Work as an ensign in the army. Military service under contract

Modern development armies and navies, the increasing complexity of weapons and combat equipment, and the reduction in the time it takes to master it, make it necessary to fill a number of positions with qualified specialists from among soldiers, sailors, sergeants, and foremen. Such staffing can be carried out at the expense of the entry of citizens into military service under the contract. Citizens entering the military service under a contract for military positions for which the state provides for military ranks soldiers, sailors, sergeants And foremen, must have higher, secondary or primary vocational education, or secondary (complete) general education, or, as an exception, basic education or have an appropriate military registration or related civilian specialty, mainly with work experience in the chosen military or related civilian specialty. The list of positions to be filled by these persons is being developed by the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation. A citizen who is doing military service by conscription may also enter the service under the contract, even before the expiration of this service. The right to conclude a contract on behalf of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen is granted to commanders military units.

Manning [[Armed Forces of the Russian Federation|Armed Forces ]] ensigns And midshipmen It is also carried out on the basis of voluntary admission to military service. Citizens entering positions for which the state provides for the military ranks of ensigns and midshipmen must have a higher or secondary vocational education obtained in civilian higher or secondary specialized educational institutions, related to the chosen military specialty, secondary or primary vocational education received at schools of technicians or at schools of warrant officers and warrant officers, or have the military rank of warrant officer (senior warrant officer), midshipman (senior warrant officer) of the reserve, mainly with work experience in the chosen military or related civilian specialty.

Citizens aged 18 to 40 are accepted for the positions of ensigns and midshipmen under the contract. With a citizen entering military service for the first time under a contract for a military position filled by ensigns (midshipmen), a contract for military service is concluded for 5 years.

The right to conclude such a contract is granted to the commanders of military units.

The training of warrant officers and warrant officers is carried out, as a rule, in the schools of warrant officers and warrant officers. Candidates for admission to these schools are selected by commanders of military units and district (city) military commissariats.

Officers The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are completed mainly at the expense of persons who have graduated from military educational institutions vocational education and received an officer rank, as well as reserve officers:

  • entering the military service under the contract;
  • those called up for military service after completing training under the officer training program at the military departments of civilian universities.

Admission to all military schools is voluntary.

Cadets of military schools, military institutes, engineering faculties of some military academies can become persons with a completed secondary education, fit for health reasons to study in the military educational institutions. Young men from among civilian youth aged from 17 to 21 goals are accepted for study.

Persons from among civilian youth who have reached military age and have expressed a desire to enter military educational institutions are considered by district (city) draft commissions as candidates for admission to military universities. Persons wishing to enter military educational institutions submit applications to the district (city) military commissariat at the place of residence or directly to the head of the military educational institution.

Detailed information about the rules and conditions of admission, programs of entrance examinations can be obtained from military educational institutions and military commissariats.

Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen have the right to enter military schools and institutes, some military academies, military universities and some military faculties at civilian higher educational institutions - with a secondary education and up to the age of 24 inclusive.

When entering a military educational institution, these servicemen enjoy advantages over competitors from among civilian youth. For example, without testing knowledge on general education disciplines(without exams) Heroes of Russia, graduates of the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools (the latter only to military schools and military institutes) are enrolled in military educational institutions. Those awarded with orders and medals enjoy the preferential right when entering military educational institutions. Upon graduation from the educational institution, graduates are issued a document on obtaining military and corresponding civilian specialties and are awarded the military officer rank of "lieutenant".

What is military contract service? This military activity in the armed forces, carried out on a voluntary basis, when a citizen who wants to serve, signs a contact for a certain period. Service under the contract has certain conditions for military personnel and implies the presence of a stable salary, a social package, all kinds of benefits, monetary compensation, and incentives.

We will dwell in detail on the important details of contract service in 2020 and will tell in this publication about the benefits of contract service in the RF Armed Forces and the requirements for contract servicemen.

Requirements and conditions for military service under contract

The conditions under which a citizen concludes a contract and subsequently enters voluntary military service are fixed at the legislative level. All requirements for contractors are regulated by the following regulatory documents:

  1. Chapter V of the Law "On Military Duty" (FZ No. 53 of March 28, 1998).
  2. Special rules of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with these legislative acts Citizens who enter the voluntary contract service in the army are subject to a number of mandatory requirements:

