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Any diseases of the spine require a quick appeal to a specialist and integrated approach in prescribed treatment. It is impossible to get rid of the problem with drugs alone. Medications will relieve pain and inflammation in a certain section of the spine, but the problem will remain. In this way, you treat the effect of the disease, not its cause. Therefore, other methods of influencing tissues are additionally used. Along with physiotherapy, exercise therapy, reflexology is used. Until a certain point, such methods belonged to the category of alternative, alternative medicine. Today, many official doctors recognize the effectiveness of such methods, use them in a complex with other approaches to treatment.

Reflexology includes different types massage, acupressure on tissues. This category includes acupuncture, so popular in the East. We all know that on the surface of the human body there are many nerve endings, active points, when exposed to which, metabolic processes in the body are triggered. You need to activate them correctly. In Asian countries, the technique of acupuncture has been trained for many years, and only at the last stage of training, doctors are allowed to live patients.

Of course, the services of a massage therapist, a reflexologist are not cheap. Not everyone can afford to undergo such treatment. Is there an alternative to the services of narrow specialists? Is it possible to influence active energy points at home? Copes with this task, named after its creator. It is noteworthy that this remedy was originally invented as a method of combating sleepwalking. Many others useful properties revealed later.

Before starting treatment with this tool, you need to study the instructions for using the Kuznetsov applicator. First you need to figure out what this device is.

Its design is extremely simple. Small plastic segments with sharp spikes are sewn onto a flat fabric surface, which are arranged in a special sequence. Active impact on the affected area of ​​the skin gives a positive result with prolonged use. Ready-made rugs, belts of different sizes with spikes of different lengths and shapes are on sale. You can purchase separately these segments, which look like buttons, and sew them on yourself.

The applicator is offered in several versions:

  • rug on which to lie;
  • a roller placed under the back or lower back;
  • belt that does not restrict movement;
  • massage roller with a comfortable handle.

Each patient chooses for himself the option that is more convenient for him. Applicators are available for free sale. You can make a purchase at a pharmacy by first studying the instructions for use.

Impact Features

Kuznetsov's applicator acts in two directions at once - acupuncture, stimulation of active points that affect the functioning of internal organs and systems. It is used to treat diseases nervous system. He has proven himself excellently in the treatment of intervertebral hernia. How does this remedy work?

When you lie down on a mat with needle sections, they dig into the skin. At first, discomfort and pain are felt, but in just a couple of minutes these sensations pass. They are replaced by a feeling of relaxation. Due to the stimulation of nerve endings, blood circulation improves to the area affected by the applicator. Blood flows to the inflamed areas, they naturally warm up, the inflammation gradually disappears. In addition, acupuncture reduces pain. Immediately after the first procedure, the patient feels an improvement. Even those people who, due to a herniated disc, cannot walk normally, claim that after using the Kuznetsov applicator, they are able to move normally.

The effect of a single use of this method of treatment is short-lived. It has a cumulative effect. To fix the result, you need to use a rug or belt constantly.

Detailed instructions for the Kuznetsov applicator should be obtained from your doctor. Despite numerous positive reviews about the use of the applicator, self-medication is not allowed. The doctor will independently select the appropriate acquisition option. A rug is recommended for someone, a massage belt will help other patients more. The specialist will tell you how to use this tool, how often, what is the duration of one session. He will monitor the dynamics of the recovery process, note visible improvements.

Indications for the use of the applicator are as follows:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusion;
  • intervertebral hernia of all parts of the spine;
  • pinched nerve endings.

Instructions for use of the Kuznetsov applicator

If you are using the Kuznetsov applicator for the first time, the instructions for use should be at hand.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • do a short workout
  • place the mat on a flat, solid surface;
  • lie on top, making sure that you are comfortable;
  • lie flat for 10-15 minutes;
  • stand up gently;
  • lightly massage the affected area with your hand.

Lying on the floor, make sure that there is no draft to the room. Hypothermia leads to negative consequences for good health.


