroused a special spiritual uplift and the deepest respect among the veterans.

In this regard, I would like to note that veterans of the Armed Forces have provided and continue to provide all possible assistance in improving the morale and psychological state of our soldiers in Syria. They send to hot spot» memoir literature, gifts, commemorative awards, inspire them on the ground for the selfless fulfillment of military duty.

For example, the Chairman of the Coordination Council of Navy Veterans, Admiral Igor Nikolaevich Khmelnov, twice visited the ships of the naval group in Syria.

The wise word of veterans during the reporting period has always been significant during the military reform and organizations educational process.

Veterans of the Armed Forces took an active part in:

In strategic and other exercises,

In taking state exams in the military educational institutions,

In international army games and military-technical forums,

In filling with activities of a patriotic nature of the park of culture and recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Patriot",

IN international competitions"Commonwealth Warrior"

Other various information and patriotic events held by the Ministry of Defense.

Particularly noteworthy is the contribution of the veterans of the Sevastopol regional branch, headed by Vice Admiral Alexander Ivanovich Frolov, in the return of Crimea to Russia. It was their weighty veteran word, personal patriotic example that helped to avoid various provocations and unnecessary bloodshed.

Significant steps were taken in the reporting period in the work of veterans in military professional orientation and in preparing young people for service in the Armed Forces. For these purposes, in particular,

An agreement was concluded with the Central Council of DOSAAF,

A joint meeting of the two Councils was held to improve further mutual cooperation,

A joint order was signed on assigning veteran organizations to the educational and methodological centers of DOSAAF.

The All-Russian Veteran Organization and DOSAAF of Russia jointly acted as the founders of the association of military-patriotic clubs and the All-Russian military-patriotic movement "UNARMIA".

Veterans of the Armed Forces are actively mobilizing young people to participate in the All-Russian physical culture movement “Ready for Labor and Defense!”, helping to build up the educational and material base of training centers.

They also provide all possible assistance to secondary educational institutions:

In conducting classes on the basics of ensuring life safety,

In shooting from small arms,

In driving technology,

In conducting military sports games and military field training.

Thus, the Volgograd regional branch, headed by Andrey Gennadyevich Babkin, took an active part in 2016 in holding the finals of the All-Russian military sports game "Victory" in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region.

Work is underway to form youth public associations specialized for each type and type of troops under veteran organizations: clubs for young sailors, pilots, astronauts, etc.

For example, the Russian Union of Reserve Officers, headed by a member of the Council Alexander Filippovich Larkov, in February 2016 held a conference “Patriotism of Reserve Officers for Young Muscovites” with the participation of students from Moscow cadet classes and veterans of the Armed Forces.

All this allows us to raise a worthy replacement for the current defenders of the Motherland. Every year, the conscription into the Armed Forces is more organized, the competition for military schools is increasing.

Veterans are actively involved in the information campaign "Military service under the contract - your choice!".

A special direction in the work of the Council was the mentorship of veterans over young officers and contract soldiers. This issue was discussed in March 2016 at a meeting of the Council. A methodology for organizing mentoring has been developed and directed to the organization.

In many veteran organizations, prizes and pennants are established to reward the best officers who have achieved high results in combat training.

Yes, in international organization former servicemen "Mars - Mercury" established a medal named after twice Hero Soviet Union famous pilot Boris Safonov, 5 prizes and cash prizes for civilian personnel.

I would especially like to note the role of veterans of the higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense, the Suvorov Military Schools and the Cadet Corps. From the first days of their studies, they are really mentors for the future young shift of the officer corps of the Armed Forces.

The contribution of veterans to the strengthening of military discipline in the army and navy is also noticeable. They take an active part in the days of taking the oath, thematic matinees and evenings, meetings of personnel, in the months of the fight against hazing, drug addiction.

To this end, they keep close contact with commanders, military commissariats, councils of the parental community, committees of soldiers' mothers. Veteran organizations of the Omsk, Leningrad, Belgorod, Samara, and Kaliningrad regions work especially well in this regard.

Dear delegates!

