Safety rules in the summer. Summer holidays: safety precautions

1. General requirements safety during the summer holidays
1.1. This safety instruction for students during the summer holidays has been compiled for the purpose of providing instruction to students in grades 1-11.
1.2. Completion of this safety instruction applies to the summer holidays and is mandatory for all students educational institution.
1.3. The main hazards that can lead to injury are:

  • breaking the rules traffic;
  • violation of electrical safety rules;
  • violation of fire safety rules, including playing with fire;
  • violation of personal safety rules;
  • violation of the rules of personal hygiene and health protection (drinking raw water, etc.).
  • sunburn and solar heatstroke;
  • playing with unknown objects that have been lying in the ground for a long time;
  • tick bite;
  • boating without adult supervision;
  • independent hikes in the forest and mountains;
  • long stay near the computer, computer gaming addiction;
  • taking medications without a doctor's prescription;
  • smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages.

1.4. While on the street, when crossing the roadway, you must be careful and attentive, follow the Traffic Rules, and remember the safety instructions for the summer holidays for schoolchildren.
1.5. You should follow safety rules when walking in the forest and near bodies of water:

  • It is strictly prohibited to light fires in the village and forest areas;
  • Swimming is allowed only in specially designated places and in warm weather;
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries.

1.6. It is necessary to take care of your health, observe time restrictions when tanning and while swimming.
1.7. When outdoors, you should wear a hat to avoid sunstroke. On hot days, when the air temperature is significantly elevated, you should stay indoors or in the shade most of the time to avoid heatstroke.
1.8. You must be careful when in contact with electrical appliances, follow safety precautions when turning on and off the TV, electric iron, kettle and other household electrical appliances.
1.9. Safety precautions should be strictly observed when using gas appliances.
1.10. Time limits must be observed when watching TV and working on the computer.
1.11. It is strictly prohibited to visit tractor crews, garages, and farms without adult supervision.
1.12. You should be attentive and careful when handling pets.
1.13. It is strictly prohibited to be on the street unaccompanied by an adult. evening time after 23.00 hours.
1.14. It is necessary to lead leisure compliant with standards healthy image life.
1.15. If any student is injured, a witness to the incident must immediately report this to an adult and immediately call an ambulance.
1.16. It is necessary to comply with the provisions of this safety instructions for the summer holidays for students, comply, if necessary, with its rules and requirements.

2. Safety requirements before the start of the summer holidays
2.1. All gymnasium students must write down the start and end dates of the summer holidays in their diaries.
2.2. All high school students are required to write down their class schedule for the first day of school after the summer holidays.
2.3. All students at an educational institution must undergo instruction and sign for completion in the appropriate journal.
2.4. During the summer holidays, each student must comply with the Traffic Rules, fire and electrical safety rules, personal sanitation and hygiene rules.
2.5. Conducting briefings during the summer holidays for children (students) must be recorded in the Briefing Journal and kept by class teacher each class.

3. Safety requirements during the summer holidays.
3.1.1. It is important to plan a safe route to your destination in advance and always use it. You should choose well-lit streets and avoid walking past deserted plots of land, alleys and construction sites. It's always better to take the long way if it's safer.
3.1.2. You need to know your area well: you should definitely find out which shops, cafes, restaurants and other institutions are open until late, where the nearest police station, law enforcement stronghold, reception room of the local inspector, security post, etc. are located.
3.1.3. You should not show off or show off expensive jewelry or clothes or a cell phone; you should hold your bags tightly.
3.1.4. If there is no pedestrian sidewalk near the roadway, you should walk towards the traffic, in this case you will be able to see approaching cars.
3.1.5. If you suspect that someone is deliberately following you, you should cross the street and head to the nearest well-lit area. You need to quickly walk or run to any house, store or stop. If possible, call the police immediately.
3.1.6. If strangers try to take you away by force, you should resist by any means available, scream loudly and call for help: “Help! A stranger is taking me away!”
3.1.7. It is strictly forbidden to agree to any proposals from unknown adults.
3.1.8. It is strictly forbidden to go anywhere with unfamiliar adults or get into a car with them.
3.1.9. You should not invite unfamiliar children to your home if there are no adults at home.
3.1.10. It is not allowed to play outside in the dark.
3.1.11. It is strictly forbidden to travel using passing transport; you must move away from any transport that stops near you.
3.1.12. You should always tell your parents who you went with and where you went, when you will return; if you are delayed, you need to call and notify your parents about it.
3.1.13. You should always follow the rules of safe behavior on the roads that you learned at school, these rules safety instructions for children during the summer holidays.