Iplikator I. I. Kuznetsova is used in scalp therapy for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system: with neuralgia, radicular and muscle pain, peripheral vascular disorders, headache. It is also used for sleepwalking (placed under the feet near the bed) in order to remove from the state of sleep.

If you have already bought a finished rug, you need to prepare for the first procedure. Remember that at first it may seem unpleasant. You can warm up the muscles a little so that they do not cramp under the influence of an unusual massage. A simple warm-up will help with this. Overweight people are not recommended to use a mat on which to lie down. Better choose . Under the weight of the whole body, the spikes strongly dig into the skin, up to bruising. Application in the form of a belt is more appropriate. You can adjust the pressure yourself with an elastic bandage that secures the applicator.

There is no need to increase the exposure time of the mat or belt, you need to lie on it exactly as long as the doctor recommended. The length of the spikes varies with the proposed applicators. At first, you need to choose products with the smallest needles in the pharmacy. Over time, you will be able to change the applicator.

The massage roller is used for a light stimulating effect. It has more of a tonic effect. Gradually, the session time increases. It is not uncommon for patients to even fall asleep while lying on the rug.

Despite the apparent safety, the applicator has a number of contraindications. It can not be used by people with serious psychosomatic disorders, patients with cancer. It is undesirable to use a rug or a massager when there are abrasions, hematomas on the skin. In the acute period of the disease with severe pain, self-massage should be abandoned, this can aggravate pain. For the duration of acute infectious processes, the use of the applicator should be interrupted. Even if you are sick with a common cold, you should wait a couple of days. The instructions for the applicator include a list of contraindications.

As a children's preventive health massage, you can use a movable roller with studded segments. It is necessary to monitor the mood, the state of the child. If he does not like the process, the baby is naughty, it is better to abandon the procedure.

It happens that the patient's well-being deteriorates sharply in the process of lying on the mat. In this case, you need to stop the session, contact your doctor with your complaints, so that he can find the cause of the deterioration.

Lyapko applicator as an alternative to Kuznetsov's massager

Speaking about the invention of I.I. Kuznetsov, one cannot ignore a device of a similar action, created by the Ukrainian doctor N.G. Lyapko. Its applicator differs from the one described above in that the spikes on the surface are made from different metal alloys. According to the medical theory, during the action of a metal applicator, a galvanic effect occurs. It has a healing effect on tissues, internal organs and systems.

It must be said that official medicine treats all of the above methods of treating diseases of the spine with a grain of salt. Despite the fact that many patients claim that the applicator has helped them, it has not been proven to be effective. It can be used as an addition to other methods of treatment, when conducting complex therapy for patients. But relying only on the fact that a plastic or metal massager will help get rid of osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia is frivolous and wrong.

Should I buy an applicator?

The decision to purchase and use the Kuznetsov applicator is made by each patient independently, after first consulting with their doctor. If he has no objections, can boast of successful experience in using this method in the complex therapy of patients, you can try it strictly following the instructions.

Now the trust in the people medicines and recipes, which have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness, began to increase, because classical medicine offers more and more drugs that not only do not cope with emerging problems and diseases, but often create an additional threat to our life and health. And the qualifications and competence of some doctors and does raise doubts.

Increasingly, we turn to treatment, the effectiveness of which was felt by our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. One of these therapeutic and health-improving methods is massage, the benefits of which can hardly be overestimated.

There are a lot of varieties of massage, but a special place among them is occupied by one of its oldest techniques - acupuncture, which began to emerge in the East, from where it later came to our region. Acupuncture is based on the impact on certain points, located in a special way on the human body.

It is good if it is possible to attend sessions of such a massage in a professional office. But what to do in her absence? It was for this that the Kuznetsov applicator was created, or, as it is correctly called, the applicator. In general terms, this is a special massage mat, on the surface of which there are many plastic needles.

Of course, Kuznetsov's applicator cannot simultaneously act on all the necessary points, inferior in this procedure to professional acupuncture, but still it is an excellent alternative and saves people suffering from back pain. Many experts have devoted their work to the study of this device, proving its usefulness in many diseases, however, without excluding possible harm if the Kuznetsov applicator is used incorrectly.

