Types of male genital organs. What types of penises are there: varieties, classification of shapes and sizes of penises in adolescents and men

Subject: Potency as at 18 years old!

From: Mikhail P. ( [email protected])

To: Administration https://site

Hello! My name is
Mikhail, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to improve my potency. I have an active sex life, my relationship with my wife has reached a new level!

And here is my story

At the age of 35, due to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, the first problems with potency began, “I began to have only one time,” the duration and quality of sex decreased significantly. When I turned 38, real problems began, I began to panic and, in order to somehow improve my sex life, I began to resort to Viagra and its analogues. And the pills seemed to “work,” but later I realized that without the pills the erection disappeared completely! But Viagra is quite expensive, and besides, it has a huge number of side effects that have an extremely negative effect on the entire body. All this led to constant quarrels with my wife, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, everything was very bad...

Everything changed when a friend at work advised me of one remedy. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to him for this. I only took 2 pills a day and had sex for 2-3 hours every day! In addition, after taking just one course, my potency was completely restored and became more powerful than at 18 years old without any pills! The results have lasted for 2 years! The most important thing is that family relationships have improved. My wife and I are simply happy.

It doesn’t matter whether you are experiencing the first symptoms or have been suffering from poor potency for a long time, I advise you to take a course of this remedy, I guarantee you will not regret it.

The ejaculate is usually whitish in color, although some men produce ejaculate. If a man experiences or is unable to ejaculate, he should consult a doctor. Ejaculate that has a greenish tint should also be examined in a laboratory.

Seminal fluid has different consistencies and textures. At times, semen may be thicker than usual. In general, there is no need to worry about this. Its consistency and composition can be influenced by a variety of factors, including when the person last ejaculated, how long he was aroused, and even what he ate early in the morning for breakfast.


It is important to remember that all people are different, there is no ideally shaped penis. Healthy penises don't all look the same, so a man shouldn't worry or compare himself to others. Remember that a man can always talk to his doctor if he has any concerns.

The physiology of women is individual, so for some, size is still important; for some, the most sensitive area is located deep in the vagina, so only the owner of a penis that is not the smallest can fully please them.

But how can a woman know how suitable a given man is for her sexually? The best way, of course, is to try it “in action,” but women have their own signs that allow them to recognize the size of their manhood by external signs. Some people take all this as a joke, but there are also those who take these signs very seriously.

For most men, the length of the penis reaches between 12 and 18 cm during erection. In an unexcited, flaccid state, the size of the male penis also varies, but the size in a calm state cannot be used to judge what size it can reach when excited. If we look at the research results, it turns out that in most cases, the larger the penis is in a flaccid state, the less times it will increase when it is erect. From the above, one conclusion can be drawn: not all that glitters is gold.

It is reliably known that external factors significantly influence the size of manhood. So, for example, the male penis decreases in size and fits closer to the body under the influence of cold air, ice water and strong excitement, thus the male body exhibits a protective reaction, and this applies not only to the penis, but also to the scrotum. But under the influence of favorable external conditions, such as warm water and a general relaxed state of the body, the size of manhood increases.

So how can you find out the size of a man's penis based on his external data?

Each man's penis parameters are as individual as his face. Whatever nature has given them, that’s what they exist with. If, after all, size is not the least important for a woman, she should pay attention to some details.

For starters, growth. As the famous saying goes, “go to the root,” or, more simply, it is believed that the shorter a man is, the longer his penis. It turns out that the taller a man is, the shorter his weapon? Frankly speaking, this is a controversial statement, but there are those who continue to convince the public that it is right. Based on the same saying, we can conclude that thin men have thicker and longer penises than large and pumped men.

Scientists came to the aid of women interested in this issue, who managed to prove that sexual activity can be determined by measuring the ratio of the length of the thigh to the length of the leg. In other words, the greater the length of the thigh, the higher the person’s sexual activity.

It is also believed that the fuller a man's lips, the greater his dignity. Among other signs, it is often cited that the thickness and length of the penis can be recognized by the length and width of the male foot, as well as by the shape of the thumb, the shape of the penis can be recognized. And it is also believed that in men with a long nose, the length of the penis also does not disappoint.

Not long ago, Korean scientists managed to find a way to find out the size of a man's penis. For most people in general and men in particular, the ring finger is longer than the index finger, so the greater the difference between the thumb and index finger of a man, the longer his penis. Scientists claim that this method is the most reliable, because it was derived from research. It was previously proven that the size of a person’s fingers is formed at the embryonic stage, the length of the ring finger, as well as the size of the male penis, are formed at the same stage under the influence of hormones, or more precisely, testosterone. Those. the greater the amount of this hormone, the longer the ring finger, and, accordingly, the penis.