The difficult international situation, Islamic terrorism, nationalism being revived in Ukraine and the Baltic states, and the economic crisis taken together put forward new, more difficult conditions today, in which the state and society have to educate their citizens in a patriotic spirit, and, first of all, young people. Patriotism, emphasizes the President, is our national idea.

At the meetings of the Pobeda organizing committee held in April and September 2016, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin set the task: “To provide conditions for the wider involvement of veterans in work with youth, including as part of the implementation state program"Patriotic education of Russian citizens for 2016 - 2020".

This topic in the reporting period, without any doubt, was of paramount importance for all veteran organizations without exception. The leitmotif, a good reason for this was a wonderful date - the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

For these purposes, in 2014-2015, a review competition "Under the Banner of Victory" was launched in the All-Russian Organization. As a result of the review, 25 organizations were determined as winners, they were awarded certificates of honor and special prizes.

Thousands of interesting events took place in veterans' organizations, including conferences, themed evenings, olympiads, competitions, meetings with interesting people, and, of course, honoring veterans of the Great Patriotic War and military operations.

For example, only in May 2015, during the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the troops, 2.5 thousand veterans of the Armed Forces spoke at public and state training classes.

About 5 thousand veterans of the Great Patriotic War were awarded the organization's anniversary medals in honor of ten significant battles of the Great Patriotic War.

In April 2015, the Council, together with the Central Council of DOSAAF, organized a rally in four countries along the route Moscow - Torgau called "Roads of Courage and Fortitude".

Within the framework of the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2015, the Council organized and successfully held a meeting of 800 veteran graduates of flight and engineering schools in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

In 2016, on the eve of Victory Day, at the initiative of the Minister of Defense, an information and propaganda campaign “Agitation train the Army of Victory” was held from Moscow to Vladivostok.

His path passed through 23 settlements in Russia. At all stations, he was warmly welcomed by the public of the cities, and, above all, veterans of the Armed Forces and the Great Patriotic War. Many of them spoke to the youth on the topics of military-patriotic education.

On the eve of the 71st anniversary of the Victory Day, the Council of the organization, together with the Governor of the Irkutsk region Sergey Georgiyevich Levchenko, held a reception at the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of a group of veterans - military leaders - participants in the Great Patriotic War, where they were presented with awards and individual medical devices.

In preparation for the 100th anniversary of the First World War, the Council of the organization, together with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, with the Moscow Regional Public Organization "Center for Support of Social and Public Initiatives", held a number of events on the territory Kaliningrad region, former East Prussia.

On the days of the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Council, together with the Moscow regional and Stavropol regional branches, held a memorial action in Brest. What is the great merit of the leaders of these organizations, Vladimir Fedorovich Rabeev and Valery Vladimirovich Zobolev.

Members of the Council and representatives of structural organizations took part:

In the celebrations associated with the 25th anniversary of the combat mission in Afghanistan with the presentation of a commemorative medal of our organization to more than 3 thousand internationalist soldiers;

In the All-Russian exhibition "Symbols of the Fatherland", where the organization was awarded a diploma for a good exposition.

In the Primorsky regional branch, sea trips of memory to places of military glory with the participation of veterans of the Pacific Fleet received practice.

At the initiative of the Samara regional branch, intellectual military-historical Olympiads are held annually with schoolchildren.

Kursk regional organization in 2016, meetings were held with members of military-patriotic clubs.

The festival "Become a Patriot" was held in the Belgorod regional branch.

The production of video films and record libraries with records of the memoirs of participants in the Great Patriotic War and hostilities, albums of military glory is organized everywhere, excursions to museums of military glory are held.

In general, work on the patriotic education of the younger generation is being built in the organization at a fairly good organizational level and effectively, as evidenced by the Diploma and desktop medal awarded to the organization on behalf of the President on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Dear delegates!

During the reporting period, the work on social protection of veterans was improved. Elected bodies everywhere provided the veterans of the Armed Forces with all possible advisory, legal, medical, social and other assistance, congratulated them on their birthdays and other memorable dates.

Over the past four years, more than 400 letters of various social orientations have been considered in the apparatus of the Council. The most pressing issues were providing veterans with housing, pensions, benefits, sanatorium and resort vouchers.