Outwardly, this is a rather primitive device, which, however, differs in high
efficiency at low cost. It was created by Kuznetsov in the 80s of the last century. Kuznetsov's applicator looks like a small mat for massage made of dense fabric, on the entire surface of which plastic plates with spikes are sewn. More modern is its variety, completely made of plastic segments with needles, fastened together like a puzzle. You can disassemble and assemble such an applicator to the size you need, getting a massager for the entire back or just for the feet.

There are many modifications of Kuznetsov's applicators, but they all have one purpose - the impact on the corresponding points on the body. This massager for the lazy is incredibly easy to use - unroll the mat (or assemble / disassemble it to the required size), put it on a flat surface and lie down on top of it with a place that bothers you. In the instructions attached to it, its purpose and contraindications were immediately described, which is why the massager has become so popular. Almost every family has one or another modification of this miracle applicator.

After trying Kuznetsov's applicator in practice for some time, many noticed a decrease in joint and muscle pain, an increase in working capacity and an improvement in mood.

And the low price only stimulated the purchase of this unit, even in the absence of health complaints, but just like that, in reserve.

Kuznetsov's first applicator saw the world in 1988. This version of him has become a classic.
and was a set of small plastic plates with needles, which were sewn onto a dense fabric. They walked on it with their feet, put it under their backs or wound it around sore spot, fastening with bandages. The classic applicator was especially effective for radiculitis and osteochondrosis, initial scoliosis, flat feet and even heel spurs.

When creating this applicator, scientists did not have knowledge of the ancient Chinese theory of acupuncture, which provides for the relationship of certain points on the body with specific diseases. According to this theory, stimulating each such point helps to get rid of a number of diseases and problems. A few years after the release of Kuznetsov's first applicator, a connection was established between its mechanism of action and the Chinese theory of acupuncture. This provided an incentive to expand model range and applicator improvements.

On this moment There are such types of applicators:

  1. Classical. The most simple and inexpensive model, differs in the quality of the base material, its size and shape. The simulators differ in the distance between the needles. It can be 5 mm (the so-called soft applicator) or 7.6 mm (hard, with harder needles). Kuznetsov's classic applicator is recommended by doctors who recognize the relationship between traditional medicine and Eastern medicine for the treatment of autonomic dysfunction, accompanied by pressure drops, headaches and dizziness, and fatigue. positive results managed to achieve and to increase efficiency, improve sleep and sexual activity, in the fight against cellulite.
  2. Roller applicator. Outwardly, it is a roller massager with or without a handle. The size of the roller and the length of the needles can also differ, so you can easily choose a massager to relieve pain in the back, feet, joint and muscle pain, to break up the salts accumulated in the joints. It is especially good to roll it on the floor with your feet, because it is on the feet that most of the most active points are located. It is convenient to put the roller under the neck - this will help get rid of cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. applicator belt. Looks like very wide belt inside which there are several rows of studded plates.
  4. Insole applicators designed for kneading the feet.
  5. Disc applicator. It can be easily fixed on the hand with a strap to conveniently massage yourself or another person with plastic spikes.
  6. magnetic applicators. Modern technologies offer an improved version of the Kuznetsov applicator, the efficiency of which is higher due to the magnets located inside each plate. Its effectiveness is growing, and with it the price is growing - the cost of magnetic applicators starts from 1000 rubles. and higher.

By analogy with Kuznetsov's massage applicators, silicone discs were created to combat cellulite, but they are much softer than the sharp needles on the applicator. Another type of Kuznetsov's applicator is wood massagers with wooden spikes.

Kuznetsov's applicators depending on the color:

  • blue - for people who have a normal pain threshold;
  • green - for people who are very sensitive to pain;
  • yellow - designed for people with a high pain threshold;
  • orange - specialized applicators that yogis use to prepare for the transition to boards with honeycomb nails.

The mechanism of action of the Kuznetsov applicator on the body

Its principle of action is based on knowledge from the field of acupuncture - a science that studies active points located throughout our body. At the same time, stimulation of each of these points individually or several points at the same time has a healing effect on the organs, thereby helping to get rid of various diseases.

