Kate Middleton - biography, information, personal life. Kate Middleton is a worthy princess of England Princess of Cambridge Kate Middleton latest

She spent $214,400 on outfits – that’s almost 13 million rubles. This amount was announced by the British online tabloid Daily Mail. But no one calculated how much the “English rose” spent on jewelry, because Kate can safely save on this item of expenditure: she has at her disposal diamonds from several generations of British monarchs. What famous jewelry “with history” does Duchess Catherine wear?

Halo Tiara by Cartier

The tiara was made of platinum and almost 900 diamonds in 1936. The Duke of York gave it to his wife Elizabeth three weeks before he ascended the throne and became King George VI. Their daughter, Princess Elizabeth (now the reigning Queen of Great Britain), received this tiara in 1944 for her 18th birthday. For some reason she was not pleased with the gift, and she never wore jewelry to official celebrations. But she always lent the tiara to her younger sister, Princess Margaret, and her daughter, Princess Anne, for appearances. The vintage jewel came into the spotlight on Kate Middleton and Prince William's wedding day in 2011.

Brooch in the shape of a fern leaf

Elizabeth II celebrated Christmas 1953 in New Zealand - it was her first official visit to this country as Queen of Great Britain. In New Zealand's largest city, Auckland, women's rights activists presented the distinguished guest with a brooch in the form of a national symbol - a fern leaf. Elizabeth wore the jewelry, made of platinum and diamonds, quite often, and in April 2014 she entrusted it to Duchess Catherine. Kate, along with her husband and little son, Prince George, made their first official visit New Zealand.

Garrard Sapphire Engagement Ring

In February 1981, Prince Charles and Diana Spencer announced their engagement. Her symbol was the white gold ring chosen by Diana with a 12-carat oval-cut Ceylon sapphire surrounded by 14 small diamonds. Secular gossips made sarcastic remarks behind the bride’s back: they say, what can you expect from a simpleton! Not only is the piece inexpensive (it cost £28,500 but is now valued at £300,000, or $500,000), but it is not made to order, but is part of the jewelry collection available in every Garrard boutique. Lady Di herself later said that the jewel captivated her with its beauty and similarity to her mother’s engagement ring.

After Diana's death, Prince Harry inherited the family treasure, and William received her gold Cartier watch as a souvenir of his mother. When the seriousness of his older brother's intentions regarding Kate Middleton became obvious, the princes exchanged rarities. In the fall of 2010, during a trip to Kenya, William proposed, Kate said yes, and the famous sapphire appeared on her ring finger. The bride's ring turned out to be too big, and at her request, the court jewelers attached two small platinum balls inside the jewelry, thereby reducing its size.

Maple leaf brooch from Asprey & Co.

The maple leaf brooch, made of platinum and diamonds, was a gift from King George VI to his wife Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. In 1939, the couple of monarchs went on their first official visit to Canada, and the people of the country were very pleased that the guest of honor wore a jewel from their national symbol. Since then, wearing a brooch during visits to Canada has become a good tradition for all representatives of the British royal house. The now-reigning Queen, then Princess Elizabeth, first wore the brooch when she visited the Land of the Maple Leaf in 1951, then wore it several times, as did Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, the second wife of Prince Charles. In 2011, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, became the “owner” of the jewel, going with her husband on her first tour of North America. During her second visit to Canada in the fall of 2016, Kate also wore this brooch.

The Nizam of Hyderabad necklace by Cartier

Asaf Jah VII, the last Nizam (ruler) of the Indian principality of Hyderabad, gave Princess Elizabeth, the current queen, a gift of unprecedented generosity on the eve of her wedding to Prince Philip in 1947. He offered to choose any jewelry from Cartier, and she could not resist a set of floral design made of diamonds and platinum - a necklace and tiara, the elements of which were removable and could be worn as brooches. In her younger years, Elizabeth II often wore these jewelry and posed in them for one of her official portraits. In 1973, she wanted to remake the tiara... into another tiara, adding rubies, but she left the removable parts of the first decoration as brooches. In February 2014, Duchess Catherine shone in a necklace from The Nizam of Hyderabad at a gala reception at London's National Portrait Gallery, of which she is a trustee.

