Chechens at 90. Regional public organization "courage"

Concept "Chechen mafia" at the present time it has almost become obsolete. But 10–20 years ago, this phrase caused fear among citizens, respect and hatred among competitors. However, first things first.

Founders Chechen mafia, which consisted of ethnic Chechens, are considered to be Khozh-Akhmet Nukhaev (“Khozha”), Nikolai Suleymanov (“Khoza”), Movladi Atlangeriev, Sultan Daudov, Ruslan Altimirov (“Beard”).

It should be noted that the Chechen “brigades” were not pyramidal in structure, like the “Slavic” ones. Caucasians obeyed the council of elders. This body could include old men and young men.

Let us immediately note that the Chechens never admitted this, which is why they made an additional number of enemies. In addition, members of Chechen organized crime groups were cruel to both strangers and their own. Therefore, even seasoned operas admitted that it was difficult to introduce a sexo into their circle. An important unique feature of their “teams” was their ability to instantly split into small groups and disappear from the surveillance of law enforcement agencies.

In the early 80s, many of the listed Chechen authorities were young. They studied at Moscow universities, where they formed criminal teams.

Led by Nukhaev and Altimirov, the first Chechen “brigade” scammed buyers of the South Port automobile market. It is worth noting that the Chechens pushed out the Armenians and Azerbaijanis here, who, by the way, brought them to this trading facility. The headquarters of the “brigade” became the Uzbekistan restaurant.

By 1988, 50 thugs had gathered around Nukhaev. They took over the “Cars” store, through which they found sucker buyers, and after some time they subdued all the car resellers. The extortion and intimidation did not stop there, the group went further - it began to rule in the Dzerzhinsky, Timiryazevsky, Kirovsky, Babushkinsky and Sverdlovsky districts of Moscow, and took over the Nagatino and Khoroshevskoye highway service stations.

At the turn of the 80-90s, a Chechen mafia , which consisted of three “brigades”:

Yuzhnoportovaya, we mentioned it above;

Central, which was led . According to operational data, this group “protected” more than 300 companies located in the center of Moscow, committed robberies and robberies. Islamov and his guys occupied 19 rooms of the Rossiya Hotel under the armor of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR.

Ostankino, under the leadership of Nikolai Suleymanov, settled in the headquarters - rooms of the Ostankinskaya and Baikal hotels. They have taken over the parking lot of transit trucks on the Moscow-Grozny route.

United coalitions Chechen mafia opposed the Russian brothers during the so-called “Slavic-Caucasian” war. The generals of the Chechen headquarters during this conflict were: Nukhaev, Suleymanov, Altamirov and Atlangeriev and the holder of the “common fund” Talarov.

In 1988 and 1989, Chechens took part in more than two dozen “shooters” with “Slavic” organized crime groups: Dolgoprudnenskaya, Baumanskaya and Solntsevskaya. The Chechens fielded 20 to 80 people on their side, and involved fellow countrymen who studied in Moscow in the showdown. In some cases they were very lucky. So, in 1988, on Kalininsky Prospekt in the Labyrinth restaurant, they completely defeated the top of the Bauman “brigade”. This became a signal for law enforcement officers: the MUR took over the gang warfare, which focused its attention on the Chechens. The security forces made a large number of arrests and divided them into several small associations.

The reorganization changed not only the composition, but also the names of the “brigades”. From some of the militants of the Central Group, Lazanskaya was formed, led by Nukhaev, Atlangeriev and Gennady Lobzhanidze. The latter held the entire Chechen “common fund”. These guys had two headquarters. One is the Lasania restaurant on Pyatnitskaya Street. The other is the Burgas restaurant floating along the bypass canal along the Small Kamenny Bridge. The organized crime group made a living by collecting “tribute” from the sellers of retail outlets in the Central Park of Culture and Recreation near the Timiryazevsky district. They sent most of the cache to Europe - to Atlangeriev’s brother.

It is known that during the arrests, high-ranking officials from the Chechen administration, the USSR Armed Forces and “ tall people» Supreme Court Soviet Union. This contributed to the “missing” of criminal cases and the imposition of short prison sentences.

Ostankino organized crime group remained in its old composition, only its leader “Khoza” headed the Southport group.
The Ostankinskys controlled flower and fruit markets, hotels and furniture stores in the Kirovsky and Babushkinsky districts of Moscow, and the Yuzhoportovites controlled all the old auto outlets. The commander of all the “brigades” was Lechi Islamov, who headed the rest of the Central Group.

These four captured most of Moscow. But the Lyubertsy, Solntsevo, Dolgoprudny “brigades” and others prevented them from subjugating the entire city.
In 1991, the Chechens united with the Kazan residents, intending to spread their influence over the entire automobile racket of the capital. They were opposed by the Solntsevo and Orekhovskayas, led by Sergei Timofeev ("Sylvester"). November-December was crowned with chases and shootouts between rival parties.

