Star "wormwood" or ritual dances before the disaster. Unique footage

Yesterday, a video was sent in the comments, which our readers simply must watch, since it is difficult to imagine a more eloquent material characterizing the “people of science”, whose nationality is practically homogeneous. Accordingly, it becomes clear what spirit of "achievement" they gave to the Soviet people ... And how much grief their activities brought to the Russian people ...

Thank God that back then there were Russians in the USSR who did not allow the Jews to turn back the northern rivers! It is even impossible to imagine what would become of our planet.

And now, alas, there are no such Russians left. And therefore, only new temptations and terrible cataclysms can be expected.

With Bulgakov's ball of Satan, this bacchanalia has a striking resemblance. Only Professor Woland, in the person of Academician Alexandrov, had already turned into a walking mummy at that time. This is how many stem cells this ghoul had to devour in order to participate in the demonic performance so energetically! (Here's another one of their breed for clarity: REALLY REPTILOID!)

… And just a few days* years after this corporate coven, a reactor explosion occurs! As a logical conclusion to this diabolical mystery… - Satan mystifies all his actions and surrounds them with symbols.

And read this publication, in which the author, although not yet fully gained spiritual sight, - you can’t atone for your sins by gilding the domes - but, thank God, the root cause of the Chernobyl disaster, with which the “domino effect” of destroying the seemingly unshakable USSR started, saw in the spiritual plane: TESTING BY RADIATION.

15. 08. 2016. 00:30 Somehow, downright providentially, a distribution has just arrived in the mail - all the most interesting things in LiveJournal for the week. And in it this material -. After all, above, just thanked God for this.

So it turns out that the atomic satanists shoved their shnobels into that crazy project! They offered their services - to break through new riverbeds with nuclear explosions !!!

Honor the people and be horrified by the boundless misanthropy of the furry "scientists" ... And thank God for the fact that, until now, He does not allow them to get rid of us from the world ...

*15. 08. 2016. 08:30 I apologize to the readers for trusting the authors of the video, and also for not double-checking the authenticity of this material - TESTING BY RADIATION.

Although the entourage, costumes and quality of shooting doubts that these are shots of the mid-1980s, they nevertheless caused the assertion that this Sabbath took place in Chernobyl just a few days before the explosion of the reactor, took it for granted than you introduced a delusion. He believed, first of all, because Academician Alexandrov and others like him "the luminaries of science", without any doubt, participated in this coven. Yes, and quoting Burlyaev here seemed to confirm everything.

And in the commentary in the Living Book, the reader corrected us. It turns out that this demonic parade took place in Sarov in the mid-1970s. And although he has not yet sent anything to confirm his statement, I think it is not unfounded. It looks more like the 70s...

However, even if this bacchanalia did not take place in Chernobyl, but in Sarov, this plot exposes the satanic essence of the “tamers of the atom”. In a week, in ten years, however, the Sabbath preceded this Chernobyl disaster - even the title of the post did not have to be changed ... I only corrected a few “days” for “years” in the text ...

15. 08. 2016. 10:20 However, our astute readers eventually found out that the "scientists" were raging in Moscow on the square in front of the Palace of Culture of the Kurchatov Institute. And it was in 1984, two years before the Chernobyl tragedy. See in

In 2006, the Day of honoring the participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was established in Ukraine - December 14 (on this day in 1986, a message was published in the central publications that seven months after the explosion, the construction of a "sarcophagus" over the destroyed power unit was completed ). And April 26 (when the Chernobyl tragedy occurred) marks the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes, established by General Assembly United Nations in 2003.

The liquidators willy-nilly

Atomic Coven

In 2009, at the International Festival of Environmental Films "Golden Knight" received the main award - the Gold Medal named after Sergei Bondarchuk - artistic director of the film studio "Lennauchfilm" Valentina Ivanovna Gurkalenko. She made an amazing film about Chernobyl, where she showed who led to the disaster at the nuclear power plant.
“For me personally, it was a shock film,” said Nikolai Petrovich Burlyaev, People’s Artist of Russia, creator and permanent leader of the Golden Knight, in an interview with my friend, Moscow journalist Vladimir Filippovich Smyk. - There is documentary footage depicting a corporate coven of atomic scientists. We see on the screen a parade alley, a procession through the stadium of nuclear scientists dressed as devils, witches on a broomstick and other evil spirits. In a huge cauldron, under which a fire seems to be burning, sits the main "atomic demon" - a half-naked academician with horns. The cauldron is being dragged by smaller imps, apparently, junior researchers, followed by graduate students-witches. And a huge banner rises above everyone: “To hell with us!”
The procession of evil spirits is applauded by Academician Alexandrov, who at that time personified full responsibility for the “peaceful atom”, but did not provide for elementary protection of the reactors of two dozen nuclear power plants built across the country on the waters of our cleanest rivers.
And a few days after this crazy corporate fun, an explosion occurs at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant ... ".
To what degree of spiritual savagery did the figures of Soviet science have to reach in order to arrange this devilish show! They did not believe in the existence of evil spirits and ridiculed it in their costume performance. They famously reincarnated as the most disgusting inhabitants of the infernal world, called demons for help, fraternized with them - instilled them into their souls. In fact, the nuclear scientists performed a magical act, "cut a window" into the underworld. Ignorance of spiritual laws did not exempt them from responsibility. The retribution for this ignorance was simply monstrous: the forces of hell, invited by scientists, appeared in Chernobyl ...
Do not think that we are talking about some metaphors, artistic images. How obsessed with evil spirits the Soviet nuclear scientists were can be judged by their leader, Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, who applauded the costumed procession of demons. One of his students - a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences - told me with tears how this academician, who led her project, forced her ... to reduce the thickness of the concrete "cushion" under the nuclear reactor several times, justifying her decision with the Brezhnev slogan "The economy should be economical" . This "savings" led to the fact that during the Chernobyl accident, the atomic filling burned through a thin layer of concrete and leaked into the lower room - the so-called "elephant leg" was obtained, which required enormous funds to cool and neutralize. And all the damage from the Chernobyl disaster is hard to even imagine. For a quarter of a century, half of Europe has been struggling with its consequences; billions of times more money has already been spent on this than was saved on the notorious “pillow”.

Academician Alexandrov slyly assured us that "only" a few people died as a result of the Chernobyl disaster. But it was the station workers who died before the eyes of the whole world. And how many then died unknown out of 600 thousand people who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster, out of the millions of people who lived on the land that was contaminated with radionuclides? This is how "thrifty" the Soviet economy turned out to be.
I could talk for a long time about the monstrous crimes of the Soviet nuclear scientists. But I think that the above examples are enough to understand the main cause of nuclear disasters in Russia: flagrant ignorance in the spiritual field, militant atheism, "joking" flirting with evil spirits made scientists, designers, engineers damaged and obsessed, unable to control themselves, to give an account in their actions. This led to catastrophic mistakes in the design, construction and operation of nuclear power plants, for which the whole world will pay for hundreds of years.

