Famous couples who divorced after many years of marriage. Leonid Barats Leonid Barats divorced

Actor and director Leonid Barats is loved by many Russian audiences, thanks to the performances of the comic theater Quartet X, which he directs. Some comedies written by Baratz were filmed and became the property of the masses, and the actors gained enormous popularity among the people. Leonid prefers to be called Lesha - that’s what his parents wanted to name him, but at the last moment they chose his grandfather’s name. Until recently, Leonid Barats's wife was actress Anna Kasatkina.

They met when Leonid-Lyosha studied at the pop department of GITIS and got married in 1991. Anna was Lyosha’s faithful companion in all his creative endeavors and helped in the creation of the theater, which arose after her husband graduated from classmates at GITIS. When Baratz's scripts for the plays "Radio Day" and "Election Day" stood the test of time and it was decided to film them, she became one of the actresses in the films. In addition, she also starred in the comedies “What Men Talk About” and “What Else Men Talk About” together with her husband.

In 1994, she and Leonid had a daughter, who was named Elizaveta. Her younger sister Eva was born in 2003. Anna's main place of work is the Theater named after Lenin Komsomol. In an interview with journalists, both spouses said that their belief that family is above all else in a person’s life is something in which they are completely in agreement and therefore happy. Despite this, their almost 25-year-old family life ended in the fall of 2015.

Baratz hid the fact of his divorce from the public and the media for a long time, but when he was forced to answer questions from meticulous journalists, he said that he continued to have great respect and the warmest feelings for his wife, despite the separation. He added that Anna still remains an actress playing in his theater and behaves very decently in the current situation. Leonid refused to clarify the circumstances of the situation, briefly saying that “his heart is not free.”

It is unknown how daughters Leonid and Anna perceived the separation of their parents. Elizabeth, who is 21 years old, is currently studying at a London acting school. She has a boyfriend, and Lisa's parents approved of her choice between them after they met. After parting, they maintain friendly relations and together discuss the problems of raising their daughters. The youngest Eva is 12 years old and often needs support from both dad and mom when she has problems.

There is no talk of any property or similar litigation in this divorce. Two smart adults, most likely, decided all financial and other matters in agreement - amicably, with reasonable mutual concessions, so as not to traumatize the children and not give food to gossip and gossip. News that could become Russian media the reason for long sensational publications, remained a simple statement of fact. The ability to behave in a civilized manner in such circumstances is a special gift, characteristic only of strong and well-mannered people. Leonid Barats's ex-wife, no doubt, has it.

Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk

Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko

Marital experience: 10 years
Children: Matvey and Korney

For a long time, fans could not believe that this couple had broken up, and the couple themselves tried to restore the relationship, but nothing worked out. Even their common children did not help to hold the family together: in 2014, Klimova and Petrenko each set off on their own. Both quickly settled into a personal life and had children. Igor, as a true gentleman, chose not to talk about the reasons for the divorce, and Katya, already married to actor Gela Meskhi, broke the silence and said that it was all to blame for her husband’s infidelity. “If I hadn’t left then, what would have happened next would have been just some kind of complete tragedy. Trouble could definitely happen to me! I would get sick. Or maybe she would have died…” the actress confessed. But even these confessions did not erase the main thing: Catherine and Igor avoided risky steps in every possible way and in the end managed to part, if not as friends, then at least not as enemies. Although, taught by bitter experience, Klimova from now on avoids talking about her personal life in the press and sharing her happiness - lest she be jinxed.

Leonid Barats and Anna Kasatkina

Family experience: 24 years
Children: Elizaveta and Eva

The members of Quartet I should definitely be more careful with what they say on stage and play in films - much of what is said comes true. Following his hero, Barats decided to leave his wife. With actress Anna Kasatkina (in the film “What Men Talk About” she plays a woman who exclaims “Refused? Zhanna Friske?”), he maintained an excellent relationship, because the ex-spouses continue to work together. This is probably due to Kasatkina herself, who showed feminine wisdom. “I still have a very warm relationship with my ex-wife, despite the fact that we separated. Anna behaves decently in this situation, for which I am grateful to her, and I hope she can say the same about me,” Baratz admitted in an interview, who, by the way, managed to arrange his personal life. Soon after the divorce, he began an affair with another Anna, Moiseeva, with whom Leonid is happy to this day.

Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk

Marital experience: 25 years
Children: Sergey and Varvara
Grandchildren: Margarita and Vera

This union seemed ideal to everyone without exception: a famous director and a slender beauty, together from early youth and... forever? No one could have imagined that having become grandparents twice, Fyodor and Svetlana would plan to put another stamp in their passports. This couple has experienced a lot: the wild 90s, finding oneself in the profession, periods of success and lack of money, difficulties with children. Together they raised their son Sergei, together they fought for the health of their daughter Varvara, who was born premature and has developmental disabilities. The Bondarchuks were a real symbol of a strong marriage, and it seemed that after the silver one they would certainly celebrate a golden wedding. But it didn’t happen. The couple prefers not to talk about the reasons for the divorce, but the optimistic tone of the joint statement inspires respect. “With love and gratitude to each other for the years we have lived together, still remaining close people, maintaining mutual respect and love for our families, we, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk, announce: we have decided to divorce. The time we spent together was wonderful, but today our paths diverged - there are no conflicts, resentments or contradictions behind this fact. We stopped being a couple, but we remain friends,” the couple say. And in this sense, they have a lot to learn from. Now the ex-lovers are happy in a new relationship - actress and director Paulina Andreeva became Fyodor’s chosen one, and last fall Svetlana stopped hiding her affair with the director of the design agency Sergei Kharchenko.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan

Family experience: 21 years
Children: Alexandra and Ksenia

The news that the union of the beautiful actress and the talented director had broken up sounded like a bolt from the blue, despite the fact that both parties tried not to advertise this information as much as possible. Only secular gossips gossiped about the reasons for the separation of Alena and Tigran, themselves ex-spouses remained silent, not allowing themselves to attack each other. This is understandable: the couple, in addition to being one of the most beautiful in Russian cinema, was also distinguished by an intelligence that is rare for our time. Keosayan, already happy in other respects and having become a father twice, did not allow himself a single attack against Khmelnitskaya; although she gave interviews, she was as restrained as possible in her judgments. After the divorce, Alena decided to devote her life to her daughters - the eldest Alexandra, however, hardly needs her mother’s care, but the youngest Ksyusha, who was only three years old at the time of the divorce, is still very dependent on her mother. Now Keosayan is in a relationship with journalist Margarita Simonyan, with whom he had two children (the couple is preparing for the birth of their third child together), and his ex-wife found love in the person of businessman Alexander Sinyushin.

Yana Churikova and Denis Lazarev

Family experience: 8 years
Children: Taisiya

The married life of the popular TV presenter could be considered exemplary: Churikova lived with businessman Denis Lazarev for eight years, the couple together raised their common daughter Taisiya and Lazarev’s son from his first marriage. Yana spoke about her happiness in marriage in numerous interviews, not forgetting to add, however, that work is important to her. Having headed the MTV channel, Churikova plunged headlong into her career, and, by her own admission, sometimes forgot to leave her bossy tone in the office, using it with her family too. This is probably what caused the discord. However, now the ex-husband of Yana Churikova nobly spares the reputation of the mother of his child and refuses to be frank about the breakup. “Yana and I broke up a long time ago, everything was quiet and peaceful. Now everyone lives their own life. I don’t see the point in sharing details from the series, how, what and why happened, because this is our personal business,” Denis Lazarev said in an interview.