How to determine the size of the penis by external signs?

It is almost impossible to visually determine the volume of the penis, even if the guy is wearing tight clothes or swimming trunks. The penis is not always erect. In addition, it may decrease due to cold or other reasons. Due to physiological and anatomical characteristics, different indicators occur, which is due to the individuality of each organism.

There are some indirect methods for determining size. They do not always turn out to be reliable, but if they are applied together, they can most likely get closer to the truth. You can estimate the length of the penis using some visual parameters.

You can determine the size of the penis by the following parts of the body:

Sexologists are convinced that a strong and massive neck reliably characterizes the thickness of the penis. In addition, in practice it has been proven that tall and stocky men have impressive dignity, while short men can boast of similar parameters much less often.

There is a certain gradation by race.

This method has a physiological basis, because the anatomy of the hands is often proportional to all other parts of the body. There are several methods to determine the size of the penis by hand:

  1. 1. Characteristics of the thumb. The dignity is considered to be equal to the length of three thumbs and has a similar shape. If the finger is straight, then the anatomy of the penis is close to perfection.
  2. 2. Distance between thumb and index fingerfingers. The man should straighten his palm and put his thumb against it as much as possible. The desired value will correspond to the length of the penis.
  3. 3. Palm length. You need to straighten your hand and evaluate the segment from the base of the palm to the tip of the middle finger, which correlates with the length of the guy’s penis.

Determination by the distance between the thumb and index finger

You can find out the length of your penis by the shape of your nose. After looking at it, you need to evaluate the characteristics of the backrest.

  • if the back of the nose is thin, has clear outlines, starts from the eyebrow and evenly passes to the tip, then the genital organ is smooth and long;
  • if it has no visible outlines, the advantage is its small size.

You can also estimate the width of the penis. To do this, you need to pay attention to the distance between the wings of the nose. The more massive they are and the farther apart they are located, the more likely it is that the penis has an impressive diameter.

The relationship between the size of the organ and the structure of the hands and nose is presented in the summary table:

What are penises: varieties, shapes and classification in men

At some point, most men ask themselves, “Is my penis normal?” or, “Is sperm supposed to look like this?” Most likely the answer is yes! What types of penises are there? What are the different types of penis? Guys' penises come in different shapes, colors and sizes that are normal, healthy and proper.

Most penises are about the same color as the rest of a person's skin. However, many men have penises that are darker than their skin and have a brownish or reddish appearance. It is also possible for the penis to be slightly lighter than the skin on the rest of the body.

Some men have dark spots on their penis. Some representatives of the stronger half of humanity may have the same spots on the skin of the torso, arms and legs. However, a general practitioner or dermatologist should check any new spots that appear on the genitals or spots that appear periodically and do not go away very quickly.

In some cases, the color of the penis may change after injury. A bruise that goes away fairly quickly is usually not dangerous. However, a dark purple color on the penis or a large bruise that spreads throughout the organ, sometimes extending to the pubic and groin areas, requires medical attention, as it can cause great harm to health, including the erection.

Generally speaking, a man's penis has a certain color when he's aroused and a different color when he's at rest. And there is no concept of an ideal or correct penis. Keep in mind that arousal can also cause the penis to appear darker for a period of time. However, if a man notices that during an erection the color has changed (not as usual) and all this is accompanied by pain, especially redness and swelling, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Most penises are not completely smooth. Typically, the veins on the penis should be visible and even protrude a little, especially when the organ is aroused. Many penises also have hair follicles on the shaft, which feel like tiny bumps. As long as the bumps are small and not bright red or irritated, they are likely benign hair follicles or natural bumps that are just part of the skin.

Many men experience tiny, smooth, “pearly” bumps on the head of their penis. They usually appear in youth and are very common. About 25% of the male population have them. They are absolutely harmless and cannot be transmitted sexually.

Fordius spots are small light red or skin bumps on the shaft or scrotum. These bumps occur in at least 50% of the male population. They are completely natural and cause no concern at all. They are harmless and cannot be transmitted sexually to a partner. However, large and irritated bumps can signal sexually transmitted diseases such as warts, so it's best to see a doctor if you're concerned.

A rash may sometimes appear on the genitals that is not caused by an STD. Harsh soaps, scented shower cleansers, and even too much rubbing during sex or masturbation can cause skin irritation.

If the irritation does not go away after a few days, a man should see a doctor - especially if he is sexually active. In this case, there may be a herpes infection, a fungal infection caused by too much moisture. This itching is easy to treat and is common in uncircumcised men.

