Minor Arcana Tarot Nine of Wands: meaning and combination with other cards. Nine of Wands, card features and characteristics

Since ancient times, people have turned to magic, trying to get answers to their questions. One of the effective ways is fortune telling using cards from the Tarot deck, which contain the power of all four elements and the wisdom of the ages. The element of Fire includes Arcana with the image of wooden Wands.

What does it symbolize

This suit symbolizes regeneration, a source of energy, inspiration, the flame of life and the desire for self-realization. 9 Wands of the Tarot - absolute self-control, purity of consciousness. Like any other card from the fortune-telling deck, it has favorable and negative interpretations. The meaning of the 9 Wands Tarona directly depends on its position and combination with other cards.


On the front side of the 9 Wands of the Tarot there is an image of a guard performing his immediate duties, standing with a wooden staff in his hands. He is extremely concentrated, even tense. Constantly looks around. This card symbolizes the integrity of the consciousness of a person who is able to gather all his will into a fist and radically change his own life.

Card Feature

The 9 of Wands of the Tarot drawn in a reading, the meaning of which is absolute self-control, indicates that a person knows how to cope with life’s difficulties, and is also constantly on the defensive, protecting himself from the outside world.

As a rule, the 9 of Wands of the Tarot is a good sign for a person who finds himself in a difficult situation. She indicates that he will find the strength to overcome all difficulties. It is also a symbol of victory, which becomes possible thanks to the focus on results and the strong character of the questioner. If in the layout Nine is surrounded by cards that carry negative information, then you need to be prepared for a difficult period in life. A lot of troubles await a person ahead.

Often the card indicates a situation that has not ended. This can be an event from both the future and the past. What a person is currently doing may not be brought to its logical conclusion. The card is interpreted as perseverance and opposition to a phenomenon or people from whom one can expect tricks and troubles. However, at the moment there is no threat. Resistance and persuasion are a consequence of negative experiences in the past.

Tarot 9 of Wands: reversed card

An inverted card has several meanings, each of which is extremely negative. In a scenario it could mean:

  • Regular postponement of the completion of any serious matter.
  • Colossal losses, difficulties, disasters, unexpected obstacles.
  • Loss of control over something that they tried so selflessly to protect and defend.
  • Inability to analyze the experience gained and extract useful information from it, as a result of which you step on the same rake.
  • Incorrect perception of reality, rather narrow thinking. If you don’t fundamentally change your worldview, you will constantly find yourself in difficult life situations. Learn to eliminate the causes rather than fight the consequences.
  • Termination of personal development, degradation. Any work only takes all your strength, but does not bring any results.
  • Serious illnesses.

In addition to the above, you can give the following advice to the fortuneteller. Tarot 9 of Wands (reversed) indicates the concealment of important information that can cause a lot of trouble in your life.

Love deal

In a relationship Tarot reading, the 9 of Wands can be interpreted in completely different ways. For example, the willingness to fight for one’s own feelings or the inability to love. But let's look at the main meanings of the Tarot 9 of Wands in love, which are used by famous tarot readers:

  • A constant desire for loneliness, isolation and the habit of keeping people at a distance, fear of losing part of personal freedom or space. Such a state can provoke a negative experience, for example, betrayal of a loved one. Perhaps loneliness will have a beneficial effect on the state of your inner world and help heal mental wounds.
  • Internal tension caused by the fact that a person is in constant readiness for self-defense. Prudence and suspicion towards everyone without exception are also inherent. A partner in a relationship with this person described by the Tarot 9 of Wands will face a difficult task. After all, the wall built between him and the outside world is difficult to break. Other cards from the layout will tell you whether to try to positively influence the situation or leave everything as it is.
  • Reluctance to change your own life, to meet representatives of the opposite sex. Or vice versa. The desire to burn all bridges, to take a decisive step into the unknown.
  • A card that appears during fortune telling for a married couple indicates that a crisis will come in their relationship, which will gradually alienate loved ones from each other.