3.2.1. You should cross the roadway only in specially designated places: at a pedestrian crossing or when the traffic light is green.
3.2.2. You can cross the street only in designated places, using traffic lights or at a pedestrian crossing.
3.2.3. If there is no traffic light on the street, you need to assess the situation on the road: look to the left, then to the right.
3.2.4. Having started to cross the roadway, you should not linger or get distracted; if you do not have time to complete the crossing, you must linger on the line dividing the flow of vehicles.
3.2.5. If there is no pedestrian sidewalk along the roadway, you need to walk along the side of the road towards the traffic, in this case you will be able to see approaching cars.
3.2.6. You only need to wait for the vehicle at landing sites or on the sidewalk.
3.2.7. It is strictly forbidden to throw bottles, stones or any other objects onto the roadway at passing vehicles.
3.2.8. It is strictly prohibited to play, ride bicycles, scooters near the roadway or railway track.
3.2.9. As follows from the Road Traffic Rules, driving a bicycle on the roadway is permitted to persons over 14 years of age, and driving a moped is permitted to persons over 16 years of age. Remember this!
3.2.10. While on railway tracks and when crossing them, you should be especially careful; you need to look around carefully to see if there are any trains running on adjacent tracks.
3.2.11. Strictly prohibited:

  • hail a person crossing the road;
  • cross the road in front of nearby vehicles;
  • play near a transport highway;
  • use a mobile phone while crossing the roadway.

3.2.12. Follow and remember the rules of behavior on the road, the requirements of this instruction before the summer holidays.

3.3.1. Persons over 14 years of age are allowed to ride a bicycle on the road;
3.3.2. Riding a bicycle on the roadway is permitted only in the far right lane in one row;
3.3.3. Cyclists are required to give way to other vehicles moving on the roadway.
3.3.4. When riding a bicycle on roads and streets with vehicular traffic, the following rules must be observed:

  • You should only use a bicycle that is suitable for your height;
  • It is not allowed to transport objects that interfere with the operation of the bicycle;
  • It is strictly forbidden to ride a bicycle together, without a bell and with a faulty brake;
  • It is not allowed to let go of the bicycle handlebars;
  • It is not allowed to make a left turn on the road;
  • It is strictly forbidden to ride a bicycle close to moving vehicles or cling to passing vehicles.

3.3.5. Cyclists are strictly prohibited from:

  • drive without holding the steering wheel with your hands;
  • carry a passenger on an additional seat;
  • turn left.

3.4.1. While on railway tracks and when crossing them, you should be especially careful, you need to look around to see if trains are running on adjacent tracks;
3.4.2. You should be careful, contact networks are under voltage of 3300 volts and touching the wires and parts of the contact network and electrical equipment of electric trains is life-threatening and causes electric shock with serious consequences.
3.4.3. Strictly prohibited:

  • crawl under railway rolling stock;
  • climb over automatic couplers between cars;
  • running along the passenger platform next to an arriving or departing train;
  • arrange various outdoor games on or near railway tracks;
  • board and (or) disembark while the train is moving;
  • cling to passing railway vehicles, ride on running boards.

3.5.1. Only use well-lit and frequently used stops.
3.5.2. It is best to sit next to the driver's cabin on a bus, trolleybus or tram.
3.5.3. While in transport you are not allowed to fall asleep; you must always be vigilant.
3.5.4. In the subway and at electric train stops, you should stand behind the markings from the edge of the platform.
3.5.5. While waiting for transport, you must stand with other people or near the information booth.
3.5.6. You should always be vigilant about those people who get off the trolleybus, bus, tram, metro with you or put you on the transport, you need to carefully watch your pockets, you should keep your bag in front of you. If you feel uncomfortable, you should go straight to a crowded place.

3.6.1. In places of public recreation, drinking alcoholic beverages, using obscene words and smoking are strictly prohibited! You must always be polite with peers and adults. You should not enter into conflict situations.
3.6.2. When going to a cinema or stadium, you should not take bulky bags or briefcases with you, they can get in your way in the crowd. Your clothes should be comfortable and inexpensive. The desire to protect expensive clothing can run counter to safety requirements.
3.6.3. Safety rules at a concert, stadium, cinema:

  • It is best to purchase tickets with seats located close to the exits, but not on the aisles;
  • it is necessary to arrive at places of public recreation in advance to avoid crowds at the entrance;
  • when entering the hall, you are not allowed to approach doors and fences, especially on stairs - you may be pressed hard against them;
  • at concerts, you should avoid being in the front rows: this is where the sound is loudest, tiring and dulls the reaction, this is where fans of artists usually accumulate, and this is where the riots begin;
  • Having taken your place, you must immediately assess the possibility of getting to the exit. You should consider whether you can do this in the dark;
  • If riots break out in the hall, you should immediately leave the premises without waiting for the end of the concert. Crowd control is an unpredictable matter; one should not shout or enter into conflicts;
  • if you find yourself in a crowd, under no circumstances allow yourself to be knocked down, be careful not to stumble - you will no longer be able to get up;
  • you need to stay in the middle of the stream of people, you should not seek protection from walls and fences - you can be strongly pressed and injured;
  • you should not take active actions, you must keep your arms bent at the elbows, protecting chest from being squeezed, let the crowd carry you;
  • if you do fall, you should group yourself as much as possible, protecting your head with your hands;
  • After leaving the building, you should go home along a roundabout route to avoid repeated crowding when entering the metro or boarding another transport.