Sergei and Irina Bezrukov

Family experience: 15 years
Children: none in common

The union of Sergei and Irina Bezrukov was one of the most closed in Russian show business. In their few interviews, the couple preferred to talk about art and not talk about personal matters. Nevertheless, it was noticeable that Irina literally took care of her husband: she accompanied him on trips, helped him in his work, and when Sergei headed the Provincial Theater, she specially mastered the rare profession of a television commentator. Irina stoically ignored rumors surrounding her beloved person, and even when another scandal arose in the press, she supported Bezrukov in the courts for the protection of honor and dignity, which, by the way, he invariably won. In 2013, it became known that there was a reason for rumors (and more than one) - journalists managed to find out that Bezrukov has two illegitimate children from St. Petersburg actress Kristina Smirnova (the actor himself officially confirmed this information only in 2016). The news of the separation of Sergei and Irina came shortly after the tragic death of Bezrukova’s son from a previous marriage. But even at such a difficult moment, the actress did not allow herself to be criticized ex-husband, while remaining extremely correct. “I try to think positively, give myself the right attitudes. I strive to bring more harmony, joy and love into every day, just as my son Andrei wanted,” Irina comments on the changes in life. Irina has not yet said a word about her ex-husband’s new marriage with director Anna Matinson.

Elena Proklova and Andrey Trishin

Family experience: 30 years
Children: Polina

By announcing that she intended to file for divorce, actress and TV presenter Elena Proklova shocked not only her fans, but also her own husband. IN frank interview the star admitted that the relationship has outlived its usefulness, she and Andrei have long had different interests, they eat separately, live separately from each other in a large country house and generally exist more as neighbors than as spouses. The last straw, according to Proklova, was that Trishin did not approve of her passion for applied art - in her spare time, Elena paints bottles. Proklova was harsh in her assessments and did not restrain herself. “I understand that I’m probably an idiot for breaking up with a man after 30 years. We have everything in common - daughter, house, everyday life. But on the other hand... The most important thing has not been between us for a long time: having met, we do not run towards each other, but go to our rooms. We are not spouses, we are neighbors...” True, the divorce was never formally formalized, but the relationship, alas, was not restored.

Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin

Family experience: 30 years
Children: Maria and Katerina

The divorce of the president and the first lady can be called a model, and the spouses themselves in a joint interview called it civilized, and these words were repeatedly quoted by media around the world. As Vladimir Vladimirovich put it, his wife honestly “kept her watch,” and the separation is due to the fact that Lyudmila Aleksandrovna does not like publicity and no longer wants to fulfill the duties of the wife of the head of state. Indeed, after the divorce, Putin appeared before journalists only once at one of the cultural events and now avoids the press. According to some reports, she married businessman Arthur Ocheretny and is happy, while Vladimir Vladimirovich continues to be married to his work and he simply does not have time to organize his personal life. The ex-wife's relationship remained very touching: the president has repeatedly stated that he communicates closely with his daughters and ex-wife, and even expressed concern about her loneliness, complaining that she could breathe easy only when Lyudmila Alexandrovna entered into a new marriage.

Vladimir and Natalya Potanin

Family experience: 30 years
Children: Anastasia, Ivan, Vasily

The divorce of oligarch Vladimir Potanin came as a complete surprise not only to big country, but also for his wife Natalia. According to the woman, nothing foreshadowed such an ending, and she could not suspect her husband of intending to break off the relationship, even if she wanted to. The news of this took Natalya by surprise, and what happened next was completely reminiscent of a bad dream. Numerous courts did not allow the oligarch’s wife to obtain decent alimony for youngest son Vasily (the older children have grown up and provide for themselves), the issue of dividing property was also resolved long and painfully. What finally finished off Natalya was the news that Vladimir Potanin had gotten married and was raising a daughter in his new marriage. Thus, it became obvious that the reason for the collapse of the once strong and exemplary family was the emergence of a younger and more successful rival. It was not possible to keep a good face despite a bad game: defending her rights, Natalya Potanina gave a number of interviews in which she openly spoke about the tricks of her ex-husband. The businessman, however, maintained Olympic calm.

Alexandra Demidov was abandoned by her mother at the age of seven, and Kamil Larin made a living by selling juice and cognac

Alexandra Demidov was abandoned by her mother at the age of seven, and Kamil Larin made a living by selling juice and cognac

22 years ago, GITIS graduates - Leonid BARATS, Rostislav KHAIT, Kamil LARIN, Alexander DEMIDOV and Sergei PETREYKOV - created the Quartet I theater. For the first three or four years they subsisted on the money that Petreikov took from foreigners for renting his apartment. Soon their performances began to generate income.