As a rule, the Tarot card 9 of Wands in a relationship reading is a symbol of passivity, quarrelsomeness, lack of initiative, and inability to understand people.


If we pay attention to the image of the card, we will see a guard who is standing with a bandage on his leg or head (it all depends on the design of the deck). Despite his injuries, as well as fatigue, he continues to perform his immediate duties. The Nine of Staffs, which appears in a reading, can become a timely sign indicating that it is time to pay attention to your own health. The map can signal both real problems and diseases that will appear in the near future, for example:

  • Severe head injuries.
  • Chronic fatigue, loss of strength, dementia.
  • Poor immunity.
  • Insomnia.

Most often, the Nine of Wands indicates health problems caused by overwork. You shouldn't joke with such things. We recommend that you seek medical help.

Business or career plans

The Nine of Staves is considered a favorable card for representatives of the protective professions - security guards, police, firefighters, lawyers, doctors. In a career scenario, it symbolizes a high level of discipline, prudence, the ability to competently distribute your working day, as well as a willingness to defend your professional interests at any level.

Modern interpretation of the Nine, which fell during a career alignment:

  • Time to test your strength. A very important matter is approaching its logical conclusion, do not let fatigue take over you. It’s worth activating your hidden reserves and finishing what you started.
  • A small respite in a protracted battle. There is an opportunity to take a couple of breaths of fresh air.
  • Competitors will be activated in the near future. They will not be able to implement their insidious plans, but you will have enormous problems.
  • There will be an opportunity to gain useful skills or improve your own skills.

In general, the card indicates that one should not give up in any situation, even the most hopeless one. You should not be led by your own emotions. It is better to demonstrate firmness of spirit, an iron character. This is the only way to achieve a positive result.


Since ancient times, the 9 of Wands has been associated with material well-being. Even the most ambitious tasks will be achieved. All that remains is to reap the fruits of your hard work and enjoy life. However, modern interpretations look completely different:

  • Litigation with creditors.
  • An attempt to save one’s own property and material values ​​by any means.
  • Fighting extortionists and robbers. Tarot 9 of Wands in combination with other cards can indicate legal proceedings related to fraud or theft of funds.
  • An attempt to restore previous prosperity, to get out of a crisis situation, to try to escape bankruptcy.

The most accurate interpretation of the Nine will depend on the cards that are in the layout with it. Do not panic, as the 9 of Wands is a symbol of perseverance and fortitude. Therefore, there will always be an opportunity to cope with troubles and emerge victorious from any situation.

Combination with the Major Arcana

The most accurate interpretation of Nines is obtained only taking into account all the Arcana that fell out in the layout. The same card can be interpreted differently. The 9 of Staves in combination with the Major Arcana offers a wider range of meanings and signs:

  • With the Jester - the path you have chosen seems correct, but soon doubts will arise about the correctness of your choice. They will be the result of more careful analysis or criticism of others.
  • With a Magician - to deceive an ill-wisher. All methods are good for waging war. But don't overdo it.
  • With the High Priestess - someone will entrust you with a secret that you will have to keep.
  • With the Empress, training will be beneficial. You can benefit from this in the future.
  • With the Emperor - in the near future the “honor of the uniform” will have to be defended.
  • With the Hierophant - uncertainty in the mentor, skepticism towards his advice.
  • With the Lovers card - distrust of your loved one, doubts about his integrity.
  • With the Chariot, the acquired experience will begin to bear its first fruits.
  • With the Strength card - reconsider your own attitude towards the enemy, perhaps you greatly underestimate him.
  • With the Hermit - isolation, pleasure from loneliness.
  • With the Wheel of Fortune, there are drastic changes ahead, which came very late.
  • With Arkan Justice - legal proceedings will soon end, but will not bring satisfaction. Doubts will arise about the fairness of the judicial system.
  • With the Hangman - continue to keep your secret.
  • With Arcanum Death - uncertainty in actions that provoked dramatic changes.
  • With the Moderation card - total doubts.
  • With the Devil - the desire to find some kind of catch in everything.
  • With the Tower - a bad feeling does not let you down. Something terrible is going to happen soon.
  • With the Star - uncertainty in one’s own forecasts and plans.
  • With the Moon - fear of catching something. It's not necessarily a disease. Perhaps you are afraid of adopting someone else's obsession.
  • With the Sun - a complete lack of trust.
  • With the Court, you need to analyze the experience gained so as not to step on the same rake in the future.
  • With the World - we have to take a position of self-defense.