In 1992, representatives of the Ministry of Security for Moscow and the region stated that the Chechen organized crime group is the largest: it has 400 fighters. In 1993, there were already 500 of them. Later, due to militants from Chechnya, the ranks of bandits were replenished even more.

In 1993, representatives of the Chechen mafia were especially active in protecting the hotel business, drug sales and weapons. They did not disdain speculation. They opened many fictitious companies and banks in Russia and abroad. They mastered the trade in precious metals, oil and timber, and intensified fraud with the payment document - the “Chechen advice note”.

In 1994, the “Slavic-Chechen” wars broke out again. Some of the Caucasian bosses were arrested by the RUOP, others were killed by competitors or fled to their homeland, where they joined the militants.

By the way, many mafiosi emigrated to Europe. Western countries at that time willingly accepted Chechen refugees, among whom many separatists and racketeers were lost.
This allowed the Chechen mafia to settle in European countries and organize prostitution, drug trafficking and protection of small businesses.
For example, in Italy, the Neapolitan and Sicilian clans did not allow the Chechens to develop their network. In Latvia, “such” refugees tried to distribute counterfeit money, put pressure on representatives of the oil and construction business, and intimidated some bankers.

It should be noted that in the second half of the 90s, a small part of Chechen racketeers created gray schemes and laundered money in regional banks of Russia, stole oil in Chechnya. Part of the extracted cash went into the hands of Chechen separatists who took part in the Second Chechen Company. Russian law enforcement officers stopped these flows with all their might - they eliminated several sources of funding in Karachay-Cherkessia, Primorsky Krai, Novgorod, Rostov, Astrakhan and Lipetsk regions.

One of the most notorious was the detention in 2004 of the leaders Chechen mafia Omar Bekaev (“Omar Ufimsky”) and Salman-Parusey Abdurzakov (“Timur Saratovsky”). Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation then clarified that both Chechens transferred considerable funds to the account of Caucasian gang formations...

They are already a thing of the past, but the memory of them is still alive. Now some are trying to idealize that difficult and terrible time, remembering only the best moments, which were much smaller compared to all the negativity. Next, we will talk about all the bad things that remained in that era, look at the photos of those years and hope that such times will never come again.


At the end of 1994, the political crisis in the Chechen Republic reached its peak. Separatist tendencies in the republic grew, and the rights of the Russian-speaking population were infringed. As a result, it was decided to resolve the conflict by force. It was never possible to gain control over Chechnya in the 90s, despite the capture of Grozny. The militants’ response to the presence of federal troops in “independent Ichkeria” was repeated terrorist attacks on Russian territory, which claimed hundreds of lives of civilians, including women and children.

Results of the failed assault on Grozny at the end of 1994 - beginning of 1995. Instead of 2 days, during which Defense Minister Pavel Grachev promised to take Grozny, it took 2 months. Losses Russian army, according to official data, amounted to 1.5 thousand people killed. In total, by 1999, the Russian army had lost from 5 to 14 thousand people in Chechnya.

Russian soldiers and officers captured. They were not always captured as a result of hostilities. The war in Chechnya has become a business for many. While those close to the country's top leadership were engaged in the sale of weapons to militants, the sale of soldiers to Chechnya flourished in the army.

This is what the fake Chechen advice notes looked like, with the help of which, with the participation of the Central Bank of Russia, trillions of rubles were laundered.

Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to Chechnya General Lebed, who signed Khasavyurt agreements, and terrorist Shamil Basayev.

As a result of the terrorist attack in Budennovsk, when Chechen terrorists seized a maternity hospital in June 1995, 129 people were killed. The militants were allowed to return unhindered to the territory of Chechnya.

In September 1999, there was a series of bombings of residential buildings throughout Russia, including Moscow. More than 300 people died.


It is believed that the 90s were a short time of freedom in Russian history. We can agree with this - there were no taboos either in culture and simple life, or in politics. Everything was allowed: the storming of the White House due to a conflict with parliament, and political murders (among the victims: journalists Vladislav Listyev and Dmitry Kholodov, State Duma deputy Galina Starovoitova, mayor of Nefteyugansk Vladimir Petukhov, vice-governor of St. Petersburg Mikhail Manevich), and raider takeovers enterprises, and election fraud various levels.

Confrontation at the White House, 1993.

Fraud and “black PR” in elections at various levels originate from the 90s. The climax was the presidential elections of 1996, when the so-called. The “seven bankers” represented by major financiers achieved Yeltsin’s re-election despite his extremely low rating. A symbol of the campaign and dirty technologies is the Xerox box in which Yeltsin’s campaign staff took more than $500,000 from the White House.