The instructions for each type of applicator indicate the place to which the massager must be applied to achieve the best results - back, feet, neck, head, arms.

The Kuznetsov applicator works like this: when applied to the body, the needles begin to be pressed into it, falling on the vessels and capillaries.

This stimulates blood circulation and accelerates the distribution of oxygen and useful substances in all organs and systems. And at the same time, the process of washing out accumulated fats, plaques formed on the walls of blood vessels, toxic substances, salts and other accumulated "garbage" is accelerated. This starts the processes of active renewal, restoration and regeneration.

But the applicator affects not only the vessels. It also acts on certain acupuncture points, as a result of which muscle relaxation occurs, pain, irritation and fatigue disappear, sleep normalizes, the body is filled with warmth and gets the rest it needs. After such a session, working capacity increases and brain activity improves.

How useful is the Kuznetsov applicator and when can it cause harm?

The device is far from perfect - it does not have all the required capabilities in order to heal from any ailments. But the list of diseases that can be cured with the Kuznetsov applicator is quite impressive. This massager helps to get rid of:

  • sciatica
  • muscle stiffness
  • arthritis
  • pinched nerves
  • osteochondrosis
  • lower back pain
  • leg numbness, tingling and twitching sensations
  • cellulite
  • overweight
  • sciatica
  • respiratory system diseases
  • spasms
  • fatigue and insomnia
  • pain in muscles and joints
  • diseases of the urinary system
  • headaches
  • digestive problems
  • endocrine diseases
  • diseases of the male and female reproductive system

Using the Kuznetsov applicator, you can achieve muscle relaxation, relieve pain, calm the nerves, speed up blood flow, metabolism and cell renewal, strengthen the immune system and body tone, make the skin more elastic, increase efficiency.

But not every type of massage is absolutely safe. The Kuznetsov applicator also has a number of limitations, in the presence of which it is undesirable to use it in order to avoid harm to the body. It is forbidden to use the applicator in the presence of:

  • papillomas, warts, tumors, moles in places where you need to apply a massager;
  • skin wounds, dermatitis;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • epilepsy;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • elevated temperature;
  • during pregnancy.

Kuznetsov's applicator has no pronounced side effects. If you have a low pain threshold, then at first you can use a modification of the applicator with blunt spikes - this way you can get used to and learn how to relax your muscles correctly, because the whole possible harm is often due to improper use of this device.

If during the procedure you feel heat, pressure surge, acceleration of the heart rate, tinnitus, "hammers" in the temples - take a break or reduce the duration of the session. With daily use, these side effects will go away over time.

The harm from using a needle pad is often associated with the fact that when acupuncture is performed by a specialist, the effectiveness of the procedure is much higher, because a trained master knows exactly which points need to be acted upon, with what force and for how long. Using the applicator at home, we do not have sufficient knowledge about the ancient technique of acupuncture, so we may unknowingly harm ourselves.

Proper use of the Kuznetsov applicator

The first thing to do is to connect the applicator modules to give it the right size, depending on the place you plan to work on.

After that, you can act according to the situation: press the applicator to the body and fix it with an elastic bandage; put on the floor and lie on top; just press on the affected area.

Of course, it will be most effective to lie on top of the massager and “wiggle” a little on it, roll from side to side, and perform the stand on the shoulder blades exercise. Some even managed to pump the press on it.

It will take about 10 minutes to relax all the muscles.

If your goal is to tone the body, then the duration of the procedure should not be delayed for more than 3-4 minutes.

If you plan to direct its action on the areas of the feet, temples, neck, back of the head, palms, then you must follow the sequence: 1 minute of pressure - a break for several minutes. Repeat until the pain disappears. The duration of treatment is up to two weeks.

In other cases, the procedure can last from half an hour to an hour daily. But you need to do everything wisely, which is confirmed by this video:

At the end of the session, you can take a warm or contrast shower.

Remember to follow these tips before buying a Kuznetsov applicator and its practical application:

  1. Mandatory consultation with a doctor.
  2. Carefully read the instructions and follow the rules set out in it.
  3. It is allowed to use the massager after at least 1.5 hours after eating.