Combination with the Minor Arcana

Let's look at Nine in combination with cards related to the minor Arcana, such as Tarot 8 of Wands, etc. Let's give modern meanings:

  • With Ace - the desire to move towards a set goal, to work for results.
  • With the 2nd - reorientation, change of priorities, hitches in work.
  • With Troika - failed to pass the test.
  • With 4 of Wands - overcoming a difficult obstacle.
  • With a 5 - conflict or misunderstanding based on mistrust.
  • With a Six, the skills acquired early will be useful in achieving your goal.
  • With a 7 - you will have to face criticism from others.
  • With the Tarot 8 of Wands, it will be possible to solve all the troubles.
  • With 10, there's a catch ahead.
  • Page - the example of others will give an incentive to move towards your cherished goal.
  • Knight - you will make stupid mistakes that you have already made.
  • Lady - a negative experience can make you close yourself off from others.
  • King - check.


If you get the 9 of Wands in a reading, there is no need to panic. Its meaning is multifaceted and ambiguous. Please remember that this is all just a warning. Perhaps, by looking into the future, you will be able to change something in the present, which will allow you to avoid unpleasant moments.


Nine of Wands in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - allow doubts.
With the “Mage” card - confuse the enemy.
With the “High Priestess” card - guard secrets.
With the “Empress” card - the fruits of enlightenment.
With the “Emperor” card - protect the honor of the uniform.
With the Hierophant card - doubt the teacher.
With the “Lovers” card - doubt the relationship; suspect something is wrong in the relationship.
With the “Chariot” card - apply the accumulated experience.
With the “Strength” card - assess the enemy’s strength.
With the “Hermit” card - prevent attacks on your identity.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - belated changes.
With the “Justice” card - waiting for a court decision; mistrust.
With the Hanged Man card - protect your “skeleton in the closet”.
With the “Death” card - distrust of change.
With the “Moderation” card - doubt.
With the “Devil” card - obsessive suspicion.
With the Tower card, your worst fears come true.
With the “Star” card - doubt the forecasts.
With the Moon card - fear of infection.
With the Sun card - do not trust the truth.
With the “Judgment” card - learn from past mistakes.
With the “Peace” card - guarding the world.

With the Ace of Wands card - despite difficulties, remain enthusiastic.
With the “Two of Wands” card there is a delay; difficulties; adjustment of plans.
With the Three of Wands card - fail the test.
With the Four of Wands card - pass a serious exam.
With the Five of Wands card - mistrust leading to conflict.
With the Six of Wands card - experience leading to the goal.
With the Seven of Wands card - claims.
With the Eight of Wands card - overcoming an obstacle.
With the Ten of Wands card there is an ambush.
With the Page of Wands card it is an inspiring experience.
With the Knight of Wands card, life teaches nothing.
With the Queen of Wands card - distrust.
With the “King of Wands” card - check.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Nine of Wands (Staffs) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Mag pr i per - Stopping business due to illness
Priestess - Mystery, I need advice from an astrologer
Empress - Long delay in making decisions
Emperor - Unnecessary Pride
Priest - Limb Disease
Lovers - Late decision
Chariot - Trouble without consequences
Justice - Delay of fair decisions, waiting for them
Hermit pr and per - Long-term loneliness
Wheel of Fortune - Renewal of broken relationships
Strength - Ending confrontation
The Hanged Man - Hidden enemies exposed
Death - End of a bad period
Moderation - Restoration of rights. Restoring balance
Devil - Long Sickness
Tower - Losses due to delays in decisions
Star - Wandering in the fog, in the darkness
Moon - Mistakes, danger of water
Sun - Finding out the reasons for past failures
Court - Arbitration
Peace - Reasonable thoughts. Reasonable actions
Jester - "Every cloud has a silver lining"

