I dreamed of a trial - what does it mean. Why do you dream about a judge according to the dream book?

Mention of judgment is found in one of the most ancient books of the Bible. The highest court is considered to be God's court.

It is believed that after death, every person will go to this court and his sentence will depend on how the person lived on earth.

The people were distrustful of the court and judges and believed that the truth could not be achieved in a human court. It was believed that the highest justice or the highest court is possible only in heaven, with God.

“The law is a drawbar: wherever you want, you can turn it there.” Or: “If you go to court, you won’t find the truth.”

Only those who have money were considered right. The people believed that the whole truth was bought in the courts. “It’s useful for the judge to have something in his pocket.”

For many, this word is associated with punishment and condemnation. But in some dreams this symbol carries a completely different meaning.

Seeing yourself as a defendant in a dream is a sign that in reality you will encounter injustice and deception.

A dream in which you yourself judge someone indicates that in reality you have committed an ugly act and are trying to avoid the condemnation of loved ones.

If in a dream you saw yourself at the Divine Court, this is a sign that in reality your behavior is far from perfect and therefore, if you do not want to be left alone, you need to reconsider your attitude towards the people around you.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a judge who sentences the accused to death means that in real life you will have to independently get out of a dubious story that you got into through your own stupidity, and not blame others for it.

If in a dream you appear in court as a witness, this means that you will try to benefit from someone’s delusion.

A dream in which you are trying to bribe the court is a harbinger of bad events associated with lies, hypocrisy and conflicts.

Seeing yourself in court as a defender means that in reality you will become a victim of rumors and gossip.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Court

A dream in which you were a participant in a lawsuit warns that ill-wishers are turning public opinion against you.

If your side is wrong in court, then in real life you may behave unworthily.

A young woman who sees herself at trial will be slandered, and her former friends will turn away from her.

If in a dream you stood in front of a courthouse, then you will certainly show energy and activity in business.

D. Loff wrote: “Presence in court is a widespread phenomenon in dreams, although sometimes events develop in an unusual way. European society is focused on solving problems through legislation; as a result, litigation has become the new lottery of our era.

To be on trial in a dream for an action you have committed may seem absurd if you are being tried for something against which there are no laws. In addition, friends, co-workers, spouses, siblings, or other family members may serve as court actors.

In dreams of this kind, you may experience apprehension (fear) that in reality your life is being subjected to excessive scrutiny. Perhaps there are secrets that you keep in the depths of your subconscious that need to be brought out and re-evaluated in your attitude towards them.

If in a dream you play the role of one of the representatives of justice, then most likely you feel the need to protect yourself. This may be a defense against the influence or dishonest behavior of others, or a feeling that people are not being honest with you.

If you are protecting someone else, you probably feel that on some level life is getting the better of you. Your client is the key to how this happens."

Interpretation of dreams from

There are people who can stay awake for a long time; there are only a few such people, and one of them set a record - his wakefulness was 18 days, 21 hours and 40 minutes. True, at the same time he had problems with speech, memory, and deteriorating vision. The record holder often experienced hallucinations and even paranoia.

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Why do you dream about the Court?

Court in a modern dream book

Judgment in a dream represents the comparison of your conscience with the actions taken in reality. Many people dream of themselves being in a courtroom and giving evidence. Presence in court as a witness indicates that in reality you will be drawn into gossip by your closest relatives or work colleagues. You will have to slander someone against your will and take part in a conspiracy. If you appear in a courtroom as an accused of committing a crime, in real life you make many unforgivable mistakes due to increased selfishness. Hearing a sentence passed on you in a dream means in reality you will lose a person on whom much in your life depends. Passing the verdict yourself or acting as a lawyer in a dream means temporary hardships.

Court in Miller's dream book

If you received a subpoena in a dream, it means that in real life you should double-check all your documents; perhaps there are mistakes in them. To be on trial in a dream means that in reality someone is trying to denigrate and condemn you. Seeing a courthouse is a sign that all your good plans will be successfully implemented. Acting in court as a prosecutor - your friends will ask you to be an arbiter in their dispute. Don’t take anyone’s side, so as not to end up guilty yourself. Crying in the courtroom is a good sign; pleasant news or a useful acquaintance awaits you in reality. If you see yourself in the role of a plaintiff in a dream and win the case, you will soon receive an inheritance that you can use wisely. To be a people's assessor in a dream - you are trusted in the team, which you always use successfully

Court in Vanga's dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream wearing a judge's robe means promotion and national fame. You can hold elected office with dignity. If your mantle shone at the same time, your success will be long-lasting. Seeing yourself in an old and worn-out robe means problems with the law. If a judge in a dream pronounces a verdict in your favor, it means that in reality you will win an important dispute. To be accused is to receive punishment in real life for your inaction and negligence.

