What is it like to be on fire? How to understand that it is sunstroke

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Ushakov's Dictionary

hit, blow, husband.

1. A sharp, strong push, a sharp, strong collision of something (moving with a moving one or moving with a stationary one). “The blow was so deft that the skull was split apart.” Krylov. “Our blow is precise and heavy.” Languages. “The heralds praised my blow.” Pushkin. Take off your head with a blow of a sword. A blow to the leg. Punch him in the chest. Hammer strike on iron. Metal impact test. Take away from yourself hit.

2. Sound - knocking, crackling, ringing, roar from such contact, collision. “You can hear the underwater blows of an ax on a snag.” Chekhov. IN *****


4. trans. Moral shock, sudden and severe grief. “I know what a terrible blow I am dealing to you.” L. Tolstoy. Recover from the blow. Postpone hit.

5. A swift attack, a sudden and decisive attack. “We are not afraid of threats from aggressors and are ready to respond with a double blow to the blow of warmongers trying to violate the inviolability of Soviet borders.” Stalin. Lightning strike on enemy communications. Overwhelm the enemy with a flank attack.

| trans. An action aimed at refuting, suppressing, eliminating something. Apply... Good verbal hit. husband. Bitter. “...Already in the 80s, Plekhanov dealt the main blow to the populist belief system...” Story VKP(b) . A blow to bureaucrats. A blow to laxity.

6. Cerebral hemorrhage accompanied by paralysis, apoplexy. Apoplexy. “He... Suddenly died from a blow.” A. Turgenev. “He got so angry that by evening he had a stroke.” Nekrasov. Solar hit. (cm. solar).

In shock (to be; decomposition) - in a position, condition, mood that ensures good luck. “He finally threw down the brush and told his wife that he was not in a good mood.” A. Turgenev. under attack - 1 ) in a position where they can attack, attack. The flanks are under attack. this figure is under attack ( chess.). 2 ) trans. in a critical, dangerous situation.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

UD A R, A, m.

1. A short and strong movement directly aimed at someone, a sharp push. Apply U. with a butt, with a fist. Knock down. U. electric current (translated). U. below the belt (prohibited technique in wrestling; also translated: about an illegal technique in a dispute, polemic).

2. The sound (ringing, crackling, rumble) from such a push, as well as a generally abrupt sound, a knock. U. thunder. U. bells. The blows of an ax are heard.

3. Swift attack, attack. Retreat under enemy attack. Get out from under attack. Flank y. Shtykova U.

4. trans. Serious trouble, shock. Try it out. fate. The family recovered from the blow.

5. Cerebral hemorrhage (obsolete). Die from the blow. U. grabbed the cogon.

6. what. Jerky fluctuations (heart, pulse). Pulse 80 beats per minute.

On fireWho about who's in this moment is in a state of elation and creative inspiration. The artist is on a roll today. The narrator is not in a good mood.

Strike downon someone or something with force hit(in 1, 3 and 4 digits).

Under attack(to get into or put) in a dangerous position.

Under attack out on a limb.

| adj. shock, aya, oh (to 1 and 6 values). Impact devices. U. current (in an electrical circuit). U. impulse.

Efremova's Dictionary

  1. m.
    1. :
      1. A sharp, strong push made by someone or something, a sharp collision of someone or something. when moving.
      2. A sound that occurs when something pushes or collides. with smth.
    2. trans. That which strikes, causes smth. unpleasant, difficult.
    3. :
      1. Swift attack, sudden attack, onslaught.
      2. trans. A decisive action aimed at stopping something.
    4. :
      1. trans. Moral shock, sudden and severe grief.
      2. Severe damage, damage, loss.
    5. :
      1. decomposition Bleeding in the brain, accompanied by loss of consciousness and paralysis.
      2. Severe damage to the central nervous system.