Nine of Wands (Staffs) reversed with the Major Arcana

Lovers - A Late Decision

Nine of Staves – Minor Arcana

In the astrological field, the Nine of Staves corresponds to the Sun in a harmonious aspect to Sagittarius, Saturn to Venus, which is a symbol of patronage and protection. Sagittarius is in its second decade.

Sagittarius in this decade is responsible for the expansion of consciousness, its integration into all spheres of life, and attitude to the world order from a position of awareness. This decade is ruled by the Moon, which transforms a person’s receptivity into feelings, ideas, and intuitive perception of the picture of the universe. Under the influence of this combination of the Moon and Sagittarius, a person acquires a firm outlook. Life experience and understanding of ongoing processes serve as a source of spiritual inspiration.

Sagittarius is distinguished by the idealization of past experience and relies on its lessons. He is ready to take responsibility for everything that happens to him.

Other names for the Nine of Staves: Nine of Wands, Lord of Greatest Power.

Brief description of the Arcana: Strength, Stubbornness, Determination.

Description of the Nine of Staves

The lasso presented in the classic deck shows a fairly confident young man who stands firmly on his feet, although he leans on a staff. He looks tired, his head is bandaged, which indicates the trauma he has suffered. However, he has enough strength to cope with this pain, he recovers.

Behind him is a palisade of wands, separating a house from him, and a beautiful landscape. These wands are a fence that protects you from the past, from attachments.

In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, we see our hero from the back, as if we are looking at the events in the Arcana through his eyes. He stopped in front of a fence made of rods, and although they do not pose an obstacle for him, since there is a well-defined passage, our hero does not move further, but assesses the situation. He has a staff in his hands, on which he leans as he walks forward.

The sacred meaning of the Nine of Staves

The deep understanding of the card lies in the main character - a young man who stands leaning on a staff. His head is bandaged, therefore he has a history of trauma and the effects of that trauma are still being felt. He relies on the rod, which supports him and gives him confidence in his abilities and determination to move on.

The rod traditionally symbolizes past experience. And this is very eloquent, because a person who strives to walk his path correctly can rely on his past experience. The young man’s experience with the Arcana is very extensive: behind him he already has eight wands, lined up in the form of a protective fence. And behind it is a landscape, a house, a quiet life. Behind this fence of wands is the past, and ahead is an unclear future.

The young man stopped, but he stands confidently, on his legs widely spaced. He is tired, but determined to move forward, which means the future does not scare him. He knows that past experience, awareness of his mistakes and victories, the unity of consciousness and subconscious will help him in his further movement. He is now gathering his strength to take the decisive step into the next part of his journey. Following the Nine of Staves comes the Ten, which shows that the person nevertheless went forward, taking with him all his past baggage, and will carry it, no matter how hard it is for him.

The Arkan says that in the past a person had a difficult battle, he came out victorious, but also suffered some losses and injuries. He still looks around for opponents, but he has enough strength to move alone. He can be his own advocate.

This is a very precarious state: if he overestimates his strength, he may fall into the trap of the illusion of his own greatness. It is at the present moment that his main task is being solved - to decisively move forward, saying goodbye to the past and taking from it only the results of life lessons.

Mythological correspondence of the Nine of Staves

To understand the message of Arkan, you can resort to the story of Tobias, who, in his stubbornness, neglected the advice of God himself.

The meaning of the straight Nine of Staves in the layout

The Nine of Posokhov in the reading speaks of a person’s ability to solve life’s problems, the ability to protect himself, determination and stubbornness in achieving his goal. If positive Arcana are located nearby, then we can say that a person has acquired the greatest strength that helps him pass any test. He can bravely and even desperately resist the vicissitudes of fate.