Victim of a disaster

But the explosion at Chernobyl was like the ringing of an alarm bell that awakened the dormant conscience of nuclear scientists. At the sight of the disaster they had created, the sea of ​​people's grief, a mass repentance of scientists, engineers, managers began, their conversion to the Orthodox faith, churching. Until recently, it was impossible even to imagine: pundits began to go to church, go to confession and receive communion, and lead an Orthodox way of life. And donate large sums to the revival of churches.
I was lucky enough to go on several trips with the head of Rosenergoatom, Erik Nikolaevich Pozdyshev (now the chief inspector of this concern, which unites Russian nuclear power engineers) and the housekeeper of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Georgy (now the archbishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas). And I learned with great surprise that the funds raised by Rosenergoatom were used to restore the bell tower of the Lavra, cast and install new bells on it (the old ones were thrown down and smashed by atheists at dawn Soviet power), Stefano-Makhrishsky convent in a few years, it turned from ruins into a beautiful monastic complex, the temples of the closed city of nuclear scientists are being restored, on the site of which St. Seraphim of Sarov labored in the 19th century. Largely thanks to the help of Rosenergoatom, a great celebration became possible - the return of the relics of the reverend to the Diveevsky Monastery in 2001.
I watched touching scenes, how the leaders of the autonomous Muslim republics, when Eric Pozdyshev came to them, first of all they took him not to nuclear power plant, and in a newly opened or restored Orthodox church. They knew very well that the success of negotiations with Rosenergoatom on the reactivation of the nuclear power plant, which was stopped after Chernobyl at the request of the Greens, would depend on how Orthodoxy is treated in their republic, without which they are sorely lacking energy. It was amazing how a delegation of nuclear scientists in full force went to pray in local churches.
Frankly, before meeting Erik Nikolaevich, I imagined Russian nuclear scientists as some fiends, similar to those characters who had fun at a corporate sabbath shortly before the Chernobyl disaster. And then I saw an Orthodox ascetic in the face of ... the head of Rosenergoatom! And his subordinates tried to imitate him. I was simply amazed by their enthusiastic stories about the biography of Eric Pozdyshev.
He was the first director of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant after a disaster occurred on it and its former director went to prison. The leaders of the nuclear industry, knowing Erik Nikolayevich's propensity for self-sacrifice, strictly ordered him to constantly carry a personal dosimeter with him, which would indicate the dose of radiation received by him. And if, God forbid, she exceeds the maximum allowable 50 roentgens, then he will put his party card on the table ... So, the incorrigible Pozdyshev, having arrived at the station, put his dosimeter in an armored safe, where radiation almost did not penetrate. And during the years of liquidation of the consequences of the accident, he traveled, walked, crawled the entire infected zone, its most dangerous places. The dose he received must have exceeded the maximum allowable by many times, because even in an armored safe, the dosimeter readings at the end of his work at the station approached the 50 mark.

And next to him there were many such heroes who sacrificed themselves to save millions of people (on the destroyed reactor, not a thermal explosion could occur, but a nuclear explosion equivalent to hundreds of Hiroshima, which would turn half of Europe into an atomic desert). Then some of them deservedly took leadership positions in Rosenergoatom. And they told me in secret what kind of life their leader leads.
Eric Pozdyshev got up at three o'clock and diligently proofread all the prayers of the "morning rule". Then he went outside, did gymnastic exercises and ran several kilometers. Then a douche in the shower, a light breakfast - and at seven o'clock he was already in the concern. And he usually left work after 22. At home he talked with his family, read, wrote and prayed long after midnight. And it was not clear when he sleeps. Add to this the observance of Orthodox fasts, frequent visits to churches, participation in the sacraments ... Having heard about his exploits, the doctors said that he would not last long. But, once again examining Erik Nikolaevich, they were surprised to state that he was healthy in body and soul. And his friends were happy to see that he still infects with his energy, cheerfulness and optimism of the people around him.

Salvation of Orthodoxy

Here we come to the most important thing. Having tested many methods of survival on myself: breathing according to Buteyko, nutrition according to Shelton, fasting according to Bragg, treatment with juices according to Walker, cleansing according to Malakhov, evaporation of “slags” in a bath, winter swimming in an ice hole, and so on, I was convinced that they only give temporary positive effect. And every time you need to spend more and more effort to get it. Gradually, radiation destroys a person, injures the soul and body, threatens him with a painful death. And I understood that my countrymen could not find the main means of protection that would give them victory over radiation rather than a delay in death.
And when I met Erik Nikolaevich Pozdyshev and his followers, I saw that such a remedy had been found. This "shield" has always been with us, only we have not seen it with spiritual eyes, clouded by sins. The shield of the Orthodox faith, which for centuries saved our ancestors from troubles, is saving us even now. It turned out that fasting, prayer, abstinence, vigil, struggle with thoughts "sown from the enemy", soul-beneficial reading - the entire Orthodox way of life reliably protects a person from the destructive effects of radiation, chemistry, poisoned information and other "achievements" of scientific and technological progress. By giving people these means of protection, God saw for thousands of years ahead how people would need them.
A vivid example of the salvation of Orthodoxy was the life in the radioactive zone of the Ukrainian hieromonk Dionysius, an interview with whom writer Aleksey Pryashnikov published ten years ago in the Russian House magazine. This writer (and his readers) was simply shocked by the revelation tall man in monastic clothes with a pale, spiritual face, whom Alexei met in Optina Hermitage. Father Dionysius said that obedience has been going on in Belaya Rus, in the Chernobyl zone from the very beginning, when it became a zone. Serves in the church of St. Nicholas in the ancient city of Bragin.
“People were very frightened by the catastrophe,” the priest continued. - They understood one thing: no one can be here. And I told them that we must live with God, that then everything can be overcome. This caused surprise and indignation. How so?! What can you expect here? And also a clergyman... Now that years have passed, those people who return remember my words.
Father Dionysius said that people are returning from Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and with tears tell that no one needed them there, many died of grief in a foreign land. And those who remained in this world learned that their fellow countrymen are alive and well in their homeland, they are called to return ... to the contaminated land. And the refugees decided to see for themselves that it is possible to live in their native places.
“The returnees thank the Lord God and us for the fact that we stayed and saved our city and our land. They kiss her with tears,” said the priest.
The city of Bragin is located thirty-five kilometers from the destroyed reactor, not far from the Chernobyl zone. Father Dionysius was often accompanied by the military and in the zone itself.
“We have visible and invisible warfare going on: diabolical and atomic… Here people only hold on to faith, the Sacraments, and worship. After all, everyone should have hope, support in order to fight, resist. There is only one support - our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord allowed. So, you need to win all this. Testing by God is given after all according to one's strength ...