encyclopedic Dictionary

IMPACT of solid bodies is a set of phenomena that occur during the collision of moving solid bodies, as well as during certain types of interaction of a solid body with a liquid or gas (impact of a jet on a body, impact of a body on the surface of a liquid, hydraulic shock, the effect of an explosion or shock wave on a solid body, etc. .). The period of time during which the impact lasts is usually very small (from several ten-thousandths to millionths of a second), and the forces developing at the contact areas of the colliding bodies (called impact or instantaneous) are very large. The action of impact forces during the impact leads to a significant change in the velocities of points on the body. The consequences of an impact can also be residual deformations, sound vibrations, heating of bodies, changes mechanical properties their materials, etc., and at impact speeds exceeding critical ones - destruction of bodies at the point of impact. In the elementary theory of impact, the change in the velocities of bodies during the impact is characterized by the coefficient of recovery k = 1, the value of which depends on the material of the colliding bodies. For example, for balls made of wood k = 1/2, steel 5/9, ivory 8/9, with k = 1 the impact is called absolutely elastic, and with k = 0 absolutely inelastic.

Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

On fire (be) - in a good mood, in a state of elation, inspiration

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  • - not in uda/re, adv...

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  • - the forecaster is not in a good mood. decomposition About a state that does not provide good luck...

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  • - foreigner: in the mood to do something - good Wed. Oh you! inopportunely interrupted! It makes a noise like coals in a samovar! And I would surely go through all of St. Petersburg: I ​​was there! Nekrasov. Contemporaries. Heroes of time...

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    HomeHome and leisureSunstroke - symptoms and ways to avoid it.

    Sunstroke is a dangerous painful condition of the body that occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, resulting in an imbalance and a sharp deterioration in well-being.

    Symptoms of heat stroke:

    Dizziness, headache; - nausea and vomiting; - rapid breathing and/or pulse; - high body temperature, increased sweating; - loss of consciousness; - signs of shock (bluish lips, nails, confusion);

    Delirium, hallucinations.

    Medical care for sunstroke:

    At the initial signs of heat stroke, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid, since in severe forms of this type of stroke, even death is possible.

    1. First, you need to move the victim to a shady, cool place (preferably where there is air conditioning). Remove all or part of his clothing (headdress, shoes, socks), unbutton his shirt collar and cuffs to speed up the process of reducing body temperature.

    2. Do not give antipyretics or medications that contain caffeine.

    3. Help take a bath or shower with cool water or make a cold compress (wrap the body with a wet sheet, moisturizing it periodically), can be sprayed on the face and body thermal water.

    4. Correct body position is important. The victim should be laid horizontally, with his legs raised 30 centimeters, this will help avoid a state of shock.

    5. To restore water balance in the body and normalize well-being, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. The water should be cool, but in no case icy. You need to drink slowly, in small sips. If you lose consciousness, bring a cotton swab with ammonia to your nose (it should be in every first aid kit).

    6. Before the ambulance arrives medical care in the most urgent cases, when the person is unconscious and you cannot feel his pulse, start performing chest compressions and artificial respiration.

    7. If your leg is cramped, you should massage the area.

    8. If you are alone and there is no one to help you, call an ambulance, and then try to do the same steps as best you can. Try to calm down and relax, breathe deeply and calmly, focus, remember something positive and pleasant.

    Age groups at risk of sunstroke include: children, teenagers and the elderly. There is a high risk of heat stress for those who are obese and those who do not tolerate heat well. high temperatures. Also at risk are people suffering from diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, diabetics, people with oxygen deficiency, athletes who exercise outdoors and those who work in the fresh air. long time.

    The main danger is that sometimes a person is not immediately able to feel overheating and notice the corresponding symptoms, as a result of which he may get sunstroke or heatstroke.

    Among the preventive measures that will help avoid heat and sunstroke are the following:

    Wear Sunglasses and a hat, this will increase the time spent in direct sunlight, without harm to health.

    Drink plenty of water. You should drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day to maintain optimal water balance in your body.

    Do not wear clothes that are too tight or too tight and are made from fabrics that do not allow air to pass through well; your body needs to breathe.

    Don't overuse big amount alcohol.

    Make sure that the rooms you are in are well ventilated, with an optimal level of humidity.

    Avoid sitting in direct sunlight during its busiest hours (11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.). take care of your body, listen to its signals.

    You will also find this article useful on how to tan correctly and with health benefits.

    And then good health will definitely become an integral part of your life.