If the Nine of Staves in a reading is surrounded by negative Arcana, it warns a person that some kind of trouble may creep up on him. Its source and essence will be revealed by the neighboring Arcana.

The card can also promise victory, but it will be quiet and unnoticeable, without pomp. Victory for a person is ensured by his inner willpower and fortitude. If the person for whom the alignment is being made currently has clearly outlined problems, then the card indicates their favorable resolution, provided that he acts decisively.

The Nine of Posokhov reveals to a person enormous opportunities that he can take advantage of only based on personal experience. This card shows a person's skill, skill and dexterity.

The Arcanum indicates complete healing from previous mental traumas, gaining strength and inspiration for further exploits.

Sometimes the Nine of Staves speaks of the incompleteness of a situation stretching from the past, which makes it difficult to clearly determine the result in the future. And yet, its main message is stubbornness, therefore, even this will not prevent a person from going towards his goal. There is no threat, but past mistakes live in memories, and this forces a person to be extremely cautious and try to take a defensive position in relation to what is happening.

The meaning of the reversed Nine of Staves in the reading

The inverted Nine of Staves indicates the presence of problems, troubles, various obstacles to the implementation of the situation in the right direction, and delays. When adjacent to negative Arcana, there can be disasters, losses, and plan failure. A person in these troubles seems completely defenseless.

The map also shows that a person’s previous experience has not taught him anything, he makes similar mistakes again and again, steps on the rake he is familiar with, which has hit him on the forehead more than once: he is even bandaged. Problems arise due to the fact that a person does not know how to think broadly, he does not use the lessons of the past, and sometimes even loses touch with reality, not being able to correctly assess what is happening. He struggles with the effect, while the cause remains unattended, and as a result, he loses strength and energy, not making any progress in the situation.

Arkan also says that at the moment some information important to him is hidden from a person. Moreover, this can be either concealment from the outside, especially if the High Priestess (II Arcanum) is located nearby, or one’s own reluctance to see some important information.


The Nine of Staves in work layouts shows a very disciplined person who plans his affairs competently, knows how to confront difficulties, and successfully deals with problems. He is very determined in achieving his goals and is ready to endure any challenge just to achieve the desired result. His stubbornness forces him to achieve everything at any cost. However, this Arcanum also speaks of fatigue, even when the issue has not yet received a final resolution.

If we are talking about a long-term project, then the card indicates a small breakthrough that can occur as a result of “breaking through” all obstacles. This is a victory obtained in a struggle. Sometimes it is a victory in the fight against competitors. The wands behind his back, depicted on the Arcana, symbolize previously won positions that he currently needs to defend.

The card is good for representatives of professions such as investigator, policeman, firefighter, ambulance or emergency crew worker. This is a professional Arcana for security guards of any kind, including lawyers.

The Nine of Staves indicates that at the moment a person has all the capabilities and enough strength to take on a complex project. You can expect career growth and recognition of professional abilities.

Inverted, Arkan says that a person lacks initiative and lacks communication skills. He is stubborn in directing efforts in the wrong direction, trying to work the old fashioned way, while all competitors have been using new methods for a long time and have more effective results.

This is a card of indecision in making business decisions, useless investments, and unwillingness to monitor progress in your field.

Direction of self-development

Nine of Posokhov on self-development suggests turning to past experience, drawing strength and knowledge from it. It teaches you to take into account the lessons of the past, analyze mistakes, and learn from successes. This helps to gain confidence and determination in further movement.

The card teaches you to persistently resist difficulties. It helps to understand that there is no real threat, and that what a person perceives as a threat are just memories from the past about the pain that mistakes brought. You need to tune in to change and say goodbye to the past, taking from it only the necessary baggage of experience. Everything must be done with a cold heart.

The Nine of Staves forces a person to take decisive steps, while closing the doors behind him in order to completely exclude the possibility of retreat. You need to take responsibility for the past in order to stop feeling like a hostage to it. Only then will you be able to transform your experience into positive steps in the future.