The godless wonder.

Pessimists may find these words blasphemous in relation to Chernobyl victims. They say that no forces are enough for life on radioactive lands, feeding on contaminated products. But the miracle is that for the Orthodox these lands and products become ... non-radioactive! This caused great amazement among the experts.
“There were many expeditions,” Father Dionysius said with a smile. - They will measure products with instruments, there is an increase in radiation - we will perform a prayer service, we will consecrate the same products with baptismal water, and the radiation disappears. I've been eating off that land for years. And in that forbidden zone constantly went. And all my parishioners ate from that land. In the zone, I met capercaillie and wild boars. I ate fish from there. When he returned from the zone, the parishioners asked: "Father, why are you so cheerful?" I answered: "I went fishing." Believe me, I did not fool around.
In Minsk, professors took his blood for analysis. And then they asked: "Father, why is everything so normal with you?" He replied, "The Lord is with me."
Yes, he was sick, but his ailments were not from radiation, but from overvoltage. Father Dionisy carried great labors. “And the evil one tried all the time to drive me out of there, because I interfered with him.”
And most importantly, not only the priest, but also his parishioners, turned out to be able to defeat the radiation.
- Young people come, they ask: father, bless, and I will crown them. Women in position take communion more often. And healthy babies are born to those who go to church and live with God.
They often had prayers, akathists. People confessed, partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. And when doctors later checked others, they simply did not believe their eyes. For example, little Volodya's legs failed and there were many other diseases. But my mother began to bring him to church often. The priest confessed and communed the boy. And he recovered! Lost hair restored. Thyroid returned to normal. Walking became normal. All parishioners rejoiced at this. And the doctors were surprised.
“And now we are no longer afraid of any consequences,” Father Dionysius said with inspiration. — We won — rejoice, thank the Lord God.
The feat of this hieromonk and his spiritual children is simply amazing. After all, they proved in practice what science considers impossible: prayer suppresses radioactive radiation coming from contaminated food. Scientists still cannot understand what happens in this case: either the radioisotopes decay and turn into neutral atoms, or the consecrated food acquires a protective field that neutralizes the radiation. In any case, it becomes not harmful to humans. And the Orthodox do not need scientific explanations, they believe in God, who gave them saving knowledge through his servants.
And another amazing fact was discovered by scientists with the help of Father Dionysius: in prayerful places, radiation is suppressed automatically. Accompanied by the military, this priest visited the church of the Archangel Michael, which is four kilometers from the Chernobyl reactors. They measured the level of radiation in different places and said in amazement: "Father, outside the fence of this temple the device goes off scale, but inside the fence and in the temple itself there is nothing - it's clean." From their words, many newspapers later told about this miracle. For those who did not believe in him, the journalists cited the reports of researchers who measured the levels of radiation in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra to confirm it. It turned out that the relics of the saints are very low, and nearby, in the aisles for tourists, these levels are above the norm.

Respond, winners!

I have no doubt in the story of Hieromonk Dionysius, because something similar is happening in the land of my ancestors. On the bank of the Zhizdra, in the ancient village of Ilyinskoye, the Przemysl district of the Kaluga region, where military dosimeters once went off scale, the radiation level has dropped many times over a quarter of a century. From the neighboring villages there are only names left, there are no residents there anymore, and this village is expanding and rebuilding, as if they did not pay "coffin" here until quite recently. This miracle is explained by the fact that on the site of the monastery destroyed by the Bolsheviks a few years ago it was possible to restore the temple. Divine services are regularly held there, the Sacraments are performed. Fathers and parishioners make religious processions, consecrating the earth and, as it turned out later, suppressing radiation.
Those who constantly go to church, pray at home, fast, fulfill other God's commandments, live in good health until old age. And the atheists became like cows, who, after the Chernobyl disaster, died here of leukemia, because they ate terribly infected grass. These animals couldn't pray to protect themselves from the radiation. Thus, a “supernatural selection” took place among people, as a result of which unbelievers (mostly young) ended up in a cemetery, and believers, from babies to old people, live healthy happy life.
- The Chernobyl test rallied us, as in a war, and we won with the Lord God, - Father Dionysius said with inspiration. His words also apply to thousands of other Orthodox who have successfully passed a radioactive test in many regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. I wish this victory to our readers as well.
… Ten years ago, talking about the experience of his parish, Father Dionysius shared his cherished dream with the writer: he is a monk and in his declining years seeks solitude. The best place for this, it seems to him ... the temple of the Archangel Michael not far from Chernobyl. The radiation in the vicinity is just crazy, it will protect the church from annoying visitors better than any guards. He wanted to preserve for posterity this prayerful temple, where there is no deadly radiation inside the church fence. After all, it is a clear confirmation of the truth and salvation of Orthodoxy, capable of defeating radiation, against which the atheists are powerless.
Where are you now, Father Dionysius, his disciples and like-minded people? If, by the grace of God, this publication catches your eye, then respond. For the sake of love for neighbors, which the Lord Jesus Christ commanded us, get in touch and tell our readers about the continuation of your experience. It will help many thousands of people survive the test of radiation and save their souls. Let them imitate you, learn by experience the saving grace of Orthodoxy.

In 2006, the Day of honoring the participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was established in Ukraine - December 14 (on this day in 1986, a message was published in the central publications that seven months after the explosion, the construction of a "sarcophagus" over the destroyed power unit was completed ). And April 26 (when the Chernobyl tragedy occurred) marks the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes, established by the UN General Assembly in 2003.

The liquidators willy-nilly

But both of these dates can be celebrated by many, because they live on earth where the level of radiation significantly exceeds the maximum permissible standards as a result of the Chernobyl and three Chelyabinsk disasters, hundreds of atomic explosions in the atmosphere and a huge number of unknown emissions arranged on the territory of the USSR. Millions of people unwittingly became liquidators of the consequences of nuclear disasters, because they were forced to somehow deal with the contamination of their land with radionuclides. They buried their relatives who became victims of the "peaceful atom", who died prematurely from ailments caused by radiation - blood cancer and heart disease. And they themselves remained alive only because they have a healthy heredity (the merit of pious ancestors) or lead the right way of life. We cannot change our heredity, but we simply must change our way of life if we want health for ourselves and our descendants. But in what direction to change? To answer this question, we must return to the origins of the tragedy.