    How to tell if you have sunstroke

    Change text size:

    The heat is coming. Many people in the metro are already feeling bad. How do you know if warm is overheating or something else? Here are the symptoms of sunstroke:

    Dizziness, - increased heart rate (tachycardia), - sweat began to appear more than usual, - a white veil spread before my eyes. Be sure to step into the shade and wet your head and hands with water. It is advisable to call an ambulance if symptoms do not go away for more than 15 minutes. If you notice that someone has fainted, drag the person into the shadows, unbutton the collar of his shirt, loosen the belt on his trousers. Wet your forehead and hands with water and fan with newspaper. If the person is conscious, find out from him whether he is sick diabetes mellitus. The symptoms of diabetes and sunstroke are similar. - In such cases, never give nitroglycerin! - warns the ambulance doctor Mikhail Konevsky. - Very often, when the ambulance arrives, the patient is practically “none.” That is, his blood pressure has dropped significantly and in such situations it can be very difficult to save a person. Remember, nitroglycerin dilates the blood vessels in the brain, essentially increasing the symptoms of overheating. In addition, a person may be intolerant to nitroglycerin. Therefore, it is imperative to find out whether you are allergic to any drugs.

    Why is sunstroke dangerous? :

    During summer holidays and vacations, many lovers beach holiday stay for a long time on the coasts of rivers and seas under the scorching rays of the sun, trying to Get a beautiful tan as quickly as possible. Such rest is associated with a high risk of developing sunstroke.

    What it is?

    Sunstroke is a variant of heatstroke. This condition develops as a result of excessive heat input. Sunstroke is more common in people with fair skin, children and the elderly. The development of this condition is facilitated by the presence cardiovascular diseases, endocrine pathology, drinking alcoholic beverages.

    What happens when it overheats? Main symptoms of sunstroke

    During heat, the body turns on regulatory mechanisms aimed at reducing body temperature. This is manifested by an increase in sweat secretion, frequent breathing, and dilation of superficial vessels. All this helps to increase heat transfer. Overheating the body turns red, dryness of the skin and mucous membranes increases. To prevent the development of sunstroke, you need to go to a cooler place, you can take a shower. With further overheating, severe general weakness, increasing dizziness, increasing headache, palpitations, and nausea appear. This is followed by vomiting, noise or ringing in the ears, visual disturbances, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness may develop and even stop the heart and breathing.

    First aid for sunstroke

    If sunstroke has developed, treatment begins by moving the victim to a cool place with access to fresh air. The patient should be laid down with a cushion of clothing under his feet. This is necessary to improve blood supply to the brain. To reduce body temperature, you can apply moistened cold water towels to wipe the victim’s skin. Cold (a wet towel or ice pack) should be placed on the head and on areas of the body where large vessels pass. The victim's condition will be improved by drinking cold, slightly salted water or strong iced tea. If there is no consciousness, you can use ammonia, rubbing and patting the face and limbs. In case of prolonged absence of consciousness, an urgent call for an ambulance is necessary, and if respiratory and cardiac arrest is detected, resuscitation is immediately started.

    Prevention of sun and heat stroke

    It is not difficult to prevent sunstroke. To do this you need to do simple rules. The duration of sunbathing in the first days of rest should not be more than 20 minutes, gradually increasing it to two hours. It is recommended to sunbathe in the morning and evening; daytime hours are best spent indoors. Clothes should be light, made from natural fabrics that allow air to pass through well, the head should be protected with a light hat, and a beach umbrella should be used. While sunbathing, be sure to take breaks every 30 minutes to swim in the river or sea.

    Sunstroke: symptoms and first aid

    Sunstroke is a dangerous condition that occurs as a result of overheating of the head under the sun's rays, accompanied by dilation of the blood vessels in the brain until they rupture and cause a stroke and damage to the nervous system. Sounds creepy? Healthnews will tell you how to give yourself first aid

    with sunstroke.

    Sunstroke and heatstroke: are there any differences?

    Sunstroke and heatstroke, although they have a common nature, are significantly different: for example, sunstroke can only be obtained by direct exposure to the sun, while heatstroke can be obtained in any hot and stuffy environment.


    Heatstroke comes gradually, insidiously not making itself felt until the last moment, while sunstroke begins with a sharp headache,

    such that there is no doubt - you have suffered.

    You will learn more about heat stroke from the article “Heat stroke: symptoms and first aid”, here we will talk about sunstroke.