Tiara The Cambridge Lover's Knot by Garrard

Garrard jewelers worked on a commission from Queen Mary, grandmother of the current reigning monarch of Great Britain, in 1913–1914. The tiara, which one would like to call a crown, consists of 19 arches inlaid with diamonds and large pearls. In 1953, Elizabeth II inherited the jewel and wore it willingly for almost ten years. In 1981, the Queen gave the tiara to Lady Diana with the wish that she would wear it on her wedding day. Diana politely refused: pearls and diamonds seemed too pretentious and heavy for her to spend many hours in public, but later she wore the tiara more than once, including during a trip to New Zealand in 1983.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, appeared in the famous jewelry twice: in December 2015 at a diplomatic reception at Buckingham Palace and in December last year, also at Buckingham Palace, while posing for a royal family portrait.

Drop earrings with pearls

Elizabeth II first wore elegant earrings with diamond studs and pearl drop-shaped pendants in 1977 to celebrate her silver jubilee - the 25th anniversary of her time on the throne. In 2012, they were “rented” by Sophie, Countess of Wessex, wife of Prince Edward, the youngest son of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. Duchess Catherine became the “hostess” of the precious pair in 2016: in September she wore them during her second tour to Canada, in October when visiting the Netherlands for the first time, in November to a memorial evening in the royal family, and in December to the Christmas service in Bucklebury . Most of all, the public remembers the image of Kate wearing these earrings during her solo tour in the Netherlands. Katherine was called nothing less than the girl with a pearl earring, especially since the duchess did not fail to visit the Mauritshuis Museum, where the famous painting by Jan Vermeer is exhibited.

The favorite of the royal court, the Duchess of Cambridge, according to The Daily Mail, annually spends about 19 thousand pounds sterling on maintaining beauty. And this is not counting manicures, pedicures, self-tanning procedures, eyebrow correction, periodic SPA treatments at the end of a hard day and similar little things. A serious blow to the UK treasury.

However duchess Cambridge Catherine it is forgiven. Yes, and the position obliges. After all, she is a “face” the whole country! However, the duchess cannot be called a beauty snob. For example, the paparazzi once caught her buying cream from Nivea, and for the wedding manicure her master used varnishes Bourjois and Essie(combination of shades 28 Rose Lounge from Bourjois And 423 Allure from Essie it immediately became a hit).

Hair care

Kate's hair always looks perfect. They said that the secret to the luxurious thick hair of the Duchess of Cambridge was in false strands. At one of the charity evenings, photographers even took photographs in which journalists later saw special double-sided tapes under the hair on the left side, which hairdressers use to attach false strands. It would seem that the secret has been revealed. But the royal family, tired of the fuss about this, unexpectedly made an official statement: William’s wife has a scar about 7 cm long on the left side of her head - due to an operation performed in childhood. He was mistaken by journalists for the ill-fated adhesive tapes.

Beauty secrets of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine

Kate, like her younger sister Pippa, was lucky with her hair from birth - they inherited thick hair from their mother. But genes are genes, and such a gorgeous inheritance is worth increasing. Hair, according to the British press, is Kate's biggest expense item - almost 14 thousand pounds sterling a year. She regularly goes to the famous stylist's Richard Ward Hair and Metrospa salon Richard Ward on Kings Road. Every couple of months she dyes her hair with gentle organic dye and trims the ends every month and a half. Plus to all this - regular styling, usually three times a week, and caring keratin masks.