Almost a quarter of a century has passed since the Chernobyl disaster, but still few people know what happened there, and most importantly, how to behave in the new conditions in which half of Europe found itself, sprinkled with Chernobyl radionuclides. And without this knowledge, the life of future generations is impossible, because the atomic "experiment" is designed for a long time.

Atomic Coven

In 2009, at the International Festival of Environmental Films "Golden Knight" received the main award - the Gold Medal named after Sergei Bondarchuk - artistic director of the film studio "Lennauchfilm" Valentina Ivanovna Gurkalenko. She made an amazing film about Chernobyl, where she showed who led to the disaster at the nuclear power plant.
“For me personally, it was a shock film,” said Nikolai Petrovich Burlyaev, People’s Artist of Russia, creator and permanent leader of the Golden Knight, in an interview with my friend, Moscow journalist Vladimir Filippovich Smyk. - There is documentary footage depicting a corporate coven of atomic scientists. We see on the screen a parade alley, a procession through the stadium of nuclear scientists dressed as devils, witches on a broomstick and other evil spirits. In a huge cauldron, under which a fire seems to be burning, sits the main "atomic demon" - a half-naked academician with horns. The cauldron is being dragged by smaller imps, apparently, junior researchers, followed by graduate students-witches. And a huge banner rises above everyone: “To hell with us!”
The procession of evil spirits is applauded by Academician Alexandrov, who at that time personified full responsibility for the “peaceful atom”, but did not provide for elementary protection of the reactors of two dozen nuclear power plants built across the country on the waters of our cleanest rivers.

And a few days after this crazy corporate fun, an explosion occurs at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant ... ".
To what degree of spiritual savagery did the figures of Soviet science have to reach in order to arrange this devilish show! They did not believe in the existence of evil spirits and ridiculed it in their costume performance. They famously reincarnated as the most disgusting inhabitants of the infernal world, called demons for help, fraternized with them - instilled them into their souls. In fact, the nuclear scientists performed a magical act, "cut a window" into the underworld. Ignorance of spiritual laws did not exempt them from responsibility. The retribution for this ignorance was simply monstrous: the forces of hell, invited by scientists, appeared in Chernobyl ...
Do not think that we are talking about some metaphors, artistic images. How obsessed with evil spirits the Soviet atomic scientists were can be judged by their leader, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences Anatoly Petrovich Aleksandrov, who applauded the costumed procession of demons. One of his students, a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, told me with tears how this academician, who led her project, forced her ... to reduce the thickness of the concrete "cushion" under the nuclear reactor several times, justifying her decision with the Brezhnev slogan "The economy should be economical" . This "savings" led to the fact that during the Chernobyl accident, the atomic filling burned through a thin layer of concrete and leaked into the lower room - the so-called "elephant leg" was obtained, which required enormous funds to cool and neutralize. And all the damage from the Chernobyl disaster is hard to even imagine. For a quarter of a century, half of Europe has been struggling with its consequences; billions of times more money has already been spent on this than was saved on the notorious “pillow”.
Academician Alexandrov slyly assured us that "only" died as a result of the Chernobyl disaster. several people. But it was the station workers who died before the eyes of the whole world. And how many then died unknown out of 600 thousand people who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster, out of the millions of people who lived on the land that was contaminated with radionuclides? This is how "thrifty" the Soviet economy turned out to be.

I could talk for a long time about the monstrous crimes of the Soviet nuclear scientists. But I think that the above examples are enough to understand the main cause of nuclear disasters in Russia: flagrant ignorance in the spiritual field, militant atheism, "joking" flirting with evil spirits made scientists, designers, engineers damaged and obsessed, unable to control themselves, to give an account in their actions. This led to catastrophic mistakes in the design, construction and operation of nuclear power plants, for which the whole world will pay for hundreds of years.

Victim of a disaster

But the explosion at Chernobyl was like the ringing of an alarm bell that awakened the dormant conscience of nuclear scientists. At the sight of the disaster they had created, the sea of ​​people's grief, a mass repentance of scientists, engineers, managers began, their conversion to the Orthodox faith, churching. Until recently, it was impossible even to imagine: pundits began to go to church, go to confession and receive communion, and lead an Orthodox way of life. And donate large sums to the revival of churches.

I was lucky enough to go on several trips with the head of Rosenergoatom, Erik Nikolaevich Pozdyshev (now the chief inspector of this concern, which unites Russian nuclear power engineers) and the housekeeper of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Georgy (now the archbishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas). And I was very surprised to learn that the funds raised by Rosenergoatom were used to restore the bell tower of the Lavra, cast and install new bells on it (the old ones were thrown down and smashed by atheists at the dawn of Soviet power), the Stefano-Makhrish Convent in a few years turned from ruins into a wonderful monastic complex, the temples of the closed city of atomic scientists are being restored, on the site of which in the 19th century St. Seraphim of Sarov labored. Largely thanks to the help of Rosenergoatom, a great celebration became possible - the return of the relics of the monk to the Diveevsky Monastery in 2001.
I watched touching scenes, when the leaders of the autonomous Muslim republics, when Eric Pozdyshev came to them, first of all they took him not to a nuclear power plant, but to a recently opened or restored Orthodox church. They knew very well that the success of negotiations with Rosenergoatom on the reactivation of the nuclear power plant, which was stopped after Chernobyl at the request of the Greens, would depend on how Orthodoxy is treated in their republic, without which they are sorely lacking energy. It was amazing how a delegation of nuclear scientists in full force went to pray in local churches.
Frankly, before meeting Erik Nikolaevich, I imagined Russian nuclear scientists as some fiends, similar to those characters who had fun at a corporate sabbath shortly before the Chernobyl disaster. And then I saw an Orthodox ascetic in the face of ... the head of Rosenergoatom! And his subordinates tried to imitate him. I was simply amazed by their enthusiastic stories about the biography of Eric Pozdyshev.
He was the first director of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant after a disaster occurred on it and its former director went to prison. The leaders of the nuclear industry, knowing Erik Nikolayevich's propensity for self-sacrifice, strictly ordered him to constantly carry a personal dosimeter with him, which would indicate the dose of radiation received by him. And if, God forbid, she exceeds the maximum allowable 50 roentgens, then he will put his party card on the table ... So, the incorrigible Pozdyshev, having arrived at the station, put his dosimeter in an armored safe, where radiation almost did not penetrate. And during the years of liquidation of the consequences of the accident, he traveled, walked, crawled the entire infected zone, its most dangerous places. The dose he received must have exceeded the maximum allowable by many times, because even in an armored safe, the dosimeter readings at the end of his work at the station approached the 50 mark.