3.7.1. It is strictly forbidden to open doors from your apartment to strangers, enter into conversation with them and agree to their proposals.
3.7.2. When opening the entrance doors of your apartment, you should make sure that there are no people unknown to you on the landing.
3.7.3. It is not allowed to leave notes on the door of your apartment, which say which of your loved ones has gone where.
3.7.4. It is strictly forbidden to enter an unlit building entrance or elevator without the accompaniment of an adult with strangers or unfamiliar people.
3.7.5. When playing outside, you must not climb into the basements of buildings or abandoned cars.
3.7.6. It is not allowed to play in deserted and unlit places (forest, park).
3.7.7. You should not enter into conflict with a noisy company or with drunk people.
3.7.8. It is strictly forbidden to get into vehicles that are unfamiliar to you.
3.7.9. It is always necessary to warn parents, grandmothers, and acquaintances about your location and time of return.
3.7.10. You should find out the phone numbers of your parents, grandmothers, and acquaintances, where you can contact them urgently.
3.7.11. You should not overcool; you must remember that if you have flu symptoms, it is better to stay at home for a few days than to then treat complications of ARVI and flu for a long time.
3.7.12. You should not overheat; you must remember that being in the open sun without a hat can cause heat or sunstroke.
3.7.13. It is strictly forbidden to take any pills or medications on your own.
3.7.14. It is strictly prohibited to use electrical appliances, play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and bladed weapons, and ammunition.

To avoid an accident, you must follow the following precautions on the water:
3.8.1. You should not go to bodies of water (lake, river, sea) alone without adult supervision.
3.8.2. Swimming is only possible in designated areas.
3.8.3. It is not allowed to enter the water without knowing the depth of the bottom.
3.8.4. While walking along the shore of a reservoir, you need to carefully look at your feet so as not to accidentally step on glass shards and other sharp objects.
3.8.5. It is not allowed to enter the water at dusk or when visibility is poor.
3.8.6. It is strictly prohibited to ride on boats and other watercraft alone without adult supervision.
3.8.7. It is necessary to be able to provide first emergency first aid.
3.8.8. In the event of an emergency, adults should be notified immediately.
3.8.9. During prolonged exposure to the sun, you should increase the amount of drinking water consumed.
3.8.10. Students when familiarizing themselves with targeted instruction for students before the summer holidays you need to know for sure
child safety rules on water during the summer holidays.

3.9.1. It is strictly forbidden to go into the forest nomu unaccompanied by adults.
3.9.2. You should have with you and be able to use a compass; you are not allowed to go into the forest in rainy or cloudy weather.
3.9.3. When going into the forest, you need to wear rubber boots, trousers or sweatpants, tucked into your boots, this will protect you from snake and insect bites.
3.9.4. When in the forest, you should wear a hat and cover your neck and arms to prevent ticks.
3.9.5. You should make your way through bushes and thickets carefully, smoothly moving the branches apart and smoothly lowering them.
3.9.6. It is strictly forbidden to smoke and light fires in the forest, in order to avoid fire, it is not allowed to leave garbage behind, as empty bottles and fragments may cause a fire.
3.9.7. During a forest fire you need to be careful high temperature, smoke, falling of burnt trees and sinkholes in burnt soil.
3.9.8. Strictly observe in the forest
rules for children's behavior in nature , remember the summer holiday safety instructions for students.

3.10.1. It is not allowed to feed or touch other people's dogs, especially while eating or sleeping. Any tail wagging should not be considered a sign of friendliness. Sometimes this can indicate a completely unfriendly attitude of the animal.
3.10.2. You should avoid approaching big dogs guard breeds. Some of them are trained to rush at people approaching a certain distance.
3.10.3. It is strictly forbidden to run away from the dog.
3.10.4. Shouldn't do sudden movements when handling the dog or the dog's owner. The animal may decide that you are threatening its owner and attack you.
3.10.5. It is not allowed to touch puppies if their mother is nearby, and you should not take away what the dog is playing with.
3.10.6. If in a narrow place (for example, in an entrance) a dog comes towards you on a leash, you need to stop and let its owner pass.
3.10.7. It should be remembered that animals can be carriers of diseases such as rabies, lichen, plague, etc.
3.10.8. Rules for handling animals are mandatory included in instructions for children during the summer holidays in order to ensure their safety and preserve the health of children when in contact with animals.

3.11.1. It is strictly forbidden to touch electrical wires and electrical appliances with wet hands.
3.11.2. When leaving home, you should always check that all electrical appliances are unplugged.
3.11.3. Do not remove the plug from the electrical outlet by pulling the cord.
3.11.4. It is strictly forbidden to approach broken electrical wires closer than 30 steps.
3.11.5. It is strictly prohibited to touch power line supports.
3.11.6. It is strictly prohibited to use faulty electrical appliances and electrical sockets.

3.12.1. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules for using gas stoves; it is not allowed to leave the gas on unattended.
3.12.2. It is strictly forbidden for children to use matches, lighters, or start a fire at home.
3.12.3. It is strictly forbidden to use matches and turn on the gas yourself without adults (for students in grades 1-4).