Yes, penis size does change—and so does scrotum size. Men may be surprised to learn that penis length is not measured with an erect penis. Too many variables.

Average size of a man's penis:

  • The average length of the penis is from 8.6 cm to 9.3 cm;
  • Average penis length (vertical): from 12.9 cm to 14.5 cm;
  • Average penis size (vertical circumference): 8.8 cm to 10 cm.

When it's cold outside while swimming in cold water, the penis may actually tighten up inside the body, but will lengthen when it gets a little warmer. All this is normal!

Scientists have shown that correlations between penile size and other physical measurements such as weight, finger length, or foot size are inconsistent or weak, with the exception of a small but significant correlation between penile length and height.

What are the different types of penises? Some penises hang on one side or the other. Some penises also have a slight curve to them even when straightened. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about, especially if the curve has been present since infancy.

Shapes of penises

  • Mushroom;
  • Pointed (conical);
  • Cylindrical.

However, if the penis changes from a straight to a bent penis, it may be Peyronie's disease.

Types of penises

  • Wiry – quite thin when excited;
  • Fleshy - has an impressive size even in a calm state.

Fun fact: Studies have shown that 85% of women are satisfied with their partner's size, while only 45% of men are satisfied with their size. This shows that most men do not objectively assess the size of their penis, and this should not be the case! The main takeaway from all this is that there is a huge range of normal and healthy penis sizes.

On the Internet you can find a variety of descriptions of the shape of the penis in men.

Classification of types of penises

  • Hook (directed upward);
  • Pike (directed outward (horizontally));
  • Root (pointing down);
  • Root hook (points upward from the base, then curves horizontally);
  • Snagged pike (protrudes horizontally from the base, then curves upward);
  • Rooted pike (projects horizontally from the base, then curves downward);
  • Hammer shape (the head of the penis is large and the shaft is small);
  • Banana (shaped like a banana and usually curves downwards),
  • Anchored root (points down from the base, then curves more horizontally).


Some men have circumcised penises, and some have intact foreskin. Both types of male organ are accepted and common in European culture. A person with an intact foreskin simply has a thin layer of skin that covers the head of his penis. When aroused, the foreskin is usually retracted, exposing the head of the penis.

It is very important for a man to be mindful of the condition of his foreskin to keep it clean, as sweat, semen, lube and dead skin cells can accumulate underneath it. This accumulation can form a white or yellowish paste-like substance called smegma.

The appearance of smegma on the genitals is completely normal and nothing to worry about. It is simply necessary to wash it off when a man takes a shower to avoid infection with yeast and fungi.

When a person becomes aroused and orgasm occurs, he releases ejaculate or sperm. The amount of semen a man typically ejaculates on average is just under a teaspoon, but this amount can vary between men.

The ejaculate is usually whitish in color, although some men produce yellowish semen. If a man experiences pain during ejaculation or is unable to ejaculate, he should consult a doctor. Ejaculate that has blood or a greenish tint should also be tested in a laboratory.

Seminal fluid has different consistencies and textures. At times, semen may be thicker than usual. In general, there is no need to worry about this. Its consistency and composition can be influenced by a variety of factors, including when the person last ejaculated, how long he was aroused, and even what he ate early in the morning for breakfast.

It is important to remember that all people are different, there is no ideally shaped penis. Healthy penises don't all look the same, so a man shouldn't worry or compare himself to others. Remember that a man can always talk to his doctor if he has any concerns.

How to find out penis size by hand?

How to find out the size of a man's penis by looking at his hand?

The size of a man's penis can be determined by his hand. For any reason. The formula is simple, the length of the penis is equal to three times the length of his thumb! Also, an anatomy teacher told us in college that you can determine the size of your penis by the size of your Adam’s apple. The bigger the Adam's apple, the bigger the penis

So it's very simple! Take the man’s right hand with your fingers towards you and look at the life lines. The two bottom ones run almost parallel, and the top one goes up from left to right. Together with a thin line perpendicular to the width of the palm, these upper two form a triangle. So, the length of the penis, as a rule, is equal to the square of the right leg. Or the hypotenuse multiplied by three. It differs by only 2-3 mm. If, during an unobtrusive check, the length of the penis turned out to be shorter, it means there was a circumcision, but this infection kept silent about it before the wedding.)))

It's really simple and the correct answer has already been given. From the tip of the middle finger to the wrist. Of course there will be an error. But do you really need precise parameters down to the millimeter? You are not going to put a wedding ring on him. And you will get a very accurate idea.