Various monitoring and sociological surveys on the problems of social well-being of veterans of the Armed Forces are widely practiced in regional branches. Conclusions and suggestions are summarized and sent for implementation as intended.

The Committee of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch organized the work of a reception center and legal consultations for veterans of the Armed Forces at the garrison House of Officers. In 2015, more than 350 veterans applied to the point.

The Committee of the Volgograd regional branch, together with the private security company Herat-Volga, organized the Zashchita emergency service, where about 300 veterans of the Armed Forces receive legal, lawyer, insurance, security and other assistance.

The Committee of the Khabarovsk regional branch skillfully organizes trips to military garrisons for holding expanded meetings on the ground with permission social problems veterans, military personnel and their families. Particular attention is drawn to the "abandoned towns", especially to the state of schools, kindergartens, houses and clubs of officers.

In the committees of the regional branches of the Republic of Tatarstan, Sverdlovsk region motor ship cruises are practiced for veterans together with orphans from boarding schools and foster children.

A lot of interesting examples in terms of social care for veterans in the Dagestan regional branch, headed by Lieutenant General Tinamagomedov T.M.

Efforts were stepped up to provide medical and sanatorium-resort services to veterans.

In addition to the planned treatment of veterans in military hospitals, under a joint agreement with the leadership of the Moscow House of War Veterans and the Armed Forces, over four years, about 10,000 veterans of the Armed Forces underwent inpatient treatment in the social rehabilitation center of the house.

Valery Vladimirovich Zobolev, head of the Stavropol regional branch, is doing a great deal of work on organizing sanatorium treatment for veterans.

In the same organization, in a difficult transitional time for the Crimeans, the veterans of Stavropol handed over to the veterans of Sevastopol 35 tons of various products and other payloads.

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, at the initiative of the Council and the National University of the People's Republic of China, in close cooperation with regional offices, 986 veterans of the Armed Forces from 12 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were provided with free medical care by Chinese doctors.

The Council of the Organization twice in 2015 and 2016 won the competition for a grant from the National Charitable Foundation. At the expense of the fund, 216 veterans in greatest need were purchased and presented with various medical devices to improve their health at home, and 112 veterans received cash bonuses.

During the reporting period, work was improved to perpetuate the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland. In September 2014, a number of members of the Council took part in a campaign to places of military glory in the North Caucasus. As a result of the search, the remains of more than 50 Soviet soldiers who died in battles with the Nazis were found and reburied with honors.

Army General Gareev M.A. and Admiral Khmelnov I.N. took part in the first joint Russian-Chinese search expedition “Memory Watch. China - 2015".

In just four years, about 15 thousand mass graves, monuments and graves of our fallen and dead fellow soldiers have been put in order. Wreaths and flowers are laid to them.

In this regard, there is good experience in the Moscow regional branch of the organization, the leader is Vladimir Fedorovich Rabeev. Over the past two years, veterans of the Moscow region have completely restored, put in order in the Chkalovsky aviation garrison 48 graves of famous aviators, including 7 Heroes of the Soviet Union.

The organization of veterans of the Armed Forces constantly initiates issues of perpetuating the memory of our famous military leaders. For 4 years, 12 commemorative plaques have been installed in Moscow alone.

Good experience in this matter is available in the veteran organization of the General Staff, led by Viktor Mikhailovich Barynkin, and in the International Organization of Former Servicemen "Mars-Mercury", headed by Leonid Andreyevich Bondarenko.

For example, in the Mars-Mercury organization, veterans in Moscow installed one monument and 4 memorial plaques to famous sailors.

June 3, 2016 at Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, the Black Tulip memorial aircraft was inaugurated, dedicated to the feat of Soviet soldiers who, at the cost of their lives, fulfilled their international duty in Afghanistan.

In the same place, on Poklonnaya Hill, veterans of the Typhoon organization, under the leadership of Colonel-General Valentin Alekseevich Yakovlev, are building a monument dedicated to the marines.

In this regard, it is necessary to note in this connection a large set of measures carried out by the Admirals Club to create a memorial sector for the burial of veterans of the Navy at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

In many regional branches, in particular, the Republic of Khakassia, Tver and Samara regions, work is well done on naming the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and military operations on new streets of cities and towns, publishing "Books of Memory" about those killed in military conflicts.