Yeltsin’s call (“Take as much sovereignty as you can swallow”) in Tatarstan, as in Chechnya, was taken literally, 1990.

Another murder.

Election rally in Rostov-on-Don, June 1996.

Vladislav Listyev, killed in 1995.

In the State Duma.


In the 90s, residents of Russia had to endure (who managed) two major economic disasters: the “shock therapy” of the young reformers in the early 90s (price liberalization, reduction in government orders, vouchers and loans-for-shares auctions) and the 1998 default. As a result, millions of people did not receive wages for months, production stopped, and entire cities went hungry. By 1997, according to official data, the decline in GDP was 40.7%, and the proportion of the population below the poverty line by 1999 was 30%.

Early 90s. Liberalization of prices led to their increase by 10-12 times, while pensions were raised only by 70%.

Currency exchange in Moscow in the winter of 1993.

Everyday life of pensioners in the early 90s

Yeltsin learns from Prime Minister Kiriyenko about the inevitability of a default, August 1998.

Rally after the 1998 default. “It will be worse for everyone for about six months, then a reduction in prices, filling the consumer market with goods, and by the fall of 1992 - stabilization of the economy, a gradual improvement in people’s lives” (Boris Yeltsin, October 1991).

Miners in Moscow in 1998.

The savior of the nation is the head of the IMF Michel Camdessus. The whole country was waiting for his approval for the next loan to Russia on TV screens.

Residents of Primorye blocked railway in protest against price increases, 1998.


Widespread dirt and trade, petty racketeering and wars between gangster groups coexisted with the “new” performance culture and the openness of everything that could be discovered. The streets of Russian cities were filled with street children and beggars. A hit among this category of Russians was “Moment” glue in a plastic bag - substance abuse became a real plague at the end of the last century.

During a rock concert, 1996.

Such people could be found in almost every city.

Artist Oleg Kulik and his performance in Moscow.

Club life.

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Like other well-known organized criminal groups USSR, the Chechen mafia declared itself in the late 80s - early 90s of the last century. “Chechen” organized crime groups were among the most brutal; they took an active part in the war that broke out in the North Caucasus.

Creation of the Lozanskaya organized crime group

This group is called the bloodiest among the organized criminal groups of that time - the Chechens were particularly cruel in their showdowns with other gangs in the capital. It got its name from the Lozania restaurant, where the bandits preferred to gather. Among the ethnic criminal gangs of that time, the Lozan gangs were the most influential. The leaders of the “Lausanne” were Movladi Atlangeriev and Khozh-Akhmed Nukhaev. They started by robbing foreign students who were involved in blackmail in Moscow, and served time in prison for this. Coming out of there in the late 80s, Atlangeriev and Nukhaev united (according to some sources, not without the help of the special services) all the disparate Chechen groups operating in Moscow at that time. Researchers of the criminal wars of the 80s and 90s argue that this had to be done in order to have some kind of counterbalance to the numerous Slavic organized crime groups, which by that time had completely become unruly.

They used knives

The Lozanskys quickly took control of all the capital's foreign exchange stores, most of the hotels and gas stations. Sharing spheres of influence with other organized crime groups, the Chechens cut their competitors with knives during showdowns. In 1988, such a battle took place in the Labyrinth restaurant, where the Lozanskys sorted things out with the Baumanskys, then they also taught the Lyubertsy a lesson in the Atrium cafe. And such brutal fights took place regularly. They preferred not to get involved with the “Lozanskys”, since they did not always recognize even thieves’ concepts.

Berezovsky paid them

With the intensification of national-separatist sentiments in Chechnya, the “Lozanskys” strengthened their positions in the rebellious republic, although before that they were strong there. The bandits supported, including financially, the new President of Chechnya, Dzhokhar Dudayev. Nukhaev became the general's closest ally. In 1990, the top members of the “Lozanskys” were imprisoned for long terms, which, however, they never fully served. Upon release, the Chechens became heavily involved in scams with advice notes and continued to work with businessman Boris Berezovsky, with whom the Lozanskys had been in contact since the 80s. Berezovsky, in fact, was under the “roof” of the Chechen organized crime group; a significant stake in his Logovaz was owned by Nukhaev and Atlangeriev. The Lozanskys helped the businessman resolve the issue with the leader of the Orekhovskys, Sylvester, whose people had cheated Berezovsky out of a billion rubles.

Bandits at war

With the outbreak of hostilities in Chechnya, a number of “Lozanskys” actively became involved in the campaign to organize and carry out terrorist attacks. According to some reports, it was members of this group who were involved in the explosion of a trolleybus in Moscow in December 1994 and in an attempt to plant a bomb on the bridge over the Yauza (in this case, the miner himself, an employee of Nukhaev’s company, died). Many “Lozanskys” joined the government of the Chechen separatists. With the coming to power of Aslan Maskhadov, with whom representatives of the influential organized crime group did not immediately get along, the Lozanskys took part in one of the attempts on the life of the President of Chechnya. The car bomb that exploded next to Maskhadov’s car, however, did not cause much harm to the leader of the republic.