And next to him there were many such heroes who sacrificed themselves to save millions of people (on the destroyed reactor, not a thermal explosion could occur, but a nuclear explosion equivalent to hundreds of Hiroshima, which would turn half of Europe into an atomic desert). Then some of them deservedly took leadership positions in Rosenergoatom. And they told me in secret what kind of life their leader leads.
Eric Pozdyshev got up at three o'clock and diligently proofread all the prayers of the "morning rule". Then he went outside, did gymnastic exercises and ran several kilometers. Then a douche in the shower, a light breakfast - and at seven o'clock he was already in the concern. And he usually left work after 22. At home he talked with his family, read, wrote and prayed long after midnight. And it was not clear when he sleeps. Add to this the observance of Orthodox fasts, frequent visits to churches, participation in the sacraments ... Having heard about his exploits, the doctors said that he would not last long. But, once again examining Erik Nikolaevich, they were surprised to state that he was healthy in body and soul. And his friends were happy to see that he still infects with his energy, cheerfulness and optimism of the people around him.

Salvation of Orthodoxy

Here we come to the most important thing. Having tested many methods of survival on myself: breathing according to Buteyko, nutrition according to Shelton, fasting according to Bragg, treatment with juices according to Walker, cleansing according to Malakhov, evaporation of “slags” in a bath, winter swimming in an ice hole, and so on, I was convinced that they only give temporary positive effect. And every time you need to spend more and more effort to get it. Gradually, radiation destroys a person, injures the soul and body, threatens him with a painful death. And I understood that my countrymen could not find the main means of protection that would give them victory over radiation rather than a delay in death.
And when I met Erik Nikolaevich Pozdyshev and his followers, I saw that such a remedy had been found. This "shield" has always been with us, only we have not seen it with spiritual eyes, clouded by sins. The shield of the Orthodox faith, which for centuries saved our ancestors from troubles, is saving us even now. It turned out that fasting, prayer, abstinence, vigil, struggle with thoughts "sown from the enemy", soul-beneficial reading - the entire Orthodox way of life reliably protects a person from the destructive effects of radiation, chemistry, poisoned information and other "achievements" of scientific and technological progress. By giving people these means of protection, God saw for thousands of years ahead how people would need them.
A vivid example of the salvation of Orthodoxy was the life in the radioactive zone of the Ukrainian hieromonk Dionysius, an interview with whom writer Aleksey Pryashnikov published ten years ago in the Russian House magazine. This writer (and his readers) was simply shocked by the revelation of a tall man in monastic clothes with a pale, spiritual face, whom Alexei met in Optina Pustyn. Father Dionysius said that obedience has been going on in Belaya Rus, in the Chernobyl zone from the very beginning, when it became a zone. Serves in the church of St. Nicholas in the ancient city of Bragin.
“People were very frightened by the catastrophe,” continued the priest. - They understood one thing: no one can be here. And I told them that we must live with God, that then everything can be overcome. This caused surprise and indignation. How so?! What can you expect here? And also a clergyman... Now that years have passed, those people who return remember my words.
Father Dionysius said that people are returning from Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and with tears they say that no one needed them there, many died of grief in a foreign land. And those who remained in this world learned that their fellow countrymen are alive and well in their homeland, they are called to return ... to the contaminated land. And the refugees decided to see for themselves that it is possible to live in their native places.
- Those who returned thank the Lord God and us for the fact that we stayed and saved our city and our land. They kiss her with tears, - said the priest.
The city of Bragin is located thirty-five kilometers from the destroyed reactor, not far from the Chernobyl zone. Father Dionysius was often accompanied by the military and in the zone itself.
- We have visible and invisible warfare going on: diabolical and atomic ... Here people only hold on to faith, the Sacraments, worship. After all, everyone should have hope, support in order to fight, resist. There is only one support - our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord allowed. So, you need to win all this. Testing by God is given after all according to one's strength ...

The godless wonder.

Pessimists may find these words blasphemous in relation to Chernobyl victims. They say that no forces are enough for life on radioactive lands, feeding on contaminated products. But the miracle is that for the Orthodox these lands and products become ... non-radioactive! This caused great amazement among the experts.
“There were many expeditions,” Father Dionysius said with a smile. - They will measure products with instruments, there is an increase in radiation - we will perform a prayer service, we will consecrate the same products with baptismal water, and the radiation disappears. I've been eating off that land for years. And in that forbidden zone constantly went. And all my parishioners ate from that land. In the zone, I met capercaillie and wild boars. I ate fish from there. When he returned from the zone, the parishioners asked: "Father, why are you so cheerful?" I answered: "I went fishing." Believe me, I did not fool around.
In Minsk, professors took his blood for analysis. And then they asked: "Father, why is everything so normal with you?" He replied, "The Lord is with me."
Yes, he was sick, but his ailments were not from radiation, but from overvoltage. Father Dionisy carried great labors. “And the evil one tried all the time to drive me out of there, because I interfered with him.”
And most importantly, not only the priest, but also his parishioners, turned out to be able to defeat the radiation.
- Young people come, they ask: father, bless, and I will crown them. Women in position take communion more often. And healthy babies are born to those who go to church and live with God.
They often had prayers, akathists. People confessed, partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. And when doctors later checked others, they simply did not believe their eyes. For example, little Volodya's legs failed and there were many other diseases. But my mother began to bring him to church often. The priest confessed and communed the boy. And he recovered! Lost hair restored. Thyroid returned to normal. Walking became normal. All parishioners rejoiced at this. And the doctors were surprised.
“And now we are no longer afraid of any consequences,” Father Dionysius said with inspiration. - We won - rejoice, thank the Lord God.
The feat of this hieromonk and his spiritual children is simply amazing. After all, they proved in practice what science considers impossible: prayer suppresses radioactive radiation coming from contaminated food. Scientists still cannot understand what happens in this case: either the radioisotopes decay and turn into neutral atoms, or the consecrated food acquires a protective field that neutralizes the radiation. In any case, it becomes not harmful to humans. And the Orthodox do not need scientific explanations, they believe in God, who gave them saving knowledge through his servants.
And another amazing fact was discovered by scientists with the help of Father Dionysius: in prayerful places, radiation is suppressed automatically. Accompanied by the military, this priest visited the church of the Archangel Michael, which is four kilometers from the Chernobyl reactors. They measured the level of radiation in different places and said in amazement: "Father, outside the fence of this temple the device goes off scale, but inside the fence and in the temple itself there is nothing - it's clean." From their words, many newspapers later told about this miracle. For those who did not believe in him, the journalists cited the reports of researchers who measured the levels of radiation in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra to confirm it. It turned out that the relics of the saints are very low, and nearby, in the aisles for tourists, these levels are above the norm.