The Amur Regional Branch collected data on 953 Soviet soldiers who died in the Amur Region and the People's Republic of China, and provided assistance in the restoration of 36 Soviet military memorials and graves.

In the Kalmyk regional branch in the city of Elista, a monument-obelisk dedicated to the memory of fellow countrymen who died for the Fatherland was erected.

In the veteran organization of Berdsk Novosibirsk region the monument "Cranes" was erected in honor of the fallen soldiers in various wars and armed conflicts.

A bust in honor of the legendary commander was erected in the regional veteran organization of Altai airborne troops Vasily Filippovich Margelov.

In the Astrakhan regional branch, a lot of work has been done to perpetuate the memory of the crew of the armored boat No. 22 and the deputy commander of the Volga Flotilla, Rear Admiral B.V. Khoroshin, who died in 1942.

In the Ulyanovsk regional branch, a patriotic action "Remember everyone by name" was organized. In cooperation with the regional military-patriotic center "Nabat", the reburial of the remains of 6 Soviet soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War was carried out, the found awards were transferred to the relatives of the victims.

Thus, the work of veteran organizations to provide all possible social assistance has been and will continue to be in the focus of attention of the Council and all structural divisions of our All-Russian Organization

Dear delegates!

In the work carried out, the Council of the organization paid special attention to the information support of its activities and the work of regional branches.

To this end, the Council, together with the Main Directorate for Work with personnel The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation organize regular visits to military units, military educational institutions, schools to hold unified days of information, participation in military-patriotic events related to state holidays and memorable dates of the military history of Russia.

In information work, the Council actively uses the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which has its own section "VETERANS", where news materials, photo and video reports, and other important information for veterans are published. Similar sites operate in many regional offices of our Organization.

Since 2014, the Council has been publishing the quarterly newspaper Veteran of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. 9 issues of the newspaper have already been published. 3 numbers are available in your handouts. The electronic version of the newspaper is posted on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The Council of the Interregional Public Organization of Veterans of the Marine Corps "Typhoon" publishes the magazine "Marine Infantryman".

The representative office of our organization in the Republic of Latvia publishes the magazine “Bulletin of the Military Pensioner”.

The Council pays a lot of attention to publishing activities. By decision of the Minister of Defense, with the active participation of the Council of the organization, the largest information project was implemented - the publication of the atlas-reference book " Short story Russian army” in the amount of 10 thousand copies.

During the reporting period, a lot of memoirs and popular literature were published. The works and names of the most active authors can be seen on the screen.

A group of authors from all former Soviet republics, led by a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Admiral of the Fleet Alexei Ivanovich Sorokin, for the creation of the book "The Great Victory over Fascism" became the winner of the State Prize named after Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.

On April 26, 2015, during the international campaign along the route Moscow - Berlin, a joint project was implemented with the Zvezda TV channel and the Moscow regional organization Center for Social and Public Initiatives - the organization of a teleconference between the German city of Torgau and the city of Noginsk, Moscow Region.

Articles about the activities of the organization are regularly published in central and departmental magazines and newspapers.

We have established the closest relationship with the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper. During the reporting period, this newspaper published more than 250 materials on the activities of the Council and regional branches.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, the editorial staff of the newspaper was awarded the honorary prize of the Council for good coverage of the activities of the veteran organization of the Armed Forces.

International activities of the organization.

For four years, delegations of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces visited 8 countries:

Federal Republic of Germany,




And Azerbaijan.

I would especially like to point out Good work representation of our organization in the Republic of Latvia, headed by retired colonel Vladimir Sergeevich Norvind, covering more than three and a half thousand veterans of the Armed Forces and six thousand widows of servicemen.

Members of the Council of the organization visited the representative office twice during the reporting period in connection with the 20th anniversary of the founding of the society of military pensioners in Latvia, as well as in connection with the celebration of the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory over fascism.

Dear delegates!

During the reporting period, through the efforts of councils and committees, internal organizational work and the style of work of organizations were improved.