Formula: foot length, weight, etc. stupid from the start. I'll explain why. A person’s weight is always variable, even throughout the day. A person may gain or lose weight. For example, I recently gained 7-8 kg. Believe me, this had no effect on the length of my limbs. Neither those with bones, nor those without.

By the way, it is also very easy to visually check the size of the vaginal opening. It matches the size of the mouth. Do you have any doubts? Check it out for yourself!

I think that either fingers are not allowed. And how can this be interconnected? The thickness of the fingers and the hand itself is mainly determined by the thickness of the bone. There are people who are “bony,” but this does not mean that their penis is big. This organ in a man has no bones.

Various scientists wanted determine the size of a man's penis by the size of his hand, as well as legs, nose, and other parts of the body and earn a Nobel Prize with his discovery.

Studied and compared for a long time penis with many body parts.

One (a scientist from Barcelona) penis size I wanted to equate it to the length of the middle finger of a man’s hand, and its thickness to the pad of this finger. I stepped aside and tried it on - it turns out it was all a lie.

Others (scientists from Japan) began to write formulas, like we once did in algebra school. Here your shoe size, the length of the nose, and the man’s body weight are taken into account.

I looked at the shoes, measured the nose, I already knew the weight, summed it up and divided it, but the values ​​were different.

Maybe someone else will come up with something, how to find out penis size.

Guessing the size of a penis by your hand is the same as guessing by this very hand. For some it matches, for others it doesn’t. A lottery in my opinion. For example, it doesn’t match for me; my hands and fingers are much smaller than required according to the comparison methods given by other users.

And it is not clear what size is meant. In an excited state or at rest. After all, the difference can be simply huge. For some men, a seemingly small penis can become very large and vice versa.

There is one more nuance - the more often a member is sexually active, the larger it becomes. Therefore, any methods of measuring the penis by body parts are very conditional. You could be very wrong. You won't know for sure without a visual inspection)

The size of the penis (penis) cannot be determined by a man’s external appearance. This, in general, is more of a phenotypic trait and can change throughout life, including through all sorts of operations and Nuper executions.

And here's how to determine the size of a penis by hand - this is the length of the thumb to the hand. It is believed that this is the size in erotic form. This can be seen better in the picture. But, in my opinion, this is not quite the correct definition. Well, the fingers and the length of the male organ are not connected.

The larger the thumb (proportionally), the larger the penis.

This is due to the fact that the human body develops under the influence of hormones, and hormones that lead to penis enlargement also lead to thumb enlargement. They also increase the length of the foot.

This is how I will describe it, as I remember reading an article in some newspaper, how best to understand from a man’s hand what is hidden there..))

We look at the hand, if it matches the body (proportions), for example, a big person may have large hands and naturally his fingers seem large. But this does not mean that one has a large penis; one needs to compare not the size of the fingers, but how the thumb looks compared to all the fingers.

If as usual. corresponds to the proportions, which means the penis is of average size for this race, the thumb does not correspond to the rest of the fingers, it is larger compared to them, which corresponds to the fact that it is above average size,

Honestly, I myself have not checked whether this hypothesis corresponds to reality in life, as it’s not interesting to me that among men there, she chose a person as a companion based on other qualities..)

Types of members and their forms: how they differ, what they depend on and how they are adjusted

Men tend to create acts of mental torment for themselves and worry about the size and appearance of their own genitals. They worry less about leg size, plump or thin lips, long fingers or other points that may not correspond to their own canons of beauty.

Taking into account the fact that the anatomy of every man is basically the same and the structure of the penis does not differ from one man to another, and external differences for the most part represent variants of the norm, if not accompanied by pathological phenomena and processes.

It is necessary to examine the question of what is the classification of penises, as well as what shape of penis girls like and what can be done to change this characteristic.

What types of male penises are there?

So, what are the types of members? It is impossible to answer such a question with one or two examples, since the classification of such a parameter will include seven options at once. And each of the examples is quite common among men, so it could be included in this list.

The type of penis that falls into the category of thick is characterized by the fact that it has a fairly voluminous diameter, but the length, on the contrary, is short. Most often, such a member visually resembles a barrel. However, there are situations when a man has quite impressive both the length and width of the phallus.

Thin types of male members are characterized by rather modest indicators of the diameter of the genital organ, but the length can be either insignificant or, conversely, impressive. But their typical shape is arrow-shaped in most cases.

The length parameter of long penises is often impressive and exceeds the 15 cm mark. Moreover, most often, despite their considerable length, their width noticeably lags behind in development.