    Causes of sunstroke

    Sunstroke can most often occur in the summer, after being under the hot, scorching sun for a long time. This can be facilitated the following factors:

    • Alcohol intoxication affecting the blood vessels of the brain
    • Head not covered by a headdress
    • Dehydration
    • Heavy physical exercise in the heat
    • Excessive smoking
    • Prolonged stay in water or above the surface of water

    In addition, the risk of getting sunstroke is higher if you decide to shave your head by summer. A bald head tends to sweat and, like a magnet, attracts the sun's rays, so be sure to get it wet periodically

    napkin and buy yourself a stylish hat.

    Symptoms of sunstroke: main signs

    How to identify the symptoms of sunstroke and understand that you or someone you know needs emergency first aid? Remember the main signs


    • Sharply reddened, sweaty face (in severe stages of sunstroke, sweating, on the contrary, stops)
    • Severe headache: the head feels like it’s being torn from the inside
    • Increased body temperature, up to 40 degrees Celsius
    • Nosebleed
    • Nausea accompanied by vomiting
    • Increased heart rate, difficulty breathing
    • Loss of consciousness
    • Muscle spasms

    It is worth remembering that with sunstroke, not all of the above signs of sunstroke may be present. If there is at least

    a couple of them, move on to first aid for sunstroke.

    First aid for sunstroke

    At the slightest symptoms of sunstroke, you need to go to a dark, cool place and drink several glasses of room water, and then -

    • Remove things that restrict movement
    • Wipe the entire body with a soft sponge soaked in cool water.
    • Treat affected areas with anti-burn ointment
    • Try to get some sleep with a damp, cool towel on your head.
    • IN next days observe next diet: eat more watery vegetables and fruits (watermelons, cucumbers), and also avoid

      carbohydrates in favor of protein foods

    If the fever and headache do not go away within an hour, consult a doctor immediately! Possibly the blood vessels of the brain

    brain damaged by sunstroke.

    • Be healthy
    • Health

      Present no (except for 3 l. singular parts there is also an outdated 3 l. plural part essence); bud. I will, you will; past was, la, was (with negation: wasn’t, wasn’t, wasn’t, weren’t); led be; prib. past former; deepr. being; nesov. I. As an independent verb it means... Small academic dictionary

      - (to be) foreigner: in the mood to do something well Wed. Oh you! inopportunely interrupted! It makes a noise like coals in a samovar! And I would surely have gone through all of St. Petersburg: I ​​was on a roll! Nekrasov. Contemporaries. Heroes of time. Wed. Why not chat? I'm on a roll... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

      In shock (to be) monk. in the mood to do something well. Wed. Eh, you! By the way, I interrupted! It makes a noise like coals in a samovar! And I would definitely have gone through all of St. Petersburg: I ​​was on a roll! Nekrasov. Contemporaries. Heroes of time. Wed. Why not... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

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      Spirit, mood, well-being. Be in a cheerful mood (disposition). Be out of sorts. Be on a roll. I found a poem for him. To be out of place, out of place. // As soon as I see her, I’m not myself. Lerm. .. Wed… Synonym dictionary

      To express, to utter, to expound, to express, to say, to utter, to pronounce, to say, to say, to reason, to interpret, to affirm, to repeat, to repeat; rant, resonate, develop an idea, spread, go into... ... Synonym dictionary

      en verve de coze- * en verve de causer. Be eloquent, be on point. The prince finds himself en verve de causer. 1837. A. N. Golitsin Vosp. // RA 1886 2 311 ...

      lansada- y, w. lançade f. Steep and high jump of a riding horse. Ush. 1938. Horse movement in advanced riding school: the horse stands on its hind legs and jumps forward. Circus. enz. One, with every jump of his horse, turned pale as death, and almost... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

      A push, a blow, a slap behind the ear, a slap, a slap, a slap, a kick, a slap on the head, a slap, a cuff, a slap, a click; scuffle. Insult by action. The last bawlers... got their fill of blows and slaps. Melnikov. Cm.… … Synonym dictionary

      act successfully- ▲ act (as l) with, success unsuccessfully act in control of the situation. native element. hit the target. hit [please. owls/nes] to the point. apt (# comparison). coincidentally be able to. be on fire. | surpass yourself. score points... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language


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