Summer vacation drawings in pencil. How to draw summer? Advice for young artists

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This summer has been truly strange. I practically haven't left the house, I've been I didn’t see my friends and almost never during the whole summer picked up the guitar. I was busy with other things. It truly captured all my attention, I plunged headlong into my new hobby! I stopped sleeping at night because night is that short period of time when you are truly free and belong only to yourself. Night is a time of magic. And I really did make magic all summer. I drew pictures with a pencil!

When I started drawing, a boundless world of flights of fancy opened up in front of me. A world in which I was both God and king. In which I decided who would bloom and who would wither. Who to rule and who to be subject to? This is my world, which I myself invented and transferred to paper every night. This is a world in which there are no standards, laws of physics, criminal code or morality. This is the world which I want to see or the world in which I'm afraid to live. These are people who were once dear to me, but also those whom I hated all my life. Drawings are not just art. Drawings are a whole life. And a pencil is a magical tool that transfers all my dreams and fantasies to paper. Giving them life and the right to exist, when some other thoughts disappear forever from my memory - what I draw remains with me forever.
I've been drawing all summer. I discovered this new world and after that I have mine old life seemed boring and pointless. Call me a fanatic? Psycho? So be it. Everyone has his own path. It may be more pleasant for you to live in cages and hear every day through the box that you are free. But it’s more pleasant for me to be a “psycho” who creates his own world, writes his own history. Who decides what will happen tomorrow. And unlike you, I am able to fix my world. After all, all I need for this is an eraser. And you have destroyed your world so much that nothing and no one can save it. And when you meet someone who does not live by the imposed rules, you simply cannot forgive him for it. You can't understand why he's not like everyone else? Why doesn't he walk in the same herd with you? And you start to get angry because you yourself are not capable of it. And I am capable. Because I am an artist. And my world has no boundaries. And your world consists only of them.
All summer I did nothing but draw pictures with a pencil. This is exactly how I spent the summer. And do you know what I'll tell you? It was best summer in my life. Even though I ended up in a mental hospital this summer.

How to draw a summer landscape step by step? If you asked this question, then most likely it’s already summer outside your window, and you don’t even remember the cold, long nights.

Today we will learn to draw, let's get started!

Stage 1
Our landscape will be quite standard; it will consist of a piece of a house, trees and a narrow path.

Let's start with home. By lightly pressing the pencil, we outline the building with perspective lines extending into the distance beyond the horizon.

Stage 2
According to the laws of perspective, we outline the windows and their frames. Please note that we are only depicting a small part of the building on paper, so the top window is not completely visible.

Stage 3
Now it's time for the path and trees. We draw three trees, you can read about how to work with trees. We also depict a winding path going to the center of the horizon.

Stage 4
We continue to detail the vegetation of our summer landscape. We draw more trees and use careless strokes to depict their foliage.

Try not to press too hard on the pencil, because you may have to redraw something or you will later paint over the drawing with watercolors or gouache.

Stage 5
Let's put on paper the most important attributes of summer. Namely, a cat and flowers. In the foreground, right on the path, we depict a cat. You don't have to get too detailed at this step, just sketch out the basics.

We plant flowers nearby, again, no need to draw them in too much detail. We don't need this for now.

Stage 6
So, it's time to erase all the lines drawn in pencil and trace them with a pen. The building needs to depict the relief of the boards, we work on the bark and foliage.

In the foreground we are working on the grass, cat and flowers. Also, don't forget about the grass in the background. The farther a piece of land is from us, the less grass there should be - this is the law of cartoons :)

Already at this step our landscape looks very impressive, and we haven’t even started coloring it yet!

Of course, you can get rid of the elements you don't like. For example, it is not necessary to depict flowers or trees. Experiment and come up with something of your own :)

Stage 7
The final step is coloring, so find some colored pencils or paints.

We paint almost all the grass and path. The area behind the house will turn out a little darker than the rest of the picture, since less light falls there.

The right side of the trunks will be darker than the left, because the source of light, that is, the sun, will be on the left.

We are finishing all the grass and trunks. Also, use darker shades to depict the shadow on the path falling from the trees. Well, don’t forget about the furry animal...

We plant the foliage and start working on the background. The top of the head behind the horizon should be painted a slightly different shade of green, this will give the picture a more expressive effect.

Our sky, accordingly, is blue, the closer to the horizon, the brighter it is.

Finally we paint the house and flowers and our drawing is ready!

Also, there are other options for drawing summer landscapes:

Draw a picture about summer vacation - this homework students receive primary classes from an art teacher. The task is not difficult, but there are so many impressions that the little artist himself cannot decide what to depict. Help him remember the brightest event of the summer holidays - this will be the plot of the drawing.