This was facilitated by the publication on October 4, 2014 of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 719 "On measures to further improve work with veteran organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." With the issuance of this order, the formation of a structure of officials for work with veterans in the Ministry of Defense was completed.

You can see it on the screen.

For 4 years, 13 meetings of the Council were held. All of them were carried out, as a rule, as visiting, on the basis of the types and types of troops.

During the reporting period, the Council worked:

In all types and types of troops, military districts,

In 16 regional organizations,

Organized and conducted 8 cluster workshops.

To help the leaders of veteran organizations, a member of the Council, Major General Valentin Prokopievich Ososkov, prepared and issued Toolkit organization of veterans' work. This manual is located in the conference delegates folder.

The representation of our organization in various government bodies, in all-Russian public associations has increased.

The Chairman of the Council is a member of:

Central headquarters of the All-Russian "People's Front",

Public Council under the Ministry of Defense,

Joint Collegium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and Belarus,

First Deputy Chairman of the Council, Lieutenant-General Viktor Nikolaevich Buslovsky became a member of the General Staff of the Youth Army movement.

Many regional offices are also striving to take their authoritative place in common system government controlled.

Thus, in the Samara regional branch, 11 members of the branch were elected to the legislative assemblies of municipalities, and 144 representatives of the branch are actively working in the regional and municipal executive authorities.

The past period was characterized by further quantitative and qualitative growth of the veteran ranks.

By the current conference, the composition of the All-Russian Organization for 4 years has replenished by 14 branches of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Today the All-Russian organization

It has its own Banner, its Charter, Emblem, Anthem,

It is a monolithic veteran detachment uniting 132 organizations, including those representing 78 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, total strength more than 1.5 million people.

The All-Russian Organization has 975 local branches.

All our regional offices and representative offices in the Republic of Latvia were awarded banners.

The Council has established public awards, special prizes and pennants to reward the best organizations that, by the way, have been in space.

The Council of the organization has developed passports of organizations and regularly summarizes information on the composition and number of subordinate organizations.

The most numerous and capable regional branches can be seen on the slide.

For great work on the patriotic education of youth, social protection of veterans:

4 representatives of the organization were awarded state awards.

More than 1,300 veterans of the Armed Forces received medals from the Ministry of Defense;

46 veterans were awarded the commemorative medal "Patriot of Russia" of Rosvoencenter under the Government of the Russian Federation,

More than 4,000 veterans were awarded the order "For loyalty to the Fatherland" and the badge "For Merit".

For four years, dozens of reporting, election and other meetings have been held in regional and other organizations. They became a review of the veteran forces, a noticeable reason for the organizational strengthening of the veteran ranks.

The meeting was attended by the command and educational staff.

During the reporting and election campaigns, the governing bodies were updated by one third.

Of course, we would not have been able to achieve the above successes if we had not daily felt support from:

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu,

Chief of the General Staff General of the Army Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov;

First Deputy Minister of Defense Ruslan Khadzhismelovich Tsalikov;

Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense General of the Army Nikolai Aleksandrovich Pankov,

Deputy Minister of Defense General of the Army Dmitry Vasilyevich Bulgakov

Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova;

Deputy Minister of Defense Timur Vadimovich Ivanov,

Chief of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Vasily Petrovich Tonkoshkurov,

Head of the Main Directorate for Work with Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Major General Mikhail Vyacheslavovich Smyslov,

Chief of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Alexander Yakovlevich Fisun,

And many other officials of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

It should also be noted that the organization in the reporting period did not focus only on its own interests. She actively interacted with many all-Russian veteran and other public associations, especially in matters representing common interests of a socio-economic and patriotic nature.

We have long-standing contractual obligations and business contacts with a number of these organizations. We all work closely together as part of the Coordinating Council of Military Veterans, Law Enforcement Officers and Members of Their Families, headed by Viktor Alekseevich Ozerov, Chairman of the Defense and Security Committee of the Federation Council.

Here is a summary of our results. They are real and tangible. I would like to note that they became possible as a result of an atmosphere of close interaction and cooperation, if you like, fraternal friendship between military command and control bodies, members of our Council and heads of structural units of our entire organization.

Of course, speaking of the positive, one cannot fail to mention the existing shortcomings, which, unfortunately, take place.