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations.
4.1. In the event of a fire hazard (smoke, burning smell), you must immediately call the fire brigade by calling 101.
4.2. If you smell gas, it is strictly forbidden to turn on the lights and light matches. You should immediately ventilate the room and call the gas emergency service by calling 104.
4.3. In the event of any emergency, if you are at home alone, you should immediately contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations by calling 101 and tell the operator about your problem.
4.4. You must be able to provide emergency first aid:

  • in case of a cut: cover with a clean cloth soaked in iodine, do not wash under running water;
  • in case of poisoning: urgently rinse the stomach big amount boiled water;
  • in case of frostbite: rub the frostbitten areas with a dry warm cloth, give the victim several glasses of warm liquid to drink;
  • for bruises: immobilize the limb and apply cold.

In all of the above cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

5. Safety requirements after the end of the summer holidays.
5.1. Collect your briefcase according to the lesson schedule for the first day of school.
5.2. Complete repeated life safety briefings at school, with a mandatory mark in the appropriate log.
5.3. This safety instruction for the summer holidays for gymnasium students can be supplemented with other sections in order to ensure the safety of schoolchildren during their holidays during the summer holidays.


10 rules for keeping children safe in summer

Summer is a wonderful time for relaxation: fun games, hikes in the forest, swimming and getting a great tan. But at the same time, summer is a time when danger lurks in the water, in the forest, on the beach, on sports and playgrounds, especially for younger children school age and preschoolers, for whom these rules of safe behavior are intended. Perhaps it will be more interesting for children to get to know them if they are not presented in a standard way.
Summer safety rules for children poetic form will be useful for teachers primary classes, teachers of older and preparatory groups, teachers in holiday camps, parents.

Target: study of life safety rules in the summer.
- learn basic summer safety rules;
- develop memory;
- develop the ability to apply knowledge of the rules in life.

Rule one
Not everything that looks good is edible

The berry is beautiful, I want to pick it,
Answer, is it possible to put it in your mouth?
Don't look at what's bright, it attracts the eye,
What if he, an insidious poison, lurks in the berry?
Study the plant, find out everything about it,
If it's safe, harvest it.

Rule two
Be careful with insects

Here is a bee diligently collecting honey,
Nearby a wasp buzzes like a helicopter,
A bumblebee scurries around in a leaf, drinks sweet nectar,
Gadflies are attracted to a sun tan.
Treat them calmly, hold your hands,
You better run to a safe place,
Well, if you didn’t have time, you got a bite,
You can reel off the procedure:

Rinse the bite with water, take out the sting,
Don't forget about the cold compress,

And also keep an eye on your well-being -
Maybe it's an allergy, don't overlook it,
Turn to an adult, share your troubles,
You have mastered the simple rules firmly.

Rule three
Protect yourself from the sun

In summer the sun is hot, it's good to walk,
Swimming or sunbathing,
But it, insidious, can punish,
If you don’t know the very necessary rules:
It would be better to sunbathe in the sun in the morning -
The known truth is, in general, old,
Or before the evening to be friends with the sun,

At noon you need to go into the cool shade.
You should always have a hat with you,
Otherwise it might just be too much
Don't forget sunscreen too
And then you can escape from many troubles.

Rule four
Swim under the supervision of an adult

A warm, transparent wave rustles,
A school of nimble fish is visible under water,
I want to swim so much, the water is calling me -
Carefully! Trouble is hiding under the water!
Do not go into the water without adult supervision.
You better sit on the beach with the kids,
After all, water is treacherous, don’t trust it,
Play with dad and mom on the water,
Don't swim behind the buoys and watch the circle -
Only by the shore can he be your friend,
And you can’t be naughty in the water - it’s prohibited,
Don't ruin your festive summer.
Caution is the main rule, my friend,
Be sure to learn this lesson.

Rule five
Wear protective equipment

Birthday party. And there is a gift:
Can you get in the saddle now this summer?
Or stand on rollerblades, ride a skateboard,
And then set your own personal record.
Just put on your helmet first and protect your elbows
And knees, and then roll to the finish line.
Very complex injuries can occur
If you neglect the equipment here.

Rule six
Choose safe games and sites

Don't play on the road, or next to it,
Leave sidewalks for passers-by to walk on.
A yard or playground is suitable for playing.
Everyone needs to adhere to this order.
Avoid the construction site: it’s dangerous to play there,
Don't joke with the horizontal bars or the pool, okay?
And from the swing, be on the “you” side: swing, but in moderation,
Don't try to pierce our atmosphere.
You need to take care of your life and health too,
Evaluate the safety of playing areas more strictly.

Rule seven
Wash your hands before eating

Don’t forget to wash your hands, vegetables and fruits,
There’s food from the market, my friend, you can’t, hold your hands,
And take wet wipes when going outside,
So as not to swallow bitter pills later.
After all, “diseases of dirty hands” are just grief,
Suddenly you end up in the hospital, you won’t see the sea.
To avoid infections, you need to be clean,
Friends, have you already joined the “Clean Hands Club”?

Rule eight
Dress according to the weather and situation

If you are going to the forest, wear the right clothes
Be able to choose, my friend, if you are not ignorant:
Put on long trousers, keep your shoes closed,
The sleeves of the shirt are also not forgotten.
An ambush awaits you there every day:
A regiment of ticks, they will be very glad to see you,
You will be able to protect yourself from dangerous ticks,
So that later regrets are not in vain.