The fact that massage is good for health has been known since antiquity. And now more and more people prefer such methods, since drug therapy often does more harm than good. In terms of its effect on a person's well-being, massage is one of the most effective methods. Especially useful is its ancient variety - acupuncture. This method came from the East and has a positive effect on health. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit a massage therapist, especially an acupuncture room. Therefore, devices for home use. The most famous of them is the harm and benefits of it have been studied in detail by doctors, and it has been proven that its correct use is effective in many diseases.

What is the Kuznetsov applicator

This device is amazing in its simplicity and efficiency. It is a rug with small plates with spikes sewn on it. It was created in the 80s of the 20th century by the Russian scientist I. I. Kuznetsov.

This device has many modifications, and its purpose was to act on biologically active points on its own. We can say that this is a massager for the lazy, because all you need is to lie on the mat or press it against the sore spot. Therefore, the Kuznetsov applicator has become so popular. The harm and benefits of it were investigated immediately, and the instructions were attached to it when it was sold. The fame of such a simple and effective device for massage spread quickly. And now in almost every house you can find some Kuznetsov applicator. Its price, especially for the simplest modifications, is so low that many even bought it just like that, just in case. But those who know the benefits of such needle massage often use the applicator, relieving pain in muscles and joints, increasing efficiency and mood, and improving immunity.

Types of applicators

The first such rug was released in 1988. Kuznetsov's needle applicator was a small plastic plate with spikes sewn onto a piece of fabric. Now the industry produces many modifications that differ in the size of the spikes and their distance from each other, the size and shape of the base.

1. Kuznetsov's classic applicator. Its price is quite low - the simplest one can be bought for 100 rubles. But the cost depends on the size of the base, its shape and material. These can be large rugs, massagers in the form of a belt or insoles for the feet. Sometimes the plates can be bought separately, then you will have to mount them on the base yourself.

2. Kuznetsov's roller applicator is designed to massage muscles, feet and joints. It can be rolled on the body or feet on the floor. You can also put a roller under your neck and lie on it. It's so easy to relieve pain cervical osteochondrosis.

3. Recently, the effectiveness of the massager has been increased with the help of magnets that are on each plate. Such applicators are more expensive - about a thousand rubles, but thanks to magnetic field, its impact is stronger.

What effect does it have on the body

During the procedure, the applicator needles are pressed into the body, affecting small vessels. Blood circulation is accelerated, due to which the metabolism increases, plaques from the vessels and various toxins are washed out. Recent studies have shown that the applicator also presses on the acupuncture points. And it has long been known that such an effect has a positive effect on all organs, relieving pain and improving their functioning.

When pressed, blood circulation accelerates, muscles relax and sleep improves. Kuznetsov's applicator is especially effective for pain in the back and joints. The harm and benefits of its effects on the musculoskeletal system are well studied. Such procedures are commonly used to restore cartilage tissue, improve blood circulation and relieve pain after injuries.

Use of the applicator

This device has the following effect:

Soothes, relaxes muscles;

Increases efficiency;

Relieves pain;

Improves blood circulation;

Increases immunity;

Accelerates the process of cell regeneration;

Stimulates metabolism;

Improves skin tone and improves skin elasticity.

When is the Kuznetsov applicator used?

1. Most often, such an effect is used when various diseases musculoskeletal system:

With sciatica;



Pain in the muscles;

2. But not only such problems are treated by Kuznetsov's applicator. Its use is indicated for:




Obesity and cellulite.

3. With this massager, you can successfully treat diseases of the digestive tract, genitourinary system and respiratory organs.

Kuznetsov's applicator for osteochondrosis

Most cases of using such a massager are associated with back pain. Even doctors prescribe such procedures as an auxiliary treatment for osteochondrosis. To do this, you can use special rugs, rollers or belts.

Most often, with osteochondrosis, the Kuznetsov needle applicator is placed along the spine and lies down, pressing it with the weight of your body. If no discomfort is felt, the effect must be maintained for at least half an hour. For the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, special rollers are used, placed under the neck. In this case, the exposure time should be less. After a two-week course of procedures, you need to take a break, then they can be repeated. But usually the effectiveness of treatment is so high that the pain disappears for a long time.