An inverted card shows that a person currently lacks the determination to follow the path of self-development, he is turned back to his past, clinging to it, not understanding that these are his shackles. In order to take a step forward, you need to turn away from everything that holds you back, let go of situations or people. They were needed at some stage, but at the moment they are anchored.

Personal relationships

The appearance of the Nine of Staves in personal relationships indicates strong opposition. Here the neighboring Arcana will come to the rescue: they will give a complete picture of the essence of this opposition. It can be directed both towards rivals and towards a partner.

This card has a dual meaning. It can show both the desire to resolutely defend one’s position and maintain relationships, and to free oneself from past relationships in order to gain freedom.

If fortune telling is done for a lonely person, then the Nine of Staves speaks of perseverance in solitude: a person puts up strict defense against attacks on his freedom. It is likely that he is driven to do this by pain from a past relationship, mental trauma. Do not forget that the character on the Arcana has a bandaged head. Relationships will only be possible when a person completely lets go of the situation and allows himself not to see a threat from a potential partner. Now caution and suspicion prevail.

If the alignment is made for an alliance, then we can talk about distance between partners, alienation, and fatigue from each other. In such a union there are no emotions, there are only memories of unpleasant moments that brought pain.

Inverted, the Nine of Staves indicates the quarrelsome nature of the characters in the union. Partners are not ready to take initiative. Very often, if the layout is made for one of the partners, the card shows that it was he who, due to his inability to understand people, chose a not very suitable object of love for himself, who has different life goals or inappropriate personal qualities.

Personality characteristics

The person symbolized by the Nine of Staves can safely be called a stalwart tin soldier. He is very determined and brave, he will boldly enter both fire and water. He always protects his own, and for this he is ready to confront any dangers.

Even if such a person is injured, he will overcome his pain and move on with enviable tenacity. He is stubborn and never gives up. He is always ready for challenges and does not back down from threats. The Nine of Staves person sets very strict demands on himself.

This is a measured person, accustomed to planning everything, but at the same time, such a person is very flexible in making decisions. He is not used to regretting what he did. He perceives each stage of his path as a lesson and learns from it everything he needs, gaining wisdom.

A person under the influence of the Nine of Staves very easily parts with the past, deliberately slamming the doors so that there is not even an attempt to return to it. He is very wary of people and events from the past, carefully protecting himself from their influence. He values ​​his freedom, gets out of any situation with dignity and treats himself with respect. If there are negative Arcana nearby, then they indicate a person who is tired of life.

A reversed card characterizes a person who is impatient for change and indecisive. He constantly digs into himself, returning to past mistakes. He engages in self-flagellation.

This person does not know how to live here and now. He is conservative in his views and stubbornly refuses to change his beliefs, even if they are destructive for him. While in the upright position the card shows stubbornness in achieving a goal, in the inverted position it speaks of stubbornness, but it destroys a person, making him fixated on unnecessary things.

Such people are called “boring”. He complains, whines, is unable to experience pain and loss. Lives in the past.


Nine of Posokhov indicates problems with the head, namely injuries, such as concussions. This card also speaks of chronic fatigue, energy exhaustion, and dull attention.

An inverted card shows a weakening of the immune system and an inability to resist disease.

Layout for the situation

The Nine of Staves indicates that the situation requires persistence and the ability to stand up for oneself. Most likely, the person has experienced pain and resentment in the past. This forced me to take a defensive position. At the moment, we will have to defend our positions, although in general the situation is relatively stable. You just need to overcome small obstacles, make a smart decision, and the situation will be resolved favorably.

Indecision or unwillingness to adhere to one’s own beliefs can hinder the achievement of a goal. But this will not happen if a person turns to his willpower. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to make unpopular decisions, but the outcome of the situation will depend on the flexibility of your thinking. It is very important to prevent a recurrence of problems left in the past.