However, along with success, almost each of the guys had problems in their personal lives. Some managed to cope with the crisis, while others started new families. And now the Quartet is in complete chocolate. The path to phenomenal success was thorny. The main milestones in the lives of fashionable artists are in our improvised alphabet.

"Agatha Christie"

Members of Quartet I appeared in the videos of this group more than once. For example, in "Sailor" Baratz And Khait played orderlies carrying a stretcher with the corpse of a sailor, and in “The Merry World” they played rioters in straitjackets.


It is generally accepted that this surname is derived from a Hebrew abbreviation, translated meaning “son of a righteous rabbi.” Leonid's father, by the way, is a journalist. And Lenya himself is not gay at all, as some thought after “Election Day,” but quite the opposite.


“Thanks to” this means of transportation, a ninth-grader Sasha Demidov lost my first love. I became close with Lenochka summer holidays. The girl, like him, came to the village to stay with relatives. He had his first kiss with this girl. Under the cover of darkness, the couple climbed into the barn, leaving their bicycles at the entrance. At first, Sasha and Lena looked at each other for a long time, then they touched their little fingers, then they hugged, and only at dawn Sasha tasted her lips. There was nothing left to get to the main thing, but milkmaids passed by the barn and, seeing the bikes, realized: the teenagers were causing debauchery inside. The powerful aunts almost broke down the door - the frightened Sanya held the defense as best he could and did not allow strangers to enter the barn. After this, Lenochka’s parents immediately took her home. They never saw each other again.

"Demidov BAND"

This is the name of Alexander’s musical project, created by him in 2011. The artist has been passionate about music for more than 20 years. The style in which he works is characterized as bard rock. Performs together with the group "Beavers".


Thanks to Michal Mikhalych, Slava Khait entered GITIS. The guy was poorly prepared, it was clear that he was flying over. Then father - Valery Khait, captain of the famous Odessa KVN team 1967 - 1970, - asked an old friend to put in a good word before admissions committee. And everything came together right away, of course.

Ginger tincture

In September, the freshmen were taken to the collective farm to harvest potatoes. There, childhood friends Khait and Barats found two new friends - Demidov and Larina. What brought them together was ginger bitters for 3.50, which the guys bought in the evenings in the nearest village. Sasha then got drunk for the first time. Sitting on the hand of the stone Lenin, he got drunk, fell on the asphalt, broke his face, and the next morning he began to tell everyone, pointing to bruises and scratches, that it was Barats and Khait who beat him. In retaliation, the next night, the boys took Sanya, who was sound asleep (after again ginger), straight from the bed to the women's toilet.

Red socks

Barats pulled them on when the school entrusted him with leading the prom. The boy thought he looked very cool in them. And Leonid borrowed the suit from his aunt’s husband. His friends still remember those stupid socks.


She saved schoolboy Barats from long lessons in music school. Before the lesson, Lenya ate the whole head and, entering the teacher’s office, began diligently breathing an unpleasant smell onto it. The teacher’s patience lasted only 15 minutes.


At the beginning of their theater business, the guys were constantly haunted by funny typos in newspapers and posters. For example, instead of the play “These are just cliches,” “Only pants” was indicated, “the comic theater “Quartet I” was called “commercial,” and the surname “Hait” was written with an “th.”

Shameful embarrassment

Thanks to this incident, Rostislav Khait became friends with Leonid Barats forever. This happened in second grade. “Sorry, I screwed myself,” Slava admitted in an interview, “and asked Lesha not to tell anyone about it, but to quickly call my mother so that she would come and pick me up. After which he ran to class and told all the kids about my embarrassment. Each one came in turn to look at me. This is how we got it Dovlatov said about his wife: “This is not love, but fate!”