Rule nine
Find a safe shelter during thunderstorms and lightning

If thunder rumbles loudly, lightning flashes,
Stay at home, don’t go out - let them scare themselves,
Close the windows and doors so that there is no draft,
Turn off all devices so as not to cause any damage.
If a thunderstorm suddenly catches you in the forest,
Let the thickets of bushes save you,
And don’t stand under the oak tree: it will become dangerous,
He will be a wonderful guide for the storm.
Put away everything that is made of metal,
Turn off your phone so you don't get it,
Be careful with the thunderstorm, block its access to you.

Rule ten
Drink enough water

Know that in summer heat drinking more is important
So that the body is not at all afraid of overheating.
Beach, playground, summer hikes -
Be sure to take water with you everywhere.

In any situation, remain yourself,
Notify the rescue service, and then hang up.

1. It is necessary to follow safety rules when walking in the forest and on ponds: it is prohibited to light fires in the forest area, you should only swim in specially designated places and in warm weather, do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries, use insect repellents and ticks.

2. It is necessary to take care of your health: observe time limits when sunbathing, swimming; If you are in the sun for a long time, increase your water intake.

3. Observe safety precautions when in contact with electrical appliances and when using gas appliances.

4. Observe the time mode when watching TV and working on the computer.

5. It is prohibited to visit construction sites and garages without adult supervision.

6. It is prohibited to be on the street without adult supervision after 10 p.m.

7. It is necessary to conduct active recreation that complies with healthy lifestyle standards.

Rules of conduct for pedestrians on the roadway (outside the city):

1. It is necessary to follow traffic rules, be careful on the street, when crossing the road.

2. It is prohibited to run out and cross the roadway in front of a moving car.

3. It is safe for pedestrians to move on the sidewalk or bike path.

4. Outside populated areas, where vehicles usually move at relatively high speeds, pedestrians should walk towards them along the side of the road or along the edge of the roadway.

5. To reduce the danger when pedestrians move along the roadway at night or in conditions of poor visibility, use reflectors.

Rules of conduct when using a bicycle, bus, tram, metro, train, electric train:

1. When riding a bicycle on roads and streets with vehicular traffic, the following rules must be observed: driving a bicycle on roads is permitted from the age of 14; do not transport passengers or heavy loads - this is dangerous; the safest place for cyclists is parks, stadiums or other pedestrian areas where there is no traffic; Always hold the steering wheel with both hands; When riding a bicycle, always use reflective elements on the wheels, on the bicycle itself, and try to wear clothes that have reflective inserts. Use a bicycle helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads - this will help avoid injuries if you fall. To cross the roadway, you should definitely get off your bike and walk, only at a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection when the traffic light is green, but after you make sure that all cars are allowing you to pass and the crossing will be safe for you. Do not leave your bike unattended and use an anti-theft cable.

2.When using by rail be vigilant and follow the rules of personal safety: while on the tracks and when crossing railway tracks, be especially careful, look around to see if trains are passing on adjacent tracks; Be careful, contact networks are under voltage of 3300V, touching the wires and parts of the contact network and electrical equipment of electric trains is life-threatening and causes electric shock with serious consequences.

It is prohibited to: cling to passing vehicles, ride on running boards, or get out of vehicles while moving.

3.When using the bus, tram and metro: try to use well-lit and frequently used stops; try to sit next to the driver’s cabin on a bus, trolleybus or tram; don't fall asleep, be vigilant; in the metro and at electric train stops, stand behind the platform markings; While waiting, stand close to other people or the information booth; be vigilant of those who get off the trolleybus, bus, tram, metro with you or who are lifting you onto the transport, watch your pockets, keep your bag in front of you.

Rules of conduct in places of public recreation:

1. In places of public recreation, drinking alcoholic beverages, using obscene words and smoking is prohibited. Be polite and do not enter into conflict situations.

2. When going to the cinema or stadium, do not take bulky bags or briefcases with you, they can interfere with you in the crowd. Your clothes should be comfortable and inexpensive. The desire to protect expensive clothing may run counter to safety requirements.

3. Arrive early to avoid crowds upon entry.

4. At concerts, avoid being in the front rows: this is where the sound is loudest, tiring and dulls the reaction, this is where fans of artists usually accumulate, and this is where riots begin. When entering the hall, do not get close to doors and fences, especially on stairs - you may be strongly pressed against them.

6. If there is a disturbance in the hall, leave without waiting for the end of the concert. Crowd control is a matter that cannot be predicted, do not shout, do not conflict.

7. If you find yourself in a crowd, under no circumstances let yourself be knocked down, do not allow yourself to stumble - you will no longer be able to get up. Try to stay in the middle of the stream of people, do not seek protection from walls and fences - you can be severely pressed and injured. Do not take active actions, keep your arms bent at the elbows, protecting your chest from compression, let the crowd itself carry you.

8. If you fall, group yourself by protecting your head with your hands;

9. After leaving the building, try to move home along a roundabout route to avoid repeated crushes when entering the subway or boarding another vehicle.