Respond, winners!

I have no doubt in the story of Hieromonk Dionysius, because something similar is happening in the land of my ancestors. On the bank of the Zhizdra, in the ancient village of Ilyinskoye, the Przemysl district of the Kaluga region, where military dosimeters once went off scale, the radiation level has dropped many times over a quarter of a century. From the neighboring villages there are only names left, the inhabitants are no longer there, and this village is expanding and rebuilding, as if they did not pay "coffin" here until quite recently. This miracle is explained by the fact that on the site of the monastery destroyed by the Bolsheviks a few years ago it was possible to restore the temple. Divine services are regularly held there, the Sacraments are performed. Fathers and parishioners make religious processions, consecrating the earth and, as it turned out later, suppressing radiation.
Those who constantly go to church, pray at home, fast, fulfill other God's commandments, live in good health until old age. And the atheists became like cows, who, after the Chernobyl disaster, died here of leukemia, because they ate terribly infected grass. These animals couldn't pray to protect themselves from the radiation. Thus, a “supernatural selection” took place among people, as a result of which unbelievers (mostly young) ended up in a cemetery, and believers, from babies to old people, live a healthy happy life.
- The Chernobyl test rallied us, as in a war, and we won with the Lord God, - Father Dionysius said with inspiration. His words also apply to thousands of other Orthodox who have successfully passed a radioactive test in many regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. I wish this victory to our readers as well.
… Ten years ago, talking about the experience of his parish, Father Dionysius shared his cherished dream with the writer: he is a monk and in his declining years seeks solitude. The best place for this seems to him ... the temple of the Archangel Michael not far from Chernobyl. The radiation in the vicinity is just crazy, it will protect the church from annoying visitors better than any guards. He wanted to preserve for posterity this prayerful temple, where there is no deadly radiation inside the church fence. After all, it is a clear confirmation of the truth and salvation of Orthodoxy, capable of defeating radiation, against which the atheists are powerless.
Where are you now, Father Dionysius, his disciples and like-minded people? If, by the grace of God, this publication catches your eye, then respond. For the sake of love for neighbors, which the Lord Jesus Christ commanded us, get in touch and tell our readers about the continuation of your experience. It will help many thousands of people survive the test of radiation and save their souls. Let them imitate you, learn by experience the saving grace of Orthodoxy.

Yesterday, a video was sent in the comments, which our readers simply must watch, since it is difficult to imagine a more eloquent material characterizing "people of science", whose nationality is practically homogeneous. Accordingly, it becomes clear what spirit of "achievement" they gave to the Soviet people ... And how much grief their activities brought to the Russian people ...
Thank God that back then there were Russians in the USSR who did not allow the Jews to turn back the northern rivers! It is even impossible to imagine what would become of our planet.
And now, alas, there are no such Russians left. And therefore, only new temptations and terrible cataclysms can be expected.

15. 08. 2016. 00:30 Somehow, downright providentially, a distribution has just arrived in the mail - all the most interesting things in LiveJournal for the week. And in it this material - After all, above, just for this, he thanked God.
So it turns out that the atomic satanists shoved their shnobels into that crazy project! They offered their services - to break through new riverbeds with nuclear explosions !!!
Read people and be horrified demon to the extreme misanthropy of the velvet "scientists" ... And thank God for the fact that, until now, He does not allow them to get rid of us from the world ...

*15. 08. 2016. 08:30 I apologize to the readers for trusting the authors of the video, and also for not double-checking the authenticity of this material - TESTING BY RADIATION.
Although the entourage, costumes and quality of shooting doubts that these are shots of the mid-1980s, they nevertheless caused the assertion that this Sabbath took place in Chernobyl just a few days before the explosion of the reactor, took it for granted than you introduced a delusion. He believed, first of all, because Academician Alexandrov and others like him "the luminaries of science", without any doubt, participated in this coven. Yes, and quoting Burlyaev seemed to confirm everything.
And in the commentary in the Living Book, the reader corrected us. It turns out that this demonic parade took place in Sarov in the mid-1970s. And although he has not yet sent anything to confirm his statement, I think it is not unfounded. It's more like the 70s...
However, even if this bacchanalia did not take place in Chernobyl, but in Sarov, this plot exposes the satanic essence of the "tamers of the atom". In a week, in ten years, however, the Sabbath preceded this Chernobyl disaster - even the title of the post did not have to be changed ... I only corrected a few "days" for "years" in the text ...

15. 08. 2016. 10:20 However, our astute readers eventually found out that the "scientists" were raging in Moscow on the square in front of the Palace of Culture of the Kurchatov Institute. And it was in 1984, two years before the Chernobyl tragedy. See in the comments.

Mikhail Alekseevich Dmitruk

The liquidators willy-nilly

Atomic Coven

In 2009, at the International Festival of Environmental Films "Golden Knight" received the main award - the Gold Medal named after Sergei Bondarchuk - artistic director of the film studio "Lennauchfilm" Valentina Ivanovna Gurkalenko. She made an amazing film about Chernobyl, where she showed who led to the disaster at the nuclear power plant.

“For me personally, it was a shock film,” said Nikolai Petrovich Burlyaev, People’s Artist of Russia, creator and permanent leader of the Golden Knight, in an interview with my friend, Moscow journalist Vladimir Filippovich Smyk. - There is documentary footage that captures the corporate coven of atomic scientists. We see on the screen a parade alley, a procession through the stadium of nuclear scientists dressed as devils, witches on a broomstick and other evil spirits. In a huge cauldron, under which a fire seems to be burning, sits the main "atomic demon" - a half-naked academician with horns. The cauldron is being dragged by smaller imps, apparently junior researchers, followed by female graduate students. And above all rises a huge banner: "To hell with us!".

The procession of evil spirits is applauded by Academician Alexandrov, who at that time personified full responsibility for the “peaceful atom”, but did not provide for elementary protection of the reactors of two dozen nuclear power plants built across the country on the waters of our cleanest rivers. And a few days after this insane corporate fun, an explosion occurs at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant ... ".

To what degree of spiritual savagery did the figures of Soviet science have to reach in order to arrange this devilish show! They did not believe in the existence of evil spirits and ridiculed it in their costume performance. They famously reincarnated as the most disgusting inhabitants of the infernal world, called demons for help, fraternized with them - instilled them into their souls. In fact, the nuclear scientists performed a magical act, "cut a window" into the underworld. Ignorance of spiritual laws did not exempt them from responsibility. The retribution for this ignorance was simply monstrous: the forces of hell, invited by scientists, appeared in Chernobyl ... Do not think that we are talking about some metaphors, artistic images. How obsessed with evil spirits the Soviet nuclear scientists were can be judged by their leader, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov, who applauded the costumed procession of demons.