Beauty secrets of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine

Skin care

Beauty secrets of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine One of her favorite products Kate-moisturizing cream Hydra Zen from Lancome for daily skin care. The Duchess’s arsenal of beauty products also includes oxygen cosmetics from the Swiss brand Karin Herzog and creams with retinol. Since the Duchess turned thirty, her beautician Deborah Mitchell developed special program facial care. It includes, in particular, glycolic peeling once every 2 months (except in summer) and a mask with bee venom that relaxes expression lines Deborah Mitchell. Her mother-in-law, the Duchess of Cornwall, uses a similar mask. Camilla. By the way, according to rumors, in connection with pregnancy in the beauty program Kate also included a variety of procedures for caring for body skin and preventing stretch marks.


Beauty secrets of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine According to the charter royal palace The Duchess cannot afford to appear in public with heavy makeup. Kate was already criticized a lot for the fact that on her wedding day with the prince William she heavily lined her eyes and wore too much mascara on her eyelashes. So now Kate prefers to limit herself to discreet gray and beige tones. Informed sources say that she most often does her own makeup (although this is hard to believe). Be that as it may, it is known for certain that Catherine is a big fan of the brand Bobbi Brown, loves mascara from Lancome and the famous concealer-highlighter Touche Eclat from YSL.

Beauty secrets of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine

Beauty secrets of the Duchess of Cambridge Katherine As part of her job, Prince William's wife has to constantly smile. So the orthodontist is another mandatory expense for members royal family. Didier Fillon(Didier Fillion) is reputed to be one of the most expensive craftsmen in the business. He made many people smile Hollywood stars. He didn’t have to “conjure” the teeth of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine for long; he only needed to use braces and special veneers to remove the “hole” between the front teeth and carry out several whitening procedures. Now the Duchess visits the dentist only once a year to maintain dazzling white teeth.

Beauty secrets of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine


Beauty Secrets of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine Before Marriage Kate Middleton I really loved the scents Jo Malone. But after she entered the royal family, she changed her preferences. Camilla advised her to listen to the scents of another British perfume house - Illuminum. And the obedient daughter-in-law changed her perfume preferences. And she even became a trendsetter. For example, aroma White Gardenia Petals from Illuminum with a sweet and sophisticated trail of nutmeg, ylang-ylang and jasmine, which she “wore” on her wedding day is still a bestseller. And in the UK it's one of the best-selling scents - even though she's pregnant Kate does not use any other perfume!

Kate Middleton is one of the new members of the English royal family. She does not have a noble origin, which did not stop her from charming the beloved grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince William. The biography of Kate Middleton has repeatedly attracted the attention of the press and public. A modest girl with impeccable taste, who managed to make the Duke fall in love with her, truly deserves everyone's attention. And at the age of 29, Kate Middleton joined the royal family.

  • Real name: Catherine Elizabeth Middleton
  • Date of birth: 01/09/1982
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Height: 175 centimeters
  • Weight: 60 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 61 and 89 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 40 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Brown, brown-haired.

Biography of our heroine

Kate Middleton was born into a family far from nobility. Her mother Carol worked as a flight attendant, and her father Mike was an air traffic controller. Katherine was not the only child; in addition to her, the family had two younger children: sister Phillippa and brother James. Her hometown is Reading, located in Berkshire.

Middleton is the Duchess's maiden name. After her marriage full name sounds like Catherine Mountbatten-Windsor. Her current title is Duchess of Cambridge.

The biography of this woman has several major milestones. First of all, getting an education. The future duchess and wife of the second-choice candidate for the English throne is brilliantly educated. While studying at the university she met her future husband. As the Duchess herself notes, she was able to win the prince’s heart by participating in a charity event and walking the catwalk.

Kate Middleton has never worked in her profession for a day. After graduating from university, she worked for Party Pieces, an organization founded by her parents that made them millionaires. The company was engaged in postal delivery of components holiday parties. Here the girl was actively involved in marketing, and also organized her own line of products called “First Birthdays.”

In addition to working at the family business, the girl worked at the Jigsaw company, getting a part-time job there. Afterwards, the future duchess intended to leave her job, taking up photography closely.

The story of how Kate and William met and created a family is worth special attention. Now she is completely immersed in her own family and children. Like other members of the royal family, she participates in social events. Also the Duchess, like many famous personalities does charity work.