Joseph Leonidovich, artistic director of the Moscow School of Modern Play theater, is a relative of Leonid Barats. Raikhelgauz also from Odessa..


The only props that were available in the household of the newly created “Quartet I”. The artists performed the number “Butterfly and Grasshopper”. When the spider threw a web on the butterfly, Khait, a grasshopper with a saber, jumped out. “Nothing special, but for some reason people laughed,” notes Rostislav.

Ballroom pianist

He was played by Leonid Barats in the 90s in the video of the group “Combination” for the song “Accountant”. Also, by the way, Lesha (that’s what Barats’ friends call him for some reason) appeared in the video “Ladoshki” in those years. Svetlana Roerich, where the young man flashed in the background Maxim Averin. And Kamil Larin “shone” about that time in the video “The boy wants to go to Tambov” Murat Nasyrova.

Black tuxedo for $500

At the beginning of his career, the artists chipped in and bought it (it was a lot of money back then) for Kamil, so that he could hold the wedding of some huckster there and at least earn something for the team. This was Larin’s first experience as an entertainer. Since then, the guys decided: we divide the money equally, even if we earn it separately. By the way, Kamil at one time also earned money by reselling juice and cognac to stalls - a friend from Armenia supplied him with cheap drinks.

Scars on the wrists

They stayed with Demidov and Barats in memory of the unsuccessful group suicide that Sasha and Lenya started to prove to their classmate friends - Sveta Pesotskaya And Anya Kasatkina how strong their feelings are. Fortunately, they didn’t get to the veins, but my hands were badly scratched and I had to walk around in bandages for several days.

"I forgive you!"

Demidov said these words four years ago to his own mother, who abandoned him at the age of seven. Sasha's parents separated shortly after his birth. The boy lived with his mother, grandmother and grandfather in Shadrinsk (200 km from Sverdlovsk). The old men drank heavily, and the boy was left to his own devices. After having breakfast with free whites and cocoa, which the grandmother sold, Sashka hung out on the street until late at night.

One day, a thin and dirty boy was accidentally met by another grandmother - on his father's side. She took Sasha to his father, who at that time worked as a policeman in Ryazan. Demidov somehow met with his own mother for a short time when he was already 12, then after a long break - in the mid-90s, having already become an artist. In those years, Alexander had many problems on the personal front; nervous breakdowns began to occur, after which he fell into depression for a long time. He saved himself with alcohol. In one of these difficult moments, he met with his mother and said: “I forgive you! And I don’t hold any grudges.” Then for the first time in many years he called her mom.


* The oldest of the “quartets” - Camille Larin. He is almost four years older than the others. And all due to the fact that before entering GITIS, he studied at the Volgograd Energy College.* For everyone, except Haita, two children each: Baratsa- daughters Lisa and Eva, Larin has sons Yan and Daniyar, Demidova- daughter Sofia and son Ignat. Even the director Petreykov in four marriages he had two daughters.* Leni Barats’ mother, Zoya Isaevna, who worked as a methodologist in a kindergarten for many years, taught Ksenia Sobchak make delicious cheesecakes, which she now treats her husband to Maxim Vitorgan for breakfast.* The most exemplary family man is Leonid Barats. With my wife Anna Kasatkina, who in the early years was also an actress of the Quartet I theater, met during the entrance exams at GITIS. “Seeing her in a gray tight-fitting short dress, I realized that we couldn’t be just friends,” recalls Baratz. Their marriage is 23 years old.


Vladimir POSNER:

- I adore Quartet I because they can joke phenomenally without smiling!


- They have confidence in their uniqueness, and this attracts!
November 6, 2016, 10:23 pm

One of the strongest couples in show business - actor Leonid Barats and actress Anna Kasatkina - was once a role model. The couple had been married for almost 25 years, but in October last year they unexpectedly announced their divorce.

The eldest daughter of A. Kasatkina and L. Barats, Lisa, got married last year.