Can everyone use it?

As with any massage, there are contraindications for using the Kuznetsov applicator:

Moles, papillomas or warts in the place where the massager is applied;

Dermatitis and skin lesions at the site of exposure;


Various tumors;


tendency to bleed;



What harm can the applicator bring

Basically when using such a massage side effects not visible. For people who have reduced sensitivity, there are special varieties with more blunt spikes. Therefore, most patients tolerate Kuznetsov's applicator well. The harm and benefit from it are incomparable. After all, negative effects can only be with improper use of the massager. Some people feel intense heat, a rapid heartbeat, blood pressure may rise, or tinnitus may appear. In this case, the procedure must be stopped. There is also an opinion that the impact on biologically active points with the help of an applicator is harmful. Indeed, with acupressure, the specialist must definitely choose the place and force of pressure. And when using a needle rug, this cannot be done.

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator

Depending on the type of massager chosen, it can be applied, bandaged or pressed to a sore spot. High efficiency is observed if Kuzetsov's needle applicator is placed on the floor and lies on it. This procedure can be performed from half an hour to an hour.

And on the feet, temples, neck and back of the head, the effect should be dosed: you need to press the applicator for a few minutes, then take a break. You can repeat this effect until the pain disappears. The course of treatment should be no more than two weeks. After a break, you can use Kuznetsov's applicator again. Its use has almost no contraindications and is effective for improving performance. Many people buy this massager. But before starting treatment, you need to learn how to use the Kuznetsov applicator correctly:

Before use, consult a doctor;

The procedure should be carried out no earlier than one and a half hours after eating;

You should carefully study the instructions and follow their recommendations.

Kuznetsov's applicator is a kind of massage mat that can have a therapeutic effect. In these years, Kuznetsov's applicator is very popular, he found his application in the treatment of pain in the back or spine, in addition, the therapeutic rug is indicated in the treatment of osteochondrosis and diseased joints. To date, the Kuznetsov applicator, the benefits and harms of which have already been fully studied, is one of the most effective massage tools that are used both for the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

Kuznetsov applicator. What is this?

In recent Soviet times Kuznetsov's applicator was a very popular therapeutic tool. Due to its relaxing effect, this drug was used both at home and in medical institutions as a physiotherapeutic method. To date, the popularity massage mat no less. This inexpensive and durable remedy can be used by all family members.

Kuznetsov's applicator is a mat various shapes, which is made of either fabric or metal base. Rounded or square plates are attached to the surface of the rug, on the tips of which there are needles.

The principle of operation of this method is explained simply: needle endings act on nerve points in a certain part of the body, resembling a method acupressure or acupuncture.

On the body of any person in large numbers there are nerve points that are directly related to the work of one or another internal organ. With the direct impact of the needles on the nerve endings, the functioning of certain internal systems occurs, in the place where the needle is pressed on the body, blood flow is formed, which provokes an active normalization of the working capacity of the whole organism.


When the Kuznetsov applicator is used, what kind of benefits can be provided to human health?

By its action, Kuznetsov's applicator resembles an active stimulator of the work of internal systems. Thanks to the course application of this method, the following positive results can be achieved:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • normalization of the circulatory system;
  • acceleration of regeneration of skin and mucous tissues;
  • increase the body's ability to withstand adverse factors.

Therapeutic properties of the Kuznetsov applicator:

  • improved blood supply;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • reduction of pain in muscles, joints, spine, back;
  • increase in vitality;
  • body relaxation;
  • saturation of the body with an additional energy charge.

For what diseases is the Kuznetsov applicator used?