  1. Citizen's age. If the first contract is concluded, then a citizen of the Russian Federation must be at least 18 years old and not older than 40 years old.
  2. Education. Citizens with an education ranging from secondary and above are accepted.
  3. Person categories. Citizens who have previously completed military service - contract or conscription are allowed to undergo contract service; citizens who are "in reserve"; women, and other categories of citizens (read complete list persons who may be allowed to serve under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, can be in the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" Art. 34).
  4. Health status. Persons who have passed the military medical commission and are assigned to one of the groups "A" (a person is "fit" for military service) and groups "B" (a person is fit for military service with minor restrictions) are allowed to serve under the contract.
  5. Fitness level. It must comply with the standards prescribed in the NFP-2009. The physical training of a contract soldier is evaluated by such qualities as speed, endurance, strength. In order to assess the listed parameters, a citizen entering the contract service must perform one exercise for each of them for verification.
  6. Fitness Restrictions. During the selection of candidates for contract service, cases of citizens who have received an opinion on the assignment of the following categories will be considered:
    - I. This category is assigned to citizens who are "recommended in the first place";
    - II. This category means that citizens are "recommended";
    - III. Means that the citizen is "conditionally recommended". In the absence of the first two categories.

How to become a contract soldier in the Russian Armed Forces?

If you've made up your mind enlist in the military under contract, then the first thing you need to do is to come to the local selection point for contract soldiers for detailed advice on entering the contract military service and the conditions for its passage. For the applied citizen, vacancies of military positions for which he can apply will be presented, and a corresponding recommendation will be drawn up for submission to the military commissariat.

After that, a citizen applying for a place as a contract soldier must apply with a passport to the local department of the military commissariat and submit an application there, which will be considered by the military commissar. Next, events will be scheduled, the task of which is to determine the health status of the applicant and the level of his physical fitness. After these two stages are completed, the final decision is made on whether it is possible to accept a given citizen for military service under a contract.

If all checks and tests are successfully passed by a citizen, then a military ID will be issued to him, after which a contract for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be concluded. Then he is sent to the military training unit, where he will undergo an intensive course of combined arms training. During the training period, the command staff will observe the newly minted contract soldier, study his professional, personal, physical qualities. His propensity for leadership will also be analyzed (required for sergeant positions). After the training course is completed, the contract soldier is sent to the main place where he will serve in the armed forces.

Contract service - contractor salary in 2020

For the current year, there are two main legislative documents that establish the amount and types of monetary allowance due to contract servicemen in the RF Armed Forces:

  1. Federal Law No. 306-FZ of 07.11.2011 "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them."
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.12.2011 N 992 "On the establishment of salaries for the monetary maintenance of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract."

The basic salary of military personnel under the contract, according to the mentioned laws, consists of two parts:

  • Salary for a military position;
  • Salary according to military rank.

To the basic monetary allowance of a contract soldier in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, various allowances are added monthly for:

  1. Qualification.
  2. Years of service.
  3. Risk to health and life.
  4. Special conditions for military service.
  5. Working with classified information that is a state secret.
  6. High level of physical fitness (after passing the standards).
  7. Significant achievements in military service.
  8. Foreign language skills.

In addition, annual financial assistance (UDV) and bonuses are paid for the fact that the serviceman is doing an excellent job with his official duties.

The size of the monetary allowance of contract servicemen

Let's focus on specific numbers and announce the average size allowance contract servicemen in 2020 amounted to:

  • 30,000 rubles is the average salary of an ordinary contract soldier.
  • 40,000 rubles - the average salary of sergeants and foremen.
  • 55,000 rubles - the average salary of lieutenants.

The salary of military personnel in 2020 in Russia will increase only in the fall from October 1, 2020. This was the case last year, and it is planned to do so in the future. It is already planned that the indexation of the monetary allowance of military personnel under the contract will be carried out in the future: in 2021 - from October 1 by 4%; in 2022 - from October 1 by 3.8%. This increase will primarily affect contract servicemen - salaries for military positions and salaries for military ranks military personnel serving on a contract basis. But even conscripts regularly increase salaries.

In addition to monetary allowances, various benefits and material compensations have been established for contractors. These include:

  • Compensation for renting housing (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2015 No. 989 “On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 No. 909”). This payment allows the military to partially reimburse the cost of renting housing if the service apartment was not provided. Cash compensation is paid in accordance with the established standards for the region (for example, for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg - this is 15,000 rubles as of 2020);
  • "Lifting allowance" - a monetary allowance to a serviceman when moving to a new place of service, the lifting allowance is paid not only for a contract soldier, but also for all family members;
  • A one-time allowance upon dismissal from military service is paid upon dismissal with a total length of service of 20 years or more in the amount of 7 salaries of monetary allowance (with a length of service of less than 20 years, a contractor receives 2 salaries upon dismissal).