Now Middleton is 36 years old, she is a brilliant socialite, a caring mother and loving wife. The princess is also famous for her impeccable taste and excellent figure, which allow her to look worthy of a royal family.

Royal education

Kate's education began at the age of three. Upon reaching it, the girl went to an English-speaking kindergarten. Returning to her hometown, she entered St. Andrews School. After graduating from school, she entered Marlborough College, where she studied until 2000. Before entering university, the Duchess took a break from her studies for one year.

During this year, Catherine visited Italy and Chile. She attended classes at the Florence British Institute and took part in various charitable activities. The girl went on a mini-trip around the Solent.

The year 2001 was marked by admission to a higher education institution - the University of St. Andrews, which is located in Fife. It was here that Catherine met her future husband, William. There she studied subjects majoring in art history.

During her studies, Kate Middleton's life did not revolve only around her studies. In addition to studying, the girl played hockey and was a participant in various charitable enterprises. At the same time, her affair with the grandson of the Queen of England began.

Wedding and family life

Kate and William's romance lasted quite a long time. In 2007, the separation was officially announced famous couple However, less than six months had passed before the lovers were reunited again.

On April 29, 2011, the wedding took place. And the crowned grandmother granted Catherine and William ducal titles.

There was a lot of noise around wedding dress princesses. Two dresses were prepared for the celebration: for the wedding and for the gala dinner. The dress that the Duchess wore to the wedding became scandalous. It was created by the Alexander McQueen fashion house, commissioned by Kate specifically for this event. However, Kristin Kendall later filed a lawsuit against this company, saying that this dress embodied her ideas and she considers it plagiarism. The conflict was settled without affecting the reputation of Alexander McQueen and the princess.

The marriage of the prince and princess produced three children: son George, daughter Charlotte and son Louis.

Despite the fact that Middleton does not have aristocratic roots, this is fully compensated by her education, sense of style and ability to behave in society.

Kate Middleton was born on January 9, 1982 in Reading. Father - Michael Francis Middleton, was an air traffic controller, and later became a pilot for British Airways. Mother - Carol Elizabeth (née Goldsmith), was a flight attendant. Mother's ancestors were miners in County Durham. Kate has a sister, Philippa Charlotte (Pippa, 1983) and a brother, James William (1987).

When Kate was two years old, she and her family moved to the capital of Jordan, where her father was transferred to work. The family lived there from 1984 to 1986. At the age of three, the future duchess attended a local English kindergarten. Returning home, Katherine went to St. Andrew's School, graduating in 1995. After school, she attended Marlborough College, where she played a lot of tennis, hockey and netball, and also did high jump. While studying at Marlborough College, Kate completed the Duke of Edinburgh's high level.

In 2000, having successfully passed exams in chemistry, biology and art, Middleton received a certificate of general education second level of difficulty, and took a year off from studying. During this year she visited Italy and Chile.

In 2001, Kate entered the most prestigious university in Scotland - St. Andrews. While studying at the Faculty of Art History, the future duchess played hockey for the university team and also participated in charity events. There she met her future husband, Prince

Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess of Cambridge(nee Catherine Elizabeth Middleton; eng. Catherine Elizabeth, Duchess of Cambridge, née Catherine Elizabeth Middleton) - wife of Duke William of Cambridge. The official title of the Duchess of Cambridge is Her Royal Highness Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn, Baroness Carrickfergus.

Place of Birth. Education. She was born on January 9, 1982 in the city of Reading in the English county of Berkshire in the family of Michael Francis Middleton and his wife Carol Elizabeth, née Goldsmith. The Middleton family does not belong to the British nobility: Michael comes from the middle class, and Elizabeth from ancient family Harrison coal miners from County Durham. The couple worked in civil aviation, Elizabeth was a flight attendant and Michael was an air traffic controller. They also have a middle daughter, Charlotte (Pippa), and younger son James William.