One of his students, a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, told me with tears how this academician, who led her project, forced her ... to reduce the thickness of the concrete “cushion” under the nuclear reactor by several times, justifying her decision with the Brezhnev slogan “The economy should be economical” . This "savings" led to the fact that during the Chernobyl accident, the atomic filling burned through a thin layer of concrete and leaked into the lower room - the so-called "elephant leg" was obtained, which required enormous funds to cool and neutralize. And all the damage from the Chernobyl disaster is hard to even imagine. For a quarter of a century, half of Europe has been struggling with its consequences; billions of times more money has already been spent on this than was saved on the notorious “cushion”. Academician Alexandrov slyly assured us that "only" a few people died as a result of the Chernobyl disaster. But it was the station workers who died before the eyes of the whole world. And how many then died unknown out of 600 thousand people who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster, out of the millions of people who lived on the land that was contaminated with radionuclides? This is how "thrifty" the Soviet economy turned out to be. I could talk for a long time about the monstrous crimes of the Soviet nuclear scientists. But I think that the examples given are enough to understand the main cause of nuclear disasters in Russia: flagrant ignorance in the spiritual field, militant atheism, "joking" flirting with evil spirits made scientists, designers, engineers damaged and obsessed, unable to control themselves, to give an account of their actions. This led to catastrophic mistakes in the design, construction and operation of nuclear power plants, for which the whole world will pay for hundreds of years.

Victim of a disaster

But the explosion at Chernobyl was like the ringing of an alarm bell that awakened the dormant conscience of nuclear scientists. At the sight of the disaster they had created, the sea of ​​people's grief, scientists, engineers, managers began to repent en masse, their conversion to the Orthodox faith, their churching began. Until recently, it was impossible even to imagine: pundits began to go to church, go to confession and receive communion, and lead an Orthodox way of life. And donate large sums to the revival of churches.


I was lucky enough to go on several trips with the head of Rosenergoatom, Erik Nikolaevich Pozdyshev (now the chief inspector of this concern, which unites Russian nuclear power engineers) and the housekeeper of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Georgy (now the archbishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas). And I was very surprised to learn that the funds raised by Rosenergoatom were used to restore the bell tower of the Lavra, cast and install new bells on it (the old ones were thrown down and smashed by atheists at the dawn of Soviet power), the Stefano-Makhrish Convent in a few years turned from ruins into a wonderful monastic complex, the temples of the closed city of atomic scientists are being restored, on the site of which in the 19th century St. Seraphim of Sarov labored. Largely thanks to the help of Rosenergoatom, a great celebration became possible - the return of the relics of the monk to the Diveevsky Monastery in 2001. I watched touching scenes, when the leaders of the autonomous Muslim republics, when Eric Pozdyshev came to them, first of all they took him not to a nuclear power plant, but to a recently opened or restored Orthodox church. They knew very well that the success of negotiations with Rosenergoatom on the reactivation of the nuclear power plant, which was stopped after Chernobyl at the request of the Greens, would depend on how Orthodoxy is treated in their republic, without which they are sorely lacking energy. It was amazing how a delegation of nuclear scientists in full force went to pray in local churches. Frankly, before meeting Erik Nikolaevich, I imagined Russian nuclear scientists as some fiends, similar to those characters who had fun at a corporate sabbath shortly before the Chernobyl disaster. And then I saw an Orthodox ascetic in the face of ... the head of Rosenergoatom! And his subordinates tried to imitate him. I was simply amazed by their enthusiastic stories about the biography of Eric Pozdyshev. He was the first director of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant after a disaster occurred on it and its former director went to prison. The leaders of the nuclear industry, knowing Erik Nikolayevich's propensity for self-sacrifice, strictly ordered him to constantly carry a personal dosimeter with him, which would indicate the dose of radiation received by him. And if, God forbid, she exceeds the maximum allowable 50 roentgens, then he will put his party card on the table ... So, the incorrigible Pozdyshev, having arrived at the station, put his dosimeter in an armored safe, where radiation almost did not penetrate. And during the years of liquidation of the consequences of the accident, he traveled, walked, crawled the entire infected zone, its most dangerous places. The dose he received must have exceeded the maximum allowable by many times, because even in an armored safe, the dosimeter readings at the end of his work at the station approached the 50 mark.

And next to him there were many such heroes who sacrificed themselves to save millions of people (on the destroyed reactor, not a thermal explosion could occur, but a nuclear explosion equivalent to hundreds of Hiroshima, which would turn half of Europe into an atomic desert). Then some of them deservedly took leadership positions in Rosenergoatom. And they told me in secret what kind of life their leader leads. Eric Pozdyshev got up at three o'clock and diligently proofread all the prayers of the "morning rule". Then he went outside, did gymnastic exercises and ran several kilometers. Then a douche in the shower, a light breakfast - and at seven o'clock he was already in the concern. And he usually left work after 22. At home he talked with his family, read, wrote and prayed long after midnight. And it was not clear when he sleeps. Add to this the observance of Orthodox fasts, frequent visits to churches, participation in the sacraments ... Having heard about his exploits, the doctors said that he would not last long. But, once again examining Erik Nikolaevich, they were surprised to state that he was healthy in body and soul. And his friends were happy to see that he still infects with his energy, cheerfulness and optimism of the people around him.