  • Diseases of the nervous system. With the help of a course of treatment, you can quickly and effectively get rid of insomnia, frequent headaches, and depressed mood. Applicator treatment is indicated for radiculitis, neuralgia, neuritis.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Kuznetsov's applicator is very effective for cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, it is recommended to use the Kuznetsov neck roller applicator. The method is also effective for the treatment of arthrosis, injuries of the joints and muscles.
  • Diseases respiratory tract- bronchitis, tonsillitis, colds, cough, rhinitis.
  • Diseases digestive system- stomach cramps, gastritis, constipation. To anesthetize a certain part of the body, you can use the Kuznetsov neck applicator.
  • Gynecology and obstetrics - treatment of infertility, elimination of inflammation in the uterus, normalization of the development of the fetus. It is important to remember that the Kuznetsov applicator during pregnancy can only be used on the recommendation of the attending gynecologist.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system - obesity, diabetes, thyroid disease.

The big advantage of the Kuznetsov applicator is its availability, high efficiency, durability, ease of use and compact size.

It is important to remember that the body of each person is individual, so the Kuznetsov applicator may have a different effect on a particular patient. The main direction of the method is the normalization of the metabolism, due to which there is a natural strengthening of the whole organism. But some people have an increased pain threshold, so when using the Kuznetsov applicator, they feel severe pain, skin irritation, even bruising at the points where the needles come into contact with the body. Such factors negatively affect immunity, a person has an active decrease in the body's defenses, he is more often attacked by colds, and vitality decreases. When observing such negative factors, it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist. If the Kuznetsov applicator is an effective method of treating a certain disease for an individual person, then the time for the treatment procedure must be drastically reduced.

Harm and contraindications

The correct use of the Kuznetsov applicator is accompanied by pleasant sensations: a sense of peace, calmness, drowsiness, comfort, relaxation and the absence of pain.

The benefits of this method are undeniable, but Kuznetsov's applicator can also harm the body.

Contraindications to the use of the method are:

  • the presence of severe chronic diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the presence of benign or malignant tumors.

Kuznetsov's applicator also has its drawbacks in use:

  • some soreness of the procedure itself - the degree of pain depends on the pain threshold of the individual patient;
  • the applicator is not able to act therapeutically on a specific area of ​​pain, it has only a wide area of ​​influence;
  • it is forbidden to use the therapeutic method for skin lesions.


Before using the Kuznetsov applicator for therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions, as well as obtain the necessary recommendations for using the method from the therapist. When the Kuznetsov applicator is used, the instructions for use will help to carry out the treatment procedure correctly and effectively.

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator?

  • The treatment procedure should be carried out no earlier than 1.5 hours after the main meal. After the treatment method, it is not recommended to eat for half an hour.
  • In the room where the therapeutic procedure is planned, there must be fresh air. It is recommended to ventilate the room in advance. But it is important to observe and comfortable temperature regime medical room.
  • Kuznetsov's applicator can be used only after the natural emptying of the intestines and bladder.
  • If the treatment procedure is aimed at stimulating and relaxing the muscles and joints, then after the therapeutic massage, the patient is advised to lie down quietly for half an hour.
  • Experts recommend using the applicator only on an individual basis. The thing is that blood drops or particles of the patient's skin may remain on the tips of the needles, which poses a risk to another patient in terms of infection with fungal or infectious processes.
  • Before using the applicator for the first time, its surface must be treated with an alcohol solution. It is important to carry out a similar procedure before each subsequent use of the applicator.

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator?

Depending on which part of the body should have a therapeutic effect, the applicator is applied to a specific part of the body.

  • To eliminate pain in the muscles of the back and spine, the applicator is applied over the entire back area.
  • Kuznetsov's applicator for the back and for osteochondrosis is applied to the spine and back.
  • For the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, the applicator is used on desired part body.
  • For pain in the head, the applicator is applied to the occipital part of the body.
  • Kuznetsov's applicator for cellulite is applied to the buttocks and thighs. It is important to note that the Kuznetsov applicator for weight loss is an effective method to effortlessly correct the figure and rid the skin of excess fat and cellulite.
  • To restore vitality and to achieve increased tone in the body, the applicator is applied to the heels, as well as to the occipital-parietal part of the body.
  • Kuznetsov's applicator for spinal hernia is applied to the most painful places. But the use of such a method must be discussed with the attending physician.