The Nine of Staves reversed shows that the person is not able to cope with the situation because it has gone beyond his competence. These changes took the person by surprise; he was initially not prepared for such events or overestimated his capabilities.

We can also say that there is a threat from the outside for a person, and it is quite likely that it comes from the past. It is necessary to protect your positions, since carelessness will make you lose them.

Card of the day

This is a day of decisive action, reasonable stubbornness, perseverance and courage in decision making. Now the person is full of strength and energy to take some important step.

The inverted Arcanum warns that on this day there will be a reason to return to the past, to face its “ghosts,” which can cause mental trauma or make you worry.

Card of the Year

Whatever happens this year, it is necessary to build a clear system for protecting your past conquests and not allow external enemies to knock you off your stable positions. This year is good for students defending their thesis and for everyone involved in security.

An inverted card promises defenselessness in the face of life's difficulties, a return to past problems. You will have to suffer a lot because of the insult that was received earlier.

Arcana Council

Courage takes cities - this is the general message of the card. You need to be persistent and stubborn, decisive and progressive, then luck will appear on the horizon, and the surrounding circumstances will show the way to it.

We must boldly break all ties with the past. It has already played its role and will no longer be needed. It's time to move forward without looking back.

Other names for the Nine of Wands tarot card: Wands, Clubs, Crosses, Scepters, Staves, Clubs, Cudgels, Maces, Sticks, Branches, Rods, Arrows, Torches, Rainbows, Rainbows, Rods, Rods, Sticks, Clubs

The Nine of Wands means stubbornness, resistance to some situation or event from which we expect only trouble. At the same time, she says that there is no threat, but in fact there is no, but only our memories of previous troubles, hence our current “defensive” state. She personifies the state of mind that is called “cold heart” in fairy tales. Translated into everyday language, this means that we bristle at all the needles and resist any changes, although we realize that they can be very important for our further development. Although sometimes it can mean something exactly the opposite - if, for example, we took the decisive step and closed behind us all the doors that could lead to retreat. In this case, this card has a positive meaning, but it also points to one mistake we made: we shamefully ran away from responsibility for our past for fear that it might overtake us. In order to free yourself from it, you need to finally let go of your past, turn it into the foundation of our further transformations, instead of feeling like a hostage to it.


This card means that we subconsciously resist innovations, changes or other movements that are brewing in our work. It may show that we feel threatened by our bosses, colleagues or business partners, and this can also be explained by the fact that our work causes us fear. We are too bothered by memories of past defeats and troubles, we transfer them to our current situation, although in fact we have enough strength to overcome them. Thus, this card invites us to overcome fear and not only overcome the obstacles that arise before us, but also free ourselves from old fears.


At the level of consciousness, the Nine of Wands shows that we are completely in vain in taking a defensive position in relation to things that are new and unexpected to us. This is the image of a person who sometimes does not admit that he may be wrong, always striving to further “improve” what he has just seemingly completed, confident that it is always better to be on the safe side than to be underweight, and thereby only immuring himself within the stone walls of their own, long-obsolete beliefs. The old proverb about a person who has not learned from his mistakes and will therefore suffer doubly, of course, is right, but only until this person turns it into the law of his own life, the inevitable consequence of which is stagnation and fear of life itself. This is reminiscent of Fritz Riemann's joke about a man who believed that heaven had two doors, one of which was written: “Entrance to Paradise”, on the other - “Entrance to the meeting room on the question of heaven” and unconditionally chose the latter.

Personal relationships and love

"A child burned by milk." Here this card shows that we are afraid that we will be offended, or that old wounds will be touched. We, as it were, wear a shell that protects our inner “I” from attacks from the outside - and we pay for this by the fact that those impulses that could be useful for us do not reach us. The Nine of Wands warns that this can lead to complete self-isolation, embitterment and bitterness, because our “I” rots without communication. But at the same time, she makes us happy, informing us that the outside world, which we are so afraid of, no longer holds any dangers for us.