As part of the regulations, I will highlight only the main ones:

FIRST - This is the low activity and militancy of a number of our regional and local branches.

Some of them are few in number and do not have a basis for the growth of their ranks.

Others do not have their own face. All activities are mainly carried out jointly with representatives of other all-Russian organizations. They themselves do not initiate interesting cases.

Still others do not have business contact with the heads of garrisons, commanders of military units, military educational institutions, employees of military commissariats, especially with deputies of officials for work with personnel, assistant commanders of military districts, military commissars of subjects of the Russian Federation for work with veterans. As they say: "Boil in their own juice."

Fourth, they do not use the power of inspector generals in their work. Do not plan to participate in educational work with military personnel, youth in schools and other educational institutions.

In this regard, I would like to say that much of the above depends on the personality of the head of the regional or local branch. If he is inert, without desire to work in the organization, then there will be no good deeds.

Therefore, the selection of initiative and business people for leadership positions, who are able to rally teams of veterans and lead them, is a task of paramount importance.

And here the role of the chiefs of garrisons, military commissars and their assistants in work with veterans of all levels is great. It is they, together with our Council, who should take care of improving the quality of work of veteran organizations of the Armed Forces in the field.

The Minister of Defense set the task of making the veteran organizations of the Armed Forces exemplary, the most active and meaningful in their work. And we need to work together to accomplish this task.

SECOND - This is the improvement of work to fulfill the task set by the President of the Russian Federation to strengthen the patriotic education of young people. As you know, the future of our country depends on this.

As already noted in the report, a lot is being done on this issue, but there are also enough reserves.

For example, in the work on the education of patriotism, the emphasis is more on work in schools, universities, etc. And far fewer veterans can be seen in military units, military educational institutions, which, apparently, is due to their remoteness.

There are also reserves in matters of mentoring, assisting young officers and contract soldiers in their formation in new positions, mastering advanced methods of organizing combat training classes and the educational process.

All this applies to a greater extent to local veteran organizations, that is, those who are closest to the objects of education.

And one more question. As you know, a lot of work is being done in the Ministry of Defense to organize the Yunarmiya movement.

The first but big steps have already been taken. They are regularly reported in the press. Now we must fill this good cause with interesting events, take care of increasing the quantitative and qualitative composition of the movement.

And the role of veterans of the Armed Forces in this is considerable. "Youth Army" should be in the zone of close attention and care of regional and local veteran organizations. Not a single major event of the Yunarmiya should be held without veteran participation and assistance, since many of them will soon join the ranks of officers, contract soldiers, in short, this is the future of the Armed Forces.

Most recently, by decision of the Minister of Defense, the military commissariats introduced the positions of assistant military commissars for military-patriotic work.

It is necessary to establish close contact with these officials and organize thoughtful, substantive work with representatives of the All-Russian movement "UNARMIA".

THIRD - This is the improvement of social work to help the most needy veterans. After all, the worst thing is when a person is left alone with his problems.

And in order to help a veteran, sometimes you need not even money, but attention. And those people who should signal the problem of the veteran, and, most importantly, achieve positive result should become members of the Councils and committees of veteran organizations.

It is important to have a good database of veterans' social problems, to meet more often with employees of military commissariats, medical institutions, trade unions, representatives of legislative and executive bodies, to raise and solve veterans' problems.

Elections were held in September State Duma and local elected bodies. The winners have been determined. It's time for the deputies to fulfill their promises at your suggestion.

FOURTH - The Council of our organization is experiencing a clear lack of information from regional organizations.

Some leaders have been out of contact with the Soviet apparatus for months, do not submit reports on the activities carried out, do not send notes to the Veteran Armed Forces newspaper and the website of the Ministry of Defense.

I think that together we need to fix things.

And the last. Upon returning to the regions following the results of the conference, I would ask the delegates to draw up plans to eliminate the shortcomings identified during the last reporting and election campaign, including our conference.

At the II reporting and election conference, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu identified veterans of the Armed Forces as his most important strategic reserve.

Therefore, veterans of the Armed Forces must continue to be at the height of the difficult tasks that the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation has set for them and that life itself sets.

I think that the speakers will supplement my report.