In May 1984, when Kate was two years old, she and her family moved to the capital of Jordan, where her father had been transferred to work. The Middletons lived there until September 1986. When Kate was three years old, she began attending an English kindergarten in Amman.

In 1987, the Middletons founded the parcel trading company Party Pieces, which successfully developed in the British market and made them millionaires. The family settled in their own house in the village of Bucklebury in Berkshire.

Upon returning to Berkshire, she entered St. Andrew's School in the village of Panborne in Berkshire, where she studied until 1995.

After this, the future princess moved to Marlborough College, a private educational institution in Wiltshire, where education is conducted jointly. At college, Kate played tennis, hockey and netball, and was involved in athletics - in particular, high jumping. While studying at Marlborough College, Kate also completed the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award.

After graduating from college in 2000, Kate did not go to university, taking a year off from studying. During this year, she visited two countries - Italy, where she studied at the Florence British Institute, and Chile, where she participated in a program for the charity Raleigh International. In addition, Kate managed to take a short cruise along the Solent. In 2001, Kate entered the prestigious University of St. Andrews in the Scottish region of Fife.

Kate graduated from the university without failing grades, receiving a bachelor's degree with second-class honors in 2005, majoring in art history. After that, she began working at Party Pieces, which was founded by her parents in 1987. The Middleton company delivers goods by mail for various holidays. In 2008, as part of her work at the company, Kate launched the First Birthdays project. In the family business, Kate was involved in catalog design, product photography and marketing campaigns.

Along with this, in November 2006, she began working part-time in the purchasing department of the Jigsaw chain of stores in London.

Relationship with Prince William. While studying at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, Kate met Prince William, the eldest son of Charles, Prince of Wales. Since 2002, Kate and William, already friends, rented a house in Fife, and since 2003, a country cottage. The beginning of their romantic relationship also dates back to this time. During their student holidays, Prince William and Kate traveled together several times, and in 2003, the girl was among a small number of close friends invited to the prince's twenty-first birthday.

In 2005, Kate graduated from the University of St. Andrews with a bachelor's degree and increasingly appeared in public with the prince. Then rumors appeared about their imminent engagement. But William began his studies at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, and Kate was invited to work in the purchasing department of the Jigsaw clothing chain. From that time on, she lived in the London area of ​​Chelsea.

Having received the unofficial status of the prince's girlfriend, Middleton began to often appear at events involving the royal family. On December 15, 2006, Kate and her parents were invited to the graduation ceremony at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, from which Prince William graduated, and which was also attended by the Queen and members of the royal family.

In 2007, Prince William went to a military training camp in Dorset, and Kate remained to live in London. These circumstances, as well as the growing pressure on Kate from journalists, were called among possible reasons Kate and William's separation, announced in April 2007.

In the summer of 2007, the media reported on the likely resumption of the romance between Kate and Prince William, since in June they attended a party together, organized in the military unit where the prince served. In July, Kate and William attended a gala concert in memory of Princess Diana, although official sources did not confirm rumors about the couple’s reunion.

It was subsequently indicated that Prince William and Kate decided to resume their relationship in August 2007.

Marriage. On November 16, 2010, Clarence House announced Prince William's engagement to Kate Middleton. On November 23, 2010 at 11:00 am the wedding date was announced.

On April 29, 2011, Catherine married the grandson of the British Queen Elizabeth II and second in line to the British throne, Prince William. The wedding took place in Westminster Abbey in London, to which 1,900 people were invited, including close friends, celebrities and politicians. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain granted the young couple the title of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

On July 22, 2013 at 16:24 local time, Catherine gave birth to a son, George Alexander Louis, Prince of Cambridge.

On May 2, 2015, the couple’s second child was born. At 08:34 local time, Catherine gave birth to a girl, as announced by Kensington Palace. The princess became fourth in line to the throne. William and Kate decided to name their daughter Charlotte Elizabeth. The girl received the title Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge.

On September 4, 2017, Kensington Palace announced that the Duke and Duchess are expecting their third child, due in April 2018. April 23, 2018 Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton gave birth to a boy.