Water precautions:

1. Do not go to bodies of water (lake, sea) without adult accompaniment.

2. Swim only in specially designated areas, do not swim behind the buoys.

3. Do not go into the water without knowing the depth of the bottom.

4. When walking along the shore, watch your step so as not to accidentally step on the remains of bottles and other sharp objects.

5. Do not enter the water at dusk or when visibility is poor.

6. Do not ride boats or other watercraft without adult supervision.

7. Know how to provide first aid, and if an emergency occurs, immediately notify an adult.

Prevention of vandalism:

Desecration of buildings or other structures, damage to property public transport, elevators, entrances or other in public places- this is vandalism. Such actions are punishable by a fine, compulsory labor, correctional labor, or arrest. "Criminal Code Russian Federation" dated June 13, 1996 N 63-FZ Article 214.

All-Russian helpline 88002000122.

Anonymity and confidentiality are guaranteed. Children's phone trust is an emergency service psychological assistance children and adolescents who have experienced difficult life situation, parents, persons replacing them.

Svetlana Borisova
Instruction for children “Children’s safety during the summer holidays”

Rules for safe behavior while walking

When walking around the city and other populated areas, observe the following safety requirements:

Plan and use a safe route to your destination, avoiding deserted areas, alleys and construction sites. Take the long way if it is safe;

For those who don’t know their area well, ask your parents (older relatives) to tell and show where the police are located, the law enforcement stronghold, the reception room of the district inspector, the security post, etc.;

Do not show off expensive jewelry or clothes, cell phones, hold your bags tightly;

Always remember and follow the traffic rules: walk towards the traffic, if there is no pedestrian sidewalk, this way you can see approaching cars;

If you suspect someone is following you, cross the street and head to a crowded area. Walk or run quickly to a house or store to call the police. If you are scared, scream for help;

Never travel using passing cars, move further away from vehicles stopped near you;

Don’t forget to tell your parents who you went with and where, when you’ll return; if you’re delayed, call and let them know.

Beware of tall buildings and construction sites to avoid falls and injury

When using a bus, trolleybus, minibus

Stand with other people while waiting - try to use well-lit and frequently used stops;

Try to sit next to the driver's cabin on a bus, trolleybus or minibus;

Don't fall asleep, be alert;

Be vigilant about those who get off the trolleybus, bus, together with you or put you on the transport, watch your pockets, keep your bag in front of you. If you feel uncomfortable, go straight to a crowded place.

Rules of conduct in places of public recreation

Be polite with peers and adults, and do not enter into conflict situations.

When going to the cinema or stadium, do not take bulky bags or briefcases with you, they can get in your way in the crowd. Your clothes should be comfortable and inexpensive. The desire to protect expensive clothing can run counter to safety requirements.

Arrive early to avoid crowds upon entry.

Try to buy tickets with seats located close to the exits, but not on the aisles.

When entering the hall, do not get close to doors and fences, especially on stairs - you may be strongly pressed against them.

At concerts, avoid being in the front rows: this is where the sound is loudest, tiring and dulls the reaction, this is where fans of artists usually accumulate, and this is where the riots begin.

If there is a disturbance in the hall, leave without waiting for the end of the concert. Crowd control is an impossible task, don't shout, don't get into conflict.

If you find yourself in a crowd, do not let yourself be knocked down, do not allow yourself to stumble - you will no longer be able to get up.

Try to stay in the middle of the stream of people, do not seek protection from walls and fences - you can be severely pressed and injured.

Do not take active actions, keep your arms bent at the elbows, protecting your chest from compression, let the crowd itself carry you.

If you fall, brace yourself by protecting your head with your hands.

After getting out of the building, try to go home along a roundabout route to avoid repeated crowding when entering the subway or boarding another vehicle.

About water precautions:

To avoid an accident, you need to know and follow safety precautions on the water. It is best to swim in specially equipped places: beaches, pools, bathhouses, be sure to familiarize yourself with the internal rules of the swimming areas.

Don't go to the pond alone. Sitting on the shore, cover your head from overheating and sunstroke hats;

For swimming, it is better to choose places where there is clean water, a flat sandy bottom, shallow depth, no strong currents or whirlpools, and no motor vehicles passing through the water;

You should start swimming at air temperature + 20-25*, water + 17-19*C. You must enter the water carefully, stop in a shallow place and take a plunge;

You can stay in the water for 10-15 minutes. Under no circumstances should you let yourself get chills; this is harmful to your health. Hypothermia in the water causes life-threatening convulsions and cramps in the arms and legs. In this case, you need to swim on your back. If you get confused and stop swimming, you can drown. Often water gets into the windpipe and interferes with breathing. To get rid of it, you need to stop immediately, raise your head as high as possible above the water and cough forcefully; while swimming, never eat or chew chewing gum;

Do not go into the water during strong waves. If you find yourself in a strong current, you should not swim against it, otherwise you can easily become exhausted. It is better to go with the flow, gradually approaching the shore.