In conclusion, let me, on behalf of the Council, thank all delegates and our guests for the good joint work during the reporting period, wish everyone good health, prosperity and new successes for the benefit of our Motherland and the veterans' movement.

Thank you for your attention!

Our goal is to help and provide decent level life to those who defended our Motherland from fascist invaders, worked in the rear and were devoted to their work and the Fatherland - veterans of the Great Patriotic War and Labor.

Our organization has been operating for over 30 years. She was educated in Soviet time, during the years of "perestroika" on December 17, 1986 at the founding conference of war and labor veterans. At the same time, regional branches of the organization were created - regional, regional and republican councils of veterans. The first chairman of the All-Union Council of Veterans was 72-year-old Kirill Mazurov, former member Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

On the eve of the collapse of the USSR on November 27, 1991, the organization adopted a new name - "All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans (pensioners) of war, labor, the Armed Forces and law enforcement', which is currently in force. The organization has regional offices in all regions of the Russian Federation. Almost all regional branches of the organization have their own local branches (in districts and cities) and primary branches in microdistricts of cities, villages and towns.

Currently, we are the largest public organization to help veterans in Russia. The declared number of registered members of the organization for 2017 is 28 million people. Our organization has 85 regional representations, 2687 regional, 72460 primary veteran organizations at the place of residence, 45 - at enterprises and institutions, 60 - in higher educational institutions. In the Branches section, you can see a detailed list of key representative offices.

War veterans are a very interesting and unusual generation that passed with honor along the fiery front roads of the Great Patriotic War, endured all the trials of life and ended the war with Victory in Berlin.

Veterans are the main witnesses and participants in the history of the Soviet state and modern Russia. Their childhood passed during the collectivization of the country, their youth during the years of the first five-year plans, when they were young they participated in the combat operations of the Red Army in prewar years. They defended their homeland in a brutal war against the Nazis and liberated the occupied cities and villages of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the Baltic republics with battles. Exactly soviet soldiers brought liberation to the peoples of Europe from fascism!

In the peaceful post-war years, front-line soldiers raised the destroyed National economy, giants built factories, managed factories and collective farms, taught future cosmonauts at schools and institutes, brought up Heroes of Socialist Labor and well-known leaders in production.

And now the time has come when we must help them, surround them with care and ensure a dignified old age. After all, even at the present time their living conditions are quite difficult, so they really need our support.

As part of our work, we solve the following tasks:

  • protection of civil, socio-economic, labor and personal rights of veterans;
  • improving the financial situation, medical and consumer services for veterans;
  • legal assistance to veterans and their families;
  • targeted assistance to veterans in severe life situation;
  • development of the volunteer movement throughout the country;
  • patriotic education of youth;
  • military history work.


    Protection of civil, socio-economic, labor and personal rights of veterans.
    Unfortunately, even now the system of social and economic support for war and labor veterans has a number of significant shortcomings. There are regular delays in the payment of pensions, benefits, a shortage of benefits and quotas for medical service. We try to understand every issue that arises, we try to ensure the timeliness of payments and compliance with the full scope of benefits and to simplify all related procedures as much as possible.

    Improving the financial situation, medical and consumer services for veterans.
    Today, more than 40% of war and labor veterans need material support in order to receive timely and high-quality medical care, for repairs in apartments and houses, for the purchase of medicines, clothing, food and household goods. More than 10% need home care, and more than 20% need placement in special social institutions (nursing homes and boarding schools). With the money raised, we provide individual targeted support to veterans (for example, buying wheelchairs and medicines, apartment renovation, organization of work social services home care and much more).

    Legal assistance to veterans and their families.
    Our life is quite unpredictable and sometimes poses questions in which we need the support of a competent lawyer. Currently, qualified legal support is very expensive. We accept applications from veterans and try to provide legal assistance in difficult everyday situations.

    Development of the volunteer movement throughout the country.
    Volunteers are one of the most powerful levers for helping veterans and the elderly. The development of the volunteer movement is one of the most important tasks of our organization. We are currently cooperating with the volunteer organization "Volunteers of Victory", organizing assistance projects and taking various measures to popularize the volunteer movement.