Court in Freud's dream book

Seeing a trial in a dream is a sign that you have a reason to condemn yourself. You've made a lot of mistakes and mistakes lately. Winning a case in court in a dream means that in real life your infidelities and adventures outside the family circle will be inaccessible to gossip for some time. But if you lose, you will be ashamed of your sins before your partner. Make a judgment in a dream - you are unfair to your chosen one and too picky about sex. For a girl to see herself condemned - to a quarrel with her beloved because of slander and talk about her dishonorable act.

We ourselves are created from dreams, and dreams surround this little life of ours...

Mention of judgment is found in one of the most ancient books of the Bible. The highest court is considered to be God's court.

It is believed that after death, every person will go to this court and his sentence will depend on how the person lived on earth.

The people were distrustful of the court and judges and believed that the truth could not be achieved in a human court. It was believed that the highest justice or the highest court is possible only in heaven, with God.

“The law is a drawbar: wherever you want, you can turn it there.” Or: “If you go to court, you won’t find the truth.”

Only those who have money were considered right. The people believed that the whole truth was bought in the courts. “It’s useful for the judge to have something in his pocket.”

For many, this word is associated with punishment and condemnation. But in some dreams this symbol carries a completely different meaning.

Seeing yourself as a defendant in a dream is a sign that in reality you will encounter injustice and deception.

A dream in which you yourself judge someone indicates that in reality you have committed an ugly act and are trying to avoid the condemnation of loved ones.

If in a dream you saw yourself at the Divine Court, this is a sign that in reality your behavior is far from perfect and therefore, if you do not want to be left alone, you need to reconsider your attitude towards the people around you.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a judge who sentences the accused to death means that in real life you will have to independently get out of a dubious story that you got into through your own stupidity, and not blame others for it.

If in a dream you appear in court as a witness, this means that you will try to benefit from someone’s delusion.

A dream in which you are trying to bribe the court is a harbinger of bad events associated with lies, hypocrisy and conflicts.

Seeing yourself in court as a defender means that in reality you will become a victim of rumors and gossip.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Court

A dream in which you were a participant in a lawsuit warns that ill-wishers are turning public opinion against you.

If your side is wrong in court, then in real life you may behave unworthily.

A young woman who sees herself at trial will be slandered, and her former friends will turn away from her.

If in a dream you stood in front of a courthouse, then you will certainly show energy and activity in business.

D. Loff wrote: “Presence in court is a widespread phenomenon in dreams, although sometimes events develop in an unusual way. European society is focused on solving problems through legislation; as a result, litigation has become the new lottery of our era.

To be on trial in a dream for an action you have committed may seem absurd if you are being tried for something against which there are no laws. In addition, friends, co-workers, spouses, siblings, or other family members may serve as court actors.

In dreams of this kind, you may experience apprehension (fear) that in reality your life is being subjected to excessive scrutiny. Perhaps there are secrets that you keep in the depths of your subconscious that need to be brought out and re-evaluated in your attitude towards them.

If in a dream you play the role of one of the representatives of justice, then most likely you feel the need to protect yourself. This may be a defense against the influence or dishonest behavior of others, or a feeling that people are not being honest with you.

If you are protecting someone else, you probably feel that on some level life is getting the better of you. Your client is the key to how this happens."

Interpretation of dreams from

There is probably no person in the world who sleeps without dreams. Dreams can be bright, colorful or dull, colorless. And their themes are sometimes simply amazing. But dreams can come true, and this is no secret to anyone. But not everyone knows the interpretation of this or that dream. Most likely you won't be able to explain Why do you dream about a judge?, so let’s try to figure this dream out together.

What did the judge dream about?

Judges and lawyers in a dream - this is our subconscious emerging from the experience of the past, these are our actions and actions in the past that even earlier determined something unpleasant in the future. And the consequences of these actions are so deeply ingrained in our subconscious that the appearance of a judge in a dream seems to condemn our wrong actions. If you dream of a judge, it may even mean advice that a person is given by his higher self. But this is only one interpretation of such a dream, and there are many dream books. Let's see what such a dream means in the most famous dream books.

Dream book esoteric

If you saw a judge in a robe in a dream, unexpected prospects for career growth will open up in your professional activities. If his robe is bright and shiny, the new position will be successful. If the judge’s robe is old and dirty, the new position will bring only failures.

If a person was appointed as a judge in a dream, it means that you will be appointed to an elected position.

If you are present at the trial and saw the judge during the sentencing, this dream is a warning that your career may creep down. Be careful.