You should never swim near whirlpools - this is the biggest danger on the water. It pulls the swimmer to great depths and with such force that even an experienced swimmer is not always able to swim out. If you become entangled in algae, do not make sudden movements or jerks, otherwise the loops of the plants will tighten even more tightly;

Know that it is dangerous to swim near steamships and boats, near which various whirlpools, waves and currents arise.

It is even more dangerous to dive in places of unknown depth, as you can hit your head on sand, clay, break your cervical vertebrae, lose consciousness and die. It is no less dangerous to jump headfirst into the water from rafts, piers and other floating structures. There may be piles, rails, rocks and broken glass underwater. You can dive only where there is sufficient depth for this, clear water, flat bottom;

If you do not know how to swim, you must have life-saving equipment. Avoid being on steep banks with loose sand to avoid being buried.

It must be remembered that compliance with safety precautions is the main condition for safety on the water.

When visiting the forest, the following rules must be observed:

Don't go into the forest alone;

Wear rubber shoes, trousers or sweatpants tucked into boots to protect against snake and insect bites;

Wear a hat, cover your neck and arms from ticks;

Make your way through bushes and thickets carefully, smoothly moving the branches apart and smoothly lowering them;

Do not light fires to avoid fire and do not litter; empty bottles and fragments can cause a fire;

Do not play with sharp, piercing, cutting, flammable or explosive objects;

Remember that forest fires are extremely dangerous. The causes of their fire are: careless handling of fire, violation of fire safety rules, spontaneous combustion of dry vegetation and peat, as well as a discharge of atmospheric electricity.

Forest fires have a strong psychological effect on people. It is known that panic among people causes a significant number of victims. Knowing the rules of behavior, a person caught in this disaster in any situation will be able not only to survive, but also to help save other people.

In case of a forest fire, you need to be wary of high temperatures, smoke, falling of burnt trees and holes in the burnt soil.

When handling animals

You can't show your fear and excitement. The dog may sense this and act aggressively.

You can't run away from a dog. By doing this you invite the dog to hunt for the fleeing game.

Do not feed other people's dogs or touch your dog while eating or sleeping.

Avoid approaching large guard dogs. Some of them are trained to rush at people approaching a certain distance.

Do not make sudden movements when handling the dog or the dog's owner. She may think that you are threatening him.

Do not touch puppies if their mother is nearby and do not take away what the dog is playing with.

If in a narrow place (for example, in an entrance) a dog comes towards you on a leash, it is better to stop and let its owner pass.

Animals can spread diseases such as rabies, lichen, plague, typhus, etc.

When you're home alone

When you are at home alone or not, a door separates you from possible intruders, which means:

If they call your apartment, don’t rush to open the door, first look through the peephole and ask who it is.

If you answer “I”, don’t open the door; ask the person to say his name.

If he introduces himself as an acquaintance of your relatives, whom this moment is not at home, and you don’t recognize him by his voice - don’t open it, ask him to come at another time, and call your parents.

If a person calls an unfamiliar first or last name, says that he was given this address or he must meet someone - without opening the door, tell him that you do not know him and will not open it, and immediately inform your parents about this.

If the stranger introduces himself as a police officer, ask to come at another time when your parents are at home, then call your parents.

If the person who came introduced himself as an employee of the housing office, post office, plumber, telephone operator, etc., ask him to give his last name and reason for coming, then call your parents and follow their instructions.

If a stranger asks you to use the phone to call the police or an ambulance, without opening the door, clarify what needs to be done and call the necessary service yourself, then call your parents.

If there is a fight or something similar on the landing, do not interfere or make contact under any circumstances, call the police.

If friends are going to come to you, let them warn you by phone before they arrive, when opening the door, make sure that this is the one you are waiting for, and there are no people with him whom you do not know.

When taking out the trash can or going outside, look through the peephole and make sure that there are no strangers near your apartment. Lock the door, hide the key.

Don't leave notes on the door about where you went and for how long.

Staying alone at home:

Follow fire and electrical safety rules.

Do not play with sharp, piercing, cutting, flammable or explosive objects, firearms, bladed weapons, or ammunition.

Do not take medications without a doctor’s prescription, drugs, alcohol, smoke or sniff toxic substances.

Know how to say “NO”

When you are asked to commit an unworthy act.

When you are offered to try something forbidden.

When they offer you to go somewhere, warning you not to tell anyone about it.

When strangers or unfamiliar people invite you to visit them, to a disco, etc.

When you are offered a “good” rest away from adults and parents. If strangers offer to give you a ride in a car or show them the way while sitting in a car.

When you are offered on the street to buy some product at a “good” price. Play gambling, promising a big win.

When they offer to tell fortunes to find out the future. Remember that in many cases the ability to say “NO” is not a manifestation of weakness, but of your own strength, will and dignity.

Remember that in many cases the ability to say “NO” is not a manifestation of weakness, but of your own strength, will and dignity.

Remember these phone numbers:

01 - fire protection and rescuers

02 – police

03 - ambulance

04 - gas emergency service

Safety precautions and rules of conduct for students during the summer holidays:

1. It is necessary to follow safety rules when walking in the forest and on ponds: it is prohibited to light fires in the forest area, you should only swim in specially designated places and in warm weather, do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries, use insect repellents and ticks.