Social package for military personnel under contract

It is worth noting that the state has provided a wide package of social benefits for contract servicemen:

  1. Free medical service in military hospitals.
  2. For the period of service, a serviceman is provided with service housing. There are also military mortgage programs, and.
  3. Retirement at 45 (20 years of service).
  4. Benefits for admission to vocational schools and universities for contractors.
  5. Providing military uniforms and food (or putting on boiler allowance - free food in the army canteen).
  6. Health and life insurance. The state provides for impressive payments in the event that a serviceman is declared unfit for service due to an injury received in the service (the contractor will receive 2 million rubles). Substantial insurance payments to the family in case of death (the family will receive insurance in the amount of 3 million rubles).
  7. Free pass*.

* According to art. 20 “Transportation. Postal items ”Federal Law No. 76-FZ of May 27. 1998 "On the status of military personnel":

1.1. Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, other areas with adverse climatic and (or) environmental conditions, including remote ones, as well as on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts, have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport once a year through the territory of the Russian Federation to the place of use of the main (holiday) leave and back. Military personnel who are doing military service under a contract outside the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport once a year to the place of use of the main (holiday) leave on the territory of the Russian Federation and back.
1.2. Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, when transferred to a new place of military service and dismissal from military service, in addition, have the right to transport free of charge up to 20 tons of personal property in containers from their former place of residence to a new one by rail, and where there is no railway transport, - other modes of transport (except for air). In the case of transportation of personal property in a separate wagon, luggage and small shipments, they are reimbursed for the actual costs, but not more than the cost of transportation in a container weighing 20 tons.

Pros and cons of contract service in the armed forces

The contract army in Russia is a relatively new phenomenon, and before entering the military service under a contract, you should know what the pros and cons await you.

Let's focus on the positives:

  1. For many citizens, contract service in the army is a very profitable employment, especially in remote towns and villages where it is difficult to find work.
  2. Contract servicemen have a serious social package, which includes numerous benefits. In addition to status, contract service in the army provides a good stable salary and the opportunity to get housing.
  3. Modern contract service in the RF Armed Forces can be compared with regular work, unlike military personnel military service having a number of restrictions.

Speaking about the pros of contract service, one cannot help but recall the cons:

  1. The obvious disadvantage of military service under a contract is the need to risk both one's health and life.
  2. Limitation of personal space and freedom. Not every person is ready to obey orders and unconditionally comply with the requirements of the command, simply speaking, life according to the charter is not a sanatorium.
  3. Not everyone can withstand the conditions of service in the army, for example, statistics show that almost 20% of those who first signed a contract break it after a few months of service. Everyone has their own reasons for this, however, most often this decision is due to the fact that the rookie contract soldier did not cope with the probationary period. Sometimes among possible causes breaking contact on the part of the Ministry of Defense may be the abuse of alcohol by newly minted servicemen, drunkenness has no place in the army!
  4. Not everyone likes forced business trips, the need to constantly wear uniforms, living in the field if necessary.

Summing up, it can be noted that the transition of the Russian army to contract service is a new promising solution that can raise the prestige of the Armed Forces, as well as ensure the fulfillment of the tasks facing the army, as in Peaceful time as well as in the event of war. The contract service guarantees a stable, decent salary for contract servicemen, and also offers a number of benefits and privileges.

Nevertheless, before making a final decision, carefully consider all the pros and cons of serving in the army under a contract, you must understand the degree of responsibility both for your life, for the life of your comrades, and for the life of those you protect while serving in Russian Army. Of course, contract service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a prestigious and noble cause.

No experience needed

Ensign, soldier

Moscow, 1st Infantry lane 9/27 Show on the map

work experience is not required, secondary education, shift work schedule

38 000 - 45 000 ₽Responsibilities:

The duties of the employee include checking documents at the checkpoint and allowing individuals to pass, as well as screening and passing vehicles. Protected objects are located exclusively within the city of Moscow.


1. Age - up to 35 years old inclusive. 2. Citizenship of the Russian Federation (at least 10 years). 3. Registration of Moscow or the Moscow region. 4. Availability of education (complete secondary or specialized secondary (training for at least 3 years). 5. Service in the army (fixed-term or under contract). Or higher education with an official delay (not for health reasons). 6. Absence of criminal records of the candidate and close relatives. 7. Absence of close relatives living abroad. 8. Lack of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (with the exception of internal troops).


Military rank - ensign; - Wage from 38,000 rubles, vacation pay, year-end bonus (13th salary); - The status of a soldier, full social. plastic bag; - Free medical care in a departmental clinic, including dentistry, 100% sick leave, life and health insurance; - Annual paid leave of 30 days, excluding travel, vacation at reduced rates in departmental rest houses and sanatoriums; - Military mortgage - 2.8 million rubles. for the acquisition of real estate in the ownership of an employee; After 3 years of service, business trips to regions with a difficult operational situation are possible.