The couple's youngest daughter is Eva Baratz

The artist found consolation after breaking up with his wife in the arms of a new girl - Odessa resident Anna Moiseeva. She was born and raised in Odessa. Anna also has a failed marriage with an Odessa businessman behind her. A psychologist by education. The girl is raising her son Oleg. In December, she will represent her native Ukraine at the Mrs. competition. Globe in China, on Hainan Island.

Leonid Barats: “Anya is from Odessa, I am from Odessa, we met in Odessa, in a common company. I would not say that the feelings were mutual right away. We met Anya when she was married and I was married...”

“I didn’t immediately pay attention to Leonid,” Anna shared. “And later I discovered how smart, interesting, and sincere he really is.” He spoke so directly and honestly about himself that at first I didn’t understand – was he joking or was it all true? I didn’t even immediately realize that he was courting me. A telephone conversation began between us, which developed into a feeling. True, it took me a while to realize all my emotions. And I am grateful to Leonid for his patience, wisdom and decency." According to Anna, it is these traits that lead her and Leonid through life. "Well, and my long legs, of course. Although he claims that I still have a lot good qualities", Anna jokes.

The divorce of Quartet I star Leonid Barats and his wife Anna Kasatkina came as a real surprise to the artist’s fans. The couple lived together for more than 20 years, but still decided to separate. Meanwhile, Leonid Barats did not remain lonely for long. Less than a year after the divorce, the actor was able to find new love.

Leonid Barats and his new wife: the life of an actor with his ex-wife

Barats received the name Leonid in honor of his great-grandfather, but initially his parents wanted to name him Alexey. And he still can’t come to terms with his real name. While still studying at GITIS, Alexey met his future wife, then aspiring actress Anna Kasatkina (she later starred in three of her husband’s films). In 1991, Alexey and Anna registered their relationship. They lived together for more than 20 years, but in 2015 it became known that their family had broken up.

However, the former spouses were able to keep friendly relations, because they are connected not only by years of marriage, but also by children: 21-year-old Elizabeth and 12-year-old Eva. The girls, like their parents, are passionate about the acting profession. But what will come of this, Alexey is not yet ready to judge.

The eldest daughter Lisa studied for 2 years at GITIS. And now she has entered the acting department in London (Elizabeth lives in England with her husband Ben). She is a beautiful, charming girl, but in terms of acting - whether she will be able to do this is still difficult to say. And if we talk about the youngest, she is still only 12 years old. Eva is good. She sings beautifully and plays the piano. Like any girl who grew up in an acting family, she has very little chance of going in any other direction. After the divorce from Anna, many of Alexei’s fans perked up - he was an enviable bachelor. But in vain the actor’s heart is already occupied.

Leonid Barats and his new wife: meeting Anna

Actor, member of Quartet I Leonid Barats is dating Odessa resident Anna Moiseeva. The couple tried not to advertise their relationship for a long time, so journalists wondered whether the actor had found a new soul mate after his divorce from his wife Anna Kasatkina a year ago.

Anna was born and raised in Odessa. Anna also has a failed marriage with an Odessa businessman behind her. A psychologist by training. The girl is raising her son Oleg.

According to Barats, he has maintained relations with Moiseeva for more than two years.

“We met Anna a long time ago, in a common company, it seems about ten years ago. Later we just started communicating, often talking on the phone. So a platonic telephone romance gradually began. Anna is very good, smart, beautiful, feminine. We maintain relations in two cities, I am in Moscow, she is in Odessa. But it’s even easier this way, because at a distance we miss each other with pleasure,” said the actor.

“I didn’t immediately pay attention to Leonid,” Anna shared. “And later I discovered how smart, interesting, and sincere he really is.” He spoke so directly and honestly about himself that at first I didn’t understand – was he joking or was it all true? I didn’t even immediately realize that he was courting me. True, it took me a while to realize all my emotions. And I am grateful to Leonid for his patience, wisdom and decency.” According to Anna, it is these traits that lead her and Leonid through life. “Well, and my long legs, of course. Although he claims that I still have many good qualities,” Anna jokes.

On this moment Leonid and Anna have not yet gotten married.

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