It is worth considering that this type of member belongs to the category of pathology. Its development is often associated with a disruption in the functional activity of the endocrine system; in this case, an insufficient amount of testosterone is synthesized in the body. Namely, testosterone directly affects the development of the reproductive system in a man and in many ways its effect is aimed at the formation of the penis.

The fleshy appearance of men's penises is always has an impressive size, even in a completely relaxed state. They are often quite voluminous in all respects, although sometimes there are combinations of large diameter with short length.

Why fleshy members are called nothing less than huge can be seen in the photo. to contents

Owners of this type of penis can have any anatomical model, and the striking difference of such an organ is pronounced swollen veins. Such organs look quite impressive and even rude, but at the same time they evoke an enthusiastic reaction from girls.

The photo clearly shows examples representing these types of penises. to contents

Member Forms

It is no less interesting what types of penis there are. But this characteristic is also rich in options and depends on many factors, the main one of which is the heredity of the young man.

Warped or bent

This type of penis is characterized by a deviation of the head or shaft from its middle in any direction. Deviation is most often observed in straight directions: right, left, up or down. But sometimes there may be a curvature in an oblique direction. This option is more common for those whose shape has been affected by frequent improper placement of the penis in underwear.


Cylindrical is one of the most common shapes. In this case, it looks smooth, without any veins or irregularities, even the veins on it are not striking. In this case, the head and barrel have approximately the same diameter, and the transition between them is difficult to determine. The head is rounded.


Members of a conical shape are also common, which are characterized by a fairly thick and long trunk with a much smaller head; because of this ratio, the general appearance resembles a cone, which is widened towards the base and significantly narrowed towards the apex.


We often see types of male penises called “mushroom-shaped”. In this case, men have a rather thin trunk, but the head expands and visually resembles a mushroom cap. The shape of the head can be more narrowed towards the tip, resembling a cone, or rounded with a uniform width.


The barrel-shaped penis is characterized by the fact that The length of the phallus is not large, but the diameter is impressive. In a state of rest it is not noticeable, but in an excited state it is not very long, but thick, and resembles a barrel.


What is the correct or normal shape of a penis is difficult to answer. In fact there is no complete and generally accepted idea of ​​the correctness of this characteristic. Each nationality perceived different options as the only correct ones. For example, the Chinese were convinced that this category included mushroom-shaped organs.

There are also many opinions about what the ideal shape of a penis is. In fact, any physiological figure is obviously ideal, but both the man himself and his partner can have more specific ideas in any direction.

Unusually shaped members can be classified as this category includes:

  • banana shape. In a state of full erection, the head of such a penis is directed to the south and slightly curved. Also, such an organ has a natural bend, up to 10 degrees, and with a larger deviation, a visit to the hospital is necessary, since this is an example of pathology.
  • C-shaped. When an erection develops, such a penis begins to bend to the right, and most often this phenomenon is observed in those who make a mistake in placing the organ in their underwear or have encountered an injury to this area.
  • Graviola. This variant visually resembles the ripe fruit of the East African plant for which it is named. The phallus in this case is short, most often about 10 cm, and extremely wide. The scrotum also contains impressively sized testicles.

Often there is a type of penis called an arrow, for which the type of head is most important. This can be explained by the fact that such an organ has a fairly pronounced narrowing from the base to the head and, in an excited state, resembles an even arrow.

The shapes of the members are clearly visible in the photos presented above. to contents

Other differences

The shape and size of the penis are not the only differences between the genital organs of men. This variety can manifest itself in color, texture, and even the size of the foreskin.

In most cases, in men, the shade of the penis matches the rest of the skin. However, there are member types that differ in some way from the classic version, for example:

  • The penis is darker than the skin tone, close to brown and sometimes even reddish in color.
  • The skin of the phallus is lighter than the main shade on most of the body.
  • Observed dark spots on penis, sometimes this is combined with the same spots all over the body, but this phenomenon is possible only on the male dignity.

Most men have penises that are far from perfectly smooth. In a normal and classic situation, there are visible and even protruding veins on the genital organ, especially during an erection. Other men have hair follicles on the phallus, located on the shaft and tactilely perceived as small bumps.

Approximately 25% of the male population have tiny and smooth balls, resembling pearls, located on the head of their dignity. They initially appear at a young age and are harmless; moreover, they are not sexually transmitted, so they should not cause concern.

And 50% of the population has so-called Fordyce spots, which are located on the trunk or scrotum and look like light red tubercles. This phenomenon is also harmless and is not transmitted to the partner.

Foreskin size

There are differences in the types of penises based on the size of the foreskin.