2. It is necessary to take care of your health: observe time limits when sunbathing, swimming; If you are in the sun for a long time, increase your water intake.

3. Observe safety precautions when in contact with electrical appliances and when using gas appliances.

4. Observe the time mode when watching TV and working on the computer.

5. It is prohibited to visit construction sites and garages without adult supervision.

6. It is prohibited to be on the street without an adult after 23.00.

7. It is necessary to conduct active recreation that complies with healthy lifestyle standards.

Rules of conduct for pedestrians on the roadway (outside the city):

1. It is necessary to follow traffic rules, be careful on the street, when crossing the road.

2. It is prohibited to run out and cross the roadway in front of a moving car.

3. It is safe for pedestrians to move along the side of the road or along a bicycle path.

4. Outside populated areas, where vehicles usually move at relatively high speeds, pedestrians should walk towards them along the side of the road or along the edge of the roadway.

5. To reduce the danger of pedestrians moving along the roadway at night or in conditions of poor visibility, use reflective headbands.

Behavior rules when using a bicycle, bus, tram, metro, train, electric train:

1. When riding a bicycle on roads and streets with vehicular traffic, the following rules must be observed: driving a bicycle on roads is permitted from the age of 14; do not transport passengers or heavy loads - this is dangerous; the safest place for cyclists is parks, stadiums or other pedestrian areas where there is no traffic; Always hold the steering wheel with both hands; When riding a bicycle, always use reflective elements on the wheels, on the bicycle itself, and try to wear clothes that have reflective inserts. Use a bicycle helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads - this will help avoid injuries if you fall. To cross the roadway, you should definitely get off your bike and walk, only at a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection when the traffic light is green, but after you make sure that all cars are allowing you to pass and the crossing will be safe for you. Do not leave your bike unattended and use an anti-theft cable.

2. When using railway transport, be vigilant and follow the rules of personal safety: while on the tracks and when crossing railway tracks, be especially careful, look around to see if trains are running on adjacent tracks; Be careful, contact networks are under voltage of 3300V, touching the wires and parts of the contact network and electrical equipment of electric trains is life-threatening and causes electric shock with serious consequences.

It is prohibited to: cling to passing vehicles, ride on running boards, or get out of vehicles while moving.

3.When using the bus, tram and metro: try to use well-lit and frequently used stops; try to sit next to the driver’s cabin on a bus, trolleybus or tram; don't fall asleep, be vigilant; in the metro and at electric train stops, stand behind the platform markings; While waiting, stand close to other people or the information booth; be vigilant of those who get off the trolleybus, bus, tram, metro with you or who are lifting you onto the transport, watch your pockets, keep your bag in front of you.

Behavior rules in places of public recreation:

— in places of public recreation, drinking alcoholic beverages, using obscene words and smoking is prohibited. Be polite, do not enter into conflict situations;

— when going to the cinema or stadium, do not take bulky bags or briefcases with you, they can get in the way of you in the crowd. Your clothes should be comfortable and inexpensive. The desire to protect expensive clothing may run counter to safety requirements;

—arrive early to avoid crowds at the entrance;

- when entering the hall, do not get close to doors and fences, especially on stairs - you may be pressed hard against them;

—at concerts, avoid being in the front rows: this is where the sound is loudest, tiring and dulls the reaction, this is where fans of artists usually accumulate, and this is where riots begin;

-if there is a disturbance in the hall, leave without waiting for the end of the concert. Crowd control is not a predictable matter, don’t shout, don’t conflict;

- if you find yourself in a crowd, do not under any circumstances let yourself be knocked down, do not allow yourself to stumble - you will no longer be able to get up;

- try to stay in the middle of the stream of people, do not seek protection from walls and fences - you can be strongly pressed and injured;

- do not take active actions, keep your arms bent at the elbows, protecting your chest from compression, let the crowd itself carry you;

-if you fall, group yourself, protecting your head with your hands;

—after getting out of the building, try to move home along a roundabout route to avoid repeated crushes when entering the subway or boarding another vehicle.

Water precautions:

1. Do not go to bodies of water (lake, sea) without adult accompaniment.

2. Swim only in specially designated areas, do not swim behind the buoys.

3. Do not go into the water without knowing the depth of the bottom.

4. When walking along the shore, watch your step so as not to accidentally step on the remains of bottles and other sharp objects.

5. Do not enter the water at dusk or when visibility is poor.

6. Do not ride boats or other watercraft without adult supervision.

7. Know how to provide first aid, and if an emergency occurs, immediately notify an adult.

Prevention vandalism:

Desecration of buildings or other structures, damage to property on public transport, elevators, entrances or in other public places is vandalism. Such actions are punishable by a fine, compulsory labor, correctional labor, or arrest. "Criminal Code of the Russian Federation" dated June 13, 1996 N 63-FZ Article 214.

All-Russian helpline 88002000122.

Anonymity and confidentiality are guaranteed. The Children's Helpline is an emergency psychological assistance service for children and adolescents who have experienced difficult life situations, parents, and persons in their stead.