Drawing on the topic How I spent my summer at sea

These summer holidays did you spend time at sea with your child? Feel free to prepare a picture with marine motifs.

Visually divide the sheet of paper into two parts: top – sky, bottom – sea. Sketch clouds floating across the sky, screaming seagulls, low waves crashing against the side of a sailboat. In the foreground is the figure of a child. Here he stands, joyfully spreading his arms, as if he wants to embrace this boundless blue. Make a sketch with a pencil, then use watercolor, and outline the contours with felt-tip pens. The drawing is simpler - a blue-green sea, yellow sand on the shore and in the distance the silhouettes of swimming dolphins.

Drawing on the theme How I spent the summer in the village

An excellent option, as there is room to show your imagination. Most likely, you not only swam, sunbathed, went for berries and mushrooms, but also helped your grandmother with the housework - weeding and watering the beds, carrying water from the well, feeding the pets. Draw it like this and you will get an instructive drawing on a summer theme. Let the child draw himself in the center of the picture, around there are flowers, butterflies fluttering above them, behind, closer to the horizon - a small house with a porch, a chimney, open windows. Add to this a kitten that rubs against the legs of a cheerful guest, a flock of birds circling in the heights - and the sketch is ready.

Drawing on the theme How I spent my summer - a walk in the forest

The forest is a fascinating subject for painting, because when you go to your dacha, you probably go with your child to the nearby copse. And there are hundred-year-old trees with their tops rising into the air, anthills under spreading fir trees, a nimble squirrel jumping from branch to branch and a bright orange sun peeking out from behind the prickly green pine trees - all this is drawn simply and even a first-grader can do.

Drawing on the topic How I spent the summer at a sports camp

If a child was on vacation at a children's summer camp, he also has something to remember, and therefore to sketch. As a rule, children enjoy such camps - they participate in relay races, creative competitions, and go to day hikes, looking for treasures, fighting in the lightning of the night. And the rest of the time they run, play, communicate with peers. What's not a suitable subject for a picture?

Drawing on the topic How I spent the summer in the city

Due to circumstances, your child spent the whole summer in the city, but you went with him to the zoo, went to nature, caught minnows in a forest lake, watched amazing birds in the sparrow park, fed the animals at the ostrich farm. Recreate your memorable trip on paper, and the task will be completed.

There are many options for summer-themed pictures, what to draw - if possible, let the child decide, all you have to do is help with the execution technique and drawing complex details.

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In the midst of winter, we usually dream of summer. Therefore, today we will draw summer with a pencil step by step; even children will master this lesson. Most people associate summer with vacation, and vacation usually means a trip to the south. What is the south without the sea and the beach?

As you may have guessed, we will not just draw summer with a pencil, but will depict a whole summer beach with a palm tree and the sea.

We take out a piece of paper, a pencil and begin the first stage of drawing.

Step 1. In the lower left corner we will draw a sketch of the embankment. It will be a large rock with a crack.

Step 2. Let's draw the contours of the palm leaves a little higher. As you can see, everything is simple. If you draw with a child, then he should not have any difficulties during the lesson. Let's move on to the next stage.

Step 3. To finish with the palm tree, let's add a couple of arched lines to our summer drawing. Thus, we drew a tree trunk. We will draw several dashed lines on the trunk, which will give the palm tree a natural look.

Step 4. Now for our summer, let's draw a wavy curve on the left. This will be the bush that is located behind the palm tree. Happened? Go ahead.

Step 5. Let's move on to drawing a summer beach. In the figure we depict the maritime boundary between the sea and the beach with a curved line. We draw mountain ranges on the horizon, which is very typical for the southern regions.

Step 6. Drawing the sky. To do this, let's draw several clouds. Make sure that they are all different shapes, so they will look more natural.

Step 7 We finish drawing summer. We add a laid out towel and an umbrella to the beach.

Step 8 Now all that remains is to erase the errors during the work, outline the main contours and add small strokes to the drawing. The summer drawing is ready.

And, as usual, now let's give the drawing more life. To do this, we paint our creativity in different colors. It turned out to be quite beautiful to draw summer.

This concludes the lesson. It turned out to be not so long and difficult.

If you drew summer with children, then they probably got great pleasure from the simplicity of the lesson and the beauty of the final result.

Here is another small and simple lesson for children, which shows how to draw summer on a desert island. All you need is an island and a palm tree.

How did you like drawing a picture about summer in winter? What about your children? Be sure to write in the comments.