In this case, both natural and acquired characteristics are taken into account:

  • Circumcised.
  • Uncircumcised with normal foreskin.
  • Uncircumcised with long foreskin. This case is a variant of the norm if it is not accompanied by a lack of complete opening of the head and is not accompanied by any pathological processes.

What does the geometry depend on and what can cause it to be disrupted?

First of all, the shape of male organs depends on genetic material, which passes to them from their parents. However, there are a number of other factors that influence this characteristic. These include:

  • Surgical procedures and injuries affecting this area. Under the influence of external factors, the formation of a curved model is possible, which can be associated either with trauma to the penis or even tissue rupture, or with improperly formed scars on the skin after surgery.
  • Diseases of various etiologies. For example, a large number of sexually transmitted diseases, especially in the last stages, have a negative effect on the tissue of the penis. And as a result of the influence of certain pathogenic microorganisms, these tissues can not only be deformed, but even completely destroyed, which leads to curvature of the organ. A striking example of such a pathology is syphilis.
  • Exposure to environmental conditions. Changes in the shape and size of the penis can be affected by pesticides, synthetically created antibacterial substances, which negatively affect the endocrine system of men and lead not only to deformation of the phallus, but sometimes even to its gradual destruction.
  • Underwear. What is important here is not the underwear itself, its material or brand, but how the penis fits into it, especially this option affects the penises of adolescents.

Effect of erection

Erection does not have a direct effect on the development of the shape of the penis. In fact, the erect state only shows whether there is any curvature of the penis, which may not be noticeable in the relaxed version.

Which ones do girls like?

Men are also interested in what shape of penis girls like.

There is no clear answer to this question, because Each representative of the fair sex has her own preferences in matters of sexuality, and so if one person likes mushroom-shaped penises, then another may prefer cylindrical ones.

However, if a man correctly assesses the shape of his dignity and chooses appropriate comfortable positions for sex, his option will be ideal for his partner. to contents

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video with information on the importance of penis size and shape:

How can you change and correct the parameters of the penis?

Men often want to ensure that they have the correct shape of their penis. To this end, they can resort to a variety of methods, which include:

    Exercises and massages. They are aimed at stretching the genital organ directed in the direction opposite to the curvature. This category also includes jelqing and mini-jelqing. These techniques should also be implemented in the opposite direction from the direction of curvature. Otherwise, the classical implementation of such exercises will bring the appearance closer to the desired one, making the organ wider or longer.

Despite the huge difference in the possible external appearance of male assets, there is no clear understanding of what shape a member should be. Without pathological abnormalities, injuries or diseases, a man can lead a full sex life and impress his sexual partners through the correct choice of positions and the presence of certain skills in sex.

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

The average length of a man's penis (regardless of the man's nationality) is about 13.1 cm. The average girth or circumference of the penis is about 11.91 cm (almost 12 cm). The average length of a non-erect penis is approximately 9.16 cm. These measurements correspond to a study conducted by the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI).

The countries with the largest average male organ size - 18.03 cm - are Sudan and DR Congo. The country with the smallest average size - 9.43 cm at the time of erection - Thailand (Faculty of Medicine. Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 2013).

American Jonah Falcon has the record size for his manhood. The length of his penis is 34.29 cm during arousal and 20.32 cm when at rest. His penis is so long that the US Transportation Security Administration once mistook it for a bomb. The length of his reproductive organ is equal to the length of three iPhone 4s located one behind the other.

Another owner of the “largest penis” is a man from Mexico who was not born with outstanding dimensions, but enlarged his organ himself (more about him in the video above).


According to the Presidential hospital of Russia (Moscow), in 2015, the average size of the male penis of Russians was 9.6 cm at rest in length with a girth of 9.4 cm. At the time of erection, the length is 14.16 cm with a girth of 11.73 cm. Research Herbenick D., Reece M. Schick V., Sanders S. A. shows that Americans have almost the same parameters.

According to 2011 data (Journal of Urology), in Belarus the length of the penis in men is 11.2 cm in a calm state (girth 9.1), and with an erection - 13.98 cm (girth 11.38).

A survey by the Irish University showed that the average length of the penis of Ukrainian men is 13.97 cm. Data from another survey in 2015, where respondents themselves determined the size of their dignity, say that the length of the penis at rest in Ukrainians is 9.7 cm, girth - 9.8 cm, and when excited the length is 14.2 cm with a girth of 12.28 cm.

The results of the 2015 Genital size measure survey showed that the average length of the penis in men in Kazakhstan is 9.3 cm (volume 9.1), and in an erect state - 13.46 cm with a thickness of 11.34. Men in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have almost the same indicators.