English dream book

If you stand in front of a judge in a dream and listen to his accusation, in reality you may be drawn into an unpleasant argument and even accused of something serious. Therefore, do not enter into any disputes or quarrel with anyone. If the judge acquits you, all your hopes will not come true. But if the judge imposed some kind of punishment and even sent you to prison, this is a good sign and all your wishes will come true, but failure awaits your opponents.

ABC of dream interpretation

A judge in a dream is a symbol of fear of punishment for some offense.

To be the judge yourself means you have to make an important decision and make a difficult choice.

Seeing a judge in a dream means receiving punishment for some offense.

Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets this dream as some kind of obstacle that has arisen in front of you. And according to Shereminskaya’s dream book, if you dream of a judge, it means that the person strives for power and order.

What does a judge mean in a dream in other dream books?

  1. Newest dream book:
  2. being a judge yourself means that there will be a division of property;
  3. talking to a judge means a controversial issue will arise that will be decided by another person.
  4. Old dream book from 1918:
  5. to see a silent judge - to sadness;
  6. quarrel with him - to the appearance of unfortunate circumstances;
  7. kissing a judge means betrayal and treason.
  8. Medieval dream book:
  9. seeing a stranger as a judge means some expectations;
  10. Seeing yourself as a judge means receiving some benefits.

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In a dream, did you find yourself in a trial? Perhaps you will commit an act that your loved ones will sharply condemn, and those around you will gossip about it for a long time. However, the plot has completely different meanings. Dream books will give a detailed answer and help you understand what exactly the court is dreaming about.

Opinion of lovers' dream book

If a girl dreamed that she appeared before the Last Judgment, this means that frivolous and stupid behavior will not lead her to good. The dream book advises thinking before doing or saying something.

In a dream, did you find yourself in a regular courtroom? Unfortunately, there is a chance that you will become a victim of blatant slander, and lose the respect of others and even your loved one.

Interpretation of spouses Winter

Why do you dream that you find yourself a defendant in court? The dream book suspects that you have made a number of mistakes, and they have significantly ruined your life. Moreover, now you will have to answer for what you did, and obviously not before a human court.

However, you should not take the interpretation of sleep literally. This is just a hint that, with a competent approach, will help you avoid serious mistakes in life.

Did you dream that you were given a strict sentence at trial? Remember well everything that was said in it. These are the events to which you need to pay utmost attention. If in a dream you completely agree with the verdict, then in reality you can easily correct your mistakes. If not, then fate will present many more tough tests and unpleasant surprises.

Interpretation from a new family dream book

Why do you dream about a trial in which you beat the accused? The dream book is sure that your enemies are making attempts to denigrate you in front of those around you, be it your bosses, family or neighbors. Did you dream that you were deservedly condemned? In real life, you will actually make an unforgivable mistake or simply behave stupidly.

It’s bad for a girl to be in court in a dream. This means that because of bad gossip, her lover will turn away from her. Seeing a courthouse from the street in a dream means increased ability to work, activity and energy.

I dreamed of a trial for murder

Why dream that you watched the trial on TV and did not experience any special emotions? In real life, you will refuse fraud and scams, which will help you avoid trouble.

If in a dream you testified in court against a murderer, then a well-chosen life position will ensure material well-being and moral satisfaction.

Seeing yourself on trial for murder is just great. The chosen one, who once betrayed you, will return and beg for forgiveness literally on his knees. Whether to forgive him or not is only your decision.

I dreamed about the court and the judge

In a dream, the court and the judge himself symbolize self-criticism, self-flagellation and self-condemnation. In addition, this is a sign of doubt and uncertainty.

Did you dream that you were a judge in court? You have a very important choice to make, but you are not ready for it. Standing in front of a judge in court literally means that you will become a participant in a loud argument.

Why do you dream that the judge acquitted you at trial? In real life, all your affairs and plans will go to hell, and a wave of melancholy will cover you. If in your dreams you were condemned on the contrary, then rejoice. Your most cherished dream will come true. Sometimes this same image is interpreted completely oppositely and warns of an extremely tough life test.

Court in a dream - specific variations

The full interpretation of a dream depends on various details.

  • civil court - gossip
  • The Last Judgment - prison, unfreedom, dependence
  • receive a subpoena - shock, fear
  • to see a judge - sadness, sadness
  • swearing or arguing with him is a failure
  • kissing - treason, betrayal
  • being oneself is a responsible position
  • to be in the dock is unpleasant news, misfortune
  • spectator - you will have to provide help
  • assessor - slow but sure success
  • defender – threat to property, personality
  • accuser - consent, family joy
  • winning the case is an immediate success
  • to lose is the final collapse of plans

Did you dream that you were waiting for a verdict in court? In reality you will be severely jealous. If you are acquitted, then a certain case will end, but if you are sentenced to death, then prepare for the worst: your business will be closed, and your family life will become Hell.