Salvation of Orthodoxy

Here we come to the most important thing. Having tested many methods of survival on myself: breathing according to Buteyko, nutrition according to Shelton, fasting according to Bragg, treatment with juices according to Walker, cleansing according to Malakhov, evaporation of “slags” in a bath, winter swimming in an ice hole, and so on, I was convinced that they only give temporary positive effect. And every time you need to spend more and more effort to get it. Gradually, radiation destroys a person, injures the soul and body, threatens him with a painful death. And I understood that my countrymen could not find the main means of protection that would give them victory over radiation rather than a delay in death. And when I met Erik Nikolaevich Pozdyshev and his followers, I saw that such a remedy had been found. This "shield" has always been with us, only we have not seen it with spiritual eyes, clouded by sins. Shield Orthodox faith, who saved our ancestors from troubles for centuries, saves now. It turned out that fasting, prayer, abstinence, vigil, struggle with thoughts, soul-beneficial reading - the entire Orthodox way of life reliably protects a person from the destructive effects of radiation, chemistry, poisoned information and other "achievements" of scientific and technological progress. A vivid example of the salvation of Orthodoxy was the life in the radioactive zone of the Ukrainian hieromonk Dionysius, an interview with whom ten years ago was published in the Russian House magazine by the writer Alexei Pryashnikov. This writer (and his readers) was simply shocked by the revelation of a tall man in monastic clothes with a pale, spiritual face, whom Alexei met in Optina Pustyn. Father Dionisy said that obedience has been going on in Belaya Rus, in the Chernobyl zone from the very beginning, when it became a zone. Serves in the church of St. Nicholas in the ancient city of Bragin. “People were very frightened by the catastrophe,” the priest continued. - They understood one thing: no one can be here. And I told them that we must live with God, that then everything can be overcome. This caused surprise and indignation. How so?! What can you expect here? And also a clergyman... Now that years have passed, those people who return remember my words. Father Dionysius said that people are returning from Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and with tears they say that no one needed them there, many died of grief in a foreign land. And those who remained in this world learned that their fellow countrymen are alive and well in their homeland, they are called to return ... to the contaminated land. And the refugees decided to see for themselves that it is possible to live in their native places. “The returnees thank the Lord God and us for the fact that we stayed and saved our city and our land. They kiss her with tears,” said the priest. The city of Bragin is located thirty-five kilometers from the destroyed reactor, not far from the Chernobyl zone. Father Dionysius was often accompanied by the military and in the zone itself. “We have visible and invisible warfare going on: diabolical and atomic… Here people only hold on to faith, the Sacraments, and divine services. After all, everyone should have hope, support in order to fight, resist. There is only one support - our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord allowed. So, you need to win all this. Testing by God is given after all according to one's strength ...

The godless wonder

Pessimists may find these words blasphemous in relation to Chernobyl victims. Like, no strength is enough to live on radioactive lands, feed on contaminated products. But the miracle is that for the Orthodox these lands and products become ... non-radioactive! This caused great amazement among the experts. “There were many expeditions,” Father Dionysius said with a smile. - They will measure the products with instruments, there is an overestimation in terms of radiation - we will perform a prayer service, we will consecrate the same products with baptismal water, and the radiation disappears. I've been eating off that land for years. And in that forbidden zone constantly went. And all my parishioners ate from that land. In the zone, I met capercaillie and wild boars. I ate fish from there. When he returned from the zone, the parishioners asked: “Father, why are you so cheerful?” I answered: "I went fishing." Believe me, I did not fool around. In Minsk, professors took his blood for analysis. And then they asked: “Father, why is everything so normal with you?” He replied, "The Lord is with me." Yes, he was sick, but his ailments were not from radiation, but from overvoltage. Father Dionysius carried great labors. “And the evil one tried all the time to drive me out of there, because I interfered with him.” And most importantly, not only the priest, but also his parishioners, turned out to be able to defeat the radiation. - Young people come, they ask: father, bless, and I will crown them. Women in position take communion more often. And healthy babies are born to those who go to church and live with God. They often had prayers, akathists. People confessed, partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. And when doctors later checked others, they simply did not believe their eyes. For example, little Volodya's legs failed and there were many other diseases. But my mother began to bring him to church often. The priest confessed and communed the boy. And he recovered! Lost hair restored. Thyroid returned to normal. Walking became normal. All parishioners rejoiced at this. And the doctors were surprised. “And now we are no longer afraid of any consequences,” Father Dionysius said with inspiration. — We won — rejoice, thank the Lord God. The feat of this hieromonk and his spiritual children is simply amazing. After all, they proved in practice what science considers impossible: prayer suppresses radioactive radiation coming from contaminated food. Scientists still cannot understand what happens in this case: either the radioisotopes decay and turn into neutral atoms, or the consecrated food acquires a protective field that neutralizes the radiation. In any case, it becomes not harmful to humans. And the Orthodox do not need scientific explanations, they believe in God, who gave them saving knowledge through his servants. And another amazing fact was discovered by scientists with the help of Father Dionysius: in prayerful places, radiation is suppressed automatically. Accompanied by the military, this priest visited the church of the Archangel Michael, which is four kilometers from the Chernobyl reactors. They measured the level of radiation in different places and said in amazement: "Father, outside the fence of this temple the device goes off scale, but inside the fence and in the temple itself there is nothing - it's clean." From their words, many newspapers later told about this miracle. For those who did not believe in him, the journalists cited the reports of researchers who measured the levels of radiation in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra to confirm it. It turned out that the relics of the saints are very low, and nearby, in the aisles for tourists, these levels are above the norm.

Respond, winners!

I have no doubt in the story of Hieromonk Dionysius, because something similar is happening in the land of my ancestors. On the bank of the Zhizdra, in the ancient village of Ilyinskoye, the Przemysl district of the Kaluga region, where military dosimeters once went off scale, the radiation level has dropped many times over a quarter of a century. From the neighboring villages there are only names left, the inhabitants are no longer there, and this village is expanding and rebuilding, as if they did not pay "coffin" here until quite recently. This miracle is explained by the fact that on the site of the monastery destroyed by the Bolsheviks a few years ago it was possible to restore the temple. Divine services are regularly held there, the Sacraments are performed. Fathers and parishioners make religious processions, consecrating the earth and, as it turned out later, suppressing radiation. Those who constantly go to church, pray at home, fast, fulfill other God's commandments, live in good health until old age. And the atheists became like cows, who, after the Chernobyl disaster, died here of leukemia, because they ate terribly infected grass. These animals couldn't pray to protect themselves from the radiation. Thus, a “supernatural selection” took place among people, as a result of which unbelievers (mostly young) ended up in a cemetery, and believers, from babies to old people, live a healthy happy life.
“The Chernobyl test rallied us, as in a war, and we won with the Lord God,” Father Dionysius said with inspiration. His words also apply to thousands of other Orthodox who have successfully passed a radioactive test in many regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. I wish this victory to our readers as well.

… Ten years ago, talking about the experience of his parish, Father Dionysius shared his cherished dream with the writer: he is a monk and in his declining years seeks solitude. The best place for this seems to him ... the temple of the Archangel Michael not far from Chernobyl. The radiation in the vicinity is just crazy, it will protect the church from annoying visitors better than any guards. He wanted to preserve for posterity this prayerful temple, where there is no deadly radiation inside the church fence. After all, it is a clear confirmation of the truth and salvation of Orthodoxy, capable of defeating radiation, against which the atheists are powerless. Where are you now, Father Dionysius, his disciples and like-minded people? If, by the grace of God, this publication catches your eye, then respond. For the sake of love for neighbors, which the Lord Jesus Christ commanded us, get in touch and tell our readers about the continuation of your experience. It will help many thousands of people survive the test of radiation and save their souls. Let them imitate you, learn by experience the saving grace of Orthodoxy.