African men have the largest penises in the world. Sudan (17.95) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (17.93) are in the lead. The top three also include representatives of South America, the average male size in Ecuador is about 17.59 cm. The top ten owners of large penises also include men from another republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), Ghana, Venezuela, Lebanon, Colombia, Cameroon, Jamaica. These men lead in the length of their erect manhood (from 17.95 to 16.30 cm).

The smallest penises are found in men from Thailand, North Korea, Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Korea and the Philippines. The average size of their manhood at the time of arousal does not exceed 9.43–10.85 cm.

Average male size: table by country (according to another source)

Sudan 18.034
Congo 18.034
Ecuador 17.526
Belgium 16.256
France 16.002
Egypt 15.748
Brazil 15.748
Italy 15.748
Denmark 15.24
Netherlands 14.986
Sweden 14.732
Greece 14.732
Scotland 14.732
Chile 14.478
Israel 14.478
Germany 14.478
Norway 14.224
Türkiye 13.97
England 13.97
Canada 13.97
Spain 13.97
Australia 13.208
Japan 13.208
Russia 13.208
USA 12.954
Ireland 12.7
China 10.922
India 10.16
North Korea 9.398


Sometimes they claim that you can guess the length of a man’s manhood by a man’s arm, leg, height, nose and even ear. However, according to a 2006 study, there is no connection between penis size and physical condition. In several other observations, experts have derived a relationship between the size of the buttocks and the penis, but this does not look convincing.

Does height affect the size of a man's penis?

Scientists have not found a connection between these two parameters. Most likely, a man's height has no effect on the length and thickness of his penis. For example, the owner of the world's largest penis, Jonah Falcon, is only 175 cm tall.

Watch the video: Elena Malysheva about manhood (program “Live Healthy”)


The BJUI review used data from 17 studies involving 15,000 men. Scientists have found that only 5 out of 100 men have a penis longer than 16 cm. Similarly, only 5 out of 100 have an erect penis length shorter than 10 cm. Other studies have yielded similar results.

The review, published in the Journal of Urology, also found that the length of the male penis at rest does not affect the size of the penis during erection. In other words, different men may have the same length of erect penises, but the size of their organs at rest will vary.

On average, women consider the normal size of a man's penis to be 13.8 cm, and the ideal length is 15.8 cm. For men, judging by surveys, the average length of the penis is 14.1 cm, and the ideal organ is 16.6 cm.

The Journal of Urology defines a deviation from the norm as a penis length of less than 4 cm at rest and less than 7.62 cm at the time of arousal. With such parameters, after consultation with a urologist, a man may be recommended.


According to BJUI magazine, women are more focused on a man's appearance and personality; Penis size is not a priority for them. Many men whose manhood is 12-13 cm or less when aroused begin to doubt their size. This is a common belief that can lead to self-esteem issues and feelings of insecurity. 12-13 cm are the average indicators of manhood, which are not a deviation from the norm.

Plus, length isn't that important: Nearly 90 percent of women prefer a penis with a larger girth than a longer one, according to two studies.

Does the size of a man's dignity matter: girls' opinions

However, a University of California survey found that 68% of women whose men had a penis size below the average or national average wished their partners' manhood was larger. At the same time, the majority of female respondents in the study (85%) said that they were still satisfied with the size of their partner's penis.

In the same study, men were asked to self-assess the size of their assets. More than half of respondents (66%) rated their penises as average. 22% considered their penises to be large, the remaining 12% considered their penises to be small. Men who rated their reproductive organs as larger also tended to rate their overall appearance as more attractive. This may mean that penis size affects a man's confidence in his own attractiveness.

Women's opinions about male size were also studied in the Mister Poll survey. 81% of more than a thousand female respondents would reject a very attractive man with a small penis in favor of a man with an average appearance but a large organ. In the same survey, 75% of respondents thought that penis girth and length were very important. In addition, 61% of them admitted that they would refuse to communicate with a man if the size of his penis did not meet their expectations and was smaller.

More than a thousand men also participated in the survey. They were asked how they felt after reading the women's responses regarding penis size. The results showed the following:

  • 44% are confident that their penis size is normal,
  • 19% are absolutely sure that their manhood can satisfy most women,
  • 17% are not sure about their size,
  • 9% are not sure about the size of their penis, but believe that they can satisfy a woman,
  • 8% are absolutely confident both in size and in the fact that they will be able to satisfy their partner.

Accuracy of research and measurements

Despite careful study, there is still a huge margin of error when measuring penis size, especially when the measurement is taken by men themselves. In addition, several factors can affect erection: ambient temperature, mood, age, mental state.