Murder of the president of Spartak

One of the most resonant crimes in which the Lozanskys were involved. General Director football club“Spartak” Larisa Nechaeva, along with her brother and friend, were shot dead by two killers in June 1997. The Lozanskys had commercial interests in the club, and when Nechaeva tried to push representatives of the organized crime group out of Spartak, an attempt was made on her life. The killers who hid in Chechnya (one of them was directly related to organizing the assassination attempt on Maskhadov) were eventually found and killed by their own countrymen.

Defeat of the group

In the 2000s, the Lozanskys were completely defeated law enforcement agencies. Atlangeriev was killed in Chechnya, and Nukhaev, who fled to Azerbaijan and noted his involvement in organizing the murder of the famous journalist Paul Klebnikov and Colonel Yuri Budanov, was put on the international wanted list. His death was periodically reported, but there is no exact data on this matter.

In addition to the “Slavic” groups, there were Armenian, Azerbaijani, Assyrian and other criminal communities united along ethnic lines. However, it was the Chechen gangs that became the most formidable phenomenon from the world of crime.

The Chechen mafia operated from Sochi to cities Far East and to confront bandits from northern Caucasus, Russian “brothers” had to unite into unions, but this did not always help. So what is the strength of the Chechen mafia and why were they afraid to get involved with it?

Tape system

The Chechens call themselves “nokhcho”, and each of them is part of a clan union called “teip”. Most often, Chechen organized crime groups of the 90s belonged to the same teip, and everyone who was not in their system was considered a stranger. According to statements by the Moscow police, in 1992 there were 400 bandits from Chechnya operating in the city; by 1993 there were already 500.

It is almost impossible to introduce your agent into such a community. Family ties ensured incredible cohesion of the group. The Chechens did not betray their own, they always took revenge, and the offense inflicted on one person spread to the entire clan. [C-BLOCK]

For showdowns with competitors, the Chechens attracted their fellow countrymen, who may not have belonged to the mafia. For example, students or market traders. The role of killers was played by young men from Chechen mountain villages. Most often, they did not know Russian, but they knew that they were helping relatives, even for money.

A young Chechen would come to Moscow or any other city, fulfill an order, and then return to his distant village. It is almost impossible for law enforcement to find such a guest performer. The more relatives there are, the stronger the Chechen mafia is. For example, in the struggle for the Primorsky city of Nakhodka, Slavic bandits prevailed over Khatuev’s gang due to the relatively small number of people and distance from their fellow countrymen.


Previously, the life of every Chechen was guided by a set of rules called “adat”. Due to the fact that the Chechen nation was formed in conditions of constant confrontation, both with external enemies and with each other, these rules are distinguished by severity. According to adats, it is shameful to draw a weapon and not use it. When going to the Strelka, Slavic bandits often went to talk, and only in exceptional cases could blood be shed.

The Chechens went to war, because if they pulled out a knife, then they had to hit them. A meeting at the “arrow” always ended in a shootout or a stabbing, which gave the Chechens a reputation for “lawlessness” even by the standards of the hot 90s. The bandits from the northern Caucasus were uncompromising and never refused those who paid them for “protection.” Therefore, oligarch Boris Berezovsky and other businessmen preferred to work with Chechen organized crime groups, who would never “turn on the back” and go to the end.

Non-recognition of thieves' concepts

In the 90s, among the thieves in law there were only two Chechens, Sultan Daudov (Sultan Balashikhinsky) and Khusein Akhmadov (Blind). For example, in Georgia there was a joke that in every Tbilisi courtyard there is a thief in law. The fact is that the Chechens did not recognize the concepts of thieves and the authority of thieves. In their criminal activities they were guided by the same “adat”.

According to them, the young unquestioningly obey the elders, and there was no place for outsider authorities. It was the council of elders, which included both old men and young men, that decided issues of war, truce, and death sentences. Often, thieves in law acted as judges and tried on quarreling groups. This did not work with the Chechens. They rejected the participation of third parties in the conflict. Even in prison, the Chechens maintained their unity and were outside the system.

Intelligence support

There is an opinion that at the first stage of the criminal wars, Russian special services purposefully supported bandits from Chechnya. They were used to create a system of counterbalance to the “Slavic” groups from the cities near Moscow, which were gaining strength and influence. Special agents conveyed to the Chechen leaders the movements of competitors and information received from wiretaps or informers.

In the 2000s, the security forces dealt a strong blow to the Chechen mafia. The reason: their active assistance to the separatists - with money, information, fighters, and the fact that the task of containing the growth of “Slavic” organized crime groups was completed.