Inner meaning

The task was completed successfully, the work was done. The person to whom the Nine of Wands tarot card belongs has learned courage, discipline, and the ability to plan wisely.

Even if there are problems that other cards in the reading indicate, you know how to deal with them. If there is opposition, your skill, strength and courage will make you a formidable opponent.

Combinations with other cards


8 of Pentacles: Perseverance

7 of Wands: defending a position, defending one’s opinion

Strength: tenacity, determination, courage

2 of swords: fight back, withdraw


3 of Cups: friendship, trust

6 of Cups: innocence, faith in the best

8 of Cups: exhaustion, fatigue, boredom

Peace: compliance, softness




Moon in Sagittarius

10°—20° Sagittarius

Original title: Lord of Great Power. The original composition in the Golden Dawn system: four hands (two on each side of the card) extended from the clouds, joining two at the center in First Order handshakes. They hold eight wands, crossed in fours. The fifth hand, rising from the bottom edge of the card, holds the ninth wand, pointing vertically upward and passing through the intersection points of the remaining wands. Tongues of fire emanate from these points

Color of Yesod on the King's scale: indigo
Colors of the Moon on four scales: blue; silver; cool pale blue; silver with sky blue veins
Sagittarius colors on four scales: blue; yellow; green; bright dark blue
Formula: Nine (Yesod) + Wands (Atzilut) + Moon in Sagittarius = POWER.

Following almost exactly the descriptions from the Golden Dawn materials and the correspondences from the color scales, the Nine of Wands tells its story in an extremely calm and simple manner. The eight wands are depicted as arrows; the tip of each of them is a crescent moon, and the plumage consists of eight crescents. The large central staff, crowned by the Sun and resting on the Moon, symbolizes the path of Sagittarius on the Tree of Life, connecting Tiphareth (Sun) with Yesod (Moon). “Here the Moon, the weakest of the planets, is in Sagittarius, the most elusive of the signs,” notes Crowley. “And yet this card dares to call itself Power.”

The source of this confident power is the location of the card in the Yesod area of ​​the Tree of Life. Yesod is not only the sephira of the Moon (due to which the Moon in the Nine of Wands feels very comfortable, even though it is in Sagittarius), but also the Foundation - “the focus of the powerful crystallization of Energy.” As Crowley points out, “Nines symbolize the maximum degree of development of the energy of their suit in relation to the energies of the preceding numbers.”

The Nine of Wands symbolizes great strength, but this strength lies in the ability to constantly change. Perhaps Crowley himself formulated the meaning of this card in the clearest and simplest way: “Mobility is necessary for effective defense.”


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

This is a portrait of a man whose vital energy has been drained by his attempts to constantly feed the huge and absurd machine of self-importance and productivity. He was so busy being “in control” and making sure “everything was going smoothly” that he forgot about rest. No doubt he cannot afford to be playful. Leaving your duties to go to the beach would endanger the entire structure.

Straight position

However, the message of this card is not just about being obsessed with work. It applies to all cases in which we establish reliable, but unnatural patterns for ourselves and thus do not allow chaos and spontaneity in ourselves. Life is not a business to be managed, it is a miracle of existence. It's time to tear up the index card, destroy the factory and take a little journey into the unpredictable. If you relax your mind, your work will go more smoothly.

Meaning of the card

A person who lives in accordance with his conscience becomes tough. A person who lives in harmony with consciousness remains gentle. Why? Because a person who lives with ideas about how to live naturally becomes rigid. He has to constantly bear the weight of his character. This character is like a weapon: his protection, his safety, he spends his whole life on this. And he always reacts to situations not directly, but through character. If you ask him a question, the answer is already ready. This is a sign of a difficult person - he is boring, stupid, mechanical. He may be a good computer, not a human being. You do something and he reacts appropriately. His reaction is predictable, he is a robot. A real person acts spontaneously. If you ask him a question, it is answered, not a reaction. He opens his heart to your question, opens himself to your question, answers it. (Osho)