How to measure your penis correctly?

There are two ways to measure. The first method is measurement at the moment of excitation. The second is a measurement in a calm state. The results of both approaches will differ by a few millimeters.

To find out the length of the penis, take a ruler. Place one end of it in the bone area above the penis. Be sure to press down on the ruler until you feel the bone. This is necessary so that pubic hair and a layer of fat do not interfere with the measurement. Measure the length from the bone to the tip of the penis.

To get girth data, you can use a measuring tape. Wrap it around the thickest part of the penis; it could be the middle or the bottom. If you don't have a tape measure, but you have a ruler, you can measure the length of your manhood using a strip of paper, marking the girth on it, and then applying the paper to the ruler.


An experienced doctor can perform surgery to increase the thickness and length of the penis. Pills and other home remedies advertised on the Internet will, at best, not bring any results. You can also lengthen the frequency converter using or, but you will have to use them regularly and for at least a year.

If a man's dignity is close to average, perhaps a more positive outlook on things will help him get rid of his inhibitions and avoid unnecessary surgery.

  • Focus on the characteristics and body parts that you like about yourself. For example, broad shoulders or a pleasant smile.
  • Maintain a healthy weight and include strength training in your weekly exercise routine. If you feel healthy, then your inner feeling will improve.
  • Penis size is really not that important in order to satisfy a partner.
  • Don't compare yourself to celebrities, models, athletes, and especially porn actors. Their artificially created images are exaggerated and unrealistic.

The type of penis depends on the individuality of each man. Phallosses can be very diverse in length, width and shape. By medical standards, this is absolutely normal.

Shapes and sizes of penises

Male penises come in the following sizes:

  • Ultra-small. This includes male members up to 8 centimeters.
  • Small ones. The category of the male genital organ is 9-12 cm.
  • Average. Male size is 13-15 cm.
  • Big ones. The length is 15-20 cm.
  • Huge. Length more than 20 cm.

The sizes shown are for penises in an erect state.

The smallest penis sizes are considered to be among Asian peoples, on average 12-14 cm during arousal, among Europeans about 15 cm, among dark-skinned people it reaches 20 cm.

Penises are classified according to their shape as follows:

  • Pointed. The diameter of the head of the penis is less than the diameter of the entire penis. If the genital organ itself is thin, then visually it looks like an arrow, and if it is thick, then it looks like a cone.
  • Mushroom-shaped. The head of the members is much wider than the trunk.
  • Cylindrical. The width of the penis along its entire length is approximately the same.
  • Barrel-shaped. Short but voluminous phallus.

State of rest

On average, the length of the penis in a non-erect position is from 5 to 15 cm, and its diameter is about 3 cm. The size of the penis decreases in the following cases:

  • Fatigue.
  • Fear.
  • Overexcitement.
  • After ejaculation.
  • Diseases of a psychological nature.
  • Hypothermia.

With normal and full arousal, the penis approximately doubles in length compared to a calm state. The maximum recorded increase in the phallus during arousal is 4 times.

There is a very interesting fact regarding sexual power and penis size. A small penis from a resting state can stretch by more than ten centimeters when excited, but a fairly large penis in the same situation will increase by five centimeters.

Pathologies of the genital organs in men

Disorders of penile development may begin during fetal development at the intrauterine stage.

Some types of deviations:

  • Phimosis. When the head of the penis is fused with the foreskin. This defect complicates both the process of opening the head and the process of urination.
  • Aphallia. Absence of the penis. This is the rarest type of abnormal development, usually accompanied by other forms of defects of the genitourinary system.
  • Ectopia. A congenital disorder where the penis is located behind the scrotum.
  • Diphallia. A congenital anomaly in which the genital organ is double.
  • Micropenis. Underdeveloped penis.
  • Complete absence of head.One of the rarest violations.
  • Hidden penis. The case when the phallus is located in the fatty tissue in the pubic area.

All of the above anomalies occur extremely rarely.

Size-related prejudices:

  • If a man has large limbs or a large nose, then the size of his manhood does not lag behind. There is no relationship between the parameters of the penis and other parts of the body.
  • The greater a man's dignity, the more he wants sex. Complete nonsense. Sexual attraction depends on physical health, psychological state, connection between partners, but not the size of the phallus.
  • The larger the penis, the better the man in bed. Not true. Establishing a relationship between size and bed skills is very difficult.

The ideal penis size is different for everyone, the main requirement is to maintain the hygiene and health of your sexual organ at the highest level, and it will thank you more than once by giving you pleasure from sexual intercourse. And remember “size is not the main thing, the main thing is the ability to use.”
